Ontario Community Newspapers

Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 19 Oct 1906, p. 1

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as well WoobT/E'LLE Mdard Bank Of canada Mmmdirmsteo-unientto ”hymyasabankingpdnt. ,hcmcy gamed. am on! “Milkingbuineutrm The Standard Bank “' ungvu ””1 l. W 2 Savings Bank account. of mterest allowed from “WW; Wm intend is added to the ”he "37$: months. Accounts figm‘luhe name of two or LINDSAY BWH A G E N C‘Y EAVINGS BANK DEPT. BUB-BRLNCH TO M“) in every Tuadny and m. CAMBRAY - There are Coats at 99c to I9 00, Waists at 49c to 6.75, Skirts at 1.50 to 7.50, Wrappers at 75c to 1.50, {Underskirts at 59c to 5.00. we arev‘forced to sell out the stock. wIt’s a splendid chance rtogget your fall outfit at about wholesale prices. Stylish Garments for Women and Child- ran are altered at Sale Prices Inchuing new Coats, new Waists, new Skirts, new Wrappers and new Underskirts. Every gar- ment goes into the sale at reduced prices because machine Mist Sale of Inslin Turnover Collars at 5e and 12 4-26 meznew designs in muslins at 5c, and new lacey «efi’ects at 12 1-2c, worth double these prices. 2xyds; wide, heavy quality, grgy only; also grey Wool Sheeting at 79c, regular 90c value and two yards wide. ’ Selling Out Our ad more Stock at about We Prices Good Gloves guaranteed in fit and wear; a great big stock to choose from too. There are plain black, new greys, new browns, new greens, new blues and white in fine dressed Kid, Mocha Swede or heavy Kid and white washable binds, all sizes inalmost every kind. Better get an extra pair or two when you are offered them at such reductions as these; 1.50 quality I :5, 1.25 quality I. 00, 75c quality 50c, and 1.00 quality 7 5c. New Fritzi Soho! Belts at 196. Made of serviceable imitation black leather, with neat gilt double buckle which is worn at back, a good bargain at this price. 75¢: Undervests at 496 20 dozen Women’s Vests and Drawers, “seconds” because of alittle damage it: the making. such as a small tear or a drop stitch; save 26c on each garment Great, because we can’t get all our‘goods into our small selling space; but DON’T JUDGE US BY OUR SIZE OF STORE, make your compulsion by quality for price on our ny Goods, Millinery, Women’s Ready-to-Wear Garments and Furs. Here are some of them. We know a great many have realized it. for one word tells us saâ€"S UCCESS. The sale has been a success because bushes has increased over other years and the suc- cess of a sale means such for the people who buy. It means that our goods are remarkably underpriced. For whether you individually know a, bargain when you see it, it is true that the people collectively know one. and no sale can be successful that does not give remarkable values. Lincoln might have stopped with merely saying, “You can't fool all the people.” mlogmto3nm. “Runny... F. F. LO 0831033. FORD’S SELLING OUT SALE? Ford’s Tommi-9m Promloo's In tho Hamilton carriage Show looms, Slx Doors Farther West and Nearer the Market than the (lid Stand. LINDSAY â€"A.NDâ€" 503 Flannelette Sheeting :at 393 12 PAGES: t he 4M __.