at 37 In ‘ch he .hmfot ‘m: m the 'ras net as expcctcd, c grectcd and all with the tario. to please M is al- :lcomc to 351', who ’1!) thue :aI Sclccâ€" txton. of and her Ed to see 0! as [)unville. :of Peter- Icr, Mn. B EsPcth Isl, gave I! called audience- 'he Stow e9! num- :00d, and bat cad) , N. “f. lit 1'th- Rampan- ‘ is that houseto programs rgcst I â€:3 r for conni- Lnal good rxcdlcnt to male 3H, 1331C rrald, of no, and Traders mac. 8! here. '. “I S. r: h cm. 00 '04 |b haw .11 next Per-hm!» some of yuur readers ha†Imn thv fullnm’ug earnest statement in Dr. bm’rvnoc F. Flick's valuable b'mk. â€(‘uusumpï¬um a. Proventable Mid (Tumble Dise:me":â€"~"Cuuld t'he mummptivm of any given community 5" I'm-n at om- tlme or pass in pano- Mn before the people public conspi- Ofmess of the magnitude of the affine- tmn might be amused. A physncal dhmter shocks the world and lets lapse Mr. Sam Ruswll an! MS . W. H. Russellvisitcl lorouotucnls this week P008 MOTHERLESS GIRL "M wiriiiaiiii} "6": 'm'iilibflsi; ‘ A few thnmand deaths are nothing as com- me'"! with the deaths from consump- “’0 3 pm] of the trustees of the Na.- “n‘m’ inn-inn: Association is on l""half of the consumptive: of the Do- Minion. 500 of whom die in Toronto "may. 3.000 in Ontario. 8.000 in the vamlnion. This W. maths-less 'fl is anew! NM msny Mel-era of to- ay. . flanking you in anticipation for m- ""0" tor. believe me, very tally 3'9“". J.‘ *‘ _ hex-(son. Secretary M- u-m-l Radian-(m A‘srwialion. 3‘ -" ""n'vda street west. Toronto. . r‘m'ï¬hv'imzs mav be sent to Su- 1"“ 3- Mo'nï¬lith. Kt... Usgmxle Hay: THE ELDEST OF A FAMILY OF SIX To the Editor of Tho Globe: Sinâ€"I ask fur space in your columns to quote {mm a. ln-tto-r rccein-d at this ofï¬ce l" x: nbvimu reasons I do not give the Dune. The letter roads:--“l have 5 MI we to) present to you}. TWelVo y-nrs ago a. nmtluâ€"r dimL' le-m‘ing six um.†chiLll-cn, the oldest eight year! «Wand the ymmge-st an infant. My W‘lhrr tunk thn eldost and kept her until my muthcr's (lo-nth. Tin-n the y-mng girl wmn vim-king on small Wuâ€. but your shu crlntmctul 0. odd n! which slm luu DQ‘VUI' been free. and sho- has lw-n unable to work since hat Jnnuury. She is just nineteen yum old. Kindly tell me how to via-ml ta gvt 'hvr into the Muskokn m llcupital for Consumptives." Th" ml part of it is this letter ls only «me of many-nlike pathetic and a. ruling Aha: are being received dai y 3' 1h» writer. ' Fifty-ï¬ve patients are in rcsidenco in th- Mmkukzt Frae Hospital today- 3-1": hundred and thirty-flight have 5-8:] ran-d for sim-n the hospital was npyu-«i in April. 1902. ATauchinngryuToldiaaLetbr toTheTorontoGlobe. Tomato. (Ir tn “1'. J. Gage. I‘M): tau-cut. west, Toronto. Mr. S'anlev Pickup preachmi eloquent and unpxcssn'e Sermons In large congrrgatinns in the I'rrrqucnan chuxch last Sunday. Mr. Arthur Campbell, 'I'Ornnm . spent Xmas w'th his mozhcr, Mrs. (Ina. (7am; bell. iris. and Mrs. G S. McCartney of I'ctrrboro, were gu-:sts at {me hnmc of his mother, 513. H Ric-Vanna)", Christmas. lu pinch 0f ï¬fty “'0 could care for m 1“:ande i! 1110 Im-dml money for "Dunn-name was a: the disposal of the ï¬ns-was. Auction Sale 81115 will be: out this 'cck annoumrmg Mr. B. Courtney’s Big Sale Tim Oranxc Concert Xmas. night In: u. grand animus. We hope: :0 gin: a full accuunt of n ncxt wag-k, Nomination Dav next Mondav. We understand thattherc is likely in be hot ccmcsts for both Reeve- ships and for the Councils in Cavua. Millbrook. South Mona.