Ontario Community Newspapers

Stouffville Sentinel (18980218), 18 Feb 1898, p. 5

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EDIT-f regular Ind mama stuns Ivorth 400. I ac and 20c. find that H. B. {ovary Sewing wing Machine aid will wear 4i ’4? v Spring 1g of all quite a. k' 18 well. goods in and see ugar by iday and price; le fold. 180 a more accurâ€" uge. and this nf action and l'hererone. the of othergood ipace yin not .Lott, fitha 'ress Goods I )3'5 just opqned er choice of fivé we ;"___..‘.imit ume Dell] 1' regulafi' 1d 500; Q ‘ $haker 5c; .Iue Denin~ r I Dress Gogds. tun-y Sheeting :rs if you have ell worth 120‘ 'at 23c, worth FORD. ‘ Head MANAGER . woflh $2. .50. worth _ worth '3 d Slan- C r ten days. price. While .50. 'olhn nun-p.- Money = to Loan. KBurisneré. Solic We km «.500 tolonn on inpnved fun property u. 5%. Security must begin edged 3nd put. only of my above sun will be lotned if required. No commission. Sobinson, Lennox Lennox, AT FRO! 5 Br ,0 - um Pal-her Shop. D. c. 5mm. 0.0.5., L.D.S_J s'rou FE‘VILLE. own. umber and Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Honor 8 reduce Toronto University. Gnduzce of the Huskell Poet-Grad- uate School Chicago. Also Poet-Gradu-te Chung!) Collage. poflice over Spofinrd ; Co' 5. Stow. WILL vxsrr cum-mos“! Is: and 3rd TUESDAYS or EACH norm. Money te Loan. G. a Mun-1k. c. a much. LLB“ E I'lacdonald 6: Fitch, Buristers. Solivitors. Conveyance“. Special attention given to commercial collections. - Ofiices â€"- Sunders' Bloc‘k. (above Standard Bank). Swuflville. Ont; Agent for lending Immune-t Order Slums]. .Why not insure your pro- perlty agginsc loss by fire in a company that has a rgpu- ration fur prompt payment of 'claims and n6 disputes. Such is the record 0'!" the L. L. ' Globe and Perth , @xfiRE/é»? 5 INSURHNCE 0!: run or Village Prime"?- sn‘isberé. Solicitors. Convgymcers. Notaries Public. lac.- Solicitora for fhe Standard Bank. (Summers to the Late F. W. Hi'l.) 711“ To Cash Parchasers WE ARE OFI'ERING UNUSUAL IXDUCEMENTS. ‘ Latest designs m‘- Parlor Suits, Bedroomfiuits and Furniture. ALSO HOUSEFURNISHJNGS OF ALL KINDS. The largcst selaction in the County. Call and see us. Stouflvilleâ€"Spofiord‘s Bloci Toronto â€"Cansds Life Bldg. [Auroraâ€"Over Ontario Bank At. Wilson’s floyel. Claremont. every Tuesday. OFFICES Speéiél utte'ntion given to‘ probating wills and udufinistering and winding up estatqs. SHANKEb'S Money to Loan on Easy S. Burkholder. Macdonald FitCh. aâ€"MONEV T0 LOAN; lending Money for the a; Order 0! Forestefl‘ J OS A. TODD. Swnfiviih Cor. Church and Main Sts‘ Si; men. LL.B.. 95:3. fe"? On?- PER CENT Terms. good hon-Vim an "The Stu." Than “In gain and feed. this store ‘3 handgun-ten.- fot thn'. He handles "swelling from when and golfien on: down to mom cabs. and new. cus- lwnera with promptneu tnd dispatch. I‘ve been dealing with J. A. Todd for a. lung tuna. Md I cellyouheisn good man to tie to." “And as you rare going'to keeps ‘ heme.” continued the old man. “of com-v, you'll need hnrness. The boss horse milliners of this section. to my nation. i5 J. Browfisberger. He uses first-else: material and gives pemnnal supervision to the minutest detail of manufacture. There is nothing in herness that cannot be had of himâ€" henvy and light. single and double. plain and fancy. work and buggy harnest'. or can make them to order. besides every other kind of turf -goods imaginable. together with trunks and vslises." After a visit to the harness tore Charley said he thought "if a. 18!] couldn‘t get satisfied it would be ' his own fault. and helexpressed him- self pleased with Mr. Brownsberger’s candor and fairness. “Holt." commanded Uncle Josh. as he came in front of G. Colloid‘s Market Drug Store. “Walk , right in." "Why Uncle. you ore not sick. tindâ€"“ “Guess I know that.'but I suspect it won’t be long before this gating man begins to take an interest in matters of paregoric andâ€"" “U- n- c~l- -.e '" “Go in on) way. Polly may find some {toilet articles she wants.