D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, December 13, 2000 Minor Oaks Hockey Association - house league report (Nov. 30) BANTAM RED STELLAR WINGS 2 (goals to Andrew Robinson, Dennis Field. Assists to Toby Simpson, Peter Cunningham 2, Matt Catania); HOCKEY WRAN GLERS 2 (goals to Greg Whetstone, Greg Salem. Assists to Steve Fauretto, Scott Fisher, Brandon Allen, Amar Mann). ACCENTURE WOLFPACK 5 (goals to Steve Miller 2, Nick Ledderhof, Neil Murray, Matt Sullivan. Assists to Dan Rodrigue 3, Dennis Field 2, Brent Von Hagen 2, Neil Murray, Matt Sullivan, Josh Brodie); WILLIAMS OF ROYAL LEPAGE EAGLES 0 ROYAL LEPAGE VIKINGS 4 (goals to B. Salovaara, T. Kaplan, Brad Wetherley, A. McMahon. Assists to Karlan, J. Klassen, McMahon, L. Dhaliwall).HALTON MANUF. GATORS 7 (goals to M. Mantea 3, M.A.C. Cormick, Stevens, Langford, Kubicki. Assists to Stevens 3, Langford, Brown, MacCormick, Amantea, Komyk); KERR CADILLAC LUMBERJACK 2 (goals to Mike Ward, Drew Kennedy. Assists to Andrew Fairclough, Charlie Long). (Nov. 15) MIDGET RED BANK OF MONTREAL WOLFPACK 2 (goals to Mike Swanson, Andrew Kotulak. Assists to John Shallcross, Mike Wolochuck); REMAX DAVE EMBLETON GATORS 2 (goals to Derek Trudel, Justin Brown. Assists to Brown, Trudel, Michael Hull). OPTIMIST CLUB EAGLES 8 (goals to Jordon Kaitting 3, Adam Lemay 2, Alex Heaslip, Justin Daley, A.J. McMillan. Assists to Zack Carter 4, Heaslip 2, Taylor Pike, Lemay, Peter Ens, Kaitting, Colin Rankin); KIWANIS WINGS 5 (goals to Matt Linton 3, Blair Cunningham 2. Assists to Jim Turner 2, Mike Ball, Jeff Turner, Brent Spival, Ryan Carter). KIWANIS WRANGLERS 4 (goals to Allan Reston, Michael Indovino, Ryland McDonald, Thomas Yawney. Assists to Yawney 2, Brandon Jones 2, Jason Woodham, Andrew Kingston). OPTIMIST CLUB HOUND DOGS 3 (goals to Jeff Tobin, Craig Henderson. Ryan Martin. Assists to Martin, Jeff Hanley, Matthew Card, Kent Rahman, Connor Dunnigan); ALPHA CONSTRUCTION LUM BERJACKS 2 (goals to Adam Beck, David Rookyard. Assists to Rookyard, Beck). (Nov. 12) ALPHA CONSTRUCTION LUMBERJACKS 5 (goals to Will Hooper, Robert Haines, Andrew Battiston, David Rookyard, Mark Penelton. Assists to Gary Rookyard 2, D. Rookyard, Andrew Oliver, Penelton, Adam Beck, Ben Williams, Haines, Austin Keitner); KIWANIS WINGS 1 (goal to Brent Spivak. Assists to Ryan Carter, Bryan Grennan). (Nov. 11) ATOM RED RED LOBSTER VIKINGS 5 (goals to Adam Davidson 2, Cedric Soubrey, Mathew Ozimec, Scott Johnston. Assists to Nathan Lovell 3, Andrew Lypko, Tyler Nagle 2, Brett West); MOORE'S TIRE WINGS 2 (goals to Matt Grunwald, Michael Tuske. Assists to Tuske, Grunwald, Brad Tasker); NAIRN SALES & MARKETING LUMBERJACKS 0. C.G.I. GROUP GATORS 4 (goals to Danny Francis 2, Michael Syer, Matt Andrews. Assists to David McCamus 2, Chris Patterson, Andrews, Jacob Zamora, Michael S. Shutout to Gordie Frenke). FRONTIER/WESTBURNE WOLFPACK 4 (goals to Todd Woodman, Connor Gamble, Kirk Johnson, Nicholas Alberga. Assists to Johnson 2, Justin Tang, Brendan Gamble, Alberga, Marvin Lima, Gamble); ACROBAT EAGLES 3 (goals to Nick Martel, Scott Donnelly, Neil Revell. Assists to Revell, Martel 2, Donnelly 2). TECH SPAN AUTOMOTIVE HOUND DOGS 3 (goals to Karson Johnson, Shane Cole, Brett Marshall. Assists to Lucas Sullivan, Patrick McKinlay, Johnson); MINMET WRANGLERS 2 (goals to Taylor Wood. Matthew Gulliver. Assists to Jeff Hartford, Justin Pec, Jonathan Sweeney-Bergen). G reat results in E ast York The O akville D olphins swim club fared well at the recent East York Fall Invitational tourney, high lighted by Christine Jackson win ning the 10-and-under age category for top individual high point aver age. C. Carrabetta and C. Cochrane also placed well during the finals. Anjelika Vremovich, 8, attended her first competitive meet and she made the U-10 finals. The U-10 relay team placed a wonderful second and third in their events with Vremovich on the team. Here are the results for Oakville Dolphins swimmers. 