Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 13 Oct 2000, p. 53

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Friday, October 13, 2000 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER general help wanted 53 skilled & technical hety) 510 general M p wanted 510 510 TERRA GREENHOUSES general help wanted 515 515 skilled & technical help GAS Fireplace Installer re quired im m ediately. Com p lete gas licenses & carpentry experience required. Own tra n s p o rta tio n a m ust. R esum es A tte n tio n : Jerry Tjepkema: CAP Brick, 2082 Q ueensway Drive. B urling ton. L7R 3T1. fax: (905)6349644. Successful candidates will be contacted on or before Oct. 27/00. AUTOBODY Repair Person (licensed) required fulltim e for busy Burlington flat-rate shop. Clean, well- equipped! C all Brian K err's C o llisio n Centre^ (905)335-1094 C A B IN E T M A K E R S w ith e x p e rie n ce re q u ire d fo r custom w oodw orking shop in Oakville Call (905) 4 6 5 4333 ELECTRICIAN and third or fo u rth y e a r a p rre c tic e re q u ire d . In d u s tria l/ C o m m e rcia l, In s ta lla tio n & S e rvice w ork. O a kville , M ississa u g a and T oro n to areas. Please fax resume 905-842-5034 VISUAL PRESENTATION/ MERCHANDISER ASSISTANT MANAGERS & SALES ASSOCIATES We're looking lor people who: Truly believe the customer always comes first; Have proven ability to train and coach; Will bring enthusiasm and motivation to our team. We can otter: a A great group ot people to work with; Benefits package & associate discount; Exciting incentives and contests. Our stores exclusively carry Fossil watches, sunglass es and leather goods Our Sherway Gardens and soonto-open Square One locations are looking for Assis tant Managers and Sales Associates. II you have previous retail experience, preferably in a specialty market and you'd like the opportunity to join our team, forward your resume in conlidence to: Fossil Personnel Dept., Fax: (905) 842-5655 E-mail: CleoPersonnel@Comark.ca We ate an equal opportunity employer Multi-store locations, experience in window display, design and merchandising. Portfolio required. Full & Part-time. REQUIRED Im m ediate ly. Seamstress/ Tailor/ Manag er. Join our team in Mapleview M all in side the Bay Store and O akville Sobey Store. Call Grace (905)6810030. Ext. 227, O a kville Eric. 416-505-9310 TREE com pany, based in Waterdown, requires Ground person. E xp erience p re fe rre d . Includ es running chain saw, brush chipping, liftin g wood and jo b site clean-up. Fulltime seasonal. W age com m ensurate with experience. Danny or Nancy, (905)689-1214 Experienced Service Writer Required immediately · To work a 4 day week Mon-Thurs 11am-10pm · Ford Product knowledge and Reynolds & Reynolds experience an asset · We oiler lull company benefits + pension · Hourly wage and perlormance bonus based on Sales & Customer Satisfaction Fax o r ca ll to Dental Assistant Needed lof progressive Oak. family practice. Must be HARP certified, self-motivated to per form outstanding, quali ty dentistry. Must be willing to work with our highly motivated hygiene dept, dentist and administration stall New grads welcome Send resume to: Box 6302 C/0 Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd,, Oakville, L6K3S4 H E ALTH Care Aide, per sonal support worker wanted, part time relief, for elderly lady. Private duty. Oakville. Own transportation, refer ences a m ust. A p ply with resume and salary expecta tio n s to: Box 6303 c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville L6K 3S4 RPN-RN re q u ire d F u ll time or Part-time for Hamil ton area retirem ent home. B e n e fits and C o m p e titive wages. If you're relocating, tem porary service dwelling a va ila b le . Fax resum es: St. Elizabeth Villa, 905-3889953 M E D IC A L S e cretary re quired for Endocrinology Cli nic & R e search C entre. (O akville). Medical experi ence p re fe rre d . Fax (905)337-0044 M ILTON STORE HORTICULTURE DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT MANAGER Includes pricing, display & sales. Full-time. CASHIERS & GENERAL LABOUR Full & Part-time. Frank's Food Basics Kurd U n n iiii G e rry M a n n in g or John T re b b le at