Ontario Community Newspapers

Lindsay Weekly Free Press (1908), 10 Dec 1908, p. 9

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I :’5 CF CH , ma PR: vv' rd Oi l’l Last PUBLIC 'in-I of the - :ivd!‘ was Thursday. ‘ :ztrznan AU ._ H‘Rc‘rlly. :gins. Sani- C. .\lc.-‘ilpine, Medical i on moâ€" H Reilly. ”cunt-ll as . 3's vi- ll’lE’ limit of ' lIi'x' rt" . phased. ktvzition to l :.»iâ€"ay has .t.:::~us di- ‘:'.s l‘lth‘tl. ‘.\‘t‘l‘t‘ 36 A only 16 ilir‘ Yt'Sl 's Ill The" ' :l.‘.\'v‘ llt‘l't'. _ uni work lllln's by . 1n lllt' Yll'r"l. but province <~t highly bristmas. w'rw rot that is distrrctv l . '~1\"“ r"ll- ( that W'll be'se- . , trotti- Sr’riszcze'.’ Tag 5 ‘ - 'll" llr'“ Istrnas store {“3” . , 'll‘t‘tlrv‘. , :":'.l H1“- “l >l\'ll- ‘s «'Hlilll ”Vina its :|H'fl 1‘ p n 2h: if a ”m ..H:|.!rr¢ul .gt‘ri fin” chop he” l‘V ”I" . . Jilly than:- it will alumni HWY‘ Quinn in illrtr'tlrJ“ avnpiufl and Wm ' xx IIIIH‘Il llxlll\' luâ€" ’ luv u Illlll' zlir [foul- lfiu-n “(this i ill:llllr:\l .l llrlillf (if tanned d: .l in grati- about to ill! in Illi- necessity Ii domestic -w it calling matter and ": .tilll to rc- - 1-. by-lziw to .' .cipality SO « .rflicv water Wizitarninait-d Hutt’t‘ to the .72' proportion -7 in Lindsay UTF-1 the wells. l. t v_ that mahv LY. I pi . . i Com 0 Analyst Thr I,- r ~i in thc' _ [nu-nt of tho succcs or failure of the, * i"slllL' tu' illl- . lint: vii ntific. Hospital5 ‘i='?‘ri» r 111â€" I lit“ l fl. l'i- l’vnt w'rmn it mm“; 1 ill in n!)- :.'i‘.r lit'tll‘, ‘. at surface wa- that some xi... quite com- ‘ .. 1.9.: was full it I 3.. ‘0er vz’h earth and 3 “‘32, m a mi nient place. I in Close ,A thv town wells . . worm»: to these old script 0 uglianfil that this is the prin- discusse ~ Oreo many wells in town hhzlzlrliptcd with sewage, as matter “petite; s nave been proven to age pu .. tests made by the PrO- for househ W lathe m .: necessrty for guarded by t _ atter is so urgent. and m lhe 3’ 80 Simple and inexpensive “e? Commissioners of this Inspector- Regular Meetin AHMAN, SANITARY INSPECTOR AND HEALTH or: sENTaDâ€"INTERE STING DISCUSSION ON THE HEALTH. jtown deserve the lasting gratitude of the citizens of Lindsay for their fore- 'thought and good judgment in secur- ing the erection of an ozone plant for the purification of the town water thus placing Lindsay in the proud po: sition of being the first municipality On the continent to adopt what I be- live to be the best system invented for the purification of water. J. H. Bridge the inventor of the ozonizing systeni for purifying water, entered into a , contract with the town to convert the ' l muddy and peaty water of the Scugog river into an “absolutely safe“ water, agreeing to remove all objectionable color, taste and smell from the said water. and to destroy all germs or lconstituents which might prove dan- gerous or liable to be harmful to the {health of the water users. The new fsystem of purification gives every l promise of being a great safeguard to ,_ twlet' I 1 " gratifying l the public health and a large factor . .‘iliilllpox Iin preventing infection. Although the _~.~‘ prm- ’ reports for the official bacteriological icxamtnation of the water since the; this Einstallation of the system are not yet l . 7. [HM at lto hand ,there is every reason to be- i ' . Mr. K of l ”eye from what is known of the valu- . H~ M VT. gable PTOpcrties of ozone as a germi- l ,7 dical icrde that the treatment of the public l . thi-ir “'8in supply will be mOst highly bene- ' - inrting l fic1al, ...... i“. ”A All of which is respectfully submit- 1 . id in jkd' - m “'8‘ ‘ Yours sincerely, \ 1,“. t J. McALPlNE. : Medical Health Officer. 