ems mun. Toronto Telegram. tory: The Parâ€" liament buildings. being now quite too small to hold Dr. Beattio Nesbitt. the suggestion is mada thatga large circus tent be procured and set up imnbdhtely' in the rear.- ' z ' Telegram: "There are no’ï¬eathâ€"bed visions." says Dr. William Oaler. ï¬aybe not, but how does Dr. Osler propose to explain the Borden, Club’s vision that the honorï¬â€˜n leader. will be Premier of Canada after, 1909. * Lord Stnthcona arrived. in Canada on New Year’s day One‘ £3213 like wondering how many. more mild-win- ter tnnsatiantic voyages the grand .old man will make. The more they are the better Canadians will be the inflated hero of the Portsmouth mom†We predicted his failure, be- «use of. hi; essential littleneea de- spite his bulk. Almost as puny on the trumpery Tour. a compound ot htalism. vanity sod criminal imbe- éoility. Japan is truly enjoying hot n- vongo (or the indecent humillotion put upon her at Pnrtimouth. Russia would not humiliate: Junta .at ‘Port ‘vvâ€"v Arthur 0: on the triumphs!- mnmhi to Mvutok. imam the): wcro‘ than in in; open w. ding. But in; Dartmouth they were on the carpet: of} Irbnd wit)! ski-an eye (on busi- ness. hyd a strata mlootance. toscc my: play even whim accepting easy flattery as peaccmabcr. As we said :14: the time. 13.93:: was wia in allow- ing Bunch; to Ezhh. Russia. to the dccth. Fag better: than taxing the Jgpamm in blood. and greasure be- niclcs what had already been sacri- ficed. Russia is in_the agonies ofa'pv auicide. and it ever she gets born, again to a noblor Jiie it will be by the mercy 01" nations whq justly de- apitc apd hate her. I The London Saturday Review, the organ 0! high Conservatism. is great,‘ _ l1 distressed by the last: creation 01*, gut-era. which. it declares. has cxcito ml â€astonishment and indignation" «oven “in circles triendly’ to; Mr. Ba.)- 4 \ four." It protest: against ,"th'u turi- 1 on» ennpblemcot on more Iinaneiq em,“ and is particularly exercised ("-1 er the granting. of. a. peerage to Mr. ‘ Chamberlain‘s Lriend. Sir. Ailred Humsworth. the publisher of: the Daily Mail. who it says. "has done more than any. man 0: his generation. to pervert and. enfeebie theL mind 01 the multitude; by hiq numerous jour- ends he has catered to their morbid love oi the senaationai‘ and‘ their vul- ‘gar tube (or. personal gossip." Be- gan-ding the House: oï¬ Lord: as “one on ourgmtest institutions," the Sat- urday Review depioms the “adultero- tIon of. the peerage†by the contor- xing of titles "forfnq other apparent sing of titles “fon'nq other apparent reason than because their, recipients possess heavy bags of} money.†But Kr. Balfour, thus ’ateac‘ked at last even by tho Mthï¬ul My“: Reâ€" view; night retort that he has only brought down to date the saying at- W to thu second Pitta that ev- or] man‘with ten thousand a. your. was entitled to a; pool-ass. « ~ ' = â€"For amine ting ‘past than has been nothing doing {at the police court. but Batu-day. nm‘a small n a Dr. 0510): en Club‘s ader. will 1909. The Par- )w quite a Nesbitt, tga large (1 set up 9 § 9 9 O t O O O O O Q 0 O O t :1 Canada g r3213 up * mild-win- 3 the grand 9: note they 9 : will be O E Ir. J. H. O 9 § z 0 z i O :- history. E this Un- rania pro- It 49 per otthc most do! it n: Where Do Wlttec ortsmouth Eailux’e,be- lanes; de- | puny MI npound 0! ï¬nal inhe- ins In: no- humiliation. O o O 5009 6*! v1. 