~ ghan. Mam'crs and Emilv. The Boys of Bethany held a must successful“:\t Home," On Wednesday" exerting of last week. That: was a large attendance. the musxc furnished by the Peter- l’mru Orchestra was excvcllent, and thr supper was all that could be desired. The floor was in good shape {cltripping the light fantas- tic,and all present enjoyed the :~ffuir very much. Messrs Fred Burton and Herb Armstrongr o! Milibrook, attended and report a delightful time. Mr. S. \\':~slcy Lowes, of Carburry, MAIL, is born: to spend thc Chnltmaa 1011-an5 with his [mm-ms. He has [mm in aha/Vi cm axtcen years. Mr. Balfoï¬rhas a good position in the Mcmhant’s Bank of Canada, Ar- cola Branch. and we feel sure that hr mll n-Ccivc fapld promotion. Good luck. Ernie. STRAYEDâ€"lnto the prcmiscs of the undersigned. Lot 25. Con 13. Muwers. on or about the 20th 0| November. 1906, a HEIFER. Ow. net is requested to prove property. pay charges and take her away LEWIS McGILL. Omcmec P. O.-â€"3t WANTS THE MIRROR. Mr. A. E. Balfour, writing from Arcoia. Sash , says :â€"-“ Then: is noth I‘ In; I look for so much as the new; 1mm the ‘ old town,’ I the-refore dcsxrc I to be added to your list of subscribers. 1I can’t get along without the Mirror." Mr. G. McNeil \Vri«vht, (GUCCI! Tenor, and pupil of Prof. \hlhclmj, 'Ioronto. as open for cngflgcmcnb during the winter. For terms, «VG» address 6. McNeil Wright. Omcmcc. Seven! items from Omcmec rC‘ caved as we go to, press. good authority (not the Collector}. that Mr, Cornell has collected mien cent an the roll, and he has done ‘ht name for the last ï¬fteen years wnhout eve: pumng a single tax payer to a cent of costs Tbts Is certainly a vcr)’ creditable record. We congrutula'c Mr. Comcil upon his success. EMILY COLLECTOR’S GREAT SUCCESS.-â€" Mr. Charles Cornell the popular Collector for Emily. pcrhaps holds thc championship for ‘ gathering' m mxcs. We have bcen informed b} A HAPPY NEW YEAR '10 ALL. OMEMEE NEWS. MILIJIROOK m Everyone Come, A very pleasant evening was spent. The members of the class brought re- freshments thh them and the event is one that will long be remembered Ly We ask you to accept this writing desk not for 11.3 intrinsic value, but rather as a. testimony of the high es- teem in which you are held by every member of _\‘ our cuss. MLSMlzor made a suitable reply, thanking the members of his class for their kind words and gift. ta :1 PILLS AND PILES. A proliï¬c cause of Piles is the use “(causal-tics, and pills of a drastic violent nature which is always follow- ed by a reuctiun on account of the resinous, 'lryxng properties they con. tain. Asa teacher we have alwnyï¬ found you patient and painstaking and as u friend “arm and sit care. Our asslmcl- Mioh‘s with you have always been most pleasant, and we feel, proï¬table us “all. and we wishtointinmte to you that these linings are not unappre- clued by us, and we lmpe that you may be long spared to point out to us the divine truths. ' We whih you and your wife a very Merry Christmas undn Happy Ne“ Year. There are other causes, but no matter what the cause or what the kind of Piles. Dr. Leon'uardt’a Hem-Raid can be relied upon to cureâ€"to aluv cured IL’I an internal remedv that removes the causes of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Suppumling Mes. A guarantee gags with each packau conmining a month 8 treatment. It can be obtained fur $1.00 at drug- zists,'or The Wifsan-Fyle (‘o., Idmiked Niagara Falls, Out. Dear Mr. <witzer.â€"We. the members uf your Bxhle Mass, feel that we cannot allow this ('hriutmas season to pass: by wimont exprvssing to you In some tangible form our appreciation of your earnest efforts on our behalf during the pug! year. Tho mpmbers of Mr “ m. C. Swhzer’s Bible Clues at theGoorge Street. Me- thodist Sunday School sprung asur- priae on Mm last night “henthey cam-d hi 3. body at Lia residence. )0 Weller street, to preamt him with u very l-axxdshme writing: desk. The presentation was made by Mr.