Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 13 Oct 2000, p. 52

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52 K « | | l articles for sale BR AN D new d in in g room complete set, beige colour. M ust se ll. $2500. (416) 565-7216__________________ BR AS S dayb ed, Paid $1,000. S a crifice $500.; black tab le & 6 le a th e r chairs, $150.; Bowring pine tab le & tw o c h a irs , $125. (905)827-9933_____________ BURGUNDY sofa, excellent condition. All reasonable offers considered. 336-0569 CA R P ET. I have se ve ra l 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster & 100% nylon carpet. Will do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes carpet, pad & installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902_____________ CHESTERFIELD, matching lo ve se a t, custo m m ade, cream colour, $1000/set.; 2 B u tte r Y e llo w liv in g ro o m chairs. $ 40 0./se t; M arble, glass to p p e d dinin g ro o m table , 6 P a rson s ch a irs (G rey/B eige). $85 0.; All excellent condition.827-7454 CRIB, m atching dresser & change tab le , b e a u tifu l. Little Folks. Excellent con ditio n . $550 fo r set. 9058 4 4 - 9 0 9 3 __________ DINING S u ite, s o lid m a hogany, 9 piece, good con dition, $3,250 obo. (905)8440141,______________________ ENTERTAINMENT Unit oak w ith glass do o rs. $250. 905-336-3387______________ FREE in home estim ate of C alifornia shutters, blinds, d ra p e rie s ... 'L o u v e re d Arched Special' (movable)3 ft-$ 175. 4 ft-$ 2 0 0 . G len. (905)330-3211______________ FRIDGE - fro s t fre e fu ll size fridge, excellen t con d itio n , p re s e n tly use d as secon d frid g e . (9 0 5 )8 4 4 2132.______________________ FURNITURE, sofas, kitchen chairs, lamps, coffee tables, b aske ts, d is h e s ... G reat deals! Reuse Centre. 3335 N .Service, Burl. W /Th/F12-8 p m ;S a t-9 -5 p m ; Sun12-4pm. G EN E R A L E le c tric re frig erator, 3 doors $200., dish w asher B eaum ark, $140., Stove Beaumark, $170., all * items black & almond. 847 0525______________________ LEATHER recliner. Queen Anne, b urgun dy, gen uine full grain leather, trad itio n al. $2,700. Sell $1,500. Desk ch e rry $2 ,0 0 0 ., se ll $1,000. New from m odel (jpme. Inc. taxes/ delivery. 905-336-0786_____________ M IN K coat, size 8, fu ll length, $1,200. also 55 gallon aquarium with stand, $150. 842-9504_________________ M IN K coat- Lad ies C a n a dian majestic- Light beige, full length, size 8-10. sacrifice $600. OBO. 338-1760 MOVING Oct. 23rd- Custom made oak home office desk (C ocoo ned) b ra n d new $8,000. A skin g $2,900. measures 2 1/2ft. deep, 8ft. wide & 6ft., 2in high. 905875-7111 to view O A K d in in g ro o m ta b le , 6 m atching chairs, excellent condition, $700.; tw o sets L acrosse equ ip m e n t, (905)847-8023_____________ CHILD'S bedroom; Roxton includes headboard, fo o t board. desk, chair, dresser. $500. 338-1993____________ PIANO Sale, Grand Opening of our new la rg e r store . Many new & used Kawais and used and restored pia nos. Thursday, Friday, Sat urday, O ct. 12, 13 & 14. H aydn M usic S tu d io , 211 A rm strong A ve ., G e orgetown, (905)873-8201________ PIA N O S AN D G R A N D S 100 -fused in c lu d in g w ell seasoned Y a m ahas and Kawais. www.pianohouseburimgton.com 5205 Harvester, 1-888-742-6681_____________ PIANOS W anted. Apt. size to Grands. Will pay cash and pick-up. Steve. 