‘ Sure enough before lenving she was loaded dowrn with combs. bt‘hshes. lace powders and ounces upon.odnnes of. fine imported perfumes. while Charley got interested inethe Optician depnr:- ment. learning that this was the only place in town whei'e you were sure of satisfaction. and that. they made no change w‘hntever for testing eyes. while spectacles of gold or any kind are supplied at reasonable prices. Re- cipes ieceive careful attention. as Mr. Collard is a. conipetent pharmacist. and uses only pure and reliable drugs. "Law sakes!" suddenly exclaimed ‘Uncle Jash. “all’this trading and shopping round town has caused me to forget one of the greatest essentials to future existence. I have heard it said that. newly married folks could live on love and scenery. but. an old on of cxperisn ce knows betterâ€"3 our Thrifty been! Stag-9 63M“. M Paw. leading millinery' establishment?" "Just down a few dcorsl.“ remarked Uncle Josh. I'and \‘p'e will visit Miss Darmch, who by Ithe way. has on hand one of the co‘ plates: stocks of millinerv to be fu ml in the town. [You can get. what you want there, the ‘latest 5!) has and lqwest prices being her motto. Miss Darmch' s nxperience guarantees that w :1 you have pur- chased of her you ave the thing ac- cording to fashion. .r' In a few hours here never was a ,hnppicr girl" :han Polly. father new brlnnet n'nsn beauty. Polly than said she‘had heard it mid that Mrs.a Adair. as a l'nshimmll- dreumaker, has no pqual in the town- Tbnt her reputationl for perfect lining, man explained that. Mr. Shunkel took "great pride in keeping only the highest grade of cignIs, ancl consequently had a large trade. 18 old gentleman then added “'Mr. Slmnkel is also III! expertj‘msorial arti L. a regular knight of the shears. sol to speakâ€"whys feller goes right to sleep while being tonsmed n: th: 5 shop." While Uncle Jo‘sh‘ was pondering where to go nexs‘. Polly_ suddenly asked: "Uncle. whelL'e cam I find the labia maid 100i: gin-Em it's the- 183.3 of life. y’ou know. Polly you militia”: Vehables Bros" the bakers," "Their brand. pies. cakes and nieknncb's are concefied by all to be the ’ finest on mirth. Remember. Charley. were is no use o§ your 'ootsy tootsir’ bothering herself much about baking: so long as (lib-'3 is a good baker in town like the Véiiabicsg Bros.” " Yes and while ive are on this im- portant topic of gnstronomics. we must not forget moot. It goes hand in hand with bread. Now to locate a meat " Holy smok'e. Charlie. where in the mum: of ciention did you get. that snipe ! That’s about the worst weed that ever came in cbntncc with my 01- factory nervet" ladghingly remarked Uncle Josh. “ Stag) in here to J. W. Shankel’s cigar stox‘e and barber shop and get a good oneé The old gentle- market where youcxfinrgr‘ fresh. whole- some meats at all: times. Geu.