v vvs. it Much»: $50 v rds grave! got by Rï¬ichudaon 6: damage 111' road I I 50 â€â€˜M, repauiug cuh an and yun'mg 5faV05 on 8111 can line 1 50 S Martin. ruv. when. on Cuu 8 opposite int 9....... ....... l 00 J ï¬cï¬enh, ï¬lling in 11 duhoul on on bus con line............... 3 60 R Lawns, for ramng and fence ‘ "00ml unnel 11“."... .... 3 00‘ s Undiner, rah m: stones ofl' road ' from Cavahviue to Mi‘llxrook l 00 / )3“ (fluke. 62 yde gravel at 60c ' par â€11.5111: on road Di\'.1.\’o 333116 road to pit.... ...'... 39 20 .‘W mayor). pd Mr. Hannah lot 38 ‘1‘: ,3. gun! for e b, 1-2 price 2 66 ï¬shes 6: Bous,gravelli11g on w ‘ boandaty, (‘avan’ a shim»... 15 00 13. B thon. damage winter toad ' ht 14. 00111....“ .......... 5 0. 1:": 3c W Riobnda, blanks from Mun- ’ 1‘ ‘igipal Watlu ...... .... ...... X 78 â€when of(‘ ouncil, pay to date )0 00 1 _ E-in balance 0! quarters ml. 25 00 : Ilrï¬lflmu- _, work on real. q Conn. $235.)" “as up; (.imed to In- vutigue R Touchburu’s account and Conn. Shaw to Investigate Archie Rey. nom’ accunm ' 0n molt .n the Reeve was authoflzed to sign the following orders on “.9 Tnuuwr; ‘ 1103;.) ly 'L‘Gnn. ‘SHeIgIa, sec by than, Maples, That the Reeve lo a ' mm u-m: :- to look after Indigent at 11 , .L-hum's as he sees ï¬t. Canned. Moved by Conn. suicide. sec by "nun. Sham, That our solicitor, Mr. Ruddy, be instructed to publish the recount; unlice to conï¬rm the Long Swamp Drainage By-Law, and preparo m petition to the Ontario Legislature to conï¬rm the said Bylaw. Carried. â€and b3 Conn. Kelly, sec by Conn. Hawks, That. S E Fergusml get $4 on bunus account. for wire fence built. {untied . tip-n. 4 k» I, for $16.00, and he Mac in- - smacked Fred. Brown to let 'water 08' M. Kg'Medd’e um. Boon. Kelly reported that he and ‘ {Ht-Cu. Dose]! of Mlllbrook, hat ajnb - 'm‘ unveiling to Wes Laruwr. was: of Manon on 51.]: con. at. 33c. 11 Var-J, and am» to complete a piece of unveiling 9:: 53h corn, “eat. or 20 yards at 330. a yard, um Le lesajub chilling in a (washout. uppuflite lot. 8 can. 5 for $3 00 3 to James McNeish, am] he reported Inn 2301303 4: Boggs had ï¬nished nj-ab of grave-Hing «m was! boundary, and he in ajob to S Martin repairing culvert (-1! 8") line, and also a jub to Sid Gar- :srner of ranking atmzee ( (from! from Laylnville to Millbruuk fur $1.00. Moved b, Conn. Kelly, sec. by Conn. bidelds, That the selectors 01.1mm: I ,r 1906 20131000 for their service: this year. (.‘unuJ. Moved by Conn. Staples, sec by \ nnn Kelly, 'l‘mn. Amos “rag: get a rebate of one dollar for overcharge of I: ring. Carried. Communications were feft on the table. _ The Reeve reported that the ï¬tting in and piping at Stanton's bridge fa : completed, and that 11 Elson reported E to him respecting an indigent at his place and requested the Reeve to take flame steps respecting him. 11 Mulli- gan spoke about purchasing some pieces of cedar belonging to the Town- ship at. Mltclaells mm. and he instruct- ed him to see the Clerk about them. Conn. Shaw reported that Cotlectors aecnrilies were all right, and that he Iotajob nfï¬lling in a. washout oppo- site B Neils. w quarter lino con. 1. {or SMNIO DJ Armstrong. and ujob c! gnwefling to (:has. Lunn'of 303urds on From Depurtmonh)! Public Works, V‘l'orunto, respecting re Long Swamp ' Drainage Works. From Minister of Agriculture, To- ronto, reopectinga. recent blll about the Inture members of the Counties (journal. From the (‘ierk of the Peace, Cohonrg acknowledging receipt 0! names of Jurors for 1906, within prescribed time. From Wm. C. Brent, Toronto, res- pecting purchasing Denenmres. From Canada Law 8001: (“0..Torontn, respecting a. book on the In w of assess- ment From Counties Cle'k respecung ’rtaaanter's sake of lam! fortunes on “:8 3rd day 0! January, 1806. The foHowing communication wore read: Tho minute! '0! the last meeting wen wad, approved and signed. Council Chamber. (‘avam Monday Oct. 23. 