le On .131 Iinud’s Lininm for B‘uumtixm M BIO]! A CHRISTIAN LEFT IN BIRIJIK. ARMENIA. THI- .p_le werc‘c Tr ,Vry ls! sold it a’ruu. Then troops were the Government. to plomc‘ COMPLICATIONS )ple, Much 2,-Birijlk hurl hrislian inhabitaml and 0000 mutation. Alter the manu- un October 27.:he authorities um polled the Armenian to :nug all the houses the systematic search for men the news of the massacre Ids 0! Christmas at Our- ers indtied the tmoPe In. Ibis crime. I: the Christian houses morning and continued ill AN TRANSVAAL BOER db uowr eovle. r They l the m \ble pmpened (0‘ and carpets they were b4 be no men to become In one case thé . men women and uv dragged them fly, and m he lay leld a B‘ble be- n. Others were he still nlwe. 'crly sought after. own to have bean become Musaul- 1's. so 11ml to-day stmnlcit it Biri- .en and bovs, une Moslems‘ uld Aim republic, whi uhls. :lill r< 1 man they it Lu app-Ir this South fur'nish fur the mining is South unsu'ucled hm lhere mad if ‘riu The return of Mr. Rhodes to Africa. sl- lhough Slniflcanl. conveys no startling intelligence to the world. It means tha‘ Englnnd propels to carry out her colonial policy in South Africa, as she hid curried cut elsewhereâ€"ï¬rmly, without conceal- sions to other powersâ€"and. in the end, to the enrichment and Idvnncement of tha colonie- themselvel. From this time forth the history of Central South Africa will be{ bound up with that 01 England. it he! undoubtedly been the dullnz project of Mr. Rhodes. whose ambitious policy he ‘ been carried on with a force ‘nnd linlass’ ness which has evidently commended It- self to Mr. Chamberlain as ' the complete refl'ection of his own ambitious hopes. The least vnluuhle territory of that end of th: concinent will be left to Germany and Portugal. The remainder. with its, gold mines, its fertile nlstesus and its superb ‘ climate willbe under Bri lsh rule. Mr. Rhodes and Earl Gray being Condjumrs in the administration of its affairs. 1:. is needless to say that nothing so for gained by Great Brilsln will over he relinquished until the coloniesrthemselves become self- governed and independent. There is no valid reason why this result should not be regarded with equsoilmly. at least bv nulinns which hme no claim in Soulh Africa. Germany and Portugal rohahly look on with distaste. but [they hnvc douelittle for the lands which they occupv, while the British South Africa company has done much. The Anglo- Snxon even when he uaurpa and intrudca leaves matters in better shape than he found them. He will insist on living decanil\',.« and while he sometimes insists brutnlly nnd\with little regurj for the rights of others, he doPs not dchauch those whom he rlcspoilsi The transactions of Mr Rhodes with regard to the region over which British occupancy of British claims have been pushed have nominally nothing in do with the Transvsnl. His retention as colonial minister does not interfere at. all with the settlement of President Kru- gcr's complaint. but it means that his oiicy is npprDVEd. nnd that the Boer (guilt-s tire to he hemmed in by British in- ncc will interpenetmte the err citi- zens of the Transvanl. tor the feeling is hitter and the opposition to the British active. everthelcss. it will he atrnnge if. scour r inter, the preacnce of the British in ‘2 Transvaal dues not come to moan more lian the proximity of a mining (wimp. It \ ill be it hitter concession fur thnsc'who I ve inherited the lnnd. but the cvontfu absorption of the Transvaal in the Brit sh South African empire is almost cut In to come.