1‘: prac- iLindsaY; Ont, NOV. 30th. 1908. . cally fl _ _ 1 st “1 Some litle discussion took place re- . 1.311”; jgarflmz‘s' 1110 last Clause in the report, ,er" i which will be found elsewhere in this i 11““ ‘I :IN‘UP of The Free Press. Mr. O'Reilly l mm,” ithought too much praise had been . n. l lilVlSih-il on the ozone system before it D duo 'was definitely known whcthcr it - lains. Would be a success or not. Mr. 01‘ I“ s“ ‘lx'cilly explained that he was not find- 1 s 1‘“ llt- l ”12 fétllll Willi llh‘ rcport but simply that I 1calling attention to the fact that spc- 5 1mm” icial watchfulncss should be exercised I", gmplin («inside-ring thc new plant. Dr. ,iikflm “riMcAlpinc explained that he was lsimply mcntioning an opinion on the l . . ‘known qualities of o2onc. as the rc-i i ~v o . ”port clcarly show'cd. INo definite stato- ncw treatment could be given until l illlo full rcports \vcre received from : ! 1 [lilo Provincial analyst. 1 Sanitary Inspector’s Report. i The report of thc Sanitary Inspector ! follows: lTo the (‘hairman and Members of the l Board of Hcalth. i Gentlcmcnzâ€"I bcg to submit my yt-zirly report as follows: i \\'.- haw no placards up at present; lin fact “‘z' have gotten off unusually "well in this respect all your. Evory- Iall work has been attended to prompt- . ily. and our poliCc ‘iwn 1mm. l No. of placards for fiscal ycar bo- ltww-n Nov. 15. 1907. and Nov. 15. 1909: Smallpox. I; Lywmwl family (recov- l r ‘orwli | I'iphlhcrin. ll: (rccovcrcdl, Scarlvt fever. 5; (I death in Frcd. ‘ Ilronm's family). In (‘HHHF-I‘llllll Willi }[u:[iil.’ll, ”ii; \Vnmlvti ait‘llt‘llll‘“= {ll {l I the smallpox 3 UK) III my 19 7‘" =upplir: wrrn Inhnu l in flu‘ l‘l‘7fh‘2 “null: iy inn and is how Itilllt‘t‘ Hf llt'ltllli mural-«Ml and Trim“. May fiâ€"rrlrnt three sump let to Toronto for analysis. Also on June. to Toronto. ' May 12.11‘ro liar depositing l’cclm‘t. Let o to $3.95. l“'h0 will compel the butchers to ob- serve sanitary methods. .for The year “as then preSentcd as . lthing has gone along harinoniouslyr court record has. Hunt-l (‘rm‘rlml two ‘osl of about lll““lllut‘y Hi ”In May 4"'NIIll"“-" final “swirl Il'nlli: lH llialtm'l Jun. kttlll‘a lcs of my hath sent two samples ! Ff‘tfulf‘tl \V. A. Goodwin garbage and reque on ' . 't‘, amountin - - ff “uh “’5 3 g and that lllllltllllgs i Chairman's Report. ’ Lindsay, Dec, 3, 1908. , In compliance 'with the Medical‘ Health Act, I have the honor to re- i pOrt as follows: l I am thankful to be able to say that l lduring the year.that is past our town I 'has been comparatively free froml lcontagious diseases. During the year lseveral samples of well water have [been analysed and pronounced unsafe jfor domestic use ,and it is the Opin- ‘ on of the Board that water is being Iused from wells which are polluted. lThlS is a matter which the Board has not been able to deal with, owing to Ethe water in the water mains also be- .lng impure. If the new filtration [plant proves successful in providing 1a wholesome supply of water ,there is illttle doubt that a number of wells ‘Wlll be condemned, and orders be is- sued for closing the same. l i A committee appointed to irispt‘Ct ~â€" ‘the slaughter houses visited these places in September. The report , brought in by the committee bore con- ; vmcmg proof of unsanitary conditions Lsurrounding the places where our Emeats are prepared. No attempt is i made by the butchers to comply with Ethe Medical Health Act governing l g slaughter houses. The Board of l lHealth have discussed the wisdom of i Ihaving a public abattoir where all ianimals should be inspected by a ca- ~ pable inspector before being allowedl :to be slaughtered, such abattoir to be