Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 21 Dec 1905, p. 2

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Mr. S. H. Pickup, B.A., of Knox College, Toronto, is to preach in the Presbyterian Chlirch next Sundav morning and evening, and being one of our Mxlibrook boys. (Mamie-5: large congregations will grc-v him. and wnh pleasure and profit listen to his utteranc . I I I ”sued. Subscribers should cut this out Ind paste it m their Dncckmes :â€" 80. 7 Dcyell, J. D, V. S. ng St. "30 Dnak. R F! King St. -“ 29 Snclgrove, J, M. 1); King St. The followmg subscribers have been nlded to the Mlllbrook exchange of the Bell Tclephnnc Company since the last subscnhcn’ Directory was a ----- J " ‘ > ' (vl Rev}. w. S. and Mrs. Lowry wuh the‘r two children from lumen, Iowa. are tbé guests at the home of Mrs. [Qwry’sâ€"sister, Mrs. james Armstrong, 4th line. (avian. . Mr. Robert Shaw has taken the tummy fo: the Peter Hamilton Imple- ‘ments and Machinery in this village “anl district, succeeding Mr. Robert ‘ Nurse. Mr. Shaw mll be a valuable n'addition to the Company’s staff of §'Jlgcnts, having a thorough practical knowledge 0! farm machinery, penonnl acquaintance With nearly ch-ryone in aha: district, and possessing in a large degree the confidence of those by whom he is best known. rrobably zoning worse all the “mo- ‘Why not xiv. upjlun Inufl nnd Mop define your stomach ? The one It". sue-mum in "Catarrln-Iono," sun to can became it goes when the 111-0380 anally in. Certain to cure in your case teem-o It In: reotorod tom of them and. warn than you no. Catt").- ozuno In a “wrongly car. because it do- nt”. 3b. can“ a as well as tho efl'ect- at m. dlueuo. Relief in pruulp|, cure I. quick fit}: this p) norlul, remedy which in gnurauxud to en r0 caurrh in In! pan of me nope, “no u. bronchinl ”be. 0:121!”- Don: caFc where you live. Big Profits. $x<$o :0 $400 w month. I show you the rind to freedom. wntc quack, don: dclat. Box 461, Lindsay. Om. . _-.?Jr. H Milton zuet..wit.h :1 most ugnnformnatc accrdeztt one evening ,recently. z‘While walking on King :Stqihe fell and broke his wrist. 311’s manvfrienzls wrlljom us in wishinglum a speedy recovery ‘Mr. Milton :5 the head clerk in G E. Barnhnm's store. and he 'had just completed decorating the 3'wimlows of that pOpular grocerv “for Xmas., whlcln is :mleed very "- creditable, and shows excellent The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian :Church, mll hold an excellent Enter- 'tamment m the Town Hall, Mtllbrook, :on Xmas. night, Dec. 25. 1905, and ‘have been fortunate in securtng such high-class entertainers as Miss Mac- 'donald, lilocutionist, of Toronto; Miss .Mvra Brereton, Sopranist. of Bethany; :Mr. Pym, Baritone Solorst, late of London, England; and Messrs. Stanley and Harry Pickup who wtll render duets. This will he a most delightful Entertainment and no one should mtss ‘ it. Admission 25c., children 150. Doors open at 7.30, Program at 8. h Mrs. (l)r.) Dc)‘cll. Pres, Mrs. J. Steele, Scc’y. We understand that Messrs. R .«and R Nurse intend Opening a V Livery in the stables on 'l‘nppcr ' St., Millbrook, formerly under the :management of Mr. T. Vlcliride. chssrs Nurse will have a large number ofgood stepping horses, ‘also first class sleighs, cutters mtl carriages, in fact everything gw-i'zhbqthe best, and patrons of firthts Liverygtgn depend on getting .,that they require. 