Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 21 Jul 2017, p. 21

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SAVE UP TO 25% OFF! W H E N Y O U P LA C E Y O U R GARAGE SALE PRiNT A D O NLiNE S~ classifieds · Co nne cted to y o u r com m unity® ^ P b CLASSIFIED O AK VILLE Beaver. w w w .YourC lassifieds.ca FREE 'U J t' OJi& 1^- te fo * Loca W ork ca workopolis,,, Lift. news.ca I Q 3 J I 1 ICT^I-5 YO UR BEST SO U R C E FO R LO CA L JO B S Canada's biggest k >b site A D V E R TIS IN G ! § DEADLINE: F o r d is p la y a d v e r tis in g , p le a s e a llo w f o r a n a d d itio n a l d a y . PAYMENT: V is a , M a s te rC a rd , A m e r ic a n E x p re s s b y p h o n e o r c a s h o r c h e q u e in p e r s o n a t 5 0 4 6 M a in w a y , U n it 2 , B u r lin g to n Tuesday at 11 a .m .fo r Th ursda y ed itio n. EMAIL: classifieds@metroland.com 1 PHONE: 905-527-5555 · 1-800-263-6480 1 FAX: 905-526-6779 · 1-866-299-1499 TELEPHONE HOuRs: MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 6:30 P.M. Every e ffo rt is m a d e to ensu re th e acc urac y of y o u r ad. P lease c h e c k y o u r ad th e firs t d ay it a p p ea rs to e n su re it's a cc u rate. M e tro la n d w ill not be responsible fo r a ny e rrors a p p e a rin g a fte r th e firs t d ay of publication. C ance llatio n s m u s t be m a d e by telep h o n e. T h ursda y at 10 a.m . fo r F riday e d itio n. Call: 905-527-5555 or 1-800-263-6480 Email: classifieds@metroland.com Articles Wanted Apartments for Rent Townhouses for Rent Townhouses for Rent Lost & Found Lost & Found Nannies/ Live In / Out ^ Nannies/ Live In / Out Articles Wanted ] --------------------- 1m Auto Parts & Accessories 1 , 2 & 3 Bedroom Oakville starting trom $975 190 Kerr Street 905-845-1777 392 Pine Street 905-337-0910 1265 Sixth Line CUMBERLAND ViLLAGE To w n h o m e $1425/m p lu s u tilitie s T o w n h o m e (W ith G a ra g e ) $1525/m p lu s u tilitie s C lo s e to B u rlin g to n M all, S c h o o ls & T ransit · 4 a p p ls .* E a t-in K itc h e n · B a s e m e n t · P a rk in g BEST CASH PAID We Make House Calls W E B U Y IT A L L ! 905-842-8960 www.livehere.ca BURLINGTON TOWERS 1 & 2 bedrooms Maintenance staff on site, indoor heated pool, tennis courts. Heat, Hydro, A/C, Water and Window Coverings included Great Location in Burlington 905-639-8583 LIVE OUT NANNY July 14, 2017 trom Sunset Dog Retreat, 12273 Guelph Line, M ilton-Campbellville. Small Maltese/Havanese Mix, approximately 10 lbs, white male. Do not chase. It spotted contact 905-220-2116/647-330-8094 Articles Wanted VINTAGE HOCKEY Game. Table hockey games from the 1950s, 60s, 70s, and related items; cards, pictures, calendars, coins, etc. call 519-590-8368 or email leafs14@rogers.com Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 CHILD DESK, fits ele mentary student, Maple, 24" , old style shelf, and Cenco 16" maple student chair. $30. 905-878-9173 COFFEE PERCULATOR Sunbeam, from the `60's, chrome plated, nice condition. $100 firm. 905-332-0413 MISSING Available full tim e August 8. Registered ECE with experience. Prefers Infants / Toddlers. ______ Alton Village area.______ Contact Rebecca at rebeccafverm aas@ gm ail.com Articles Under $100 LAMPS, WAREHOUSE, pendant style, brushed nickel finish, all new, completely packaged. 6 for $60. 905-878-9173 LAWN MOWER, push Scott Classic 20 inch, excellent condition. $50 obo. 905-691-2136 LAWN MOWER, push type. $50. 905-632-7531 MINI BAR, portable, like new, good for outdoor use. $75. 