Ontario Community Newspapers

Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 19 Oct 1906, p. 6

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Its Superiority R SALEâ€"Choice 200 “1'9 “13;: Lornevilloz let's, so: 135 who under enlhnhon. first at M: 199.7333? Wm Taoism-d spring. Just the spot for retired tamer. Pmperty must be sold get. Agglm i EY, - B SALEâ€"I {random E3 “without” Its Hngand born 30145 a: stone well; hey shed 25:75, horse sable, hog pen and implement house. Good well at house end springwfor stock. Two acre baring orehud. ell fenced, will be sold cheep. Ap ly at once to ELIAS BOWES, Red i‘ahte Agent, Lindsey. don, 100 notes, pro rty of A. J. pboll; 80 notes o1 , balance coda W, new home house, left for ’ . from. bun 46x72, stone woll ond oxoollont cabling, well wound with woll Md nmr ruling opt-lag, well fonood, whorl: knit ttm.80ooru.olltlll- able, on nllo north or tho o! Hutloy, «no-bolt nllo tron oo mm'rummy. p ot uootollJASBOWES,Bul m an: FOR sinsâ€"Lot 7, oon.10, 31- um. mans, m rm NR arm-‘13: H. 2 Goa. l. Intros, tho o! mutu- 8. Recon; lo woo or onl- rlntloo. elm um Mvood but. oodu nod block uh Imp. bolonoo put“. lad llomoxmmmlwhm load. cool brlok homo good mm m 50:89. atom Itobl lg. pl; pen 90:98, driving shod «no. Booth; «chord. oovor-tulllng opting am 10 rods from born. school, thumb. ofioo. blah- Ilnlth Ihop, all «an out. A dulnblo tom. 1! not told by tho lot August it will be routed. ELIAS BOWES, Rod tsto Auntâ€"wt! .._-l,- -...- fi-....._..77_..__.-.._.4__â€"V.__._4._ v... fl...“ YOTICE TO CREDITOBSâ€"Puouom to R.S.O. Chop. 129, tho orodltorl 0! Juno. )1. Houllhon, loto of tho Tomhip of Emily, in tho County of Vlototio, Cor- pontor. Gounod. who died on or shout the 18th doy 02.1mm, 1906, m on or oboutthomm ot Ootobor nut. to undzlpootpro ,toJ hB. Hooli- hnh tho-aid owuhl of ilzfibowo M). 1903.â€" s'mwnr a: 'o’comzos; Solicita- tor the Administrator.-w3. canon GREEN 100 acres. two ”Pile“ North half Lot 11, r, 250, 30c,4oc. At All Grocers The following Marks of The Globe. with a few necessary altera- tions. will be interesting to the peo- ples of Lindmy, at‘ the present time, whed our citizens are striving to at- 1 tract’ new indmtriea: » The Mayor of Crime. ha: ,mmdotm interesting and impolrtant contri- bution to tho“ W “problem diar- cussiom. It tho town at Orillia. with ;s.l| the. drawmkn and difficulties ‘said to attaph’ td municipal owner- ship! and operation; our install a, power! plant: an- a. caypua‘lgivelyt malt scale. transmit." the: current a Idiatzmee oi twenty. miles, and sell the public are juqtified in demand- ing! proportionate mm in the vicin- ity‘ at other. atrium of electric en- ergh The. Oxillia rate in for noon- »tinuoua aarvioe of twang-four burs par! day. and it {pays not tonly all changes and. expanses. but 'yiokh a material profit to the municipality. With “this demonstration belch the publici otheg: mu‘nicipailijtiea are in a position to dopamine what their tights am vices and have the best pasible grounds for demnnglinz that . their rights be respected. - - Thu price at power is the vital ia- ouo. andit‘isd parautumn)“:'im-1 penance 'to. all municipalities: that‘ must. grow by: industrial develop- ment. Pam is an element that enter: to an important extent into the! coqt' of qua-x indnstriai process. Cheap power is sufficient , to ‘turn the dcilicately. adjusted