7 Courteous at- ..v’tentiontds assured with.,uten such. has the Messrs-N arse. Goqdlguck; Mr. John Reid and Mr. Clare .Moore of Millbrook, were guests at Ethc home of Mr. Wm. Latchford last ~ week; Is Your Catarrh Any Better E number. N ew Telep‘éfies. tsko lousy Past. as been success- 3 some of the most c'oqucnt mmisters in , and Mr. Lowry is one of blur glasses ‘ eyer ng Wan“ at 7.45, R. w. CLARKE, (1‘3“- (L .R! 91611315: 1.313“)? AdmlSsiun, adults, 25c; 15c. Doors open at 7 p m. CANTATA, entitled “THE TEMPLE: or Fun-3', by about scwnty rcprcswta- tivc characters : This Cantata was given in the Town Hall, in aid of the Red Cross Move- mcnt, in Fcb’y, I900, and was very cnthnsiastically rcct-ivcd. We hope to render It so that it will bc rCCcBVcd with the same enthusiasm. On Monday. Jnnuury mt, 1906, thc Annual Entertaimnent will be given m THE CHURCH, comimng of a I“, - - - --~ “‘ The Anniversary Semces of the Millbmok Methodist Sunday School will be held on Sunday, December 3xst. 1905. and Moxnn, Jan 1. The Rev. '1'. Albert Muorc, of 'l‘omnm, 'Sec’y ol' the Ontario Lord’s Day Alli anec, will preach on Sunday, at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m., and address a Mass Meeting in the Church at 2.30 in thc afternoon. At the afternmm servxce, reports fur year will be giveuand‘ rewards distributed. l l“ Methodist S. l A very pleasing eVent took place at tlk residence of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Staples. Lifi'ord. on Wednesday, the 13th mt, it being the occasiOn oftne marriage of their daughter Emma. to Mr. William 'l'hompson, of Yelverton. Precisely at 4 pm. the officiating minister, the Rev, Dr. Marvin, took his stand tn the spacious drawing room, when there was heard the beau tiful strains of the wedding march. as rendered by Miss Wilson, of Lifllrtl. Soon there was Seen approaching the groom, supported by M r. W ilbett Northcott, of Hamilton, Ont. The bride was given away by her father. She was beautifully attired, and carried a shower bouquet of white roses. She was assisted by Miss Mabel Staples. The ceremony being mded, all in turn repaired to the dining room and par- ‘ toox of an excellent supper. 'l‘oasts and congratulations were given After supper a pleasant time was spent, the genial best and hostess doing all in their power to ane happy their nu- merous guests. The many valuable presents attestcl the popu_lantv hf the bride. The Mirror joins in hearty congratulations. Cavan-J‘or Room, C McNeH, J W Fisher, John Melntush. Fur Council- lormb GSlneld, A Rmnolls, 'E A Kelly. J H Armstrong, R Shaw, W H Staples' 6 Barry. W EM. Millbrook-For Reeve, W 8 Given R Rudd! and I E Neodlmm. For L‘num cillon, W U Coombe, I E Needhum J D De) ell, J U Kalil, R J Doak. For Trustees. A Leach, C Needler, J Allen, '1' H Hanan}, I E Nee-Hum. NOMINATIONS. =0n account of a rush of job work causing the Mirror to be late, we are thus enabled to give the following nominations: Famom beauties pay particular at- tontion to the purity oftlwirhlnod, knowing that nutrition: blcod menus loft delicate sk'in, bright even, and ondurinxnervoa. Those who“ look: ‘no lo delightful use Forrozono,ba- ‘ “use it's the exact {nod needed to tone 3nd stimulate the blond. Fen-ozone invigomtu. braces, realmâ€"it makes thou dainty, vivacious women