Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 30 Nov 1905, p. 3

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111 Fisher, ad will do aing work :i-cZe of the 'z: the East. reet his WORKS l on more :an ever. prices. re is most aoh‘cite d. ased t h e 3 business ,LBROOK, } E W E LRY. L" Style, try Irran¢’p,\; (ants to LRBUKO Lice»: sad to have its former l} as many 5 possible. cp in 52°C]: a :ctionery. 3“: place. East Opposnc tho: '37 Taste. Dealing. ChihScd the Dd Hours.- gstamant Pastry, STERS 00K. d Shoes d to. Socks. (gee. Cents Each. E YCU CALL e for hees. 1):! Coombe’s 0k. Sum c them to ordct. of these LUSU'V‘J.‘ .L'u, Uh 21'. V I Cor. Yongc and Alexandcr Sis. ‘ has waived 1c”, _/i,-'(em, twenty, and 1 mm fifty limes as many cule I'm" slenographcrs, twokkcc-psrs, etc, ax it had students graduating during the same momhs. Some of the sal- aries ofl’cred wcrc from $40 a month to $1200 per ammm 27:13: dearly indicates the best school /br young men and women to palranize. Enter now} Handsome cataluguc free. no disease. cu res thoroughly bvmnse It goes wherevar the (‘atmrh is, cure: our; case because its vapor deslmya the enutnrrh germ immhlly. To gel N!!! and stay fut-e fromcumrrh get (hlarrhoznne and use it; sutlsfacliun guaranteed. Why allow the filthy dim-ate to poison your system? I! drains 30m" urength, ruins digoktinn, pan:e-s Illw breath, makes \ on hopnlsive. 'l‘henne certain cure is "(‘Mnrrlmznne,” it rare. because it destroys ll 0 cause of mmifiéfi flamfil iii, A handsomely 3111-3:th woe-Hy. Ln. Test ctr. (Malian of any uiem, inc junrnul.'19rnzs.$3 a Pair: hut months.“ " Sold by all_ newsdmm mm £43 3mm” 5‘53 J “35%: Bram: 0mm.” «.5 F St. Tut {axiom l) O. ‘ TRACE MARKS Dssaeus Ccpvaxcms c. Anyone sending r. sketch and dcscflffioa may gulckly smam our opinion free wuethcr an xavemlqn ts puma-NY Immutable. Communion- Iions strict}! confidential. Handbnok on Patanu to}: free. ()2th nzociyfoisecunpgpatems. Inf-namine nu Tuesdnv, Nuv ‘28“. 3h nuns “ air aged 75 ) ears Palm: 3 taken {M32}: Mmm Co. recclfl' mew Mics, without. charge. in tLe In the Township of Gavan, rm Sutur- duy, Nov. 2511:, Robert. l‘eihick. aged 56 years. In the village of Mimmmk, 0n Fri- day,Nov. 24th, Mary Sarnhart, aged 69 years. In Ommuee, on ’l’hnzsdau‘, New. 1631:. Annie Fenemore, ro-lict hf the late Joliah Lmses, agead 37 years. At St Luke’s Rem: -r,\'. Ashhnrnhum. on (In sum mm, In R»\'. unvi Mrs. E. A Imugfeldt. a dunglnrr, DIED BORN In ('avan, on the 28'h ull ,m Mnand Mrs Jns. Hnnlvr, a Sun. 56mm Ema: M Many who «i. n’t realzze what. lies: beyond, treat an attack of the ‘nen'ea’ l with lmiifl'erem‘v. Others cunsider it ' ml soon puss mun; But in every one nervousness is a calamity. Only one renxely will cureuFermznneâ€"al norm strengthmxer that art: through : the Mood. Hrs: it givps you appetite } «you out plenty. This fills the Mom! ! whh nourishment fur the inner nerve; cc!!! PI: ergy and HvrI-ngth is instill-«1 into ("wry part 1)! the SstPm Yul] cat walk-ken» “'PHâ€" xmrs‘uusx-ess {Uh‘ «var departs, lemme yuu’u- used Fur. i runne- Price 500. per bnx of fix‘ 1" mum ‘m unbeaten. . Be Done With Catarrh! Nervousness a Calamity; During Recent Months the 3b.}. I), Thurnmn is prppnrm} :0 buy a cut load nf pntutuvs. Highest price plid during "Aid weatLer. "I slipped on an icy swp and sprain. 06 my light :lee very badly, writes Mia Minnie 1311720} he nfGlenwood.‘ h swelled to a tremendous size and cum-d Intense pain. I applied Polsoxr‘a Nurvlnne and gut pr: 11 pt relief; the honing “as reduced, and lefore long, I!“ able to use nu font. ” For sprains i gunnings and n vascular pm: 3 Neru- llno is the one sure remedy. Strong. I penetrating, swift to destroy painâ€"f thlt'l Polsmfis Nervihue. Fifty yeuss 5' In use. ”ORCH‘IO, C 1“ m J.