built in accordance with the Medical Health Act, and to be maintained un- der the supervision of an inspector . Nothing has been done regarding the ginspection of milk supply. A late imedical congress condemned impure Emilk as the transmitter of many di- iseases, such as typhoid fever, con- isumption ,etc. Milk is a diet, especi- ‘ally adapted to children. and at a time of life when they are unable to lresist the injurious effects of impure ifoods. It is therefore of the utmost lconsequence that inspection should be lmade of cows supplying the milk. to ‘see that they are healthy: and that :thcy get a good supply of pure water; ithat they are properly housed and cared for; that cleanliness should be ‘observed in handling the milk, as it is .impossiblc to be too particular about this one article of dict. The Board of Health. as guardians of the public health, with the co-opcm- ‘tion of thc Town Council, are in duty :bound to use evcry precaution to in- ; sure a wholesome supply of meat, wa- tcr and milk to our citizens. All of Which is respectfully submit- ted. , ALEX. HORN, 3 Chairman Lindsay Board of Health. ___â€"- The report of thc chairman of tho I Board was referred to the Town Coun- cil as customary. A Public Abattoir. The advisability of having a public : labattoir for the slaughter of all cattle . for use as food was discussed at some length. To'right prcscnt conditions in butchering, apublic abattotr. where all animals must be killed undcr pro- ‘pcr Conditions ,was considered the only proper plan. The slaughter- houscs Were not kept in right condi- 'tion now. The question of having an inspcctor ‘Of slaughter-houses was also ,touched on. The Health Officer had madc onc inspection this your. and another will also be made in tho near future. The Milk Supply. Mr. Keith brought up the question inf thc conditions under which cows: l arc kept. in town. The improper Imus. line. the impropnr {coding and cnro :coul-l not help but insult in injury to Ethe public “"31““. in: milk was no luv lpuflmil. titliclu of dirt. A I‘l"!"t‘ in: laimotiuu of Hit: mutton: of tho mllk’ iauppfy alwuld lw mmlv in tho hitch put: of tho public. Mr. Keith though!- i Mr. Milli: "How do you oxpmd In lgct pnrc IIIllli when cow: drink out of .tlir riwr, wlu‘l‘o it in known that the lwatcr is polluted?“ Mr. (I’lleil'y-"Uh, the cows have [an ozone system inside.“ i Mr. Keith bclieVmI that many of the ' llifcctcd with tuberculoaia and premises should be inspcctcd and the owners 0.qu Wen: July 10.â€"â€"(’;. D. Barr found guilty of made to comply with the law. an infraction of Thc lAct. No fine, was imposed. August Inspector. Lindsay. Dec. 3. 1908. N.B.-â€"This is t this Board should say or shall no _ out as soon as p0551b suggest that . Ithe Rider and Kitchener pond, as 1 's suspicious. R.A.D The question opened up b f the Inspector’s report d at some length. . _ Mr. O’Reilly thought that it eed in thia- embers agr f Mr. o’neilly. der the supervision of Public Health 10.â€"~Workman’s case, re. $1.00 and costs,. for cold St?" oppo H AN EXCITING RUNAWAY. Last Friday about 5.30 o’clock, while two well known West Ops ladies were leaving town, after spending the day 'shopping, their spirited horse became lfrightened at the glare of lights from 5the store windows and dashed up be time Of year that lKent-st. from the Pym house atater- where ice Shall lrific speed, throwing the cutter from t be cut, 35 the ice is taken lone side of the road to the other, al- 1e now. I would lmost. dumping the ladies from their no ice be taken out of lseats. . t I In some unknown manner the lines or reins got tangled about the ends of ' the shafts giving the lady driver no 1chance to pull up the frightened ani- y the post- lmal. . . was The horse continued its zig-zag run up the school hill, causing the many did not other sleighs which were coming in the site direction, to take the ditch. No attempt made by diflerent town On motion 0 _ . that 011m 138 is that ed by Mr. Mills; nix: fjelfege un- brought to a stop. ' s ‘ tkenouo . - ’d 013 not been settled years all me a the 88mm Outs: e 'u done- ifiifiifléfifififimflfifi‘lfifilfi W 9 S'- W o a. o I l PAGE NINE. ’ _ IHE WEEKLY FREE PRESS. . 