Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 18 Oct 2000, D7

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Wednesday, October 18, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER skilled & technical 510 general help wanted 515 515 skilled & technical 515 skilled & technical I 530 sales help & agents r D7 530 sales help & agents Duct Cleaners Helpers re quired for busy residential company $750 plus weekly. ELECTRICAL CAD TECHS T he Mississauga office of our engineering firm requires two Design Drafters to produce drawings of power distribution systems, fibre networks and gas systems. Applicants should have strong Autocad drafting skills with at least two years experience in electrical or utility drafting. Must possess a technol ogy diploma. Attractive pay, benefits and work environment. Send your resume to: c o m p a n y in B u r lin g to n r e q u ir e s a p a rt- tim e Marketing & Sales Assistant D u tie s w ill in c lu d e , of but not be lim ite d to, a d m in is tr a tio n c u s to m e r d a ta b a s e , r e s e a r c h a n d r e v ie w o f b u s in e s s d ire c to rie s in o r d e r to e x p a n d e x is tin g in g fo r an in d iv id u a l w ho c u s to m e r b ase , is o rg a n iz e d , o rg a n iz a tio n o f d ire c t m a il c a m p a ig n s . L o o k c o m p u t e r li t e r a t e ( E x c e l, W o r d , E tc . ) a n d w illin g to b rin g n e w id e a s to th e ta b le to h e lp u s g r o w o u r b u s in e s s . P a s t in s id e S a le s / M a r k e t in g e x p e r ie n c e a n d a n u n d e rs ta n d in g o f I S O Q u a lit y S y s t e m s a n d R e q u ir e m e n t s p re fe rre d . P le a s e f a x r e s u m e in c o n fid e n c e : A tte n tio n : S a le s M g r, COMMUNITY NOTICES A d u lt E d u ca tio n CO M PUTER CO URSES FOR ADULTS START A N Y T IM E ! W IN D O W S 98, O F F IC E 9 7 ( W O R D , E X C E L , A C C E S S , P O W E R P O IN T ) P U B L IS H E R , IN T E R N E T , P lu s a n e w c o u r s e in A ls o , D e a th s G00DBRAN0, Harvey R. of Oakville). (Long tim e Rolarian Peacefully surrounded by fam ily at the Oakville-Trafalgar M e m oria l Hospital, on Saturday, October 14, 2000. Beloved husband of Betty. Cher ished lather of Lynda, B ill and his wife Roxanne, and David and his w ile Angie. Proud grandpa of Dagny. Also beloved brother of S hirley Dubyts. James Goodbrand and the late Allan Goodbrand. Friends were re ceived at the W ard Funeral Home (O akville Chapel) 905-844-3221, on M o n day and Tuesday. Funeral Service w ill be held at Hopedale Presbyterian Church (156 Th ird Line, Oakville), today ( Wednesday, Oc tober 18, 2000) at 2 p.m. Cemetery. Interment Trafalgar Lawn Donations can be made to the Canadian 639-6772 Long term (6 m o s +) position tor EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT with exc. computer skills. Opportunity tor perm, employment at large corp.. West Oak. Fax resume to: Centrex (905)528-5147 or email: centrex@netcom.ca MANAG ER/ Photographer, required. P o rtra it studio The Bay, Mapleview. E x perience an asset. Good pay. Bonus. 1-800-3116520 I telemarketers P E R M A N E N T evenings. Burlington call centre. No cc/d calling. No selling. Setting appointm ents for our rep resentatives. Full training provided. Call Mrs. Kane 333-8180 H u m an R e s o u rc e s M a n a g e r THE SERNAS GROUP Fax (W h itb y ): 1 -9 0 5 -4 3 2 -7 8 7 7 E -m ail: h r@ s e rn a s .c o m WEB PAGE DESIGN FINISH YOUR HIGH SCHOO L DIPLOMA a n d B u s in e s s Cancer Society. A c a d e m ic s u b je c t s in M a t h , E n g lis h , C A L L : 8 4 5 - 7 5 4 2 A d u lt E d u c a t io n C e n t r e W h ite O