commercial balance in favor of any municipal- ty; any diam-int, provincel or nation In the keenness of industrial and commercial competition, both local and. national, no municipality can afford to_ relinquish the ‘adqan-tage that cheap power confers The rela- tive claimsx‘of public and. private ownership become inlpou'tant only. as they affect the vital issue of price. The more conservative elements in the community naturally support pri- vate opdafionmddistribution. offer- IIAS [IIDSAY CHEAP POWER? in; the many. pollitical temptation: tha‘u'wonld eomjnto exisfience with the assumption of such extensive du- ties and. works by, the Provmciai Government: 1‘ . u , . 7- . t ""It' is generally retardul as fora Innate that the Hydroelectric pow- eqcommission is not}. inclined to de- velop. power at. expropmte exist; in; plants, unless it; be: found im- possible to persuade 9r coerce the existing corporations into supplying powen a't_ maple rates. Expro- ;pria.tiou iga means that should- be 'used: only‘ as a (last resort, and the knowledge that? it is: an ever-prea- worlien of Yarmouth.. He saya; These houseq spokgn of at; bad. no doubt, mt some at us wonder Jzy wham, amazing:L ha. ha able to see thirty rigs tied around then» or where those rigs have gone when other people! pass. 'Momven. these‘are tho. hous- es, and; these are the kegpexra (that were‘ trustadi withlicepse before 10- cal option: and Mould doubfleas . ' . em: passibfljty will obviate the ne- oesai-tm of restoring to! it. The pre- sent ant} pressim; necessity. is - the mduotion of like rates 40 reasonable proportions. With the evidence of Orillid Warm the publioand the val- uable statistics bellected bythe com- mission: readily available. there is no excusfl for delaj‘ in establishing fair and reasonable. rates for electric power; People look to Hydro-electxio Powem Oommiaiom and to the On- tario Government. for yrompt and: etficlenh notjon. . I 0 limb: has append. m the provin- olnb mu damn. tin-pant foupla at who months; the wand lin- mumllm punch“ ln that local pollen haml- Ln mm Oqunty. Thoohua‘o wan lodaaod. by a local mum-null: wlth: 43ml mphuflu. but the punk advanced would not mm; mm with an umJudlmd. reader. The 1111er «mum to bu around. ap- parently. wan that tho dlnqrdora re- ported. ln thou: placoa‘was a :omlt 01 than bola; nulloouaod houaoa. It wlll be admit-tenth)» all talr-mlndod men that: the condition: alluded to are possibleâ€"aye. probableâ€"1n qny rural or vlllalzebommunlty whore than k lax overnight! at the hotels. Everything gem toshgw that in the Eight indtance o'itod the mdltlons. t1 aq‘ bad 33 Marina. were tho Malt 01:? local oil-ow , Raw W. P. Bookie. o! Sprite. Ont. under! data at Ocuath,‘ dab in! lotf text with Pollioe nglatnte Hunt". [GOAL OPTIOI Ill ILGII 000'". champ 333111“ the worker" of Yarmmfl 50c and 60¢ per lb farmouth.. He local option 3W lull-vb 5w 77.7...- _ 7 , mama «bk M M: u- raked Moon“ um ' In“! q‘ption id not prod!!!» the immordlt; of then planes. .1": was there We” local opting. mt! E m still. on“ bananas the tempo?” people. who have no Wham in retard to law: enforcement.