2.74: 1 33 {34 PAGE EIGHT. ()1 '4 Bottles of any kind of Extracts for 25c. 6 Bars of Comfort Soap for 250. 6 Bars of Sunlight Soap for 25c. 4 Cans Mustard .23 C- 3 Tins‘ St. George’s Baking Powder for 25c, regular 20c each. 6 Packages Cow Brand Soda for 25c. Regular 15c Canned Goods 2 for 25c. Patent Medicines, reg 25c goods for 20c; reg 50c goods for 40c Everything else reduced away down. The Slaughter of every article in our Men’s Department should create a commotion in the community. The stock is fresh and well assorted. The early buyer gets ï¬rst choice. .All goods must be paid in spot cash or they will not be reserved We are clearing out READY-MADE CLOTHING, PANTS, GAPS and BOOTS. SUITS regular $9.00 for $7.50, $12.00 for $7.50, $8.00 for 6.00, $6.75 for $5.00. PANTS $2.45 to 2.50 for $2.00, $3.50 for $2.50, $2.00 For $1.50, $1.50 for $1.25. HATS $1.00 for 75¢, $1.15 for 85¢. WINTER CAPS 85c for 65c, 65c for 50¢. All Boots 25 per cent lower than regular price. We want to make this week one of our largest sale weeks. Everything down at cost. Here you get the biggest of bargains. No old worn out goods, but all our complete stock. Shelves and counters ï¬lled with the best weaves and latest patterns and designs. It’s like walking into a place and having your own way. ' A choice of goods equal to any store in the county. You know the reputation of our goods. They are now oï¬'ered at Genuine Bargain Prices. Just a few pieces of Ladies’ Coating left double fold, regular $1.40 per yard clearing for $1 .20. Children’s Coating, Bear Skin Cloth, regular $2.00 for $1.60, regular $1.00 and $1.50 for 85¢. Umbrellas while they last regular $1.00 for 85¢. Ready-Made Shirts regular $1.00 ' and $1.15 for 85¢. Regular 85c for 65c. I REMEMBER THE PLACE F. VALLEAU 8: C0 = GOODERI For the next month we are here for our customers: at the prices we have reduced our goods to. TO BE CLEARED OUT IN THIRU-PAY§’ TIME MM... M 060006000300 Ogng‘gOO00000000000060.0090 OOOOOOO‘OOQOOzOOig iizOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O... O. 3000 o o 00 0000000000000: xi; .0 06.3000... II III 'II ’ I I > ‘ ll†‘ OFFER THEIR ENTIRE $4,000.00 Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Grocerises, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Paints, Flour and Feed, Etc, Etc. ' ° REMARKAILE VAWE GIVING F 'Valleau Co., Gooderham, is is the place for BARGAINS NEXT WEEK. We are going to clean out our stock at the lowest price goods ever were sold for in_ Gooderham. . SPECIALS for Week October 17th to 24th A Few of the Many Reductions in the Grocery Department. A Great Slaughter of Dry Goods. Wonderful Chances for Men and Boys. : v THE WEEKLY FREE PRESS. .’ benefit and everything must go, and go quickly, GOODERHAM, ONT. THURSDAY. ocroaea deuce oft Col. Hus: “Jada h of graf’. “In! in 6011 and 1 Ir. chair Th: ' fluid “a hgmmg a ï¬remuwm 3! fl the adulill‘ii “After a few} 1' hr ‘1 tin get-mil: questiu Tnding Mm “Inm- V ‘1'. Fox pleat-up :' Wilfr \\ 3?? liar} y I (‘81 D. and many At tht‘ MM 1 gn-ntlvnwu K)! Paid a ti v' their U: MJ’J’ Mi. tlu of View! 0H â€I RV gal ()ll Ill a†UH T h Ill m