1-800-633-7088 1000'S of yards of carpet for sale. Call Scott (905)6392200______________________ RENOVATION forces sale: side-by-side refrid g e ra to r, w/ice maker- mint condition $375.; M icro w a ve - black, V 3 c u . w /ve n t. like new, $225.; 905-689-9940________ SECRETARIAL desk, dark wood, $125.; stove. Almond/ Black, self-cle a n in g oven, $125.; filin g cabinets, etc. (905)572-0121______________ S E C T IO N A L C o uchB row n- G ood co n d itio n . $275. 315-7916____________ SNOW T ire s - 1 5 ', 4 bolt patte rn s te e l w h e e ls + Bridgestone Blizzak Tires = $800. (905)337-2462 k THE OAKVILLE BEAVER « | | 1 articles for sale auctions, sales auctions, sales auctions, sales Friday, October 13,2000 S O L ID m aple d re s s e r & h ig h b o y w /a tta c h e d m ir ro rs . lik e new , m e c h a n ized easy-chair, multi posi tio n s , w h e e lc h a irs , m ag netized mattress, single, all reasonable. 845-2448 STOVE, M aytag, s e lf c le a n in g , 4 -b u rn e r gas, w h ite , 4 -y rs old. $350. D ays- 849 -3 4 0 2 , Evgs847-5155__________________ TH E W aterb ed G a lle ry Store C losing Sale. 3350 Fairview Street, Burlington, Everything Must Go. 6395600.______________________ T IR E S - 2 perf. ra d ia ls ; P 1 95-60R 14 ; 2 F irestone firehaw ks. P215 60R 16. 1 B liz z a k P215 65R 15; 1 G en e ra l A m eriw ay XT. P205 70R 14. (9 05)8442132.______________________ WAVE slide, ladder, climb in g rope, 2 sw ings, 1 tra peze, kid's pool, 2 lamps, 2 bar stools, 2 coffee tables. 331-2638__________________ W EIDER T ra in in g B ench with 46 pc barbell/dumbbell set, other weight training accessories, excellent con dition. $225.00. C all after 7pm, (905)338-5526________ W ES TIN G H O U SE ` Space Saver', washer/dryer. $450 obo. 681-1859 AUCTION JOIN US FO R A M AGNIFICENT SA LE OUR F IR S T TIM E IN TH E OAKVILLE AREA NO BUYER'S PREMIUM OR REGISTRATION FEES An Extraordinary Offering of High Calibre & High Quality Merchandise TUBE MILL OPERATOR & PRODUCTION W OmRmKm! Opportunity. These are two great full-time opportunities to w ork on a continuous flow tube m ill.This expanding Q S9 0 0 0 company, located in northwest M ississau ga , offers growth potential with a competitive salary and benefits package. P A R T -T IM E (ye a r round) m odern greenhouse peration. G reenhouse or farm backg ro u n d an asset but will train. Send letter or fax expla in in g why you would like to work in greenhous es. 1087 R.R. 3 Puslinch, O nt NOB 2JO (S trab ane area) Fax (905)659-1117 MASONRY Co. seeking full tim e labourer/s. Some ex perience. M ust have own car. W illin g n e ss to work. Please call Mike (905)6938921______________________ V A LU E V illa g e requires p a rt-tim e S ales C lerks & tem p ora ry fu ll-tim e p o s i tio n s. A p ply in person: 2340 Fairview St. or via fax 9056316894______________ MAINTENANCE/SECURITY Person required full-time for Shopping Centre. Must be able to work flexible hours and weekends. Competitive salary package. Send re sume to Box 6304, do Oak v ille B e aver, 467 Speers Road, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 JO IN the team at Burloak Bowl! Part-time evenings & weekend positions available. Must be min. 18 yrs. Apply at 5353 Lake shore Rd., Lakeside Shopping Village. Burlington, Tel. (9 0 5 )6 3 1 BOWL (2695) Furnishings! Artwork! Giftware! Collectibles SUNDAY OCTOBER 15TM Preview a t Noon / A uction begins a t 1:00 p.m . S harp Teamwork. In the Tube Mill Operator role, w e need a self-starter