‘ .5. I-A (11"!) Principal: 0!:le Society, read by Miss Jardine, tho efficient Secretary, slum ed it to Le fionnshing. We luvxe m have: Mr: mew‘n again soon. but now at Wrath-Wm v here She and her husband, Rev \‘C, M, «Kfinlzawin, have won the hearts 0! the people by their tea] in church workman! by their courteous dispositiun Happy ta moat. bnzaorry tn part, was the verdict. The ulleczious were 1i! erul, and the l’QpQrt We...” were delighted to meet. Mrs. ksmmwh'. \\ I20 fnrmer!y resided here, (mp ofthe n-osldellglufinw d profit- amue‘fljpgs ever spent in the Prv-s- mum." ("hnrch, Omemee, was on the occuio" Uf Mrs. (Rem) Kanmml .’n Vi!" here last MuxnlaY, under the uns- pleas oftne local branch of the \V. F. M 8 Mrs Kannawin kept the Iargu, ‘ppl’fl'ialhe and intellectual audience from all denominations in the village, we]: hound during her well delivered ”a poinh’d addreus on Foreign “is. lion work. Rev, Messrs. ’l‘enev, Me. Cullongh, Juhnston and Whitelaw a'gn delivered upgroprime addrosaes, the hmer gemleman acting: as chairman in lllgnsual happy manner. The ladies of the Snoh-ty decarated the Church, unduerVonl dainty refreshments. Al- togethor it was: grand a success. Those Spraincd Her Ankle. ELLIOTT VEGETABLE SICILIAN Plain; Renewal 5 ‘5 3 . ‘ , .._. . . If‘i“... anxl'm 9pc I‘M’AP In nan‘o k... .. -II ‘I. Umemee and Vicinity, â€"_â€"â€"â€"v v I 'n Ajmy; restores coior to gray hair, all the dark, rich color it used .0 have. The ha‘r stops 'rallmg, grows long and heavy, and all 33mm? disappears. An elegant dressing.“"£"fi“". mgmrr' A 7*, The Mirror h Mr. and Mrs, Norman chry were called lmu.e on account of the Illness of his father; who was seriously ill last Hominy, “e are glad honever ‘0 repeat that he is very much improvIed and I: able to be sun-um! again. On the farm or in town. Big profits, cxciubxn: territory. In- fo» manon hec. $100 to $400 per mumh. Wxitc qu;ck, don’t .Jchy. B 491, Lindsuy, dug. The Fauuiiy Herald aui Weekly Star of Montreal this week Warns the puhlzc against falling into a simple error There is another paper in Mon- treal with a snmetrhat similar name, but it is by no means the Family [lcruhtuml Weekly Star. When any cam-asset calls he sure your receipt in 1 for the quily Herald, the Word H‘quilg” must he used to get whet you want. The Family Herald and Weeklv Snu- xs the hi); family and farm paper which gh’eu that beautiful pic- ture, “Queen Alexandra, Her Grund- chiidreu and Ila-gs.” {rte toallsub- anthers. It is the biggest dollar's worth over offered. The It'amlty Herald and Weekly btar lune also issued the Farmers’ Manual and Veterinary Guide. a. hunk uo lunuer can well afford to be u ithmu. 'lhere ll an enur- mmzs rush of subscriptions to the Family Herald and \\ eekly Star this :61 on, and the pnbllshorl are asking pr sent Subscribers to ronev well in adVauce, to help them out In the great wlnch wm grow too when theta beau- eit’ul pictures are scattered throughout the country. The picture atnne is and to be worth mare than tuo dollars, yet 0 edullar utll hm the paper for a. year and the picture. uf rice and the best. wishes th-su .mthercd at Frnvlew the bride and 4mm“ left for the nine o'cluck train for I‘m-onto; intending to yisiL the Queen cityand uther \wstern points before their return. suite, the present: were beautiful num- eruus and enemy, and were attendance of the esteem m which the happy couple are held by their hunt offrieuds. Utln\\'a.'l‘oromo and other cities were represented by gins Amid am)“ an At the residence of Mnnud )lrs. Wm. Shaw, Fairview, Otonabee, on Thurs- Al' day Nov. 23rd at four o'clock in the ”‘99 afternoon, their eldest daughter Ive 'er