s. will "- 3.5%" t i press Merry Month of-May sale ouse Furnishing, Carpets, Goods, Gloves,‘ Hosiery, 0990000900 Notions and Whitewear. 900000000 â€. . ’Frcan Evening PM all 313115 We d'ten wonder if the latterï¬ny who sleeps in hinted every night. over stops to consider the num- ber; of his bellows who are compelled. from one lesson. and another. to move their domicile tom day. to do}. and from place to place. There are poo- pie whedonotlleave borne once u your. perhaps less than that, and. who. when they have 'to make a trip. are so thankful to get home that it is u week‘s wonlhr. to tinir friends A acquaintances. - Yet tints are people who. in order to eke out n liv- e will sell at a discount and at special sale had the usual warm May weather we hope wide the purse and ï¬ll your homes with urteen days w have not /_________â€"â€"â€" nd Blouses and Parssols matings. Carpets a Olicloths. White Silk Blames. mu inch tuck. washabl; e. no lining. reg. $3.00.; “1.. heavy Jap Matting. fawn. Sale ....................................... $2.47 and mu coloring. 1158- 20‘ 3- Jap and Toilette. black silk Wallets. ........l§c reg. $4.50; sale ............ ... ... ...83.80 Iy tucked. (ram with stair to inches. be red With ire. green with red age. reg. . ‘1 We“ ‘ 50c 55“, yard. 8. Days... ...... . 1-70 mule Tapestry Carpet. â€Â£3.74:ch til-[lute . .' . ugly... l:‘lfl\f‘ifl. in floral and stripe. “a; any!†“3.110. MI. 180.. n. unï¬t... .. la um! l‘lriclflllilnrm wide. 8‘ 'r x 7m. yard. new... ‘ â€3.3%". p‘ ,, ...†u-rv\__ T91; ' a. mi. ' DUKES ‘d e 4-. For, . ~ iélï¬a iuivv \1ultliiflfa‘ aï¬da‘luaal slam. ‘ » 3.15;“ {or}. L-‘nolluulh ill :qul‘U ) ‘rdv Jackets. Skirts, Raincoats and Fawn Dress Jack- 0. sale $6.65; reg. 89.00 , rice. . Vestifelipsht :rey Tweed Skirts. new . strappinz. and tucking. reg. $5.50, on Friday and Saturday... ...... , $4.75 hool Skirts. sizes 26 to 15. m2. $2.25. now ..................... 81.85 Ladies†full lvnxth Rain Cents. all new in lizht. medium and dark. worth $7.50. this sale puts them... , “56.25 flower Coats. 3-4 length. neatly \ trimmed 1nd hilored. reg. $8.30.: ............... $7.25 Girl’s dark so this sale puts them Lace Curtains and Blinds 40c.. sale 30oz digs 45 cents: «in (W: for 755.: oz. $1.35. sale {a}; .7. '2‘- "‘2. $1.? for 91.35; rt; €53“ vâ€˜ï¬ dot-3: §l.3l.‘t {*cr C‘Effï¬ï¬ï¬. fez. we “*1. Sill!" it‘d fr~ "“73 Ml"... . .. ...... "WW-ii. Shidheébi «0. ~ vi. 7 ii- SM 608% assortment .glfl‘. CClNlll~ (4.5.. ‘V>“F" abjrf‘rv: 3 ~-}\ lwrr intact" ..«. 1.. ...‘iy. (Lil...) l..- .. ..4 Ind‘. :0,an .ll â€out hunt. I.nhL taLJdï¬tI. :1; ill . am (We. :l.t'. lull inure-d Mohair. rug. “is. [Hal-C.) 35cmli'daw . more «it: (71.x m. ill Cl‘CJm. ll-lV)‘. litht blur: md ..t‘i‘y. l't'z. 600. (or â€496. Silylrds Crl-lm .l.lp Silk. 2.7 inches with. rug. iu.~_. mic days . iiOc. l0 piece: drum Clumbray. in oablaod. Wu. blue. Illltlfl and grey. rug. lb. . Mic dryer . lOc. Crumh print‘a. iu blues. greys light kiddos, rev. 13 ‘ .; sale days ' ‘ ’ ...: ......lsc Whitu Spat Muslin. unsorted spots. reg. 13¢. . OlJlti days ............... 8 he. Wmte Lm‘iddlo Cambric. reg. lacs. talc days .. ........................ 10o. White Liv/n. i5 inclines wide. reg. 18c. “lo d4"! 130. Vests and Wrist Bugs Ladite' Vests. no alcoves. rcz. 7e. sale it. nxx. 15c.. snlc llc. Loo: sleeves. mg. 15c.. solo l2 Kc. Over- size Vt‘dlh‘, short sleeves. 1'08- 30°- ior... ,, . ".230. Frilled Corsc'. Covers. reg. 28c.. for Wrist Bags. in black and brown. Ff; SOIL; sole ........................ 50c. “M3 “can. in white. brown black. reg. $1.00; sale price ...... 75c. Valencelnes Insertion, reg so. sale to res 8c, sale 5c. Embroidery, 1 inches, Embroidery for West Covers, â€" 7 reg. plan. «1 yards wide. reg. inc. reduced to ............ its. {péé‘ry Carpet. I White Lawn Blouses. nee embroidery insertion. trimmed. reg. 81.05. for ................................. 850. my BMW in White Lawn Blouses. tine tucked back and front. embroidery inser- tion in back and trout sndsl$$ m. 02.00. reduced to ............ Partnering light and dark handles. gag. ‘ $31.09. how... ...... .. .......... . ............ . Pinnacle. new fancy handles. even; did. durable (raises. reg. rum Tm {Gt-“.2; '.‘.'.‘.‘.’. ‘...'.‘.' ._;11§...LLLZL.;.3.1200 ’39 new wheels. reg. can. 3 Men's Furnishings News Combinatles Nihilists Use: anyâ€. "series Mellie hissed“ res . wrltla‘ aflwi‘u“ t)dH-1 ' i": 1111 é‘ja Spring Needle“ llulhriggan mill-iii and Drawers. r05. 650. and ï¬lled out}; Boye‘ Balhriggan ï¬hirts and Draw- ers. sizes 24 to 32. reg. 880.; saga. Men‘s Soft Front Cambric Shirts. sir- es 14 to 1?, reg. 500. and 55“ Bar- ‘gain Days ................................. 450. Men‘s Soft Front Cambric Shirts. pleated and plain. light and dzdk. reg. $1.10. Bargain Days ...... '92s. Men‘s and Boys‘ Rubber Collars. rub- ber lined. reg. 250. Bargaipflage... ..l ............................................. ‘0. Men‘s light and dark knot ties. reg. 1813.. Bargain Days ............... l2 Kc. Heavy Silk Derby; Ties. mg. 5%.. now O-~ s Hosiery, Collars, Belts Ladics’ Ingrain Cotton Hose. real mono natural feet. reg. 25c. and 27c Bargain Days ........................... 22c. Ladies’ new. pure white cotton Hose. 1124;. 22c. for 1712.: re; 25c. for...20c. Cashmere Hose in plain and ribbed. reg. 25c. and 28:. Bargain Dnys...2‘2c Ladies‘ Wash Stocks. in linen and fancy pique. reg. 40o. Bargain Dye. Handsome hint charm (Yid'ffnn t‘dlinr: trimmed fl". 2. .; sale ....... ,. “83:; beam. tihlsgtï¬iyr thrhevni; “iii: 1 . . ' .1: "edit ,. . ‘.‘ .. . tantrum“ My“? let-its. M; as. ' s at ~ - u- h“; HR: 854-. ~ . . .. _ ‘ tild- heels: “5"?" in... do... lull-Hill mile. -‘i‘: .~... on lglmg. Ribbons and Pins \l'hltc. colored Jud DUCK kid lilyeo-a r Tillih‘ tt.. ltzv;.BL1J-;h.lltl due .. ...... 69c. Foliclu cud Lisle Glows. in colors. rur. Jhc. null: days 23c... ruz. 40c" tltilu dly’n . .. .. . ,33c. ribbons. eluded. floral do‘ signs. 5 inches wide. reg. 40c; solo days 32¢. 100 curds fancy their Itoilotmnius. well worth lilo. :Mloduye 3c. and 6c Bout: iluir Pins. 3 inches long. 310: 50.; 6 inches long. sale price llgr Sorbets: reï¬ne. {its}: raw: xc. Beauty pins lot collars and ribbons Lsdi ea‘ worth Br... cello days t l-2c.; roll. 150. pain; sale ........................ 120. Handkerchiefs, Vslllngs Hemetitched Bendkcrchlet samples. rez. 160.; sale 9c Children‘s picture llaukcrchlcfelflï¬ar Lsdies' fancy white Handkerchlcls. reg. 6c. ; sole ........ . .................. 8 5‘0. Men‘s. white Haudkcrchiota, reg. 8c. Sale ......................................... . 5c. New Veilin-gs in :zreyJ blue and black. reg. 50¢. a yard.: sale days. ..... 420. Very fine Net Veiling. in white. grey black and white and black. reg. 40m. sale .................... . ..................... 32c 'and White Point dc Spree. 1 yard wide: reg. 300.; sale... ........................ 23c. yard. Pillow Laces, SHOEMEN’S EARLY CLOSING. reg 150, sale reg 280, sale 200. versetioln with Mr. Felix Forbert he said an endeavor was being made to create an imprecision; that he was C . hum of By-law 3’9 "3°"th With opposed to early closing, but this was other Early Closing By-laws. There seems to'be an impression premium: that the shoe memhants’ early closing by-law is not identical with the original byâ€"law governing “Thalia-s of business, and that a cer- tain clause had been omitted, but on their n. mistake. Up to the present. hav- ing 1) een busy getting settled in new store. a. few customers have been served alter hours. but- the Messrs. Forbert appreciate :freeh air and exercise as much as anyone. Hav- ing a large repair trade they would prefer that the closing; hour be 6.30 in order that working men might locking Up the by-law this morning have a chance to get theinparcels on :3 find that Clause No. l. of the rifcfmn‘s byâ€"law reads as follows; Tm: during the whole of every 3:: all shops of boat and shoe mer- ms in the Town of Lindsay shall be “med 3‘ and continuously afterlsav. Joe. Allen lies ms for Toronto ‘58 hour of 6 o‘clock in the after- I 51:12 and shall remain closed until 1112' dour of live o’clock: on the follow- to . 