Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 14 Dec 1905, p. 3

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5 Each. iU CALL m to ordcn. Std lhc ed t h a business Fisher, [will do Fa £8111 3dr, try es, Pen- Holders, es’ Band to have former 3 many )ssible. u ever. rices. is most. licited. in stock a )ncl’y. place, East posits the lg work e of the he East at his ORKS m more mbe’s ’astry. of these germems to .tamant ahn 9;. ,WELRY, 0K0 ROCK, OBS Hours. GS. is, Ho imitated the habits of men who «old stand more than he could. meliarlty with slipshod methods pun'yzud his idea). He thought that It was clever to use wane und profane language. 110 was aoimmed of his pan-ems, he unto they were old fashioned. He did not learn that the he-st part a! his salary was notin his pay~en~ volopo. Ho dld nnt think it worth whHe tn lam how. He tried to make “blnfl'” take the pine. of ahiM)’. He Mar-ugh: he must take amusement every evening. This season we have a larger and more varied stock of Fancy Goods, Toys. c., than ever before. Santa Claus is making daily visits to this store, and We are getting a stock of goods suit- able for Xmas and New Years gifts. No need to go to outside towns or Cities for your presents. You can save money by getting them at McCaffrey’s. Cal! and see. In our Grocery Dept. we have a larger stock than ever. Fresh Christmas Fruits, such as Raisins, Currants, l’eels and Spices. Oranges, Lemoris, Confectionery, c. A Many Christmas in A”! Wm. McCafirey, No never dared to act on his own iudzement. lo mined his ability by half-doing “flan. Ho choose his friends among his in- fedora. Ho {an that he was above his posi. Hon ‘ Ho wgtclqed the mark. "0 was all an. grnmbfing. {ho was aways lvehindhnml, Ho had no iron in his Mend. Ha was \\ ining, but unfilted. Ho d-dn’t behave in himself. H» ”kn! mo many queations 219 was stun; by a bad book. 1'. u and: excuse was 'I fumnt ' He “un’t ready {or his next step. Ho slid not put hialnean in his wmk. He learned nothing from his blun- “n. XI how nuddonh' it'eomes. No time to hurry to the drug store, cronp do- nlopu, the lungs are affected with punmnniaor hxharsulosia and it's too Into Kean ('aturrhozonp on lmndLâ€"it km: colds instantly. Some-thing ma- gical uhv-nt the way it cures (Tatarrh 1m! Brmaehitls. (Tatarrhnz-nle is the you remedy because it euros!" na- ture's way; It heals, voothes and restor- n pormam'ntl)‘. Carry a. (.‘atmrhnzono inhaler In your pm-ket, use it. occas- Ioa-lb' and ynu'll never omen 30H- thnt’n worth rememhenuz. W. 1’. Sir Kt Thomas Newman I ). 1’. Chap. Reg. 'l‘rcas. ht Lem. W 3nd cht. W Ist (fer-5m and “ n! S Bearer and u I’ursm iant “ j _| lehams. “ Rev. ] R Whitclaw “ H J A Jonm “ Wm. Cumngham f‘ \\ I [horn “ I I Bcattv “ Charles Shaw “ I. Windnm “ 'l'hnmax' Magee “ J Bannan “ _l(' {can} Committee-er Knights J Smith, F Hrcksnn I. Noncricf, R Snmh R J Patterson, John Carew, W R Lang. At the but. mcctmg of King Edward Roy?! szutk Perceptory No. 6:; the {aflowilw ofilccrs were elm tcd fun the ensuing year : XMAS NIGHTâ€"Grand Orange (‘onccrt under the Auspmcs of l..(),[,. 113, m Bradburn‘s Opera House, ()numcc, Mondax. Dec. 25, "9‘35- '1 he tollonin-r entertainers ml! rcr dgr one: o. the bcs! pmgrammes ever ITC s.- -mcd to :m Omcmce audience. deic Ptgott. Humorous Vomltst, A 15 Harding, Mr-sicul and Humnrnus li mermincr, Miss Frances Stone, Cor- traltn Mrs Hardin:r , Accompamst t, all M loronto. Admission 23 cents. Committeeâ€" ] T Bcatty. A I. \Villinmson, C Shaw, 1‘2 jamicsom Wm Magee, Matthew Wilson, 'l‘homas McQuade, Bert San- 1 damn, Dr. Roycrs. A E Stimson, I Ticket Agent. Door open at 7, con- ("I at 3. Cnmc imd enjoy yourself. 