‘ XI. Kemp is the man i apply you. This is the hos: mean 'ket in‘ town and is popular with even‘body who is parâ€" ticular to have the best. The reason for this is all beqause lie is very carc- fnl in the selection 10! stock and gets the freshest of evelJythi'n'g and keeps nothing but the very best. To keep your ‘l‘mbby’ in gdod humor. Polly. trade with Geo. H. Kemp." nut Mu! careful-ovum. ad fihfl im'. pom: {gnu-o of {nun-kinsé‘utyh' â€"hd extended hr beyond the town of Stoufiville. Mrs. Ml“ does 30‘ charge {they prices. either. "Let‘s seeâ€"I promised you I. gold watch didn't I." queried Uncle-Josh of 01 Polly. " and the place of 'a‘ll' places in town is at C. G. Pingle's." Entering the people’s popular jewelry store the old man gallantly acquitted himself of the promise and then directed Polly’e attention to the superior stock of sil- verware carried by this house. uTh'ere is no other each house in the town." said the old men. " and I will guer- 3 ounce the quality to be the very best. Pic! out your family clock while here." he ndded. “ and ask Mr. Pingle for one of those ‘ Must Get Up’ Alarm Clocks. which I don’t dou hi. you young folks will need.” Charlie purchased ' Pingle‘s Special Watch.’ a beauty. and which is guaranteed to give satis- faction. Before leaving the old gentle- man reminded them that Mr. Pingle was “ on expert doctor on all kindspof b sick watches. and when C. G. does 0. . job for you or sells you anything you ‘ s can depend upon it being of the best ‘ - quality." ' s " Now.” cried the old gentleman. " now for-a picture of this crowd. in 3 good old country fashion. we'll go to t the photograph gallery. emf W. J. Mertens’ is just the place for that. His pictures are wonderful in fidelity t and. finish. I want. one full-size photo .1 for my study and some small ones for 5! my friends, and platinus ure the proper caper. Mertens has the soul of a true e artist ; all his work is a labor of love e in which he will not stop short of. per- d faction, and us he is famous r ‘ suc- e cessful enlarging. I want to 4%: you yf a life size representation 0 »‘â€"â€"yours y‘truly.’ " (Uncle Josh‘s picture may ;. be stun at Mertons‘ studio any time y the leader desires to cull ) if “ Oh. say, Unelg." exclaimed Polly. o " “’here can I 'go for dry goods 1’ 5, This dress is hardly suitable. I must .1 admit." ' \V'ell, my girl. if you :â€" wunt to select from one of the most} 1 popular establishments in the town, 1‘ t. will direct you to the well known dry 5_ goods. carpets and grocery store. ul The Mammoth Fair Co.. of Stoufi'ville. .d Limited. who carrv n stock of dress to goods. that for variety and real vulno Is is seldom seen hutside the largest mot- it ropolitan Cities. They carry all the [11 latest weaves iu fashionable dross ld goods and you are sure to be guided “- right in your selections. You will nrnn and the employes polite and export. while the prices cannot. lie duplicnt.ed.'_ Polly got. some beautiful dross pat- ;terns and then turned her attention to llnce curtains. table linens and other .‘house fixings. getting something for ‘every room in the house. and all pur- chased a! the well known carpet and curtain room in the Mammoth from Mr. Spoiler-d. Then she caught sight of the flannel and cotton department- lmid said “ Uncle, you should just gaze at their 33,} and 4} ct. wide shaker flanuelshud wide width factory cotton at. 3} our”. and then they ninrched hack into their grocery parâ€" low and say Euton’s or Mc\Villie's m‘e ” Sugars by the lynx-rel are 30 cts. per hundred chenpm: than any other store. No fooling. Uncle. at all. and besides you get tickem for your purchases. and when you get. $15 worth _\ on get :1 handsome present. We will always buy from Mr. Spofl'ord." “ I would like to also make you acquainted with Dr. D. C. Smith. my dentist friend. upstairs." said the aid man. " If you ever have to supple: ment your natural teeth." “ Ugh! Don't you mention false teeth to me.", cried Polly. " I’ll never carry ' pearly- lies ’ in my month if I go toothless.” " Oh. as for that." laughed