Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 13 Dec 2000, B4

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B4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday December 13, 2000 B L AI R LASER & COSMETI C CENTRE LightSheer laser hair removal Liposuction for body sculpting Leg and facial vein removal Glyderm skin care line (« { r Facial contouring and lip augmentation - Botox - Collagen - Hylaform - Artecoll C 02 laser resurfacing W elcom e to the world of fashion wigs By Amalia Ruggiero Truly You Wig Boutique B eing a w om an is m ajorly high m aintenance. By the tim e you get through w ith the gym , the m akeup and shopping, forget the other business such as picking up die kids, take your m om to the doctor, w ell here is a suggestion fo r beauty short-cut that d o esn 't require a short haircut. Try a wig! Today, fashion w igs are about to change the w ay w om en think about th eir hair. T he new co n tem p o rary w igs are not only practical and natural looking, b u t are as easy to w ear and change, as the acces sories in yo u r w ardrobe. Just p u t one on and finish o ff yo u r look. W hen should a w om an w ear a w ig in h er personal life? T hey com e in handy w hen you travel, your early m orning m eetings, from the gym to the office, w hen yo u r schedule is so tig h t that there is no tim e fo r a hairstylist, o r if y o u 're w earing som ething that w ould look b etter w ith a totally different hairstyle than the one you have at the m o m en t...... o r if the m ood to be a blonde, o r a redhead strikes you. G reat reasons to w ear w igs Today, w ith the latest technology and refined syn thetic fibers available, new fashionable w igs are b etter and m ore user-friendly. O ur collection o f w igs (from R aquel W elch C ollection, T he C heryl Teigs Selections, Jon R enau Fashions and Jacquelyn International) have hit the m arket to a very positive response because they hold their style and shape, they do not require specialized care, and are ready to w ear in fabulous non-fade colours. So if you think you know w hat to d ay 's w igs are like, think again. C o n sid er the follow ing T he new est w igs feel natural and com fortable. T hey are m ade w ith a totally new and innovative m ateri al from w hich they have fashioned a very thin and lightw eight fabric th at shapes to the contours o f yo u r head fo r a custom ized, com fortable fit. N ew synthetic hair is b etter than yo u r ow n hair. T he technological advance in the naturalness o f the new h air fibers has m ade synthetic h air look, m ove and feel natural. Six to nine different colours are hand blended in each w ig, so the colours are highlighted and look lush and real, n ev er flat. W hy S ynthetic H air? W hile hum an hair w igs are the m ost ex pen sive, they are no longer the best. T he suffer from all the sam e problem s o f yo u r ow n hair, frizz, lim pness, frayed ends, and faded co lo u r over tim e. T hey are also high m aintenance and require specialized h an dling. "T he p o int o f w earing a w ig is to escape all those problem s - not to substitute som eone else 's hair problem s fo r y o u r o w n." W igs are affordable: priced betw een $160.00 to $450.00. W igs are great fo r experim enting w ith new hair colours and styles. B ut if you get som ething th at is fairly close to yo u r ow n style, people w o u ld n 't th in k y o u 're w earing one! D ecem ber is Em ployee Fitness M onth By Irene Maiurro Corporate Fitness Coordinator The Women's Club Why employee health is a company's concern: O u r b o d ies are n o t d esig n ed to b e in active and w ithout p ro p er ph y sical activity, h eart m uscles can beco m e w eak, m etab o lism slow s dow n, body fat increases and w e b eco m e sluggish. Solution: W ith only three ho u rs o f physical activ ity a w eek, y o u r body w ill b eco m e energized, yo u r m ind c learer and q u ick er in thought. C o n fid en ce grow s as you m ove to w ards y o u r fitn ess goals and you start to look and feel better. N o w you are able to handle the stresses o f every d ay life at hom e and at the office. L ogical reaso n s w hy a co m p an y w ould b en efit from im p lem en tin g a fitness program : 51 p e r cent in crease jo b satisfaction; 63 p e r cen t in crease in m orale; 69 p er cen t increase in p roductivity; and 26 p er cent decrease in turnover. "In essen ce, em p lo y ee fitness is an in v estm en t to the health o f a com pany." T h is m o n th sp e a k to y o u r H u m a n R e so u rc e D e p a rtm e n t a b o u