â€"St. Paul ‘Pi~ MA-RKHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL- lhns'c‘who h llm cvunlfu in “IL"Bl'il almost cell The Markham Township Council met at. Victoria Hall. Uuionville, nu Saturduy, the 22nd inst, Members u’ll Present, Rceveiu the chair. Min- utes orlastmccling read and conï¬rm- ed. _ ScLLzâ€"Quantzâ€"Lhnt the cream-er supply W. .1. Spring, who in in denim!» circum- tnncua. with one lou of coal. Lawrioâ€"Quantzâ€"thnt Mr. Ream, A. Raymarand N. Collinwn, be commiuion- er: Ln build culvert at. xgmve. amount, payable on order or Mr. or when work is completed. Scott Rectorâ€"thumb») tress Mr, Isabella Mustard 8! dog she had to pay for tenant, who palit y before taxes became due‘ Scozlâ€"Qnanlzâ€"thnt in reference to the communication from J. McCul- lough re ncmdeut on Btli con., by which Jan. Hamil is alleged to have sustained injuries. Messrs. Reesor and Lawrie be appointed commissioners to make ex uiniualion of llie rand. nnd full inquiry into the circumstances of the accident and report at, next meeting of the coun- cil; and further lhat in case legal proceedings betuken against. theqtown- ship the reeve be authorized to defend snid ncliou. ananâ€"Lawrieâ€"thatlhn treasurer pay Arthur Elsou $7.50, being § value of sheep killed by dogs, the owners of Which are unknown as testiï¬ed on oath. ' Quanlzâ€"Seotcâ€"thnt the treasurer pav the following accountszâ€"Harl Riddell assessment. rolls and guides for 1896, Scottâ€"Luwrieâ€"‘thnt the treasurer pay the following gravel accounts:â€"R. Russell 65 yds.,$6.50. W. Monkmau r. 0., W. Norman, 25 yds., one half amount $1 30. Geo. Collard r.o. m Scott7-liccsorâ€"lhut the treasurer pay 0. W. Carruthers 85 for repairing cul- vex-L. Lot 27, Con. 6, vud culvert on side line between Lots 25 and 26, Con. I}, as certiï¬ed by C. \Vegg r.o. Mr. Recsor asked leave to imroduce ll bylaw to appoint poundkcepers and fence viewers for the currenc your. fine by The mnu my passed with the blnbks filled a's uncil adjourned BRIHBK AFRICA. runcil tho council certiï¬ed to the ,haauditora'report. te-nudiwd the township no- Humiltén treasurer refund don tax, which who left munici~ BABY‘H OWN TABLETS on†Taming. Dun-.hnu no. He. 3° DR HOWAR -s K110W What You CIICW ls [rec Iraâ€"m Injuriouu coloring. The more you use of It the better you Ilka It. FIVE HUNDRILD DOLLARS will be given to the chari- table institution ï¬rst named by the ' mayor of any city in Canada if any ingrediem is found in the new medicine, . . .KOMENN that is injurious to the system. Read whatit does: 1. Besides crux-lug chronic rhenmnuxm sud blood dlsoaaou In ha A wonderful other: upon (ever and mun-la ll than la Luna, and we ohnllongo the production of a we of lung umndlnz ION. or human-huge of. the Rhine Koomnny will not curt. ‘ ' ’- Viiih n' a lendid tonic and make- u m and deep. {yam-95 19413.3:qu _ ’0 Wt. In in; I microbe kuï¬r and when used for the amt.- (allowing the use of morphi- mauom nmom ovary trace of the po sun In tho mum. :5 Alan mercurial deposit»: and the mnlu ofnlooune (mm the 61me habit. 0. Mr. Chen. Mchken. 184 Adelaide Street West. tonne! nmht clerk At the Palmer House. Toronto. any: that he was will ambled with empuone on M- (no In act. h Ikln wu Hun-ally covered with plmvlea and Manchu. wh h we. enrlhuwd (4: cl mm: muting. 0 “very medicluodid no . One bane of Koownay left. hh skin on rely tree tron every trace at them. Write the B. E 31mm Manon": Co. When. to: pen:- Mint-unknowns. Has been endorsed by the medical profession for twenty years. (Ask your Doctor.) ThlS is because it is always palatableâ€"3| I ys uni- formâ€"always contains 5 purest Norwegian Cad-Liver Oil and 1-51 Hypopbospbites. Insist on Scott’s Emulsion All dealt". 31.00 per largo bank. Small taupoanful a dau- Icott'u Sun 8011: elem the sun. Scrofula A Bov’s life Save'! SCOTT'S ARSAPARILLA 'II 010. C. ï¬ll-Ell" A loll 09-. IV. I ILVI‘. .l' are particularly disagreeable bemuse lhey are’ noticeable and apt m muse comment. Purify tlfe blood with Scott's Sarsaparilla. and remove them. All this class 0 diswses, as well as blood putrefa ton and bone decay, are usually scrofulous origin. and scrofulous complaints of all kinds, blemishes, pimples, blood eruptions, hiliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion. hart dim, syphilis, or rheumatic troubles mnnot be warded of? in the spring if the system is not put in good order. “05¢ day mylittle boy, aged 7, got a fall and hun his knee. Inflamâ€" mation of the knee joint set in and the decay of the bone ofthe leg rapidly followed. Doctors removed over a hundred pieces of decayed bone, but the process of decomposi- liOn continued. All attempts to stop it failed. The boy had but a few days' life before him accordgng to all human expectations. Mr. Dcnham, druggist, Pï¬rolia. advised me to try Scott’s Sarsaparilla. I did so,a.nd not only saved but complete 1y cured my boy."