lits, {ht 701' and ,s at Ll Friday ‘NT E NT5. .te stove m of YoungaLiaHâ€"Gâ€"ored by Bull , Tossed About 011 Its Horas hile creasing the pasture ï¬ 41 “a“ home last week, the 12 year old 3°“ Of Mr. Peter Clancy. swell‘ ho“ farmer, was charged by a hub! *ï¬ously injured. Them“ lad was walking on and Coats of ï¬ne black Beaver, 45 inches long, in semiâ€"ï¬tting and loose back, trimmed with strappings of self, a well tailored garment at a 10 00 very low price .............................. . Coat of Beaver Cloth in black, green and brown, made 48 inches 'in length with semi-ï¬tting back, Suits of plain and shadow striped Vienna; in plain or navy, coat is 33 inches long, semi-ï¬tting lined with twilled sateen. The skirt is nine gore trimmed with silk braid and buttons, 1 an elegant suit for .................. . 0 Suit of French Venetian in stripe effect in colors of black. navy and brown, coat 34 in. long with semi- ï¬tting back, inlaid velvet collar, tnmmed with silk braid and buttons, skirt is nine-gored 20 00 “ith fold of self ........................... _. . Suit of ï¬ne French Broadcloth 'in the new shade of green; coat is 32 in. long with semi-ï¬tting back, lined with satin, Gibson pleat giving the extended shoulder effect with outline trimmings of black silk braid. skirt is side-pleated Wih fold 25 00 Of Sle ........................................ . ‘5 CROSSING THE PASTURE FIELD NEAR HIS HOME AT - THE TIME HE WAS AT- TACKED. procured for the money; Parcels Checked Ladies’ New Fall Suits Free Mantles ! Mantles ! We Have Everything That is New One Door East . "R‘ away, of the danger he was co He heard the; dull thud“ .> WAKELY of the Dominion Bank. COD- I . branch, and C. Branch 377 of the C.M.B.A., Gal- way, on Wednesday eVening held the ï¬fth anniversary of their organization which was a most brilliant affair. ’ Brothers B. J .Gough, P .J. Breen, .‘l. A. Gillogiy, k M. H. McGeough, Dr. Blanchard, and J. Healy, of Lindsay Garvey, at Petrboro, 5 were- the ‘visiting brethfexi. Mr. J. with Stitched strappings, partly lined Wlth self, an elegant coat for -' .......... v Coat of Diagonal Cheviot in wide Wales, black, brown and navy, made in the Newmarket style, mtg???.ï¬f.i¥¥‘:ï¬féi‘iiÂ¥fÂ¥ $18.75 ' Heavy Cloth Dress Goods in bright ï¬nish, stripe effects in navy, green and brown, can’t be 50 procured in any other store in town. Price c tianS in navy, greens and browns, 54 in. w1de, very spec1a1, Pnce .................... . Suitings in two tone stripe effects in brown, green and blue, 44 inches wide. Price 75c ‘Stoles of American Sable, satined lined 80 in. long, 8 tails, silk ornament trimmings, $6 00 0 sale price. .................... ‘ ................... Muffs of Sable Opposum, satin-lined 5 tails, cushion style, sale price-mu... . New Fall Dress Goods Plain coloared Suitings in ï¬ne English Vlne- my "no or»..- _, Georgina Island, where the visitors matters in his own my. cum 'uaw e..- w WM", um “um ..-e_-_-__ communicate “1th other done as well as the towns, having de- were most hospitably entertained. A telegraph to tea meeting and concert was held in cities. For the telephone on the tern: creased from 1,051,837 to 1,045,640. The It would 1" assessed values have increased, and honor of the Chemong folk. . - . . . . 51631 1mP°951bmty $8.88 per capita was the tax in 1907 The return trip)?“ made on Thurs- most cases be a phy to attend in any other way to the at against $8.41 the year before. . , .J. B , .' . . M60331) 3%ch n1): day, Chemong @380 being reached . ,d 'J llealy of Lindsay 68711311 the evemng..Ch1et Big Canoe fairs that are daily taken care of by of Georgina Island, is spoken of very the mm W†RAIN PUTS our new ounmo A telephone is not an expense. It FIRES; 0; 6mg; 9" his? highly by the Chemong people who ting bre 'en'Ad ‘ ' took‘in the trip. He did everything is a means 0! reducing expenses. “1 the cm“. dress“. , in me power to entertain them. .There was s time More the telephone Toronto, Sept. 19o-The showers of will be taken again mam us so thoroughly developed last night have effectually quenched next'year on thesteamer Otoubee. when the cost of muï¬cturing the the bush ï¬res in the vicinity of Owen ‘ Sound and Huntsville. which have mammm-mmwddMVehmnfl-Wummmw . . uMWflMhey inedthisyesr were itnotvtor the muse m an itemyof considerable beenthmwlllnzthedestmctionoithe ‘ ' . ' w W, Horthetthe out. have towns and villages in the neighbor- ~ Mammy!!!