with experience in mill set-ups, w orking in a continuous im prove ment environment. A n analytical, self-disciplined person with strong mechanical aptitude, you have w hat it takes to w ork with little supervision while rem aining committed to achieving quality results within a small, tightly-knit group. The Production Worker position calls for a hard-working, resourceful team player w ho thrives in a fast-paced environ ment. Both positions involve shift work. Arrive Early to Ensure Seating LE~DOME BANQUEf IL\LL~-~0AKV1LLE 1 1 7 3 N orth S ervice R d. E ., W est on Upper M iddle R d. to 2 n d S e t o f L ig h ts - D im L eft over "500 quality "ITEMS-"a 'LARGE OFTERINtfOF FURNITURE AND MANY ONE OF A KIND PIECES A Partial List Only - Far Too Many Items to List Elegant Royalton Dining Set - Clocks - Marble Top Consoles - Carved lonsoles - Beautiful Mahogany And Oak Dining Sets - Unique Chests - Hand Carved Mahogany Cabinets - Quilt Stands - Occasional Tables - Mennonite Made Bowfronts - Hall Stands - Oak And Mahogany Fern Stands Washstands With Pitchers And Bowls - Chippendale Style Furniture Upholstered Chairs - Loveseats - Curio Cabinets - Coffee & End Tables Tabriz Area Rugs - Carved Chairs - Bookcases - Vitrine Cabinets - Corner Cabinets - Tea Carts - French Style Furniture - Desks - Benches - Cheval Mirrors - Many Framed Mirrors - Decorative Easels - What Not Stands Queen Anne Style Furniture - Outstanding Beds - Bar Stools - Ball And Claw :urnishings - Persian Carpets - Extraordinary Tiffany Lamps - Estate Pieces Privacy Screens - Metal Weathervanes - Wrought Iron - Cast Iron - Satsuma Jewellery Armoires - Estate Coins & Bank Notes - Stamps - Bronze Statues Candle Holders - Fine Porcelain - Doll Furniture - Parlour Lamps - Clowns Porcelain Dolls - Laurel And Hardy - Sign Boards - Baker's Racks - Magazine Stands - Cast Iron Doorstops - Alabaster Statues - Glassware - Sports Showcases - Limoge - One Of A Kind Hand Carved Giftware Join us. iifiwM For opportunities to w ork with a leader, please send your resume, indicating salary history, in confidence, to: N O V A TUBE. 2730 Meadowpine Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 7K4. Resum es only; no phone calls, please. W e thank all a p p lica n ts for their interest, h ow ever, w e w ish to a d v is e that o n ly t h o se sele cte d for a n in te rvie w w ill b e contacted. WANTED All-China. Silver, C ry s ta l, ca m e ra / aud io e q u ip m e n t, se w in g m a c h in e s ... D o ulton, M oorcroft,Q uilts, Glass, W atch es, dolls, paintings, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477______________ I will buy your 1960's Mattel Chatty Cathy & Chatty Baby d o lls , any c o n d itio n . (905)634-8583 ___________ P A IN T IN G S , A n tiq u e s W anted: Furniture, G lass, C hina, S ilver Ring Boxes, A d dison ra d io s, E states purchased. Karl (9 05)6816939-Buriington. W A N T E D ; fu rn itu re , ap pliances, dressers, dinette, bed roo m sets, odds & ends. Must be reasonable. (905)525-9904 anytime. I auctions, sales Autographed Sports From a Private Collection Gretzky - Maurice Richard - Gordie Howe - Bobby Orr Rookie Cards & Pucks Much Much More ;M j ' &£aary| THE OAKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY system (comprised o f a Central Library and three Branches with a fourth Branch scheduled to open in the Fall of 2001) has approximately 160 staff and an extensive volunteer program. = $ Shoppers * * Drug Mart Maplevlew Centre requires ParW/me PHARMACY T E C H N IC IA N Graduate or Currently, we are inviting applications for the position: ART LARGE VARIETY O F ORIGINAL OILS ON CANVAS/ ORIGINAL FR ESC O S M A N A G E R H U M A N R ESO U R C ES Reporting to the Director, you will lead the planning and development of HR strate gies, relating to staff and volunteers, and guide and advise management and staff on a full range of HR services and programs. Jam es Lumbers - Robert Bateman - Jim Daly - Walter Campbell Carl Breeders - Lee Dubin Many More All Professionally Framed and Matted A.J. C asso n /100th Anniversary / Sold Out Ontario Series / Platinums-/ Full Signature C a sso n s / Lawren Harris Franklin Carmichael / J.E.H. MacDonald / Emily Carr /Tom Thomson T e r m s : C a s h - V is a - M / C - A m e x A s p e r p o s t e d a n d a n n o u n c e d . A d d it io n s a n d d e le t io n s a p p ly . A u c t i o n e e r n o t r e s p o n s ib le fo r a c c id e n t s , Qualifications include: · C.H.R.P. designation · University degree in a related discipline · Minimum 5 years progressive experience in HR management, including experience in a non-union environment · Excellent interpersonal, communication and organizational skills · Strong leadership skills · Computer competency, familiarity with HRIS system/s · a mix of public and private sector experience an asset We offer a challenging, proactive environment with competitive salary & benefits. Submit resume, by Nov. 5, 2000 to; Manager of Human Resources Oakville Public Library, 120 Navy Street, Oakville, ON L6J 2Z4 Fax 905-815-2024 We thank you lor your interest, however, only applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Personal information is collected under the authority ot the Public Libraries Act R.S.O. 1990, CP44 and will be used to determine qualifications tor employment attendee Pharmacy Technican program Fax resume: 905-681-2494, or drop oft resume at store by Oct. 20,2000 FOSTER parents are need ed to ca re fo r yo u th w ith specialized needs. Experi ence w orking w ith m ental health issues is an asset. For more information, please call Halton Children's Aid So ciety 333-4441 ext. 260. J.D. M A R S H A LL & AS SO C IA TE S (905)953-8358 F R E E D R A W F O R A T V / V C R T O A L L R E G IS T E R E D B ID D E R S .V COIN SHOW -V cars for sale 400 cars for sale 440 auto parts, supplies & repairs Brant Hills Community Centre, Burlington Sat. Oct. 14 th, 10 a m - 4 pm Ancient & current coins & paper money. ·Free admission*Door prizes ·Refreshments 2300 Duncasler Dr. (olt Brant between Upper Middle- Hwy.5) 1993 Asuna SE, 105K 5speed, E tested, good con dition $2,000. Call 6394591 or 516-0836 1992 Ford Tempo 2-door, V6, good condition $2600. obo C all 8 2 7 -1 0 7 7 a fte r 5:30 1988 Chevrolet Beretta GT280km , good shape. $1,200. obo 639-9757 Ken 1990 Nissan 240SX- 200K, su n ro o f, good cond itio n . $3,500. 905-257-7757 1997 Honda Accord EXR91,000km. Auto, leather in te rio r, P .W ./ s e a t/ roof. $17,500. White. Excellent. 905-338-7374 1992 Nissan Maxima, leath er, su n -ro o f, Bose, new tires. $5,000,681-1859 1988 Buick LeSabre, owners h ea lth fo rc e s sale. 172K original. New motor 40K. Top condition. $3500. (905)6392234 I cars wanted $0-$50 00.R ew a rd- Cars, Trucks, Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D e live ryFree Tow ing. Licensed Auto W recker. Auto parts s old also! 