Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 13 Oct 2000, p. 54

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54 office-clerical THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, October 13, 2000 525 office-clerical 525 office-clerical 535 hospital, medical, dental 535 hospital, medical, dental PAYRO LL A D M IN IS T R A T O R B T I , a n a u t o m o t i v e p a rts m a n u f a c t u r e r , is c u r r e n t ly s e e k in g a n i n d i v i d u a l to a s s u m e t h e r e s p o n s ib ilit y fo r t h e a c c u r a t e a n d t im e ly e x e c u t io n o f m u lt ip le p a y r o lls o n a w e e k ly a n d b i - w e e k l y b asis fo r our O a k v ille O ffic e . In a d d it io n , you w ill p re p a re d o c u m e n ta tio n fo r a ll p a y r o ll g e n e r a t e d r e m it t a n c e s a n d L o o k in g fo r w o rk in a d e n ta l o ffic e ? Learn to use ABELDenf Canada's Leading Dental Practice Management Software F U L L D A Y S E M IN A R W IT H H A N D S -O N C O M P U T E R P R A C T IC E . Com m unityNotices Deaths ARSENEAULT, R oderick W ilfre d ` Rod* Passed away suddenly alter a lengthy illness on October 10, 2000 in his 48th year. Beloved son ol Willred (predeceased) and Irene Arseneault. Loving father ot Chris Bustard (Monica), Cheyenne, Cherokee and Colt. Dear brother ol Marlene (Al Bencina), Don Pilon (Deb), Norm (Karen), Carol (Les Feero), Brenda (Bruce Spencer), Merv (Lyne Dionne), Bev (Chris Dugdale), Kevin (Monique). He will be sadly missed by nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles and numerous Iriends. Visitation at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Friday. Funeral Service Saturday 1pm in the Chapel. For those who wish, memorial contributions may be made to the Kidney Foundation or the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Deaths S A R A R A S , D on, age 53 S u d d e n l y p a s s e d a w a y in P e t e r b o r o o n O c t o b e r 7 th , 2 0 0 0 , a fte r a s h o r t b a ttle w ith c a n c e r. A lly s o n L e a v i n g w if e J a n e t , D a u g h t e r s & J o n n ic a . A ls o L o v in g S o n of G.L. e n trie s , a n d p e r f o r m a ll y e a r -e n d p a y r o ll f u n c t io n s i n c lu d i n g T 4 's. T h e s u c c e s s fu l c a n d i d a t e w i l l p o sse ss a P a y r o ll A d m i n i s t r a t i o n C e r tif ic a t e a n d / o r e q u iv a le n t in a d d it io n t o 3 y e a r s c o m p u t e r i z e d p a y r o ll e x p e r i e n c e . c a n d id a te s w it h A d v a n c e d c o m p u t e r p r o f i c i e n c y i n c lu d e d R oyal B ank/AO P P a y ro ll and K ro n o s M ic r o s o f t O f f i c e , a n d A c c e s s r e q u ir e d w it h p r e f e r e n c e g iv e n to T im e k e e p in g e x p e r ie n c e . t h e ir r e s u m e t o : In te re s te d c a n d id a t e s s h o u ld f o r w a r d Nov. 14 , Dec. 1 or Jan. 9 $ 1 9 5 ./ p e rs o n , lu n c h in c lu d e d T e l: 333-3200 · Ext. 350 Visa & MasterCard Accepted. Je a n n e S a ra ra s . 550 domestic help wanted 555 domestic help available He will be Sadly Missed by all S R IG L E Y , R a lp h - ( 3 5 y e a r e m p l o y e e of L o b la w s a n d o p e r a t e d fa m ily je w e lr y s to re in O a k v ille fo r th e la s t 2 0 y e a r s ). D e a r h u s b a n d of J o y c e . Susan. R u th . P e a c e fu lly at h o m e o n O c t o b e r 1 0, 2 0 0 0 a t th e a g e of 6 3 . B e lo v e d fa th e r of E liz a b e t h , R o n a n d h is fia n c e e C a r r ie , a n d M u c h lo v e d g r a n d f a t h e r to D y la n S o n of th