so pleasant to most. You’ll have the rosy bloom of health. dash and spirit. the satisfaction and joy of true health “tor lining Ferrozono. You should get Ferrozmm tu day. Sold everywhere in 50c boxed. The many friends of Miss Marv Needler wxll reuret to lcérn that she is SCI'IOUSIY ill, but as we go to press m: axe p’k-zlst'd to learn that her condition is somewhat imploved. The Mirror rccexved an ordcr from lemtobet for wedding mum- thIIS and amxouncmnents this week. The concert in the Town Hall, Millbrook, on Xmas. Night, umler he auspices of the Ladies' Aid of esh) terian church, promises best ever presented to u uxliencr: by the ladies 'e church. Miss Mr:- cutionist of Toronto, ~hcs<: reputation 15 iv. ide as a success- MifiSAlVi‘u lSrer- of Bethany, has singer. She will .i Xmas. Night. one Soloist, late .53.. needs no intro- Millhrook antlzcnce; red in different corn- l is highly and enthus- ‘kcn ofasa remarkable sessing a clear, strorig,r "e hcspeuk for him a great ire. Messrs. Stanley and llarrv ickup will contribute durts. Sel- dom do 3011 find voices which blend more: harmoniously than theSc. The i-rograrn on Xmas night next ought to please even the most critical. for variety, for richness of execution and finish Admission 25cts. ; children chts. Doors Open at 7 30. Program at 8. A cordial invitation to all. DECEMBER WEDDING I 'lhc mamage of \h s [\«h May,’ daughtcr of Mr. and Mu. jas. l‘ortLr of the Fourth Line of Cam-r, to ML] jamcs Johnstone. of Wellwocd, Mam," is annuunccd The intgnsung cere- mony Will be prrformcd in the Meth- odist Church at \Vclhvood, at 3 p. m. of 'I‘ucsda'G, )an. 9th, 1906. Charming Feminin-ity. We understand the Rev. Geo. Yule, o: Springville, is 20mg to conduct anmvcrsary servxces an Garde-n Hill next Sunday, Rev. Mr. johnston taking his Work at Sprmgvnle and Betnanv. Anniversary. children ( tantata Superin- Petex’bem’ Ont! AGENTS Dominic-n Organ Piano 00. Buescher True-Tone Band ' Instru- FORJ ments. New Williams Sewing Machines. NEW OPERA HOUSE, GEORGE ST., The undersigned are prepared, and have every facility to repair Brass and Reed Band Instruments, Type- wriisrs, Phonagraphs, Bicycles, Etc. Latest Sheet Music always in Stock. J General Ibierchant, Peterboro 4 lbs. Selected Raisins for 25c. 4 lbs. Currants for 250. 4 pks. Corn Starch for 250. 8 lbs. mix- ed sweet Biscuits for 2.50, Peels 150. lb. ORANGES 200 and 25c. a doz. Lemons 200 doz. Babies cry Durant-re they are sick. It may he a pain in tho stomach, colic, or crumps,â€"~ but in any case a Iew drops of Narviiine sooths away the distress a'lows lho Lahy to sleep peacefully. “hera- lhere are young children there should nlwhe Nervilina. It cures all the minor ailments Just as promptly as the doctorâ€"~nml not so expensn'e For nearlv fifty years Polsou's Nervlllne has been the great household remedy of Canada Sold everywhere In large 25c. bottles. Rev. Ct-orgc Yule of Sptingvillc and Bethany pruu lu~.