33 ‘32 22 pieces of ï¬ne. Imported Dress Goods composed of Voiles, Homespuns, Canvas? Weaves and Cashmeres, colors are navy, brown, grey, green, sky and pink, width 40 to 44 inches,‘ regular 35c, 40c and 45c lines, January Sale Price ......................................................... 25c _ . W“ 65 pieces of imported all-W001 mama... . .-..-_ M, English Dress Materials, including plain and fancy mater- ials, in fall and winter shades, 40 'to 44 inches wide, regu- lar 60c, 65c, 75c, and 85c lines, January Sale Price 50° 28 pieces of imported all-wool Dress Goods in fancy Tweeds,‘ Homespuns and Cheviors, shadings are mid greys. dark greys and black and white, some few fawns and browns, width 44 to 52 inches, regular $1.00, 1.25. and $1.50 lines, January Sale Price...... 75° 16 Ends of plait waisting Silks, very mings, regular 35c, 41 Price ...................... 22 Ends of plain colored Taffeta Si French manufacture, soft ï¬nished, durable a full range of colors, regular 59c, 75c lines, January Sale Price.................. 111199, Julaw.-J _FW, 25 Ends of fancy colored Silks, made up of small checks. plaids, stripes and fancy ï¬gured goods, all of ex- cellent quality and suitable. for waists or dresses, regular 75c, $1.00 and 1.25 lines, January Sale Price 590 Ladies’ black Frieze and Oxford grey Tweed Coats, also a tew fawns, light greys and navy blues, loose, semi and tight-ï¬tting styles, all German-made garments, sizes 30 to 40 inch busts, regular 4.50. 5.00 and ‘ $6.00 lines, January Sale Price...... 1-25 35 Only'Ladies‘ and Misses’ long Coats, in shades of dark, mixed greys, browns and greens, all new garments of german styles, sizes 30 to 36 inch busts and 36 to 42 in. long, regular $7.00, 8.00 and 8.50 lines, January 5 00 Sale Price 12 Only Ladies’ heavy Tweed Capes, in shades of brown, blue, grey and cardinal, 45 inches long, made with high storm collars, regular $6.00, 800 and $10.00 2 00 lines, January Sale Price .................................... M 50 Only Read the List Below, They Remnant Days will on every Friday and Saturday during Jan- when‘ we will have a range of remnants In each department all measured and ready priced for your inspectlon. Remnant Days mean big busi- ness here. Remember the days â€"every Friday and Saturday. Dress Goods. of imported all-wool German. French and Materials. including plain and fancy mater- d winter shades, 40 ‘to 44 inches wide, regu- 75c, and 85c lines, January Sale 50 6 Ladies' Coats- plain colored Tafl'etas and fancy striped very suitable colors for linings and trim- 5c, 40c and soc lines, January Sale 25 c ’ heavf Tweed Capes, in shades of d cardinal, 45 inches long, made with regular $6.00, 8-00 and $IO,pO 0 no Silks. LINDSAY *5 January the 4th, 1906, we a Is a large one and ï¬fe quality are and what we are. It’s bat-g: will be over! a Siiks, Swiss and able quality, almost 75c and 85c , 50c ’OOOOQQOQOOOOQQOQ‘900090900000000 000 .9000. 669060009; 67 Only Ladies’ and Misses' mixed 1 weeds anu plau- Cloth Slé‘irts,‘ made in ï¬ve and seven gore styles, plain tailored and fancv trimmed garments in shades of brown, y, blue, green and black, sizes 27 to 43 inches long, 8'3 regular $3.50, 450 and 85.00 lines, January Sale 62 Only Ladies' black every bleak Skirt In stock: and Broadcloths, ï¬ve, seven and tancy trimmed Skirts,_all Tremendous Reductions in Millinery. The choice of our select stock of Ladies’ Trimmed Hats at half price. . 