a k s S e c o n d a ry S c h o o l S o u th C a m p u s C a rd o f T h anks TEAG UE, G e rtru d e (G ra o n y ) We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those under consideration will be contacted. Conam Quantum In (9 0 5 )6 3 2 - 3 7 4 1 spection & Testing, Only those selected lor an interview w ill be contacted. D ea th s T h e f a m i l y o f t h e la t e G e r t r u d e T e a g u e w is h t o e x p r e s s t h e ir s in c e r e t h a n k s a n d SERVICE ADVISOR/ BODY ESTIMATOR Successful dealership requires experienced service counter help. W e offer supportive organization, ex cellent CS I and top product. Com petitive pay and benefits. Ap ply to Service Manager. BURCMANN Inside Sales/ Customer Service The TG -BURG M ANN D iv is io n ot Thom son-G ordon is the exc lu sive Canadian R e p res e nta tive and Licensed M a n u fa c turer for B u rg m a n n m echanical seals used in pumps and other rotating equipment. We have an open intermediate level position in Inside Sales/ Customer Service in our BARNETT, Frank John - Peacefully at Oakville- a p p r e c ia t io n t o D r. T R ile y , P a r a m e d s ta f f and O T M H n u r s e s f o r t h e ir c a r e . T o t h e ir Trafalgar M em orial Hospital on October 12, 2000 in his 75th year. Dear husband of Freda Barnett. Caring lather ol Steve and Arlene Barnett, and M elody and P a tric k Bolan. In fo llo w in g h is w ishes, a p rivate r e l a t iv e s f r i e n d s a n d n e i g h b o u r s f o r t h e ir m a n y a c ts o f k in d n e s s , f lo w e r s , v is it a t io n , m e m o r ia l d o n a tio n s a n d e x p r e s s io n s o f s y m p a th y d u r in g th e re c e n t lo s s of Halton Honda of Burlington 23 00 Fairview S t..B urlington, ON Call: (90S) 632-5371 Fax resume: (905) 681-0098 fam ily service has taken place. A special thank you to Dr. Tony W u and the nursing staff, who have helped us through this difficult time. II desired, donations to your local Humane Society w ould be appreciated. o u r M o th e r, G ra n d m o th e r, To and G re a t G ra n d m o th e r. W a lte r s fro m R e v e re n d C h a r le s f a m ily c a re V a n c o u v e r, y o u r p re s e n c e th e a p p re c ia te s and 515 skilled & technical help 525 office/ clerical 525 office/ clerical Burlington, Ontario head office. Responsibilities include telephone support lor Customers and outside Salespeople, o rd e r w rite u p , o rd er en try, p re p a ra tio n ot q u o ta tio n s , m a intenance of d u r in g M o m s illn e s s . WELDING Shop Supervisor (Oakville) Your knowledge and technical experience in welding with 5 years s u perviso ry experience, strong interpersonal skills in a hands on environment will complement your suit a bility for this position. Please fax resume to 905847-7299 RECEPTIONISTS ·P e rm a n e n t, F / T a n d a ·P e rm a n e n t P/T e v e n in g s & w e e ke n d s Previous reception experience a definite asset. Com puter literate w ith good typing skills. A b ility to m u lti task. A ll responses w ill be treated with the utm ost O nly those selected for an interview confidentiality. DeCOURSEY-HARRIS, E lizab eth B. - Long- workshop schedule and co-ordination ot orders, prices and deliveries with our Vendors. The pace cf work is fast and requires the ability to balance multiple priorities. The successful candidate w ill have a technical education, strong mechanical aptitude, be ab le to read b lu e p rin ts and be c o m fo rtab le w ith M ic ro s o ft Office Standing m em b er and e ld e r of St. Jo h n 's U nited Church, Oakville, serving with the Conference Branch lo r 9 years and w ith the c