- hue (and it im- posiblq to mat the ottioars of the law ta ant. I. mymflf. laid an infirm:- tion of inland liquor allin‘; baton I 1:03.ngth Who Mai to issue munch W6 made 'oomplaint to the ugomrnmnt. but our communication gun's not even acknqulgsfiggd. W3 the} law. Truly, an the Telegram remarks, "the ideals. even the instinhts. at 0nd . tar'nfl comrvaitignn should, rise inreâ€" ' volt: HIM the mashing Of tholMeil and Empire." on the 13nd defile; And what ie‘that teabhinl 1 That "any man can buy a block: of land item the Can- adian Papuic ctr the Canadian North- ern. The thing la done every dny." Sac}! an explanation in not accept- ebleto any hawt-minéed man. What is it that car con-WWary geeks to justify t A party of Conservative po- liticiana made a trip across the con,- ‘ tmt' for political pm Mr. Bor- den and: those who; aoegppanied him “red to strong; the people in favor of their cause. Their mision was sup- posed to bemmuroly patriotic one. The mm M in object to serve buttho public interest. At least that mm the supposition. A: M1,. Pope. Mr. Fowler and. others tanked- over the land. ham-ever. and mtemyhlted its richneâ€" they conceived 'the ab: 01 mlthy. ( 1 I. Mr. Fowler toll- in the letter which 4 ha wrote. mmethinz of what toyloWed The! unneeded beyond their. gills“ anticipation: M31. Mann can then secret. inturma‘tion with regard to the route of the Cam Norther-n, end Sir: Thomas Shngzhneaay gave them the warm at Wat the proper price. In other worth gene railwey man. keen and quick-fitted at an ' times. new thechanceol making them- ' selves solid. with a party of pan-lin- mentarinna and secured them at once Every. man who escalated. the favors became their aei'vants. bought with a ‘ : nrieo and. robbed. forever‘ at their in- priooam r 'â€"â€"vâ€". And it is this fact that the Mail oomvenienflfi ignores. Any man can buy land from the railways. To be sure hecan. But aw m‘an ungotget woes to the secrets of Daniel Mann. am to the Quantity of Bi; Thomas Shanghneaay. The parliamentarian, o! the venial kind. is. the special market the men who wan/.- tavm in pad-liar meat andknowmwdl powto ac- "What is tho difference between ‘ taking from a riflwcy. «ppm an ”pertain! that can in turned in- to hit; my. and taking abrihothat is already big May S” “In the. Conservxtive party- to htve «tutumo; honor to itaflbr otuae- tubes to the country! Then its memmhiu must disown ‘the intan- ies at the organ; which dares . to; preach the atrocious doctrine that it is either right or emupahle tom: memâ€" bers of parliament to plane them- aelevcs under obhgations to pxivate interests whose [greet is frequently and W 11.7. at wan wit}; the conq- The Telegram puts it mother than: ' It in «aid. that Sir Mackenzie BOW- ell is vastly interested In the revela- tjon of "Fostered Fiance". and that an intense in his nymptthy with (Hon. Geo. E. Fonts: that every ten be shed: over. him would poison u toad. .o would’wl’i At: HochhoMe. in Garmrny. 1.020 school children had their Moth ox- nmlned. with 'th result tint 80 per cont. at a“ tin tooth mun hand to ho «1mm. Only thirty-flu o! the chum had mud «n at hath all In 890 children n p'ar bodily madam wu directly; dun to poor mm. 1 " ‘ In their ”moment to 15-!" Mr. For km um warm at It tho Lau- rie: nowupuporu «howurut rumou- m. The pm: the on. ”strong; t that t In walnut m an to: 3.- funds 0! tho lndwonggn Order 0! ed as a mum Foresters wore unpalr at tho trmoflonu luqulnd late. A- a: matter at tact the add". mom! was: much momsd.â€"Mnu and Im- pire. 7 To this the Hamilton Timon mu.