(‘un nlngham and the following address was read by Mrs. W. J D Hus:â€" Of course it’s hard to work. Snooping ova: hurts, lifting ‘3 tedious, a: a you wondar what to do. liver try Nem- Hne? Nothing like it for weak or lame back. It penetrates to the core of flu? pail», eases from the ï¬rst applicaaion, brings euro that deï¬es a rclupce. No linimeutls so clean. so summing, 80 certain to kill nm-culur. rheumatic or sciatic pains. Your denier sells Pu} Son's Nerviline In large 25c bottles Why not try it? teacher and clusa as “ensâ€"Examiner Dec. 22. Hr. Wm. C. Switzer Wis ijrasented With A Handsome Writing Desk. Tickets, 35 cents and 25 cents. '00an- open at. 7 p." . Concvrt at 8 p m. sharp l The renowned Comic Opera Singer, ‘ Harvey Lloyd In New Songs and Pus- tnmee: Best singer ln his class on the stage. Also Miss Evelyn Davies Reader. Impersonn'or, Elncntiomst, and Entertainer. Mien Julia. (Tlmato Vlulim-te. asulsted bv the best locn. talent. Miss Mncphetson. Accompamel A carefully selected. We“ chosen and varled pmgmnnne to mm the tastes of all. (‘ome and start the New Year smiling. Always remember the ‘New l-Intertuinmeut under tha Ansp the Preabvteriau church, in the burn Opera â€OIISP, ()aaemee, on day evening. Jan. 13%. 1907_ N ext . TUESDAY. A Bright and Happy New Year ,7, __ 77 Viiâ€"WM! fer's Pix 3 groatfy aid the Cher chtoral In breaking up a coué‘.’ m '7- c- ‘7" Co 1;sz x.†.1 I0 mama)" of ' , SARSAPARILLA. rs PILLS. mm noon. W HEN YOUR BACK HURTS IBecause we make medicines 1for them. We tell ethem all aboutAyer’s Cherry Femoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, COu- sumption. They trustit. Then you can afford to trust it. Ask your own doctor. Why Refer to Doctors The best kind of a. testimonial- “ Sold. for over sixty years.†We has-o 1-0 were"! ‘ the fomutu or all our W0 pubH-h l' medicines. Anspices u! New Year'p n the Brad- ;on Tues- To relieve a cuugh or break up ii Cold in twenty-four hours, the following simple formula, the ingredients of which can he obtained (ii any good prescription druggist at small cost, is all that will he required: Virgin Oil 0! Pine (P :re) one-half ounce; (iiycerlne, two ounces; good Whisky, it half pint. Shake well and take in tennpoonful doses every four hours. The desired results can not be obtained unless the ingredients are pure It is therefore better to purchase the ingredients sup. nmtely and prepare the mixture your self. Virgin Oil of Pine (Pure) should be purchased in the original half-ounce vials, which driiggists buy {or dispens- ing. Each vial is securely sealed in a wooden case which protecre the Oil from exiiosnre to light. Around the Wufliiell case is an engraved wrapper with the nameâ€" 'Virglu Oil of Pine (Pure)"-nininiy printed thereon. There are runny lmniiintioiis and cheap pro- ductions of Pine, but these only create nausea. and never the desired results. FOR SALEâ€"I driving horse, harm 55 and buggy. Will be sold cheap. Apply at Mirror Ofï¬ce. I An ariicle by Bertha. (lane in the New lnm WOMAN’S MAmztxe for Jan- nary takes up the polite urt ol'conver- nation from sneeatlve point of View. l'he "dent's†enumerated by the wrtter [for those wishing to be good talkers, I “Don't tell long stories of permmal ex- lperece Don’t ask trifling questions o Don’t. air your prejudices. Don’t talk of melancholy or gruesome matters Don’t speak in a. low, monotonous tone. llmt't ride conversation too hard. Dun't hlmlcr the conversatlon by trying to be too accurate over details. Don't go back and add appendices to :1 subject after you have left It. Don‘t run one story into another. Don't stop a dis: unsslon by the clinching use ul n pro~ verb, Don’t make a. point of alnays ngreeing