Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 30 Sep 1909, p. 3

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‘98 0111' 118“! ecticn. |E UK N fami. ‘ul Desmns m m.- ,gold fii..â€",.; ith AIRCT? panv. s and Harness. ;sch to pick ,a large st0ck 585, Ch“) Bu; musms. Pm mum: of Bus file You wait. .\\‘N E ROOK. 'iage Liccnxs, mh L,ONT:\RIO. '5 Drug Smre. r15 )EWELRY. OL .\. (.‘L' r cuss. Steele’s. union free 5 gar an wmuhlo. C1 .mvsosx vn Pm rot scam” m . LANG Price F2216. Avans, )(}I{. Millbrook. 60 YE}??? EXPERh 54' 2' .723: Ii LE’S, ery. ..36c User: ‘ . .85c 0350' '--95c 95c to $1 00 kn! guml clay J hams, two wan-led, good u uf Mdlbrook. NE. Millbmok burgeon, [‘0 RE): I' .14! ink L"! CA v AN Mrs. Fielding and her children ,.-3 spenllmg a holh: :V with their fnends m Omemee. Friday and Saturday there was a large rnOVement to Lindsay and its great Fair which was the best ever held and exceeded in finan- cral returns the Fair of last year by $500. Competition in all the departments was keen and the speeding contests were unusually interesting and exciting It was regrettable that the baSe La]! tour- nament, which had been called off owing to wet weather on the opening day. was not hrtught on 5( me later time as m m were as eager for this 1 s for the other ptemier attractions. Omemee Was pret'u \xeli repre- sented on the grounds; some were on duty in various caii: ngs and :n It“ were competitors fur prizes. :mnrtiay evening saw the return ~.»." :1 \ert' large Crow! of tired but Imp}. si<it05 ‘ from the “Fair “here tiny had spent a \en prifitable -.;;.;' *nimable time. H: r: were nmry admire s of 1213 hwnest and suCCessful effort of ' ;:i;m:e’s ' Lou Keswick~ to lat d (n. 3M2:- in the 2. 4o alas; "rile O uemee had tWO :(iui rt present- at ves in ‘Viliage Gi:. in! " l‘ enie 'l'hmc who “'63!” “V. ( {)g,fl.i,nu madu clothes appreciate th; ’ mm. in com_ fort and style. Haw: rum mxt suit madc‘ by the “ H01)bc':*1".systcm and )Ou’ll wc-ar no other. Ca}! at '1‘. A. Macplu rson Co’s. Ulflcmee and Sue sau pies and the latest f45hi0119. We are making a «pram! sak- of Lxdxcs’. Misses’ and Children's Man- =lx-s. whk‘h w: are Scllmg at very close prices. 1'. A. Mncphcrsun 6.; Co, Omem c. Mr. John Boyd, of Mt. Pleagant, is u 8 guest of his d rhtcr, Mrs. J \V. Mitchell. Mr. R. J. We" drove to Mill- brook, Monday, 0!) busing-55, ‘ m the green race: these hmses showed gait and speed that marks than as stroug futures Mr. jag Buahncll's beautiful single: driver canlcd off some 6 or 7 cnmes. Great preparatior; have been made tor the h’lillLrook Central Exhibition today and lUUIOU'OW, ’l'hursday and Friday, Se pt. 30th, and Oct. Ist. Everybody come. Mmp‘wrson 6;. Co’s Dmss Goods 1):”. is replete thh select}; ms of the newest and stylish £00m; Miss A". (lemon IS head of thxs dcl’artmcnt and all: will DC pleascfl to have her (“any friends call and Inspeq ”I“: up to- datc gnuds. You will sayc money by buying here. \Vill all the members of the Independent Order of Oddfcflzm's living in or near to Ouzemte, wno would be wiliing to become mem- bers ofa local I 0.0.1“. {.0 figs if such were organized in Omemee, p'eaSc send a card to Mr. J. A. Tully, cart: 80:: 92, Omcme:, at an early date P “The Uul)bcrlin"â€"â€"a tailoring sys tenâ€"the grcatcst in a“ Canada, at your service. 