1905 The t‘omvcilmet at 11 o’clock a.m. 2:133 day. pursuant to adjournment. Mamba-sill prawn. ’lhe Reeve pre- siding. con l.-......... . . . . girork on road divismn CAVAN COUNCIL. on“ “'3‘? two years. We are eye expert; We can aï¬otd you perfect sight. H. A. Turner m illbx-ook- S cts. .-_. u v" vul u «1, ;\vv. l‘tll, ‘09 5. Sermons “I“ be preac bed at to. 30 a. m. and 7 p m. by Rev. G. R. Clare. Syccxal Music by (hair A free-“Ill offering ml] be: taken In aid of the Tnmt Fund. R. }. Fallis, ScC.-'I'reas. Trust Board. ). E. RNwson, Pastor. | The Anniversary Services Fallis Line Methodist Church held on Sunday, Nov. 1211), n Mrs. A. Larmer rctumed Thursday from a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. “'11:. Harmer, Pctcrboro. Messrs. Wes. Porter and W. Porter gav: the Mirror :1 call on 'l‘uesday. Rev. J. E. Robeson will preach in the MiHbrook Methodist Church on Sunday, Nov. 12th. l’cthick, of Bethany, was united in marriage to Miss Alice'I). Redford, of ‘ West Milton. Rev. Mr. Sexsmith per- formed the interesting Ceremony, after which the happy couple left for their hnmem Bethany, Billy is a former Millbrook young man and a host of his friends here Will join the Mirror in extending to him and his estimable young bride best wishes for their con- ‘ tinned happiness and prespenty. A pleasant event took place at the Mcthodxst Parsonage. (:avunvillc, on thynh of Octubcr, “hen Mr. W. H. Gct your clothes made like new by having them dyed by Parker’s Dye \Vorks, Pcterboro. Harry thhards, Millbx'ook agent, at his store, D. Chamber's old stand. Your patronage is t'eSpectfully solicited. I am also agent {or the Peterboro Steam Laundry. H. RichardS. ï¬'lbn’t forget the Fallis Line Anniversary Services on Nov. 12th. Rev. G. R. Clara: will be the special preacher on this occasion, and as he is an able speaker, the good people of Fallis Line and surrounding country who attend the scrviccs will no doubt be plcased and ediï¬cd. Mr. and \Irs. Wes Porter and chil- dren, Hug-I and Earl, of \\ allachurg, are gucsts at the home of Mr. “1.11 Porter 01 Manvuu Station. Mr. Porter had 6000 DUahcls of "rain this season Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Foster and daughter, Miss Velma, returned to Toronto on Monday. after a pleasant visit at the home of his Ststcr, Mrs. G. Fowler It is about seventeen years Since Mr. Foster, (Rollie), ï¬rst left Millbrook, but he still retains pleasant recollections of this town, and he “as delighted to notiCe the great improve- ment in the appearance of it. Rollie’s numerous friends here were glad to see him again. Mr. Foster has a good position With the Kemp: Mfg. Co. The Mirror joins in wishing him continued success. Tickets 25 Cums. Even body come. Rev. Dr. Manin l’ustox; dexard Rolm1d.(olleagm; 'l. R. Graham, Secretary. p; m. Spcciul collcctions in aid of Trust Fund. In addition to the climr, musxc will be furnished by that? popular soloist, Mrs. C. M. McCarthy, of Toronto. On Monday, NOV. 6th, a foul supper Wlll be served in the Orange Hall 'l.‘om 4 toS p. m..uftcr which an excellent programme will be given In the Town Hill. consisting of liriciaddrcSSrs lw thc Rcvs. ]. M. l \Vliitclaw, B. 1).. omeumec. Dr. Bishop, of Lindsay, N. 1). Drew, of Pontypool; M E Scxsmitli, B A . L. 1.. B., of Cuvanville, and Col.