Ontario Community Newspapers

Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 26 Jan 1906, p. 3

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nun; magma. â€"A letter received in Loafinnan' bounces than Bishop McEvax. 01 MT: dun, accompanied by Rev. Father. A! ward, will leave Rune “put tin Illu- dle at January, and vimt tho mm 0‘ Lourdes. From there they "It." dad visiting England, Ireland an; Boouand. returning to £33me lbout six weeks. ~11: H. J. Naswort . tamer]! 0! The‘Poct m but 3w 01030813." Eli. in an 91-01” <1 mm:- Mmes Ca. Limmed. d that city. M AS IRAVflllRS (ONE AND 60 £5 mwmm _ $1- tim’fiwag 1% m :4 filing“: i“? [13991300 8‘ mah! nnd quicidv indium by aching 3 db- cased condition of the womb or kid- contmue until the can” in removed. Mg“! at. t ‘IV been the an or wen y :26 and only am in such cases. Itspeedflym numbnd kidney disorders nnd m the to- male. orgsnatonhedthy condition. Here 15 one am mamas: Alia u, Allan (h at £2 Allan. xxx-Bed $«hmgfizt $21“; {:3 may. d' 0‘ he‘ . u. mean «it t -m. John Driaoadl. at Hartley. is Waiting his sister. lira, A. J. Camp- bell. Victoria-neg -l[r. cm. Stewart, editor of the Bohuygeon Independent, was in town fitumay on W â€"Capt. mac, 0! Bobcaygeon. was in town Thursday on his way home tun Mr. Careyw’a camps up nth: -Mr. John McLean cailed on Inn!!- 11 hinnm lately, and mflfiaw at his sister, Mrs. lumbar EI‘ 34,80- â€"n.r. rhea. Robson, Wdumtqn-sg., he returned £01- a mm W trip and busimaa visit to the old country- ~31 Addison Rena. wax Linda» boy, but now in t'ha It. 1 . ”J'pW' â€"Mr. T. A. Stitch. at Trenton. In: hen the guest 0! M: W. B. Bkitph. .Williamâ€" at., for. the put week mmnxu :53: isa Backachen mm“ ims TASK norms my mun mun». a g WW“ m mm m. m {BMW ___â€" seems an W ”.39? would _.......I. " Women 1MB! 11:! over 38‘!“- h! HERE‘S IMO 10 m w. a. mum was mat Pall 3’: mm m Ania" Purim is m rut-unto not red!” flu? thO Mb MT. LINDSAY. FRIDAY) JAN. mmmm W Etching-huh mam: continua» Oklmloh Iotwoon I. Ro- ve" ond Count Von ‘I'ottonhooh Io- .lno Prooh Contnvoroloo Botwoon Franco and couture-Memo Confounoo Adopto Flvo Out of tho 1O Artloloo of Contraband. 'Al‘oolru. don. law-Tho ploalpoton- mm. woro ontortunod ot yootordu'o fitting of tho Moroccan contomoo by on most conunuouo aural-h ho- twoon H. Row“. hood 0: tho-mach dolontlon. and Count Von Tottoahoch. tho oooond of tho Gonna dolocotoo. wan. tho monmu woro contuny oh- Iomd. tho other dolocotoo were con- oolouo that tho do: woo tho Waning of trooh oontrovoroloo hetwoon Franco and flow. which on llkoly to ho long pmttootod ond o! uncroum: corn- ootnou. French and German Deiegata Combat In the Conference. RACE DIFFERENCE MANIFEST G. T. P. Tendon. Mantra), Jan. 83.â€"Tondm have firâ€"“1w“ W 'fiâ€"w qr Themmcluholthe ,1- to leave the onset Mullen“ ih the Moroccan customs. but as the question e1 Renee‘s “ministering the customs comes up km. the moo-0m contention remsins open. French Fight the Chine“. Marseilles, Jan. 28.â€"'l‘he Chinese not! which srrived here ”studs! force numbering 400 men, of whom 160 were Europeans. A three-hours bottle ensued resulting in the defent of the Chinese, who lost 300 killed and 300 wounded. The French lost 16 men of $5 Ensign legion, and 89 Annamiies e 3‘88 Mm of m by“? mum an- am it. buss! a pm ‘ ‘ My.