Ontario Community Newspapers

Lindsay Weekly Free Press (1908), 16 Jul 1908, p. 1

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son. n Point Council? Held Meeting Tuesday? Night LINDSAY, ammo, â€"-â€"â€"â€"- NAMES OF successor. STUD- :urs Facts ALL mm or * how DEATH or MGR. FARRELLY .â€" THE RATE OF ASSESSMENT WAS FIXED AT FOURTEEN MILLS _ WAS IN CHARGE OF, ST. NAMES OF STUDENTS WHO HAVE THE DISTRICT. ' QUESTION OF FIRE PROTECTION DISCUSSED â€" YOUNG " MARY'S, LINDSAY. ., PASSED EXAM. 0F METROPG. â€"â€" N f th 5 WV. Mark. Somerville ............ 436 _ pEOPLE WANT DANcmozr'AVIIâ€"Ioa-omsn __MAT1fERs. 1 4â€",â€" 1 . ‘ LITAN scHooL ‘ Mr. 8. Phillips. School Inspector for 31115 0 ‘ e access-1cm... Hall, Fenelon .............. 435 "'â€"-â€"â€"â€""“â€"â€"â€"- Belleville, July 8.â€"â€"The dath took . â€"""‘_ ‘ . Haliburton County. announces that ful mm W. E. Cundal, Fenelon .......... 434 unwigurul meeting of the new in the assessment made by the Coun- place here this morning 0f the Right The followmg pupils 0‘ Mr. (’22:? the folIOWing ngils ”553d the gn‘ EU. 8. “'orsley. Fenelon .......... 434 ‘ -- » ...:i l'uml Council was held last t- would ' Rev. Monsi nor Farrelly, one of the 0311 PONY“! have “WSW“! 1385 trance examinations recently at Mm. .____. l , ,- 1 . _ , 3 mean 9. Jump at about $5 8 . . Cleveland Dawson Somerulle 438 i 1 _. .1. the wharf shelter, Reeve J .l or better in the taxes of man of th Oldest, priests in Canada, after :some the. June examinations of the Metro-i den.: . 9 i ’ ' ’1 l l 11 «:g (“Mil :ml Councillors Wallace 1 cottagers. ' i . ' y ~ 9 months, illness. Deceased was born .in pohtan 8011001 0‘ Music, Toronto: i Maximum 850 marks. To pass com com S SIJCGSSQ‘YOY.1e Par‘Sh’ Fene on """" ‘33 FOP e ~ _ ,l. -. imwn. J. M. Know-loom; Moved by Conn Brown second d Gavan county. Ireland. xn1827.ordam- Intermediate Plumâ€"Ml” 08"“ didatca must make 40 per cent. on Lillian Corbett. Fenelon P8115 .. 433 i th ‘ \IHM- ”nil (,‘li-rk and Treasurer 1 bv Coun. Miler that the ei’stimates be ed priest in 1851 and created Mon- Balfour, Omemee. With 2nd class hon- each subject and 60 per cent. on the â€"â€"â€" garlLMroyneS. ngneloln ............ f1 . . - . .. . ' ’ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ o . . , , - . , .......... ‘0 e .1 ll llv-lnfiill.‘ living fl)rvbplx‘1ft‘. inorgapproved oi.â€"â€"Carried. A byâ€"lawwas’ ldgobywégzzhfiegtglgfl Rings? 1;: rIsntermediate ‘70in Harold goital. To pass 390 marks an rtQuir' ReturnsfromLindsay,FcnclonFalls Johnacsxiigiilse Soiililfrgille ‘19 'n-t': ‘:I S 8. 'Li .., '.' ’ ' ' . ' 1 ‘.' k’ . """"" rhese l\'.t'i‘i'[51l‘1)ll)l5(‘;')ll)t(‘l(l1 1:01 1:; iii: that]: passul. fixing the rate at 14 first charge was Asphodel. then Lind- Howson, Norwood. with lat class hon-1 Irone Cole, Dorset .............. 51,3 LitthBritaln. Oakwood, Etc. Madge 'Halliday.‘ Somerville 418 , :lffe'l' which the minutes of Orihtotion Mr Rolt G h say, then Kingston, and f0? thirty-four ors; M1“ Ruby Austin, Fenelon Fallow Rowena Gibson. Allsaw ........ 501) 'â€""â€" Irene Randall, Fenelon """"" “8 What urchin: w.-n- l‘t'lld. p... d ‘ ' . ) ' ‘ra am was years he resided here. Tadlngg ”"98 pass. . - . . Muriel Lockman, Dorset ........ 496 Below we present the names of tho Gm?) McFarland, Fenelon Falls.. “3 1 “11888? as sanitary inspector ct years ago on account of failing health. Junior Pianoâ€"Miss Gertrude Gra- W R C . H l'b , 1 . _ Nellie Curtis. \erulam ...... 