\‘\’nrd, M. P. Musxc by the followmg artists: Proï¬Georgc F Smedlcv, Mandolin, Guitar 11ml Banjo Solois’; Miss Mabel Manley, that eminent soprano, the Can- adian Paul, and also selections by Mrs. McCarthy. Miss Ncllle Brown, of O.ik\\-oo<l. will be the accompanist, and Dr. Poivers of Port Hope, will be chairman. The Best of All to Come! The Anniversary Services of Bethany Methodist Church, will be held on Sunday and Monduv, Nov. 5th 6:11. On Sunduv, Nov. 51!), the eminent divine, Rev. Dr. Curman, will preach at 10.30 3.1:). and 7 Mr. J. I. Preston, M. P. P., and Mr. John Vance, of Bethany, and Mr. R J. Grundy, Postmaster, of Omcmcc, attended the funeral of the late 'I‘hos. Grundy, of Mlllbrook, yesterday. The latter gentleman was a cousin of the deceased. I W G Russell 6: Sona,acconntren- dared for vement .......... 6 34 R Lnnn, Work on middle road, Booth of ï¬lillbrook 3 00 W Larmer grmelling 5th con w of station, 22 )ds at 85 cents Cu? an ’3 share ofunlon 47y dB at 33c ... 23 2| C Lnnn, 30 5ds gravel put on con soppoaite lot 1...... ..... 16 00 J J Fair, for Reeve, Assessor and Clerk choosing Jurors...... lo 00 Members of Council, Com. work Conn. Kelly, 2 days $4, Conn Shun-,1 day 2 00 ......... ... 6 00 Conn. Shaw, expenses to Port Hope eeurcmlzing Collectm'e securities .. .. . . .... 2 50 S EFergnson, on acct of bonus for wire fence built........ 40 00 R Ruddy, Ontario Gazette notice re Long Sn amp Drainage. By-law .......... . ...... . .. 8 00 W Ralph, 159 3d» gravel west boundary. Clarke, full price {l 13 Ben Oland. 67 yds gravel put on west bcundury and ï¬xing culvert .................. ....... 34 00 S Might, 177 yds gravel got by S l Hall,J Tall. and J Finley... 12 39 On motion, -tI-.e Council adjourned uutil 10303.11). on Monday the 200: day or November next. CHAS. MCNEIL, Reeve. J. J. FAIR, Township Clerk: o 30m:o-oo-..oo-;.uo on; - wï¬iliott work and material, Stmtnu' a bridge....-..... . .. A wnflt. rebate on overcharge a dog........ ...... . Wu .4‘26...‘fl â€DD-257.332? 1905 of the m“ be Messrs John McBride, Rub: Nurse, Wm and Charlcs McIvor and George Hetheringtoï¬ are away on thclr annuai deer hunt. Surcly the error Will Iwe on venison for awhile after they ré‘furn. Rev. Dr. Marvin,nf Bethan), “as in tom: )csterday. Quite a number were present. at a very interesting missionary meeting of the Methodist Epworth' League last Monday night, which was efï¬ciently conducted by Miss Lillie Peel. Ex- tracts and a letter hearing on this subâ€" ject were read by Mrs. Walter (lillott and the Misses Stella Hethermgton and Maud Nugent. It is to be hoped that all members will be careful not to either give or take offence too easrly, ‘ but that due allowance and forbearance “'lii be made to one another during the meetings, and in fact at all time-4. 661 ' Many beautiful wreaths were plaCed on the casket, among them one frnm Home and Mother, Pillow from Mill- l)rook Public School Board, Compass ' [and Square from I B. Hall Lodge. Wreathlrom Cavan Council, Wreath from Mr. and Mrs. :\ Raper, 'l‘oronto, i and Floral OfTering from the 'l'eaclzers of the Miillmmk School. The funeral was conducted by _l. B. Hall Lodge AJ“ :\.M., and the Independent Order of Forrestersattendcd in a body to pay, their last tribute of respect toa departed brother. Both Lodges marched to the cemetery to the solemn strains of the Dead March, played by} the Millbrook Citizens Band. Rev. ‘ W C Allen assisted by the Rev \V R SpenCer and Rev. Wm. johnston con- ducted the impresnvc funeral services and when the church service was con cluded, the Brethren of J. 1}. Hall ‘ Lodge formed round the grave I)r.. ‘ Montgomery, “KM. read the beautiful i funeral service of the order and thei Brethren gave the last honors in memâ€" ory of the departed. The pall hearers were members of J. R. Hall Lodge, viz: Dr. Clarke, Dr. Turner and Messrs. Harry Armstrong, A. Leach, }. C. Kells and A. A Smith. General and wide spread sympathy is expressed for the family in their ber- eavemcnt. 