213‘ 0i each; day of the week ex- '1an Saturdays and. the day {reced- 11:19. Public hoiiiay and on' each Sat- 33’ and 535;? holiday at and continu- ,m t 1;: after the hour of eleven o’clock until â€Samoan. and remain closed ‘m'en . hour of. five o’clock in the the ago}!- of the following Monday, or m 3 following: a holiday.†kin in?“ probably had its ori- the .madmg) of the by-law at , ’wtmmflnggag; when; some of htabe . impremi t t ‘5 remain dithered deflowhut k raincoat!†the day preceding a D ( their: way home from work, but. they are not worrying. : . a _ i W WILL TOOB NEW ONTARIO. mum Rev. James Allen, superintendent of can owner! to be away hmne constantly. and to whom the word "horns". for the time being... is umlsncmen Themiaehulyutmeu. sonic 10.000 in comm. where occu- potion keeps them travelling from one years and hill!!! other. over the insulin and breadth of our country 2w rotor to what are called sees: elem“. travellers. or drummers. of hunters. M m and census 2 for in» now have women “Mellon = on: will out he tin large wholesale- now and manulsetuwrs to disguise at their» cam. Home will have around to cover. such. an ill» North- west. that Will keep them away (rein home for live and, six months at a time; otlwm will run from um time down to e. weekly airbase. Those latten are supposed to have the cream of the jobs. although awe of them can be considered very "creamy“. The traveller ul‘. tiller t0 years ago had none of the conveniences that the traveller ol‘. to-dgy has. and had to rough it: all kiuih cl ways. where the present; day men. rides in the Pull- manuor. sets his lunch in the dining can on! a tent: express. There were compemeltions. however, so in was not great! concerned shout who was aimed of im. knowing pretty well that he wile the only man of his line in that motion: at the count . and he could count within a ho or two dollars how much' he would sell mam one trip. :‘I‘o-day whilst the drummer. travels in luxury in is sur- rounded by veompetitors - he has them to the right of him. to t left or! him. in from; of him and bind him. and the . all volley. and thund- br. He is at 3 sit“: and. alimony how to get ahead of 11.â€:me and yet not t'c go we no}: 3 so in: to lilies mggencmeésm; it. Will Ft 9: stimulus hm claimants! â€" were they . e _ y incliningâ€; ah it {an hid .t wait i iii: 'E-iri- :lMHJy. ‘i , 33M tilt". at new; Beetles. til it was- .. a,“ in t. hwiliili, i. ll' awu'hmlud «all lll will“ warn xylem-d ' allev- or more usu- ally". lUI‘ private xtz mun hwlrk 0mm hound was the mullet; no at. and tie it was all event to we itowl- lens in those days. there generally was a smutâ€"public diuuor on certain dates. when. as you may tulliuw. illuru whore huh old times. There was no local option in twee days. and whis- key was only 85:. a gallon. Travel- lers did not hurry: as they do new; it was not necessary so that they would remain over some ov- er. and do anything. to b at s Nuc- tiou of W kind within sun nonun- ahlo diatoms or time. They were the news manger: end scandal mou- asrsottbduy. and minokdm as u cont at “upper too." by the com- munity. 1n the summer time all were 91“ Ml. sad the one who could not inks his whiskey nest. wuslook- ed upon an a sort 0! mllksop. The poordutterswhohsdsww load on sunplcs to look alter! bane picnic we, can assure you. alt ugh the enjcucd life. such as it woe. to the, lull. .