409 l ‘ ”M" “E th" WM" was com- ‘ ‘1‘“ Old salary. He celebrated his golden jubilee in the ham, Fenelon Falls. with lat class1 Dd h :31“. k a‘Hullitlim """" 42" various “I‘d'd'u‘ 'dm'tt'd ‘t L'"d‘ Louise Feilder. Verulam ........ 409 . mwn li)‘ svvvml of the- mom: ‘Cou. Brown urged that the gravel- priesthood here in 1901. He was ad- honors; Pearl Howson. Keene, 0nt..1 Frtfdt It’l'oiceuhzinde‘iil “no" ' if: say and other centres for Entrance Ernest Moore, Verulam .......... 4w [humid «out lllut qthe lo“ bug on Fourth-st. be completed. and ministrator of the Diocese and Arch- With 18*: 018.“ honors (pupil of Missi Beatrice Lodkman Dorset """"" «‘33 .x.minati°n" SM"! the uh“. ,t Everett Fell, Fenelon ............ 4m .1.l".'l4l_\ rim-u ml in Lturgt-on Ald. Mlllt'l‘ was named to have the diocese of Kingston during the ab Mabel Harrison); Ml” JOY Richard-1 1d 8' M d """" 460 which rs rod and number of marks Mchaehern, Somerwlle ---------- 407 l S , .ml Swans l'lW'!’ Wild ‘Jlll>l‘t‘_<“'d-| Lane-ave. wells cleaned out and the sauce of their Bishops. He had the 800. Lindsay With 2nd 91388 honorszl éhnote Itmson.H 1‘}; 6': """" ‘53 . p p; ' k _ Jos. Carley, Fenelon Falls ...... 406 , z :w' 3le N‘umll- ll. was doomed pumps refitted with new valves. esteem of all classes in this district. Miss Ethel Matchett, Lindsay. PISS-1 93 r ucas, a ‘ ur on """ °bt""‘d' “‘l p°“'b'°- 660 m" ‘° Gerald Fell, Somerville .......... 398 mauwl u ell” pron-st to Hon. Mr. ‘ Coun. Jones, returning to the water and his death is a great, shock to his Junior Voiceâ€"Miss Gertrude Gran-1 81‘9““ MCKmShP- Ingoldsby - ‘1‘7 Hazel Adams, Lindsay .......... 660 Dorothy Minore, Fenelon Falls 393 Ilz‘ifiam. Minister of Railways andllovol question, said he had written parishioners. The body will lie in ham. Fenelon Fans» with 13" Class-bark: Barry. Minden """""" ‘fs Clarence B. Fisher, Lindsay 53 LITTLE BRITAIN. (1.12.: Hon. Mr. Graham early in the sea‘ state at St. Michael's church. The honors. . 888816 Thompson. IDEOIdSbY £43 Donald Low, Lindsay ............ 545 Mina Dillman Mariposa . ....... 514 \1'. y .hv- passing of a number of ac- . sm in the capacity of secretary of funeral Win begin Saturday morning. Primary Piano Stuart Flavolle‘. Vera Cryderman. Garnarvon ‘3'? WSW" Scott. Lmd.“ y '. """""" 5‘3 Blanche Dix Mariposa .......... 482 . :i:~.:~ 111,. t-nlimittt-s for the year were ‘ the Point Fish and Game Association, when all clergy, 0‘ district, including pass. . . . Maude Ellw’ M00” 8 Falls """ *2 William McLaughlin, Lindsay 5“ Verna De Sliane Mariposa ...... 473 z: 111». L‘ll'rk Hopkins prefaced urging him to see that the water was ATChbiShOP Gauthier, Will be here. Primary Vorcc m“ Bessw Rose,§ Rachael Ferguson. Carnarvon ' 1.391 Lester W“ Lytle, Lindsay """" 538 Ruth Mark, Mariposa ............ 470 :‘~1n:1l'l§s with the statement that kept up in order to protect the M815 Farrelly succeeded Rev. Ft- Havelock, Ont. mm 1“ class hon-‘Jas. Cgeightoné Tory'Hill """" 3333 Willard Sharpe. Lindsay """" :3 Carrie Avery. Mariposa .......... 440 .11.“..1-1. uli‘t-zuly done would repre- spawn. “The water is being drained Chisholm in the care of St. Mary’s 0’3- , . . i“m'. 089““ ”Pam“ d Edward Thomas. Lind“), """" 5“ Thomas Lorne, Mariposa ........ 440 -.~:.: 1:11 mutiny of about $100. away for the benefit of Peterboro parish, Lindsay, and 19“ here “’0‘“ Junior HarmonyuTMlss 12a": Ba"? Miss 00:? Miss? s Beatnmh 8? Gladys Skinlrliori‘Landsay """"" 533 Hazel Dix, Mariposa ------------ 433 12¢“. Millerâ€""I would like to firms, Let us get hold of Sam 1868 for Belleville, being succeeded by four, Omomee. m 153' c.” onoraiMuriel Loc man, wrote at on 5' Joe Rathmo ' m “If. d """"" 52., Arthur Metcalfe, Mariposa ...... 