__________ «fly-first Youâ€"Io. 42 Do You Fully Realize the Saving Opportunities In 8 2,600,000 $184,278 1,384,278 Agent THERE ARE GREAT BARGAINS true Deposits of $1.00 and upwards xecoived and interest allowed at 'highost current rates, compound- ted half-yearly. If you contemplate making a change in your banking connec- nections or think of opening a new account we would be pleased to confer with you personally or by letter. ‘ J. A. WALKER. MW 83le $1,000,008 A Bunch of :this ‘bank has been opened at above point, and a general banking business will be transacted. ' OF CANADA. Klrkfield, - Ontario "if SIERilNG BANK SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. THE ‘" ‘ " WEEKLY P0512; 903 Table Linen 793 Fine weave double damask finish, 72 ins. wide, pretty patterns, full bleach. Bleached Table Linen at 85c Eitm good for this price, 56 ins. wide, neat fleur de les pattern, 23 ends of Silks in lengths from 2 to 5 yds., in fancy blacks, also black and white, very suitable for waists or trimmings,- regular values 1.25 and 1.50, sale price 79c. " 6 pieces of Homéspah, in blaék, um and dark greys, very suitable for separate skirts or coats; regular prices 1.2 5, 1.00 and 75c, sale price 39c. - . A11 waol'Hemiems, in all the landing shades, good values at 60¢ per yd., sale 9rd; 59c. mo .pieca of this season’s newest Needs, in lengths suitable for skirts or suits, 54 ins. wide; regular retail price 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 per yard, sale price 8 5c. Included among our unmatchable bargnins specially arranged for this week’s great selling are such phenomenal values as these: 48 in. Venetian Cloths, in black, navy, cardinal, mulberry, myrtle green, guaranteed all wool; reg. retail price 1.00, sale price 8 5c. 40 in. Poplin, one of the newest weaves, suitable for separate skirts or shirt waist suits, in cardinal. myrtle green, navy, marine blue, black; retail price 7 5c, sale price 59c. This sale should appeal to all women desirious of secunng most reliable, worthy and popular Bras Goods at prices entirely inconsistent with real values We show a myriad of weaves, styles and color- ings, representing strictly the latest fashion ideas as applied to 'Dress Goods. A Host Extraordinary Sale of Wool Dress Fabrics Every piece is strictly new and represents one of the season’s choicest weaves. The reductions from regular prices, as noted below,.are very great. Manager Money Taken on Deposit. Money Loaned on Mort- gage or Real Entata. BOARD OF DIRECIZORS W. F LAVELLE President. w. H. CLARK, MUD } Vice- R. J. McLAUGHLIN, KC. Prests W. H. STEVENS, H. J. LYTLE‘ F. C. TAYLOR. - C. CHITTICK. whalized sap’l $300,000.00 ”MIG“ mp1 sauu’uuu.uu be T0 RENTâ€"Two handled notes, in; Lot 4, Con. 7, Town-hip of Eldon; shout one hundred end I eeree Basmedfm 22,500.!!!) a em m. ..n uni-M73 boa- stock and grain; building: first e obnndenoe of good Inter. hm in ex' . one mile from Grmhill Mon. four BOARD OF DIRECIXORS miles from Woodville or Lomevme. For w. FLAVELLE, President. $2133.?! spply m J. moons, Artren, Victlria loan Savings Bo. ONTARIO President. 3:] ‘80] 'u {um I: yum oomlng miles Imus” "IDSAV, .OITIIIO,MMY, OCTOBER 19, 1908. Mom can'phmy for even the doctors ddno momentum; they put their Mute?" I’. .s._-.,1_ In” the Ltd!“ In. (Exchange) . The Wmnan's Council sitting in Hamilton was the effccts a)! the tea. Iii-Mm they! mt on the p'l'ess. es- peciaHy condemning “Bustar Brcwn pictures and "quack" advertisements. Their atriqtnrec may be. to a oegtain ’extent. duel-wed. but than are con- idderatiau that! the women kgnorc.