905-336-8857 Articles Under $100 China, Silver, Crystal, Coins, Gold & Costum e Jewellery, Art, Doultons Swarovski, Antiques, Collectibles, Downsizing & Estate Experts Call A ppraisers: John/D arcie/K rista MISKA TRAILER, 2017, 78x12, 6 ton dump, brand new, please call 905-689-3957 Photo | Coming I Soon! TM a ! CD q 905-331-2477 w w w .tjtr a d e r s .c o m in q u ir ie s @ tjtr a d e r s .c o m Articles for Sale Articles for Sale 3270 Prospect Street, Burlington 905-632-2601 Articles Wanted EAST BURLINGTON 3 Bedroom condomin Houses for Rent ium. Starting at $1395/month. Call for details and location. BURLINGTON 3 bedroom Albert McDonagh Ltd. semi & single family Real Estate Brokerage, home available from 905-632-5690. $1375./month. Call for details and locations, Albert McDonagh Ltd. Lost & Found Real Estate Brokerage, 905-632-5690. Found: ADULT BICYCLE, END UNIT Townhouse. 3 in Milcroft area, call/text bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. to identify 905-466-5271 Oakville. Available now! 2300 sqft of living \ space. No smoking/ Domestic Help pets. $2,600+ utilities. Available RentTerraceWay@gmail 00 EUROPEAN Cleaning .com 647-527-5452 lady will clean your WEST OAKVILLE, 3 bed house or office. Low prices. Free estimates. room, 3 bath, clean, 5 Marta, appliances, AC, finished Call 647-609-8097 basement, garage, fenced yard. No smok ing, available August 1. Articles Wanted $2,300 plus utilities. Call 416-828-4739 ALL TEAK furniture Condos for Rent wanted, antiques, watch es, paintings, silver dol lars, gold, sterling silver, 1 BEDROOM Condo Doultons, jewelry, Swafigurines, old with Den at 2365 rovski Central Park Drive, toys, musical instru Oakville. One parking ments. We buy it all. and locker included. 905-979-4447. Open concept kitchen, granite top. Laundry TAPE RECORDED with in suite. No smoking. microphone in good Available July 21st. condition. Please $1600 monthly + phone afternoons utilities. Contact 905-845-9107 905-257-2326 to view. L90K ANTIQUES WANTED Victorian turniture, teak, china, coin collections, toys, watches, gold, silver, costume jewelry, sterling silver flatware, teacups, Royal Doultons, Lladro, Swarovski, Moorcrott, Waterford, Shelley, Much Much More! We w ill assist in ESTATE CLEARING DOWN-SIZING CASH otters on QUALITY ITEMS. Please call text KATHY 905-920-9137 Licensed. Business. SEEKING ITEMS for Burlington home due to theft of all my be longings. Will accept donations or sales. Anything would help, especially a woman's dresser. Please call Gisele 905-639-6872 WE PAY FOR GOLF BALLS Pay $0.10 to $0.24 per ball. Purchase all year long 416-889-9365 Peter NO MIN QTY OR NO MAX !! AWNINGS, ALUMINUM COFFEE TABLE, 2 for up to 60 inch win- matching end tables, dow. 2 for $100. $60. 905-847-3928 905-849-7661 COFFEE TABLE, mint BARRELS, 2, 45 gallon condition. 54" x 20" x 20" plastic barrels for water. high. $90. 905-827-4564 $30 for both DINING TABLE, beauti 905-335-7986 ful, very sturdy, round BIKE, NORCO light black, three matching green girl's bike, 18 chairs, table measures 3 speed, R24, in good feet 5 inches in diame condition. $60 ter, $90. 647-478-3967 905-335-7986 DINING TABLE chairs BIKE, ROADMASTER, (6), all in good condi tion, $90. 905-847-3928 26" wheels. $35. 289-922-8623 DRAFTING TABLE. $55. BISTRO TABLE, 2 905-844-6939 chairs, excellent condi DRYER, ELECTRIC full tion, $45/ all. Telephone size, Energy guide, ex 289-337-6466 cellent condition, $100. CAMERA, DIGITAL sony 289-337-1328 cyber-shot dsc-w610 GOlF CLUB Taylor with 2 batteries and in made R7 driver, 10.5 de struction manual. $100 grees, regular flex shaft firm. 905-332-0413 excellent condition. $80. CAR REPAIR manuals, 905-827-4564 14 for older American INSULATION, R12. $25. cars, good cond., $100 905-844-6939 firm, all or none. KING HEADBOARD. Ho 905-332-0413 tel-style, 2-tone wood, CLOCK RADIO, new. wall-mount. $40. $10. 