426 1111: 51m) in cleaning up the Spring Hughes and find out who has the pull the late Fr. Stafford, the well known FObW‘l‘Y Examinations. ‘Vllle. Ed‘th 6" Cinnamon. m say 527 Frank Tremear, Mariposa ........ 402 :hrk :lllil providing a few seats. If down there. There is no good reason temperance advocate. Theoryâ€"Miss JP? Richardson. 2nd: Lester H°Pl5m“' 11mg”, """" 5% Olive Western. Mariposa ........ 400 = .mm m» won't have a boat negrt , why Cameron, Balsam and Pigeon Many of the old parishioners of St. class honors; Miss Ethel Matchett,l VOI'Y Truo. Minnie Atkins. L13 883' -------- 5% Verrol Hicks, Marip‘osa ........ 399 Wr W.» mustcncourage the towns- . lakes should be high and Sturgeon Mary’s will learn 0f Mgr. FarreuY'Si P883; Miss Mayda “7111181115. 9855:; Miss Yernerâ€"l’m quite positive Leonard C°°k' {induy """"" 5% Robert Wilson, Mariposa ........ 394 i-w-l'l" vomv hereâ€"at present they lake be sucked dry.” ‘ death mm deep regret. Master Stuart Flavelle, 9355' that he loves “19 dot’PIY- Roy C" I)“: “11418;; """"" 524 William Johnson. Mariposa . 390 . 7"‘illk'r :._,1‘11\_ 11“.” not wanted.” DA 0 TRIBUTE TO MGR. FARRELLY. .__â€"â€"â€"4â€"--"'â€"‘ Miss Wise-How do you know? Russell Ste." ens. n y """" ‘ iRoy Windrim, Mariposa 390 iiiiii ‘ ”vi l tt ‘N we PAVILION' ' K' Ed d h be n a 'nied Miss Yemerâ€"O' I can tell by the Arthur Allin. Lindsay 523 WOODVILLE 15C 1:. x Andersonâ€"n to, the ma er| On motion Mr. F. H. Hopkins was Referring to the death of the late ’98 war. ‘3 e ppm. i h . h '1. _ Ross Hall. Lindsay .............. 520 ' ._ ltwrill discussing. . _ . iheard. He pointed out that the ques_ Mgr. Farrelly, the Belleville Intelli- Admiral 0‘ 13035?- the rank 0‘ 3039““: way, ‘3 sxg SM“ ‘3“ . l ’t Hamel K. Workman, Lindsay 519 C. McInnes, Eldon .............. 504 in... .,1 .71 1‘1-llll. Kxxowlson--.\Vliat is it you , tion of better fire protection was now gencer says: vensky. which 18 consxderably. lowerl Miss ‘lilsfi- hy tear sir .kytlmycarli) Lila C. a" rod. Lindsay ........ 618 Mary Campbell, Eldon . ......... 49‘ went? . ‘ before the Council, and a suitable “AS he lived, se he died, respected, m the scale 0‘ human grandeur than gadge it: ept 0 a man 3 me y Zetta Pratt. Lindsay ............ 518 U. Kerr. Eldon -------------------- 494 10c i‘ouzi. Jones-"Doe’s anyone “ ant ‘ place would be needed for storing the venerated and loved by, not only the the rank 0: J. P. m Ontario. [its Sig! ' Isabel Clarke, Lindsay .......... 514 R. Staples, Eldon ................ 483 .. ”1,14,. 1.. cmno hero rv . _ iequipment. It was also desirable adherents of his church, but the citi- W _ . . . . Howard Williamson, Lindsay 510 Iâ€"' McFadyen. Eldon -: ---------- 477 )11:1 ‘ illl‘l i‘i""‘~"‘ .\ll(lt'l'51lll_" \‘ llal “'8 “ant 15 i that a pavilion be pI'OVided for the lens 0f BeleVille generally. During . ‘ Eric SWWII'L, Lindsay ---------- 508 E' HePpensmllD .“VOOdVIlle """ 458 .i; gilt will'Hlll‘ilgt‘ small partles of town i people, and it had been suggested his long life in the city he was in- Josie E. Perkin, Lindsay . ....... 507 C. Smith, WOOdVIIle .............. 477 19 wuntry pmplc to come here for i that a union of forces might make it strumental in having harmonious feel. 0 O ons Lila Callahan. Lindsay .......... 506 0- McKay. “700(1)“qu ------------ 455 C i 4.3.". outing. One hundred people i easy to accomplish both objects The ings with all classes of citizens. His Blanche Siddle, Lindsay ........ 