Ontario Community Newspapers

Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 18 May 1906, p. 12

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Sunday Midnight «the Is Fleet will on em. Fellows Speaker's Ballad With Reference to Mr. M00000". GASTllllll For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have " _’ REPORTERS WERE BLAME” ,1. Against the Pressâ€"Ur. class the Land Mmlnletfltlon the Northwestâ€"Ir. W and Ir. Tariff Replyâ€"Ir. Fits- patrick's Power W Bill. Ottawa. lay 11.â€"ln the loss fever ish air oi yesterday. toliowod Wednes- day night's exciting debate in the House on the indemnity question. Ir. Speaker Sutherland informed the mem- bersthatapsrtoiur.lngrem'slan- ministeroncetonrJiacleanhsd been unparlimnentary. Kr. low. after accepting the ruling and substitu- ting language of a milder tone. again complained of The World's ropofl o! the previous discussion. Several more personal grievances against newspar pers were also aired. The House generally approved of should an Tar it to all Mr. l'itspatrlch'a bill providing for the n .' a” me“ licensing oi companies desiring to ex- slons th: in maritime. He meow ' no", or m Cl’lllIOl'l torpedo ll. ’0' t aeehsuthen sprangupontholand oral llgh administration in the west. Criticism! ' Rain Coats. Look for the label that indeed. who came trom hith and upper ranks or industry vied with the the number and richness or The terms lined by the British ulti- you want your table t flowers and some of our Si comic-s. Oalyasturdyllttlepup“ metal protessorl. p temcve thataentenoeotlleathbeirnpiieedilllflI the existence otthe leg‘islaitivstiody:I which theywere elected. came mandolintheir civil” notbeingrelievedbyarhbonora medal. chads! and steel water than any pump 0 look its prettiest. Snowy linen, a few lverware and Cut Glass will give your guests many pleasant thoughts of their visit. Odd Spoons and Forks for fruit, salad, cheese, cold meet and countless other uses; Sterling and Rolled Plate. CUT GLASSâ€"Fruits, celerys, hon-boos, water bottles. PITCHERSâ€"More than weann tell, but we andZare glad to. 1 can show you, BRITTON BROS., Foot of Kent-st” llndsay. ; ‘3' STEEL , g A FROST all rum]. ll iiiaiim , timing ! l F iii lililli’ innit miter rain in. him GATES The stronuealures of Frost so are combined in the dates A special feature is the frame if mi eons steel to use. is is vastly stronger than a name whit l_ w??- eeis an 1;“ ea le ensue?- . e. envy wire lllaa insures “Mist catalog. or: « ‘ il’illlllllilllllilé g lawman: l lllllllilllllllllll :llllillllllilllfli 5 cm as llljfréllditii as well as m are laying themselves lie W. N. PHILP, GEO. HUNTER; Pt A. DEV‘NBa B One 60 h. p. Inglis Boiler, and one 40 h. p. Engine.Both as good as now. Can be had at away down price. A. (lllllllll SONS. Lindsay Street Bridge. MeLennan 00. Garden Tools Fence Wire Poultry Netting Builders’ Hardware Screen Doors Step Ladders Washing Machines Curtain Stretchers Tinware OOQMNOOOOOO§OOOOOO990909000 M GOVERNMENT RAILWAY. Tomiakaming Net Earnian For Quar- ter Show Good Advances. Toronto. Hay 12.â€"The Terniskarning Railway returns for the quarter end- ing March 31 show earnings of $98,995. with operating expenses or $60,631, the net earnings being 838.3“. The railway's first quarter of last year. comprising 21-2 months. showed earnings or $25,286. with expenses of 821,895. or a. balance or $3,390. Thus there is an incree-So this year over last in net earnings of about $35,000. while the ratio of running‘expenses to re- ceipts is only 61.2 per cent. as against as per cent. last veer. W" Garland of Horses Burned. . Wilts In the Council. . 'l'hougb picturesque as a pageant yes- venttul and Optimhtio Spirit. The impression left by Thqu historic day is on the whole optimistic. montthaasmmedanr NAMII III II. INVILOPI. Preston en His Way leek to Reveal N. A. 1'. Ge. Directors. tawa cable to The the agent of the North atlantlo 'h-adlng Confusedtogivethenamoeotthe company to the Parliamentary Commit- tee. but Lord Strathcens sent them later. The C. A. P. understands that Ir. Preston has in his possession. sealed with five largo seals. an nvelopo con- tainlngaliatotthenameaotthecon- pany. which he will produce when be- for the Public Accounts Committee at Ottawa. TheC.A.P.hasboenlntormedthat Preston himself is ignorant what names are mentioned in the list the envelope contains. .