63 | Friday, July 28, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insidehalton.com call an expert home services A-\.: :IC i '< garagesales-shows-bazaars Oakville Oakville community notices Legals Legals newsca l O b itu a rie s DOWNSIZING SALE Sat. July 29 ~ 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. 580 Rebecca Street Dining room chairs, bar stools, shot glasses gardening tools, Norman Rockwell plates, household items. Parking on Patricia Drive Oakville Sat., July 29th ~ 8 am - 12 pm 152 Woodhaven Park Dr. Tools, toys, strollers, hardwood desk, microwave, kitchen, baby, Lee Valley mowers, dishes, glass, mugs, books, etc. Oakville · No deposit required · Pay upon completion · Guaranteed Asphalt Interlocking & Concrete W ork Residential/ Commercial/ Industrial NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the estate of S hirley O live Parsons, late of the City of M ississauga in the Regional M unicipality of Peel, who died on or about the 10th day of June, 2017, must be filed with the undersigned Estate Trustee on or before the 10th day of August, 2017; thereafter, the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Oakville this 21st day of July, 2017. EARLY BOOKING SPECIAL A s k fo r V ince O: 905-333-8900 C: 416-989-5712 Email: vince@westviewpaving.com GARAGE SALE * 8 am - 12 pm Sat July 29 ~ 1461 Reeves Gate T h ird Line an d U p p e r M id d le H o u s e h o ld ite m s and C lo th e s Moving Sale Saturday, July 29th 9 am - 1 pm 1796 Pilgrims Way Downsizing-variety of items including primary teaching supplies, household items, couch, loveseat, antique sofa chairs. Oakville Oakville PEYO M A S O N R Y Ltd. For ALL masonry jobs: Bricks, stones, chimneys, etc. Remove basement metal window frames & install bigger windows, no flashing. All jobs guaranteed. 35 years of experience. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE Community of Parkhaven Blvd. Oakville 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -0 9 4 5 GARAGE SALE Sat., July 29 8am-12pm 2320, 2321, 2341,2361, ro C M Multi-Family Garage Sale Sat., July 29 8 am - 1 pm 42 and 46 Park Ave Home furnishings, household goods, clothes, toys, table and lawn chairs. Garage Sale Sat., July 29th 8 a.m. 343 Sawyer Road Wheelbarrow, Baby's Crib, Books, Records, Household Items. EVERYTHING MUST GO! MOVING SALE Sat., July 29 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. 1189 Bowman Drive (3rd Line and QEW area) Furniture, clothes, tools, household items, and much MORE Thomas Henry Marshall, Estate Trustee, by his Solicitor, Natasha Hyppolite of The Law Offices of THOMAS H. MARSHALL, Q.C., 1540 Cornwall Road, Suite 205, Oakville, Ontario, L6J 7W5, 905-844-0464 Announcements > Announcements ELPHICK, Bradley Craig (1959-2017) Heaven received this Precious Soul on June 18, 2017. W ith his w ife and soulm ate, Shelly, by his side, Brad was ushered into heaven on Father's Day, surely w elcom e by his dad A rth u r Elphick (1971), stepdad Jerry M atters (2012) and brother, Rick (2012). "Best Dad Ever" to his pride and joys, Brett and Brooke. Deeply loved by his mom, Barbara M atters, brother, Steven (Paula), sisters; Diane (James Sealy), Barb (Brian Ferguson) and Nanci (Scott Stubbington), niece and nephew, M egan and Joshua. Brad loved and was loved by friends to o numerous to count, w ho enriched his life as much as he did theirs. Brad w ill be rem em bered as an athlete and artist, a fam ily