n the. I MI milk oi “to M [mu have. (nee lo ptoduce rubber enough (or A single eon! tire“ Blane more Are thou! 00,000,000 Line in more or leu con-(uni. me in Americ- nlone. the ennpuncement at Dr. L von Weinberg. one of the director- ol Gerunny'l mimic chemical (run. that the ammonia ot rubber in an achieved chemical not, will cause many to wonder vwhnt will become at the hundred: or thou-ands oi hove: been whlch hue been planted. Dr. von Weinberfl optimism re coils the .mhth International Con- .rou oi‘ Applied Chemistry ï¬fteen you-- no in New York. it no ul- livoned w the somewhat acrimonious rtniry oi Professor W. R. Perkin. oi Innehoster. end Dr. Cnrl Dal-hers. oi Leverhnun. 'l'ho mun: chemist prociniméd that he and his usistsuts had succeeded in producing rubber tron: potato starch and thst they could repent their inbontory success on n commerclsl sale. This the Our- mnn cupped by exhibiting s pnlr oi ontomohile tire- vhlch hsd run their thousyni miles And which had been made at synthetic rubibr. sud by pro- dlctlng the appearance of synthetic rubber :n the market “in a soft time." No chemist would usert that I sub- stnnce the exact chemical counterpart oi caoutchouc has ever been produced. Indeed, thus to mimic nature would he futile. Just as rayon has only the “drain: qualities of silk, so u syn- thetic mbber must have only the do lit-able properties of cnoutchouc. What the crank: chemist seeks is not "rub- her," but "rubbers." "ch of which will serve its spec’nl purpose and some of which may plug to he even more ueiul than the rubber 0! nature. Commercinl success in aynthezlng these rubbers in dependent on a cheap names of one at ,mree possible raw materials which bear the formidable names bumunJmprene and meihyi isoprena. Petroleum. .poiato starch. calcium carbide and some mai-ur de rivatives are the more promising oases. 9 process of obtaining syn- medc ru her from these is well un- dersmod. but not. that of imparting (he physical qualities which industry demands. The synthetic rubber that Germany produced during the war had but I limitad usefulness. it lb- sorbed oxygen from the air; it could so: be readily vulcanized; it lacked elasticity and plasticity in the son lute, defects o‘ereome only by the Synthetic Rubber Them i_s 0n!y_0ne T_ime- Q.R.S. MUSIC COICA'NADA um, Torontb 2, Live Stockâ€"Field Cropsâ€"Dairyingâ€"Apicultureâ€"Dralnage â€"Farm Powerâ€"Farm Mechanicsâ€"Balk!ngâ€"Hortlcultureâ€" Poultry Keeping. Send for circular descriptive of Courses. J. B. REYNOLDS, L.L.D., A. M. PORTER. B.S.A.. ' Presldent. Registrar. Auk Yourvflldlo Duh! For In. Demon-truck»! In Vow Nome luy Plymou- Amngad RS. MUSIC CO. CANADA LTD" Toronto 2. Out. Winter Short Courses == for 1928 =- W"- Bux ai‘ko‘éZE-md Be Sum. Ontario Agricultural College Tuted'Bnttoryleu A-C Radio and tint at is the 0.A.C., Guelph, Ont. mum at “pun-In “chino-ton! hi'hot an '0 hard so um. of “that: nhb-r mu- m. Ill“ opul- M “It“. lavukuun. credit“ with . annuity o! 1.000 ton- 3 you. nuc- oubod \o on who of utunl rubbsl'. Winn an lnu of m junxlo um tho Mutation. brought 020 Ind ovon "0 a pound In hloudud Gummy un- thotlo rubber at 810 wu chup. Ocmuy'l Int-mt In Inmlun nib- bor h lug-u Gun to up mun-e u. non.) dealt. (or lndnpondonco. no hr :- nw mterhh In concerned. wun no troplul plundun- at her own. with new mo lor mbbor bolus found ovary any. Germ-n, bu Iouxm m I.