505 J. Ward. Woodvllle .............. 453 . L'UIlLlllLI hero in a wwk wouldunean a l Regatta committee had a surplus of end was peace. I Beatrice H. Babcock. Lindsay 499 W- Sinlth. “oodvxlle .. ------------ 438 .. .ml 1,431,111. of $25 for the boats. 1 over $100 from last year and this 6 rec ress up Hazelle R. Burton. Lindsay 499 R. McTaggart, W'oodville ........ 435 12C mm" ”Hwy“? ”nightthbeibfiticr i might be handed over to help defray Hucklebe . Tri Regie Martin. Lindsay Schan glg' Sstzggfinndngfigle """" 3(1) _;‘~""“”l“““1;“‘ivftln‘ydtmk: ”11:53: i the cost of raising the roof of the "Sing p fisephPWhltte- 38998:: Schgl -- 422 R: Driscoll - W oodville m ' . and .zuzwrr Ellison rhixtivn‘vdi: d seat ,9. N {present wharf shelter, extending the To Racks of nigh SATURDAY NEXT LAST DAY FOR RECEIVING NOMINATIONS-HOW Mail 62:! 115’ Segdate School " 422 E James Woodville 427 “““ ”)1 ,l (1 z b 3. - . . .... - . -»---s..u..... 15c mun Brown""l‘he impression is ! :fii‘igfig 92:91); 8:0 thel.road,band y THEY STOOD AT 6 0’0 LOCK LAST EVENING. lmThurston. Verulam ,,,,,,,,,, 422 S. Manning, Woodville .......... 427 . ' .. . u . _i P35711011 a 0W:- '-â€"â€" E. Lovett Woodville ............ 45 ~.-.:_.1~,~pr.-:inl that \lhltOl.‘ or. not want l , Lawrence Cots, Separate SChOOl .. 421 . . . .11, 111,. Mm, T1... wood at me: The 10“” .SF0’9Y 0‘ the new PM GRAIN nieaumq. TOO FAST, As a matter at Suffice to the candi- surname OF THE canouoares. Gertie Murtha. Separate School .. 421 E. Copeland. Woodvule .......... 419 . 1 , , . 1cou1d be utilized for the storage of * - - Wakef d Wood 711 19 1 19 mm: simuzvl he Cleaned UP and ; fire equipment HENCE STRAW “I'LL BE dates who are' now entered in the Trip District No. Iâ€"Comwising all of that Ruby Sanderson. Ops 4 """""" ‘21 .W or ’ . ‘1 e """"" 4 ’ '> “1‘ ‘ l“""’“"'i'” t t . Coun. Jones .urged the need of fire SHORT IN SOME PLACES” to Montreal-Detroit Contest it has portion 0‘ the TOW“ °f Lindsay Lane gaenfi 1303010: """""""" g: g szilitsihgwalogddlxlrillc ........... 3(1): 3» v1.3,.v\,,-â€"“ ’ ' ‘; . . ' ‘ â€"--â€"â€" â€" . , _ ' z . 1 , s ............ - i ---------- >3 ~--::.~. 1\111 1:111111'nllad?)1i1 teiibziirisiog 5 equipment 0f some landâ€".13“ year a Cameron, July 13th.â€"â€"The farmers been deeded that 8’ hm“ "“13" be M' lying.no.rth é"- Kong-st“ 3’53? Walden? Op: 5 .............. 411 J. Stoddart, Woodville ............ 398 12 l'iii'fii-Ts‘f but I do tliink we should! buSh fire came near. gemng hey?“ are very busy with their hay and Placed Upon the lime in “bid! nom' Maw 13:" 'm ( ' J' 2395‘ Rem Gough. Separate School---- 407 3- Rimes, WWYiue ------------ 396 C how small parties oi citizens? $33.1. sagghi“:epmgl “(‘19 belt’tllt' root crops. inations may be received. "in Visolot 8"";"Ké‘u', """ 21;.“ Florence Kennedy,\'eru1am ------ 406 :1 E°k85fi83°€vdwgeli """""" (£3 ‘ .1 . i g 1 erepace, 11 e - . . .-' Mar Loner an,SearateSchool..406~ - amp - 00 V1 e ---------- “'1 1 111., 11,111,. { destruction of the timber would be orihioiiizibliiiolleiiiini dry weather lifter next Saturday night the race1lliss May Goodwin ICambridgs- Thor’nas Pager, Segarate School.. 402 T. Hawkins, Woodville .......... 390 THE ASSESSMENT. ialmost irreparable. Council should f t d e g 0 ripen very Will be between those whose nomina-l 8t.)‘s... .. .. .. .. .. ......13,||2 Hortense White Separate School. 401 C. Weeks, Woodville ............ 