100 2 95 The funeral loox place on 'l'Uc5(lay from the family rcsxdcnce to St. l’aul’s (IcIm-tery, Cavan, and was very largely attended. He lcflVLS to mourn his loss a wife, two scns, '1 homas A at home, (1. Arthur a sludcnt at the Unwcrsity and a daughter, Margaret at home. His mother. rclnt of the late 'Ihcmas Cdmphcll nsidmg m. Hope, lhrcc brothers. john near Pctcrboro, 'l'homas in Hopr, William gent-ml merchant, Cump'mllrro't, and Ev;- si.tcr.<, Mrc. McMurlrv and Mrs. G. Patterson, Pvrt Hope, Mrs. Hanna, Midland, Mrs Robt Wumls. Caxan and Miss Maria at home in Hope, also survive him. Mr. Campbell was a successful ar mcr and llruught to lns work on the: farm and clncwllerc sxcady _ dctt-rminn- lien, great cncrgv, a clear head and intelligent apprcciutiun of what l.c had to do. H: was stmlglll and hours: in lus dealings, llulhl'ul in wunl and acnnn. lalr and honorablc in the different relations of life. By all his friends and m-lghburs he uill be greatly mlSSCd, his wife and family who knew and loved him best can but look to the great I’thcr (~f all for cox‘lsz)l;.ti0n in their heavy troul lc. Cavan, who survivas him. To tins union wcrc born hve children thrcc of whom are living. With the advent lot'lulwx-sawng mu chinery Mr. Campbell found lnmself able to devote mOre tune to matters of public concern to Wlllt‘ll he always gave intelligent interest, and in x876 he was elected Deputy Reeve of Cumn, Reeve in 1880 and Warden of the Connties m 1885, retiring from muni Cipal life at the expiration of his term l as \\'ar(len. Recognized as a safe l steady man, relmhle and of more than average. business uhih‘y, he had no difï¬culty in retaining the conï¬dencenf the people of (Tavnn and made many mum perst nnl friends amcng his (‘nl lcgues ofthe Counties Council. He was returned to the Legx‘lature In 1891 as Member for East Durham, hut failed to secure re-elet‘tinn in ’94 being defeated by the late ‘\\' A Fullis. Mr. Campbell had been School 'l‘rustce for many years and filled that ofï¬ce and was 'l‘rensurer L-f Cuva‘nat the time of his death. In x879 he married Margaret \\"alsh, daughter of the lute leliam Walsh of the Fallis Line, , Mr. Camphcll was born in the town ship of Hope In 1844 on the family homestead now owned by his hrothcr Thomas, and Scltlcd: in Cavan when IS years Of age on _‘ the: farm he: has since owned and occupial up to the time of his death For ycars he: found exchIsc fur brain and mussels: in clear- ing, Improving and cultivating his land, wflncssmg and sharing in thc: evolution of harvest machinery from the cradle and rake ti) the reaper and self-binder. About noon on Sunday the 29th day of October the people of Mlllbrook were startled to hear of the sudden death of Mr. George Campbell, which toox place at his residenCe about one mile South of the Village on that day. He rose in the morning to all appear- ance as well as usual and saw [hm eVerylhing was attuuled to, about 10 oclock a.m. he got out a horse and nggy for Mrs. Campbell and her ‘ sister Mrs Fee to drch to church, and then went~into the house and lnyrluwn on a sofa reading a hook Ills eldcst .-:on Mr. 