with a speaker, Dou'l. harp ‘ too long on one string. Don’t uï¬'ect a. lstilted style." After «llscnming theuel prohibitions to talkers at some length; the writer concludes: "Still. It must he confessed that there are people who are cmxetitntionally incapable of following out these rules. and who, in spite of all these Vinitdlollï¬, are Interesting people. “my have native strength and make thelr own rules of self-expression. l‘hey are the stnfl‘uut of which ~novel- nsls nmke character-itnpersnnuttons. In real life, as in hooks. they add to the gatiety of nations. But they are not exemplars of the art of conversa. tion, which requires harmonious bal- ance in all the give-and-tnke of conver- sational exchange. lot Only Do We Get Insplntion From Nature, But Health as Well. For people who am- run-«iuwn and nerv- ous, who sum-r from imiigwtiou or dys- Fepsiu. headache. biiiunsm'rzs‘. or torpid iver, coated tonuuo with hinr-r taste in the morning and poor appetite. it be- comes nectzssary to turn to some tunic or strengthonnr which will a<sist Nature and he] thmn to get on their {not and m, the gody into its proper condition. It s becoming more #:ui more ap mrunt that Nature's most valuable hoa‘lth -giving agents are to be found in forest plants and roots; '\ v‘ [V 1\:._..\ Subscribe for the Mirror. auu A Vitus‘. Nearly forty yoampgo. Dr. R.\'. Pierce. now consulting [)hysxcian to the Invaluls‘ Hotel and Surgicql Qt. B‘u'ffnlo. ..4..ll.. Ann-Ln uuu Luna“... - -.‘ v.7 . 7‘ N. Y.. discovered that. by sdsentiiicniiy extracting and combining curtain mmiivi- nal principles from native routs. 12km) from our Amvrican fox-vats. he coui-A pm- ducc a. medicine which was marvoiuusly efï¬cient in caring cases of biuod disnnir-r and liver and stumuch trouble as wull as many oLhur chronic, 0r lingoring nil- mcuts. This cnnmmtratcd extract. of Nature‘s vitality he mum-d "Golden Med- ical Uiscnycry." It. p‘uritimltht‘: blooq by “.... ...-... ,. __ ,Vm {mining the stomach and liver into healthy condition. thereby hc-iping the digmtiou and assimilation of {and whiv‘u feuds the blood. Thoroby it. cures weak stomach. incligcstinu. towid liver. or bi]- iuusucss. and kindred dcrungcmgziits. L!AL__ If you have mam! tongue. with bitter or bad taste in the morning. frequent. headaches. fool weak, easily xirnd. stitches or pain in side. back gives but easily and aches. bulchiu of as. constl ntion. or irregular ham: 5, foe- flushes 0 heat al- ternating with chilly sonflations or kin- dred symptoms. thug 11min: to derange- ment. of your 510mm: . ivcr and kidneys. which the "Golden Medical Discovery†will correct more Speedily and perma- nently than any other known agent. Con- tains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed in plain Engh llsh on wrapper. The sole motive for substitution in to permit. the dealer to make a. little more proï¬t. lle gains; you lose. Accept. no sub- stitute for "Golden Medical Discovery.†Constipation cause‘l and aggravate: manv serious diseases. It. is thorou hly cured by Dr. Yiel‘ce's Pleasant Pe] cm. One a laxative; two or three are cathartic. Some idea of the size of this Ipecial issue may be had from the {act that each paper weighs a pound net, After 40 years' service in the cause of good farming, the 'Farmer'e Advo- cate ond Home Magazine. of London. Out., has, in its Christmas: Number for l906. distanced all prexioue records, both in the general interest and value of the nrticlee and the richness and variety of its illustrative features, pur- 'icnlary the tricolor process work Most impoeing of the latter ie the iouble-paae panoramic vlev of the Ontario Agricultural College atuuelph. which every farmer's eon will certainly ‘aepirr to attend after the faithful uc-J Seuunt given of what is done mt that1 great iuetltutiun. There are eight col- ored pagee in the number, besides over eighty “nah druwiuge and photo en. grnvlnga. including six lull-page and many half-page pictures. The best Artists oft‘anada have contributed of uhotceet uorks to its pages. 