- tho apt retort; We had not nomad that any pa- per. Grit. Tory or "jaokal." had undo such a suggestion. It has been pointed out that that rink was “km with the Fen-tors“ money. Would the Mail app-Mot a. bulk ogployu taking the Munich money to bet an now. it he Mppcned to put It on n -_._.V lucky. winner I m me You um may: Bought CASToalA EDITORIAL NOTES. words Alllllllilfi'l’llc 70F "ID“Y cull WT FRIDAY. “pl Ifl OM {amt-1" III- Wluflar- ‘ Evening Post on Oct. 13- Thet approanh of cold weather has revived. interest in the noble game d curling, and than! wui c goodly “madam ct veteran 1nd youthful enthuu'aattd at the annual meetinzo! Victoria: Curling Club lad: ,evening', held at the. rink. when thé htmoa' Mr. J: M. W all Dr. Mood than“ it would be 1 «ions Inifl- taba to nuke the [1109“ change, believinz its maid be at the c:- penn d harm: and! good will. Mr. J. W. Antietamâ€""rho mingling“ on old. all young men umndhul." Mr; Bantamâ€"'11» old men W00” ho km to get magmas:- playens on their rinks? ‘ . L _ __)‘I_- â€"A, “A mivnthedtakdl mdthe m tion was snowed undef. . OFFICERS AND. SKIP'd. salted as follows; Patronâ€"Mr. John Kennedy. Pren'dqntâ€"Mr. W. R. Widdens. ‘ Hm Pram . â€"Dr.’ Wood . Minxâ€"Mr. J. D. Fluvelle. ' Am't. Warâ€"Mr. P. hennedy. Wanâ€"Mr. J. 0. Hum ‘ iv- up'vt; “Sign“ wkfi ontu‘ both m not: om mMMfi- A Al cordial mm at (mun.- wu- w..â€" dorad Dr. Walton in rodoxnmon o! the deep interest ho had displayed In thd uoltaro of the Olub Whflo mun; the. position 01 pro-idem. RESOLUTION OF GONDOLENCE. Mr. J . D. Fianna Illuded in tooling terms: to the «widen death at no old and highly Wed member of tho aural of Clubâ€"Kn John MoSweyn. whcu some hut dad been associated sat. Hi- Milo preliv'o at “echo rare an: by all wombat. be prop: and ‘ - .- s aL-.. bu éh- “of-l!“ pound: WWW W W7 rind and presonwa. an behalf of tMClub‘ to the bereaved nah matim_w§g.9urriddtw a “Mad ““4“" ’5‘" (“In and n gnd youthful and meetinzd b 111 “evening. on thé utmos- rutive at ”3° 3.4, mud“ oboe". ; to put up (or com- nou- bemoan blad- mu. tho 400°" 5" A. momma and. thank. was ten- m “comm“ ot . ad din mod "I In!) WM 0 In“!!! ut‘the ci- from lg. II. II. J. um JOINS STAFF OF IAIK 0F mmm. The“ was 0, grant demand but night on the part of our citizens for comes o( the Toronto News and Evening Telegram. m which appeared an announcement to the eflecL that. thq Ontario Bunk Win in mini mum «31th ”gumbo; to that will "y- 6 . Thu morning the now: spread rap- idly. and It 10 o'clock, whentbe doom d the local bank were thrown open. somethini resembling: a rain duelâ€" oped. “A in I number of fauna there were transits! demahda for tho pay- ma it .m- an agenda»: deposi- W. ‘7th were complied with by thd “I with all the celcrity possi- NG.\ c . Sam minutes later Mr. A. Monti:- unburt. manager of the But 0! Montreal. main-d a telegram from headquarter- authorizing him to and tin Daninlon Bank until the ham to: 01m. Tho available out on haul u thofirat named‘bgnk â€"--4 3.1!?“ over ‘0 the Ontario Bulk [Null- 7-" _ M to hand over their chequeo'lor aided. and wan courteous and 1.1.