631th Hold aeaasaasaaaaasaaasasaaaaaaaaaaaeaafiz g GOUGI'YS “WHEREJRE GFggODMS’LOTHES GOUGH)S E I z: m 9 o fl m m "I .0 3!! E Z O E O UH int E3 g El 2 Eâ€" z E K a it “its f‘lfiifiifiifiifi‘h‘lfltifittt‘tt‘hg <=>l C: :6 fl: <==> * â€" U ::3- -< (/2 -â€"a 6 ('1i 7:: m ,_ .« day lines are now complete. . ' 3 2. The earlier you come the t . L1..ill' Ti llllllllllll later on. 4. Our salesmen can give you better service now. to the test and see that our statements are correct. Appreciated Must be Uselul._ Look over our List and Select what You Think He Will Appreciate Neckwear Gloves, Hosiery Underwear Suspenders Umbrellas Shirts, Mitts Neckscarfs aaaaaaaaaaaaawawaaaaaaaaaawa Collars, Cuffs Mufflers, Caps Shirt Protector Sweaters Silk Handk’fs Linen Handk’fs Pho’x Mufflers Cuff Buttons Stick Pins B. J. (30me GH 3:?! CORNER KENT AND WILLIAM-STS. wfifififififififi fidhfififi fififififififitfififi aaaaaaaaa on William-st. north, where the Me- daughteraâ€"Mrs. Adair, who lives with BLACK FOX SHOT. Cree. foundry is now situated This~her parents, Md 355- Davis, 01 Re- Cannington Gleaner zâ€"Mr- Arman, business M" Parsons 0011an ably lgent-st... Lindsay, are among the near Eout-hworth, of Cardiff township, anti" SAMUEL PARSONS. and successfully for “ number 0! relatives surviving. One grandson, brother of Mr. C‘. L. Southworth, man- Afte illn of about three weeks Wu“- Bruce Adair. of Toronto, is home on , . - 1’ an can The d i was ‘ member of the account of the illness and death of agcr of Brock Creamery. Lannmgton. Mr. Samuel P8180113. one Of the oldest - last week snot a black fox on the {arm . , Sons of England, which order he has Mr. Parsons. f h' ‘ th V Al 80 thworlh and most widely known of Lindsay belonged to almost. from the time he ______.______ o . is 8 er, . r. ex. 11 - This is the first block fox that. has citizens passed away ‘3' his home on settled in Lindsay. In the 1068-1 Cheese Fingersâ€"When pics are be- . . . . earl hour last ' ' . - - beer shot in Central Ontario in x Regentost , at In y lodge he was moved as a moot dour mg made, take a piece of the dough, number of years. The skin of a b _ Wfififififihflfififlfifi OBITUARL NOTICES 'tjzen th horse, raved suc- refully c1 3 to stop e P the .saturdsy. The late Mr. Parsons was able md useful member and he was roll very thin ,and cut into strips 3 . fl h in his 78th year and few men in town greatly valued for the my .ervieea 1.2 inches long and 1 1-2 inches wide. ‘0! 18 worth *er one ‘0 , V8 “11M dollars, according to quality. were better known or more highly eo- teamed. About. 46 years ago Mr. Samuel Par. Wupmthe sommovodtonndnyandopenodnp a large buckmi'thnic’ establishment whohdprumtmmhedmm given. including o nodal tenure of On one strip sprinkle grated cheese, 3 the ofllce of secretary of the local duh of salt. and Cayenne pepper or , ' paprika. Lay on another strip, pinch â€"Crowds of small boys engoyed s but . In addition to the narrowing widow, together, bmh with yolk of egg or skate on the river Monday. They milk, and bake in a slow oven. kept close to the edge, however. ,0

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