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 0 1 5 (Oakville) Duct Cleaners Helpers re quired for busy residential company $750 plus weekly. 639-6772 CUSTOMER Service Rep.entry level position. Full-time for Oakville industrial suppli er. M ust be com m ite d to learning and have excellent keyboarding skills. Fax re sume to: 905-338-0412 G ENERAL Repairs- Tuneups. Brakes, Exhaust, Low Shop Rates, Body & Paint, Paint specials from $399 Paint Booth R e nta ls, No GST/PST for October. Call Jim (905)634-4432 I garages storage space S P O R T in G li/z STORAGE - clean, dry. in side storage for cars, boats, tra ile rs . O utside storage also a v a ila b le . (905)6890465. I career training NO Fee! Career Explorations is a 3-Week Course designed to help you plan your career. Funded by HRDC. For infor mation/ to register call Grace (905)333-3499 / (905)8781240 Sherway Gardens Ein Stein Brew House P/T position available. Must be min. 19 years. APPLY IN PERSON WITH RESUME TO: 481 N. Service Rd.W. OAKVILLE Call (905) 825-2337 JOB FAIR FRI. OCT. 13TH · 5 P .M . - 9 P.M. SAT. OCT. 1 4 T H * 10 A . M . - 6 P.M. ON THE SPOT INTERVIEWS WILL BE PROVIDED FOR QUALIFIED CANDIDATES We are currently looking for skiing, athletics and apparel enthusiasts who are result orientecTin an extremely fast paced environment. We are looking to fill positions throughout our store K « C I I I firewood G ET y o u r fire w o o d now! sea so n e d m ixed h a rd wood, $60./ a cord. Deliv ered. Minimum 5 cords. 1519-582-4628______________ G U A R A N TE E D dry 100% hardw ood. 'O n ta rio 's la r gest F irew ood re ta il. M arc's Q u a lity F irew ood, (905)-257-6366_____________ l( W | l pets, supplies 1991 PONTIAC Sunbird LE autom atic, e-tested, can c e rtify , m any new parts 172K $3,000. 827-1718 1998 Ford W in d s ta r GL, 74K, $14,950.; 1998 Pontiac S u nFire SE, 2-dr, 59K, $10,850.; 1998 Ford Winds ta r G L. 84K, $14 ,4 5 0 .;' 1998 Ford Taurus SE Wag on, 72K, $13,850. All fully loaded. Certified. Warranty. Fairview Auto Depot, (905) 637-1044__________________ 1991 T em po- ' C e rtifie d ', auto. 4 doo r, "m idnight blue* d eluxe am /fm c a s sette. Air, pow er options, la d ie s car. 'L o o k s and drives like new ' Emissions certificate. Low kms., great winter car. $3,300. Oakville 842-8383__________________ 1998 C hev. C a v a lie r, e x tended warranty, 4-cylinder autom atic, air, mint, black on black 80K, $10 ,250 . 331-6526__________________ PO N T IA C P a risienn e1986. Best offer. 335-1389 1988 Mercury Wagon, fully loaded, 240K, good condi tion, $500. as is. (905)8476664______________________ 1988 Topas, 4-door GS, no plates, good condition, ex c e lle n t tires, new battery, new exha ust assem bly. $350. 631-5509 Local manufacturer requires an experienced CARETAKER 5-6 evgs/wk. 5pm12pm. Remuneration commensurate with experience. Med./Dent. benefits provided. Forward resume: Attn: Cam Kittson, BurlOak Tool & Die Ltd 3121 Mainway Burlington L7M1A4 FULL-TIME floor helper for Cold web offset press (En try level). Apply in person, 2-6pm , M on-F ri, QE Web Printing, 1158 South Serv ice Rd.W ., O a kville . Ph#905-827-2306 Part-tim e Distributors For light delivery of magazines in Clarkson, Oak., Burl 2 - 4 days / month. Suit retiree. Must have car. Leave Msg for Roz at: · Management · Sales · Cash INSURANCE Brokerage in Western GTA requires fu ll time CSR. Fax resumes to: (905)878-5139 A N A K IN - Lab