390 98C 1".» r1; Hog-kin; said the village as, invest in a couple of dozen Diamond “isll’bznver? 51312:? griiitthtieflcfiw tions have been received at this oficeiul” An?“ W'llht ”9*“ Marie Clairmont. Separate School 399 T. McKee, Woodville ............ 390 _ ~ vixen? “1:8 For “'85 $64,885: as? fire 9Xtingui8hers at least Person‘ - h 1- h ° ’ op not later than midnight of that day.l . c.'°'k‘ aha)" ""33“ Helen Tretrault, Separate School 398 OAKWOOD. -_ 3,11“. ‘ . 00000 1, -t. 1, h d ._ IS muc 1g ter, and the straw shorter District No. 2â€"Compnsmg all that - - - .--.i.;i;~: awn about $99.. an :aly, e woul like to see debentures than last year. Roots are also suff‘r- It will make no difference if your t' f th to f L' d Hilda Kirley. Ops 5 .............. 393 A. Weldon ........................ 516 98C . Tip.” would be requirzg‘t is? issued for the purchase Of a chemical inc from want of rain H nomination was MAILED before that gigozogth oi Kefirt‘osto m say Ethel Cote. Separate SChOOI 391 0' Patterson """"""""""" 463 . .. our! 1151‘5 tl > rum of $ . .1: engine ‘ ° - ' , . . ': Lor tta Frechette, Se rate Sch.. 390 G. Ch n ...................... 454 . j. r, 1._.:1,v,;: (if ;;)0:13 3100, The; Clef}; Hopkins â€" “\Ve should in- hQult'ela number frgm here attended hour' It muSt be received by the De- ""3 M' Burk. (Fehx Forbort's Peail Sanderson, Opsp: .......... 390 E. DOSEOIfn. ....................... 449 " ””‘l . .1: 3.1111111 was $137.86 as comâ€"E crease the rate by a mill if we’re 20' tdaey ce'le‘fizatlionoatLregilmtlhil's‘auslat; partment before midnight or it will, M' 8:23.) IHAd ( C .. '- 933° Lorne White, Ops 11 ............ 390 H. Hardy ........................ 449 50C ”A 7‘42 135‘ Year, and the: ing '50 do anything in the way 0f life we“; joined bi’ theirCabray brethren not be accepted. “1” ° ‘m ‘mbr'dy” 9.024 Grace Short, Lindsay ............ 498 J. Nicholson ...................... 411 , , ,1, riff: ‘11th “(fiulm bf $233 atl prgticglor‘lfhl â€"“P h . . 1 1d and together marched to the station, In reaching this decision we have”;“ K“. Tangney...(i(dnt-.si:).. 6,132 gagged} Â¥S:Z;D.Ll;§g:;y ------ :3: ‘3 2:25:11 ------------------------ :3: .41 ul- .r _' \iiuigo iii 110 59 1 '0 . l 1 er or 211): we‘ 51011 - enlivening our quiet village for 8 been guided by the consideration District No. 3 C mprisin the town- . - '. _ --' ----- . - .......................... .. -1101 . cut out the expenditure on tne park - . . . g Muriel M. Sutcllfie, Lindsay 494 J. Anderson ...................... 399 35C 1“ 1‘11,‘111,.mb,.,s went up! this gaging" 5‘10“ ”me “"“h fife and drum- that every candidate feels that in 8 “hips 0‘ Fenelw and ‘ewlflm- Ruby Wilson, Lindsay .......... 490 F. Gillies ........................ 390 . 1' 111,111 1, 1, was decided that the pavilion The ”binder“ by 1118““ Percy contest in which no nomination limit “d the “118893 0‘ Fen?!” F3118 Carrie E. Marsh, Lindsay ...... 439 E. Lillico ........................ 390 ‘ I 1‘ , -~ '. “W91 a, tlemon l uestion be discussed at a later ses- Mulhern 1n St' Georges church 0” has been set, there is a chance for a , and Bobcaygeon. Janet Conway, Lindsay .......... 488' KIRKFIELD -'I~\ _r-"l)l\111>-‘ U ~ at“ r ’5 q ~ ‘ ’ , Sunday morning was very much 3p. .. n te t th 1 t lMIss Clara Britton. Bobcaygeon 5.563 . . ~ . ;' m1 yum assessnlents and Ramon. Reeve Anderson was authoriz- . dark horse to en r a. e as mow", A . . George Ryley, Lindsay .......... 485 E. 05191. .......................... 522 i. .{j’i ._ i . . . ~ ' precrated. ment and rob her of Victory. 