Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Dec 1999, A8

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A8 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday December 15,1999 Problem roads in area have been identified (Continued from page 1) % Grandm a's Little Darlings C h ild re n s w e a r B o u tiq u e "We feel it will take about two years for traffic to settle down," said McCleary. Problem areas have been tar geted in the road plan, such as a straight-line widening of Regional Road 5 through Palermo. "For the most part, Palermo as we know it would cease to exist," said Mr. McCleary. To preserve the town in it's current form, bypass and ring road traffic options will be considered. Another touchy area occurs at Regional Road 5 by Sixth Line. There, road widening is ham pered by M unn's church on one side and a cemetery on the other. "Widening puts the road at the doorstep or even inside the church," said Mr. McCleary, who added that staff are still looking for a solution to that problem. The price tag for reasonable traffic management along the two major corridors is a steep $111 million dollars over the next 16 years. And safety and operational improvements, such as shoring up the deteriorating Oakville and Bronte Creek bridges, could increase that by another $23 mil lion. When the roads were handed down to the Region in 1998, they came with $12 million in transi tional funding from the Province. But council voted to return to Queen's Park with a plea for more cash. That prompted Burlington councillor Mike Wallace to com ment, "I wish everyone luck at the Province trying to squeeze more money out of them." The silver lining is that the Region now has the power to improve the roads for its resi dents, said McCleary. "W hat we do have is an oppor tunity to deal with this in a proac tive way," he said. "Is there an opportunity to improve the liv ability o f residents who are already living there?" One way to do that is to pro vide noise buffering in areas where developm ent is all but parked on top of the roadway. Providing traffic relief could also come from a potential GO Transit bus link between Hamilton-Wentworth, Waterdown, Burlington, Oakville and Mississauga. And council should keep an open mind to the possibility of creating a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane on Regional Road 5. An HOV lane, reserved for buses and vehicles with two or more people only, is not likely to be necessary on Regional Road 25. But the efficacy of HOV lanes are still under debate, noted McCleary. "Their success in suburban areas has not been so great," he admitted. "But in the (United) States, they can move effectively 20% more people per hour than a regular traffic lane." Despite its congestion, Regional Road 5 boasts a lower accident rate than many similar roads. But, said McCleary, "the only time there is speed compliance is in a traffic jam." Once improvements begin, safety measurers can be built into the road. Raised medians will help sepa rate east and west-bound traffic, and grooved centres could warn drivers that they're drifting out of their lanes. And to keep traffic flowing smoothly, the Region will be looking at coordinating traffic lights. Then drivers doing the speed limit would be mostly like to encounter a steady flow of green lights. C h ristm a s S a le up to 30 · M a re e e % o ff · R o b in · C a tim in i · T o m m y H iifig e r · M in i m a n 1 9 9 9 G o ld A w a r d W in n e rs f o r B e s t C h iid r e n s w e a r B o u tiq u e Sherw ood F o r e s t Shopping Village 1 9 0 0 D u n d a s S>t. W. M iss iss a u g a · 6 5 5 - 1 9 5 2 C h r is t m a s H o u rs : Mon. - Fri. 1 0 - 6 S a tu rd a y 1 0 - 5 :3 0 . S u n d a y 1 -4 Announcement Dr. R aina Shankardass is p l e a s e d t o a n n o u n c e t h a t s h e is r e l o c a t i n g h e r d e n t a l o f f ic e to : DENTISTRY IN THE A B B E Y 200 North Service Rd. W ., U nit #8 O