h o ir to r o ver 20 years. Founding m em ber o l the O a kville A rt Society and m em ber of I.O D E. Q u ie tly at O akville- Tra fa lg a r Jim, Doris, Bob,Gertrude, Allan, Dennis, Darlene, Shaun and families F am ily S ervices Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 applications tor word procession, spreadsheet and database applications. Please send your resume in confidence to: M em orial Hospital on Sunday, October 15, 2000 at the age of 93. Beloved wife of the late Gordon DeCoursey (1974) and the late Robert H arris (1988). Loved mother of Don and Keith and dear mother-inlaw ol Lena and Sydney. Loving Grandma of Michael and Great-Grandma of Brady. Friends w ill be re w ill be contacted. Apply to: G a s F ir e p la c e In s ta lle r For CAP BRICK (Vernon Fireplaces) 2082 Queensway Dr Burlington Gas licenses, carpentry & general installation abilities requires. Own transportation + ability to work with little supervision required Call: (905) 634-7707 Fax: (905)634-9644 Sandra Teasdale r o y a l l e p a g e 326 Lakeshore Rd. E, Oakville or Fax 905-845-2052 ... * HOSTESS/SALES ASSISTANT/ CLERK Part-time (Min. 28 hours per week) Monarch Construction Sales Office Millcrolt Community in Burlington TG-BURGMANN Division of Thomson-Gordon 3225 Mainway, Burlington L7L 3T4 Fax (905)335-4033 ceived at the Ward Funeral Home, 109 Reynolds St., O akville (905)-844-- 3221 on Tuesday from 7-9 p.m and on Wednesday from 2-9 p.m. with fam ily present Please fax resumes to: Al Streit @ 905-331-7331 The Burlington Post requires a from 2-4. A celebration of Elizabeth Betty's" life w ill be held at St. John's United Church, 262 Randall St., O akville on Thursday. October 19, 2000 at 11 a.m. with burial to follow at Victo ria Lawn Cemetery, St. Catharines. Donations may be made to the Alzheimer Society. MONARCH Entry Level Invoicing / Stock Control Clerk Leading W holesale d is trib u to r in M ilto n area p re sently accepting resumes in th e ir invoicing / stock control department. Must have previous experience in a computerized environm ent and be detail oriented. Own transportation required. Retail Advertising Mgr Job Summary: T h e id e a l c a n d id a te h a s e x c e lle n t le a d e rs h ip s k ills a n d is a b le to m o tiv a te a n d c o - o rd in a te a n a d v e r tis in g s ta ff o f 12. F u n eral D irecto rs AUTOBODY Repair Person (licensed) required fulltime for busy Burlington flat-rate shop. Clean, well- equipped! C all Brian Kerr's Collision Centre. (905)335-1094 ELEC TRICIAN and third or fourth yea r aprrectice re quired. Ind ustrial/ Com m ercial. Insta llatio n & S ervice work. O akville. M ississauga and Toronto areas Please fax resume 905-842-5034______________ CLASS 'A* Mechanic, Trailer Mechanics, Welder & fitters and Mobile M e chanics. Fax or send resumes to Industrial serv ices. 2284 W ycroft Rd. Oakville. L6L 6M1. fax 905827-0156 Attn: Personel Manager Nolan, Andrew Joseph 69th year year. - A l his residence, Pene- tanguishene, on Saturday. October 14, 2000 in his Beloved husband of Eileen Nolan. O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Competence/ Skills and Experience: - In c r e a s e a n d c o n tro l a ll a s p e c ts o f lo c a l re ta il d is p la y a d v e r tis in g - C r e a t e a n d im p le m e n t a ll s p e c ia l s e c tio n s - O r g a n iz e a n d m o t iv a t e T e le m a r k e tin g S a le s - A d o p t f u t u re t a s k s a s d ire c te d - H a v e p ro v e n a n d s u p e rio r s a le s s k ills - A p p lic a n ts s h o u ld h a v e m a n a g e m e n t e x p e r ie n c e A p p ly in w ritin g b e f o r e O c to