4 f” d‘ Gm!" F‘"°'°“ F'I" ‘-‘”.Meta Vickery, Lindsay .......... 485 C D d ..... . , “no.” V011 must pay the cd to secure details as to cost of fire A. 'd t d . . , , , IMiss Gr t 8m th F | F II _ . 1 . ra er ................... 485 -- ,. \" ‘l‘ l- - . SRO in all ‘evtin uishers after which the Cou'i- ’ .crow urne out on Saturday By setting ““5 hm“ every sands-i . .-. ' ' .0!" on . ' 2'32: May Billingsley, Lindsay -------- ‘83lE. Yule ........... 485 “I i’ ‘l ‘f‘lw t9 .r‘dfbeq‘l duc:l :1 gd'ourned to meet acain neiit evening to hear Elder Thompson dis- date will know after next Sunday just Miss Man: J. Wilson. Fenelon Arthur Beal, Lindsay 111111111111 482 iS. Mchay """"""""" 482 ' ”‘ l4 “”‘1‘ “1 pm L l of .a J ’. ° cuss “Future Punishment” The sub- who is to be in the race besides her- _ Ft"! ------ ~ -- 2.97! John Collins, Lindsay .......... 479l . . """"""""" â€" ~~ week and make the re ular tour of . . . D. C. Row ........................ 445 ' ,1 . i . ' t. g ject was handled In a very able man- self. She need not be afraid that de- “M Wilhflmm 3- Rud- Bobctv- Leo Jordan. Lindsay ------------ 479 F. Martin ................ 474 . :uuml out that the increase . Inspec I‘m- ner and left a deep impression upon feat, may be met with at the last mo- . 3°09 _ ------ .. .. 2.355 Nora Cunningham. Lindsay ...... 478 Rov Black 470 MMWW'W”' """ the minds of his hearers. Mr. John- ment from a candidate who was pre-ij“.'-'"la" swam-1 Yerulam. I“ Katie Lack, Lindsay ............ 478 J. .Forman ________________________ 468 ‘ . , , - - 53011. a converted Hebrew, and a p11- viously not known to be in the race D""'“ "0- ‘4"30191'15108 the town- Alice McIlmoyl, Lindsay ........ 477 p D d 3 lspendmg a few weeks With her hus- . . . . h’ M . . _ . ra er ........................ 459 ‘ . grim m the Millemum Dawn cause, and of whose strength she had no pre- 8 lps 0f ”113088. Eldon. Ops. Cynthya L. \K arner, Llndsay 477 . R p C â€" t lband the popular chef at the canal . . _ . , 1 . . ampbell .................. 456 appemngs 3 lb (1.11 11011151, mu address the people on Saturday vious knowledge. Emil}, Cartwright and Mauve". Wilma Clarke. Lindsay ........ 475‘s. Ashman ....................... 451 1; oar 1 g .. - ' . - evening next on the same subject in The Department is aware that there and the ““3395 0‘ WOOdVllle and Hazel Pogue, Lindsay ............ 473 I R ’ q p 1 . Mr W Wilson Toronto, IS spending 0 , . . .. ee ........................ 451 P ti R sedale l a -fortnioht here, the guest of Mrs the L. D. S. church. are many young women who have, for} , memee. Ethel Matchett. Lindsay ........ 471 w_ Waran ________________________ 439 - ELLE, {e y 0 1 Pollock °‘ ’1 ' Several from the surrounding neigh- one reason or another, been unable 001M!“ LUCY M°G°°u3hv °m°m°° ”-973 Ambrose O’Leary, Lindsay -------- 471 G. Dayman ...................... 436 Ii"’;»- Lurwa are l The cémal work is procreSSino’ splen- bOI‘hOOd drove to Ball Point‘bn Sun- dC‘Cide about enterlng the 001113883. "'5'. Sarah Campbell, Wood- Sfidie Kine“, Lilldsay ---------- 468 â€". Dalgleish ...................... 435 ' "’1‘?" FWWIO“ ‘“ W‘L WORK PROGRESSlNG RA-ididlv The whole rout: is sliovelled day last to witness the baptism by They have perhaps been unable to: - w”. """" - '1 """""" “'9“ Robert Dougan, Lindsay 466 W. A- MCRM -------------------- 433 ' ' " ' "‘ ' " , , - limmersion of three oun eOple plan their vacation time so far in rid-"Mm "“80 Gllllecon DOWMY' Winnie JOhnSOIl. Lindsay -------- 460 J. W. Ross .. 