â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" Blake's Bed. Hon. Edward Blake is lated on the excellence 0 on Tuesday night. It is consid best he ever delivered in the House. Crushed by Toni of Coal. Rochester. N. Y.. May 12.-â€"Wil. De bed to death yester- eight of thousands of pounds or coal in the Philadelphia and Reading Coal Yards. Two other men were inlured. Cotton Weavers Strike. Kingston. my 12.â€"â€"Because Nont- real weavers got an advance in wages titty weavers in the Domin- ion Cotton mill here went on strike They ask 20 percent. increase in wages There are 12 boys and 38 young warren . W gem to Turkey expires at midnight . Mr. 'Ames was very ed his notebook with gossip rather than with relish 0 information. He de- landod the administration of the land laws as being in the interest of the set- tier. Technical Education Commission. ll. Wickett, Toâ€" 0. A. Vaudry. Quebec. and J. ray and G. M. hturrsy. Toronto. M COULD NOT APPROVE. o. N. I. Intranet to Ottawa Not Oats Railway Hialeah held over accordingly. The entrance to Ottawa. planned to be made through one at the lineal who and showing thirteen low! cross“ was laid over. The lialstsr plainly intimated. however. that it could not be approved. The sections between Montreal and St. Andrew's and between Hawkediury and Ottawa were approved. The sec- tion between Hawkehury and it. An. drew's stands over in order that an arrangement may he made to keep north or the Carillon and Grenville road. __________â€"â€"â€" Tlie New Townships List. new townships. the authorities have seen fit to honor. among others. Sher- rlng. the winner of the Milan road race. and also the event itself. Harbors or the Legislature also figure promin- well concert to the behalf of the citizens. ernor Sir Henry Joly presented a mag- nificent silver loving-cup standing to the oilieer cornmeal- ll‘ronch River Kassie. by Hr. Amos oi land speculation were replied to by hlr. Sliton nd Ir. Tun rill. and the debate was adjourned. Illla Introduced. To incorporate the Burt’s Falls 8 Railway Ochâ€"Mr. lio- To incorporate the Gwalt Range Railway Coâ€"llr. hicCool. Respecting Queen's College. Kings- tonâ€"Ir. Barty. Respecting the . TmeNiagm Bridge Coâ€"lr. Calvert. Ir. Stocktoa's committee to con- sider amendments to the law - ing the sale and advertisement of tran- dulent medicines and those containing deleterious or injurious ingredients was increased to eight members. as follows: Hon. Ir. Templolnan. Hon. . Dr. Delano. Dr. Sproule. Mr. . hisclean (Lunenburg). and Mr. Stockton. G. T. P. Branches Dropped. Ottawa. lay 11.â€"â€"-Provincial rights were discussed awn yesterday at the railway committee. When the Montreal Park and Island Railway bill was call- ed llr. Emmerson pointed out that in favor of the bill. still ocal one, and that it local roads were to be opposed they should be consistent. The bill was re- ported. When the bill to incorporate the Grand Trunk Pacino branch line com- pany came up the general clause for construction of branches was struck out. It was decided to put down the bill for further consideration on Friday next. # osuvs BURTON BILL. Differences of Opinion As to Depletion of Water of Lake Michigan. Washington. May 11.â€"After two days of executive session on the Burton bill port lay ll to the entire com no differences which have this step necessary concern the amount the use of the Chicago Drainage Canal. The delay caused by this action is regarded by some as endangering its omega at the present seaelen. W Rarthaealie in Nebraska. Cody. Nah. May “we.“ Ht e‘elmh Wednesday night as eerihouehe sheen. lasting nearly one minute. Need through the ”there \‘alloy. the eerlh seeming to move north and south. 