'l‘hos. A. Campbell sat uhout four feet from him also reading. Abom twenty or twc-nty-ï¬ve minutes later without exclamation or alarm of any kind he fell off the sofa, lns son instantly Spmng to his assxstance to hear but the ï¬nntest gasp and‘ Mr. (Iumpl‘ull passed beyond human1 and. His death was due to heart faxlure, swn‘t, sudden and painless. Very Sudden Death Mr. George Campbell Passes Away Without a Moment's Warning.â€" Was Most. Highly Respected. TEASé to Suit Every Taste. Try Them and BE CONVINCED. Call and we Will be pleased to quote prices on all lines we carry. , ‘ - We will not have ' OMEG- Bread for sale in p_-1_----- â€"- --‘- ‘ D On Each Purchase that you h'avye a Nice Surplus Left Over from the Moriey you In- tended to Spend, that Shopping at. Moore’s IS a Pleasure. If You are not a Customer of ours already we will pleased to add you to our list of Patrons, and Guarantee to Treat you Right. As that with which you Buy Groceries, 55c at Moore’ 8. YYY Ya YSYYY SY YYYYY It means that disunue “ill soon at- tack tho lungs. \\ herzmg is distress- ing to the sufferer and annoying to his friends. Nothing half so cerlnirnh. bronchitis and throat (rnuhle as "(‘u- I l E ltarrhozoneâ€; it ghes Instant relief and 5 cures even the worst cases Bronchitis 2 i 1 ! fairly flees under the magic influence oft‘atarrlu-zune “ML-h cures SO thor- oughly the disagree never returns E Other remedies may relieve, but ‘0;- garrhuzone’ cures bronchitis, cutarrh, and throat truublo {or same time tn come, S..Id every“ here. glgbmak, Gm: Mrs Yarwood, of Picton, is n guvsl at the home of Mr and Mrs (; Elliott. Dr. A†Russall spent 'I'hanksgivmg Day with Toronto frunds. Mr Alfn-d NUCdI‘Cl‘ was a V:.‘ilOl' to Toronto 'l‘hnnlbgn‘h‘g Day. Mrs A A Smith and children haw returned home after a pleasant us}! to O~hawa. One or the rural achools in Kansas has apretlygirl as m tenc.‘1er,lmtshe “as much tmublud at ï¬rst lwc‘msv many of her pupils were late ever) mormng. At last she made an av. nounoement that who Would kiss the lst pupil to arrive at. the school house next morning. A: sunrise (me three largest boy: of hefcluss were Billing on :he doorstep of the hchoolhuuse and by (5 o'clock every boy in the school and {our trustees were waning for her to arrive. future until furth‘er notice REMEMBER: No mere stimulant or alcoholic concucllun can take the place at the nerve and blood nourishment contained m Ferrnzone. This true tonic always dnus what is claimed for ll. Sold 6\‘er_\‘\\lame in 500. l’uXeS or six for $5 50. By wall from N (‘. Pel- son ck Co, llnrtmrd, (‘mxn., UAS.A., and Kingston. Om. weak and sick: mend Fern'zuhe Daigle. " About. a par ago I had a. serious sickness, Sort of a general breakdown. My digestiunfuiled entireLv and I ma: able to eat but very littfe. {tank vio- lent stomach pnina and suffered terri- bly from headaches. My doctor said ‘II. was "I erve exhaustion†and I might never he well. My troubies iricre.ised, for as I grow weaker I became subject. to neuralgia and rhcumuthm. Sleep ï¬nally forecok me and I uimoatiost heart. Difleren! medicines didn’t help. Doctors cuuldn't do me any good. I was desperate u hen I heard of Ferro- Zone. The ï¬rst box convinced me it wasjust whutI needed. It tnned up my etonmch, gave me a splendid appe- me‘ and then my recoi ery seemed eueier. Ferruzmie increased my weight. several pounds, has rwtorod my nerves given me a good c010!" and strength such as I never had 'before. For the Listen For the Bronchial ‘Wkeeze.’ But there is a cure. a true speciï¬c for women's ills that restored n. prmnlnenl. lady in Moncton, Mrs. Duigio, u ho tells the {0110“ iuu exyerience: Mrs. Emma Daigie of Moncton, N.B,, Sends an Open Letter to All Sufferers. Most. women are tired v. heu they wake up Housework draganlong with great difï¬culty. Nervousuess is always present, headaches seldom depart“ wars are ever ready to fluw. HEALTH F08 W0†uE Opp. Town Hall, :(‘nn truly recmn- (Signed) Emma ‘. i Anoth r Highly Respected Citâ€" izen Passes Away After a Lingering Itlness. This week it is unr_ regretful dun to chrnnir-lo the «Math of a widely knnwu and respected citizen, who died at his residence hr-re on Monday inst. In May 1003 while in “enmity A! r. 'l'hnmus Grundyï¬uceived a paralytic stroke and fur a time his rechvery was funred' very general ('ul 0 'rn was ex- pressed fur his mmiitiun, and n atronu feeling of relief pPrVHde the commitm‘ ‘it_\' “'1th hnpes were held out of his recovery. After a time he nofur im- proved us to he removed homo, and here the most careful nursivg and ski]- ful medical and did much to restore his shattered health. After months 0f Death afThos. Grand}! aycr' s Pills ia-zrea 543â€"91}: activitTS? the ï¬ver. and thus 3:†recovery. M as. Elf IfdiixiSux}'Siliiiéfmch. “gonna ï¬phu QM .1 C. ATBR 00., Lowagl. â€My! Has his New Premises will be pleased to have ï¬ne stock of Pianos arr. The ‘Sherlock-Manning’ Or the GOLD RIEEvAL Fair last Mont 9.2 rm 2. 1‘ hey {airh agoniZÂ¥ \our life. Sumo- M. an" puuerfu) and penetrating is needed. Ducturs know of nothing Bu awâ€! tn relieve as Nen'iline, a. strong penetrating Iinimt‘nl n: ads in (nre just am 11 pains as vnnrs. NPrvxline is new (:uncexztrated, about four Mums more powerful than ordinary linimeut. In the wars! muses lolson's Narvilzne is owl-ordinary yard. All muscular pain flees hefnre H. Nc‘arly ï¬ils‘ _\ears in useâ€"u good recommendation, smelx, TER RBI LE BACK PAINS. Is the liver, Small wonder tlmt liver trouble makes you feel so miser- able. '1 he a) lnploms are cmvslipatlun 1drz’zinéuus, indigestion, headache, feel- ing of depression and lack ul appe‘ite. There is but onesnrecnre,â€"- Dr. llam- ilton’s l’ills In every case they are successful. 15y relying' on Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills you are sure of strong vital- ih', nunrisl'ing lJiO().', bright cheery uplrltn, No longer will you suffer {rum illsurdered liver or kidneys. 'l'he marvel ofthis medicine 18 that“ keeps yuu walk-prevents and wards of!‘ sickness of every kind. 25¢. per box everywhere. Sg‘cciai Attention Largest Organ in the Body. . .- W e.‘ ‘n- cx-mazme u. JV“ LONDON A {urinal-,speukiug belure u Farmer's Institute says :â€" ‘As a rule lhe farmer know; no ï¬rmer frleml Hum the cunn- try press. The hnme paper, supported indirectly by the farmers w ho compose the backbone of the printer's subscrip- tlon list, and largely for what the cm terprlsmg merchant advertises. Let as see that our subscription is pald up to dale and at year in advance. The man w ho ï¬ghts my battles shall have my support.†brightevegumc :5 hum); ; uni :: ï¬ne is nctvmzs, lrtitalllc and ‘.'l‘-'s~-| WU" thing guea wrung Brlgm cln-z-ry Women usually use Ferruzuz v. â€19 greatest health-mnlrmr k'tmu Hy “Cling through the blcud Fvlr- z me in able to reach all the urguns lhut m-cd usuiulaucv; it establish-s regular and heallh)‘ action of a†I‘uxu'liuns. buan Up the general lmuhh, fan-lilies the 83 stem “M: u rrserve of energy Hm: deï¬es disease. Don’t, put. nifâ€"l-‘errn- Zone costs ‘ uly 50c 39. any drug atnre get it 10-day. Var} lama], dew-mm. l' â€A dispusuuu ; If mile i=1 111.3" brighteveuunu rs impp} , i First Cl The Happiness of Home. That Watch, How is if? A wooden box in which to mail your watch to us will be sent you :x'oc on Perhaps your timepiece has not been giving com- plete satisfaction of late. request. JCV-Vinch‘a czg BYBlE B1205. LIMITED 134-!33 YONGE 5T. TORONTO - ONT. No other establish- ment in Canada is so well equipped fox-watch needs as is Diamond Hall, with its rcccmiy enlarged facilizicsâ€" nnd‘itSAhalf century of experience. ass Outï¬ts at 9 ‘6')» Q IO m. l' Hm zxwrhet'd in animfl'Pl} and Jpn} ; hm :5!!!