3 | Friday, A pril 7 , 2 0 1 7 | OAKVILLE BEAVER | w w w .insideH A LT O N .com Monkman's life interesting so far continued from p .l M onkm an' s family moved to Oakville, with older sister Katie, when he was three. As a child, M onkman was not sports-directed, ac cording to a profile BBC Radio 4 did on Monkman. He was described as a studious child, learning Latin at an early age. In high school, M onkman competed in the popular Reach fo r the Top, a national game show for students, broadcast by the CBC. One of M onkm an' s teachers at Oakville Trafalgar High School told BBC Radio 4 that Monkman was an inquisitive student, better qualified to teach high school than they were. Following high school, M onkman went to W aterloo University to study science. In uni versity, he also played Quiz Bowl, a national academic quiz tournament. He was working in Ottawa for Canadian' s Competition Bureau when he decided to at tend Cambridge to earn a master' s degree in economics. "I had a lot of fun playing the game," Monkm an told the Oakville Beaver, adding he also made a lot of good friends. Last week, M onkman returned to England to watch the semi-finals of University Chal lenge against another Cambridge team from Emmanuel College, led by his good friend Bobby Seagull. The pair also did a round of media appear ances. M onkman describes his future as uncertain. "I've had an interesting life so far," he adds. If M onkm an' s team from W olfson College wins the cup on Monday, he hopes the notori ety will help open doors as he searches for his next endeavour. From left, Paul Cosgrove, Louis Ashworth, Eric Monkman, Bobby Seagull, captain of the Emmanuel College, Cam bridge University Challenge team (organizer of inter-collegiate quizzing at Cambridge) and Ben Chaudhri, a Wolfson College team member. | submitted photo lawn V you grow we mow B R O S /M inside todayls Beaver w w w .in s id e H A L T O N .c o m 6 2 9 S C ports l a s s if ie d NOWBOOKING PRO FESSIO NAL W EEKLYLAW NM AINTENANCE PR O G R AM S E d it o r ia l A rtscene 3 1 3 3 Holland Park Garden Jenkins Agency Alexanian Carpet Barbecues Galore Real Estate New Homes Window Scape CAA Spraynet Book Your Spring Clean Up Today!!! Leaf & Debris Removal, Garden Weeding & Edging, Soil Installation & Cultivation, Mulching, Planting, Sod Installation and Much More!! The Oakville Beaver Readers Choice Diamond Award Winner 4 consecutive years. * A n FLYERS NOT NECESSARILY DELIVERED TO ALL HOMES Serving Oakville, Burlington & Milton Call T o d a y Fo r a Fre e Q u o te (905) For home delivery & customer service call 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 , 5 300 Harvester Rd,, Burlington NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS call 9 0 5 -6 3 1 -6 0 9 5 or subscribe online @ www.oakvillebeaver.com 4 6 7 -1 5 0 7 · w w w .l a w n b r o s .c a Let Your Natural Beauty Shine Through At Any Age N O N -S U R G IC A L O F F E R S Laser Skin R ejuvenation Bhandari Family Dentistry returns to Oakville BRING IN YOUR FAMILY FOR A CHECK-UP AT OUR NEW MODERN CLINIC Dr. Bhandari is an advocate of oral health w ith 31 years of experience. He and his team pride them selves fo r th e ir professional and com prehensive approach to dentistry. Dr. Bhandari has pro ud ly w orked w ith a num ber of celebrities th ro u g h o u t his career, helping them m aintain th e ir red carpet w o rth y smiles! C ustom er care is ou r core concern. W hether you're looking fo r general m aintenance, reg ula r check-up tre atm ents o r cosm etic dentistry, we can help. Give Dr. Bhandari a call to book your a p po intm en t o r consultation. D R. B H A N D A R I B S c D IH D D S * * * * Acne Treatment Laser Hair Removal Photofacial Skin Resurfacing Injectables: * Botox * Fillers/Juvederm Skin H ealth M a n a g e m e n t: This patient went from a consultation to finished teeth in just a couple weeks! We can change lives... Call us to set up your free consultation. * * * * * Facial Peels * Latisse Comprehensive Skin Care Analysis Sclerotheropy ZO Skin Health Medical Grade Facials N on-S urgical B ody C o n to u rin g * Vanquish * Exilis DR. VINEET BHANDARI B S c D IH D D S ___________________ 'C . f e _________________ G RA CE C L IN IC PLASTIC, RECONSTRUCTIVE & LASER SURGERY V o te d D r D o u g la s G ra c e B.SC. M.D. RR.C.S.C Plastic, Reconstructive, & Laser Surgeon Monday to Friday 7:30 - 5:00. Evening and Saturday appointm ents available. 289 768-2683 |200-481 JOHN ST., BURLINGTON JWWW.GRACECLINIC.CA #1 Fa c ia l a n d C o s m e t ic P l a s t ic S u r g eo n in O a k v il l e , B u r l in g t o n a n d H a m il t o n Palermo Professional Centre 2525 Old B ro n te Rd., S u ite 470 Oakville (at Dundas Street) · w w w .b h an d arid en tal.com