“ 63% w 55* ‘ iwfifii‘gl Tho ml“ 0! tone. mm by the two plonlpotonuu’iu Jaunted their 68.ch or men. n. luvon was keen. analytics! o: mind. animal in diplomat: M and with a. use. 0! Mon and ; winning pomn- dlty. Count Von '1‘“th wu downright o: mach ma namely In man. (man: to the solidity at his Mon and to m. mu. The two plenipotentinries ere not in Iyznpnthy. ud drew enert outside the council room. Both ore of high unhi- tion. and it will be difficult tor either to yield to the other. Meeeegee of Hope. The conference reueembted at the Town Hall. The presiding oilioer. the Duke of. Almodom. Spenilh Hinieter for Foreign moire. reed mum from the h Denote end Chunber or Depu en expreeein; hope for a nuc- eeestul issue or the conference. The Int-onto Vincent! Venoetn. heed or the Itnnen miuion. replying in the nine o! the delecetee. mode 3 signineent ret- erence to the internetionu chorecter oi the ureement to he ooncluded here. This wee interpreted en referring to the Frenco-Germnn dimoulty over the queetion of the internetionel control of Morocco. Spot. In Argue. The mucus!“ brought out a lengthy amour» mm mm kahuna“ m Hokhfl. the “can! of the Mean «hates, concerning mama's pn- om “mud. tpmdn tho comm-once. m w in Manic. am! ‘!5% «Mates mama m I hit «mm Nomlnatiom It Kingston. Kingston. Jan. 33. â€"The nomination of E. J. B. Penée as the candidate for the Liberals, and of Dentin! M. Henr- tyro for the Cami-”Mm in the election, took plus in {86‘ city m1? {Mermfi 6t 1 b’cl‘obk. W1W ”#9099“ MW“ Eh”? «brmmmafiés {hf-11%;? mm ”6 {5‘0}: thfi'i ummgt: i.6 mm x6150 “a afifilfifi 165%? wt $8»: Guam €99“ ‘ 9” W Human. Jm- 3x-â€"- m .15 WNW? Gunner 84:9.“ 0.: “A." mum. at 951 3' hmke t ,1:th um 19% 9% 9” mm mm. was 116 Wk WM W9“ mcqed. hut 3001: “tax Med Mm $3“ W all home W“ “1 W9“ W- wu'd W The conference adopted an of the 10 ortlcloo contolnod In tho report of tho commntoo on conmbond omo. Diocnooion of tho roman!" uncleo then won! over until Wednoodoy. to- “: bola; reaomd for tho coromonleo ottondlnc tho (out do, 0: Km: Al- fonso. _ . Mn I Mamba mute" or and 1'th Stood Potâ€"chamberâ€" inin'o Irokon Melodyâ€"Tho Standing of the Portia. London.‘ Jan. 88.â€"â€"(C. A. PJâ€"Donnld Menutor. K. (3.. intoly or neutral. ‘hu toiled in his odort to wreot tho Loigh division 0! monitor from tho Libero! column end m «tented yu- tordny by J. F. Brannon the Libero.) candidnte. by 8.000. tho vote bowl 7.175 to 3.169. The conntituoney has been Libero! tor our 80 you by m- joritien tuning in tho neighborhood oi n thousand. At int olootion the mo- jodty was roducod to 180. The riding include: int-go mining interest: nnd tho Labor vote in conoidornble. Even Though It Wu Smotonod With Voteloss Kiss». DEFEAT'OF A CANADIAN KC. Appealing for the Labor vote the Lib- eru undidste pointed out in 1. recent speech the: Mr. Mounts: had spoken “slut Lshor csndidstes in other rid- inu. while he hnd shown friendship (or mox- by losninx his motor cs: 00 three stor csndidsies. end etch at then: won. ROMAN! ef Deed “inlet" halve M Halifax and Are Rewind With Honorâ€"The Funeral Preceden- Haliux. N. 8.. Jen. :3.-The body at the late Hon. Mr. Pretontelne we: landed at 11.80 yesterdey tron 1mm. Dominion. and the Men! procession peued from the dookyerd to the ste- tlon between lines at outlier}. But the cannula hu not ban on- unly 1n vain tor tho Comma” un- dldzu. u ; report tron the tidings”! utter his muum nova-u Mu mut- ed on Mum; )lr. Holu'tor. Only Two Return. of Monday's Polling. Only two other nturno woro receiv- ed loot night out of 23 polling! notor- doy. Si: .1. 