Mav, was married to Norman Iiax- ere. neli Henry of Hope Township. “3", i’romptly at inur o’clock Miss Cummer “”h hogan to play the wedding march, as I” the sweet strains of the music filled the '9’!” home, the groom entered the parlor re . accompanied by his brother James F. who was groomsman: presently the bride entered leaning on the arm of her father, followed by her brides- maids, Miss Ada Shaw and Miss Olga Brand. Rev. E. A. Langreldt, B.ll., of Ashburnhnm. tied the nuptial knot. after which the congratulations v! the guests were extended to bride and n- groom. The bride looked charming in es a gown of white silk eoiienne over 6' white tufl‘etn. “lth bridal veil. Miss ni . ,8 { Ada Shaw in champagne eollenne, and I Miss Olga Brand in blue eolienne. The 1:, bride carried a hoquet of white chrys- s l nnthemume and the bridesumide pink i ’ ichrysantlwmume. "i The bride's travelling suit was 01 3" mulberry cloth with velvet turban to s 5 match. The groom's present to the i l bride was a substantial cheque; to the J ibridesmaids pearl rings and to the h V groommnan a pearl pin. 1 3‘ Supper was served by the Messrs, 3 Long Bros" caterers, Petvrhoro, about I seventy-five sat down, to partake of ‘ l the feast of good things provided, St ‘; w hich everyone united in saying was p ‘ i all Hut! could he desired h‘ev. Etir ' re 1 lmngfeldt then rose and proposed the 1’ health ot the Bride, In a speech full of e1 ’ wit and humor, at the clme of which ' 3' I he asked all tojoln in singing " She is ,9). i ajoily good feliovv." Rev. Mr. John. .‘ i stun of .\iillbrook was nextcalled upon; to ‘ in a brief speech he spoke of the pleas. l m l me it gave him to be present, having ' ,3. i known Mr and Mrs. Shaw when resi- l ya I dents oi Cavan. he deplored the fact of I u. so many bachelors continuing In their di‘ j lonely wav, and joined in wishing the jbride and groom happiness and ions: DJ life, \uth never a ruifle in home or business to induce the groom to ever give expression to his leeiings saying YC "oh pshztw.” Mr. ll, Lawson defended the bachelors in a speech to the point. in the course oi “hich he said,God made the bachelors, but the ministers 1' made the married men. At the request bio ofthe bride, Mr. and Mrs. }I.\\'. John- l i from ston sanga dust in their usual pleasing: hen style. and l‘he happy couple n‘erethe recipients I; of mair'y beautiful presents, among are which Wits $50111 cohi lrom the bride's parents. they received from the granule parents a solid mahogany bedroom poll and 'i‘ Mr R, J’. Dank w Friday on business. v .-.. u- no less than six cnrtam calls. He also “as the recipient of many beautiful huqnetfi, tendered by his numerous friends. “'ehespeak a successful on- uagement for the balance of the Com- pany’s soason. Town Hall, Millbrnok. Friday Dec. 1. Admission 25 and [5c. Philadelphia Remrd: " Mr, Mc- Wuwrs, as Edward Walton, in " Wife for wile." was at his best, "is de- mented some In the third not called for PUBLIC WARNING. Mr FREE â€"FREE. Mifiibrock Items. WEDDING BE} was in Omemee on " I spent nearly three years experlo menling with rheumatic remedies.” wricea Geo. E Sunbury, of Portland. 3"] had almost given up hope. when I . tried Dr. Hamilton’s PEHB' they com- ‘ pletely cured me. No remedy could to . better." You will never regret using Dr. Ham- mon’s Pills. Get. a. supply to-day from your druggist; 25¢. per box, or five boxes {or $1. By mail to any address if price is forwarded to N. C. Poison d: (70., Kingston. Ont” and [Iarford_ Comm. U.S.A. refiel' unt-ll the kldneus are stunnlaled First get them into “’(TklllL’ order. For this purpose llr. Hamilton's Pills excel! all uther remeillestliev hull and strengusen the kl~fneya as no other