~. l.:s farewell sermons on the last Sunday of this year. Dt'plllullblls from both his congn-gntions n; peared before the Fresh} ttry in I’cterboro last Tues- ‘lav plezulmg with him and the l’ruslwterv to return his services ; after listening to all parties the Presln'trx‘y granted the prayer at Brockvillc l’xvslwtry, to allow him to go to Winchester. READ THIS Y To Stop a. Crying Baby. Fond does you no good. You can‘t digestâ€"conseqnenHyugq’ra nfraid to eat; tongue is cnmod, nmnth tastes mestmnach is bloated. Pretty soon you'll be overcome by “eaknnss and nervous prostraliun mo 1‘ Maycock has secured a sitnatxon in Port 140m: 'snd lean-cs for that toun nmt luesd my We wish him continued success. No Satisfaction in Eating Emir Vfigm? the dandru If, saved y0ur hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it’s probably too late. You ncgkcted dandruff. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured BESON’ "’1“ O packaves Orange Meat for 25¢. Pxoduce taken in exchange as Cash. M. The friends of Mr. an! Mrs. ThOSTIinnter of the 7th Line of Cavan, will be son y to hear ofthe scrxous iHness ofos. Hunter We are glad to learn. however. that she is recovering rapidly and pros- pects are that shewill be out again in a short time. Garden Hill by the Rev. Wm. john- stun, of Mxlllnook. Three brothers Messrs. William, john and Fulton Littlc, and three brothers-in law Messrs Andrew, Ioseph and Ben. McCarmH wcrcbcarcrs. Service at the Umon Cemetery, Port Hope, was condUCted by the Rev. 1! E Ahrahnm, pastor of the First Presbyterian churchâ€"Daily (iuidc Dec. 21. 'l‘hcrcwas a large attendance of lriends and nmghhms at the funeral of the late Imcph Little.- to (1:13. Services “In: conducted at the resulcncc at 'l‘lmc'dccrasecl was a member of the Presbyterian church and in politics a stalwart liberal. giving way under the heavy strain and it bccmnc neccssary to dispose of the business and plzmc him undcr medical rare in one of the institutions of the dry. When l'CCOVL‘l')’ was seen to lu- inipossiblc they removed to Garden Hill, near his old home, where for more [ha a year his (lumtcd wife and (lul‘ghtcr him: done all that loving hunts and Willing hands :‘ould ncconi plish to adminzstcr comfort to him in hi4 sad condition. 'l'hr‘n' untiiing, un- r'tlzixing efforts were nohly assisted by friends and neighbors here. The end came at one o'clock, 'l‘ucsday morning. i In addition to his wife: and daughter, three hrothcrsand four sisters mourn his drpurture. JOSEPH LITTLE. BornN-ov 4, 1846. Died Dec 19, 1905 The subject of this notice was born on lot 22, con. 8, Hope Township and there during the years of boyhood. youth and early manhood he continu- ed to reside and aSarst his parents in turning the stately forests into fruitful fields. During the years when the \\'00d and lumber industry was at It: best the cht'aacd touk an extremely prominent and Very active part In teeming to Port Hope, and owing to his jovial and ubhgmg nature was al- ways a prime {avarite with the boys. liurly in life he garter] out for himself, and chose as his partner, Mi<5 Eliza lane McCarrol of the 'l‘ownslnp of Emily, Who “'l‘hrough all the varied 'scenes of’life In trouble or in joy” has prored ahelpzneet indeed, their nmrried life gontg far to prove that “matt‘hes are made In Heaven.” 