Uncle Josh. "if you'll only consult a good dentist in'time. you can save the eu- tnstrophe. Dr. Smith. for instance. is wonderfully expert in saving natural: teeth and he has the 'skill and everyi mechanical appliance necessary to (lol his work with the least discomfort to' his patrons. and as I have heard him highly spoken of in crown and bridge work, and in all gold work. you can save your natural teeth and need not Wear :1 {also set " Polly now carries alilondikein her mouth. and savs she will follow Dr. Smith's inatruc-‘ tious to get her teeth examined every six months. En route to their home the party called at Tin-s SESTIXEL office“ “You will want the news every wéek." n. marked Uncie Josh. " and-as this paper gives all the local happenings and is the favorite paper of the county I will subscribe." not in it. I bought enough to do them for mbnths there. Charlie said :. Upon summing up the .wsnderl’ul events of thin day Polly began to vol- nbly express thanks. “You have bought us everything." she exclaimed! “Only one thing." replied Uncle Jon's. nanny-hr. "but. I can randy lhl‘. Tho furniture nu: Il'lyl hu s also line of than and you cu: get one whenever you. want. it. I'll pay for the best. " “Wâ€"h-y, Uncle. whnt can it be?" exclgimed Polly with great. nurpriu. "Well. iv. I baby buggy. nndâ€"" But. Polly had fainted. WARNING T0 TEACHERS AND TRUSTEES. Following is an extract from 5 Cir» cular just sent out. to Public School In- spectors in the Province : My attention his been drawn to cel- tnin printed note books called ” New School Helps" advertized for use in the fiublic schools. The injurious effects of such “Helps" must be apparent. to every well trained xeacl.ec. You Are hereby instructed to make immediate inquiry regarding the use of the “Helps" above referred to or other " Notes" or "Summaries" which may bu substituted for the text books and to withhold the Grnulain all cases where the law is violated. G. W. Rosa. Minister of Education. Educational Depnrtment, Jan. 24th. 1898. Mr. A. B. Davidson. P. S. Inspector for North York. informs us that he went into a school on 'l‘uesdav and found no less than six " Helps" among the scholars. It is very important to Trustees as well as Teachers to we that these books we put. out of the way. as the Inspector intends to be Vcrv strictuud will withhold the grants in all cases where the law is violated, :m‘cordinz to instructions. These Ime‘n m-a simnlv n svstem of "C‘l‘nm- books are simply a svslem of "gram- mmg " for approaching examinations, and the contents will be forgotten as soon as the event is passed. Co. of Stoufl'ville. The speaker was “3951.133 swing to bad roads. REPORTS OF 1mm PACKING .‘ MEETINGS. The following are brief reports of the meetings held at. the different p1nces,during die past week (or the promotion of the Farmers' (Bo-Opera- tive Pork Packing 00.: BETHESDA. An unmnally well amended meeting was held in the school house in (he interest of the Farmers‘ Pork Packing ‘.inst.. Lu. p.m. \‘u‘romA SQUARE. The meeting which was advertised to be held n: (lie town hall in _lhe interests of the Furmerb' Pork Packing Co. of Stonfl'villo Wednesday night. was held in the sitting room of \Ieek‘s Hoke]. The room was most. comfort- nbly filled by a movt interested nudiâ€" ence. The spunker ccnfined himself mu facts and iigures.