“- Reasonable Rates CITY LIVER? UNION-s11, EILLBROOH. ‘nmmcrcialmen '. T. IsicBriï¬a es tastefully ï¬tted up and we you call and see his and Organs. including the prilrcu Dcxorc Magistrate Doak hcrc last week, and after hearing lhc evi- dence the Magxstratc committed him for trial, bail being accepted. The parties shot by jackson Were umviiling mtnesscs on the case. [mum is an amt member, :1ny s!.( have a long and Useful ministc caret-133:1 which the Mirror joins wishing him cvcry succas. Mr S]ac1;son, who ï¬guxcd in $011qu Monnghan shooting affazr. pmrcd before Magistrate Doak I: last week, and after hearing the deuce the Mnchm... an-....:..u,: I Rev W (2 Allen, M A, has been appointed Rector of Cavan, succxcding lns iatlxc‘r. 1h: Yen. Archdeacon Allen. who was Rcclor (2f the Parish fur ï¬lly- fuur ycars If the son has, (and 1-0 donln he will), llw same hearty cc vp- cmtinu of hm parislxium'rs as his un- eralnlc and highly respected {alhrr has had, LES Rectorslxip will Lu: planar-t indeed. The new Rector :5 just in his Teachers’ Convention 15 bcmg held in Milli: rook this neck. Tic Rt-m‘ Mr. “'01 Fisher has staet: d :1 1 Lu 1(- smith business at Gait. Suzy to scc :mh good citizens leave town, but We: icin in wishing him succi<ss in his new homzu The Public Library Comrsr: last Thursday evening was' fairlv well at- tended. The program was VLIY ï¬nr, being givcn by local ta'cnt, and Miss Smxthson, Bailicboro’s leading sirgcr. The Rev. W. C. Allen was chuixman. The net proceeds will b: about $25. Qingans lln- Minorjoins m hearty gccd m lusto Mr. and Us. Lang. The brads was the recipient of numerous and costly presents. an expression of the high esteem in which she is held. Among the p cs:-ms are a $10.00 goid piece, and a handsome marble clock. gionth. .5. daintv wedding dejr'uncr was served at the prettv home of the bride's mother, George street. The happy couple took the cvcnzng train for their home in Miiiln'ook. fulfowcd by the hearty good wishes of a host of friends. Azrivmg at Miilbmok‘tatlcn thry were met by a number of their friends who accompanied them to home of the groom's mother, Mrs. }. Lung, where a pleasant evening wss spent, after which dainty rcfrwhmcms wexe served. B. D, in t‘ e’presence of 01:13 the immediate relatives of contracting parties: "he blide looked charming in her lovcly trosscau. S h e w a 5 given away by her uncle, Mr. 135. Porter, of Cavan. The interesting ceremony was pex formed 11} Rev. E A Langfcldt, when Mr. Thomas James Lang, one of the most prominent and successful busincse men of the flourishmg town of Milibrook, was umted in the how bonds of wed- lock to Missjulia Maul Mmhcll one of Pctcltcro’s must lnglnly respected young ladies, and the eldest daughtcx of Mas. Wm. H. Mztchcil. A (mm, but plctty “(adding took place m St. Luke's Chmch, in the City of l’czerborough, on 'vadmsJay evening. Nov. 15!, MISS MAUI) MITCHELL THE HAPPY BRIDE. Mr Thus J Lang, of Milli‘smk, Patter: urn . Manx‘ors St: Port. "up! .. (‘arnLVinle M Ma ..... . ......... MI. Pit-aunt "rmrrvilh- Frau: ' Bethany ,,,,,, nalfloboro .. Garden um I‘Oll{.\‘pno| __ Unwmm- ...... DISTANCES From Millbrook To MILES an amt prc‘adlcr, sz sLouid sumun {ul I::ihi.~tc1i3! terbem. ap- Oyster supper. Nut. 8121‘ good program and gums rxpccxcd. 0:2: 1w;1,( Calida. (2.111113! 1:111: $3. 000, 000: ( apitul (paid up.) 000 ; licst and um.