b e r 13, 2 0 0 0 to: Dear lather ol Jim Nolan and his wife Karen of Oak ville. Loving grandfather of Pamela, Kayla and An Our family serving your family drew. Dear brother of M arie W ilkin s and her husband Dave of Brampton. Resting at the Penetanguishene Funeral Home, 155 M ain Street, Penetanguishene on Tuesday, October 17th tram 1pm until time ol funeral service in the chapel at 2pm. Cremation. Memorial 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors · D o n C la r k e · G r e g o r y S id o r a · T i n a Q u e n n e v i ll e ·J o h n M u rp h y · P a tr ic k M c D e rm o tt . Please fax resume to: Connie (905)854-6104 EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT A great opportunity tor a hardworking ind ivid ual to w ork directly with the President and CEO ot a lastgrow ing, m u lti- m illio n d o lla r intern et company. A hig h ly visible position requiring poise, diplomacy & B o b G la s b e y , A d v e r tis in g D ir e c to r B u rlin g to n P o s t 2 3 2 1 F a ir v ie w S tr e e t B u rlin g to n , O n t a rio L 7 R 2 E 3 Ph: 632-4444 F a x :6 3 2 - 9 1 6 2 donations lo the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. The la m iy invite s relatives and friends to sign the book ot visitation at www.obituariestoday.com. 8 4 2 -2 2 5 2 HVACAppleby Systems OAKVILLE requires a qualified and experienced confidentiality. Requires strong organizational skills, fle x ib ility , a b ility to handle sim ultaneous lunctions w ith m in im a l o versig ht and a b ility to th riv e under pressure Team player environm ent. Microsoft and advanced Proficiency in Internet skills a definite asset. Excellent w ritten and verbal com m unication skills are a must Please send resume, including salary requirements, to: resum e@ cancable.com SERVICE TECHNICIAN FAX RESUME TO: (905)825-2094 Customer Service / Marketing Representative Established Burlington general Insurance agency is lo o kin g for an experienced representative. ence will be given to applicants that Ontario Insurance License or RIBO License. Prefer hold an \\v. IN TERN ET Technician. FT/ PT Technician needed for Burlington based Internet provider. Know ledge of W in9X and Intern et pro grams needed. Unix e x perience an asset. Please fax resume 905-637-0140 M E D IC A L Secretary- Parttim e needed. Must have appointm ent booking and Abel Med B illin g e x p e ri ence. F lexib ility a must. Please fax resume to 905632-4126__________________ BUSY dental office in Oak v ille requires PDA, MonThurs. 8am-5pm. Please fax resume to 905-8491989 _________ _ D E N T A L Assistant re quired full-time with great hours for modern O akville dental practice. Please fax resume to: (905)827-0282 C E R T IF IE D Dental Assis tant required for maternity leave. No experience re quired Call 332-6950 JO EY 'S only seafood res taurant requires daytim e Prep Cook. Fax resume to 631-6778 or drop off at 3480/ 3500 F airview St. Burlington._________________ JU D G E & Ju ry - requires Experienced Line Cook, full time. Great place to work. See Kevin: 1222 W alker's Line, (at Mainway) Burlington, 319-1655._____________ C O O K & W ait Staff, parttime. Apply with resume to Dave/ John, Coronation Sport Bar & Grill, 380 Brant St., Burlington Fax resume to : STATE FARM INSURANCE 9 0 5 -2 7 7 -9 1 6 7 lost & found daycare required 69 6 775 `B urlington Tost & Oatcvitle Beaver m illfeature special FOUND: Birding binoculars on Orr Rd. near Southdown Rd. C a ll to identify. 905842-5690__________________ FOUND: Jewellery at CAA. Burlington location. Call to identify, Annette or T erri 525-1520, Ext.7300________ FOUND: Brant Hills area. New clothing in original store bag. Call to identify. 