Ontario Community Newspapers

Lindsay Weekly Post (1898), 5 Jan 1906, p. 1

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st 2 o’clock in the menace, for the pur pose of electing :1. President and other omeere o' the sand Soeiety, and receiving mtementa ol Beoeiptesnd Disbursements. The Annual lie sting of the members of the Ops 'onltunl Society will be held in JAfi RITH’S OFFICE, Town of Mutiny, on Wednesday, Jan. 10th. ’06, 0P8 ASBIBULTUBAI. snclm. RIDER 8 mos". - Hiesh MP icirfi’Wdf" Allkindsof Elm, 388”“, .“Asnyfllfglflofis a Lumbar, green or dry, also Logs #39fl8%# n. >1mnz... - .. fiberâ€"cu! om my, Doe. 2m, '05. ’slso Bumood Excelsior Wood. 8 STORES IN CANADA A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. 8619 Local Agent for the Slater'Shoe. KENT-87., - - LINI We wish our friends and the public generally KITBHENEB WY. balm. JAS. KEITH. R. NEILL ONTARIO ‘-l0. 1 ‘OR SALE «Young Clydesdale Stallion, one year and nine months old, weight 1400 lbs. For particula- opply Putin lining logs to out this winto will do well to consult us. Ihe lindsay lumber (:0. nanâ€"lat of mm is! m Daceâ€"Academy of Music Block. cash on‘Dellvery. YARD IN LINDSAY. saving sales is; 23% an: €55 1â€"1 8" .5 g $40.00 $3.50 2.50 7.50 2 50 3 so 25 .75 .50 Lindsay has yet had. Just for in- : stance glance at the accompanying bill of items as a sample of what can be selected from our splendid stock. then note the extraordinary savings to you; on a 850 Bill 18 $10, and $10 sav- ed is$10 made. Is there any easier way of making money than this ? Of course you know our regular low 2 cash prices are hard to beat, and that all our goods are marked in plain figures. so that any one can easily fig- § urethe 20per cent. or 1-5 011' which; shows the sale prices. All lines subject to the discount ex. cept the grey and white cottons and spool cotton delivered tt our CASH AND , ONE PRICE. â€" Don’t miss the opportunity to get good supply for future needs. Here’s a. list of stocks carried: Furs. Women’s Ready to-wea‘: Gar- ments. Millinery, Dreés Goods, Silks, Staples. Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Smallwares. Men’s Furnishings, etc. OPPOSITE maxim - LINDSAY Notice is hereby given that a Dividend of 2% (two and oneohalf) per cent. for the current half-year, being at the rate of 5 (five) per cent. per afinum, upon the Paid- up Capital Stock of this Com- pany, has been declared, and that the same will be payable at the Campany’s oflice in this town. on and after The Transfer Books will be closed from the 26th to 315: De- cember, both days inclusive. THE ONTARIO BANK will receive and forward Pass Books and Certificates on the above Company free of charge. Ole. Iurly 09pm". “0 Po“ on... ”- Tjgoisl ablation given to Children'- I HOWARD v. poem, THEYflflK BOUNTY [BAN TUESDAY. JAN 2. 1996. SdViHQS Company, Half-Yearly Divi- dend No. 20. Lindsay, DR. POGUE. DENTIST. ONTARIO. indsay, Dec. 16, 1905- Manager. Jan. 2, Igoavrm.‘ JAMES LOW. The more you spend now, the more you save on future supplies. There is $38- 564.oo worth of stock here for you to choose from; H. J. LYTLE. D.D.S., Manager. “IIIAY. DITAIIP, EMMY. JAIUAIY 8. 1m. I CST-Jam Bodily on W , m. on. m night. Pn'r o! Gannon. M will plan all at TM Put. ”MEI-LIL- mom WANTED-Jar School 3... “on No. 10, My“. 10! "00. A mum will he mdnd WWII- and: warm, In, Oakwood 9.0.â€" . s M______. ALL germinmnfr, nlhbb not: no can lay-an m on “2!“ngqu mm" writ. now to G. .MARSHALL I 00., London. Ont.-dwln. manna WANTEDâ€"rot 8. 8. No. 5. Mon (and. hiding third clu- eortifleoto. ’Dutlu 3o memo Juana: 10th, 1906. $18 per month. AD. ply to J. . Mon P.O.. Ontâ€"'1 mom WANTEDâ€" tact- or mated for 8. S. o. 7, Cudon. Dalia to moo with the new . Sate all”. Apfily “RICHARD .- HLCKS, Sax-tron, emu. P.0.. Ontâ€"1V3. F Colman.” bred *0 may; on. throeyeuljndmn «minim YOU’LL 33 mm TO KNOW myouunnh 1m: 8100-00 ‘0 smoowmfll. Any ramble pencil in town at on tho mi 'n‘ nm- Write now. ’t daisy. at: MW ‘TRAYEDâ€"l’m dupe-halo! (hu- 5‘ Downey. lotc. Concession 9, Emily- on orzbont Nov. 1905, 4 Spa-gum BndsMnonow “Mar-Mono rod and white heifer. Plenum»!!! man-u gghennbontl. Address, Downoyvillo . .