'l‘woand-a-half hours solid fun forl g5 cgnts, R \" \\'il~on, \V BL, \Vcs, Wilson, Scc’y. N. was content to be a second-rate W [1 Y H I". WAS NOT PROMOTED. Municipal Nominatione, 1)“; 32, 1005. Election j-n, I, Ign6 See bills. ,, ' The Worst of a Cold. ammuorrlchblack? Use 3mmgzmg HUGH! IHEHAM’S DYE â€"-â€"_ A. __._ Q/OMEMEE efs WES wror and Family Herald and Wee ()n 'l’hursday Rcv. (T 0 johmton will deliver his (tclcln'atrd lccturv, tn- txtlgd “Wisdom and l’olly In Home Life.” 'l‘hcrc Will also be Music and other Entertainmcm providcd by the School, :11: d mhcr talent, both foreign ml l(-ca.. liwnbmly Wekomc lo put presents on the L. ‘mstmns lrcc. ( mm: and enjoy a good lantcrminmuu. Doors open at 7 p.m., pmgrammc to commence. at 8 Admxssiun, Adults 25 Cents. Cluldrcn. 15 Cents. Rev; 'l‘hc: Annivwsary Scrvxccs of the Mt. Pleasant Methodist Sunday School wx” bc held on Sunday Dec. 17, and Thursday Dec 21, xgos. On Sunday Sermons m” be preached at 10.30 a.m. by the pastor, Rev. M E Scxsnnth, and at 7 p.m. by Rev. J M White-law, 3.1).. of Omcnnr. Special collectauns in and of the Sunday School Fund. M E Scxsmith, Pastor. 7 \V S (Eraham, Supt. 5.5. Mr. '1‘. .Ernest Mucphc-rson was in Pcterboro to-day on business. 'l'hc flex-sting. lhc humanizirzg, the - shall we sayâ€" christianizing tfiL-(‘t of hearing such mus": cannot be “1-11 ()Vct‘t‘htlnmfcd. After liktcning to it tor an rvcning um: can undcrstand what A! t“'(>1grrm(‘zms whc-n he sings 2 Sorrow i.» hard to bear, and doubt is slow m chmr, Each sufR-I'cr has his say, his schcmc of weal and Wm: : But God ha: a frw of usuhom he \vhlspcrs in the car The rc~t may re-nmn :md wckomc; ’tis we musicians know. playing is scldnm hczml chn In our largo: ('ilics, she gwcs the impression uf being first a musician and afterwards a txanu'd (me, she plays whh a frtcdum whcrcin is lacking not one jot of {cm- min: grace, and yet shows that utzcr amencc of 5ch conscioux‘ncss. so affirm the ban: of lhc woman artist {er high nutcs chrc quuisitoly mkcn an 1 maintained, and her wholc pluflug pui- satcd with life: and fc¢_-ling. Mr. \\'m. Sic‘phcnson accompanied ixcr on hh‘ \‘iofin with such rare: judgement and skin that there: was a pcrfcvt blending of the tom-s of the two instruments, and the disc: was plcasmg. lkrSOlO singing. She never conde- svemls to any of thus-c little tricks of style by which many singers win the applause (if the gallery, hut, hy the l downright execllenvy of hi-r car and vuice, she commands the admiration of. all good Judges of music. \Vithnut l effort at all, her clear sweet \‘(iiCe rises and touches the highest notes, dwell ‘ ing there. without falter, if the singer likes them, and then sweeps faultlessly down the scale, to the richer tones underlying. Our villagers may well be proud they have such a singer living :unnng them. The pipe organ playing of Prof. C E Milner was worthy of the reputation of the player, and wh:t more need he said ; th: ease and pre- vixinn which he rendered the must (liffit‘ult pieces. and the faultless hur- mnnizing of the untes SliOWt‘d that he is a muster of the technique of his! instrument, and gave a hint (if the! ’dCSCi'VL‘S a special wbr-J of praise for grand things he could do with an in- strument worthy of his genius. But, perhaps, the chicffcature of the