I THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, November 22, 2000 A R TS & E N TE R TA IN M E N T Your source for weekly community news, local sports coverage, travel information, and business matters. Art exhibit opens Friday An opening reception for an exhi bition o f paintings by Renate W ilson will be hosted at G len A bbey Fram ing & Fine A rt in O akville Town C entre I on Friday, Nov. 24th from 7 to 9 p.m. "A rt and painting are my true pas sions," said W ilson. "I started serious ly draw ing at age nine and have con tinued in one form or another since then." A fter estab lish in g G len A bbey Fram ing & Fine Art in 1992, the skill ful artist/picture fram er found it diffi cult to find tim e for painting. H ow ev er, she began creating on a sm aller scale, giving birth to her Wee Fleurs series w hich have becom e popular decorating accessories and one-of-akind gifts. W ilson's current exhibition, O ld a n d New, is her first in 10 years and runs until Dec. 1st. It features several scenes, three o f w hich are available as reproductions. O ther w orks include M uskoka and Haliburton landscapes, w hich evolved from recent canoeing expeditions up north. "M y style is alw ays evolving, so this show includes very realistic inter pretations o f subjects to som ew hat m ore im p ressio n istic w o rk s," she explains. "H ow ever, I alw ays try to create som ething visually beautiful and m ake it my own through interpre tive use o f colour." For m ore details, call 338-1854. M Renate Wilson displays one of the paintings that will be in her art exhibi tion at Glen Abbey Framing & Fine Art until Dec. 1st. W IN M O V I E P A S S E S T O T H E N EW A M C T H E A T R E FIND THE CAPTION "OAKVILLE GOES TO THE MOVIES" HIDDEN IN THE ADVERTISEMENTS letter of the caption appears I BELOW TO WIN 4 MOVIE PASSES TO THE NEW AM C THEATRE One in each ad - identify the advertiser j | containing the corresponding letter... ...for your chance to Mail to: Oakville Goes to the Movies 467 Speers Rd. Oakville L6K-3S4 Name ____________________________ A d d re s s Phone BEARS Purchase Kringle for $2.99 with $20 minimum purchase each purchase is donated to Hatton Children's Aid Foundation. Watch for Sears Oakville `Tree of Hope". AUTO IN REMISSION? TRUST HALTON TRANSMISSION YIELD TO EXPERIENCE IT COSTS YOU NO MORE, VANS, CARS, TRUCKS, BUSES, R.V.S FOUND IN STORE, Winner of Chrysler's Prestigious F IN / E S T A R M Community 4L Christmas Jfcstioal 4j$ Attention local business and comm unity organizations! It's time to reserve a Christ m as tree for our annual festival in December. G roups are encouraged to "sponsor" and decorate a tre e . All proceeds are donated to The C hildren's Wish Founda tion. For more information o r to register your group call (905) 827-6911 ext. 227 by Friday Dec. 1 /OO. O n ta r |° g ro n te C re e k s 5 ° ° OFF ANY GALLON OF O O O O O PAINTS 1 coupon per customer. Expires Dec. 31/00 Not valid with any other sale. I Service Excellence Award , (842 0725) ASK ABOUT OUR FREE TOWING lOC^VOOD H R Y S L E R Painter's Place 2 locations to serve you M a p le G ro v e V illa g e O a k v ille , 8 4 9 - 0 8 8 6 5 6 3 6 G le n E rin Dr. (the Longo's Plaza) 8 5 8 -1 7 0 8 HALTON TRANSM ISSIO N Visit Sears Oakville Place Mon.-Fri. 9:30 am -9:00 pm. Sat 8:00 am -6.00 pm ________________Sun 10 am -7 p m ________________ W ERE GEARED TO FIX IT RIGHT! WADE SEYMOUR 175 W ye cro ft Road, O akville (between Kerr & Dorval) 559 Speers Rd., Unit #2, between 4th line and Dorval E w w w .lo c k w o o d c h f y s lo r . c o m 8 4 5 -6 6 5 3 QEW to Durloak Drive (exit 109), north 1 km to Park Cate D e c o r S a le o h N o w 15% off all decor items of Leal Slum & Sum Mom Ripm Im $12* parts T JOHN D. THOMSON GENERAL MANAGER HURON SERVICES GRO UP LIM ITED ® 4 £77o o /vt p fjm v BLINDS SHUTTERS DRAPERIES FACTORY D IR E C T PR IC E S "Quality service to the distribution industry since 1969". 418 NORTH SERVICE RD. EAST UNIT 3C OAKVILLE, ONT. L6H 5R2 ·Verticals & Venetians ·Large Selection ·Free Home Sendee S t P lS S IN T F U IO H S t in ·2" Wooden Blinds ·Blind Cleaning ` Repairs & Installation Fine Children's Furniture, Linen and Decor Iff TM 2 1 1 1Dunwin Drive, Mississauga (2 1 /2 blocks cast of Winston Churchill, facing Dundas) GUARANTEED LO W E ST PRICES 217 Lakoshoiv R d E. 844-3530 Z2Z-2S2S www.aroomofmyown.net 1661 Lakeshore Rd. W. Mississauga 0 6 4 (2 block east ol Southdown Road in Clarkson) Q fc b 'lfc 11 ( TEL: (905) 845-4075 £ FAX: (9 0 5 ) 845 -4 8 02 ^ DOWNTOWN OAKVIIJJ; IOR 47 YLARS Mon.-Thurs.. 9:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 9:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.. Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. nrr/Jreln' HunterDouglas W I N D O W FASH IO N S 3 3 6 -5 3 4 1 o r 3 3 0 -3 2 1 1 FALL CHECK U P S A V IN G S | S THE FALL M AINTENANCE PACKAG E · Lube, oil and filter · 15 point inspection including battery, antifreeze, tires, wipers, hoses & belts · Tire rotation · Brake inspection · Top up fluids · Set tire* pressure Includes Labour & Oil C h a n g e ^ COMPUTER <£N\ N E T W O R K ^ SERVICES Quality Computer Service and Custom Computer Builders with Walk-in Repair Depot SO U TH EAST N E W HOM E R E N O V A T IO N C .N .S . C A N A D A IN C . 2 -1 1 3 5 NORTH SERVICE ROAD EAST OAKVILLE * ONTARIO * L6H 1A7 pho ne : 905-338-3044 I W e w ill g iv e y o u r V o lk s w a g e n | a th ro u g h o u t check-up. H igh v a lu e p a c k a g e , using g en u in e V o lk s w a g e n p a rts . C ov e re d b y tw e lv e m onths / 2 0 ,0 0 0 k m service w a rr a n ty . Walk to town from this fabulous 1/2 acre mature lot. Still time to make changes and choose finishing materials. For details and plans please contact Allan Bain 338-6550. · · Full M enu · W eekend Breakfast · Thursday Karaoke Broker ! | $7095 M ports extra L Two FREE bottles of Optikleen windshield washer fluid H * FAX 905-338-3047 W P r u d e n tia l 4 5 i r Town Centre Realty ALLAN BAIN 2432 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville www.cnscanada.com * 338-6550 825-8940 I Value Price at # R E S TA U R A N T Limited time offer. Expires Dec. 3 1 / 0 0 Keepin' it real, VO LKSW AGEN PARTS & SERVICE TOW NE C H EV R O LE T O L D S M O B IL E WlNNIDJl C raig M o n ji IS Fully Licensed Join ns after the movie. bed Alice before & ofoer-iedeui" 579 Kerr Street, Oakville HotCcfipimCj CafjbLotte! 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