- pul her dramatic luccou In "um.- um; nllnlu. dyes um druu. But mo run of the nlunl Indigo Indium ll not likely to be duplluud Thom m lull million- 9! acre: um cm In cultlntod {or rubber! Ind the produc- tion out o! “and." VIII Ion; nmln at lou mun I0 cant. I pound. Horo- over. I! the plum brood" ha in- vrovad nnr been. when! and mm. why mu ho not Increuo the yled of u can or rubbcr from «w to 1,000 pounds? The German- know I" “all. Thox will hue nehlevod another chamlul triumph It they can manly compo": with nntur-l rubber. “Say It with scents" la the new slogan adopted at the perfumen’ con- vention. In following this advice, however, the perfumes in turn will upgct one to lay it with dollars. 'Vouna lady have you ï¬lled nut your term!" _ “Sly. linen Illd you'd bu aun- prllod.†APPLICANT FOR THE MOVIES MTV PIO'LI LIKI “OLD NOII" DAV. A nor-men! um munl much u: Cuudlu uehooll In tho mind “INFO" of th- uudlmu or [armor â€In. Hon . group at tho “old hon Ind “111' 0' I‘llnton School. Twenty". Ibo-n at a uuulon. Many people no (u mllundonund m din-u" lylum u to (ml at Ill. I Mun; nuloctlnl ll unlll It woth slant-My, than lrduuu It m- lo work unln h] tho nu ol puru- uvu. no lion-cl; “can. holy M II] man. but I “My 0! the procou or mutton vlll show um pumllvu. u commonly nun. an uldom uncu- ury Ind anon hmful. To ntocurd your din-lion 0:. din! mm b. eonmllod. Oven-an; ll ulwuyl harmful, but on. nun u- unnu- olwulb food to lupply (b0 nod- 01 (b0 blood. Mumbor. the blood bu to carry uouflpbmont lo Ill pom of tho body And Ind fuol [or In curry. Hence 'th the blood bo- oomu wool Ind hill to do 1:. work. lndlu-Uon uh". nonfat. lb. Ion remody for lndl‘nuou In to bulld up the blood. It you Iuflor from my term a! lndlxullon choose your dill. untnlly And uh wboluomo nour- llbmant. Above All, nun bulldlnl up your blood by ukln; n couru of Dr. Wllllunl‘ Pink PHIL Than under the Influence at tho nohblood Iupply, your dlu-Uvo system wlll respond mtunlly. your appetite Improve Ind your food will do you load. Bo beglu to Improve your duo-don by lurUng 10 15h) Dr. Wllllulm‘ Plnk Pllln now. Dickens Speech Found in London Charles Dickens was twice chair- man of this organization, in 1848 and 1864. it wu in the vropantion of material for the institution‘s centen- ary that the discovery was made. In accepting his second chairmanship st- ter the 13980 of years, Mr. Dickens said: "The printer in n nlthtul tenant, not only for thou oonheotod with the human. but for ma public I! urn, and has, mentors, when laboring un- der Mummy and dlllnlu, In upechl olum on all for qupport. Without claiming for him the whole marl!» the work prodnuod by hll IUll. lAb ondunuue. and Intelligence, wlihout hlm what would be the nuns of the world at llrxe? Why. tyrants and humbugl In all countrlu would have overthIng (heir own way. Erron About Thla Nubia Into Which People Full. You can at them plus from your druulu or run!) at 50 cont.