84.00 Hats for 2.00; 85.00 Hats for 2.50; $6.00 Hats for 3-00; $7.00 Hats for 3.50; $8.00 Hats for 4.00; 810.00 Hats for 5.00. ' - _ . . , , ,. YY_L- :â€"-1-.A:nfl u." )w. 200 Ladies’ and Misses’ Ready-to-wear Hats including some swell American styles, in a full range of shades. These were $2.50, 3.00, 4.00 and $5.00 Hats. Janu- ary Sale Pnce 1.00 Some odd lots of Infants’ Imported Wool Jackets and Hoods, in white, cream, sky and pink, German made gar- ments. Regular 50c and 75c lines. January Sale Price ................................................................. 250 ' A lot of imported French Flowers, in assorted ‘kinds. all winter makes, in colors. Regular soc. 75c and 8!.00 lines. January Sale Price ........................... 190 Linens and Cottons. 300 yards of extra good unbleached assorted floral patterns, the width i560 i: sell in the regular way for 40¢ per yard. Sale Price ............... . .......................... v-nv â€" â€"_-- 240 yards of excellent unbleached 'lfable Linen, made in bright damask patterns, the width is 70 inches; the reg- ular price of this linen would be 50¢ per yard. 35c January Sale Price .. . . 2000 yards of extra heavy unbleached Cotton, full 36 inches wide, very even thread and almost free from black specks. Regular 10c line. ‘January Sale Price... 7c D06, we shall begin the gm 3 quality ls good, but Itâ€: not It’s bargains you want and It' are There Ladies’ Skirts. Mllllnery. and Mieses’ mixed Tweed: and plain in ï¬ve and seven gore :mrlesZ plain Lbleached Table Linen, in 1th is 60 inches, and it would per yard. January an“ in Print and the Goods Januauy 280 thatâ€. all our own {samples whlch have been and durlng the past season and they wlll be offered In this sale. 28 per cent. ofl'thm sample pairs will be allowed, which Gents’ Imponed English Silk and Satin Neckties, in shapes of flowing ends, four-in-hands. puï¬s and strings, all pure silk and worth two and thee tim the price. Reg. 35c and 50c lines, January Sale Prici' 190 ONTARIO. Gents’ Colored Cambric Shirts, made attached or without, all cuï¬'s attached, nut good colors. urge roomy shirts. sizes I“ t Regular soc line. January Sale Price .......... Gents†Stiï¬ Boson: Shirts, in ï¬ne English cambrics. made either open backs or fronts. in light and dark grounds, withspotsand stripes, sizes ui to 16%. 7 Reg. 1.00 and 1.2; lines. January Sale Price..... 9c These are only in sizes 24, 25, z Boys’ Two Piece Suits in double- dark tweeds and ï¬ne navy serges. all lined. These are only in sizes 25, 26, : Regular 3.00 and 3.501ines. January . 22 Only Men’s Dark Tweed Suits, these are in single and double breasted styles, made of good all wool tweeds, lined and made to wear well, sizes 34 to 42 inches. Regular 5.00, 6.00, 7.00 and 900 lines. January Soiled Curtains. Youths' and Men’s 1- made with tweed linings. high storm collars. colors: 33 to 44 inches. Regular 1 January Sale Price 10 Only Gents’ Smoking Jackets or Lounging Coats, in large checks and plaids, with roll collars and fancy trimmed edges; also 2 only Silk Coats, sizes 36, 38. 40 and 42. Regular 3.50, 4.00 and 4.50 lines. January Sale Price ..: ................................................. . 1°99 I’ll WEEKLY 3.56 and 4.001ines.' January Sale 3. colors are fawn, grey and brown. sizes Regular 5.00, 6. 00 and 7.00 lines. 3 49 made of all wool mixed tweeds. 5 all neatly made and trimmed. 25, 26 and 27. Reg. mum-v Sale Price ...... 99¢ man. â€413“ in double- breasted styles, in serges. all well tailored and m 25. 26, 28 and 30. human Sale Price 1 99 I“. 5. 0:009 9:002 '99