akville, Ontario By a p p o in tm e n t p le a s e ca ll a t (9 0 5 ) 8 1 5 -8 8 8 8 Catholic board executives get pay hike B y S a n d ra O m a n d SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER The chair and vice-chair of the Halton Catholic District School Board will herald in the new m illennium with a pay increase effective Jan. 1st. Trustees voted Tuesday night to increase the honorar ium for the chair ($10,000) and vice-chair ($7,500) to the maximum amount under the formula set by the provincial government in 1997 through the Education Improvement Act (Bill 160). C urrently the C atholic board chair receives $7,500 and the vice-chair $6,250. Their public school coun terparts with the Halton District School Board, how ever, are already receiving the maximum amount. Can 825-TIPS or 1-800-668-5151 DENTISTRY IN THE A B B E Y `"T iled 7<*4e 'Tfatci S m ile Thieves like bikes Police in O akville are investigating three break and enter occur rences that may be related. The entries o c c u r r e d betw een Nov. 8th and Nov. 19th and all involved the theft o f expen sive m ountain bikes. The break-ins occurred on Golden O rchard Trail, Grandview D rive, and G rosv en or Street. These resi dences are all located in the U pper M iddle Road area. At one of the entries an $800. Trek m ountain bike was stolen, at another the Trek m ountain bike stolen was worth over $1,500.. At the other residences the bikes were also m ountain style bikes. One o f the residences had two snowboards stolen. All o f these entries occurred to the garage attached to the home. No doubt the thieves have the ability to unload these valuable item s. Perhaps the thieves used garage door openers to enter the hom es. Do you know who is responsible for these thefts? If so, call Crim e Stoppers of Halton. If you have any inform ation that leads to an arrest in this or any other case, you may be eligi ble for a cash reward. You need not give your name, and your inform ation can be taken with c o m p l e t e a n o n y m i t y . F in d H U T F o r d And find yourself in a new set el millennium wheels! . m -- m u m m U / y e c r o f t R dL . S T M illennium F -l 5 0 XLT Su pe rcab Autom atic O verdrive Transmission CD Player, Remote Keyless E ntry J> (too Humy options to list!) $ 3 0 5 .3 7 per month $ 3,995 d o w n p a ym e n t (24 m o n th s/ 40 ,000 kms) STK# F7096 / Ford's F-l 5 0 is th e best-selling p icku p b ra n d in C anada, y e a r a fte r year. A n d once y o u 'v e seen th e m ille n n iu m m o d e l, y o u 'll see w h y this y e a r prom ises to be even b e tte r! So h u rry in to K e n ne d y Ford a n d g e t y o u rs -- so y o u can e n te r th e m ille n n iu m in s ty le ! W h ile yo u 're here, check o u t th e deals w e have on 2 o th e r m ille n n iu m beauties. The 2 0 0 0 W in d s ta r LX a n d th e 2 0 0 0 E xp lo re r S p o rt a re b e g g in g yo u to test d riv e them ) Don't miss y o u r chance to g e t a ju m p on th e m ille n n i um -- com e on in to K e n n e d y Ford a n d check o u t n e x t year's m odels to d a y ! You can v ie w a ll o f th e se ve h icle s a n d m o re o n lin e a t w w w .k e n n e d y fo rd .c a Safety Rating! 2000 Ford W indstar LX · 3.8L, V6, 200 horsepower engine · Utility and convenience groups · Keyless remote entry 2000 Ford Explorer Sport · 4.0L, SOHC, V 6 · Comfort and convenience groups · CD Player ... P L U S M U C H M U C H M O K E ! ... A N D M O K E . .. A M U S T -S E E ! $ 29 7.57 per m onth $4,495 dow n paym ent STK# W7069 $ 27 8.06 per m onth 4 ,49 5 d ow n p a ym e n t STK# EX7055 Crim e Stoppers does not sub scribe to Call Display. Call 1800-222-TIPS or 825-TIPS (8258477) "]fe Original in Ford C o u n try 2 8 0 South Service Road West, O a kville , O n ta rio L6K 3 X 5 , 9 0 5 8 45 -1 64 6. A d disclaimer hotline: 9 0 5 8 4 5 -1 6 4 6 ext. 2 1 0 Visit us online at w w w .k e n n e d yfo rd .ca

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