- 3 box from The Dr. Willi-inf medicine 00.. Brockvlllo, 0M. [madamâ€"The debt oi gratitude which wu felt by OhArlel Dickenn to the journeymm printer, through whose skill Ind Industry Dickenl's own works ruched the world, ha- been strikingly and unoxpectadly disâ€" played through a newly discovered re- cord oi a speech he made in 1864. it has turned up during n nurch oi the uchives oi the Printeru' Pension. Almahouse. and Orphan Asylum Cor- voration. ‘I have served three apprentice- I pa to me since I hat presided over one o! the (“dull of this Ioclety. It is 21 years eluc- I am occupied thln chair. How mm churn hnve I taken since then? I might, in truth, any a whole penuchnlcon of chain. end in having worked my way round. X feel that I hue come home «em. In the vrlnunx trade. For uulcknen a! perception, amount of endurance, and wllllnxï¬eln lo nblllo. I nvé ever found an comv‘onltor pro-em neat. "Tho printer in tha friend 0! intelli- gence. of thought; he II tho friend of liberty of (madam. of luv; indeed. the printer II the friend ni ovary nu wh‘i: the Mend of orderâ€"tho mu of every man who cln rend!" Mnny do not know thlt among Dickens's unpublilhod wnrh in n Lilo oi Chrint which his wrote for hil own rhiidren It In now In the nonunion o! M! Inn. Hir llanry Dickenl, Oom- mnn Barium at the Oily or London. I! 'll oil-PIG! chlumu’l wluh um I! Ihauld naver be puhlllhad for "non! rlrrullllnn.â€"(‘hrllllon Bolonco Moul- â€Iram certain more are not In any branch of manual dexterity no mnny remarkable men u might be found 10r‘ Famous Writer Twice Chair- man of London Organiza- tion at Interval of 2| Years â€"Printer Styled "Friend of Every Man Who Can Read" K“, â€Martin LlnlmoM In m Mun. TRIALS 0F INDIGESTION Runuwina Their Youth ed. the onolo, dud In mom robo- of China. Illk broad. “4 m teuoonn or human bonu, an. M- soul on a throne lulu m “â€1th Am you untou- lbout an Inn. A bullnou {run-cue“ 30 leads Ant. eon-nu u ouch. I! m I!" In Tibet. you'll am one I! II. mt monastery; Ind “month the M IN bacomln‘ modernised In any In", they Illll not pnduljlb from tho mull, demon. mu“. Ind I!) on, through the nod! 01 holy men who ml. It M b no" to don": mule! or on for I price. A: I vrlur In 0.0 0' York Tum:- uni-Inn: l'or [nu-nee. I mdu will. to flnfl out whom" | pmjocud India; "n- tun will be mam-Ml or not. or whom" the Um. I- Iwm bt m dorukllu H. H. DOM“ Maul! to the nun-I. ormlo. to whom I. oflon pro-onu. 0! mo puma m mm- While he I. In “III “All 0. con- ualunz demon ll Inppond to In!" Into m- body no throush his mouth nnowor quoulonl. Onclu anally [he vane replies. unable 0! man mun one mmmnuuon. but on cow do]: I! ll Ilu'pfllull how null, ooh not they no In 0101: promo-dot- Unul. Al noon u a 1mm child ll m. the parents con-n1! In "which priest, who an" up I homeopo do- mun; the null: events a: come tn the We 0: the mum. In um document In let form the mun and penaluu Multan on Inu- deodu commuted 11: former llvu. which hue to b. upland before my morn on Do lcqulro‘d Such conu- quoncu may. however. be "01de by the performance of reunion- uro- monleu, which hue to be perform“ by other prlelu. who mm! b. pdd for their union. To those who talk and talk and talk This proverb should appeal: "The Damn that blows the whlnlo Will never turn the whoel." Woe Amado my layman who incre- the ceremonies laid down in his horo- Ioopel He is told that he will pmb- Ibly be reborn in his next incum- lion. u a worm or a pig. or will be doomed to suitor eonl oi torment in one oi the sixteen hel'le or umism, eight oi which are hot and eight cold. \ Domâ€""Don't you think It would be a good Idea to have my (Ace “fled?" Dellaâ€"“Olen: on, my dear. I! you could [at another." . The astrologers draw up homlcopea by consulting the stars, >by dice or bones, or by working out the various ombinniiona on specially prepared hurts. according to the hour and day of birth. Tibetans Can Give Our "Cu laden," Palmllu und Fortune Teller. Some Him. Wm my“ .