3192671. PART-TIME daycare need ed for 10month old in our home. Tyandaga area. Call Elaine 905-332-6814 BEFORE School childcare needed for 12yr old boy. 3rd Line/ Upper Middle. Heritage Glen School area. 827-0312 OFFICE Admin. Clerk- Re quired by K.I.D. T ra ile r & Equipm ent, South-east Oakville. Duties include: A/ R & A/P. Data Entry, Recep tion & Secretarial functions. Admin., 30-40 hours per week. Fax resume to: 905338-5600. ATTN: General Manager ORDER Desk Clerk required fulltime for general office du ties including reception. Computer literate. Apply: Elk Shipping Supplies, 504 Iro quois Shore Rd., Unit 6. Oakville. Tel: (905)845-7544 LITIG ATIO N Law Clerk--- required part-time to assist with cases for an O akville Law Firm. Experience pre ferred. May be required to assist with general office duties. Reply Box 6305, c/o O akville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd.. O akville. L6K 3S4_________________ FU LLTIM E Collector posi tion available downtown Oak ville. Hourly wage + bene fits. Successful candidates will be mature and experi enced in accounts receivable type collections. Windows 95. W ordPerfect 7&8 a must. Contact Ted or Dianne at (905)815-8303 B O O K KE E P E R plus office duties required for D/T Oakville Insurance office. 5 mornings/ week, call 905845-0391 fpemembrance (hFemoriams ~ UNDOS R E S TA U R A N T Exp. F/T & P/T URG ENTLY required 1 As sistan t Teacher (e xp e ri enced with schoolaged children an asset) also S upply Staff for 3 schoo laged before & after school. S9-Sl0/hr. based on exp. Must be able to drive to lo cal schools. (Oakville), kil om eters paid. 825-3433 ext. 3______________________ Q U A L IF IE D E.C.E. or re creation Teacher with e x cellent programming skills & good team spirit needed for schoolaged program in non-profit centre. Excellent benefits & salary. Contact Elizabeth 905-847-3077 MO NTESSO RI Teacher reuired for CASA program to start Novem ber 2000. Please fax resume to: 905319-0851 S12/HR Full-time- O akville ECE/ ECA or equivalent. In child's home. Fax resume to 905-639-7496____________ N A N N Y needed- in our home for one 7 month old. W eekdays starting Jan. 2nd. QEW/ Ford Dr. area. Oakville. Non-smoker with references. C all 905-8292971 20% Discount- End of Season Special. DECKM A N s Professional S erv ice. All decks stripped and refinished to new. Cedar Specialist! Free Estimates. Lim ited Bookings. C all Now. (905)632-1074 fo r loved ones fa m ily, relatives and fie n d s to be published ~ Waiter/ Waitress & Kit. Prep Apply in person or call: (905) 690-6125 252 Dundas St. E., Waterdown FULLTIME friday, Ufovember 10 Remember th a t special someone at this time (Deadline: (Friday (Nov. 3 , 5pm PRO Movers. Short/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hYs.. 7-days/wk. Home/ business. Free estimates. (905)972-9700. 1-888-2775777 _________________ JIM 'S Moving & Storage. Local & long distance. Flat rates available. C a ll Jim, (905)659-4064,___________ R E L O C A T O R S : Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in cludes 2 professional movers, truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733. M O N E Y Problem s? G a r nishees? Too many p ay ments? Options to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, Bank ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6310600 I---------------------- 1 , N ote Pa d Cost: $25 (+QST) Call Burlington 632-4440 or 845-3824 Xoraine or Linda ` M ax. 40 words S m ith , Joe E. COOK S9 - $ 1 0 /h r . Private School in Oakville · Great Hours · Great Holidays · With perks! CLEAN, clean, clean, that's all I ever do! For best serv ice & rates call 315-9539. PRO FESSIO N AL cleaning lady w ill clean your home Spic'n Span. Special rates for seniors. (905)645-4892; (905)633-7464_____________ LADYBU G Cleaning Serv ice. professional reliable service. Clean from top-tobottom, reasonable rates, references. C all 905-5162951 for an appointment In m e m o ry o f a loving h y sb a n d w ho p a sse d aw ay o n J a n u a ry 1, 1999. N o th in g c a n ev er take aw ay T h e love a h e a rt h o ld s d ear. F o n d m e m o rie s lin g e r every day R e m e m b ra n c e k eep s you n e ar. Always re m e m b e re d , y o u r loved ones. Fax: (905)845-9828 FULL & PART-TIME COUNTER HELP & CASHIERS A dd Iv in person to: 2410 Lakeshore Rd. BRONTE TH E Slye Fox Public House We re looking for additional serving staff for our enthusiastic team! Show us you have the per sonality and experience and we'll provide competi tive wages and winning at mosphere. Come see Lori at E astw ay P la za (New/ W alkers), fax: (905)3368028 LEDOME Banquet Halls Hir ing Part-time Weekend: Wait Staff- Must be 18 years-*-; Kitchen Help; BartendersExperienced. Apply: 1173 North Service Rd.E., O ak ville . Tel: (905)842-8770 Fax: 905-842-8772 L IN E Cooks- full-time or part-time. Breakfast Experi ence preferred. Apply in Person R u ssell W illia m s Restaurant. 20 Plains Rd. E. (W aterdown Rd). B u rlin g ton. L IN E Cooks S ervers & Hosts required full & parttime by busy downtown O a kville restaurant. Resum es to The Queen's Head. 118 Dunn Street. Oakville. Tel: (905)842-3070 CUSTOM-MADE valances, draperies, sheers, bed/ table/ chair co-ordinates, fabrics. Sherry- 634-6706. morganinteriors@home.com I tutorial ~ A J P la c e a B IR T H A N N O U N C E M E N T \A/i yjjr in T h e O a k v ille B e a v e r a n d h a v e it p u b lis h e d in o u r N e w A rriv a ls s p e c ia l fe a tu re in Ja n u a ry , 2 0 0 1 . i______________ i I personals AFTERNO O N massage for the busy gentleman. Mon.Sat. 9:00-5:00. Call 905-3124945 G R A D E 9 student needs math tutor. P referably a Student Teacher. Please call 335-6049 I daycare available P R IV A T E home childcare; established 17-years. Quali fied expert care. W e love children. Full days, after hours, evenings, nighttime care, overnights &weekends available. 632-8575. 6325735______________________ A B C 's & 123's in R ive r Oaks. Loving care for your 1+ ye a r old. References. Jennifer (905)842-0636 LO O KIN G for professional childcare in your home? C all one-of-a-kind-childcare-inc. 905-631-7979 C H R IS T IA N women w ill care for your child/ children in her G uelph Line/ Pros pect home. C arol 681 6181 f r 'l A » * Ir* or 699 Guelph Li., BURLINGTON P O R T R A IT Studio- The Bay, Mapleview, requires sales people. Set appoint ment in-store. No telem ar keting. Part/ Full-time 1800-311-6520 O U TS ID E S a le s Rep re quired for the Toronto area. Sales experience and knowledge of ind ustrial controls is an asset. Car re quired. Fax resum e to: 905-825-2163 LO ST: grey female short haired, cat. declawed, spayed, microchipped, left ear has V-shaped nick, 3 years old, Oct. 15. ·Peppy" Brady/Sheridan/Holly Hills. Reward 637-1577 FO UN D : Boy's bike 18 speed. Aldershot area. Please call to identify. 905634-0761 FOUND: Black & white cat in the the G uelph Line/ C entenial area. We call Phil Please call 637-7325 FOUND: Black short haired cat in the Hagar/ Baldwin area. We call Chopper. Please call 637-7325 C all L orain e o r L inda f o r d eta ils! 845-3824 --------- * .... i i 4

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