‘l'hsse men took two trips a your. and would be out eight mhnths â€"tbe other four being practically thou: own time at home. as the rail- ways were built. and extended there was less teaminz and driving to do. but more time had to happen: onthe mod. More travellers came on and the novelty worn off. so that instead onewnlnolminz a mum like a. long-lat frlfM.8.Dd spending a hall! day or day with him, and. probably winding up by getting full ‘tocrether. the mer- chant now looks askaneo at any stranzen who calls, and unless his persuasive eloquence overcomes the merchant’s reluctance to buy. the. drummer has to move on, and that quickly if he is ‘to send in the orders h‘mhoumislookingtotr. .. ' Tina~ ,trip to Winnipeg â€" for that was as far so any one wanted to go -â€"was a horror. Now-s-days. if it is summer. you to to Owen Sound on a special express take one o! the mag- nificent bouts of the C.P.R.. where you have two days and two nights of.- a. most delizhtful and charming sail. take a Pullman at Port Arthur, and. you are in. Winnipeg. ready for busmess. Here you ï¬nd etmet core and plenty of business it you are smart: enough'to get! it. In ye old- en tune you travelled to Fargo over three on- four roads. none making connection but each running to its own sweet will. and than you took steamed down the Red Riven for Win- nipeg. Them were no express stem- em inthose days. and. you bucked - well. Just where you could find the ouietest spot. 11 the steamer did not around on. a. mud bank you got. to Wmmpem some time. It generally took a; or. two to reouperate.~and no one ever. thought on leaving before a’ week or two at the earliest; You “-001110 anemone intheredeit "He will. in. the; image,“ one of then! "has? us peddle all day and . Tin planis to at you wanted to, and other you 'had a shoot on the prairieyau would return in theatres wey as youlwenit. It you cmtomensgobhb goals hrthstégea; ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ’ 1T ‘ ' ,' ‘_ ...-Wilt??? fhgddiï¬llmfllw l is else from . Great Western runmnz 1m Torqutd and Nisasrs Pulls through Hamilton to IWindsor-(tht'l told hsd branches mm {ran St. Goonge up throuzh ‘Gelt. Guelph 'snd Plimemon to e Bouthsmptui all Kmm‘f the loud tree Pact. noon to Hldlsnd. Thseslrcsds were all under sepcrste maxim calms: connection . gamed to nuke it s. point. to hone latices u (u. way on possible roll euh other. and tblr trains eltllr so close that; you could not pawl]. mks connec- tioh. it thy won on time. or so in: sport: thst pm!†time wm wasted in waiting mud tot connections. Very. amusi times used to wear. st different , In†puthuis rly st Guelph. eel. the muse it s point: to house at actual it within 1 miles a: it is incl «‘31:.» es s in; out and them wholem. Mignon: ct them tune in mm; day night: on not moms; mi or! at the watch ,. lcr‘ olden. be m the olden days that was lib; M“; 0': l ‘ All the lluulpll. ell lilo ’3! Ilmvcllele north at old Whllllltlou. (My . limo. would lived tor (tool ill. Mme ll crown-M. tile lifl‘. ll‘y; he latter- lwl a tram that out mm W- mmo about all: o‘clock which was a wry convenient lime. to out. in. The W. ti. (5 ll. train w ill (ruled its reach (loci in about 10 minutes ahead oil the 03‘. ‘y. but the steam were a mile amt. Them was not as much inâ€" tereshiu a ball: mule none as them was in tin rush. as up mulled each static: on the we .down. to find out whether the (331'. . we: in time. It ill was on time. and we were coy-late. it meant s malt {out for the cob- bies; Every m in town would be there. for there were from 50 to 100 men wentl . . to catch that Toron- culd the G.T. 