‘ ‘ It thq Wwa‘ra pufliahing a strug- ling country mam-Quiver. and. had to tape the rank of hard-working em- Ployeea who! line up in trout or the “:23?" M ”hmm’aéimt L. 5;. e in; as they two 5 than»: will be paid. Joun’ hair till-‘04 warranted to gray hair. on m hard hat. or me such mulliblore- ‘ moldy. W not amt no heinous ii than: any. It qua! medicine- which m'td cure «anything an to mmacndtheirclalmn the! “tin ienhn :pply st the Kennedy b Dnvis .ROBKBT KENNEDY. OUSE AND LUT FOR SALE AT A h13A35:41:;Nâ€"Ilm";illwul:s {:3- 82600.00 my one m o. o. ollington- at. The home is solid brick, wall built 11 mom- {1‘ modern convenience, in you; repur._ may to spitW._I-‘or ANTED â€" Tmhor for 8.5. No. 5. Eldon, second or third class certifi- cnta. Duties to commence Jun. 131:, 1906. Address HENRY FOLLIOT, seem, Bdoovor. Ontâ€"wt. CTNE, bright, hustlinc scents "mud to sell tau, cofleeq spleen, etc. Over 83.000 3 yea- is being mule by mats. G. uABSHALL 85-00.. London, Ont. J. B. WELDONF Clerk of the Township of Mariposs M at 0mm, Oat. 4t: , 1906.â€"w2‘ Elector: ore collod upon to main; the said List, sud it my omissions or any other errors be found therein, to tnko in- modiote .proooodings to has aid omis Lions ma errors corrected scoot-ding to w. Netiee is hereby given thnt I heve tune- mitted or delivered to the pereone men- tioned in actions 8 end 9 of theOntu'io ~Votem’ List Act, the oepiee reqn'l'ed by the eeid Sections to be eo trmemit'ed or delivered of the List, nude pursuant to dad Lot. of all pemne eppeering by the lat Bevieed Ament Roll of the eeid unnieipelity to be entitled to vote in the eeid Municipality et elections fer member: of the Legieletive Aeeelnbly end et Mun- ieipel Elections; end the aid List. w as first posted up in my afloe in the village of Oehmod. Thundey, the 4th dey of October 1996, and xemeine there for inepeetien. Municipality of the Township of lulposa, County of Victoria; is the first step towards pasih'ons paying from $5,000 to $504100 per unnum in railway service. Yon‘ become a. goo- operator in 6 months A you study in the Centnl Telegnnhy" . _ ol, 3 Gerard-st. out, Tmnta. Sines; School in Ctnada. Write for particuhn. Uni. mu. Pros. ‘I’. J. 4% M inulicifingympcmewom mwnoteouuousmontsnd uptempt utention to your business require- menu. U. S. YEREX - Manager speeul attention in tho line 0! cutting or collecting ado notes. ranking Idnnoeafor thepmhue of floaters, ems. Savlnp Department. “Deposits of 81.90 ad "wads mind. you which interest will bopddogoon- pounded four time. am. It thong enmnt mm from otdepocitlug to a, of withdnml. with it! 123 branches and This Bonk, Ignacio- in M United States snd 0mm in in I position tom-ct mry roguimnont it 00 line a! leg-kw an, Chartered by Act of Parliament 1888. Wastam Bank of Canada LITTLE BRITAIN FENELON FALLS Interest at current rates from date of deposit, compounded half- yearly. Deposits of 8,00 and upwards received. General Banking and Collecting. V'OTERS’ LIST, 1906. BANK 0f WWW with cveryBuking facility. Farmsrs’ Business A Branch is now open at Capital - SHAH,” Best - - 810,000,000; SAVINGS DEPARTMENT A. MONTIZAMBERT, TELEGRAPHY '9.“ u..- " Mr. :1 the Bell Telephone Co., was tho] rd re the new contract. Ba [and dad thev contract with the ”JV-tux. Wfl. who hug-id Mayor Vrooman~"As far as my personal sympathy: goes I an with you. but as tar as the Council are ‘W, you can‘t expect no to touch on the question toâ€"nizht. It some to me that your deiozation H-eo ----- â€"â€"7 -- "As a. matter of fact." said Mr. Don- ald. there are only three hotels in this town. and anyway I don't no what connection the bar has with the hotel. but it we can cut of! sonic of them “hell holes‘ it would be a .1001! thing. They akin you [or all you hue. than kick you wt; when the wot-km; man has got no more to m they shut of! his liquor and Mgouto work mute can am for than. Out. all ct least two nouâ€" this you â€" we will probably D. but again next you tor two M". ...4.