“ hoodtorsomedays. 4 â€Flâ€"â€" B.A., GALWAY. of the C.M.B.A., Gal- nesday evening held the iry of their organization , most brilliant affair. Furs ! Furs ! aim brethljen. THE WEEKLY FREE pa- b“°“’â€si..5f..i.‘f: 1,00 91.1%??? $15.00 Baby Died Suddenly While on a Train MOTHER RETURNING FROM FUNERAL IN HALIBURTON -â€" DR. WHITE, OF KINMOUNT ON TRAIN. While Mrs. Livingstone, of 686 Queen st. east, was returning to To- ronto Thursday, 17th, from Wilber- force, in Haliburton county, where she had been with her infant attend- ing the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Eyres, the babe was taken suddenly ill, and when near Uxbridge died in the mother’s arms on the train. Dr. White, of Kinmount, was on the train, but all eflorts were of no avail. Col. Sam Hughes, M.P., Dr. White, Mrs. Bain, of Kinmount, and other friends assisted the ’ amicted mother to her home near Riverside, and wired for the husband, who is with the Hamil- ton Bridge Company, near Inkerman ‘P.O., in Eastern Ontario. Indians Excursion A Great Success ABOUT FIFTY FROM CHEMONG VILLAGE TO RESERVES AT RAMA AND GEORGINA ISLAND. boar‘ ï¬r}??? $7.50 2, In St. Paul’s Church on Nov. 16-17-18 ~ MANY MINISTERS COMING The Archdeaoomry o! Peterhorough will hold its mnunl Conference in St. Ptul’a church. Linduy, on Mon- dty. Tueodsy and Wednesday, Nov. lath-18th. 1903. During the sessions matters of interest will be discussed, renting to the church and her mis- sion. One bur-ticuhrly interesting feature, will be the address of Rev. Canon Davidson. M.A.. of Peterboro ough, on the PanoAnglican Congress recently held in London, Enzlcnd. and which he nttegded as a delegate. This archdencomry, which is n divi- sion either the diocese. 38 archdea- counties making the diocese, consists of the rural demeries of Northumber- land and Peterborough, Durham and Victoria, and Haliburton. Each Rural Dean. The Rev. Dr. Lang- Mdt. M.A.. Rector of St. Luke's_ feldt, M.A., Rector or at. 1 church, Peterborough. is the De the former Deanery. while Rev. Dr. Wilson Nominated In the Academy of Music last Sat-l urday, the Liberal convention was held 1 to elect a standard-bearer for: the party in the coming election. The] hall was well ï¬lled with enthusiastic; Grits, and the same assurances of vic-‘ tory were vouched by those on the: platform who addressed the conven- tion. The Liberals still think and be- lieve that the riding can be taken if} every individual will work hard for; the candidate, and from the applause that greeted every statement that bore along these lines. it is evident that the candidate and the members of the ' ’on will work in sympathy. Dr. Blanchard occupied the chair, and after the business of themeetin'g was transacted. nominations were called for the candidate of the party. Several names were put forth. but Dr. Wilson, of Fenelon Falls. was the choice of the convention. ATURDAY -â€" LARGE CROWD PRESENT MEETING HELD LAST 8 'HE UNANIMOUS CHOICE. FENELON' FALLS MAN The Telephone WU.“ vâ€"' v v _v The Liberal candidate, Archibald Wilson, M.D., M.C.P.. and 8., was born in the County of Durham, Ont. He matriculated before the College of SOME ARGUMENTS THAT MUST APPEAL TO THE FARMERS IN EVERY COMMUNITY. A few years ago it was a polic: the telephone companies to go considerable expense in order demonstrate to the business man value of the telephone. To-day is no longer meanâ€. as the: not a business house of any ca quence in the country that do« have telephone service. Most of department stores in the cities have a telephone on‘every com ,m-- I... no» a â€Wiuvvtu _.