t a c o m p a n y c o rp o ra te rate. R em em ber: T he co m p an ies that m ake it to the top und erstan d the m any returns o f an active, healthy, p ro d u ctiv e staff. "E m p lo y ees are like m uscles, th e stro n g er they are, the b etter they w o rk ." F o r in q u irie s on co rp o rate rates, c a ll Ire n e M a iu rro , 84 9 9696, The W o m e n ' s C lub. DR. C Y N T H I A BLAI R M.D. C.C.F P 9 0 5 842-5533 - 1060 SPEERS ROAD, OAKVILLE OAKVILLE HEALTH CENTRE cWcUncss ^Resource & EDUCATION CENTRE Helping you make informed choices about your health · New technologies in Weight Loss · · · · · · N utrition and Health Counselling Vitamins, Herbal Supplements & Nutritional Foods Food Sensitivities Testing Relationship Building Motivation & Success Strategies Children's Inst-Leam ®Technology K a re n M e a k in g s M aster Practitioner Neuro Linguistic Programming Health and N utrition Specialist 2290A Lakeshore Rd. W ,, Oakville · (905) www.magictools@3web.net 465-0661 Network Yourself. Whethef you are buying, selling, sponsoring or advertising, networking can have a positive effect on the growth of your business. "Face to face networking offers the potential for building a trusting relationship in a neutral setting with your prospective client. " To learn more about the rewards of networking call The #1 Rule: A lw ay s m ake w certa in the r^ m in stru c to r giving the fitness class in certified. A n unedu c a te d tra in e r m ay cau se sev ere injury. A sk the instructor thenq u a lific a tio n s w hen trying out a class. A true professional w ill be only too happy to tell you. Laura Kupferschmidt M acdonald Scott Consultants email: kcs@inforamp.net (905) 844-4410 · Fax (905) 844-6959 Is your body giving you warning signals which you keep ignoring? Chiropractors detect and r correct spinal faults causing nerve stress. These areas can interfere with your ability to get well. Call for a complimentary consultation. Maybe chiropractic is just what you need! Serving the B urloak area fo r o ver 15 years A Spider-Vein Removal x -m · On-site treatment by a Registered Nurse · Saturday and evening appointments available '· · · a fitness club Just (or us! Pat Scott, RN -- Call For a Free Consultation The W om en's Club in Oakville has been proven to educate, m otivate and empower women to make positive lifestyle changes. Dr. Stephen Brown, M .D., F.R.C.S.C. is pleased to offer sclerotherapy (removal of spider-veins) at his Briarwood Cosmetic Surgical Centre. BRIARWOOD COSMETIC SURGICAL CENTRE S t e p H E N C . B l RO W N M D F R c S GIVE HER THE BEST GIFT OF ALL -THE GIFT OF HEALTH Buy any Gift Certificate packages 4 Receive a FREE Gym Bog & T-Shirt C A L L N O W - LIM ITE D S P A C E Bronte Chiropractic Clinic (J ouca A M /k m D -C - C CORPORATE M E M B E R S H IP S A V A IL A B L E The UJomen's Club FITN E S S A W ELLNESS 2368 Lakeshore Rd. W. 408 North Service Rd. E. Unit #1 ( 905) PLEASE CALL TO ENQUIRE T r a f a lg a r V illa g e M a l l 12 3 C r o s s A v e n u e , C aJcville (905) 827-1633 A Personal & Corporate Gift Giving Destination F or C u sto m ized G ift B oskets & G iftw a re 849-4282 (9 0 5 ) 8 4 9 -9 6 9 6 Offer expires December 24, 2000 Helping y o u ...... Look and Feel Better! tfO't design beautiful window treatments and so much more ... Custom window treatments are our specialty at Decorating Den Interiors. But that's only part of the service we provide. We'll help you select wall and floor coverings, fine furniture, accessories and lighting right in your home. Gloria Rinaldi Barb Pugh Joanne Watson S J S & '" specialty leas Candles "C IP 'H ome of us have vei g e a b le hair, Most women have hair w h e th e r at home or on the road. A p o ily You, e offer a w ide variety of wigs, for the versatile, co m fortabl & afford able. S u n w e a r a p p a re l tru ly r e m a rk a b le d o th * th a t n o t only protects Japanese BathProdi and more! 858-7661 Northwest 826-1124 Northeast 469-9946 Southeast b e tw e e n 8 9 % rdous U V A & ·U V B radiation' from th e sun, Jh e sp ecial w e a v e also allow s th e w e a re r to rem ain cool a n d active at th e s a m e tim e. __________________ S U N W E A R M m 2 4 6 4 Lakeshore Rd. W., (at Bronte Rd.) 905 465-0979 ft ecerotinJ1NTERIC cfDen INTERIORS W W W .D E C O R A TIN G D E N .C O M 114-154 Queen St. S.Winchester Place Mississauga, (Streetsvllle) (http://www.linkall.com/trulyyou) Helping y o u ...... Look and Feel Better! Please Call: (905) 821-1092 M . M i T

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