'l'heir union was hlesaed with one daughter Lilian Maud. For a number of years they hVed on a farm, north of Canton, whittlr he eventually'sold and for a while tried to win a fortune in other fields. At last he settled at 868 Young St . Toronto, where for about‘ 18 years he carried on a very success- ful business as dealer in coal and wood flour and feed. Three or four years ago it was seen that his mind was OBITUARY. MW mmrzmammJ iwvaaéfin J H. Gai'diner,anctioneer, i195 received instzuciiuns {mm Mr. Henry A. Failis, to offer for sale by public auction, on his premises Lot 7, Con. 6, Cavan, (Fallis Line) Tuesday, January 16th, 1906. at 12 30 p m , his valuable Farm StOck, Implements, Machinery, K'c. This will be one of the: huge-'5! and best salts of the season. Mr. R.Szzmlcy Iohmton is back again in town, looking well after his work in the noxth tcnchinu “e undexstzmd Stank-v IS gain" to puxsue his studies after 1h: Xmas. holida). s. Deccascd was :1 promincnt man and we hopc to have an account of his life for next issue. In Ccntrcvfllc, on Monday, Dev. 18th, 1905, Ccorgc Dales Hummus-m: aged 69 years. ELMO"! .237 - / Mae/WWW? Big Austion Salsa. BORN In Gavan. on Dec. 22. to Mr and Mrs. \V. l’ritchani, a daugh- ter. Cannot supply the demand 1113111.- upon it by business 111c11.\\l1)° Bct cause our rcl u'.111o11 for hirh- grade “wk 15 “ell 11110111131111 “c p1otect this reputation. 111151511 school of the hiflhcst standing Winter tcim opens ];111. 2nd. Catalogue lrcc. .I.L‘IIIO'I"1‘, 1111111141 Cor. \ongc and \ch 1ndu Sls "No 0: e could realize Iépy sufferings from stomaI-II trouble an») Indigestion. For the genre I Imus Int hepn IIell. My Ioml did uIel HO gnod because I couldn' t divest or us iInllute. My doetor salkmecnslipaliqn was at the lroot of my trouble an I gm Dr. Hamil- ton’s Pills. my appetite improved pnm after euting ceased, and m_I food (II-rested quicklv. I 4m delifllrted \IiIlI the thorough cure I derived Ircm Dr Hmnilton’ a Pills. (Signed) " AIAII’I‘IN E, WALKER "- Bridgewaier.” Quick results attend the use oi Dr. Hamilton’s Pills: this medicine cums all trouble in the stomach and diges- tlve organs l‘y removing the cause. You feel uplifted and strengthened 'at oace. Get Dr. Hamilton's Pills Io-day, and refuse any substitute. Price, 25¢ per box, or live buxas for $1, II: all reliable IleIIlerb, m I_\' mail from N C, [’olsmi III (30., Hartford. (Scum, U,S.A.‘ (Ind Kingston, Out. All schools are not alike, and aspec- ially in helping studéms'tu pesi‘uons Do not overlook this point. For your conditiun‘ the best prrncrlv- tion I: Dr. Humiltcn'zu Pills whiCh are made specially for m. Banach. kld- neys and liver, LG I e X6:1! remedy \\ lll ever be devised, lot. Dr. llzuniltmx’s Pills are perfect. '1“ the overworked organs theymve erw strength. '1 he general health is inmlt up, and all three of dySpe-psia d" appears. Here is proof. V FIYE YEARS OF BYSI‘TPSIA CURED. "It” the time". you’re afraid tJ eat your ”Mine is owned, nmmh mates bad, stomach is Mloated If von want to get. w,ell stop us mg I)\3pep81fl. tall. la a and go to the Sum-ca of (1,9 aroubXe before it is too late. trengthen \ our stomach, cast out. the blle, regulate the bowelsâ€"do this an dyspeyri“ uil!)be no more. Food Doezé You no Good You can ordcr with assured satisfaction from its illustrated catalogue of Diamonds, Jewelry, \Vatches, Silver, Cut Glass, Stationery, etc. Diamond Hall's recent removal to much larger premises means increased opportunities for serving the Canadian public. Do You Want :1 Position ? Diamond fiaii’s Service BYBEE 531305. LIMITED [34.133 YONGE ST. TORONTO - ONT. TOROEITO, GMT. East and \Vcst and every\‘.'hcrc', (11c perfected Mail Order System of the Dominion's largc‘kt Jewelry More puts an end to “ barriers of