4 org: ELORS AND BEN-‘01“- The steam shovels have done al . Y _ 8 P - be (1 I ville . , . . -------------------- . ‘ ”Wm Sunday . . LYâ€"BACH i lot of excavating, and this, . with the! Mr. Nicholas, of Hahburton, is vis- vance, or they may unable to e-1 M' .. .- ..... .. .. .. 6.482 Leslie Warner, Lindsay .......... 459 C. W. Williamson .............. 429 .. ,jmm EDICTS TO GIVE A BALL. iorading, makes it fine. The road from 1 iting his sister, Mrs. Geo. Perrin. Clde if the trip .15 WOrth the time and "f” x ZONE, Maven ........ I.” May E. Clancey, Ops ............ 451 w. Currie ........................ 426 wirw nlll‘ burg [here to the works is finished, so that Miss Maggie Anderson, teacher at labor Involved in secunPg first place. Di':t.r'c‘t.N ob " anvors .th” m‘ Stewart Post”: 095 ------------ 451 B. Crawford ...................... 423 . .~ 3, . .d e I - ii ecn re-lon can walk alone the. river. The Wilberforce, is home for her vacation. . 1"” mes." “.118“ 3min the com- '- 0' :lemsmg e “3"” Ewe” Tmmr' Separate S°h°°1" ‘50 "- MCERChem -------------------- 423 .. .u dr, g ..l..l Ixtle and )Ilss.1 e a sh . ‘ . .‘ 1- .7 _ ,l . k' tr am now a 'olly crowd leave to-morrow mg week in which to decide. If you ’93 0‘ Somervrlle, Bexle). Car- Ruth MONfiultYi Separate SCh001-445 C. Parks .......................... 411 . 1 mm {0 Lindsay on Frida} for a few fizzfi; 111; did: 13115118131815 (31‘ he dump mgmiln g for Digby rocks to 5pm d a or.your frieds desire that. you come den, Dalton, Laxton, Digby. Long- Leo Skipworth, Separate School .. 444 F Fox 409 fir’ilf512'6130n 1H-;\ . l a ' . _ 1 i . . . -: .......................... 1,; 1 ithe Mr. .lus \r Hamilton spent Sundav 5 scows are being towed up into the week camping out and picking huckle- into the contefl’ It Will be be“ that . ford and Hal bur-ton County. Evelyn Cunningham, Ops """" 438 1" JOhm’on --------------------- 407 . “whom or 7‘ ‘2‘ 1‘ . ”.1. 1 . 31 k where all the stone is being berries We hope they may be suc- you make up your minds at once. Mm S. L. Moore, Kmmount .. 5,790 Rosie Endecott, Fenelon .......... 436 .., McLennan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 405 ~- b ' ‘1: Ifi““‘:‘1£ejegeterbom éccom 3 (12:11:51? d cessful' in bringing home plenty of After next Saturday night it will beJliu May Mex-mic. Haiiburton 4,173 Mary McGrath, Separate School.. 434 G (3,,11an 403 ~ .. 3.. ,. .liw's 211111 I . , -: - u ' n ' ° ‘\ ‘ ,mr-. mg :-. :;i.-.l hv :1 Gentleman friend arrivedl Our bridge is getting a new coat of the delicious fruit, 8‘ fa" field. and no favor. Every ""3 Bertha Richman, Coho- Margaret Murtha, Separate SChOOI ‘33 0' McIntyre ---------------------- 400 ._. Lu. did 11 ~ 7 _ - a ’ s . . . contestant wrlI then be m the race conk.... .. .. 2,773 Harry Dmment, Separate School.. 430 G. McRae ,,,,,,,,, 398 1. z-uluy to spend a few days at Mr-lpamt- Messrs Pres“? and 033‘” Mr- W- TO‘Vnsend’ “1' mm" who is eligible to go to Montrcal-De- Mia II J Mclnnis Kirkfioid no soacnvcaou W M th """""""" vet. .3 fun Wardrobe’s summer home, “Ka- i are doing the work, which when finlsh- blacksmith, goes to-morrow to take troit Miss “Lb ' Hill dehlin " m ' W. Gaheson """"""""""" 398 led will make it look much better. charge of Mr. Tompkins’ business in . y , ...... Ellie Sproule, Verulam .......... 486 . G1: am ...................... 396 W Vesta Cumnwr' Bobcaygeon ..... ‘76 â€"’ btlln ...................... 392 Roy muMn’ Vex-“lam .......... “9 - MqRae ........................ m R Smith .......................... 