- - $2 2.573.332' , “Ht/la]- .\.\'L‘I.\ (Ax: ooo.ooo. Savings 021:1. - .1 may be uncut". 1::21isaicpurxn: a deposit (1f$x .111‘ 11:111'axds. 1 Interest “ill be 312011: .1 from depmit. u 1:!d1.m.1 :- may 11 by chcquc and with!) 111 nuli c Bank. For full particulars. cm wizh Mr. A. A. Huiliz‘gnh: ad. 1 of l'acrboro Branch. 1‘- Ecrbu: COM I.\'(2 EV liX'l‘S. The beautifui now stall outbuildings in connection the Presbyterian MImSc as". Ms: compfction under (Tum DuWncv 01 licabozo. Anniversnn' scn'im-s of the Church, Emily. Sunday, Nov. bc cnndudcd by Rev. Dr. Bib} arc mdcomc. The Ru‘ 1; ‘\ Pickford o: .\I will conduct sch 1cm In ( mas: 1 on Sunday 301'. 51}. at :0. 30 .i the day Is c0n:n1u‘.;oz::i1'c frustratiun (If 1hr: (limwuz‘d‘ " 1 appropriatc Scl‘mun win ‘0: :r by the: usiziu- , dc: “man, 11: (or extends a cordIal imitatmn Orangcmm of this n- 1131113 come band hear 15‘cIr chcxcnd i on Iha: 01 cflaxmz. I»... I-(ml wppcrï¬uk: .1('l:::rc‘: good prOgram. rom Omcmcc. c. Miss Louie Brae-'1‘. w; mica-n1 to Lindsay L: t umk 1:: I‘d Muss lelah Mitchcil Miss :me Parsons. of Omen gone: Nani: up “six hcr frxcnd: (i 1’. Han and Mia‘s munch E (hruarvon. It is dcc!‘ scum!) hope: she W!!! bring bonus 3 dean) I" no: a momma Mr. H. Fcirhcllcr. cf 'i'uzm‘ been a visitor to Omcmcc 3’01 days. His singing on Sunduv Pn-sbucrian Church was Va) appreciate-d. Miss Z3431 \I: ' t c h v 319!er I: returned lmmc ‘\ after a plcnsmu ï¬sh “2'... he! the MisScs Emma and Louie Dont forget to can on Pr Houston at the Bradhxru “4 Saturday. He \\ 1H give you {:11 culsra regardma Lis proposed 1; college class in Ulhemce. You interested :u learning Lou Le practical business buLjects limited number of students enrolled this term. Rev. R. F. Stillman, of Cll’ 211d :1 son in law of M r. \Vm. l of Omcmce, has returned fr4 Hospital III \ aucoux er. been tor the past mo moml. 4’ treatment {or appcndicitis. 4 pleased to annou: me that he i4 i nprm'cd in bath. lhc Rev-mud r _l Inndl O [on “ill I). \ . conduct llIc sen Christ Church on Sunday N04 at 7 p.m. Mesa-s. \\'m. Roland and \IcMahon, and t! u: \Iisses LO Mahon Lillie Peel and Hank ney wcrc gucsts at the home and Mrs Rom. Courmcy Than! Day. WOnix a {cw '31 ft. '11.: ï¬xed Plum-11111.1 ix’uc’u K1 1 an] Pulets. 50:. c U... Nexun 131' 0:11 '1. . Roi. Miilbrook P.O. 31.15 25:11 to get the Inst :1 -~ 1 '1â€.- . . . u u h Mr. john Sanderson, of will hold a big credit sai‘ his valuable farm stock, ct sale “illtakc place about of November. \\’atch (on Mr. G. 1’. Hart has rename home in (hmarron. after :1 xi trip to the North West, British his and “ï¬shingmn. He North West is a great comm Hart is a sun in law of Mr. W of Omcmce, and he has a general store business in m pretty village in Haiibuxtou CI 'l he Rccmr 111111): absuu I pansh for the ï¬rst mo weeks 1 ember. Au} one needing tin trations of 111: chum '1 Cum scnce will 111111111." cummuni the Rev. C 1! Marsh of Lind Rev. Dr. Macliav. wh< former pupil 01 the Omen) School calicd upon sou». {c110\€'p12plls during his townflun many of the 0; look out from germ); BAN K O!" O'I‘fo‘d' .-‘. Cor. \ onwc and Alcxa: den has rcCcixcd It‘Il,-/l'f(ffrl, {Hen mu ï¬fty times as many 61 stcnograplwrs. bookkcepcx's, 1 it had students grad-amiss: ‘ the: same months. Some uf ark-:3 oï¬'crcd “‘cl’c‘ from $.1c :1 to $203 per annum 77.5 0111130186 Ute/ms! scluxn’ [0; 1,01 and «mum to patronize liz: Handsome calalnguc (rec. Umemee and Vici Want your moustache abantiml brown or rich t 2.3914}: During Recun 31:: TOR REG, (-2733 The Mirr W. I. ELLIO'I"!‘, I’ i unJi-aidcd [a1 Assets (.2 as “cpl. â€" .1 r: xhi» dcpaï¬n‘ in! upwards, ( Hum-d f: :1 3’} 3%