mediciie can do Once the kidneys are renewed by Dr. llmnilmu's Pills the trace 0! rheumatism disamienrs. No Case is too Chroinc to Yield to the Marvelous Influence of Dr. Hamilton's Plils. In case of rheumatism, the kidneys are nut dnimz their Wn'k. As a result poisons cry atnhzo around the Joint- and cause pain utmost akin tn turture. There can be no cure. no permanent Rheumnthm begins and ends in the blood which at no time is ever free from pviaou. But if the kidneys are healtlw. they will filter out the wastua and puisunu. Cures Rheumatism. You Use His Mandrake and But- ternut Pills-He Guarantees a Lasting Cure. Dr. Hamilton i The annual meeting of the Sunday ‘School Teachers and Officers of the Prealuterian Church was held at the residence at Mrs Pickup on 'lfuesday evening Trensurm’. report fur the year slum ed a gum! bunk uccuunt, l e exdos the Children's Day collection nrd napeviul collection taken (or foreign missions. It was decidul to add $25 worth of the newvst bunks to the ”bru- ry. Attendance and efficiency for t! 0 year has been extra good. Ahogether the 801100] is in a most flourxshing con- ditlon. A complete treatise on “ \Veather Instruments for the Home ” will be mailed to your address for 25c., or included free with any barometer. We are pleased to report that Mr. H. Dnnaford is able to be out again after I. week’s iHnesa. Mr. and Mrs. R. Watt, of Peterboro, Mr and Mrs. Ins Eakina, of Toronto, and Mr C F Randall, of Chicago, at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Mary Eakins, which took place on Saturday. The everyday convenience and usefulness of reliable barometers is becoming more and more recognized by Agriculturists and the general public. The use of a Baromei‘er‘ The engagement is announced of Miss Louise Bryce, of Toronto, to Dr. 17.] Snelgrove, B.A., MB. of Millbrook. The marriage will take place at the home of the bride‘s parents. 47 Lomther Ave , on Christmas Day. â€" News of Saturday. we mood passing through the heart. The murmur of anemia disappears when the blood regains its natural consistency and richness. It is not heart disease. Sometimes people sufl'er intense pain over the heart, which is not heart disease. but caused by the stomach. It is the occasion of much anxiety. alarm and suffering. for which its victim is dependent upon reflex disturbances from the stomach caused by indigestion. In the same way many bad coughs are dependent upon these reflex disturbances of what is called the pneumo- gastric nerve. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles thereby feeding the nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irritability, take Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, which promotes digestion and assimilation of food so that the blood gets its proper supply of nourishment from the stomach. Get as near to nature’s way as you can. A medicine made entirely of botanical ex- tracts and which does not contain alcohol is the safest. Dr. Pieree's Golden Medical Discoverv contains no alcohol or narcotics. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the 1 best liver pills. LIMITED [34â€"133 YONGE ST. TORONTO - 021T. RYQIE BROS. A guaranteed Ancroid Barometer (made by Short Mason, Léndon. Eng.) will be sent prepaid by Diamond Hail for $6.50. weak heart and poor nerves. Anemia means {him ness of blood. It is Common in men and young women and all those who work indoors. who do not get enough outdoor air and good oxygen in their lungs. There are too many white blood corpmcles in such cases, and there is often a peculiar sound in the heart, called a murmur, in cases of anemia. his heart murmur is caused by thinness 0‘ the Mood passing through the Heart. The .np‘lrgxur of anemia dignnnpure m1...