Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 6 Apr 2017, p. 21

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Fedsgetonboardw ithtransitvision continued from p.20 "It's so nice to be able to w ork with a federal governm ent because it's time that all three levels of governm ent to w ork together on an issue that people have been expecting them to w ork on a m uch better fashion," said Flynn. Town council responded to concerns from Oakville Transit 10 years ago and expanded local service by 50 per cent, Burton said. It switched from a radial system that went "in and ou t" of the GO station, to a grid schem e, which provided m ore personal mobility. "It is wonderful to have the higher levels of the governm ent, the Province and the country, stepping forward in joining us in the transit vision and helping to expand transit," said Burton. Oliver also talked about a $ 1 .9 billion investm ent for Phase 1 of the M etrolinx/GO Transit projects, which will reduce urban congestion, increase transit ridership and im prove safety and mobility in the GTA. In Oakville, the initiative will extend the GO Transit Lakeshore W est line, from Burlington to W est Harbour station, and introduce needed grade-road separations. "W e're working together with our provincial and m unicipal partners to plan and deliver infrastructure projects that will shape our country for years to co m e," said 21 |Thursday, April 6, 2017 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | www.insideHALTON.com ^ Gridlock on the roads, the time it takes out of people's lives and the environmental costs of all the costs of carbon emissions of the gridlock, was extremely important to Oakvillians. M PJohn Oliver Oakville Oliver. "I'm so pleased to see those announcem ents for M etrolinx com e forw ard." By investing in infrastructure, the projects "Canada needs and the people who build th em ," Oliver said it can strengthen and grow the middle-class jobs, create well paying jobs and make the country a better place to live in. "Gridlock on the roads, the time it takes out of people's lives and the environmental costs of all the costs of carbon emissions of the gridlock, was extrem ely im portant to Oakvillians," said Oliver. "Our governm ent is com m itted to strengthening com m unities and growing our local econom y by helping residents reduce com m ute times and traffic congestion." Valid from A pril 6 -9 , 2017 " D e li v e r i n g h o m e c o m fo r t fr o m o u r fa m ily to y o u r s s in c e 1 9 6 7 " A P P L E B Y V is it n s t n r ia v ! B R O N TE V IL L A G E PAINT & PA PER 2294 L A K E S H O R E ROAD W E ST O A K V ILLE 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -3 3 0 0 P A IN T S C A P ES W E S T 511 M A PLEG RO V E D R IV E O A K V ILLE 9 0 5 -3 3 9 -2 0 0 2 TH E P A IN TER S P L A C E 478 DUNDAS S T R E E T W E ST O A K V ILLE 905-257-2061 T H E PAINT & PA PER P LA C E 2423 T R A F A LG A R ROAD O A K V ILLE 9 0 5 -2 5 7 -4 9 0 6 SYSTEM S FIREPLACE, HEATING & A IR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS S P E E R S PAINT D ECO RA TIN G C E N T R E 275 S P E E R S ROAD O A K V ILLE 905-337-7272 OAKVILLE 905.825.1893 BURLINGTON 905.335.3203 2086 SPEERS RD., OAKVILLE C o m e S e e O ur SH O W RO O M Mon - Fri. 8am - 5pm; Saturday 11am - 4pm Benjamin Moore' Paint like no other.' w w w .applebysystem s.ca I B u y tw o (2 ) 3.79 L c o n ta in e rs a t re g u la r re ta il p rice a nd g e t th e 3 rd o ne a t no co st. O ffe r va lid on REGAL® S e le ct p ro d u c ts (in te rio r o r e x te rio r) only. Q u a lify in g purcha ses m u st be m ade in o ne (1) sin gle tra n s a c tio n . D isco u n t a p p lie d a t c h e c k o u t. O ffe r a va ila b le fro m 4 /6 /1 7 to 4 /9 /1 7 a nd c a n n o t be co m b in e d w ith o th e r d is c o u n ts o r p ro m o tio n s , o r a p p lie d to w a rd p rio r purchases. A t p a rtic ip a tin g re tailers only, w h ile s u p p lie s last. D e ta ils in store. ©2017 B en ja m in M oore & Co., L im ite d . B en ja m in M oore, P aint like no o th e r, REGAL, and th e tria n g le " M" sym b o l are re g iste re d tra d e m a rk s o f B en ja m in M oore & Co., L im ite d .

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