e la te A r c h ib a ld a n d A n o t e o f t h a n k s to a ll f r ie n d s a n d and Je re m y . Human Resources, BTI 3267 M ainway Drive Burlington, O N L7M 1A6 Fax: 905-335-4679 E-mail: sep@burltech.com [ilh lC TC , TE C H N O L O G IE S INC. EARN Extra M oney doing commericial cleaning. Ma ture couples or teams pre ferred. No experience nec essary. Evening and wee kend work. Must have own transportation. Please call 905-524-8144 or fax 905690-6309 PR O F E S S IO N A L - E x perienced cleaning ladies a v ailab le. 10 years e x perience. Reasonable pric es. S u pervised, tra in e d . R e ferences a v ailab le. Bonded. C all Isabella (905)541-6484_____________ M ETIC U LO U S cle anin g. Years of experience w/fastid io u s clie n te lle . Custom service- weekly/ bi-weekly clients. Louha, 634-4871 EX PER IENC ED , bonded, insured lady will clean your home, office. Reasonable rates. References. Please call (905)643-8016._________ LADYBUG Cleaning Serv ice. p ro fe s s io n a l reliable service. Clean from top-tobottom , reasonable rates, references. C all 905-5162951 for an appointment I personals SLIM , handsom e, caring, rom antic, dow n -to -e a rth , w ell e s ta b lis h e d single w hite p ro fe s s io n a l m ale. 38, 5'10*, no dependents, enjoys outdoors, hiking, sailing, dining, art, movies and travel- seeking an a t tractive university-educated single female. 30-38, nonsm oker w ith s im ila r in te r ests and q u a litie s . (9 0 5)464-2638 even in g s / weekends a. U sales help 4 agents what a GREAT | place for I GROWTH! In the competitive world o f business travel, Amex Canada's Business Travel Division leads the way. For our clients, we offer the best, most innovative services tailored to meet their needs. For our employees, we offer opportunities to advance their skills and knowledge with an organization that is committed to being the leader. This is a place that attracts the best people in the business ... people who take pride in their work and who will go above and beyond to meet the needs o f today's business traveler. I f this sounds like the place fo r you, consider joining us in the Hamilton Travel Centre fo r the following opportunity: SAMBORSKI, Teodozia (Sophie) - With much sadness, the children ot Sophie Samborski wish to announce the passing ol their dear mother, in her 95th year, on Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at the OakvilleTratalgar Memorial Hospital Extendicare Long Term Care Unit. Beloved wite ot the late Joseph Samborski. Dearest mother ot Edward and his wite Jean, Nancy Stephenson, Elsie and her husband Ken Best. Beloved grandmother ot Paul, Susan, Randy, Sharon, Cindy, Theresa, Derek, Carolyn, Mark and Kenny. Great grandmother ol Lauren. Meaghan, Cassidy, Natasha, Sidney, Ryan, Danielle, Sam, Meredith, Emilee, Carly, Matthew, Kelsey, Harrison and Loren. Visitation was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Thursday. Funeral Service was held on Friday at 11 a m. at Hopedale Presbyterian Church. Interment St. Jude's Cemetery. Much thanks to Dr. Rouse, the caregivers and staff at OTMH Extendicare tor the excellent care ot our Mother. fa m ily fo r th e ir s u p p o r t , a n d t h a n k y o u to th e O n c o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t a t t h e C r e d i t V a lle y H o s p ita l. W est 11 F r i e n d s w ill b e r e c e i v e d a t t h e b lo c k e a st of K e rr S t r e e t ), O a k v ie w F u n e ra l H o m e , 5 6 L a k e s h o re R o a d (o n e O a k v ille , o n F r id a y , O c t o b e r 1 