'l'he arti- cles oh agriculture and other subject- ure a brilliant rcvel-rtlon of Canada, and Great Britain as well. When you lune seen and road this numher you will have enjoyed one of the flen8uu'e heet treats. TRY THIS FOR YOUR COUGH. FACTS III NAT A Revelation of Canada. WHAT NH‘ TO SA Y That lmtwm-n the eyvaia'nt enruluiu. Mnny flunk 50, but it in catnrrlu. plain deihllv} culmrh “I“ mm ntlenxinn right mm. Ynur prnper lead Ht to nae "(’ulurrhnzonl." lh-cu-h :- (:ngnize it as. a Chru that sur~ mmsvfl at“ min-rs. Fun». herause i J «a ranch Hm t10=.l-3r;sufe,becauuu no drugs in take ynu hreutlm its haul- ing \‘npurdirocl tn the nuurw «I the Irnnblu, and cure is gunrunh-vd. Two s‘z--s,2.’)c alulSlfl". 9 ~le ever) when It originates in the Muud and «love!â€" opes most quickly in the ayatamof persons who are' run down and are lucknig in vitalilr. The only speciï¬c or ALL fnrma (.f Rheumzuism, is Ferrnzmm, which in perfect solvent. tor uric acid and a splendid stimulant fur the kidney? and liver. Eats Up Strength Racks the Joints r-Pi’evants Sleep â€"â€"â€"_. UHCHECKED,---It Finany Strikes the Heart and Kills Its Victim. No remedy is so auhmasful as Form I 119 M has never hum] ln cnru.‘ ho. cause It ntzavks the cause of diam-.ue In the blood. It neutralizes tha uric acid poisons, qniulzems the sluggish circnm' tinn, and relieves the ayatmu oi all irritating mutter. Unlike other lreatmems, Fernvzme does not dvpreas the hurt. or deudc-n the nerves. It rebuilds the a} storm promotes better health, establishes good appetite, sound Heep and freedom from weakening pains and aches. Every distressing symptom is cured stlen muscles and aching joints are rehcvod of their pain. The disease will not return If once cured by Ferro- zoue, which does us Work thor ~ughly. In cures are lasting. The perfection of all rheumatic rec medias is fnund in I’errvlme'. h. in in tablet. form any to takn, convenient nf flurry, mmrnufflml m rum, and one“ mixly Sun pvr imx, nr xix hc-xvs for $2.50 a) n! drugglsxs: du‘n'x fall tat-19: Fer- rux-me. ‘ A clump “84h burning corn remedy ls m-Ver autmmclnr)‘. The [wax is Pul- nam's l’ulnlenu (‘nrn Extractur, costs huts quarter. and Is mmrunlved in euro Lhurourhly. Useuniy Putnam’s DAILY PAPERS. PAY MORE AN!) (iF’l‘ 'I'IH'I HI'ISI'. TRADE MARKS Dasxcns COPYRIGHTS c. Anyone sending a sketch and descrlruon may qmckly meet-mm our oplnlnu froo w methor an invouunn ia probn ypatenmblo. (‘ummunlm- 1.1mm ntrlcflymnnd ntlnl. Ilnndbookon Patents sour. frco. oldest nae "v for securing putoms. I'moms taken 2hr ...h Munn a: C0. rooclvo maul noun. thhouc chm-co. m the Scientiï¬c maaea’73asa, A handsomely Illustrator! wookly. Lamont cir- aulnuun of any scientiï¬c jnurnal. 'l'umm. $3 a year: four months. 81. Sold. by nlemu'dgalew. PHYSICIANS’ PRESCRIPTIONS carefully dispensed. Far: four months 8.30100 an new 3 water; was _" Aha 3635:“:va New Y r'a OEEEE‘EEE Luwney’s and WEbb's Bun Buns and AFull Line of TOYS, FANCY GOODS, TOILET CASES, EBONY GOODS. SEE WYLIE BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE Ho .2 :3. 3233 Em a a... .8er €35 r.|-n n’- v.1a’J N0 1!.\'I.\H'7l\"l‘( \N ('L'RF. 1T Rheumatism CHGCGEJA’I‘ES, and the LATEST ODORS IN PERFUMES. No loose screw annoyance in expcrimcnl with the Royal Ajax [$231 :55. All p.11...» am ï¬rmly nv-Lvd. Th:)' are made path in unï¬d go‘d and partly in gum GYM} xxnl guaxameud to wear ten years. 