-USEâ€"- Scoti’s Sarsa (ll deal-n, (I 00 par largo bottle; [1 arilla 0M tad moan/at a do: Galarrhal Stomach Troubles. DEADLY SPRING! F oolwear, Trunks Walises Jnt Bash Boutand Shoe You .will on us. TODD’S BLOCK, Is the place to get all kinds of 1m Goons, - ~ mums, Bows MINES. Toronto>= J ebbing" ‘ wI-Iouse gt 8. M5. Wan-ï¬nerâ€: Biz American Silver taken at par 9% SPRING OENl‘NG YUU SUFFER FROM P1085; ompetitors are tiyi Lving away chair; is it's not the good 33, I will tell you, i large discount, wh alargejstockï¬erefc en, youths and bov TODD’S BLOCK, West End u n. Wan-ï¬nerâ€: Big Departmental Store. 'article required for the spring is to hand at S. M. lner's and selling at the lowest‘leading prioee We say 1.9:. for we do lead the trade, which is a well known fact 3 public. Everybody is smiling the way the rest of mpetitors are trying to 02).th Warriner‘s grade 'ing- away chains, and copying hi i _ vel‘tisements. Now 9 it's not the goods I give afway that listhe secret of my 3, I will tell you, I keep good goods, I buy for cash. and large disoounL which enable me to sell very cheap, I .largï¬stoekxherefore lots to choose fromFine Spring suits n, youths and boys very cheap. Stacks of dress goods : very latest, immeme stacks of staple and fancy dry 3. well awrtï¬ stock of boots and shoes, choice groceries prim which continues to keep our store to the front. Is the place to buy than th ‘nvinced save money . by calliri g 1e lou’est, it will be to your ad\ antage .1 that this IS the right place to buy Rock Bottom con-'3 sansnmuu. It is, the but anywhere. Scott's is pleasant to take, I, and an absolute cure lg): Sciatim, Gout, Gtippe Indigestion, yspepsia. Female Ironic Illmdache, Catarrh of the Head, uilis, Skip Diseases arising om impure WARRINEB IR THE COMPLEXIONI him imn‘ Mr. Carr STOUFFVILLE The Leader in Low Prices :rton, Ont a best family medicine he fora tanner was laid.up nemlly run down. One mediately." For further rnish, personally. Than rites: “William ly medicine he er yas laid‘.up Hiwd’l Llnimnl Gum Diphtheria. int R 1nd splendid tmining. ’. n Appreciative style the pa ‘Ye bnimies cuddle dur. .tussell. The drums alsl m; th the the bull l-l ll Inl r11] At Cobourg last v ï¬ned 850 and costs f0 ated maple syrup on should prove a mum feel inclined to maL‘ NAM sting n ninment 1- their 1 at xf“Tl OH i th urn. Miss Mame Ashburn visiting lwr sister Mr.- mummy benoflt :- derived, thu rate ofuven cents per 11 ohm luau thnn twonuuflvc m uyinLod At this oflice or I tgrmmmnu Ire imerlod u Elven fr“ Tunull ut ‘minment dd Mrs. Adéif begsflcave to thank her many customers for their lib- eral patronage in the past, and, as she is' now able resume work, will be pleash to see‘all her old cus- tomers back again Mrs. Adair .Miss Darrach a" f th ~New spring goods have arrived Jets, Ornaments, Straw Trim- mings and ï¬nd Novelty Skirt-hold- ers. Latest styies in Trimmings Lace Edgings, New Veilinrz Biz assortment of-ni' yard at Bra} ‘3. All Advance notion in: luqnloolnmnl o! the unull o.’ _muounh or an! ruinmonu n which Inl- ion f a_ chanted. or from which n ’9†Ant LOCAL ITF S'I‘OUFFVILLE. APRIL. THE TRIBUNE. carr “It 9 Sunshine of Pm ‘dle \Villiumsonr'ec l in response the excellent Scotch 1 Davie." The next “Open thy Lathic his excibcl md rushin; knees afl'e‘ ‘f hi DRESS-MAKING liL'Linaa’LINEwg. ‘IIII MK ,ll‘l' nd scam- â€"' y's Hnll r the nu th It re pnri n‘ rted ho 'mn‘ ‘f their 1’] LOCAL NOTICES amusing The Band thanks Ix the nbov ant suddenly I‘uhzr the ‘nly t Misa xhibit ll 'lit AbnuL'SO ba w apply ta J. nl‘ make money for selling udultey :) the market. Thlu lingto those who Then ntheti Anni mliun at thmm wh‘ mad 'nor 'n-t nudism tl)‘ :ived n hearty 11d ‘ll »rm 184 by th by M which I usual talent ‘lluwed ï¬nnr IBIS. Burn nit] man ring 81 {ding Down rUl Stul Mimi th \v'n ‘M ’1 ll M} ler [895 Ln 8: quired if cultivating fruits. Ii Fe Ion- be as many members as In good standing belore that dal government grant to Public 1 in villages will in future be 8100 than formeriv. theref Board of Management will r much larger membership in keep the Library and Rendir un to their present standard. b; the Institu and it is I M Rl'i ’l'l IQ: D1 Icy [h [NI ff. h 30. wt to choose from, the ï¬nest and largest before purchasing, both pure and quality Jock ever Wï¬LL Rfl?fl$ ‘0 not in JI I‘weed pants to order 81 You will link u fm’ol ment by ‘tl; ï¬e WALL % ‘§§PAPEB Ruxr SI h nrin nec‘ WWW. R01“ | formerlv. therefore Ih Management will rvquire zer membership in order I UI applies for 18: these lrv and pant:- Applv 10“.} vari 1' shown in Stoufl'ville COME AND SEE. RI'E pert my renewing at one u- ends with May nry that there at embers as non-Ii URQUHART, U W { [d ades the quart th to succeed in two excellent [hats at Brav's‘ to Mr. Wt nllh. bread “'m, Kl|\‘ that date. The Public leraries i 17 H in :rcat mistake if y rction in regard to I Camm ‘I‘ last Wm 549 ayould lble in All r0 It Bray 5 an] will cennr er 3f Tl‘ through, but the oqpoultlon to it in the Conservative party is the real block in the wav. and wlll compel its abandon- ment. The debate wlll pm on for two or lhrae davs more in the House. but no aubstautml prom-03's will be made, and the Gowrnment will be forced to ofï¬cially dtop we blll, as they practxcâ€" Ally did last ulzht. said to have no chantd through. and the opposition the countrv is so much nounced that it would ccrtu any ministry thatpassed it. 811‘ Charles ‘l‘uppnr blame atructian of the Oppnalti House for his failure to ge through. but the exposition Conservativu partv is the n The opposition to the Ron in the house is so strong said to have no chante‘ through. and the opposition Mitvl \V. Ill 31M in Mar ' Miss Belle Easter holldn. Read Monkh this week. It v York, was 1:. t Br; Rustling linin lining Baby ha and muslin at $2. Fl The NEW ' SPRING ‘ MILLINERY If you want the Iatt and cheapest millinery Tl Mi 5‘ lfr M I!“ Printed delains at Id atisfaction ays, stra utiful Iin lorud shi'ts 11’! r. 3rd M. md A. A1- 'l'k. J. Bri M MRS. F. WILSCDN’S. hat Richard illlnfl' 1E MT \V W It will pay thr‘ April 6 Wh "nets in silk cashmcn I. A nice baby cloal ’[J new dd 1th much mor‘ \ln iven in dress makin ‘roudloch ‘ ï¬owc trimmi ‘lll‘! the newest uiuly W!“ or cour: ad the ol medial that H Tl W prettiest the bill ril: dery \V “’IBOOTS 6; SHOE Our Harrows l‘or Sale Mr. 8; Mr; “ll shoe st The wh ected to the busin‘e S HOE SEE“ QOW JI’I‘IOG am See our rang Also our met 1000 pairs bu SELLING FOOTWE Ll nah rm Mn [Bi W Flel I‘l tiI “F r from ) half; I] . UNDERHILL’S asy to Take asy to Operate