Fax# 905-844-4472 Ph # 905-844-3990 Previous applicants need not apply NOW HIRING P/T Please fax resumes to: Human Resources @ 1-905-689-1770 We have immediate positions available for bright, energetic, men and women interested in a part-time position to execute INSTORE FOOD AND BEVERAGE DEMONSTRATIONS. CASHIERS & MEAT CLERKS Days, Evgs, Wknds SERVICE A D V ISO R / BODY ESTIMATOR Successful dealership requires experienced service counter help. We offer supportive organization, ex cellent CSI and top product. Competitive pay and benefits. Apply to Service Manager GROCERY CLERK Experience Preferred P/T Overnight Apply with resume 530 Kerr S t. Oakville LOOKING for a few good people to join our team on a full or part time basis. Call for interview between 8am- 6pm. High Class Car Wash. 849-1450__________________ DISPATCH position. Imme diate opening. Join a small but growing company spe cializing in full and LTL ship ments to/from the US. We requires good telep hone m anner, previous dispatch experience, tow motor qual ifications. Hours 11am- 8pm. Fax resume: (905)693-0025 or e-mail: tkotrans@ globalserve.net SECO ND Cup O a kville Place is seeking creative in dividuals to staff our Kiosk during Christmas F/T & P/T. (905)842-0689 Don_________ PRODUCTION Workers for Frozen Food Plant, Agricul ture Canada Environm ent, Full-time- Will train. Apply in person M on-F ri.- 9am3pm. Southern Fine Foods, 2714 B ris to l C irc le , (off Hyde Park/ Dundas), Oakville O A K V IL L E Area M FG/ Assembly position. $9.00/hr to s ta rt. R eview a fte r 3 months. Some heavy lifting involved. Must speak & read English. Non-smoking envi ronment. Employer will train. Valid Class G drivers license required. Forklift certification preferred. Fax resume: 905844-2533 S U BC O N TR A C TO R S re quire d fo r postal so rtin g and delivery. Early m orn ing. R e lia ble veh ic le re quired. Forw ard resum e: SCV Contracting, R.R. #2, Burlington, L7P-4X9 JU B IL E E Fruit M arket re quires full-time & part-time Staff. Custom er Service or Produce experience a plus, but w ill provide on the job training. Apply in person: w/resume to Don or Kather ine, 104 Allen St., comer of Allen & Lakeshore. Oakville. Halton Honda 2300 Fairview Street, Burlington, ON Call: (905) 632-5371 Fax resume: (905) 681-0098 Meray Motors Mercedes-Benz 525 FULL-TIME Pugmill Opera tor wanted. No experience nece ssary. $12 /h r. S elf motivated. Involves physi cal effort, liftin g 50lb bags continuously. Able to read cla y recipe s, m eet d e a d lines. Apply in Person/ fax/ send resum e The P o ttery S u pply H ouse1120 S p eers R oad., O a k v ille . Fax: 905-849-0001 ORDER Desk Clerk required fulltime for general office du tie s in c lu d in g rece p tio n . Computer literate. Apply: Elk Shipping Supplies. 504 Iro q uo is S hore Rd., U n it 6. Oakville, Tel: (905)845-7544 R O Y A L L e P A G E -- Real E state R e c e p tio n is t- Two p o sitio n s a v a ila b le - P arttim e / jo b sh a rin g 2-3 fu ll days/w e ek and p a rt-tim e eve n in g s & som e w e e kends. Com puter literate. R/E experience preferred. Fax resum e attn: Angie Mackie at 905-637-3781 LITIGATION Law Clerk----required part-tim e to assist with cases for an O akville Law Firm. Experience pre ferred. May be required to a s s is t w ith gen e ra l office duties. Reply Box 6305, c/o O a kville B eaver, 467 Speers Rd.. O akville. L6K 3S4 sales help & agents EXPER IENC ED C u stom er s e rv ic e / sa le s person re quire d F ull-tim e. K n o w l edge of h a rdw ood, la m i nate and ceram ic flooring. E xp erience in e stim a tin g an asset. Fax resume 905845-8704 R E A L E state A g ent fo r some New Site work. Call Cy A n derson, B ro ke r at 905-333-3222______________ O U T S ID E S ales Rep re quired for the Toronto area. S a les exp e rie n ce and kn ow led ge of in d u s tria l controls is an asset. Car re q u ire d . Fax resum e to: 905-825-2163 ENERGETIC sales people for busy Christmas Season K iosk at M a ple view M all. H o u rly p lus com m ission . Experience preferred. Fax resume 319-0715 CDE Centre for Driving Excellence DRIVING INSTRUCTORS P /T & F /T IN -C A R IN S T R U C T O R S O a kville , B u