'l'hc knscs rest on patent Concave caps, which minimises breakage. A Nice Line of Orders taken for TORONTO MORRISON’S BLOCK, Council of the said ’l‘ownship of Emil} on the 7111 (lay of january, 1907. That on 'l‘liursda)‘ the twenty- seventh day 01 llccuxilscr, 1906, the Rccvc of the said 'l‘ownsliip of Emil) shall uttcnd at the ofï¬ce of the: Clerk ml†the said Council, at the Post Ofï¬ce Black, in the Village of Omcmce, at one o’clock m lhc afternoon, to ap- point pct-sons to attend at tlic polling plan-5 aforesaid. and at the ï¬nal sum ming up of_ the votcs by the Clark on licliulf oftlic pcrsom intrrcstcd m and promoting or opposing the passmg ol this lly Law respectively. That this lly Law shall take: effect on thc clay of the ï¬nal passing thereof. 'l'hat [lhf vote-s of the: Electors of the said 'l'ownship of Emily shall be taken (m this at the same hour, on the same day, at the same places and by the same Deputy Rcturning ()t‘tlt'crs as are set forth and provided in Bylaw number 342 for the next Annual lilt-t‘tion for the Municipal That the Clerk of thc Councxl ol the said 'l'ownslup of Emily shall at- tend at his said Ofï¬ce at one o'clock in the afternoon on “'cdpcsday. the mull) clay of january, 1907, to sum up the number ol votes tor and agamst the said By-Law. 'l‘alte Notice, that the above is a true copy of a proposed which has been taken into consideration and which Will he ï¬nally passed by the Municipal (.‘ouncxl of the 'l‘ownship of Emily, after one month from the date of the ï¬rst publication thereof in the “Millhrook and Omemee Mirror,†the (late of 581d first publication being the twvmicth day of DcCcmber, x906, and that the votes of the said electors of the said Municipality, will be taken thereon at the same hour. on the aame «lay, at the same places and by the same Deputy Returning ()tiicers as for the Mummpnl Elections for the year. 1907, as provided in the said By La“; Read a ï¬rst and second time this ï¬fteenth day of December, 1906. 'I‘hnt thc tcrm of utï¬c: of all mem- bers oflhc Mumcnml Council of the ('urpnmtion of the 'I'ownship of Emily lu-rcaftur circled shall be extended to the trrm nf Two Yams, (11: said persons to hold ol'ï¬vc until their successors are clcctcd, w appointed, or sworn Into 0!- licc. and the new Council 15 organized. SEWING MAQâ€"HINI‘Z FOR SALEâ€"1111mm! running order. Apply to W. S. Fitzgerald, Mill- brouk. An energetic man to solicit orders for wall papers and other wall coverings. Sanmles furnished free of charge. Best line in America. Paper hanger preferred. Anyone can secure the business by showing our samples. Exper- ience not necessary. The Municipal Council of the: Cor pumtion of the 'l‘nwnship of Emily in Hm '(‘ounty of V'ivlorm, enacts as foiluws: A By-Law for the Purpose of Extend- ing the Term of Ofï¬ce of All Mem- bers of the Municipal Council of the Corporation at the Township of Emily to Two Years. â€By-Law Number 343. Empire Wall Paper 00., Ltd., RICHARD J. GRANDY, WANTED 56 King 8L, “'esf.’ I iroxox r0, 0,1,,‘1n'1- 1 NOTICE. TOWNSHIP CLERK. Wm? Sometimu from shock ur (right, but usually because the system Is weaken- ed sndldepressml,â€"-it lacks power to react fromsud-len strain. This condi- tion demands rebuilding, damsnds nourishment, Mulch is best supplied by Furrozone. In every form or debii'. ity Forrosone lo 3 speciï¬c, It {armies the digestive and ssslmulatlve power of the body. promotes the elimination or waste midst-isle. builds upiissue. gives energy and resistance. To have rich, red blood. enduring nerves, a urong constitution and lasting good healih, mo Ferrozone. Sold every- where in We boxes. ur a): for 82,50. Rosy glow in the face, sparkling eyes, vivacious spirits are all the out- come of good