390 r»-n and friendsv lrs. J. J. ToWn‘ 'llilt'l', )Il‘. Wm‘ : ~14 timed his till room for th J unkin hours. i than last Y_ ’» rand children. , ‘ in the village M r. M ilne Hamilton. ..:‘:‘i\'2’il ‘l‘leO -i1ut' adding greatly to the brilliancy. guests at daughter are (13', man. a: his home in Toronto. Sunday. Invitations are out for a dance a Toronto on Wednesday last, Wurlini Lodge." and are the guets of Our wharf presents a very lively ap- l"3lll".lll(‘t* these fine evenings upon the of the boat, the ladies in their gowns and crimson camp hats Mrfand Mrs. R. Brown and little “Sylvan Lodge." the home of Mr. F. J. Good- Mr. W. R. McDonald spent Sunday Mr. F. L. Goodman, Bank of Mont- real. Fenelon Falls, was in town on “Kawartha Lodge” on Thursday, given by the bachelors and benedicts of Rosedale. We feel sure everyone will have a pleasant time, as “Kawartha LOdge” is an ideal spot for such an assemblage, and the committee are Sparlng no plans to make it a success. . D. McCrimmon returned to after iat present, but we 'them ere long. __,_____*â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘- WAS FINED $50. Before a fully kept intoxicating liquors . his premises contrary to Moore on a charge of having t but *a plea‘ of _ a new ing‘present ‘ .’ ,1, .. was snowed to “go mail?” dismjsad._ ' ‘7‘“ ’ ‘ :L l The mosquitoes are pretty bad just hope to be rid of License Act. 1 . 1' . , peared for the ed in‘this case, an , . , Cambray for a week, while Mr. Tomp- kins is taking a few holidays. Mr. W. \Pollard, of Lindsay, 'while visiting here on Monday, succeeded in landing a few nice bass. Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. H. Harri- crowded court TuesdaY-‘l son, on July 7th, a son. Mr. , D. J. McCrae; of Woodville. appeared before County Magistrate- . COLLECTION OF MINERALS. unlaw- A prize of $100 in cash is. offered :y about Mr. J. B. Tyrrell, mining engineer, of best collection of in the province of Ontario during the year one not employed as a ,a public institution or dealer 1n mirr- With-l. ’ . I 1; th- - s o . Mr. McCrae was also caugedmh a” my mm,_”, ‘1... p. {im- . .. , 1 - , ‘ ’ M. havmg sold hquor without‘ 1.1, W. . The G . e» :1 , in no * bo..mm¢nagc,md~m.nepweqmohw.- 3erals. ' The collection must contain at oooooooooooooooooooo Russell Hamilton, Bobcaygeon. 447 Muriel McGregor. Bobcaygeon 442 Willie Kittie, Bobcaygcon ....., 431 Percy Ventresa, Harvey .......... 410 En Green, Bobcaygeon .......... 409 Annie L. Foster, Verulam ...... 395 Oscar Kelly, Verulam ............ 390 Ruby Elliott. Verulam ............ 300 FENELON FALLS. Ruth~ Walker. Verulam .......... 511 W. Lord, Fenelon Falls .......... Leta Isaac. Fenelon ' .............. Gertrude Powles. Fenelon ...... Robbie Wilkinson. Verulam Harold Suggett. Willa . ..... 471 HOTEL KAWARTHA. Fenelon Falls is rapidly becoming resort for tourists, the fine hotel there -â€"the Kawarthaâ€"being under new and most capable management. Follow ing are the arrivals for the past week: C. H. Moore, Cobalt; E. P. Bell, C. B Boll, Cobourg; V. M. Graham, E. C Rutherford, Toronto; Mrs. J. H Sharpe. Miss Lillian Wright, hannon, West Va.; W. W .Wright, wit and .child. Cadiz, ' Wright, Robert Frety, wife and child, Connellsville, Pa.: W. E. Recsor, J. Cury'cll. Lindsay; J. Galbraith. Sea- forth; A. Hope, Antigua, S.A.: A. C. Hope, Trinidad. British West Indies; F. Gregory, Lindsay; C. 'J. Tidy, C. F .Tidy; Miss Barrett. Mrs. Jan. Pal- line. Tomato. . “I“...

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