'i'uilor-madc suns at the pncc 3f rcady-made. T A. Macphcr- son (_'o., Omcnue. Omemce and Ennly people turned out Well L15! year. Wc hope: lhcy WI” duublc or {up}: (in: number thxs year. (Eood hut lucals will be served in thc Umng Hall at the Exinbition gnunds. Miltbrook. on Friday, Oct. :1. by [hr Ladies Aid of m: Pres- imcnan Church. at 25c. pcr nmal. we CnViHl Elevator Quutations ”1ch page \X ur-g mcn, it you want to be fash- ionably «JR-sud, you >hould sac the “Hobbz-rlin” fashion plato. which show all the: In est styles of >u2ts and mercozus. '1‘. A. Macphcrwz 6: Cu takes you mcamtc, lb;- " liqibcrlin” pale [fit tailoring systcm docs the rest. and mm cluthcs will 1); me bcst you cvu‘ Lad at less muncv than vnu \va [my 10th:: ordmary mitt. Call and be confirmed. . Mulligan. Druggist. t0 :ndeavcr to find the owmr. A mum: (at- mer, who iixes not far from here. was the finder and Its act of spred'ly placing the pockebbook in other h:u1ds fiar resignnion, is worthy of notice and of cammen- dafion. On Saturday evening J. pocket book was found on Krng-st. It contained the return pomon of a C. P. R. 'lirk: between two Ontario pomts, and 50m: cash. Th: book wxs turned our to R. )lxllbmok Faxr today and tomorrow. EVERYBODY COME. ‘ Ten 'l'housand People Ewcctéd \Vc hope to scc YOU among them. Single Flux-Class Fan: on all lanes of Railroad. SPECIAL TRAIN from Mlilbrook 3: 7.30 p m. Oct. 15:, for Pct-:rboro. Thu, gn‘cs Haunts flour the North an (.ppommxly to <pcnd an hour in Peter. bow and lhcn get home In good time. br- Frederick J. Snelgrove ‘Il" l\bt‘\ W BA. M.B.. M.C.P.S 0., pHYSICX AN. â€" SURGEON #UBS’I‘E'I‘RICMNâ€" V ANNIE w. IVORY, TEACHER, Piano and Theory. prepared for Examination. pupils Terms Moderate. OMEMEE NEWS. ONTARIO The demand for NurseryStm-k is increasing yearly m; d it you became on e of our sulesnwn ymx “i' I realize thereib good mane) lu thu bllbiheas for you. TORONTO ...... You are sire] lessâ€"x n e! ergyâ€"Imd digestinn-irntnhle wrvesâ€"eventhing seems worse. Stop !- I” «lav, end your lubery by [miMMg rn w? h Ferrnzune. It’s a food tonicâ€"bvppues nulrlment and building materialâ€"circa weak or- gans and exhausted tunes the strenglh they require. With Fr-rruzone vou eat nmre digest more,wt fatter. Vitalitv courses through your veins, the feeling: of ynuth preduminutes, vim, strangth and health return h r unml. Nothing rrjnvim-tee and renures so quickly and permanent” as Furrv‘z me. You’ll try it to da} . (We. at all denied. . “”““%Q‘%©”‘““ . s‘ssss‘ss“s~~s“ssӤ Canada’s Oldest and Greatest nurseries 81 ONE WELLINGTON. The Lad'es are especially invit- ed to attend our grand MiIhm-ry openings on in progress at (3- 1VOKY‘S, Omemrc Our display this SeuSOn will Le 17)" far the best we have u.