evening was the Violin playing of Miss jenkins of l’etrulia Such violin . Oznemee, a Sacred Cong-er! and Organ Recital so CXCk‘llLllt in every respect Ilia! one does not well know how to describe it in terms that will not seem extravagant. Indeed the occasions mu~t be rare when the muic loving people of any xown or village are pri- vileged to hear vocal and instrument al music of such a lllgll order. The anthem Singing by the <urpliced choir was excellent indeed, especially the tenor singing of M r. \\':n. Stephenson and Mrs. Aniys’ soprano. This lady On the eveninu of Nm. 28111 u.t. thcrc “as ghcn, in (.hrist Church, Sacred Ce CLric .- .22.: 5 Tree and Lecttre. SQfiEâ€"coatgd, easy to take, mxld in action. They cure constipation, biiiousness, sick-headache. $3,313.. men Organ Recital S'I‘RAYEI) into the premises of John Kcrr, East )5 Lot 20, (fnnccs- sum 4, '1'mvnship of Emily, during the month of junr, 1905, 2 SOWS. Owns-r can have same by proving pro party and paying expenses. JOHN KERR. ()nu-mec 1’. O. Mr. R R (lun'cy is to lecture in Ommme carlx in January. on behalf of the Public 1 lurury. Watch for lmsters. Hxis “ill be your chance to hear the man from Mamtoulin. LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS. â€"'l he local stationers now have stocks of the improved ‘japanese' "in-mu] writing ink and mucilage. which is made in Hamilton, and is as good as money, skill, and honasty can produce. For sale by Alfred Leach. We hope ro‘ have a report of an Omcmec young lady’s marriage for ncxt Week’s issue On the farm or in t0wn. Big pmf'zts. exchzsn'e territory. In- {OHHIIHOH h‘cu. $mo to $400 per momh. Vrite quick, don’t delay. Box 491, Lindszlv, Ont. Hugh Munzn": Grocery, Brad- In H]. Old St: rm] 1’. 0. Block. “In: (,.onmiitrr.e are sparing no pains to muLc this concert :1 grand success , and 2i delightful evening is anticipated. Mr. Burt Harvey, who is not unknown to (he peeplc omeemec anll viginih'. will appear in new songs mil) entirely changed cos- tunu-s, ctr. Miss \Vlnte, Raider and lxnpvrsonator. A Screaming Pure, (-nmlul "The 'l‘L-xan Moth- (“r-llhl'du'.” Also Fantastic Drills by a number of little girls. inter- spczsecl wnh Instrumental music, will make up :1 very full program. and one to please everv taste. 'l llc i‘t‘S('l:\'C(l (‘lmir plan will be rem‘lv about the 15th of Dec. at l’rcpnrzt'rmws are being made for an 0le 1 large crowd and the seuin cap: cm of the house wrll no ( ’ouH be tnxred to its 11 most, cxlm lCSt’r‘Hfi] ch [its will be plac. ed 50 as to nix e every one a chance [0.1\Ohlthchr8t xush at the dam. The concert in connection with the l’reSaytcrian Church in Ome- mee on New Year's Night, Jan. I, 1906, promises to surpass both in variety and high stall-lard any of the long Iis‘ of previous conc‘crts which the l’rcshytenan Church have been placing: before the pub- iic on New Years' Night for over twwitv \‘ears. 3-. unv-uenb stamps. or cloth stumps. 0w" lwo ”:1;st an Address Ur. :. \’. I’irnro. In: DI. I’im‘cu‘s Pleasant PML (Nd \‘.'1:h"i'.u'uriu,- I’rm‘vri ever a laxative is l‘uuhinul. ()mcmcc, Nov. 6th, 190;. Advi L“ 3-. ump- smmzm Lari-V‘s Slipgwr mm, is a. "nerve stimulant and tunic. improving; both circulamuu and r whim of the uni-v..- runwrsâ€"favurinx Swap :unl chm-Hui mnuitiuu of Um mint; 0! Service In mmml «Svprcssiun. nervous lu-zuiuciie, in gnlux'ihivs‘ u! worm-u with dnuunxium-yz"â€"l’mf. King. Besides the a 'mx'o ingrouivnts thun- areâ€"(‘iuidon Smrl, l'niuum :aml Bhu- (john-h mob; in Dr. Picn'u‘s .I"u\'ori€e Prescription. hr. Pierce-’9. Common Sumo Medial zivi «‘2' MEI in: swat Irma. lunar-bound. fur ........ ~ 4v§ll aal\olnll-3 r.“ ullfl lung hum-s of wurk and m-rvuus tension. (30 sin-.iqin, w Nu'mru fur the cure~to 12w (wrest. 1):: l‘ivrcv‘s I-‘zu'urite I'reâ€" S"2i;22.3.m is ARINIrc's tun: {or the dis- truning cmupluims of wumon. Prof. King. M. 1).. in hm“ .~\mvric::n Dispensa- sxu's (:€ “incl; L‘a-hush nr Black 7 itâ€"Jour curly American 1;:- dig.‘ < set. a hiyh value on this root. in dizwn. s of \vnuwn. It is .s'u'rpuxsml 1m umw' drql. in cungrxti'rc conditions of the 1mm where there are dragging pain.» and hwuh'i'mws.” Strength, quite as much as tasteful design, is re- quired of one's cufilinks. Those from Diamond Hall possess both qualities. In solid gold, the prices run from $4. to $60. One of me most noteworthy pairs sells for $‘.50. These are of a. dum bell pattern that permits the engraving of monogram â€"for which no extra charge is made. Diamond Hall’s full catalogue is gladly sent on request. Sofid Goid Cuff Links = $5.50 = TORONTO QYRIE BROS. â€"-â€"â€"LIMITEDâ€"â€"â€"- 134â€"138 YOHGE 5T. FREE â€"-FREE. I‘ (ma. papvr-bmxml. for . or c- 'JUn-anllnd fur 50 m» {95 and illustx'at'wl. lu'vo Buffalo, N. Y. «m! P9 .cts should be I'r‘vr-q-‘l'iption " when- bruuglfi critical air a nd Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing vity and supply the demands made on us, for office assistants, not only from l’eterboro but from other places as well. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a competentStenograplier and 'l‘ypewriter is Certain ofa good position. You Will make no mistake in getting a Winter 5Térm begins Tuesday, Jan. 2n'dfik'906. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. I will be glad to see my friends customers from Emily, Gavan and other points when in Town. WILLIAM STREET, Coal Oil a Specialty. - SPECIAL LOW PRICE A- E- M10“, W.f.McEARIY’S. 212 Hunter St. Peterboro. 77 Kent-St LINDSAY Ior llic pastvlcw months I lime been searching the best market for (lmiu: thin-s in Clothing and llahcxdlshcry and now while my stock is at its best Iask you to «give: me the: plcaxuxc of slioyxing you lhc latest things in my stnrc. (ionic and look and buy at your pleasure. During my l)ll>‘lnt‘SS experience last year, I have endeavored to treat cvcry man. wonum and (‘lllld l'aiily, and 1 (ml confident that this invitation will be C(H‘LllilllV received and acwptcd by everyone. The frccdom of the store l~z y‘mns. 3. EQUZER, To Farmers ! AWAY BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE. General Dry Goods and CLOTHING Right Opp. Benson House, Try SLAB K, The Tailor, NEW STORE, NEW WORKSHOP, NEW GOODS, NEW IDEAS. FOR‘A' SUIT OR OVERCOAT. AND =le WE ARE READY 7 Business Education. Opp. Com’l Hbuse. we have a very choice line of Crockery, China Ware, Glass Ware, c. Fancy Bon-Bons, Oranges, Lemons, Candied Peels; Candies, Nuts, c., in fact every- thing to help make a Merry Xmas. Having purchased the Stock of the Wm. T. D. Bradburn Estate, is offering it at greatly re- duced prices. Good Raisins, for instance, We offer at 5-lbs. for 250. All other goods in the said stock equally reduced. At such prices they will not last long. Come with the throng and secure some bargains. ‘r to January 181;, 1906, fbr 85c, ’Px‘é: POST OFFICE WM. PRIng'GLE, Principal,‘Peterboro, Ont. For Christmas Hug-h r »Murray, )S'l' OFFIC CE 23:23am Qmemee. W\\nԤirc_for Our Handsome Circular. This is especially true when applied to the Few Doors South of B'Iaundcr’s Hotci. 