| Thursday, May 4 , 2 0 1 7 | 24 SAVE ON TUB & CERAMiC TILE REGLAZiNG Stats show more to be done continued from p.23 referring to the structure erected at head office with names of members w ho've died in job site accidents or due to occupational illness. "There is no shortcut that should ever be taken that puts at risk a single worker. We don' t want to add any more names here or to any of the rolls in the province of Ontario." About 80 people attended the morning, hour-long ceremony, including some family members of Local 793 operators w hose names are etched on the monument. During the event, the names of operators on the m onument were read out, followed by a minute' s silence. Oakville Mayor Rob Burton and Oakville North-Burlington MP Pam Damoff also spoke at the ceremony. Oakville Ward 3 Councillor Nicholas Hutchins was also there. Burton said he and leaders of surrounding communities have made safety a high priority and he is proud that m illions of hours have been worked at Oakville Hydro without serious incident. Damoff, meanwhile, said it' s important for workers to be able to go to work and return home safely to their families. "Let' s not just today, but every day, make a commitment to having a safe workplace and ensuring everyone is educated on their rights and responsibilities," said Damoff. One new name was engraved on the m onum ent this year -- that of Claude Joly, a crane operator and 45-year member w ho died from mesothelioma on Dec. 15, 2016 at the age of 85. There are now 40 names engraved on the monument. Gallagher said safety is a priority for the union and Local 793 is prepared to spend as much as it takes to ensure its new recruits are properly trained and receive appropriate heath and safety instruction because a traumatic injury can take a terrible toll on a worker' s family. "We, as heavy equipment operators, know how important training is," he said. "We invest a lot of our local members' m oney into the m ost advanced training that' s available and w e know that prevention is so important. "If w e can eliminate operator error that eliminates the vast majority of accidents out in the field." Gallagher noted that when training apprentices, the union advises them to always put safety first. "We want them to bring professionalism to everything that they do, and to do it with an eye to safety and doing it the very best possible way they can because the responsibility is not just to themselves and their own family, but also to the workers that they work with and the general public." see Young on p.26 $ 1 0 0 o o D is c o u n t a p p lie s t o O F F R esid e n tia l o n ly . TUB+TILE REGLAZING 40 years in business 4 year warranty Call f o r a f r e e e s t i m a t e ! w w w .insideH A LTO N .com | OAKVILLE BEAVER 905-625-6734 w w w .B A T H T U B K I N G .c O M N e e d d ire c tio n s to y o u r f i n a n c i a l d e s t i n a t io n ? Marc Nutford Financial A dvisor 2387Trafalgar Road Unit E2 Oakville, ON L6H 6K7 905-822-2023 www.edwardjones.com/marc-nutfo rd M em ber - C a n a d ia n Investor Protection Fund E d w a rdjon es MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING TH E P A N D O R A STORE AT SQUARE O N E 905.232.0661 $ 150 (RETAIL VALUE $ 170) M APLEVIEW CEN TR E 905.632.5400 ERIN M ILLS TO W N CEN TRE TREAT Y O U R M O T H ER TO A 905.828.5902 LIMITED EDITION BRAM ALEA C IT Y CEN TRE 905.792.8820 G I F T SET PANDO RA w *Tree of H earts Lim ited Edition B angle Gift S et. Available startingApril 13, while supplies last. Valid only at participating retailers. P rices before taxes. No substitutions. B angle not available for individual purchase. S eestore for details. © 2017 Pandora Jewelry, LLC · All rights reserved