distance." DYSPEPTEG DIE!) LOCAL IMPROVEMEI‘ â€"-'l‘hc local Stationers now stocks of the improved 'japm brand writing ink and muci which is made in Hamilton, is as good as money, skill, liontsty can produce. for sulc by Alfred Leach. (Tontcs to his bride was :1 svt of fun; and Mr. Calm-run prcswtul llls hrulc with an elegant gold watch and Chain. The brides also TCCClVL‘d crce-ccnts of pearls for their Scl‘VlCCS as bridtsmaids. The happy couple lcft on the 4 45 train amid congratulations and shown-r5 office for an extended trip to Toronto and other cities. Mrs. Coatc's going away dress was green ladics clnth with hat to march “'ltlltf Mrs. Cameron's was of brown ladics cloth \Vlll) hat to match. 'i‘hcy purpose making their homes in I’ctcrburo. The Mirror joins in bust Wile'S. Pratt. l‘<).~.tmaslcr of Cubourg, uz'u‘h- m’ the brides, in a happy wm full of “556 counsel and thprI information. '1 he presents were numerous and Cuszly, and were an cvrdcncc of [be (520611} in which they are mm The gift of Mr I 113111}: [flayed by Mus 1105511: Ch isiL-t'. the [)Oi)l11;11'(1l'g.‘11t15{ 1111115 1‘ir5t Pres- bytcxian church, 1‘ort Hope, Mr. Wright L‘ntcrcd 111.113.1111: 111111 {1:131:11 1C1"1L'81.1.1"0'1 each arm Lndu- an 3101) of L'VcrgrL'L-z‘. and 1: ().1\' MIL ”rooms took thcir Mucus on time. 111L‘ Rev. Wiiham Johnston, pastor of 111.: Presbyterian church, \111111rook and Garden 11111, proccuiL-d U) unite 1111: couples \1155 \my 1‘11 :1111131r.1r:1nk 1 lin A Coates \xL-ic ~111ppo1lcd 11) M12: 1 Hannah 13 \\"1'1'ght;1n(1 Mr l>;1~.id _1 Cameron. As soon as the. 111inistL-r i)!”01‘10UH(‘L'd t1.L-n1 1111111 and wit"), 311 1):1\'i(1]C:nnL'ron and Miss 111111111111 B Wright moved forward :1 step the 11C\\'1)' 111:11'1'iL‘11 (()U';1t‘ rLtnrning: t‘1L Lon: plirnent as sunnoitLrs. 1hL brides kicked churnnw, Miss Ann W'orc a iiLh gown of white 5111: “1117311011.“! 1:101: trimnnng and \1155 1111‘. 11:11) 111111L 1 L()11('111)Cll‘11111‘1]cd\\'11.1)(l11"\t.1inkcflllu 1 insert on. “Mr sigmngr the. register! abou gsatLioun to suppcr 11111111 11': ' sufiiLiL-iit to satisfy the 111 ost {18111;10115' [\L-v. 1111; proposed 1.1L11c:h111 LfthL 1)r1(11s111:1 .~'1L‘e;h 11111 0111'}! t:1nL1 11111110. ; this “as replied to 1:} 31.] A unique ca‘cnt occurred at "’ I'lur- flaw," Cnmpbclk‘mfl, on 'l‘lmx'sd.1\\', Dec. 21, whcn [woof Mr. an d \Irs. Wright's (1anng Llr} “Ln: trunk“ to two of l’ctczborough s popuhr young men. Al one o’clock p. m., as thc sweet strains of 111-; \‘scdding marvh mm: You v. ill do '7 articles, as the 11 “KG bi consisting of Picture Fram es, Perft.s,me Pen- Knives Picture Books, Ir 1:1: m\Vells, Pen Holders, Memo Boo" S, She llLooki 1 gG 1.325‘ .Ladles Hand Bags, Pocket Boo ks 5c. 955%? Men’s Rubbers and Heavy Socks. @6343; Solid Raw-Hide W'hips for 50 Cents Each. I WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL OneDoor erst of Mr. Coombe’s Grocery, Millbrook. Boots and; Shoes. Q’Hwe can’t suit you in Ready-madm, we can make them to ordu i: mas Pwegents, Repairing of Boots and Shoes Promptly Attended to. T. :5“. LfiNG, stationtrs now have imprm'cd ‘ananesc’ {ink and muciiagc. cin Hamilton, and ; money, skill, and uza gamma; 5mg; Of Beautiful Goods suitable for Robes, Gloves, 11 ‘anl: cis, a1.d 21H Harness Su pplxcs. Gpp. Town Hall, £5, VERY LOW. _M_el;ry Xmas. NTS. No raise in prices. Your patronage is most respectfully solicited. CARRIAGE WORKS will be carried on more extensively than ever. D, Milligan, MILLBROOK. Has purchased the Good-will and business of Mr. William Fisher, blacksmith, and will do all blacksmithing work on the West side of the street, While on the East side of the street his FOR I We xvi}! also keep in stock a choice line of confectionery. EE‘Rcmcmbcr the place, East Eu «2 Resiuumnt, opposite the Quctns Howl, car... a or. "as A i...