__ ”-1-"! ufacturer I would rather Speak. A: you know. We have been doing our level best to bring new industries to town and one argument we hear is, 'whg don't you manage them- dustrfea that are already here to en- large.’ I Would any that it the sal- oons were abolished to-morraw it would increase be a very large extent the number of waking men. I have under In)! charge we 80 men, and. most at lthem experte who could. make 312 to 820 a week. but some at the m are in the habit a! pat- mnixinu the plows. Lat week 3they were 200 or more Intrigue short. simply! became two men were either drunk or getting labeled. up. The mgumend that these «icons were 94 benefit to the traveliera was :14! rot -, the her wen never enter- ed by at least one-tenth of them Home“ conceive haw some otthe men who are in the hehit of drink- inz. lived and mpportetihutuguy. " am! here on behalf of St. An- drew's church. but will speak from the viewpoint: at a manufacturer." said Mr. J. P. Domfld; "as a church member I would. say there are just eight saloon: too many. .As amanâ€" ntactnrer I .mld raghex wk. As ' ' he tell: that it wow” ue w- 3;“th men great good it the pro posed amendment Were made. At the Minion they, very Irequentlz hove men staggering around the 1. KM e11» night a: mg 331%: the hotels simply, filled them up \u for ' and then put them .out . v gang-gist. It was almost Whaling, on! he felt that it would do the town at my much .gopd to reduce the h laces. “atm‘mr 5,...» , d the Cap- hoopla. mmv church. 'whs quite certain that the We petition and flotation would make a limit;- mzwuduoeby maven. and he felt that it 3:: w oonldaproperly reduce the number at licenses they would reduce to tin an» extent the many. noesh the‘t tempt W may. and o; tegc “MW“ 'b’” m“ {fififmmt it timid fit with the approval of the ‘ [generwyt if they would mini- rences which; ‘He was am that 0:133:38! recently ‘ one 01 you gentlemen haVe saidfihat had been seem in . . d _ ghoul the Council to 0 so. «I furl-gm on behalf 0! St. An- ! port. “wt com] “p ‘t uuu . 1m mayor, speaking of Aid Bog-3": proposal tolet the Chief colt loot the taxes. wanted to know what ahapq the town would be in a! the end of four or, “'8 montha would be nobody’a business and ev‘ esybody'a busing-n. TheMun'scipal Act eleadx aid that the Clerk could not be appointed collector, and the Council didn't have control of thcpo lice -{ they were controlled by the Police Comm'nsion but still the 'Council were going- to appoint the {Chief collector. and it the Chief were appointed. the Mayor thought there 'would be a. cry out from the people gwhen something turned up and the .Chiet was not around, and therefore 'he couldn‘t: me it in the same light I m Aid. Bear. “You can't appoint the gig-v0.