3 , 2 0 0 0 fro m a .m . u n til t h e t im e o f t h e m e m o r ia l In te rm e n t In lie u of s e r v ic e in th e c h a p e l at 1 2 n o o n . to fo llo w a t G l e n O a k s C e m e t e r y . f lo w e r s , p le a s e c o n s id e r a d o n a t io n to th e C r e d it V a lle y H o s p ita l O n c o lo g y D e p a r t m e n t o r th e C a n a d i a n C a n c e r S o c ie t y . O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Funeral Directors Card of Thanks S n o w b a ll, F re d e ric k M a rs h a ll T h e fa m ily of th e late F r e d S n o w b a ll w is h to e x p re s s th e ir s in c e re th a n k s and a p p re c ia t io n t o t h e ir r e la t iv e s , f r ie n d s a n d n e ig h b o u r s fo r th e ir m a n y a c t s of k in d n e s s , flo w e rs , v is ita tio n s , m e m o r ia l d o n a t io n s a n d e x p r e s s io n s o f s y m p a t h y d u r in g t h e r e c e n t lo s s o f o u r f a t h e r , g r a n d f a t h e r a n d g r e a t g r a n d f a t h e r . Y o u r k in d n e s s w ill a lw a y s b e r e m e m b e r e d a n d h e w ill a lw a y s liv e in o u r h e a rts . O l g a a n d F a m ily . J § O a k v ie w FUNERAL HOME Our family serving your family AD U LT fa n ta sy dating. Dances. Couples. Ladies Men. (4 1 6)280-6239 or (416)-944-9492 www.clubxtac.com I lost 4 found 56 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST OAKVILLE Funeral Directors · D o n C la r k e · G re g o r y S id o r a · T in a Q u e n n e v ille · John M u rp h y · P a tric k M c D e r m o t t Senior Corporate Call Centre Travel Counsellors Hamilton ON FOUND: 1 set of Ford keys. Auburn & Longmoor. Call to identify. 333-2775________ FOUND: Birding binoculars on Orr Rd. near Southdown Rd. C all to id e n tify . 905842-5690 _________ FO UND: Boy s bike 18 speed. A ldershot area. Please call to identify. 905634-0761__________________ REWARD: Lost- black leath er purse lost by senior. Vi c in ity G hent and Hager, Please call (905)639-2818 FOUND: Peach tabby cat. Glenwood School Drive. Call ___ 633-9208 to identify FOUND- small, young tabby cat. female. M arley and Francis area. Found Week of Sept 11. call 905-6324170 842-2252 You have a m inim um o f four years' travel industry experience (business or consum er) w here you gained an extensive know ledge o f North A m erican destinations and reservation system s, preferably Sabre. C all centre experience w ould be a definite asset. You understand the unique needs o f the business traveler, have excellent com m unication skills, and are able to build a strong rapport with custom ers. You enjoy contributing your expertise to a team-oriented, customer-focused environment. Find out for y ourself w hy Am ex C anada Inc. is such a great place to work. W inner o f the C anada Award for Excellence from the N ational Q uality Institute (NQ I) for "outstanding achievem ent" as one o f the country's best-run com panies, A m ex C anada Inc. offers a com petitive salary, bonus plan and excellent benefits. For consideration please forw ard your resum e no later than O ctober 23, 2000 to: Hum an Resources, 100 King St W, 7th floor, Suite 1070, Hamilton, Ontario, L8P 1A2 or Fax: (905) 524-1824 or Email: valerie.m .hexim er@ aexp.com . daycare available O A K V IL L E M o v e rs - Ex perienced. licensed, insured. Two w eeks free storage. Free estimates. Senior's dis count. Quality Service. 