Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Jul 2017, p. 33

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33 |Thursday July 6, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER |www.insidehalton.com "Connected to your Community " BEAVER TRAILS TO CALIFORNIA: The Oakville Beaver travelled with Carol and Eini Di Bon visiting Alcatraz penitentiary in San Francisco - a venue where time has been a key focus. Take along a copy of the Oakville Beaver on your next vacation and send it in for publication to Beaver Trails, Oakville Beaver, 5046 Mainway, Unit 2, Burling ton ON L7L 5Z1 or e-mail to ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com. Banff National Park, Alberta Start planning your summer adventures with travel deals on hotels, vacation rentals, tours and more! Only at travelalertsxa Visit www.travelalerts.ca/Backyard E X H IB IT O R S W A N T E D ! T r a v e l In s u r a n c e Vbutg LIFESTYLE 'RETIREMENT *S o m er estrictio n sa p p ly What do you do that is unique and ideal for ` Retirees or soon to be Retirees? Buy both shows and SAVE 10%* P a r tly c o v e r e d is n 't c o v e r e d . Getting your travel insurance from a company you trust means you can travel with peace of mind. CAA Travel Insurance offers a variety of plans to help protect you in those unexpected situations. Plus, CAA Members save 10%!* Meet face to face with hundreds of potential clients Get your CAA Travel Insurance today. Visit your local CA A Store | 1-877-213-5222 | coveredw ithCAA.com C A A Travel In s u ra n ce is u n d e rw ritte n by O rion Travel In s u ra n ce C om pany. C ertain e x clu sio n s , lim ita tio n s and re s tric tio n s apply. S u b je c t to ch a n g e w ith o u t n o tice. A M e d ic a l Q u e s tio n n a ire is re q u ire d if yo u are 6 0 ye a rs o f ag e an d older. *A p p lie s to C AA M e m b e rs in g o od s ta n d in g w ith d u e s pa id in fu ll by m e m b e rsh ip e x p iry d a te. 1 0 % sa vin g s a p p lie s to th e to ta l p re m iu m e x clu d in g a p p lica b le taxes. M in im u m p re m iu m a p p lie s. S u b je c t to ch a n g e w ith o u t n o tic e . E xclud es V is ito rs to C ana da Insuran ce . ® C A A tra d e m a rk s ow n e d by, an d use is a u th o rize d by, th e C ana dia n A u to m o b ile A ss o c ia tio n . (1 7 4 7 -0 6 /1 7 ) RO YALBOTANICALGARDENS 680 Plains Rd. W., Burlington RBG Auditorium V sS < "' Va Live Entertainment from the TORONTO ALL STAR BIG BAND EXHIBITORS: For information on how to showcase your business call 9 0 5 - 8 4 2 - 6 5 9 1 or toll free 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 9 3 - 7 9 8 6 Ext. 740698 (Nancy) or 740699 (Heidy) or 740678 (Lori) Brou gh t to you b y M etroland M edia G roup

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