1". Loan towns tho Ac- crinxton division of unwhiro for tho Liborolo by 8.357 on: o. Unionist nnd Indopondont Sociolilt. Tho Goflon divi- oion or Loncuhin loco to tho Lobe:- eondidnto. John Hod“. denoting 8. W. Ron. Conumtivo. by £825. Tho soot was won for tho Commuvoo hy Ern- est notch. whooo Monty won :20. in 1300, but Mr. notch wont over to tho Liborolo lut you ond diam oooh ro- olootion. In the abort no. for tho m In- Son-1:: Bomtord Nd- hlr to b. ”and. 81:- Edwu-d Clan. Comm". with 10,100. In the cm of London. a mu Ct the top. but Benton ”cum all- cloud u “but! Monty of 8.8“. n chum. from a 0mm. mucky of 8.002 In: that. , A ._4A_ NEAR END 0?- SAD JOURNEY. The tuners! m a. mm; on. About 400 bluejacketl and untim- from H. M. 8. Dominion won in Has. a: well u the Canadian soldiers and marines. It was one o! the most specâ€" tacular funenl; guy seen here. Jo'hn Blncliingho. m chem! to: "fie score to we in: Libenll. In labor. I7; Con-mum 11B; Rmon wâ€"w' pm; gum: Liberals. no; mm a. Connemam 2; Katha-1132:. 2. Wm. Thu» tsunami m n cam-Ash h mm mm 22%. “MN 2% I w: M2212 22 2% “Hi 2%\2|:%Mah\1:2‘m222 W m “warm 22! gag a;w£+§§§gmfigh H W». MEWMW a? ‘3 The order of the funeral procouieu was as follows: Band; guard 100 men; gun carriage drawn by Cnnndlan mu- rlne detachment; member at family of deceased Minister; Marine Depart- ment; A. D. 0.1 to Governor-General; IAeuLGovemor and sum; A'rchbllhop «Halifax, Rom Osmotic; hum» of Nova Beetle. Episcopal; rep tu- g: Wauznggmaamum at“; W . 0' . 511.1!th ‘. kt' u 5 . ‘ ., A ';. 'd 8' " ‘ 1... a. 1%“ _ ”HM- n Winnl . Jun. tilâ€"An lawman: l;- borer to down 'the elevator am at the new 0. P. 1!. hotel yenerdu while attempting to descend on O mpe tron the fourth storey. H!- t»! was brok- an. and he mocumbed shortly mar» Wang: was .04 39am qu- m an only mmmm at Misan- tha mm resident at United States. 1411. met 1m m at Cancun. Ont. an Feb. 1‘. 1801- 315%33 find: ”:5qu Rum" Home Fined "Wu Ottawa. Jen. zapâ€"Mulligan Bron; o! the Russell Home has pleaded “It, to the chem or serving ruined grouse pt the forestry convention tunnel; and add a fine of one hundred dollars. The charge was ma by the same Men. act!" on instructions tron: Toronto» Rm MM m “m. Falla Down sum.- The raw from that Innicipu world has 3 local Appuufion; - No one want. to pun u W n: mm “in {- noon-In. but, on tho other hand. the municipqiit ‘ with n '10!» run h'nnly, a than a piano to 1m 1m '1'):- nm 0:1 In low “to is mu: but rout. poorly; kept We. and .21 Mario: cur-our a public nervloo. By mm 01 mm!- cipfl milsflou modern improve. menu. or mthunodun none-min. can In pun-urn! fin a mu! way to: 1m than the. mdnvidual worth: “one can wall: it. It h I noun a! «enemy in pouring we. w:- ler nupm. fin_protw.1.‘lm \n'd ultno: 1A _“ ‘L‘ -â€" â€"â€"r'.' . common amenities. It in not tbs busine- ot conncmorl to me any. at them scuba in ordnr to when «um. um nt'hor to can that the peo- ple obuin the belt ulna fan the nuilnblo ex m upon them. Then! Inuit: mlpncy 9 wall a: c'ciiiém??? fiiniawl Mark Bnmxou Tunas: A few minutes be- lore 1 o'clock on Tues-h: while Eu- gincer Au Clark. at tho I. B. O. was ruling his wine grepuu'ory to max-Linc out with tho “new. hotel] (Lam: at an ficat at the deapctchor who wan in flag at d: landing him hi: ordau. . Thu M 10: u vim m-d a family a the ohildnn. HQ Wu 3 member of. Court! Bancroft. I. O. R. and cmied an insurance at 31.000. AM“ The United Stats hu 3 m n- cord for the put you. In 1005 there were 9.912 death- by violence in the United Stun. comp-mod with 8.482. in 1904. JNMA atom 579 murder: Share were .982 sui- cidm. an incnuo d 542 our 1901. 