'walti Do do anything. to oblige don‘t have to! No to give them greater pleasure than to pull out as twenty or thirty rigs. full of yelling and wrsthy drummers were ruphltg, up to catch tin train. It it was intend it meant a live hours‘ will; and getting into Toronto at ll p.m ;. Fortunately: however. for this sm- ticn ot travellers, this very seldom he (Ahmad. or stuns. time the repu- ttatm of t}. 'i‘ B‘y tor Routinel- ’ not at thi- lhlt. ah i was yeah Dmitri: thitthll ‘ m- ._ till eat; it!- nMWhhi-h tent to , :i‘i‘b it not has i: l Wï¬iiliï¬iiiliiiï¬i‘ Qty ll. .21 .tgl- ... a i iii llili h: . il- is new ti Willi «will: We mm m 69% l-lllllllé an s: 1- Milk; uu gig wazhac- Lu ill will? 'l “N“ i. not to allow has. he t to all . write to the h' ' throng; loo olosclv. mind sunspot. and no rune cm mounted to 75 cents. .Durtn; tin reu G. W. R‘y in the srythloa: was to be t s cutstu dsts st 1! pun: srlcsn creditors at the G. W. wens droid thst their claims would he no good otter the smalxsmstloo and. in order to protect t ves. sinners st Detroli. (or shout twelve ho rev night and the railing] people. with that proverbial stop by thst they are taught to none on such absolute. {h delay. that t was not very pa ithc travellers. will! W nothing..‘ so much: as uses-sudden .Whenthe delays are unavoidable no body d men can while away the time with more; grace. Given a pipe and -s pack of cards and it is "begone dull core" until train time. _â€"â€"â€"___â€"â€"_-â€"-__â€"â€"â€" list it us Illoll ls Weller. It you had: all the wealth 0! Racks oleller. the Standard Oil magnate. could not buy. a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain‘s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician can not prescribe a better preparation for colic and dimhoea, both for children and adults. The uniform success cl emf-timed day. bimuit. might. one: T0990 Every family . ' Sold by all drain!“- tractive number. obtaining. the w ‘ ual array of the latest styles. with / the interesting: fashion chronicles of ’ Helen Berkeley-Loyd and Ednoerd Ls Fontaine and literary features of the greatest excellence. Burton E. Btev- ‘ omen contributes 1213 ï¬rst pert 'ot "rho Rose of Sharon." s_mysl:ery talc thu‘ will to: tho Wt! ol'i'ts ma- dam tn solve. and. there are shot; stories by Kathryn Jsrhoe. ‘ Von Sohbrband. the forms at the new Japan; . Russian mauve. "The Presidents! max†is continued. Under- the title ‘Tb'Revivnl at, the †Peter Man For Dressy Fellows . . â€â€" m: on EDIâ€"Jill?! A In. W M mm m M all m. _ Mme! we l we we cw . Hill Wit to 6A Mi “warmly“ u; who ill» um: ill Mi ' M it!“ its could live and W m and well on â€Wu: 3 an. Ear. m tint unveil dye in: cuulluud mu to ham and milk. trust and â€chum-en everaau daily amount Mermaid. Anthem at the mi in tm that his hold“ NP ‘ st the last Divisim Court here by his s week. and on this pitiful) allowsnos sh Wind health and strength tor. .svsrsl weeks. This. is how she her weekly 24 cents; anneal. 6 cents; pontoon. 4 cents; splitl ps- 6 cents; onions 2 cents; apple; 0 cents; ship‘s biscuit. 4 cents. thn' is a simple menu for. one Brcaklast. dished apple; dinner. pea soup. roast potato. .bisuit; supper. boiled union. two month, but actually I had neither. headache nou- lulu estionJ (tom both d W ' h I entered for years. and. us may he taunted. perhaps. mlendid. appetite." 0 ..OOOOO§QOOOOOQ left Nscllgss .hlrts in s large vsrlety of colors and psttsrns st 01.00. Newest alludes of Nsekwser In the ii In., 2 in. and c a: In. four-In-hsnds st 50o. Fancy Hosiery In blselr sud tun. grout vsrlety of patterns. Ct 256. Young Men's Psnoy Worsted Long Roll 0. I. IROMLIY QUIT. ï¬t 012.00- (flPiktinliSMDttlflme) Dundas Flavelles ltd... Clothinu and Furnishing Department. He. lineal: «ii ' Hit-lib ' Mewwmmn .. ; ll Innis vehicle in ' «a tth-h lie: lilihliiit as l at» ' 2 MW new: lib-Rid!