3379063______________________ J IM 'S M oving & Storage Local & long distance. Flat rates a v a ila b le . C all Jim , (905)659-4064_____________ BEGINNING in November I w ill have fu ll or pa rt-tim e spaces a va ila b le in a fun and s tim u la tin g e n v iro n ment. Indoor/ outdoor play. Reading, crafts + lots more. ECE, CPR, F irst-A id, fully insured/ receipts. 905-3387982______________________ D A Y C A R E a va ila b le , my home--hot m eals, snacks, E n glish /F re n ch spea king. P layground. H o ly Fam ily School area. Very e x p e ri enced. E xce lle n t re fe rences. 2yrs+ (905)840-8119. LIC E N S E D D aycare has o pe ning. U pper M iddle/ T ra fa lg a r. 18m onths +. 14yrs exp e rie n ce . R e ceipts. Call 844-8382 LICENSED Halton Day Care provider has openings for two babies commencing Novem ber. C o n ta ct T eresa, (905)332-1216_____________ FO R D /D evon area o p e n in g s - in fa n t-to d d le r. E x perie nced, CPR, firs t aid, e x c e lle n t re fe re n ce s, receipts. Call (905)338-5990 EXPERIENCED provider and mother has spaces available. Excellent references. Headon F orest area (B u rlin g to n ). (905)335-5980 I daycare wanted C A R E G IV E R req u ire d fo r 4yr. old & 8m o old. F u ll tim e. P re fe ra b ly in my hom e. B e ginn ing ea rly January. 842-6567 R E S P O N S IB LE s itte r re quired for 3 girls in my Bur lin g to n hom e. Approx 25hrs/wk, Mothers with tod dlers welcomed. 905-6371745 o r 905 -84 7-88 00 ext.218 " LO VING person, needed, my hom e (G eo rge tow n UVE-IN Filipino Nanny avail able. No fee to em ployer. Please call Amah International at (416)221-3303 LIVE-IN nanny for January. Preschool experiences/ ref erences/ non-smoker/ driver. Legal only. Call evenings, 338-6477.__________________ NANNY- Live-in required im m ediately for 3-1/2 yr. old. Flexible schedule. Oakville area. Call 905-467-7421 YOUNG O a kville fam ily w ith s ic k c h ild needs u n derstanding, grandmotherly type individual for general support. C all M ike, Cell: 416-573-5305 E N ER G E TIC c a re g iv e r needed for afterschool care for 3 school aged children. Glen Abbey. Must have car. Light housekeeping & meal prep. (905)847-9627 NA N N Y n e e ded- in our home for one 7 month old. W e ekda ys s ta rtin g Jan. 2nd. QEW / Ford Dr. area Oakville. Non-smoker with refe ren ces. C all 905-8292971 UVE-OUT childcare provider needed im m ediately. ECE preferred. English speaking for b oys, 7-m os. & 2yrs 7am-4pm. School holidays off. 632-5740 CARPET - J & J Carpet for carpet sales, restretch ing. repairs. C a ll Joe (905)317-5187. YES. We can help! All types of bu sin e ss fin a n c in g- equ ipm ent, re c e iv a bles, P.O's, Real Estate... 20K -20 m illio n . C all C a r men 905-632-3793 CUSTOM c a b in e ts , F ire place m antels 905-2570861______________________ 20% D is c o u n t- End of Season S p ecial. DECKMAN's P rofessional S erv ice. All decks stripped and re fin is h e d to new. C edar Specialist! Free Estimates. L im ited Bookings. C all Now. (905)632-1074 LARGE and Small Renova tions and Repairs. .. One Call Does It All! Electrical. P lum bing, D ryw all, more. P ro fe ssio n a l w ork. Frank (905)637-5570 CERTIFIED Secondary Sci ence Teacher tutoring in your home, any level sciences and in te rm e d ia te m aths. (905)921-3098_____________ FRENCH Tutor. Q ualified teacher available evenings. Kindergarten to OAC stud ents. C a ll Kim, 9 0 5 -3 3 8 1628 I tutorial TU TO R IN G ava ila b le fo r special education & m ain stream students. H om e work assistance, reinforce ment, enrichm ent in dividu alized program, study & or ganizational skills. Millcroft area. 905-319-0230________ MONEY P roblem s? G a r nishees? T oo m any p