“ ya: can't appoint: the Aid. O’Riellyâ€"‘Thia is not a case of appointing a collector now, but '01! striking: out a portion of the re- ‘The appointment of a collec- the second reading of the by-law." Mayor .Nroomanâ€""Now, you're splitting heirs and nothing else. You imply an that you are leaving Mr. McWethu-s out.” Aid. O’Riellyâ€""Noa air.” Mayor Vxfioommâ€""Yee. air. Every- appbiot a collector zrono could be secured than Mr; if you do better Secretary J. P. Reed laid he felt It} mid privilqze to come before the Council to champia: the came at the young men. The Y. M. C. A! stands to: :11 the conditions at the young menâ€"tho body. mind. and spirit. He felt that it wand be do- inz the men treat. good it the pro thewbnemenneatoreanuxno- huh. He thought the bylaw could. beamendd to come into enact the :n day. They would like to re- move an attraction: out of the way at thayoun; men. 2 inaly busy time of it at the Council in; W 98.7 ‘14 they would now only , dumber iastMonday. Pint they at z?” “:1 $4. '51 M marathon .1: Court at Davida: 1mm 7.00 cm 8 .W'm t1 'WM ‘13:“ 10.5”“ The; o’clock; Wy. they head a for- 253, "11! h a me mg:- of 34", thirdly. Mr. Hill. at of the Bell Tele- that xt’l III! C m of $4. I think phone. was heard; and (earthly, l “'9 3'" Wm 00. has a Job of portion at the Fimm committee re- aw gvfl i"? .1; 13!. no: port was discussed. The whole pro- they an! imply here to t- _ oedute took up the Interval between tn“ darned before the catcher? g- the ho rs t 7.30 and 10.30. my cane.” 1 n o W M: 110. Byron. seconded by mom: norm. LICENSES. Md. rm. um t... “am I - _ Clerk in: s cm t ' A large deputatm of some twen u thh the Bell . 1"”th Co. for {our ' h tane stalwarts. headed. by Secre- me m. It ‘09.“. p_ ones for tary. J. P. Reed. and a joint delega- my“. Vm now aid “1“ it tton from the town chm-aha were was to rhea. the‘ report of the Fin- tix-at heurd in mud. to the cutting in“ cannittee that the membgm } . ad been odled t - , ’0“ of two liquor hoéme in town. mu; 0.!“ ll - fifi?’ In? Chau- u:-. .108. Staples. pruident 'ot the County Temper-me. Anociation. was THE TAX COLLEcmR. ant hard. He explained am they Aid. Buzz-"I m the W’A: had come helore the Council to Ii th“ mm tit" strikihg but the them MI W the prmt by-lzw. $550“ WIND; the tax collec- dealin with the licensing at hotels. . Two 9 the hotels thi bet- “d' M‘F‘M-"f mound it." 0‘ were no M M‘yar (vWâ€""Giye m .l'v te: then' m. and they urged the! p1”. Aid. 3632-" - . our thowbbomended to feads'xho- _A.ld.Begg.qugaaid thatheha Iaya-Vrooiun. Isa lumberofl’olloo Commission, Mans MM! . whom totflooflng auvlngof 8350 MW cum lockout-calm monument. «mmmumm' (OllHIORSlflP ROW fNDfD-~M(WAHERS IS THE WM 7W Pooplo Demand tho Scalp: of In low Ion and Prom!» to Return For lore Trophies Soon. fiPUIAIIOW 11:11 my; Tho town Seawater: had an en: m- pedient. 1 nl- next time. i4 not to hu at sure that: ve and I hav Id out yet." 1.! AM u... Ooumil t went ‘nto can 'tt The can: at the wholizuon the Leona rgkfi ““40 W“ ‘ of the by-law. Md. mm in chair, “I martin run Clerk iKmmvhon read the by- $323.; 3 Mr. uppdnt In? Ir munici t 1- °° W m.%uam. - ”I u °° The-Donna - crlhlp W thnt the = may fit m first. but Md. 0'- ~Wo lead m chm-0 min-mailed that . m Nhitinx 3 'm.’ dared. in Fm.“ m1 Mayor Vrooman de in!“ It was mined Md seconded by Aid. a a. that! thq yepog‘t be mptod. Md. McFadden demanded the yea: and naya. which was Masts. Fisher. Ru, Mann-dam and Byron for. and 0’- Bjdlv. Isrddn Ind Beta oppos- that mean collect an the taxes of this town for nothim . I can‘t con- oeivo any: scheme to it." Aid. Ermaâ€""It there is a better scheme formulated. with a system that in legal. Icfoel perfectly 091m to appravc. Mun yet' I don't see what point! of the scheme has been brought out." On a tutu being taken to adopt the report by! uniting out that part re- lating to the tax collegtor. Aldermen Beat. Rial] and MnFaMen vot- v , '7’ "'-I out yet." Ald. Reaâ€"“Mr Mantters has giv- en entire satisfaction. It is a ques- tion 012 salary.” Ald. Raga (to Mayor Vrooman) â€" "You say. the Chief curt, do it; why won’t: the Commisionm let him 1 He collects the do; tax. and in this case he won‘tfhavo to go to every house. likqhddaaufotadogux, and he Son: 3:110:2th strict. I thigh: the let you t at over 1' cent. is collected u the office i” - way. They get it: in other town- withant l.