w w w .insideH A LT O N .com | OAKVILLE BEAVER | Friday, A pril 7 , 2 0 1 7 | 30 Oakville Whole Foods hosts FRESH student ait show W hole Foods Mar ket in Oakville is currently showing a student exhibi tion ol art, called FRESH in the Al legro Cafe. The students range in age from f 1-14 years, and the exhibit in cludes paintings and drawings in acrylics, waterco lour pencil, graph ite and charcoal. Students of the curator, DawnAngela Seeley and A rt-O n -L o ca tio n , showed off their talent during a re ception held on Sunday, April 2. The works will be on display until April 30. ' From le ft are Levi Bennet, Kayli Beeton, Dawn-Angela, curator and Art-on-Location instructor, Katie MacNicholas, Jack Cai, Ivan Price and Avery Walker. | Submitted photo £ ^ 8 ^ 1 0 1 1 0 0 9 0 5 - 3 3 7 .0 2 2 7 l Laser & Esthetics 233 Cross Avenue * Oakville www.ExSalonce.ca xz4/it'd S p e c ia ls : SlimLine 8 Sessions Lose Inches Micro-Needling Treatment for Scarring & Wrinkles Guinot Hydradermie Star Facial with Lifting Treatment $169 & $1 7 9 s a * metrolandmedia · · · C onnected to your com m unity* Musikay's Messiah returns For nearly a decade, Musikay has been performing Flandel's Mes siah for enthusiastic audiences in Oakville. As Flandel intended, Musikay performs Messiah shortly after Eas ter. -- on Saturday, April 2 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Canadian Martyres Church, 3 8 Em erson St., in Hamilton, and on Sunday, April 30 at 3 p.m. at St. Jo h n 's United Church, 262 Randall St., in Oakville. Jo in soloists Kira Braun, Madison Arsenault, M ichael R Taylor, Maciej Bujnow icz, chamber choir, and orchestra to experience this perfor mance o f Handel's masterpiece in Hamilton and Oakville. Year after year, patrons com m ent on the uniqueness of the interpre tation -- intimate yet powerful, refined while m ajestic, precise and musical. Tickets are between $ 1 5 -$ 3 5 and are available at www.musikay.ca/ concert-3. Fam ily and group rates are available. $129 & We are giving away upto Voted BestSpa & Esthetics 9 years in a row Gel Your FREE FAMILY PASS! Just look for the bright pink Insert in Today's Oakville Beaver. Don't m iss ou r best show ever! APRIL 7 9 at the Glen Abbey R ecreation Centre (1415 Third Line north of QEW) ...for your feedback Visit: pulseresearch.com/halton/ No purchase necessary. Skill testing question required. One (1) entry per person. The Contest is open to residents of Ontario who have attained the age of 18 as at the start of the Contest Period and have not previously completed the Metroland Readers Survey. Draw will be held at 1:00 pm PST on April 19,2017. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. Six (6) prizes are available to be won: one (1) grand prize consisting o f a cheque for $5,000 CDN (ARV $5,000 CDN), two (2) second prizes each consisting of a cheque fo r $1,000 CDN (ARV $1,000 CDN each) and three (3) third prizes each consisting of a cheque in the amount of $500 CDN (ARV $500 CDN each). Contest Period opens at 9:00 am ET February 6,2017 and ends at 11:59 pm ET on April 17,2017. For information on how to enter and complete contest rules visit pulseresearch.com/halton/. SHOW HOURS Friday 1-8pm Saturday 11am-5pm Sunday 11am-5pm For m ore news please v is it www.oakvillebeaver.com