- yvé-itr, 9,4 v" .1... um for at n, Comm". BMMX‘ I M u a hug". with Imam}; hm - po lnhed noun ridge and gracefully gurvoa (ample how- that cumot om ho molt Iona" none or can. A work of balmy And 3 dolllhl to 0:. Wm". Send No Money â€" Perfect Sntlnfnctlon Guaranteed Lu mo lend you on Io Dnyn‘ TrlIJ my famous "Crnwn" spousal“. Wlll on- ublor'nu to run tha small"! vrlnt. an“ the nu.“ memo. lea flu- or 1mm If you mam: Im ‘nd do- :IlflIt-d. I! you do nbt l Ink my #:00- n It .3 only“)? u. l on Inld aluwh 1-; l‘ I. 3. 1.}. "mm but You Inf: 0 . gowl. on no to M 1m loll lll A mm M: or lhnuund- now In u not w an Botulllul Mu Inn! 0 . lull lï¬nd your mum no gr II ï¬nd a n "1. rounon ow. _l “I HID VSPECTACLES‘: 52L! wifgnlloolk on 1m: is. "(5 "no: I l um m’uy yuui nwmm m) In dlyl. Thin III-cu Inc under no on"... gunman: pm.- w Iml ................... All .. ...... . Inn! Ind No. on Na. . , . Guy. ‘ crow: Ipnuuclo c... I’m VIII 0 ram II- 'n mm. MI. Consulting the Oracle OnSODIn'Tflnl Annu- 'w-mm mt wmr b not tho but uont In Wu Ir. I. Indie-Md by pro-ant condition- In Northern Vormont I“ In!" Guano mt- floods Inundntod m Hvor “no" I tow Week. Ago. Accord!†to n bulletin from (In: Donutnnnt at Antonin". It Wuh- lnzton Conn] cm- 01 npontnnooun combustion ha" been rowrtod trom tho ltflokm lootlonl no man In (mod. In the lower ulloyn hundred- ol bum. ï¬lled wlth hny. were covered or nurly 00va with wntor and the rm lot loaned. Blnco the norm mood-d an- Inn started to but bad- 11 mad when conditions were enctly mm. In: bunt into limos. In In, lnltnnul It bu been found noouury to romovo tho hay while-1n other. I cnretul watch nu ma to be mlnmnod over heated min. A would mud or obomlcnl en‘lnoern from the Unlvornlty of Vermont, In undying tho Iltuntlun with n View tow-rd outllntng u Ichemo'ot control over lpontnnooun comm-lion. much oontro] men-urea. In It: oplnton bolnx flnttoly lance-nary. u little study has boon nude â€"ot this. very frequent, am of burn um. Toronto Telegram (lnd. Conn): The“ columns have never believed that me Waterways Treaty would work out otherwlle mnn every treaty between Canada and the United flutes has worked out. Advantages that United States can claim under an Anglomnerlcan truly are nlw collected. Advantages that Canada might clalm under an Anglo-American treaty are never collected. The St. Lawrence Waterway Fire Menace F allows Devastating Floeds Bunly was told at school that Nel- son “did not know what fear meant" "Silly man!" she said; "why dldn'! he‘ask someone?" Many Cane. of Spontaneous Combustion Reported in ,Vermom Hay Mow. Mlnard'l LlnlmeM for Coldl. Thor- u on och-r udlqln to can! Baby'- OII hbhu I'm [in]. “â€" who"! I! In (or flu no! ban lob- or In. mvlu child an 'l‘oblou ol- Ion do good. my on suntan-Ii (to. troll opium or olhor hunt“! drug- on the moth» on dun tool “to to not“ than. Oonoorulu um TIN"... In. John Armour. an. 1. South “nonhuman. unzâ€""Wo luv. nun Inc. Funny children. to whom, whoa o modulo. ll lMad. In hon given only Baby'- Ovn lelou, Thu TIMI" m flu but moalolno you can loop In our homo than more on young child- WI Ova Tablets In a mild but mama lulu" which mum. nu Jinnah um boron: bani-h con-u- ptuon and mam-non; brat up cold- And Ilmplo (our and unk- luullu