â€"w4. tion No. 8, Bexley. Duties to eon. mence Feb. let. 83137 at the nte of 8300peryeu. Boudhrflflflpermonth, nation, post «flee and boa-ding house within five minntee’ walk trem‘ .3th Applications received by IR. W. E. LEUATEB, Cox-son’s Sidingâ€"V3. UBLIC METERâ€"The mus! meet 1 ing of the Lindsey Horticulturel Society will be held in the com cumin, LINDSAY, amen me, 1006, at. 7.30 p.m. The meal I! rt will be presented and a. Bond of ore for the year be elected. Q2» work for 1906 will also be discover! home to this meeting R. CHAMESIS, Pm., I". J. FRAMPTON, Secreuey.~â€"- are. FARM FOR SALE 08 TO RENTâ€"The nndermgned in prepared to eell or to rent, the north half lot One, in the Eleventh Con, of the Townehip of Emily. The soil is a. rich cley loun; log houee and frame stable, smell oreherd, good well, ends never hilinu eprin . ortyecr e ploughed, twelve eeree edwith clover; no weete lend. This is considered one 0: the beet fume in the County ad in About five miles out of Lindsay, on e. leading 1 read. Terms of eele very remneblet Address G’EO. O'NEILL, Domyville, Ont. Dec. 4th, 1905 -w8m. . e moan WANTEm-For Sec- tion No. 8. BOXIOY- M,“ com: 9 W” «on» inunoogw‘s 51%;: The annual meeting at m mem- bers of North Victoria ‘Azricu‘ltun! Society will be he“ at Victoria. Road on Wednesday. Jan; 17th, 1908 at 1 9.11).. for the pnrpbuo at dwtinx : ' 'dcnt and othei- oeticart. and re- cdviug atatmentsmt receipts and Wucments A. 10. Graham, Sec- rdtmry. ’ . i Russia's M In the In. Some striking tighms are published by the Novas Vrcmyn an to the (or- ccs at ”the ' l at the Russian commander in-c ° inlanchuriu at the clean of the a. When pence m conc‘luded commune]: bid at his W 12.500 amass. 917.000 W 19910.0 I 1‘ 31-‘9 113m. qp-nipun We '3 xi ““4; P°*‘“°°°~‘3$§n2°“§wmm put .. . tfiqvnjgia ‘W‘t W ’3 A__--- “"3. 471ni-aannv "A! SEAS}0N’S mamas. E'Efiféfi'noe tor the 80.000 men 2‘3 0; the when war broke .8 an n. trom- men. Lcu‘ul """3‘l‘" g xaâ€"mot 11v: *Lvdéidfim 'fio IIIOILLANIOIII Hui-b 9.9m mwuuwo«wwwwomwwwuwo» I ll ‘7» -| 3 now he? mu. To: FEST. J is 81.85 tum. got lar 9.15 a in; by I Union 8' 0690000009.“ E 9 “z 0.: Satan man was dc lining in stores. By counter she Iy-embroids side pocket away. On 30 gmt tht d1! ficul‘t a 10 to clan were on all. The Law Soc. 2. o! \idea that eight and l !tt°n9.35"5 . do, “all Md” l'a‘rnara cl Waat Viatotia abouid taka notioa that a naatin; at. the Parnara' Inatituta Bounty MWeat Victoria. viii ha bald at. Woodviiia on Janna” 12th. in tha villm hall; Littia Britain. January 18th. in‘ron- paranoa hail, an¢ Vaiantia. January 15th. in Fonatara' hail. Ail moat- lnza oommm at 1.30 and 7.80 aaoh day. Among the apaalora uni! ha Maura. K. L. Dachau. cl Bamiiton. and G. Foatar. olv lyrtJa Nation. who will mad papara and aim ad- duaaaa on "Th Dam turd." "The Bacon Hoc.’f_"0ur you" Crop.” Dr. Bell. inspectoronthe Provincial Board at Heath. returned from 3 visit to the minim centres at north- ern Ontario, up the Toronto Globe. end to the office. of 3' number at the lumber oomponieo. with I4 view to oocexteininz how the unitary ya. head conditions. on the whole. ut- mm. 03. There in very little ill- neoe. e will peroonolly visit enun- her at the lumber cempe later in the season. no land on enquiry tint covert] on the lunhen compniea are not obeying the xecnletionc. end. they were warned that: action would he tnhn unimt them nines: this wu ;éi-a im' t uhn “tin-t ' pxomptly 40.00- rmuw Immn unmet. Llama: Ilfl' can. w W "T A"? °‘ "Am. making you. txuly. JAS. B. «WON W N4 93 fl 9 U ‘ O a: O E .g M >06. stores. '83! standing up close to th. counter she was able to put: a neat.