‘ All precent» were unanimous in the approval of the un- dertaking nnd.a number of subscrip- tions to the slack of the company .nre promised. By request of a number of the farmers another meeting was ar- ranged for. N; be held at the toWn hall on Thursday evening. the 24th ihsl’... at. 8 p.m. iorrcd (uni o: llllacc of the d: llhe {mix trees i affected by it louse was imlru Tasmania over m'igiuinlly can It is known dark and nasMighL nua being m1 directed. Howexer. he 1eceived_ a pleasant welcome and everyone present. was in good humor. The speaker was closely followed in his remarks. and "mat inteiest w as shown. Apparently a large amount of stock will be sub- seiibed for in Bellicsdn and} locality. Anotlim meeting: is annuged lot. by request. for Wednesday evening. 231d request. SAN JOSE San Jose. C:11.â€"â€"Sam Jose has at- mined nu uudcnihble and undeserved notoriety in connection with the name of a fruit are pest. which has Spread terror in the oflicinl cincles‘ of th‘e Germnu Empire. It has been in- forrcd that San Ju'se was the birth- place of the drended scale. and tha: the fruit trees in this city’ have he“ Inflected by it- The 59318 or‘ shield louse was imported to this State from Tasmania over twenty years ago. and origininlly came from Europe. It is known among entomologists as a n speidous pernivious." and may be found in (he woxks of Cunstéck. San Jose mined nu Lu notoriety i" of a fruit tr: Sentinel to eml of 18.93.. .......‘ Sentinel and Weekly Globe ..... Sentinel and Weekly Mail ...... Sentinel. and Farm Fireside.. Sentinel and Family. Herald and \‘E‘cekly Stan... .. .. .. Sentinel and Farming. . . . .. .. .. Seminal and Montreal Witness. Sentinel and Toronto World..,.. Sentinel and Toronto Star. . .. .; Cash must Iccompany all oral CLUBBING RATES FOR 1898 DENIES PA'I‘E RNITY all orders 1 60 300 All of which MUST be sold at.a tremendous sacrifice during the next 30 days. Dry Goods, Underwear and Overcoats I. Mgnkhouse 351(95 @Obe 20 SUITS 19mm» ooIEnd' for the past two years. 50 iwith the result that our busi- to 40 ness has been daily in! rexs- in grand we are now prepiu'cd Cléaring Novg i BLHCKSMHHING smck. free of sum order to prove to our representatives and purchasers that. our nurseries are cntirelv free from :he pest. we have obtained from the Provincial Inspec- tor. Mr tificute‘ anm.Asn, Jan. 8. 1898. T ‘s is to certify that I have in- spccled the nursery stock grown by Messrs. Morris. Stone . Wellington at I-‘bmlnill; and that I found no San Jose Scale. Wu. ORR. Provincial Inspec‘tor. J. McKiunon. agent (or Stoullville and vicinity Still in the old-Stand. Every purchaser of nursery stock in made; is desirous of getting clean men: in the near future We wish to announce to the public that we have boozi in Dickson‘: Uld Stand, East in grand we are now prepare to treat 'mterfering, etc. shoeing n‘speciulu‘. Give us a call Bronte Yobbmg Look nut. for ' The Knife has ' fie Edingfiilors And as usual to the front B. 6. Bath? Shoeing and General H. ELVIDGE, Manager. Blacksmithing branches of the trnd1 “r'. M. Orr. the following cer- GUARANTEE are specialists. Fallemuwu Now look for bargains in Were $15 130 $13- our bicycle announce :me; stock in in all L$Io.00 ""’ 7m 3dEBread and Cakes BUGGIES, CUTTERS. - SPRING WAGGOXS, FARM WAGOXS. Specinlnttemion given to order-u! work. having had long experience 3n the business we are pmpnred {m gunmntee satisfaction. . Repairing and painting L specialty. Also repairing of 3'“ kinds at'pr to suit the times. Xmas. Venables o Bs'os‘. CANDIES, BANANAS, NUTS, FIGS, ‘ORANG ES DATES. LEMOXS, (n’srms. You can get the l And you will be satisI‘w-l arc the Best. Manufacturers of all kinds of at. prices that will astouid: DUNCAN’S malicrks Y 31 AW; has Come and Gone STOUFFVIbbE. - still here an: rushing hu>ir VENABLES BROS. Try 01 HI'T- . DUNCAN. OUSQ :giea a. (h

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