rlin g to n & M ilton M u st h a ve o w n c a r a n d in s tru c to r's lice n se . PIT C L A S S R O O M IN S T R U C T O R O a k v ille & B u rlin g to n Must have Classroom Instructor's Certificate C all (9 0 5 ) 6 3 4 -3 3 9 0 M u s t b e a va ilab le to w ork Thursday, F rid a y a n d S aturday. C all P a g e r # 1 -888-253-8897 ® International Year of the Volunteer, Coordinator, Halton (one year, part-tim e, contract position) AUTOMOTIVE DETAILER/ CLEAN-UP REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY · Full-time · Experience preferred · Company Benefits · Positive attitude, team player Apply in person or fax to: PHIL HANSFORD 300 South Service Rd., W., Oakville or Fax- 8 4 5-3 477 LOT PERSON R eq u ired im m e d iate ly M on-Fri. 8 :30 am -4:3 0 p m . ·Some weekends. ·Working inside and out. ·Must have excellent driving record. The ideal candidate w ill have understanding ol the voluntary sector with community development and marketing experience preferably w ithin the Halton community You should have excellent communication, marketing and presentation skills. Please fax resume & covering letter by: Oct. 18, to: 905-6 32-0 77 8 Deborah Klassen, HSPC & Volunteer Centre 536 Busy chiropractic office requires a PART-TIME CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH ASSISTANT Warm, caring, enthu siastic person will complement our team. Forward resume including references c/o Box 1798, c/o The Post, 2321 Fairview St. Burlington, ON L7R 2E3 PRODUCTION ASSISTANT required Immediately to join the manufacturing team at our facility in Hamilton. We are looking fo r a personable, se lf-m o tiva te d , responsible person. Duties include Purchasing, com puter work, data entry and some clerical. Applicant sh ou ld have expe rie nce in th e se areas. An u n d e rsta n din g o f AccPac, M isys so ftw a re is helpful. S e e k in g M o tiv ated KIOSK ATTENDANTS Possessing good English skills to w ork at Sushi K io s k s in O a k v ille . M is s is s a u g a and Brampton. Responsibilities include explaining pr oducts to custom ers & product prom otion. No cooking skills necessary. Full & part-time. $9.25 to start. C all L orenzo 9 0 5 -84 4 -32 7 3 Fax resume to: 905-545-0668 IN T E R V IE W E R S Wanted by National Market Research Company. Travel time, expenses paid. P lease call (4 16 ) 535-9890 o r fax (416) 535-4995 540 F U L L T IM E No sales. Pari lime only. Good starting rale. Vehicle necessary. Evenings/weekends required. Excellent interpersonal skills, fluent English essential. Experience an asset. Call Faye or D arryl at 519-631-6075 Burlington P o st REQUIRES COOK $9 - $10/hr. Private School in Oakville. · Great Hours · Great Holidays · With perks! F«c (905)845-9828 TH E S lye Fox Public H ouse We re lo o k in g fo r additional serving staff for our e n th u s ia s tic tqam ! Show us you have the per s o n a lity and e xpe rience and w e'll provide com peti tive wages and winning at m osphere. Come see Lori at E a stw ay P laza (N ew / W a lke rs), fax: (905)3368028 LEDOME Banquet Halls Hir ing Part-time Weekend: Wait S ta ff- Must be 18 years-*-; Kitchen Help; BartendersExperienced. Apply: 1173 North Service Rd.E., O ak v ille . Tel: (9 0 5 )8 4 2 -8 7 7 0 Fax: 905-842-8772 LIN E C o oks- fu ll-tim e or part-time. Breakfast Experi ence p re fe rre d . A p ply in Person R u ssell W illiam s Restaurant, 20 Plains Rd. E. (W a terdow n Rd), B urlington.____________________ LIN E C ooks S ervers & Hosts required full & parttim e by busy dow ntown O akville resta ura nt. R esum es to The Q ueen s Head, 118 Dunn Street, Oakville Tel: (905)842-3070 ESKIMO Joe's Sports Bar (Oakville) »Line Cooks ` Wait Staff 'Dishwashers ·Conces sion Staff (All Shifts, Imme diate) Call 845-4926 or lax 845-6054 L IT T L E C aesars--*N ow H irin g - D aytim e in -sto re help. M onday-F rida y Please app ly 1500 Upper Middle Rd (at Brant) or call Barb/ Patnck 905-335-4623 KITC HEN H e lp e r/ Server/ Cashier for cafeteria. Failtim e/ p art-tim e, m ornings/ evenings, Mon- Fri., 403/ D undas (905)829-8002 , (905)815-9171 AD ULT CARRIERS Must have a car. Wednesday, Friday, Saturday Door to Door Delivery ·Inverary Rd ·Kilbimie PI ·Longmoor ·Greg Dr ·Geneva Pk ·Braemore Rd ·Shoreacres ·New St ·Birett Dr ·Forest Glen ·Townsend ·Belhaven Cr ·Greenwood Cr ·Sunset Rd ·Barrymore ·Darryl ·South Dr ·Spruce Av ·Belvenia · Elwood Rd ·Inglewood ·Lakeshore ·Cedar Av · King Rd ·N.S.B.E. ·Stillwater C r/C t ·Partridge ·Cardinal ·Townsend ·Shadeland ·Cullum Oakville Senior Citizens Residence has openings for TEMPORARY STUDENT AND CASUAL PART-TIME DIETARY AIDES to serve meals to residents in the Dining Room and clean-up duties. Applicants must have excellent com munication skills, be able to work quickly and accu rately. and must be neat and organized. We will train successful applicants. Please apply in person at 2222 Lakeshore Rd. Oakville. Mon-Fri. 9am-4pm, & till out an application form available at Reception. Prior applicants need not apply. Qoodn/itt H u n tin g Stock Clerks F/T & P/T Includes Sat., Sun. & evenings. Gr.10 Neat, good work ethic. Apply in person: 4051 New St. Burlington, or tax: (905)333-4215 FULL & PART-TIME DRIVERS WANTED F o r d e liv e rie s in B urlin g to n W e d n e s d a y , F rid a y and S atu rd a y M u st h ave a full size van C all S te ve C ro zie r 9 0 5 -6 3 2 -4 4 4 4 e x t 257 COUNTER HELP & CASHIERS Apply in person |q: 2410 Lakeshore Rd, BRONTE or 699 Guelph Li., BURLINGTON $1000/* Week -Fulltime 'T ra in in g Provided 'S ta rt Immediately (905)273-7738 C all Tara or Bob 632-0588 KITCHEN Help. Dishwasher. Food Prep req u ire d parttime. Experience preferred, will train. Burl./ Oak. border. Fax resum e A ttn: Jane Musgrove, (905)465-3050 512 BU SIN E SS O p p o rtu n ity :' New north Burlington ta n ning spa has extra space fo r com plim e nta ry b u s i ness. (Massage therapy, esthetics, etc.) 319-9341, fax 319-5955. Burlington Post Sales and Marketing Shift Supervisor & Asst. Mechanic F/T. Training provided. Bowling exp. an asset. Call Ruby or Rob (905)681-2727 or drop oft resume: Burlington Bowl 4065 Harvester Rd P/T C aretaker. C onscien tious handy-man/woman for about 20 hours per week. Flexible times. Apply in per son or fax to 681-0098. Hal ton Honda, 2300 Fairview St. Burlington RENTAL agent car & truck. Oakville, F/T, morning shift. E xperience/ w ill train. Fax resume (905)337-9807 515 MAINTENANCE PERSON required part-time; Mon.-Thurs. 7-11am Sun. 8am-6:30pm For appt. call: SEWER and/ or Cutter re quired. experienced with vinyl upholstery. Please call Takara Co. Canada, (905)8220068 ^ ^ IC C Students Wanted Delivery Crew In Oakville and Burlington I TotaiHome o f M u tu t o u g a ·W ed & Frl-after school ·Saturday-after 9am-4pm Apply in person to either; Lisa Meecham, Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville or Lauri Simpson Burlington Post 4057 Fairview St., Burlington (East Entrance- Glegg Class Building) Experienced Machinist re q u ire d fo r co nve n tio n a l m a ch in in g by A u to m a tio n co. in O a kville a rea. Tel: (905) 465-2484 Fax: (905) 465-2485 P U B L IC R E L A T IO N S /IN S ID E S A L E S Looking for a dynam ic, disciplined and confident se lf-sta rte r to develop supplied leads. Person must be comfortable talking to people on the telephone and in person. Previous experience in the follow ing fields would be an asset: real estate, inside/outside sales, retail sales, custom er service. Full paid training. Base salary + comm. To arrange an interview, contact Mike or Linda at 905-608-9244. E X PER IE N C ED M edical Secretary required for spe c ia lis ts ' office in O akville. Ability to transcibe tapes an advantage. Fax: 905-8428216, Call: 905-842-7051 DENTAL Assistant required fulltime to fill 1-year materni ty leave. Burlington office. Please fax resum e to: (905)634-6837_____________ DENTAL Assistant required full-time with great hours for modem Oakville dental prac tice. Please fax resume to: (905)827-0282_____________ D E N TA L A s s is ta n t- F u ll tim e fo r m a te rn ity le ave. E xp erience not required . Call Laura 332-6950 6 3 9 -1 0 2 4 PACKERS- Light Plastics Plant- W est Oakville. Full time night shift. Applicants must have good eye/ hand co-ordination and be fluent in E n glish. Fax resum e: 905-847-3126

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