“ had. Miss Tryqn is in charge and her experience no large t0wns and cities isa guaran- tee that she “in be prepared to m :et all requirements in Mlllinexy. â€"C- 1V0“: Omemcc. in Millbrook and adjoining country. Write at mute for particulate. PM Weekl): Free Uuttit. A Reliable Inca! Salesman wanted to lflneaent r,\;,'C;1‘1:1t(‘ I\"\')El\"S for up- tc date youds m cvr'c} dqxu'mcnt of his mammoth stmrc PROVED BEYOND DOUBT. The (“ca“pninn-d thims of 900' Catarrh remmjeg almn'd read the S'Mement n: J. R Smith, of Lake Strenn, L' B In i'ntan zone Ie found an absolute cure and 53‘ 3; 'L .st win- tor m. mm. gm of eight caught cold wn’ch lodge»! m 1.9.. Bars in the form "f Catarrh. She became Back and deaf and nulhl- : he pow} Bv ihhai'ng (‘utarrh 2 he she got ,9;in and gvadn- any the ”momma went away. She “’35 cmed ziPrrvcuy oH‘Marrh. Per- snnnlly I can rewmmgnd Caturrhozone fnr mmghs an'! throat irritation; it’s a wander-ml me Home.» Sold everywhere 25c and $1 00. C. IVORY’S Millinery Openings Now in Progress. THE BEST EVER. R. F \\'ilks, (h, are on the way, 1‘ MULLIGAN’S DRUG STORE. OVCMEF, or dmct to R. 1‘ “II K88; C0. 447 Yonyc St. l"Tonto Patrons of thc late (zcnruc (-umpricht of l’ctchbmo \lnson :km! and Hcmtzman ( u, of l‘muuto, p-casc take noticc. ‘“%‘§““3““‘SQ‘W If at first you dun't smtvucd- Adwrlisc! ’ l‘is a lesson You should hccd : Adver- tise ! 14 st the {lies bcspmk your stock And zhc Sheriff gives you ~shock, Whfie your {quire gong; in hockâ€"-Ad- vans: I The he‘s! stock We have ever had of Dry (malls, Ready-made Clothing, Bums x fillOCfiferCc-ries, c., is at your scrwcc. “c Will be plcascd to show you our gmuds whcthcr you buy or not. ’1'. A. Mavphcrson (10., ()mcmcc. ; aring for our Grand Millincry Open “1-55 to In: held on 'l‘hursd:1y,$cpt. 3o, Fridav and Saturday, Oct. 1 and 2 I'm: Misses Beatty and (Jourtncy flu-n secured the latest Ideas in the Millin- C Y Art, and as our selections of stock h m bccu carefully made. the Women, misses and Children are: sure to find every rcqlurvment here. '1'. A. Mac- phcrson (40.. ()ulcmce. Mr. Jns Donaldson, Millbrook. was hrrc 09 Tuesday putting in a couple of INS famous pumps. Mussrs. T. .\. Macphcrson Co., Omcmx‘u Mt? solc agents (or “The Hobbcrlin " Clothes. The: Hobblin People: have six hundred tailor Shops ““5““ka “"136" one roof. Young men wanting: nobhy, 111,40 date cloth- l"‘é at rasonamc prices, should call and SC: samples. Paint the fences with your mmz‘ Blaze" to the wurld \‘nur fauw, Prove to all, you’r: full of gnaw. MILLINERY DEPT. â€"()ur Min- imâ€"rs‘ Miss Beatty and Miss Courmc)‘, have returncd (rum the Mxluncry Op- ening; m l'oronto, and are bu<y pre- Pay your cash for printer's inkâ€"Ad- \‘crtisc .' Cheapcr- far, than cards or drink Advertise 3 Make yuur town sit up and think ; Put old