â€"Josxnr DUN- cm, farmer, Lambton Counry. Ont. Doubters may write either Mr. Dunmn or Geo. Denhnm, druggis‘: Petrolia P.O., for veriï¬cation 0! these facgs, men they will immedia- tely purchase a. bottle of J. L. Mackenzie, The on 3.11.121. pm Soon; FACE LOTCH ES with trade-marE of man and ï¬sh. Put u In 50 cent and $I.oo sizes. he small size may be enough to cure your cough or help your baby. OLD BY Pom. Wot-nu, HEM “Bk“. G. H. KEMP, Familv Butcher. Keeps on hand_a.ll kinds of FRESH-AND SALT MEATS. SAUSAGES. HEAD CHEESE And ï¬sh in season, in fact everything that is kept in a Well-ordered shop. Bee! sold by the q-mrber and park by th “rage. at Runnable rates. tnd tallow Having lately purchased the establish- ‘,mem formerly owned by Park Bros., we are prepared to do all kinds of Material furnisueu n required and estimates made. We have good machinery and are prepared to do ï¬rst-class work. Doors. sash. Blinds,2'. Mouldings; Planing and Matching, c.; To the establishment and are prepared to cut any quantity of shingles on shares or by the bunch. 4 1i ulc; :lor sale. COOK BR OS SHIN GLES. Noteâ€"Cash paid for Miss, skin NEW.__‘ BUSINESS. BEEBE’S“ BLOCK, Stunfl‘ville, Opposite the Market, Where he is prepared all kinds of CARRIAGE BUILDING The old Reliable [beg leave to inform the public that I have purchased the old Jerman property east of the Queen’s H0139. WOOD-WORIZ All work entrusted to him will be done promptly and at reasonable rates Where I intend to carry on the car tinge business in all its branches, l manufacture Farm Waggons, Bug- gies, Sleighs and Cutters Of all discripuons, I keep none bu 1 ï¬rst-class men in all the diï¬eicnt branches. having selected my stock lrom the best houses in the Do- minion, and having had 25 years experience in the trade myself I um con- ï¬dent of giving entire satiafaclion to all who may favor me with their pat ronage. have just received a consignment of varnish direct from W. Enrlnnd 8; Son! ol Englnnd, come and got _ your buggy painted by A. B. SINBY one cf the boat Carriage Painters in thin Pro. Vince. Call and see my atook be- for: purchaning elsewhere. All work wur-nmd. Repairing done on the shortest notice. No 50, called pnt‘d gears or factory work. Remember the stand, east 0 QUEEN'S HOTEL A share of the public patron- age is hereby solicited R. B. W535. Late at Gormley, Shingle -Machine In the building line. such as Stouffville Carriaaed R. B. DUNCAN. Opponiie Rni wav Station We have also_added a. HAS OPENEDJ‘P IN And all kinds of W. H. TOW. CARRIAGE REPAIRS. Works to do e are in it as usual with the largest and best Assorted stock of China and Goods ware, Cups, Saucers, Mugs, Cavarettes, Cherry Sets, Nappies, Butter Dishes, Cheese Dish- es, Pitchers, Salad Dishes, Fancy Teapots and a 100. line of glasswear that beats anythmg in town, J_ J_ RAE. - The Pioneer Leather Working" Mitts Axe Handles, Buck Saws ; AND! Kindly bear in mind that we close our store Month“, Wedneldvy and Friday of each week at 6: 30 p, m. SILVESTER DOUGH ERTY‘S To buy your groceries. “'0 kec line of Staple and Fancy grocer-i following popular goods as evidence Tilsonburg Rolled Oats, Q Tilsonbuxzr Rolled \\ heat Q Pantl V Brand Pure Leaf Lard Q THE PANTRY'S GOLDEN AGE FLOUR 10 lbs. Roll‘ Cornmeal 2 age Tea ‘25 Yellow Sug; gallons of k Remedial SWmeQ 630053155. $5.23. Swans. QMFEES. an. M. Can Goods of all kinds, Nuts. Oranges Flc’ur, anything and everything to be grocery. Glass Dekf ware sold at cost. plum. Another car of the celebrated Manitoba Flour on the way direct from Winnipeg. Look out for it. X-Gut ‘ Saws, g Axes, And so does H. JOHNSON introdm THE PIONEER . J. RAE, It isn’t possible to go to abetter place than t1 Yllll GAN’T ilfl IT TERMS: SPOT CASH lial * School INTRODUCED. PANTRY J. H- Batcliï¬' Co. Some of our Prk 50,; Lobsters :13 Ginger Cakes Z919 J©HN§©N9 THE Silver I Winds 1) th Now is Your chan‘ Lemons, Lilv White found in a ï¬rst- class hi Shc st quality in each 3k at some of the l( alt Imon )I'B.