-w - quence in the country that doesn't have telephone service. Most of the department stores in the cities now have a telephone on every counter, and every clerk in the ofï¬ce has a telephone at his elbow. --â€"â€" I..- “Ma Q To tell a business man he needs a telephone in order to get the, best telephone in order to get the best results from his business would be about as useless as telling a farmer he needs a harness in order to get thousands of suwessful and prosper- ous farmers who are enjoying the ad- vantages of telephone service realize that it is more of a necessity on the farm to day than it is in the business office. The reason is quite plain upon considering the remoteness of the (arm and the greater business involved. The business man before he‘ enjoyed the advantages of telephone, service had substitutes, unsatisfactory and expen- sive they were. He sent his ofï¬ce boy or made personal calls on business mattersiehisowncity,andussdthe telegraph to__,co unieste with other '~-t4-A A- Oh. “rm Warmly Welcand BY As an Economy a policy nan the lay this there is W935 €17â€: Diocese Ind live. in Toronto. The Archdeacon is appointed for life. or till he mugs. 13y _the Arch- bism while the Raul Denna are elected by thdr respective Deaner- iea, which election is conï¬rmed by the Bishop. 1110 nukes the appoint- ment. The secretory of the Archdea- conery in Rev. W. J. Creighton, M.A.. formerly Rector of Bobcaygeon. but now of Lnkeï¬eld. Rev. J .H. Teeney. of Omemee. in secretary of the Dean- cry 0! Durham and Victoria; Rev. b. W. Pickford. of Norwood. is‘becretary of Nonhumberlcnd and Peterbo- rough. end Rev. A. C. Cummer. oi Kinmount, is secretary of the Dean- ery of Haliburton. The opening service of the confer- ence will be held at St. Paul's on Monday, Nov. 18. at which Rev. J. H. Teeney, late hector of Omemee. will be the special speaker. About 35 clergy will be expected in Lindsay during the conference. to whom. we ‘4]! LA “ma "1' --,,, am «are. n hearty wéleome will be extended by the citizens of Lindsay. Physicians 1nd Surgeons of Ontario. gndunting from Trinity College and University of Toronto in 1878. He then located in Fenelon Fells, and began to prnctioe his profession. He was a member of the Village Coun- cil for several years. and is now a member of the School Board. He as Associate Coroner for the County of Victoria. Medical Health Oï¬cer of the village, and District Surgeon for the G.T.R. He i salsa leader of the Methodist church choir in Fenelon ‘He. is looked upon as one of the rising men of Ontario. and no doubt will put up a goodrï¬ght in the com- ing caulpaign. As to which side will carry the riding there is now some doubt. It has for many years back voted Consemtive, placing Col. Sam Hughes at the head of the polls, but the coming election promises to be one of the closest that has ever been seen in Victoria and Haliburton on the stime line; where there are more than this number on the line the proper instrument would cost about 313. These instruments will give ser- vice for years with no attention other than possibly a battery renewal at a cost of thirty or forty cents every six or eight months. Two telephones with suï¬cient wire to connect the one with the Other is all that is needed seen in vwwm auu counties for many years. to start a telephone system. There is no comparison between the low cost of a telephone service and the remarkable saving of time and money which it accomplishes. Every iarm without a telephone 15 every day unconsciously piling up ex- penses for services which the tele- phone would take care of in a few minutes, to say nothing of the hun- dred and one additional services it would perform which are now entirely unprovided for. It is an economy which no household should be with- A bulletin issued by the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture states that during 1907 Ontario’s population in- creased 66,617, the total being 2m,- â€3. The