â€" Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for offiCc assistants, not only from I’ctcrboro but from other plaL‘cs as We”. We have not been able to do this in all cases duringr the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a competent Stenographer and 'l‘ypcwrltcr 15 certain of a good position. You Will make no mistake in getting a Nothing Succeeds Like Success Office 2nd Door West of Com- mercial House, Omemee. U _-.Câ€"â€"â€"-v, ~-v‘b.¢lu, WU: Deering Hay Tedder, Cossnt Hay Loader, Deering Light Draft Machinery, c.v Your orders will have my hest attcntzon. Farm Implements, 8:0. McLaughlin Carriages, Flows and all kinds Plow Points Cream Separators, Deering Waggns, Sleighs, c. “no.4“... DEERING HAREIESTING : MACHINERY WILLIAM STREET For the: past few months I have hccn Searching the best market for choice things in Clothing and Haberdashery and now while: my stock is at its heat, I ark you to 14ch me the pleasure of showing you the latest things in my store. Come and look and buy at your pleasure. During my business experience last year, I have endeavored to treat every man, woman and (‘hild faitly, and I feel confident that this invitation will he cordially rcccivcd and accepted by everyone. The freedom of thci store is yours. AVJAY BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE. WIN‘Q General Dry Goods and C L O T H I N G HQUZEE’S PflR BARGAINS Right Opp. Benson House l Get your clothes made like new by having them dyed by Parker's Dye \Vorks, I’eterboro. Harry Richards, Millbrook agent, at his store, D. Chamber's old stand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. I am also agent for the Pcterboro Steam Laundry. H Richards. The graduating recital of Miss Mys- ele Newton at the Toronto College of Music last night was a. particularly bright affair. Miss Newton lean elo- antioniet oi exceedingly attractive presence and much personal magne- tism. Her readings are remarkably tree from staglnees. She has a. genius (or being natural. The selections she geve, pathetic, tragic, humorous, were ,ndmirnblv adapted todilplay her ver- satilitv. Her ft rt is without doubt, humor. In the selection entitled “Shady Ronny" compose-i by this clever young reader, kept her hearers in ripples of laughter, while ill all dialects this charming graduate al- most convulsed the audienceâ€"Mail and Empire. Town Hall, Milibronk, Friday Dec 1st. Admission 25 and 15c. )uurs. Business Education. Q‘Write [or Our Handsome Circulatfifl . PRINGLE, Principal, Petertoro, Ont. LENDSAY. FOR A SUIT OR OVERCOAT. This is especially two when applied to the January 1st, 1906, for :"cw Doors South of Maundcr’s Hotel AGENT FOR ”9; LINDSAY. S'I‘RAYEI) into the premises 02' john Kerr, East yé Lot 20, Conces- sxon 4, 'l‘ownship of Emily, during the month of ]unc,1905, 2 SOWS.; Owner can have same by proving pro party and paying expenses. JOHN KERR. Omcmce 1’. O. Omemcc. Nov. 6th, 100:. Mr. John Raper, o! Peterboro, zueat at the home of his son, Mr‘ Raver, on Tuesday. If you knew how bad for health can- stipation ll you would be more celeful. lrregulur bowels cause ex-peudlcltie, jaundice, anaemia and a thousand other disease. :00. Sewer or later it‘ will bring you to a sick bed. The one of Dr. Hamilton's Pllls changes all this quickly. They are made to cure con- stipatloum one night. and always do so By taking Dr. Hamilton's l’llle you are sure ofa keen appetite. aplen- 1 did colonjovlal eplrlte and sound rest- fuleleep Gentle In action; good for men, women or children. 25¢. per box, or five for $1.00. At all dealers ln medlclue, (‘hvun Council proceedings unavoid- I ably held over tlll next week. Are You Costive? officé hssislants, Bp()kk¢e[)i:1g or , 190;. Peterboro, was a years. 