fngicsAon the blink : Ad YOU FEEL ,BLUE AS INDIGO. A Harp With One String PIANO TUNING. AT ONCE VL‘l'liSC I meral Plano Tuners, Leave orders at Fun“: i H 850 Nurseries, Acres. . ONT. ’11 y | Mr. Fairbairn had his regrets chat:- 'c0unt of the almence (2t Mrs hair- I ha rn’s three sluters and two suters of ‘IHS own, but he would assure his frien. s it was no fault oltheirsus some w:re caring for the sick and others cming for their old and mfirm huslmml land others for themselveg; also for the itibaunCc of his two sous. who were two [far away to come. Mr. Fttil‘lnllm lspoke With much reeling when he {Id- ldressed the lmde and groom. In hrs remarks he said that Ethel had been lboLh light and suushme to her parents’ home, and hoped that the aame aun- ~the would ever continue to her and her husband’s home. “Married life,” Mr. Fairhairu said. “if happy, was heaven and bli55 on earth, but It" not -it was a gre'tt nusl'ortune.” Mn Fait- ,bairn’s closin;,r words Were: “Come and !5tc us when you can, there wrll not [Only be an open door. but there will he open arms to greet you. I pray (‘yotl’s blessing to rent on you and yours.” l Mr. Fairbau'n addreswd the guests of the evening in the following WUXdS by first extending to them through his good ptrtiiier In life a hearty \\‘el\;tuuc. Mr. Fairlmirn said in part: “It menus to me that if it was not for an occas- ion of this kind we would settrCel)’ ever meet altogether, andâ€" as far as I am concerned, this is the limit. as Mr. ‘Magee has taken our baby girl ” They could not expect him to supply any more wiveswas far as he was voucern- ed occasions of this Kind had (teased ,â€"â€"â€"l)ut he had a suggestion to make. As all gathered in the house new deâ€" scendants ofthe old hiatoric pioneer families who lut't their homes in the old land and Cr()SSc(l the broad waters to Canada and hem-d out a home in the forest and helped niutelially to make Canada what it is to-dny. the brightest diadeni in the crown ol the Uritinh Empire. he thought that in the luture an annual festival should be held out he Would leave that in the hands of the younger ones, whether it should he a banquet held in a public place or whether they should go year by year about to each others homes, \ilut'h would appear to him more homelike. Mr. Fairhairn, alter naming nym‘ the different families, ofwhich all wcic the dcncmidants, paid a high tributc to them by saying that they ought to ht thankful to the Almighty (lud for thr-ir parentage. “We have got yct to learn anything but true man and won:- annoud olanyol'thcm; this is an ex- ample “6: should all be proud of.” After the: ceremony the wrddmg pzuty sat down to a uumly dvjz-mer, the dining room bung [)rr-ltlly dccm‘u :cd wuh sweet pcas, 3.»:ch and fans, the odor scheme being pmk and whilc The Rev. Mr Smith, of Bdbcaygenn. spoke feelingly of thc lu'idc and her dcvotion to her Church and Christian character. Rev. W. (2. Smith, of llubcnygcon, assmtcd by Rcv. Ins. \\";111.tcc. pastur of St. Andrcw’s Lindsay. 