01 the mumm 870 won pu- u'cinna. Then NCO 188 ml exoâ€" cutions. 61 In the north 82 in the south. May Roman. 0! Vermont. mm the only mu executor: Lynch. inn :1an 66. tha mulm unm- bzr since 1885.. uâ€"‘uv ions the; it much (1 insect {or the gum! radar. and the depart- mmu cumming the [motion hone-2- holéer n have bean “namely contrlbnt to; Than an iron sto- ries by Ms (3:10 am! Mimi-er Beandmnp. with m Imus; tra- vel lieu]. untitled. "tn euro nth a omen.“ by MW Wad-Am. man mmm m. of olu life “The 1’"th of Qua" Is mom! in. in: much in [mu-nut he ' lec- mm mum" in.” none mu! “With an ”We! mom the c il £51131 1 align“: girl is Bea-i1 ‘Euh rim-Wu ”N PA“: 5"? m mum“ («mun W and W â€"N the ms: 00 Won. the February- Manta. with in dis- playdmfiy’Imbumtut. tractivo lumbar. Baldy _tha .191:- .- “-V r â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" vvâ€" - - tea-mine the We at any object within a finance at 3:00 to 600 m. The nae or such sq nutrnment in rinse-finding. pmiimmpry mveys, or for prcmep'ton’ use: It at once ob- vions. Itr-win wobbly 735! span 1;» A hm! human. A mind!“ little instrument has bum mama aft the was m ut mm m the m1 at mans-anus; mtmas. it If; N an we mn- memmmsnm ‘N'. {315' 13" m‘rflr m1 ‘1‘ w w - twink.) . r u can in WWW 399m ‘3“ RP,‘ MW. 9 4m?- mm hen. 'tgowqwx m 9.11:- M‘ ‘2‘ W0 m, 390. W 9mg 'wus- am 0 wk at H 111mm v a wâ€" c-ulax telewow: and. ammo Imam $651? an mtlltigotmg: a ,8»; W 01' ‘ ‘ Q Jcct. find 'the‘gyrcad 039th distaste: m we at a male attach“ t9 the controlling screw. New. In x «mph Whoa! device the angecgwo (flame between the eyes 1: Increased to tam..nmuchas§.ooom.can pa terminal to a precincts amount- mg to 4 pa- cent. and uni! diltanoeo to far greater accuracy. Dr. Cup- ti thawed 1 null Zen held glass fitted with tho telemotu- sttaehe ment, and Ir. Nor-firm: ooqld. with great; Imagining: gun .. AA-â€"A -_.. Al-n‘ awmw i‘m “‘x: Wu: at Mm; Jud tum on «um And m wow- Than tq the slur. Then awn! fro bane”. cm 0! my thy- flvm Joya untold. 1 Then new Misfit: A hub er in In t 1:fo ‘ T-hc-n aomethint more Then parent‘s glenâ€"- A mn‘child Climbing on you In“! . mamma- k mm 53% amwmy i‘m the love. "ABE HIS MST nun. a 'Evâ€"ér'y’ Vanni driver" ‘1 onto HM“- Our odo- durlng the month of December worn fu- beyond «that. Nonnholou, we will have to eontlnuo our cu. co 1.. to not our good. Into on. store u soon .- poulblo. .KOOFQIWG .FOZ 02¢ P30 ”@040 Oh. 02.8 Nfl< u; .F<_._.__. groom EC GUIâ€".â€" Z_<.F¢HO Z. “2.10mâ€"(fl gamma Thie meme enupe for the public that have not been eeen behre in Undeay. We have ee many kinde that it ie uimeet impoeeibie to enumerate; It'e your privilege to inepect and Judge for younelf. SERVICES Ali TO BE REID EVE" MIMTII IV I... ”III”. Tl. M m 00 W J..