a y m ents? O p tio n s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, B a nk ruptcy Trustee :(905) 6 3 1 0600 Corporate Services hotel restaurant WAIT Staff, Bussers, Dish washers. full & part-time, for fine dining restaurant, down town Oakville. Call (905)3390888______________________ DISHW ASHERS. C ontract ^Drivers, part-time evenings. Students welcome. Apply in person First Choice Kitchen, 2405 Fairview, Burlington. MR. Sub- requires Counter help. $8.5 0 /h r. A p p ly in person B u rlin g to n M all, Food Court. H O STESS / Host. D is h washer, part-time. Apply in person, First Choice Kitchen, 649 Fourth Line. Oakville Amex Canada Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. We appreciate all applications however, only those selected fo r an interview will be contacted. T o P la c e Y o u r C la s s ifie d A d C a ll 6 3 2 -4 4 4 0 , 3 3 7 -5 6 1 0 o r Fax 6 3 2 -8 1 6 5 545 teaching opportunities 545 teaching opportunities 555 domestic help available D on't Forget M USIC T e a c h e r req u ire d Burlington/ Oakville. ORFF ' Music makers' . Perm Parttime. Start Immediately. Inclass paid trainin g p rovid ed. A d vanced m usic background/ teaching e x perience essentiai. Estab lished 33 years. Children 39 years, groupe d by age. S e nd/F ax resum e: 887 Nora Dr., Burlington, L7T. 3E6, Fax:905-634-3291 Q U A L IF IE D E.C .E . o r re cre a tio n Tea cher w ith e x cellent program m ing skills & good team spirit needed fo r schoolaged program in non-profit centre. Excellent ben efits & salary. C ontact - Elizabeth 905-847-3077. G LE N B U R N IE School is c u rre n tly in te rv ie w in g q u a lifie d te a c h e rs fo r all grades and subject areas to add to our sup p ly lis t. Please m ail resum es with refe re n c e s : 2035 U pper M iddle Road E., O akville, L6J 4Z2, or fax (905) 3382654, or em ail admin@glenbumieschool.com S17/HR. F am ily cle anin g service with your priority list. E xperienced. References. S a tis fa c tio n guaranteed. Oakville area. (905)867-9309. EUROPEAN cleaning serv ice 15 years experience. Will do your hom e from top to bottom . E xc e lle n t re fe r ences. Call Eva cel 416 984- PAINTER. 25 years experi ence. R easonable rates. Call Wayne. 634-6676. W W Iim daycare available DAYCARE available in safe loving environment, any age. East Burlington, QEW/ Burloak. Call Julie, 634-5640 DAYCARE available. Lov ing environment. TLC pro vided & lot's of outdoor fun! Near library/ park. 849-4419 S P R IN G B A N K C h ild H om ecare S ervices. 8253433 ext.1 and My Special Nanny Homecare & Nanny Services 849-3878. Have some im m ediate openings for children. Call today. C lassified D ead lin es Mon., 6 pm for Wednesday paper Wed., 6 pm for Friday paper Thurs., 6 pm for Sunday paper C LE A N E R S req u ire d to clean banks in the Burlington area call 561-1440 RELIABLE cleaning woman wanted. Lakeshore/Guelph Line area. Call 639-2007 C A L L C h ris tin e , she w ill make your place nice and clean. E xp erienced lady w/references. 639-3936 R E S P O N S IB LE , e x p e ri enced European cleaning lady will- clean your house, apa rtm e nt or o ffic e , low prices. Call Zofia, 639-3490 RELO CATO R S: Excellent service, starting $45/hr. in clu des 2 profe ssio n a l movers, truck and insurance. Best rates on long distance. 844-8733,_________________ PRO M overs. S h ort/long distance. No job too small. Insured/ experienced. 24hrs., 7 -days/w k. Hom e/ business. Free estim ates. (905)972-9700, 1-888-2775777

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