'l'hc mur- rtagc Ccrcmnny was performed hcnvuth an arch of evergrccrn and asters. 'l‘hc hridc was attired In an Empire guwn uf white silk mull, thh dainty mm mtngs of hutc, and won: it tullc vul wtth a cumnct of omngc blossoms and carried a banquet of whltr: asturs and maiden hair {cm She cutcrml the drawing room on the arm of her luthcr to the strain; of the “'cdtlmg mulch plnycd by M1» Ella Smucr, ot‘llcthcl. Little sts Gladys Kelly, ”ch6 uf the hruic, carricd the mm In a buskct of flown-s. She was drusbcd in whim .sllk. The bride’s trnvclhng suit ‘wns of champagne; with a shadow stripe, wxlh a white Silk blouse doltrd with pczu‘ls, and she won: a picture hut. NAURU-«5A1RBAIRN. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles l'uixbairn, \\'cllmgton-st, l mdsm; was 11m some: ot a V?!) prctl) “aim”; at 3’7:0do( k on \\ cdncsday, Supt. 2 ml, “th Muir )oum'mt dnug'htcr, 1.3115], mm umtcd m :nzuriugc to Ml. Churlcs Hcm'y Magus, of limlly. ‘IJIJâ€" Mr. and Mrs Magee left on the 6.30 tram for a honeymoon trip to ‘l‘m-outo and uthcr points \\'cst. Popular Young Couple Married 'lhc Mirror waits to the happy young couple us congrutulmmns, . ‘”“~‘Q“‘§Q“%Qfi ‘ ‘ o To have his favorite enrn stepped on. Don’t. hue curl18.-t‘!1r9t:lnen1 u it}: Putnam’s Curn Extrumur. Takes 2-1 hoursâ€"Ila pain-costsaqnaner. TI'V Putnam’s. MAKES A SAINT SWEAR. WEDDING BELLS. A pcrmancut inskimtmn, not an expcrlmcnt here today and away tumon'mv Entcranyday IIIlIlVidU-ll instruction. Night clussa< 1. Return of good times. z Succ‘ess o! graduates, 3. Widely experienced atafl. 4. TWcMlevo years or high- grude work. Shorthand, Commercial and Telegraphy. Our attendanCe at Pall ()pcmng was a little over twice lust ycar’s. BGUBLE '1‘“ R u: 1mm RTMIENTS Rmsoxs : Hue. enmpmint ofJ.D.\IC(1"”‘°Y “‘9 re' erred t” Mr. ( ‘ourtney the commie) Sinner for that division. anod by (‘nnn J (om-may, sac by Conn. \V (Inninghum, that urdern be ‘Smwexi on the 'l‘rmmnrer tnr payment of ti e following lniflceHaneous uccouMs: S.'l‘.CmmelI.bonus on 31 rod: wire ‘ funcc ............................. . ....... 56.20 T- 3- M(‘Cmnwl'l, fur'gmvu]. 180 J. A. BIND“, gruvul ........ 2 HI Hum-ml Switzer, gm\'ol.. 7 ‘30 George billion, gravel... . 5 60 Moved by Conn. \V' .son. Me. by Conn. ”(‘rIHI0_I,{hSlL LIIu Imlmving s: utulc Inbm r: tlll'HI‘Il us unpvrlor med be chmged on the ('OHI- elm" u I (III Bc' I "lI-lvphnneCompany, 4 dzus ............ $1 H'lRI‘m Sun)- ................... .. ..h It \\ iIIII, an] HIV HHSI'IIIIII ‘Idzus .. .. . I. \V 0’ BI'IuII.ld:I_\' .. . “““ ”IIIIIIIU -l_\IIII IdIIv . ..... i)\':IIIII:III:I. l I1:I\. I“. and J Woods I days W W P‘an,2 «My» ........... WJ l"‘rllll".‘ltifl)'§ «I I“ MI'BIIIII. 6 (In) . ..... ., II Tim :I: IS II‘IIII'ihu :3 H'!‘ WI! sunfild: I\';Pl ......... ~ ..2 Hahn) MIII-cv. Ida) 1 J 1(.-lly,2n1:u‘s .11 J I“ Kt‘IIIII'III'.‘.’d:ly ...... ..l (‘HHH'I'HH‘ Huron. Ida) . ..I [IIIIIIIIs n. *- IIH\'. 