Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 11 May 2017, p. 19

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19 | Thursday, May 1 1, 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com Program serving 25,000 students continued from p.18 Burr acknow ledged there is a lot of "charity apathy" in the community, but said H FFT is grow ing quickly. The organization is hoping to add another 12 to 15 schools as clients next year. One in 10 children in Halton go to school hungry, added Burr. The breakfast gala is H F F T 's biggest fundraiser, said N ancy Rum ple, director of com m unications and developm ent for HFFT. Rum ple said this year's gala attracted a large m ix of regular supporters and new organizations and businesses hoping to becom e supporters. The Ontario Ministry of Child and Youth Services oversees school nutrition program s and H FFT partners with both boards of education in Halton and the com m unity to deliver program s to children. Celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2017, the H FFT group started out with ju st six official student nutrition program s in Halton in 1997. Ten years later, H FFT becam e an 4 days only! Buy 2 get $25 off! Benjamin Moore Benjamin Moore Benjamin Moore incorporated, registered charity with its own board of directors and operates 63 program s in the region. In 2016, m ore than 25,000 students a w eek received nutritious m eals and snacks through 180 H FFT program s (breakfast program s, healthy bins and snack baskets) in 120 schools across the region. Statistics for 2017 are not yet available. The program , which costs $1 m illion a year to operate, is m ade possible with help from m ore than 2,000 volunteers, including 800 students, and other com m unity partners. CIBC W ood Gundy is the $10,000 lead sponsor for HFFT, but the organization has m any com m unity and business sponsors. For m ore inform ation, visit: http://www. haltonfoodforthought.com . \ REGAL SELECT PREM IL M IN T ER IO R PAIN T AN D P R IM ER EC G S H E L L F I N 1S H L 1 V alid fro m M ay 11-14, 2017 w ApmeciaU amEUent! | M a th e rs D a y Visit us today! B R O N TE V IL L A G E PAINT & PAPER 2294 L A K E S H O R E ROAD W E ST O A K V ILLE 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -3 3 0 0 P A IN T SC A P ES W E ST 511 M A P LEG R O V E D RIVE O A K V ILLE 9 0 5 -3 3 9 -2 0 0 2 TH E P A IN TER S P LA C E 478 DUNDAS S T R E E T W E ST O A K V ILLE 905-257-2061 TH E PAINT & PA PER P LA C E 2423 T R A F A LG A R ROAD O A K V ILLE 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -4 9 0 6 SE A LY SP R IN G F R E E · t i g h t t o p $2 S in g le M a t t r e s s 9 9 Reg. $590 D O U BLE M ATTRESS.............$325 Q U EEN M ATTRESS.............. $345 W ire d A d justab le Base S IN G L E X L $995 W IRED A D JU STA B LE BASE R eg. $1990 W ireless A djustable Base SIN G LE X L $1495 W IRELESS A DJUSTABLE BASE R e g . $2990 S P E E R S PAINT D ECO RA TIN G C E N T R E 275 S P E E R S ROAD O A K V ILLE 905-337-7272 Virtually unlimited head and foot posilions lo alignyour body lor optimal sleep. Wireless remote with programmable bed positions make it perfect for reading, watchingTV,working and sleeping Virtually unlimited head andfoot positionsto alignyourbody for optimal sleep. Comfortforyou andyour partner Massagelealures t pruovide. theultimatein relaxation Benjamin Moore* Paint like no other.* B u y tw o (2) 3.79 L containers at regular retail price and g e t $25 off entire purchase. O ffer valid on A ura® products (interior or exterior), Regal® pro d u cts (interior or exterior), and A rb orcoat® prod u cts only. Q ualifying pu rch ases m ust be m ade in one (1) sin g le tran sactio n . D iscou n t app lied at che ckout. O ffer availab le from 5/11/17 to 5/14/17 and can n o t be co m b in e d w ith o th er d isco u n ts or p rom otions, or app lied toward p rior pu rch ases. A t p articip a tin g retailers only, w hile su p plie s last. D etails in store. ©2017 Benjam in Moore & Co., Lim ited. A rb orcoat, A ura, Benjam in Moore, Paint like no other, R eg a l, and the tria n gle "M" sym bol are registered trad em arks, and C olou r L o c k is a trad em ark of Benjam in Moore & Co., Lim ited. 238 Main Street, East · 9 0 5 .8 7 8 .4 6 0 6 2150 Burnhamthorpe Road · 90 5.542.0481 H O URS: M o n d a y -W e d n e sd a y 1 0 a m -6 p m * T h u rsd ay - Frid ay 1 0 a m -8 p m * Satu rd ay 9 a m - 6pm · Su n d ay 1 1 a m -5 p m MILTON M ISSISSAUGA

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