905-337-0718 905-467-7167 OFFICE CHAIR, Circa 1950's, Limed Oak, with arms, casters, Roxton of Waterloo, $50, photo WATCH, BULOVA, la available. 905-878-9173 dies. $50. 905-337-0718 PATIO SET 39"x60" table WHEELBARROW, CON + 4 high-back adjustable TRACTORS. $50. stackable chairs. $99. 905-637-7054 905-467-7167 PICTURES FOR sale. Articles for Sale Asking $30. 905-767-5564 3 NEW white Pollard vi PLANT STAND, for nyl slider windows with herbs, black metal. $25. screens. Low E, Argon filled, energy star, 24 3/4 905-849-7661 high x 35 1/2 wide. POWER BAR, nozzle, $ 1 5 0 . / e a c h . Hoover for celebrity II 905-634-2034. powermatic vacuum model S8003, new cond. $10. 905-878-9173 RING, CULTURED pearl, ladies. $50. 905-337-0718 SCOTT 20" Push Mower. $50 obo. 905-691-2136 SHEETS, KING size. $10 for a pair. 905-337-0718 ABOVE GROUND pool for sale, 15 foot, round, 52" deep, selection of chemicals, solar heater etc. included. Purchaser dismantles and takes away. $500.00 905-849-3859 SILK DRAPES. Gold, *A1 MATTRESS Factory Delivery silk, black out. $50 obo. Direct. available. All sizes 905-767-5564 including custom split STEP LADDER, 4 feet boxsprings, Orthopedic with platform. $20. 20 year sets starting 905-849-7661 $240. 30 year tight-top starting $340. TEAPOT SET, New in sets basket, light green floral Deluxe no-flip Pillowtop `Crown' series, design, milk, sugar, salt, & sets trom pepper, napkin holder, Eurotop $390. New Waterbeds, $60. Photo Available. Futons, end-ot-line/ 905-878-9173 discontinued items TOILET AND sink, grey available. with taps, good condi 905-847-2020 tion. $30. 905-849-6859 905-681-9496, TOILET CHAIR, raised. 905-563-6903. $35. 905-849-7661 CARPET I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stainmaster and 100% nylon carpet. Will do living room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation (25 sq. yards) Steve 905-633-8192 WEBER BBQ to con nect to gas system, side burner included, good condition, $250. 905-332-3625. Jewellery BEST CARPETING Deals! 25 yards Pad/ Install $385. All types/ Colours. Repairs, re-stretching, cleaning. Call Dena or Paul at 905-849-4847. We won't be undersold! E-BIKE, Emmo-X 2016, used only twice with 60 volt charger and helmet. Please call Ted, 905-702-1416. MOVING SALE, Washer/dryer set, $375. Stove, standard size $225. Dryer, electric, full size $175. Washer, full size $225. All excellent condition. Call 289-337-1328 LADIES DINNER ring, 5 diamonds, 1 ruby in cen tre. Call for details. Ap praised at $3600. asking $2500. 905-337-0718 Firewood FREE FIREWOOD Local tree company has free firewood for pickup in Burlington area. Trucks & trailers required. Please call 905-529-5612 yourclassifieds.ca PART-TIME SCH OOL BUS ROUTES · · · FREE PROFESSiONAL TRAiNiNG WELL MAiNTAiNED FLEET FRiENDLY STAFF · · · ADDiTiONALWORKAVAiLABLE COMPETiTiVE WAGES EM p LOYEE iNCENTivE " S A F E T Y IN M O TION" TRAIN NOW for September placements + STTM GE TRANSPORTATION INC. program R OU TES NOW AVAILAB LE Hamilton: Ancaster, dundas, Hamilton Mountain, stoney Creek, Flambourough, burlington, Oakville & Milton Ontario's largest privately owned school busing company H am ilton 905-333-4047 | 1-888-749-1515 driveforus@ a ttridge.com

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