35c, '. 77 Kent-Sf LINDSAY \VATCHES, CLOCKS, jE\V- ELRY, SILVERXVARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. The Popular Jewelry Store, is a gem and a treasure to the recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purchased at our store. We have a notablvfine assortment of rings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jcweiry here now. Prices cut 1-3 or more. Every article fl'iiy warranted. EFF. 3â€"1 will be glad to see all my friends in Omemee, Ops, Emily and Cavan when they visit Lindsay. Make our store your headquarters when in town. D a ir y Butter. W. F.MCCAHTY’S. Wedmfisent FINE Did You linowi We offct a full years. subscription to The a full year’s subscription to that greatest of al‘ and Weekly Star, of Montreal, including their andm, Her Grandchildrm and Dogs,” and a and Veterinary (Zundc.”all for $1.69. A samp can be seen at this office. The most complete Farmers’ Handbook and ~â€"Simplc and practical Information of the: greatest Three: hundred and fifty-eight subjects deal interest and many ofthcm Illustrated. B. LAIDLEY, Highest Prices Paid FOR Compiled by the Agricultural Editors of the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal at the Request of Hundreds of Readers THAT WE SELL ALI. GRADES OF ABook That no FarmerGanAIfcrd to be Without Mixed Feeds Every Dept. of both Stores is full with the best goods that can be obtained from the big Markets of the World. Call and prove our assertion. Our New Fall Stock of Dry Goods Furnishings, 81c. Benson Hausa, Lindsay. HELLB! A'l‘ RIGHT PRICES. OUR ANI) OMEMEE SPECIAL OFFER. MILLBROOK ONT tion to '1‘ be M iUbrook and Omemcc M inor. rates: of all \Vcekhcs, the Family Herald ‘luding their beautiful picture, “Queen Alex- ogs,” and a copy of ‘ The Farmer's Manual to. A sample copy of the picture and book iii”: “an“... 0:”: £09.“ gala-a0". QZHQHHOU Ea 25c. Pipes - for 15 cent: 35 and 4°C Pipes for 25 15c Pipes {or 10 “ mc Pipes for 5 “ corn cobs 2 {or 5 “ Tobaccos always fresh in! Trilbys Winks Ala bamas Scotch Reel Up-tmdate Specxal Vcncedora BankruptStock of Pipes Toronto, Stone Wellington, ( ”BIDS. Orchardlsts~in examining Tree: (or insects, Gardmersâ€"in cumming Plants for insects, Teachers and Scholars in studying. Botany and Everybody in i hundred different ways. Cut in Cigars of the: greatest value to «Every farmer. subjects dealt with ; every one of them of A Wrxte for particulars, and Send age. for our handsome Aluminum Pociet Microscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmersâ€"-in examming Seed: and and surrounding. country, which will be reserved for the right man. START NOW at the bestselling season, and handle our NEW SPE- CIALTIES on Liberal Terms. At once for “ C mad: 3 Greatest Nurseries" {or the t0wn of TO REC'Fâ€"Thc Norlh Half of I Lot number Six, in the Svcond Con» l cession ofthc Township of Emily. . zoo ACRES. About 1}; mile. [south of the Village of Omcmcc. A l frame dwellxng. frame ham and a frame I shed on the premises. l ‘or particulars apply to Local Agent Wanted 7 All the latest and improved brunch.- 5! dentistry lucceufuny porftmnod. Charges moderate. O F F I C 8 any Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent M William streets. Dr. F. A. Walters. DENTIST, Lumen r. ._H_9_no-r Graduate of Toronto Univ".- It: and Royal College of Damn! I» geom. Above to Farm to Rent. Executors of the Esta: Margaret A. Nelson, MILLBROOK; k and Veterinary Guide Fonthill Nurseries, (over 800 acres) I. “an... luded‘; 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for Ontario. cum: 25 25 25 25 25 to I. tc o! I, deceased. ever iuued . Ge'nt'a

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