Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 18 Oct 2000, A2

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A2 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday October 18, 2000 Photo by Riziero Vertolli T R A IL S E C T IO N O P E N S : The Lions' Valley P ark Pavilion, m arking the start of The Lions Scenic Sixteen section of the Oakville Heritage Trails, was officially opened on Saturday. The trail winds its way along the Sixteen Mile Creek valley in north Oakville and was made possible by efforts of The Lions Club of Oakville and The Oakville Trafalgar Lions Club, who joined hands around the pavilion to m ark the occasion. The trails are an initiative of The Community Foundation of Oakville through the H eritage Trails Committee in partnership with the Town of Oakville. U o f T & Sheridan in tech partn ersh ip The University of Toronto at Mississauga (UTM) and Sheridan College will announce their third academic partnership Friday as they launch the Communication, Culture, and Information Technology (CCIT) program. CCIT will com bine a multi-disciplinary program that crosses a full range of arts, science and technology. The program is a fusion of technology, media design, communications and culture. U of T and Sheridan have been academic part ners for almost 30 years, following the creation of the program in Art and Art History in 1972 and Drama and Theatre Studies in 1992. The program will commence in the 2001-2002 acad emic year, with construction of the centre at UTM by 2003. Funding partners in CCIT include: $3.5 mil lion from Mississauga and $17.3 million from the province while Sheridan received $1 million from Oakville and $13 million provincially. 2001 Ford Focus SE 4-door, a u to m atic, a ir co n d itio n in g , A M /F M stereo w ith CD, p o w e r locks w ith rem ote entry, dual second g en e ra tio n air bags and more. S tk.#IS 030 M a rk e t V alue Price $ 1 8 ,7 9 6 M V P includes fre ig h t, a ir ta x , Protector Plus PDI. NO A D M IN . FEE. lease price based on 36-month Red Carpet Lease, 20,1 O.A.C. See dealer for details. 3 6 M O N T H R E D C A R PE T LEA SE | D ow nP aym ent M o n th ly P a ym en t l $ 22 4 m o. / 36-mo. lease l $ 29 8 m o. / 36-mo. lease km per year allowance, licence, insurance, all taxes extra. M e e t th e T e a m A C O N T IN U IN G " C A N A D A 'S S E R IE S BEST P R O F IL IN G TH E S TA FF O F C O M M U N IT Y N E W S P A P E R " Schools holding joint open houses Saturday O a k v i l l e 's Independent Schools are host ing a joint open house on Sat Oct. 21st from 10 a.m.2 p.m. The day gives parents the oppor tunity to tour the schools, talk to teachers, adminis trators, other par ents and students. Participating schools include: Appleby College (grade 7-OAC) 540 Lakeshore Rd. W.; Chisholm Academy (grades 9-U _ 1484 Cornwall Rd.; D earcroft Montessori School (preschool-grade 8) 3300 Ninth Line; Glenburnie School (pre school-grade 8) 2035 Upper Middle Rd. E.; MacLachlan College (J.K.OAC) 337 Trafalgar Rd.; Oakville Christian School (J.K.-grade 8) 112 Third Line and St. Mildred's Lightbourn School (J.K.OAC) 1080 Linbrook Rd. Manny Garcia In Manny's 16 years w ith the Production departm ent the technology has changed from w ax paste up to computers, but one thing has stayed the same - Manny's enjoym ent of his job. com m unity newspaper seemed natural for M anny. M an n y oversees all the final production of the newspaper as w ell as dow nloading of elec tronic ads and inform ation. A valuable team m em ber to the paper, M an n y can be found behind the w h eel o f his motor hom e w ith his w ife M aria and sons N icholas and Joshua .when not behind a computer. Now In-Stock at "The fast pace o f a newspaper makes the day go by so quickly and the flexibility o f this job allows me to spend time with my family. The production department is great because I can interact with all the staff and various departments." Born and raised in working at Oakville's F O R D L IN C O L N 5 7 0 TRAFALGAR ROAD, CAKVILLEottheQ.E.W. f/te Oakville C A N A D A 'S BEST C O M M U N IT Y N EW S PAPER 2000 CCNA Better Newspapers Competition -- H ailow een H eadqu arters! C h o o se from t h e s e S p e c ia l S e le c tio n s : Special Selection! G ABARDINE ENDS 150cm wide, 100% polyester. Assorted textures & colours. NOW 1.88 m Special Selection! LINING SOLIDS 115cm wide, 100% polyester. Our Reg. 3.98 m NOW 1.88 m Special Selection! P 0LY ES TE R /C 0TT0N PRINTS 115cm wide, polyester/cotlon blends. Assortments will vary per store. Our Reg. 6.98 m NOW 1.99 m Special Selection! INTERFACINGS Assorted types & colours. Fusible 4 non fusible FROM 1.99 m Special Selection! W-l-D-E BROADCLOTH 150cm wide, polyester/cottton blend. Our Reg. 6.98 m NOW 2.44 m Special Selection! ASSO RTED SUITINGS 150cm wide. 100% polyester. Assorted colours 4 textures. Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW 2.99 m Special Selection! BUNTING FLEECE SOLID ENDS 140-150cm wide, 100% polyester. Assorted colours perfect lo costume your little trick or treater! Our Reg. 4.98 m NOW 2.99 m Special Selection! FELT SOLIDS 90cm Acrylic 4 acrylic/polyester In assorted colours. Our Reg. 5.49 m NOW 3.99 m Special Selection! C RAFT PRINT ENDS 115cm/some 150an wide, 100% cotton,includes all-overs 4 panels. Our Reg. 6.98 m or 36" panel NOW 3.49 m or 36T panel Special Selection! S-T-R-E-T-C-H TW ILL ENDS The hottest look for comfort wear! Assorted colours, in 1-5 m lengths. Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW 4.99 m Special Selection! VELOUR ENDS 150cm wide. Assorted colours 4 textures. Our Reg. B 98 m NOW 6.99 m L e t R o b in Civic Scene W ed nesday, Oct. 18th: The Halton District School Board meets at 8 p.m. at the MM Robinson High School auditori um (located next to the J.W. Singleton Education Centre, 2050 Guelph Line), Burlington. Tuesday, O ct 24th: The Halton Health and Social S e r v i c e s Committee meets at 9:30 a.m. in the Halton Room at regional headquarters, 1151 Bronte Rd. W ed n esd ay , Oct. 25th: The Halton Region Planning and Works Public Committee meets at 9:30 a.m. at regional headquarters. The Halton R e g i o n A dm inistration and Finance Committee meets at 1:30 p.m. at regional headquarters. k a s s o c ia te s N O T IO N ? SAVE O N FALL 2 0 0 0 FASHIONl S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! Special Selection! ASSORTED ELASTICS & BELTING Assorted widths. Precut 1-2 m lengths. 3 HANKS for 99« Special Selection! ENVI C RAFT NOTIONS Asstd types 4 shapes, individually priced. NOW 33% OFF O ur Reg. Price K it c h e n C e n tre ROLYESTER FASHION M IN T S O u r R e g . 1 2 .9 8 m S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! 115cm N O W 4 .* * m m ake your RANNE VELOUR 150cm 1 0 0 % p o ly e s te r. L o ts of c o lo u rs !o c h o o s e fro m . O u r R e g . 9 .9 8 m N O W 5 .9 9 m S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! d re a m s FANCY UP YOUR COSTUME! NEW TO FABRIC IAN D ! |s m c i stores) BERRIES - Chaleo, Otrltnds, Sprtyt Great for crafts 4 holiday decorating. Individually priced, (available in NOW 20%* OFF Our Reg. Price a r e a lit y w it h S howroom Displays now on SALE FASHION SOLIDS 1 1 5 c m w id e , 1 0 0 % p o lye s te r. O u r R e g . 8 .98- 10.98 m N O W 3 .9 9 m O u r E n tire CHRISTMAS C o llt t llo n 90-15 0 c m H u g e s e le c tio n of p rin ts , p a n e ls , q u ilte d a n d ta b lin g s & trim s . In d iv id u a lly p riced . N O W 3 5 % O F F O u r R u t u l a r P r ic e S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! *Sewing Club Members save an extra I0%! Special Selection! 8" PROMO SCISSORS Our Reg. 3.49 pr. NOW 2.77 pr. DECORATE YOUR HOME! Special Selection! LUXURY V E LV E T ENDS 140cm wide. Our Reg. 18.98 m NOW 9.99 m Special Selection! `Pavillion 4 Intrigue' BURNOUT SHEERS 140-150cm wide. Our Reg. 18.98-21.98m NOW 6.99 m Special Selection! W INDSAIL DECOR SOLIDS Assorted contents, canvas textures. Our Reg. 10.98 m NOW 4.99 m k itc h e n and b a th d e s ig n s LUXURY FUR SNDS 1 5 0 c m w id e. G re a t s k in p rin ts a n d solid s. O u r R e g . 2 4 .9 8 m N O W 1 3 .4 9 m . ; S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! BERBER FLEECE ENDS 1 5 0 c m w id e , 1-5 m le n g th s . A s s td d e s ig n s & c o lo u rs . O u r R e g . 1 8 .9 8 m N O W 1 0 . 9 9 m S p e c ia l S e le c tio n ! FASHION COLLECTION C h o o s e fro m to d a y 's fa s h io n lo o k s n o w s p e c ia lly p ric e d fo r yo u ! In c lu d e s s u e d e lo o ks, le a th e r lo o ks, h a ir y te x tu re s , s-t-r-e-t-c-h fabrics... A s s o rtm e n t w ill v a r y p e r sto re. A L L 3 3 % O F F O u r R e g u l a r P r ic e S a le in e ffec t O c to b e r 2 - 3 1 ,2 0 0 0 . M o s t ite m s a v a ila b le in m o s t s to re s . L o o k fo r th e re d s a le ta g s . S a le p ric e s a p p ly to in-stock m e rc h a n d is e o n ly. N o s p e c ia l o rd e rs . P le a s e N o te ; I n s o m e lo c a tio n s s o m e ite m s m a y b e s o ld a t a p ric e lo w e r th a n .o u r re g u la r c h a in - sto re p ric e. W h e r e th i3 'c o m p e titiv e p ric in g ' o c c u rs , th e a d v e rtis e d s a v in g s w ill b e o ft o u r re g u la r c h a in - s to re p rtc e O P E NSU N D A Y S 12-5 140 R ebecca S t. O A K V IL L E 844-7728 our s ho w roo m or c a ll to set up an a p p o i n t m e n t 3

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