population of the cities has the towns’ increase is from 477,704 to 499W. The rural districts have not done as well as the towns, having de- M tron: 1,051,837 to 1.045.640. The usessed nines have increased. and 88$ per «pits was the to: in 1907 wnamsmwm. out. Ontario’s Population 15- Increasing RURAL DISTRICTS HAVE NOT DONE A8 WELLâ€"REPORT FOR THE YEAR. and is now a ASSIGNEE’S NOTICE CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Tho- mas Sadler and Robert Fee. of the Town of ILindssy, in the County of Victoria, lumbermen, trading as era under the ï¬rm, name and style of the Lindsay Lumber Com- pany. AI ,4 AL- I"""i - Notice is hereby given that the above named Thomas Sadler and Ro- bert M. Fee have made an assign- ment under R. S. O. 1897. chap. 147. ad unending Acts of all their estate £6 John Hedry Soothemn. Esq.. of the said Town of Lindsay, broker, for the general beneï¬t of their creditors. A mnnï¬â€˜nn AC {‘19 creditors Will be A meeting of the creditors will be held at our ofllce. in the Town of Lindsay on TUESDAY. THE M H DAY OF SEPTEMBER, am, at two o'clock pm. to receive a state- ment of affairs, for the appointment of inepectors and for the ordering of the affairs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to ï¬le their claims with. the assignee, with the proofs and particulars thereof requir- ed by the said Acts. on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that on and after the said Twenty-ninth day of September, 1908, the assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. and that he will not be liable for the assets, or any part there- of. so distributed to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. -AA-l-IAâ€" M I lung uulc. zuncuk also and eats. mum. abscesses. poisoned wound; boils.“ and :u skin troubles. 50:. u box. all drug- 'm and Store: or 6mm lam-Bu]: 00., omto. 3 boxes {or $1.25. Mr. C. '3. Frost. M P-Q-uf writes: “ I have proved Zulu-But I M can: {or piles from which [MN] for n long time." _ . wretchedneu thaa piles; and giving Mimoelhteene Zam- Bunk the praiaeoftbouandaof “Eden “won “flung Zan- Bukcureyou- r. Ndlum.MOnLMï¬th piles eight _y_ears._ 'A few bom of Zun- a:' L ___A Egg 558T Héfdnce Guys-“I lane“ lad no return of the mug-0th! I know; lb: cue}: Ecrmjncnt}: ‘ ,..!Id_ DA Sonygagmtuedialmthodty. is no disuse am more pl: CLERK’S NOTICE OF POSTING 0F VOTERS' LIST. my“ uâ€"-_ STEWART O'CONNOR, Solicitors for the Assignee. Dated at Lindsay this 15th day of September. 1908. J. H. SOOTHERAN. Assignee. Voters’ Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the Voters' List Act, R. S. 0., 1897, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted 'or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said, Municipality to be entitled to vote at elections for members of the Legisla- tive Assembly and at Municipal Elec- tions. and that said List was ï¬rst posted up in my oï¬ce in the Town- ship ot Fenclon on the 10th day of September. 1908, and remains there for inspection. - Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any ommissions or other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected, JOHN B. POWLES. Township Clerk, Powles’ Corners. â€"w3. ‘ue UVPIVB sy‘--â€"'_ to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last re» vised assessment roll of the said Muni- cipality to be entitled to vote at elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at municipal .. elections. and that said list was ï¬rst posted up in my oï¬lee in the township of Car- den on the Rth day of September. was, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine thesaidlist,nndi£enyomissionsor other errors are found thereiato take Votcn' Lim. Iâ€. Municipality of the Township of Garden, County of Victorin. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to. the per- sons mentioned in sections 8 and 9 of the Votets' List Act, 3.8.0., 1897, ars' Lists Iâ€, Municipality of the Township of Fenelon. County of Victoria. runner. PAGE THREE 8001' OMB