say. They no gold by mldlolno Galen or dlroct by null n II own a box [ram The Dr. Wllllunl' loam:- 00.. Brockvllla, 0M. no MEDICINE mm 3â€"9; mm own TABLES 11:2 N: Either the unborn nm or . the Grovlu Child. rut In“ h u A ,.m A You really enter sunny Call: forni- the momenl you step nboardoneofflmï¬veftmom Santa Fe cmuoconflncnc tnlnu. The Chiefâ€"extra fareâ€"ll the ï¬nest and fastest of the Santa FqVCulJfornh Ink». om Two Mun-(£1361 on a way. No «In (In on the font other daily mlnu Tho (blund- LID- “.mswuldw. Pm! “my Mute-r and (lb Warden band-1| h ch. MW“. this winter “Wham???" no Chic! munâ€"IA; “alums-WW :r;:.‘:':“.".:£m."s. ‘ Hannibal?“ Pull (LILM: (All I)- pul ll nud- tor Inor- Indo rum unhuvu In an Unlmd Emu). m doulopnom o! the mdo "Nice: 0! the country in than cumin to E followed by the avolopmgm of 0 Caudlln diplomatic and conrultr 00" via, bouuu nu lum u requlrod U (in tho format In mu driving to Trude In I Mcull come when a mum-now conuc! II not properly “Mill“. and we): “flu-1mm! I: III. work of thc dlylomm: axenL H. prams tho I" for International commerce. . . . The coal [- L'm. (h. mu concern. ' Tomnw Inn and In In. (00.4,), Peopl- luv. (and. In. on)†month not to to m hugm my to (a an Unlud lulu ml. at Win-n1 b. obmnod mm. M an non I: way In (allowing and John, 10-! to than: In Cumh bacon“ um: luau-In hero hu boon I.“ with out ymucmm, upoud to the III on»; competition 0! protected Ind try In tho Uullud flutes. The (Adm (Mo polh-y at between Cum. "a. United Bum are we bu lulu-l Osman. mun; um can an Inn at much or our homo MM And can!" In communes mo 10‘ at Icon- of thousand. or our pub don can you. U urnwuun, fry? Rheumatic Pains Cu tic u 1:; ToiletTrio 9m. ma Pom; mac 001735 â€Rub lack of Inn" INSERT IN NOWIIL! A! All Draw-m Prion $1.25 â€If IN!!! "D HESS" on rcquen. L .. mm m II. III III Sum 50 She Could No! way. Reptored to Halt]: by Lydia E. PinHIIIII'I We Compound I BARBIE!) WIFE T0 BED Cold Wed or “one, look I‘vu-y‘hm Ian. m Ind ch in ï¬nding baa-u nlhl from IndColboldlkayflhx Bach *1â€! "39%.. hwy-ï¬rmin- In Hbeain‘g', Ont-Ho. â€" “I In I 3‘1}; "mm? l {3? "331% a. 'a a léflï¬g walnut:° For chm noun- 1 wt- nlmoct heiplm Ind shall! not lit 5} the table long enough to drhk ,..A, g._h, , .xÂ¥A___-___ In?“ uI'. “In, I “moi-n, hu- bIn cIrried new ,bed. [would b. no 'Olk. Thu: be rat! in the of I woman IuflIrlnu II I d! '3: amt bower Iflu thin“ u".- V mmd. gqhqwen In_d 1°}!!! ma. 'wmx ma men one hot I run just Ilka I now womm hive m I londld health om ulna. When l too my ï¬ning-down I may: uh ll: nmetimu I I: mm. or um» I need. It II “V only modlelno Ind I hive hold mm! I one About It. Any om waning ho know mm lboul ladln E. kh-m’n V um Compound l vul glndly w umber. [do-ll I can to m~ Gentle Inns-axe with MIn-rd'l will work out tunnel;- and drive lwny min. wrfhm Mr. [do I“ I can ï¬x rui- ommmd it for l he! low! In; lif- Ind “an? to it" â€" Mn. Nun: Will. R. l flinging. Onhflo. Cit-sifted Adv-Mum D ho you he] ng-doiaal Mh'mll, and ml Wham? Do \ hnvo Qt horrid You)!“ of four y h muo- “numb-mum hrnth main!†.1; \MIW‘.’ mill-W In: "an to u o Iggy: I} ah;- Mum and “II-- M wimp} if Sign l luly undp‘ will â€um: «indium LII! of "WIMoa Invention." cud "ull lnfornul‘on so": If“. on thuuL "In-JAY (‘0. ï¬rth '. m v ~‘n «.010. ATBNTS I'll“ "III. â€In 'nTIi'i-VRT‘ 'Amlflcnk‘h‘ ‘Mibmh "U DEAFNLSS HEAD NOISE LEONARD EAR OIL I'll/lull by