‘ collector. and tho; plan will have to be darted come time." Mayan Vroomanâ€""AJd. Benz means. mayor Vrounanâ€""I am not saying that you: are wrong, but it‘s not ex- pedient. You may; diam it now or next time. but you shouldn’t decch not to have a cdlggtor until you are sure that you have an alternative. and I haven‘t seen In: other wav Ald. O'Biqllyâ€"“M air.” Map? \'!..°°mm"”Ye air. Ever-v- M'c W: m cheap 3: We give Aid. away-banana." “4‘" Mayor Vroomant'fiefop’putting the qnufidnl wish tgfly that [am dedrious 0‘ dairy ‘Mrythina; in con- Igction wjth the town's affairs as m at th nâ€"I do: l3 hairs “phun. “It! in n III-e mgr of $4". aid Er. Bill. Ald. McFaddenâ€"“Hr. Hill state. than it“: mm a III-nu- of $4. Ithink tbs Bdl'l‘elepbfie 00. 1133810001 primm thilm- whynot o almandmuteadotthecwhwg that the . O’Ricll! ‘~ gentlemen have said appbint a collector uld be secured than i and now you mm the motion be elimin: 1k bond reading of t are whether it is rant or anything A"? means. hm Mr. want to minated" '0 disease If the by- : is split- .inz‘ else. bridge wan m Iy marking I 13W w be passed before the 1:51 day of April in any year, limit‘tbo num- lioenqes to be granted :11 the then ensuing; license be: gaming on the hut: day of May. and by much by-iaw or any ath- or byâ€"luv paused before the ldt'day 0‘ April. my impose any restrain upon tho mode of qarryimg- on b'uch traffic. aqthaiknncfl may think (it; and. such lust-mentioned byâ€"k'w may bomuhuioome Mimoemthelat (landlaythenmxtgmnmgor on 15h duct Mqottha v you. Mammy-Jaw so, mu not be mldflu'm; the (31m Section 32 of the Act, a: rear]. b1 Mayor Vnoomnn :(1) The Council of e fawn. vifllalze on township (om Marathi f m YEXR’ ma th- mom has. the ‘ tel' will be «unit-at mg The Connoilloi ed that: “hing year, the worth may, 011 for any future. linear ye until such by-law is act-red or 1 pedal. pmide'd such limit is wit inAths fink imposes by this Apt! town, villa-go or law to be pm of March in my b321- ot tavern J therein {on the year. beginning no mien Innâ€"Carri Manndcr. Vroou any ho $350.â€"-Carx By-iaw No. 1102 : The unenfimen following vote: . den and Ollie“! “4‘ Rea-'1! we awn 05d Nat. i800. we must in honor pay 111.! 01073 W-“YN, are oval-.- l_,!,- c, -v- A“- O'Me' H :â€"”Thdeoct very able debater. He can "Jumbo-I his side very 3. Mayo;- Vmâ€"“l hue. , ”Aid. 0’ ' â€""Haven’u 14 Moved Moved. by ‘A rooman, the wwccusl um mg“ why he Md collect 1 was «tidied that A1 nah} When he laid a “’9.qu for it y Pfi-NWWI-m WHA'B McFadfl Ct! 12 PAGES in Wedding Stationery Cam Kent in“ ntroducgd l uncu 0f d before the lat year. limit tho: icenses to be Ln then ensuing 16c a generally conclud- eould he done this i- “- mtion. “be. hudwet but «mu - “We on ; tare informally: m . ‘ fl naysp had. 116 be fined very lineupâ€"(the AW. laden About 0!.- d to abut up cam ms the time tofill with the mm d The citizen; of has» mm at Chief wen Iost. on ti: 52:;- “CF“. -Bea. laun- to: 'us he thoggbt 'on' “My." no aide.” a]! Li

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