1': WIN 3R BARGAINS LINDSAY. WP. S.-I will be glad to see all my friends in Omemee, Ops. Emily and Cavan when they visit Lindsay. Make our store your headquarters when in town. Some beautiful lines in \VATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW'. ELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS,CHINA,TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES, NOVELTIES, c., c. 01m. Benson Hausa, Lindsay. Highest Prices Paid F0 R D air y Butter. Fm Ehristmas Wedding Presents 55’ AT RIGHT PRICES. FIN E FLOUR Did You Know We ochr a full years subscription to The Millbrook and Omcmec Mirror. 9. full year’s subscription to that greatest of all chkhcs, the Family Hcrald and Weekly Star, of Montreal, including their beautiful picture, “Queen Alex- andra, Hcr Grandchildrm and Dogs,” and a copy of ‘ The Farmer’s Manual and Veterinary (itndcf’ all for $1.60. A sample: copy of the picture 1nd bod: can be seen at this oflice. The most complete Farmers’ Handbook and Veterinary Guide 1 -â€"-Simplc and practical mformation of the greatest value: to entry farmc Three: hundred and fifty-eight subjects dealt with ; cvcry one of 1' interest and many oflhcm Illustrated. It Can Be Had Fr Compiled by the Agricultural fl Family Herald and Weekly Star 0 at the Bequest of Hundreds of Readers THE FARMERS j and Veterinar ABook That no FarmerGanAfid OM E M ‘ BigDry Good * Wm. Cur You can buy Dainty Goods THAT WE SELL ALI. GRADES OF B. LAIDLEY, Mixed Feeds Tile Mirror Off lee, HELLU! Send All Orders for Above to The Popular Jewelry Store, OUR SPECIAL OFFER! MERRY CHRIST sauna 00.15110. MILLBROOK, ONT g Farm to Rent. Toronto, v ' "â€"A Grains. Orchardlstsâ€"in examining Trees {0? insects, Cardmersâ€"in examining Plants for insects, ' 'I‘cachets and Scholars in studyhg Botany and Everybody in I hundred different ways. Stone Wellington. Trilb) 's Winks Alabamas .. Scotch Reel Up-to-date Spccxal Vcncedora ‘HIEO Iguana" can! utennl‘“ u'uIOI‘G-flr 25c. Pipes - 35 and 4oc.Pipes 15c Pipes IOC Pipes corn cobs DENTIST, LINDNA Y. flgpo-r Graduate of Town“ Univ»:- 1“] and Ray-1.] College of bond lib (eons. and surrounding country, which be reserved for the right man. START NOW at the bestselling season, and handle our NEW SPE CIAL'I‘IES on Liberal Terms. ‘ Write for particulars, and send 255 for our handsome Aluminum Pod“ Microscope, (a little gem) useful 8\ Farmersâ€"in examining Seeds and Ml the latest uni improved hunch. 5f dentistry successfully radon-0" Charges moderate. 0 F F l (2 l 0'» Gregory’s Drug Store, corn-r Kent sud William struts. Local Agent Wanted Bankrupt Stock of Pipes Out in Cigars ._.. V. ...- - . -â€"-:W .......y. , 100 ACRES. About 155 nnloa/ soul!» of the \'i.lagc of Olncmcc. L; fiamcdwrllmg, frame barn and a (1’:th shed on the premises. 1‘ For particulars apply to ' Wm. Earl and R. J. Brandy. Executor: of the Estate of Margaret A. Nclson, dtceuod. TO REN'l‘â€"'J‘hc North Hxlf of Lot number Sixlin flu: Sccond Cou- cession offing Township of Emily. At once for “Canada's Greatest urserics” for the town of Dr. F. A. Walters. Pipes - for I 5 cents nd 40c.PIpes for 25 " Pipes _ for 10 “ Pipes . for 5 " n cobs 2 for 5 " Tobaccos aIvm‘ys fresh at MILLBROOK. Fonthill Nurseries, (over 800 acres) '. COLYIN’S 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for Ontario. tl c": 25 :5 25 25 25 IO 25 ‘l will

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