X G erm an S h e p h e rd , 7 m onths, Papers.toys, shots, neutered, trained, $350.00. Requires energetic fam ily (905)8273578 It you are unable to attend the JOB FAIR in person, please send your resume to: Paul Finch fax *(4 1 6 ) 620-4116 or paul.finch@sporttngllle.ca SSI Equipment Inc. A strainer mtgr located in Burlington requires: (905)337-9400 X29 W ED DING P h o to g ra p h y / Special Events. Packages include negatives. Digital en hancement, special effects. R easonable. C reative Im ages, (905)825-3800 BE IN DEMAND! Personal Support Worker Program In response to an increased demand for graduates, Sheridan offers the P e rs o n a l S u p p o rt W o rk e r P ro g ram which prepares graduates to help clients enjoy the best quality of life possible, whether in their own homes or long term care facilities. Cost: S1,308.75 (El recipients may be eligible lor funding) Info session & Location: Oct. 26. 2000 @ 1pm, Sheridan College Skills Training Centre, 407 Iroquois Shore Road., Oakville Start/ End: January 15,2001 to May 18,2001 Contact 905-845-9430 ext 8052 DRIVER/ RECEIVER Busy Oakville olfice supply company requires individual to handle receiving duties in our warehouse, as well as doing deliveries as required. Must be polite, organized and have a clean drivers abstract Heavy lifting is involved. Mon.-Fri., 9am to 5:30pm. $10/hr Fax resume: - I antique cars 1978 Audi Fox- Low kms, $1,500. firm . C e rtifie d , orig in a l paint. C o lle ctors dream car. 639-9757 Ken TIG WELDER To weld stainless steel strainer baskets. Fax resume to: (905) 333-5235 No phone calls please SEARS Watch Repair OAKVILLE PLACE Full & Par-time Help Watch battery & band replacement; sales & customer service FAX OR CALL 416-756-3256 Milon Talsania, Mgr LANDSCAPE help required in the Oakville area. Call Albert at 3376855 AD ULT Carriers to deliver door to door early mornings '7 days a w eek. R equired fo r O a kville & B u rlington. Excellent delivery com m is sions. Vehicle is required. Please call (905) 829-3670 8 a m. to 1p.m ., Mon. to Thurs. Ask for Mr. Brad Lu cas W* V1111 cars for sale 1986 C A D IL L A C 5L F le e tw o o d , da rk m e ta llic blue, beautiful car and re cently used as wedding car for bride. $3000 obo. Call (905)842-1808 after 6pm. 1997 Cougar XR7- 2 door, 4.6 litre V8, lo aded, 40K, lik e new . $ 13 ,900 . 905315-7813__________________ 200 0 C a v a lie r- S ilv e r- 4door. A/C., p.s/ p.b.; stereo c a s s e tte . Low m ileage, one owner. $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 ,0 8 0 : 633-6941__________________ 1980 Buick C entury L im it ed. 4-dr, V-8, Good condi tio n . 10-yrs in F lo rid a . $1250. obo. 905-465-2922 ECONOMIC ANALYST The Centre for Spatial Economics is looking lor an entry-level economic analyst to assist them in conducting economic research. The analyst should possess a B.A. in Economics combined with good quantitative and computer skills. No experience in economic research is required. Location: Oakville area. Interested applicants apply by e-mail to Ernie Stokes at ErnieStokes@cs.com or by fax at (905) 845-9957 (905) 845-0611 COMPANY or in dividual to c le a r snow at com m u nity m ailboxes, contract basis. Call 1-800-308-2574, ext. 229 CARPET Layer/ helper ap p re n tice re q u ire d fu lltim e im m ediately. Non-Smoker. C a ll Frank at (9 0 5 )3 3 3 5928 __________ S h e r id a n _________

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