1 7 | Thursday July 1 3, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insidehalton.com SPECIAL RETIREES' HEARING AID! A rem arkable new hearing aid is now available and getting rave reviews from retirees! It is easy to use, looks great in the ear, and m arks a MAJOR advancem ent in hearing technology! A t last. The hearing aid that thousands have w anted is now available. The latest digital hearing aid technology solves the biggest challenge for hearing aid wearers-hearing well in noisy environments. N obody w ill n o tice it b ecau se o f its m inute size, fitting snugly and com fort ably ju s t behind your ear. E verything works automatically. There are no controls to w orry about and ad ju stm en ts are easy to m ake - even from your sm art phone. So you can get back to enjoying y o u r re la tio n sh ip s, ra th e r than th in k in g about your hearing. Because these new hearing aids collect and digitally processes natural, 360 de gree sound thousands o f tim es per sec ond, they have b een show n to reduce the strain th a t e ffo rtfu l-liste n in g puts on the brain and even to improve recall from conversations in noisy listening en vironm ents. In fact, these hearing aids improve speech understanding in back ground noise 30% b etter th an even the previous top-of-the-line hearing aids. H earing professionals are celebrating the biggest advancem ent in 30 years of fitting hearing aids and patients credit it with providing a substantial improvement in their ability to com m unicate in large groups and noisy social settings. A hearing test takes less than 60 m in utes, you don't need a do cto r's referral, and th ere's no cost or obligation w hatso ever. Call now to try these hearing aids for yourself! ((aO D U N o w providing FREE, no o b lig atio n h earin g tests! Call n o w o r v is it H earingLife.ca NEW LOCATION O akville N o rth Laura Ostapchuk B.A Kin., HIS. RegAHIP. Hearing Instrument Specialist 515 D undas S treet W est, U n it 12 Call to ll-fre e a t 1-888-693-6908 HearingLife TRUSTED PARTNER OF CANADA 150 HL CFappreciation ca a d va n ta g e ;« <$kQ C C A d v an ta g e PVS Hearing tests are provided free of charge for adults ages 18 and older. Some conditions may apply. Please see clinic for details. Offer not valid in Quebec. Promo Code: NSP-RTIR-OAKB