man and friend. T hrough this journey, Brad fostered a passion fo r art and pho to g ra phy w hich he so generously shared w ith others. Daily w alks on the beach inspired the them es o f his life and his art; nature, joy, faith and love... but the greatest o f these is Love. Friends and fam ily came to Celebrate Brad's life w ith us on M onday, July 10th, at Cam m idge House, Delta BC. In lieu o f flow ers, donations are kindly accepted to the Delta Hospice Society w h o w ere true angels in th e ir love and care. · · · · Chimneys Porches Sidewalks Block and Stonework Free Est.~Licensed M. R ILE Y TREE CARE Tree Pruning & Removal, Hedge & Shrub Trimming, Stump Removal, Fully Insured. Senior Discounts Certified Arborist Parkhaven Blvd. * o to ro C M o OAKVILLE The Beaver. IS CALLING ALL KIDS! 25 Years Experience CALL ROB 9 0 5 -3 3 5 -8 9 4 3 EXTEND THE LIFE OF YOUR DRIVEWAY Oil Based Ashphalt Sealer Rubberized crack filler, hot ashphalt repair. 25 years experience. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Big or Small Moves Physical Help Also Donation Trips & Decluttering 20 Yrs Experience We are currently hiring C arriers! Call us to see if your street is available - it just might be! L6H Strawfield Crt, Owen Crt, Ridge Rd, Howell Rd, Kristie Crt, Avondale Dr, Edgeware Rd, River Glen Blvd, Eighth Line, Towne Bl, Grand Bl L6J Gable Dr, Wakehurst Cres, Sir David Dr, Caradoc Lane, Chedboro Cres, Bishopstoke Way, Hazel McCleary, Greenaus Rd, Teak Cres, Beechnut Rd. Sheridan Garden Dr. L6L Seabrook, Saxon, Vyner, Sandlewood, Warwick, Maplehurst, Sovereign, Stanfield, Worthington, Honeyvale, Trowbridge L6M: Kaiting Trail, Colton Way, Culp Trail, Masterman Cres, Sixteen Mile Dr, Skyvalley 289-838-8205 CALL or TEXT 905-633-6880 Place FREE ADS in your local newspaper and o n lin e a tY o u rC la ssifie d s.ca For household articles priced at $100 or less Email classifieds@metroland.com or post it on yourclassifieds.ca LOOKING TO RENT OR BUY? We can help. Or: Or ju s t f ill o u t th is coupon and: M a il: Classifieds, 44 Frid St. Hamilton, ON L8N 3G3 Attn: Free Ads Fax: 1-866-299-1499 or 905-526-2454 P la c e b y p h o n e a t 1 - 8 0 0 - 2 6 3 - 6 4 8 0 o r 9 0 5 -5 2 7 -5 5 5 5 f o r o n ly $ 7 .9 9 + H S T Includes guaranteed placement, free graphic in print & online enhancements for 30 days on yourclassifieds.ca Call Circulation 905-631-6095 · Private Party Only^Maximum 15 words per ad; one item per ad · Community newspapers run 1 week; Daily newspapers run 3 days · Plants, pets, tickets and firewood excluded from offer · Ads publish at first available opportunity; publication dates are not guaranteed · Must be 18+ to place an ad · Metroland Media reserves the right to edit or refuse any submission Need More Room? T h e B e a v e r. SUBMITTED TO APPEAR IN M Y LOCAL NEWSPAPER: (PLEASE PRINT.) (NAME OF NEWSPAPER) AD COPY $ - a a ii HOUSES · TOWNHOMES · DUPLEXES CONDOMINIUMS · APARTMENTS PRICE PHONE NO. - NAME_ EMAIL ADDRESSADDRESS______ POSTAL CODE_ HOME # _ (This n um ber m u st ap p ear in ad) _CITY_ B U Y *S E L L *R E N T C h e c k o u t th e C l a s s i f i e d s ! r I | Yes. Please send me promotional offers from Metroland Media and its affiliates. IA> ur * m e tro la n d m e d ia * · * Connected to your community® tTSXdiy& ' Free App 905 - 632-4440 The Oakville Beaver would like to express sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who have lost their loved ones.