- .1 m h mm. ma. On Honing. Ju.15th. "nesting at two npmhflm tron such 01 tho Sunday wheel. in town was hp“ in the Ounbriko-It. Iothodht church palm (or the pm 08 dnwin; up n och-Ink at am- on which the “flaunt Bunch: lohooll will in n- qpounihh to: the bounty of mating: Qt tbOountyBounolB-lmrhu old poops. us tho Mum. who my and: can. In count with outsido friends, emu: taproot“. than Bun- du dun-noon man‘s. which no chat-fut .u up“! _lr. W995; "1E HOUSE 0E REEIJGE DAIES bl: talk. but w. are bound to do It. in. mmmi'm‘n m Bulk: new. when n wanting are ex. “: 3,: guano unlu- nt lb 3m. Ilâ€"WWL lath. July if i'.Wohhrw|u Sumatra at th- mun; next maumw ran OIII Wat. Ismail-t a: Bow hold the moth A . Belleville Onterio: Far e eon-Met- the time put motietiene beve been been cm on between the mung.- ment at the Grand Trunk uni the It emotive firemen and engineer: em- ployed by the «:00an In regard to demand- presented by the men. Some three on four months ego committees mpreeentlng both the engineers end the firemen went a: delegate- to Montreel fun the ylaemg or these de mantleâ€"which, it u send, include in- cmeed pay and shorter hoursâ€"bo- tore the management. The: have been trying ever since to reach I: set- tlement but have been unable to do so. Both the management and the men serve the utmwt reticegee in was to the stete at the otte- man. Rumba! tmm ur ‘ m: t H- x mwxgm I” m at: am Em m m; ”“63"” uuuuuu :‘mfi‘itiuf‘thQ what ‘21“ (an: sax E rour CU t 38» waemen are wa a rca_Â¥: ta M. Jun committee enema to let . ) ‘ S cm. the can utaxt in any other rat» to ‘ own up the entry fee charm Mo- ‘ Ethan aloud to so in the 2.80 clan, ' 1 l 4 1 putt'mz the cult up “ain‘t nah vet- eran u Gladstom “(I ; field at. ’ ' .13 other good am. To the “manhunt of tin quota; i 6 n m I». O tho 3333' “333? 39“ 333 3393-. mm“ mama 3.1- At >7! v. . Facts ' Worth Reading {351%} This Business will b0 conducted 'on a Strlctly cash Basis. 853%“! M No booke kept-«don‘t eek for credit. ee you wlll eertelnly be refined. We went to mute the month of January exceed December. That Be iii. "I‘m CONCERNING BOOTS 800088503 TO N. ROOKIE. LINDSAY'S GREATEST SHOE HOUSE. An: EEURLEY, WNW”. $10 mos: mm mm; i WehavebeenengagedintheGrooerymdPtovisionbusi- , nesin Lindsay {annuighthittyyun Thepadngofevery O . O doingbunineu planes the genes-ll public? Tint thee-re we take to evoid unheated goods by buying only from the best houses, our experienced overdght of everything cent out, and the unifonn eonrteey extended to Ill. have been the menu of Attracting new customers? Once our: they never leeve as. i Wheththem,thinkyou? Isitnotthetoutnyof I Wecenuve you money. Tryus. Inu‘«unumom‘»«muuuuuumm Atthebegioningofthismywohgoéwe deemit our dutytosaysmdortwoinmnownbehdf. “f0! WM IS mm In “1mm W80 WM money IS Will Mil!” QB? weré {g an? bené t9 th9§é wha kngw us;§ and {hag whe have are théy Wm eta! .wnh “$3 that WM (19 mt (1%! With “:3 are these: wha fihwld kuaw us and da man. W: want yaw mufidmee‘ and Y0“? GWWN: ' >_This speech of the meta is truly realized in the commercial world. and never was there a more fitting time to apply it than the present day. t SPRATT 85 KILLEN, The air is titled with the spirit at bar- gain gutting and bargain giving. We run in the race, and from now until the end of the present month we shall reduce the price of every thing in this store in order to accommodate the purchasing public, - - Trade Wlth Us - - 'I‘HI FAMILY CNWHHI. PIG! THREE.

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