blood. Nosnrer way axle" of purifvlng and enriching we blood than to use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. By theirgentle action on the bowels. kidneys and liver they ï¬ller every Impurity from the system, leaving it wholesome and able to do ihe work necessary for the maintenance of health. Presbyterian Concert Harvey Loyd. the Toronto "dealer in reï¬ned fun," is much in request this seamen. He has at his cmnmnnd a, [rout varied repotory of comic, patri- otic, sentimental songs and stories and entertaining musical sketchor. Mr. Lloyd has to iii! the following en- gagements . Labor Concert, Massey Haâ€; Son. of Scotland entertainment, Dnntroon; church concert, ()mmnoe. and musical entertainments at Timuxos~ ville and other places. He has, now- ever. a. few open dates which can be ascertained by communicating with him Helsagrent favorite in Mon- troal. and The Star, writing of his ren- deringn! "U'Finnigan'a Band." snid‘ " thattho applause that followed nearly shook the rafters" His triumphs as a humorist extend over wide territory In Ontario and Quebec. To be well. look weâ€, and feel always at your best, use Dr. Hamllwn's Hill of Mandrake and Butternut, a truly wonderful medicine tor young and aid. Price 25c at ail dealers. The undcrsigncd bugs to announce that he: has taken out an Auctionccr’s License in the cmmlgj; of Â¥ictoria Durham, and he: wi 5c pleased to have a call or a communicaiion from "1056 who intend to have auction sales during the In†or winter months. Terms very rcasdnablc, and may be had by applying to the undersigned. Satisfactionguaranteed. Address J. H. WILSON, Notice to the Public. Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep page :31: am fluuriahing (-ity and supply the demands made on us, for oflic: nuiauxits, not unly from l’ctcrhoro but from other piaCca a.» n‘cï¬f' ' '- , We have not been able to do this in all cases during thc last tun van;- Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkccping 0 IS a competent Slcnographcr and 'l‘ypcwritcr is certain of a good [waitiom You ml] make no mistake: in getting a Nothing Succeeds Like Success in Sherwin-Williams Paints Cover Hie Eat-TI ééééééé TheHoi’ise of Quéilit CALL ANDTEST US. Our Stock of Dry Goods, and Shoes, Groceries, In our Harm are Stoxe “e have requirement. . I _v is Very (fmnplctc, and the best values possible. ome in and yen wnll he convmced that this IS the pl Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade! and our goods are of the best quality, that's why this store is termed J. “70 FiSllel°g ‘70 So, MILLBROOK, : BIOOD, PURE. RICH. RED. The Sherwin-Williams Parinvar. Mt. Horeb, Ontario. 1;, rm". :3, .\l.\.\‘\'liRS. Vcterinary Surgeon to His Majesty's 14111 I". WHY DO YOU F1151? m \ Ofï¬ce on King St., ï¬rst door West Collins' Bank Businesé Education S.â€"-Calls by Tclc‘phone New Year’s Night. . PRINGLE, Principal, Pefe‘rtoro, c" ï¬â€˜M'ritc for Our Handsome: (fiftulxxrfï¬j This is especially tmc when applied to the . (Emmy 8: 66’s, * ORIERIEE. WATCHES. CLOCKS, jEW IELRY, SILVERWARE, C GLASS. CHINA.TRAVELING CASES, MANICL’RE CA‘SES. NOVELTIES. c., c. ' JEWELLERY SPECIAL LOW PRICE Having Busincss of - am prepared to p it FIRST QUALI HAROLD NATTRAS A share of your patro: respectfully solicited. 77 Kem-St L 7â€"â€" If you want an easy shave As good as Huber ever gave on... 1 at the: West End Barber 5110 Everything clean and up-t Best brands 01 (Jim. H Tonsorial BUSW Freshandsa Wedding Piesenfï¬ You can buy Dainty Goods at MCCARTY'S, promptly attended 90. always on hank; Fish, Fowl and Van in season. A trial order solicit] W. LMCCA ONTARIO Some beautiful lines a magniï¬cent- stock fur MILLBROOI NATTRASEH PROPRIET. and Cigar tea. m