“ Hills 'HWJ MM ï¬sh “We NW two saw - '- 3“:th “gum mm W, WVMWWWWMW mm, mm, A case cl touch interest to policy bolder-l ol the local Farmers lutuul Fire lipurswo Gompsuy was tried- Ellie. is M llonon Ju Harding and 3 Jury. Ir. William Adult. at Noticed, had s’ policy in the company. covering his live sink. to September. lslt.while Ir. Adult was in Brit‘ah Odulnbis he had a odt kilbd byllphtniu. Ap- plicstlon wss made by Mrs. Methin- hsn husband‘s absence. to the insur- sncccanpsny tor. thslossundsrtheir 5.13;.“ “as†mm 1.; 9". var. as :1 thsltlttb ointment had not sent in bi . within time stipulsted by as at the conditions in the policy. which required that. pm! should. in sent the 0 within two days utter the lac. Mr. Adair brought the matter. up st the snnnsl meeting it uthe com in February. but the members present refused to enter- tsin h‘n claim. His Boot Judge Harding held that. considering the absence in Bri- tish Columbia 0! the insured and. the [not that hire. Adair did not know sisl strsits of. livtnr still sh was able to sllow Adair thud. been paying his premiums to the company for eight- years. that it would not be acquitable. under the circumstances. that his condition should be enacted. and gave judgment for. the plaintiff for $75 and. costs. oatmeal. porridge. “a: th'u Spartan dietary." she says. ‘I not only kept well and strong, tor TIIE TEACHER? SOIIEI SCHOOL WMNMOBOII TMIHOW. Local Sunday school teachers and othee associated with Employ school gained I but always s days after it happened, and that 'Mr. l son, of the death 11 the horse for several Scotland, ’ Paisley; owned by tello, Downevville, Ont. Thishoreeisone of the best bred Clydeedslss in Canada. and humane invitedtoinspecthim and decide for themselves. SIBBENwillmnke the eeseon of 1906 for the most part st his on stable, one mile east of Downeyville, but will be taken every Fridsy morning to John Kenny's, on the boundsry of Ops. sndhewill stand FRIDAY afternoon and SATURDAY at the Centre! House, ' y. Terms to insure 814.00, ps 1e 13th Februsry, work. .will be interested in learnig Bowneyvile, May 9th.-w8. that. til: Ontario Sunday School As- ‘ sooia‘tion announces a summer school i to be held in vacuum College.â€Toron,- l to. July Out-2159: next. Four coure- ' :berlain‘s Pain. Balm es. of lectures have been. arranged; . “Elements at Win; and Child ’ Study" Dr. Tracy. Toronto Univer- sity; “Old Testament Outlines†by. . Rev. Boot. Johmton. D.D.. Montreal; ‘ ‘Sundsy School Ongsnization and MW" by W. C. Pearce. Chi- cago, BL. International â€machet- Training Secretary: “New Testament Outline†by Rev. A. C. Courticc. D. 0.. Toronto. There willbe examina- tions in tin! various courses. for which certiï¬cates will be awarded. mm which. whether won at this school on on previous econ-ions. will entitle holcbre to the International Miler-Training. Dipluns. (Elemen- tary; Grade). The lectures and exam- insztione will be open only to regis- cued stublrbe who pay the fee of two dolls†($2.091. wh'mh will cover s11 clam including diploma. There willbes ’ .dmusaons" rysnd deem 'aptuxg sad. sppliso- - standout ' owing Mex-y les- _ M'flev. B. P. ï¬shy. D.D..; Rev. F. 04 Stephenson. H.D.. Rev J. G. Brown. " M, {We To an aâ€. “- KC. m , Cox-respond m Why suitor from this painful mal- ady when one application of Cham- 3ivee relief! Hundreds of wasteful people tatify to the magical power of this remedy. over rheumatism. . For sale by all __*-â€" W Ient m. Bowmsnvilln Statesman; Mr. Jae. Boxall, Lindsay. Supreme Vice-Presi- dent'ottheiSons of England. made an official visit to Lodge “felling-too. No. 19. Bowmanville. May let. and; found: tins brethren in .good tome. The Supreme Viee-Pmsade' nt gave a; y, ‘ _' account of the acâ€" tion. of the Executive in procuring muhip at the Canadian Institute property in Toronto for ofï¬ces. etc. ‘ . hren pm were delighted w-m Meatless“