1 day. . 1 George I'udgelflduy; . I. anml by (‘01:n. \‘l'llnuu. M c. by ("01111. W. (‘oLlixu-hum. Ills-1 lmvul M. liunnmh to a; - painH-d Collouturnl‘ LnYM for lle‘ curl" u» yem'nt a. mlury or $134 . mul that llw (‘lork (In ptolml'e Lho u>u<Il hy-luw cuullrmlng Hm upp'. HHIIWILLâ€"l ill PM (I. "m' (l m :Immnlment by l‘mm Willlmn Ileriihv-leml nlh-lmcl llm-rixu'nn bn-np. pnillzud Cnllwtoror 'l‘nxu I'm‘ Hm current year”: n \nlnry or 8N5. my? Hm! llw (‘u‘l’k (ln pvepmrn the mun] by-luw to confirm {lily :lplminh‘wnl.- LUM. Movml bv l‘ouu. lialiln-y, see. by k'onn, Wllxuu. that. b.\‘-lnw numlwr 31H for HIV l‘llFP-‘mv m‘ Iovylng, usunsslng and cannot.- ing lhp sum of hvelve llmusund and filter“ dollars and forty-on. cents mmn all the rutvnhlo pmpcrly in Ibiu munlvipnllly rc- spm-lin-ly llulne theretor as set furl-h ln and having our own Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factory. we can make the price right on Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Sashes. Doors, Casings, Mouldings, and all kinds of Building Material. “memes, Sept. 7thâ€"Councll met at 01‘8 o’ciock mm. Present all the mem- here: The wave. J R. Boate und‘ mm W. Cuttinglmm, J. Courtney. W Herll- hey and R W, Wllzunl. 'l‘he fulluwmg eummumcaxlous were received. permi- ed and {yler From J R. MatGuhey complaint .1; ofthe bad cmuhtiou nf the rum! on Elm Nth (‘nlu line opposite Int No 10' and req'wstin: that mullething _l)e done to remedy name Fr m ’l hm l‘wmney, patlnuusler m. rmul- divihiflll Nu 82 adxismu that the Brahma labor charged to 1’ A. Davina on Ins Hat. and rféturued thereon as unper‘ormed had Fln‘ce been performed. A ,~ I“: -C:u'rh~ul If you are building house or barn, it will pay you to see us about your lumber bill. Vie manufacture rmutun Moved {H (‘mm. R. W. Wilson, sec. by (bun. \V. llcrlihay, That. the sever- al levys on the (tullecmr’s Roll fur the current you be as folkmsz For (iuueral County Rule. including H. of R. rate and H. of R. Dubenlnm Rum ...... ...... ......... $361i 6-! Fur Spech County Sclmol rum. 171 73 1"I~r’l'(')\\nshlp “mm”... ......25l.0 (U Fur General Frau Scrum] lhue..270() 0(2) For Special Debentnre Rule. A DplicrariiLh-s-Vin:Ql-vfioinhnont as (fol- levhvr of Taxpg were received “'an ('. (‘urnei’. I). M Kmmedy and M. Hau- ‘ (‘ (m an ’3 Bridge" 1‘07 Local rate No 1.. i or [maul rate No. 3... Fur [meal rate Nu. 4 .. For Luca! ““8 N0. 5... PM In (2: I] rate No (3.. Ior Local rnlo N0, 7... [mr lmcul rule NI» 8... 1"rll(1('fi‘|r;‘le NH ‘3 (m PM I 00le mte No.10” For 1mm! rate No 11.. For lmval rate No 12.. For 1.00le rate No.15“ For Local rate No. 15.“ T0 BUELDERS @9@©@@®@@3®@©©@©©@@@@@ Bf Yflu Egam in Sail Or anything that requires the services GI‘IE J. H. WELSON, Prompt Service. Satisfaction guamn Emiv UUHHGII Proceedmgx: Ftemt he Stump to the Finished Faeeiit l, w®®®®©®®©® . @©©©©®@®©® Write or Wire for Open Dates, A CHANCE teed. Lindsay, the Leading Auctioneer, 37 Ward 51., Port Hope, A FARM, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE, A HOUSE 85 LOT MACHINERY, of an Auctioneer, Nu 9 (m: demand) No.1l)............ N0 ll.......... \0 12...... ..... . H. W. $2,015.41 105:") 2-H; 05:") 75 4.7.0 30 4:30 75 123 50 :34 (an (m ()0 on (11) (TU p.- ‘13 J! :9 1m ()0 80 (K) 100 (it) $22 90 817 W. Expenditure Commua‘ioner IIex-hhey. DH "°"°"h“"“’““‘¢: .u Line ........ 8W Expendi “"3 G0m“}‘|zs'ts:4.‘)zn(gl' Wflsnn ‘V J ""1191. “in. removingsmnes {rum 1": \ l 1,... u -4 u. ., .u. I .- Chas CUPneH. for repM r1 ng cuIVcrL-‘G'b'fi'gg --C»xlrried. ‘ ' nmwdby00‘1"":"3'”“5hlmmev. mo (‘onn (Tummy ”-13" "3'7“” NWHKJ fur rim pup: DO“: ulcuum why-“H’p‘bmnllm n! 01 the L-IY (-om't'lul' h“ 0“ Innouuud u! d n ‘m u ; TL lunc.-â€"Ca4rrml “ ‘ 7 l .5 "UN”! l'ycuun. '71‘a'lehcv. Sm.- h" (‘n'xn \V! l.~on. “1’“ b3” In'n‘ 2er ln- mm] a") :11 'Jm‘d a. 3rd “1“ I.“|;‘°“:Slia‘tllll\ pujflmi 9.11 {ll-l2. K'h-L-v‘. \ ‘, ‘ I: ( ,; 1““ (HI. ‘ _ ‘ , Lilla]!a:tc'rcln.~(‘:u'r|..q Llu “Hporugc 1‘1"" d "'v "°‘5““”‘W R. \x'. \Vilmn um. l"'""”“‘7”3‘”' W - "Milmz'uazu, Tum. 1):...Imfih, N0. 3‘3“” Im.\"rc.~u1 ” N‘li 'lhl :l Ar! l '11“ «l H" "““d ”"““-" “““‘°l'.:.~ul am: tho m-{M : “d (“Wk no sign ‘Hmi “mx the (nu-pox-filfl sun! Hwy lo -rxu I‘huL , ”0""! "y (‘Hnm‘llmr \V.(‘uttin-.:h:\'“. soc. by (-uun(:il.“0rJ 0m\rtm-.v'.'l‘lud Luis. (muncn ”h ““w "'00 al‘l) 1” H) "‘l u.‘ T-I ~1‘l1“ ' 111.. Sr h rlnyul' ”mom-r "“X‘ at the huur ultouc U‘clook p.m --('lll'l‘iw|' Their 5211 story would fill" a book of countless pages, pus! is nu rear-1m “ hv she furPVl’l‘dl'dL'Lled duWn by sleeplessucss. . . has lmrne mme Inun Ler allure of i-‘nf ferillL' becfet trnulnlvs nndrrmine Iwr 5‘“!!!qu yet sl‘w. Seld- m cmnplains 7‘lznere are periods in {he va (.feverv “omau “ he" she “Mun! exercise great care in ll 6 p (Mclmn uf her health. There :Lre “"196 \\ hen [he sliuhtest enld “ill brinu 0" trulll’les lh: if shock the nervnll‘i system “When the frame and invite diseuw. Thousands have been cured. There is a remod)’. «me that. \\ ill lift that awful burden mu! remove the ills {rum “hie“ “1"le sum-r 'lhe name or this remedv i8 Icrrumnrxe \\ hich tn- dzn is a but 80! (1d Word lhrnughnnt the length and im ml 11 (f the Ameri can continent. \‘mx 1mm, 1,,” ‘9‘.“ brought. into t) 9 H19. «1’ umny a donn- csst “OHM“. 3W1 :t new (m of ileum: husduunwl fur 1mm thousands “1:0 have med and pruned the merit nf l-‘prrvz'nu‘. 1r ver since the “at. ‘1! “92:1" h :8 hump. mme th' I.“ Ler allure ferillr.’ Sec yet Ernulllvs ”I'dr‘rn Y-mr \\ hole bud)“ will feel the quivk- vmuu Influence of Ferruzone. The blood will be purified and enriched Ynn will no lump-r suller from the bill)- pression and interfe mice “ill! the menstrual functions. Fc-rroxone cures all suclxuilmcuzs and pruveles their; return. Yunr‘ \ .138 t! u .‘z \‘Is!’ and headache \unr hours of w-r <-a1.~: ~ « and deepen- ducy Will all \!'