Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 23 Jun 2017, p. 16

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w w w .insidehalton.com | OAKVILLE B EAVER | Friday, June 2 3 , 2 0 1 7 11 6 rib b ers! Y o u 'll L o v e T h e R ib s! With nine w ell-know n teams in our W all o f Ribbers, you can bet they w ill be com peting hard to im press you with their saucy prow ess. Try as many as you want (m ost offer sampler servings). * * * * * Bad W olf Big M's Smokin' Bones Brickyard BBQ Crazy Canuck Smokers Gator BBQ * Ribs Royale * Route 55 * Tennessee Fatbacks * The Hogfather BBQ W e're Social Spread the news -- We lo v e to see how m uch you are en jo y in g R ib fest! Win prizes by ta g g in g us in your p h otos and tw eets w ith #O a k v ille R ib fe st and keep up w ith the fun on Tw itter (@ O ak villeR ib fest), Instagram (@ o a k v iller ib fe st) and F aceb ook (fa c e b o o k .c o m /O a k v ille R ib fe st). Enter our photo contest -- P ick your very best R ib fest photo from the w eekend and subm it it to our photo co n test. V isit our F acebook page at fa c e b o o k .c o m /O a k v ille R ib fe st to enter. The d ead lin e to get your snap in is 10:00 pm on M onday, June 2 6 , 2 0 1 7 . A Grand P rize w inner and a P eo p le's C h oice w inner w ill be announced and sent an aw esom e prize! V o te fo r y o u r fa v e ! V ote with your ce ll phone for the B est Ribs (2 89-274-5767) and Best Sauce (2 8 9 -2 7 4 -5 6 9 5 ). N eed a phone charge? V isit our Charging Station. N o phone? No problem! V olunteers at the Instant Imprints Tent opposite the W all o f Ribbers w ill take note o f your votes. V oting ends Sunday at 3:00 pm. The winners w ill be announced at 4:00 pm on the Main Stage. H o w to g e t to R ib fe s t If you're driving, take the QEW to the Trafalgar Road exit, and go north five blocks. From Hwy 401 or Hwy 407, take the Trafalgar Road exit and go south. The site is on the Sheridan C ollege parking lot on the w est side o f Trafalgar Road. P a r k in g a t R i b f e s t We make parking easy. Park right on the site for $10 per car per day (the first 5,000 drivers w ill receive a coupon booklet worth over $1,000 in discounts). Enter on-site parking from Trafalgar Road by turning w est on Sheridan C ollege Drive, im m ediately north o f R ibfest. A free shuttle w ill take you from your car to the main gate and back. Free parking is available at the O akville Town Hall at 1225 Trafalgar Rd., two blocks south o f the R ibfest site. A free shuttle w ill take you to the main gate and back. We also have a small amount of accessible parking for those with d isabilities. Ribfest is on a paved parking lot, so is wheelchair-friendly. Use the Ceremonial Drive entrance im m ediately south o f the R ibfest site, and follow the signs for designated parking and a special entranceway. Much More Than Ribs! A m azing ribs are guaranteed at R ibfest, but you'll find more than that to tease your taste buds. From the ribbers, pork ribs are the traditional favourite, but som e offer b eef ribs as w ell. M ost teams also have BBQ chicken, coleslaw and baked beans. Others have grilled shrimp and salads. Be sure to check the posted menus. The other food vendors offer an assortm ent o f treats, including poutine, chicken on a bun, hot dogs, back bacon on a bun, corn-on-the-cob, bloom ing onions, fried potatoes, doughnuts, funnel cake, Beaver Tails, popcorn, ice cream, flavoured ices, lem onade and more. Pop and water w ill be sold throughout the site. A ll P op ped Up! B ea v er T ails B ig S q u ee ze L em on ad e B illy B o b 's B lo o m in O nion F e s tiv a l F ood s H a r r iso n 's Ice Cream O ntario Corn R o a sters P a p p y 's O ld F a sh io n ed Soda S lu sh y B ears The O rig in a l C h ick en D e v in e W ith W ine T iny Tom D on u ts Tornado P o ta to es T ro p ica l C o c k ta ils W hite G old S w e e ts The street address is 1430 Trafalgar Rd. O a k v ille, ON L6H 2L1 If taking the bus, start at the O akville GO/Oakville Transit station and take O akville Transit Route #1 or #24 to Sheridan C ollege on Trafalgar Road. Buses leave every 20 m inutes from the station, and run every 20 minutes from the R ibfest site back to the station. ALL IN-STOCKAREARUGS UPT01/2 PRICE O R LESS O A o O IM h lin U M I 8 5 f§ *9 9 F O L L O W IN G L O C A T IO N S ONLY: WA/G ca .co m 125 CROSS AVENUE, Trafalgarmall across Home Depot OdkviliB 905.849.4472 · M i r a g e H a r d w o o d · K a r a s t a n C a r p e t i n g

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