“ F3; ‘. W (i FOR OYSTERS 55???? EEHE'HSS so h Having puzcha d 1 e Egg! End Basiaurant >R Ul”'l‘O-I);\'I'E JEWEL] Issuar of Marriage Liccnscs1 MILLBROOK. ’e have mule arr;:nrr:-me-nts to l I handle PETER 501:0 J. STEELE‘S, \xil' be p'c 5ch to have u call fzom its former patrons and as many new oncs as possible. | mad (I) at AH Hours. x'cd in city style, try the 15.15. R. STRAYEI) it. John Kerr, Ii m ‘ son 4, Tom~.‘ :Ep the month of jzz: : Owner can hmc 5:1: party and pngzvg KERR. ()xzuxazcr } This season we haw: a 4 GOO-.15, Toys. c., tin-.1: 1 daily visits to this Store. am able for Xmas and New \‘ towns or cnics for your pri‘; them at MCCaffrcy's. Cal! his lecture on “ )5. Son.” John Mdfm nfour tmctcec gau- ‘ the church. [Inc cum: good Sclc-(‘l'n'w : M: a 5010; T J l‘ar.~lz~z:~1 M858 Parsow ga'n- t‘ tlons, and 3.1m _! (‘ ways wclcomcd :: church in Our mu Revs. I 31 \Vi 1::'.E;’;\'.' made congratufatm together thx'c was :2 programme 3rd .1 pl: lime. Fresh Christmas Fruits Spices. Oranges. Lemoas The A!:Ҥ'.cz Church :11 (P‘w day and Mm, 111: (mslcm Ia? who ms tin: ;.:\ [Walcd fur rnlitc 0L" t. l 37:. quixca nunriur )ct. Great (1):: ever) bodyfmt E also appeals-(E :1: cover a dubi, a: subscz‘flwd. In: ENS 50‘s $100 0:15.; 2. who was 121.: j l‘fi‘alcd for 5" 0mm: (‘13:: 5 5:0 ‘31-: . quite a numhzr c;‘ f: 2: 2..» )ct. Great (mhm? ..: every bodyfi- h! .::‘r;»_: ~. :{~\ also appeal: 3." .. > ' cover a debt, ..:: subscriiwd. On Mondxy :13' his lecture on “ . a. Son." John McCrx-n. «is: nfour mute-3: gavc :1 ~ the church, thc Chm}? A ”er good sdcclhwc : Mrs. 'l (' ’1 Fit the My :13:- dustnal am! am. they will bc muviu Cted than if Er; 510ml tduu‘ntion. \"imer lczm l)», nan' 2nd. LII'. Ernc‘sl \‘x‘ifl one of the Palm} u'rilcs from (fauna the first of .13: $75.00 :0 $ that an: .IEW‘KN'. spending, 1:75am} several years, 1:1 which wzll ni-t mlarv, to sm' 2121133 59 -nditurc o! tins-.- 1*: Jamicson, \‘. \Vilson, Timmy .dcrson, Dr. R Ticket Agent. Cert at 8. Cum Two-and a-htzh~ 25 cans. R W “’ilson, Set"): J 1. Realty. A Eddie Plgou. H A E Harding. .‘-Iz:~i Entertainer, M: <5 !‘ tralm, Mrs H :rd of Toronto. Admission 2: < Omcmec. Nuv XMAS NIGHT ~ (32:: vConccrt under :hc .\a;<;,zce a [3, m irmfhu :23 Has Cinema; Mowing bah 111: following ru’u Vr'wirtrv: one of the th! yaw a $62th to an Om Bros. john Hanan. H Milka, 2nd, W Xm Fee, 4th, 'I'Ims. _\X m Municipal Nominniiu 32. 1905. Election Jun. Sec bills. 1" 1c follow} 11;. 12-11(- clvcw of Lebanon 1 01.. N0. 6 the last regular INCL-ting l1clzi l 5, [905 .- Bro. Louis Windnm. W. “ Sandy \‘c1ls. l). \1 “ William l’ 1171'. '.r ( :2: " \\'ill1;n1\'1~1a.l Rm, 5 In our Grocery m RRY .‘ It u A1121? Perhaps you 1m: c; then rcmcmbcrâ€" a1? gray hair. Stops fan H J A )0: James Jon The Mir: A Many IOO CO 3261' I K??? chford l). of ( rowd XII Dept. “1 Ist( uar f0

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