- tenuvq to d! auctions". ‘ The conâ€" fidant nbcwn in him and. themk b1 and olthnnl. WM dope-{ted 1am m 05 noon as tho: baud d. the trouble. Inuit luv: been yen choc-i1!) under the oil-cum AIME It in not yet 1 «faulty vâ€"Hfizi‘ll :- not yet 1 «many tint the Bank on Meg's otter (or an outfit! Bulk stock will be ac- oeptod. depodtora any rely upon it that! they, will be absolutely cute moaning. flu quictm n Manta evening «use. In “filament batman: the ‘B treal and Ontario 83113. in; confirm by the louowum‘ nv- tioe a med to the doors of the boat branch 0‘ the Ontario Bantu an hour . "TM Bank of Montreal will act- tlo all Ontu'io Bank align." Ina’do bminea went on as mud. MW W being in charge for the Bank (1 Montreal. The prosent premises will not be‘ relinquished. pd we danot think we as guiltyot u bmch at confidence in hinting that tho publia will to greatly interest- ed in me trash annouwgunenta to to math. in {he got}: (acute concern- A -_J :5- ta: mill'nna of (1011111 and four all! one-hall millions. mime tear in the minds d some. citizens that Lindsay was M to loan cm of her banks gm. i 1 § It 19:51 not be anus to pom: ; that: tho_Bu:k d Guam ma paw- ex in the and. and. the Iocution at a brutal! in LEM is n remnition on a» part at the management at the Ma (and. and tmportnmo at our . Mime summon tho quicm news in the min; “alien regarding the :Ween the Bunk at Mon- .011ch Bank directors be- med the follow-in; noâ€" t! to doors of the local r em Ontano Bank at an m to the .ettect. that at was in serious flnv control at it: “fairs, I that and being under 9 ohm the same ! man whother they § Ma dass of NM" ‘ E‘en to THEM" 31 must "-1“ ‘ \ sphere 0 may ext (fiends. - the chi 1’31”” “L that it 1mm 3"“ «swash» t0 l”°Er The NF.- - its #904 During the Fall Fair a special Mn: will be given on all our line: of Furniture. The stock is larger than every and assorted, con- sisting of .â€" . Parlot, Dining Room and Bedroom Suites, Fancy Rockers. Centre Tables, Parlor Cabinets. Bookcases and Writing Defiks, Couch- ”, Lounges. Easy Chairs, Divans and all the other odd pieCcs needed for the home. Upholsterlng Done Neatly and Promptly. \ a: flaw at tho (mu presented m ‘m «mum tron TM Globe. which H puhlhhod In this tune. the idiom-- in: tit-Wt by Hunt Miller. 0! 0mm. MM prove mmrutln: :‘ Thu M10 by Orlllla at power «1 no pun hon. powot par uumm for a twenty-tau hour my!“ in 1300‘! bu:- lnunl and yhldu a. hit profit. Thu- you‘d proflk Ln tuitiht and 'powcr «paranoia Wm be much in exceu 00 “.000. all! tbd department in our“ up with “I Ch principal ind [nun-It: banana: duo on the deben- tann. with an minim: expenses and mul- and "out 01-0 that. an mm ho aha-3d. er which mm not u wont Mtcp 1:3me in w ht «Aid tun. The power M. E.TANGNEY ”autumn-wanna that”. Bargains in 3 Furniture 3 25 Kent-st. Lindsay, Ont. TII IIIINMI POIEI PL ANT. Progress Brand mm: 810 to 817. We Hm In Stock Mel’s Salts from $5 to $25. A Man MAY BE IN DOUBT as to 'U they should have their pm?“ filled. They are no longer in dd gnu having once WWW ' thtlcheaparticleismu Try usâ€"we will show you- DUNOON’S DRUG 8M __â€" llotlce to Farmer!- the dia‘ctent um um when. 1 z. E” «Errâ€">5 _ FLAVI Lindsay ; Lindsay; J is this the kind of Overcoat you want this winter? If it is you know now \where to get it and you also know good Clothes and Stylish Clothes when you see them. T h e G a r m e nt shown above is one of the famous 20m (enluly Bland line Note the graceful a n d flowing lines and the style of it. Aug. 28. No fancy prices, just price for the quality. What Wit Smutty in the Midland have inflamed be unfit to make} De sometimes Linc-t MAL h DYO KC I“

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