1 0 & U N D E R G IR L S 5 0 m fre e : 1st, C . J a c k s o n (3 6 .0 5 ); 6th C . C a rr a b e tta (3 9 .9 2 ); 9 th C . C o c h ra n e (4 0 .1 5 ); 1 3 th A . V re m o v ic h (4 3 .0 7 ). 2 0 0 m fre e : 2 n d C . J a c k s o n (3 :0 9 .3 9 ); 6 th C . C a r r a b e tta ( 3 : 1 3 .7 5 ); 9 th C . C o c h ra n e (3 :2 4 .2 9 ); 11th A . V re m o v ic h (3 :3 9 .4 3 ). 1 0 0 m fre e : 2 n d C . J a c k s o n (1 :2 4 .3 1 ); 6 th C . C a rr a b e tta (1 :2 8 .5 9 ); C .C o c h ra n e (1 :3 0 .7 2 ); 1 6 th A . V re m o v ic h ( 1 :4 1 .2 3 ). 5 0 m b a c k : 2 n d C . C a rr a b e tta (4 3 .6 9 ); 6 th C .J a c k s o n (4 5 .4 7 ); 7 th C . C o c h ra n e (4 5 .6 5 ); 11th A . V re m o v ic h (4 6 .4 3 ) 10 0 m back: 2nd C. C a r r a b e tta (1 : 3 4 .9 7 ) ; 3 rd (1 : 3 6 .3 3 ) ; 1 1 th A . V re m o v ic h (1 :4 2 .8 3 ). __ O a k v ille O y m n a a tic e "HOME OF THE ANTOINETTES" Centre 8 4 7 -7 7 4 7 461 North Service Road West RECREATIONAL PROGRAM 9 W e e k s · Ja n . 6 th to M ar. 9 th , 2 0 0 3 Hurry In - Limited Space DECEMBER 27TH, 28TH, 29TH 8 P a re n t & T ot (18 m o n th s-3 years) G ym M ini C rick e ts (3-6 years) G irls & Boys R ec. (6+ y ears) T ra m p o lin e & T u m b lin g (7+ years) [IJHlfrJAG WEA lt-in COLLEGE f* Thrrjp, Centre JANUARY 3RD, 4TH, 5TH FEETIM ES $60 Per W eek - 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. (ages 6 - 10) I p.m. - 3 p.m. (ages I I- 14) dcnte. /baaen ^>cccer S k ills REGISTRATION FORM N A M E :___ ADDRESS: C ITY : ____ TELEPH O N E: MAIL OR FAX POSTAL: D.O.B. the. 'TAe.st!!! · D e v e lo p b a la n c e , c o o rd in a tio n , c o n fid e n c e & g y m n astic skills *»S45 C on'| A · C e rtifie d c o a ch e s allow th e g y m n ast to m axim ize th e ir p o te n tia l · W e h av e o n e o f th e la rg e st & b e s t e q u ip p e d facilities in th e p ro v in c e (r AIR ATHLETICS INC.(atfn Matt Braithwaite) 1 333 NORTH SERVICE ROAD WEST, OAKVILLE, ONTARIO L6M 2W2 TELEPHONE: (905)465-0900 OR FAX: (905)465-1143 Ask m s a b o u t... Birthday Parties · Competitive Programs · March Break b Summer Camps Oakville's Biggest & Best Gymnastics Club Oakville - You wrote the book! You photographed your favourite places... You wrote about your favourite people... You shared your favourite memories... Now, get the book! Our Oakville: A Communitys Self-Portrait · 4^ from CENTRAL ONTARIO JUNIOR (A' DEVELOPMENT CAMP EAT GIFT IDEA Available at Bookers, Chapters - Oakville Town Centre 1, Coles - Oakville Place and Coles - Hopedale Mall. For b u lk orders or to sell o n co n sig n m en t, please con tact W en d y B urton at 3 3 8 - 1 2 0 0 R etail price: $ 2 1 .9 5 A ll profits to the Com m unity Foundation o f O akville A Gift Certificate for Private One on One Hockey Instruction Call 905-827-7754 Hockey Programs O ffered Player Placement OHL Prospect Teams NCAA Showcase Prospect Teams March Camp - March 12th-16th Individual Team Development Private Instruction AA, AAA Spring Teams for Players Born in '82-'91 Junior Conditioning Camp - July 23rd-27th Elite AA, AAA Spring Tournament Hockey Teams - Novice to Midget M e d ia p a rtn e r: ^ O akville Beaver mere's a whole new worm out there discover it today. WWW. a division of HahonSearch.com r ` ' . ' Over 100 players currently in Junior A, B & OHL who have attended camps Supplying You A dvantages To Im pro ve Your G am e! For Details Call Paul MacLean (905) 827-7754