- ly-emvroidsrcd handkerchief in 1 side pocket in bar skirt and walls. away. On Saturday the crowd wvm so arm-L that it wou‘ld not be a very ddficnl't matter for lightâ€"fingered 1e to ply their trade. as the club were too busy to keep an eye no Law a to school Sec. 2, 0! Chap. 206. “d“ ant “all chi} The Queen-st. Mctnotusc church has undertaken tn ex- cursion to Toronto to enable the public ob Lindsay tad. oth- er plapes to attend the Ball. Toronto. on '1 xnxr. JAN._11th Excursion to Toronto ‘I’dmy-Aloxander Meetings- ll . u- Wuwâ€" vâ€"V‘ , _ In year.“ unless any child be because it is under etficicm an at home. is I: may by or other unavoi blecamsc. .r from a school. (2 miles if . is under 10_; 8 miles it or- n3 bani in Muse, onto. on THURSDAY. AN. 11th. The hm 318'. 'fi'. HOPKINS. your: m IyIcwâ€"Nw Mum '0 WW“ cm.- and Tmâ€" lama W 1W my" 0' Tomb Over F. O. W mm Sound, Jan. 2â€"11» local or don by!" an!“ in Own Bound LOCAL OPTION WAVE Gnyowaon Sound Ludo the Wtyotzss;udtorthonducdan otthonmnborotyotgb. - ¢A__ A- n.-- EE: 353%; m EEEEEEEEEE EEgg‘ Eaig 3%! ié‘BE “if? g Egg: E 33 3:5 gEEE - 5E E23223 §§E5685 333353: Md (Peas-565)....“ decnhcq (Gm) ... ..... Toronto. Jen, 2.â€"In n tom m can of 28.761. according to returns a com- piled last night. Emmet-eon Coexsvorth is elected mayor over F. 8. Spence by e. meJority of 4.106. Every one at the six wade contribute: to this result. The vote is the largest ever polled in Toronto. excepting only that of last year. when it ran a high as 29.882. while the winner's met-gin is almost e record breaker. being eecond only to that of 4.500 given the late Warring Kennedy. when he first altered him- :elt for election. The controllers elected were: lie-ere. W. P. Huhbud. 8. Altred Jones. J. J. Ward. end John. Shut. Thirteen Comet-nave. we elected to council. and ten Liberele. ,_ -_4..e1-_ ‘0 W “5". Miss Clan Brett Martin m u the headctthepolitortheBoa-rdotndu- “don. with 11..” votes. The Hamilton Raulb. Huniiton. Jul. zâ€"I’olitiea cut eon- Iidenbio figure in municipu elections in this city. Only Ii: Libqnl: were oiectedtotheCounciLyotmilwu two mom that int yeu'. Four Lib- erals. Aid. mtwood. wright and Dick- non. m re-eiected. and the new Libâ€" eral: in the Councii me many and and the third new Alderman is 311901. Md nun again hauled the poll. and. u wu the one last. your. Aid. Eastwood In: second. Ex-Ald. many minim. In tho cm... Brmtfordâ€"C. H. Waterman. entrainâ€"1r. 3. annual. Guelphâ€"Goo. Slum-n. Hamiltonâ€"Bin". Kingstonâ€"«Ald- flout. Londonâ€"J. C. Judd. Ottawaâ€"J. A. Ems. 0m Soulâ€"Jonah '1'- Joye? Warâ€"Boot. mannaâ€"w. I. mu. 8:. WA. W W W W 3. M W Butler. In tho Town.- "W vauv‘voâ€"U- ion-WW- MAYORS ELECTTD. nit license reduction of “as: reduouon cl W. Sto‘ TORONTO. Tmâ€"fl.“ w ’0‘! III um EET 31 Bramptonâ€"w. :5. runner. Cutoutâ€"D. was. Commâ€"D. Wilson. 'â€" Deurontoâ€"Joha D"-n. Bathtubâ€"B. 8. my. nation-4m 1'. Bob'- Wmflu W. uncutâ€"Dr. Vane-In. Mudâ€"J. Wax-on. Ileanaâ€"Dr. mm mu 1W m mm- Dr. w. a 1m )" v.“ mix-P. a A; Dnughtu’a lnhm‘nnn Tm Land: to And Woman's 00-6!- WW“ cuedonh. 111nm. Ian. M sue-.muxutedwithmm anathterots.H.wneoton.cv-dm tux-membrokeintothemm nesrheullondsynlthflehotudma edthegirlendthenutnnyvo-nded her sister Ruth. her mother and Man self. Styer is a. dental student at tho University of Minnesota. Petr! When» ton refused to marry him. Collision at Tweed. Toronto. Jan. 3.â€"A collision o! trekhtcanontheQRRnt'rvoed about 7.30 New Year's night. in: tho only accident, in spite of the rush dun- in: the holiday season. A C. P. R. eastbound height coming don tho gndeotagoodrateotspeedeomded wtth a. westbound trexzht coming out of the siding. Considerable m ya done to both trains. but none of tho Broke Log In Two Plea... Toronto. Jan. 3.-â€"Frank Boxwood. . non. mason. in in the emergency hon- pit-.1 Wm: his right. leg broken in m phcuutberesultotwucddenton the W Bulk building yesterday ates-noon. He was man; a. zoo-pond stonemtoplacewithmoudottcoo- p10 othbomwhen ltmppodouot their hands. 11: ton on his leg. club- Efmenunualy. whamm- Aid. Galhry Down 19" were Injured AV

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