'l‘owns ill all direclloiia tor a radius oi silly miloa lave Nporlod tooling the about. W Held Up For M Kempivlllo. hlay ll.-â€"â€"Aboul uo o'clock yesterday morning. Wm. Jack- son. egg buyer. was held up by two toughs at the point of a revolver. and relieved of about 8325. ________._â€"â€"â€"- Mre. Jefl Davis III. New York. May ll.â€"â€"hlrs Jefferson Davis. widow of the president or the Southern Confederacy. is dangerously ill of the grippe. She is nearly eighty Years old. Sorry To Go. Ottawa. May ll.â€"-Lord Grey received yesterday the following telegram. dated Montreal. May 9: “Many thanks for your kind tolpo gram. Have had a most pleasant visit here, and am very sorry that my visit is ended. ‘ (Signed) “ARTHUR." Norm-eel. May 11.-â€"The Allan Line . steamship Virginian sailed for Liver- pool at (.15 yesterday morning with His Royal Highness Prince Arthur of Con- naught on board. ______._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Big Posse In Pursuit. Victoria. 13. 0.. May 11.â€"'l‘ho trio who held up the wesubound Imperial Limited Express near Kamloops are still enjoying freedom, with pursuit being continued by over 100 regular and volunteer police. been increased to an aggregate of 811.- 500. Indications yesterday show that the hold-up men are still keeping to gather and working toward the Ameri- can boundary. M God of a Strike. Cleveland. May 11.â€"‘rhe longshore- men‘e strike lasted nine days. cost 8:.- 500.000 directly in less or actual money . to the strikers. and cation. exclusive of indirect loss. and the men are reâ€" ll‘li \l i) 3') Dusi s ;3(i \i's ‘ 7 ,, “I CC-‘VW. m~-'. IC' you. CW1. .â€"â€"â€"-_â€"-_ - llllllllll MARBLE Wllllii. Cresswell and Jordan, DEALER-S IN "It!“ All neurone mum in Issue IOIUIEITS. READ- STOIB, masses 8”?- PU“, ETC. All work and material strictly 513;. class. Beinganewfirmour atockwwefi selected and of modern design. Prompt- neoe and satisfaction our motto. Oillce and Shop 147 Kent-st. Nearly opposite Public Library. - V P SCOE BROS. General Merchants, Oakwood. Ten departments always kept well assorted Boot. and shoes. This departmout in our store has been one of mi antisiaeimn in ii. for since our commencement it has steadily crown. till now wri clan ll as one oi the best is our store. Our customers have sxrromd their ooh dense in the selection we make. and with our cool need earn and in: «silage. we expect to are still better business in this line. 0 vs two lsl values to odor in Women‘s and \loli's 21mm hedies' low Lace .‘ ti so tor l.‘.‘ii: 1.04““. been llnnle, rog r: in Cell lines lloots. liluohor ai‘rw, lot 5‘? .‘t. fl“ Keir for l to l lion‘s en Douala have Dacia. llluoher slyle. for 03.75. Dry Goods. Mlu’ My Cullen. 25c and Mo each. Rmbroldsrlae and insertion. laws Pun-talus from 35¢ to s: w pr! pal! Roller Blinds iron 356 each to “.00 each. A full line oi hit-x3. Izho Cue brie Shirts 01.00 each. Ready-made Clothing. Thirty-live new Buil- jusl to hand is Boys‘ Two and ’1 ' also Brownie Suits. Our Wagon is now on its regular trip again. and ml: 5.- ; receive orders for goods to be delivered the loilowin‘; Wars Highest market price paid for Butler, Eggs and \‘l at; cash or give goods in each age fer the above. __________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- 14.00.. lsli'n ILsr'imu Cured When all Else Failed ‘Ooaldllivemyoarlyiliooverahie teetlmoull aialalthaathouan m, 1'! mstoadddrivtngitoai. Ibiesstho y W was recommended to me. I lnveetiga - “mm 25 years' experience 1134‘" financially. gave you my case under a gum”: O! e“ are permanently. and in six years there '1' as 1-3-1 $0“ niceror any other symptom of the blood 05232.. . . oeooooooeoeooooooeooooooooo I ‘1 h A oooooeoooeoeeoooooooooleoooootoooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ‘ ooooooootoooooooooottttttottso I otoooooooooootooOOtooe< wilt-charm. nan. nay 1:.â€".a car can- n at turtoomnnported fig”. a g . Ohms are while in transit near here anduwaas Paints Oils Varnishes “m‘l- W 'vlthfihe animal- “Prism” nixed Paint WNW Graniteware

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