\-§,.;r1 .: .. \xiil lmld n r yuu many xcu jays as It does for everyone \\ ho uses Fur-zone, regularly. “m nyan- be now 1 ' um ;|xn.a-â€"L‘urvml. .upduwd “"1 "3d "- Movul D.) COIN). ”(fl‘fl‘hv ' Wilsondhntm‘del'b‘ be! (14:33)” by cm” H the than: “"rmr puymc nlohl bridge account»: 'elf“”°“'i"8 row and P Expenditura Comml ' ‘ “Woman: outtney. T camel-“IL umv.~Hn ‘ " J R Lucul. I"? CU'WNIEVLLE’HP “I," I But “OCH-“H“ she has sulfured Funnz me. :8 :1 wmudv that acls di- rectly on all: thu “mums and insures hmctinnul activity “1'0” Much l:eu..th so largely depmnls. . Among the trtmh!‘ s Hint are relieved and cum] by Fern} u e. are suppress- ed, painful or irreunlur mensxruation, lwncurrl 033‘ (\\ [uh-s]. bearing (10“,, pains “‘ulnh and mu 3 veniuésses and uterine divfi'v'm rum. Forrozone max-“~33 sums: women. Don’t listen to tha drug‘giet “ho urge-n Blunt-"Ml“: just a4 umul, No suhuninte nmnpnrns \viHn Fr‘erZIlle, nhich does an that is caumeduht. Pm e 50c per lmx or six buses for $2.50. at druguisis and dealers ..__â€"â€"-......_â€"_ ._â€" . 0’ $1” Column $3!) 5‘73 8 H‘ulumn‘J-E ; 5 3130mm}: h . )Hl‘ l’rofessmnul ('"r‘w'f‘flfonll $3 per year. $3 “H. M" nmulh. _ - or iii Legal notlcoh‘ h""'”?.§u-lx r “mi. 2 cell“ 1“”: ”"kusurcll my <Mumâ€"NU"PM”l " Ulimim-h. , .. 'IS Ativel‘list‘nl(“,‘m Talent-d! wanted. MAL. “’l“ Ir” -e‘ulvs. 1““ Sham- hisvltiUlH‘du (. inn: n 0112500" -" -'l'l ' ‘ ‘rtlixs.l)e:1t||s.i\l‘£l 3”“ ‘3’ ls puhlmhcd “V0”. 'l‘hurm! (Mice, King \(r-‘uu â€"_â€"_â€" ADvmu mm. )yl'. Gino. 3 [In-‘1rtin‘lrnésboms. r""“‘hs. Deatnsnmd Wm'mg“ “.0. . . l:\dv¢>rtlsom#"'" “.111 he contmued and ° “”‘Kt‘d for uni“ lurhiddeH- ‘lfhangas of :ulvernsmncnt! “(a to be in the office not. lam-1' ”1”" ”mum" s are Inserted 1‘me $1. snpery‘m" Dai Iin advance. .. m Get. back strength and vigor. W835, Nervous Women, bylaw. be now 1. amtâ€"Carnal. u'fm‘mcd vul .) L‘Ouu. He- othflt Orders bell! hfy. 881 l‘orpuylm "9.0“tha lied QM ;¢ a.-cnunt>: , ‘ 10w”: 1' 3Sl RH ....... u .n. duwn by unsers and Thursday Morning at, m Six-tw- Millbmok. “4.01)!‘ llll‘h hix nmnlllb. 1' line first inser- h HIDM‘QIN‘IH. in- }: Hues ms p9 m- rm- mcusurcmcnt. . w. RU ;~'I “exam \x omen $6 $2 3 l 2 (inc. lllt‘h upd under, mills. .51 lm‘ one U‘mbn ‘ lust. strayed, llhl've Hum; for :wh subsequent ' “'0 hy (‘onn bl fur the pur. * h'. m the tax and nun a 15L red in the Should be year .I §0'o"¢¢":'0'0¢’ 1.3m. 6 I EXEEEEEEGN Millbm 01: B? anch he ANOTHER mam LABCRERS’ Excuasaew FRIEDAY. .5. 535'. 247' \ Free transportation w. '3! be fu. .1: 2:35! at sag to pair. is on Canadian Pacific w‘ new 11sz er3 are required. 6.13.30 5e sz. including branches. and at one cent {20‘ mile ea ch my west: re ofi :13 Saskatchewan and Alberta. Special trains from Torontc to Winnipeg at MS p.m. on above date. ASK ARV CANADIAN PACIFIC £3 ASSETS P A1 I )-U P-(fA PITA I. REST AND RESERVE FUNDS DEPOSITS in the Agricultural Park, nvites Personal and Business Accounts, mui.is Pleased I to Mao: at the diupmal uf Its CUSIMn-‘zrs the fixciliiics gained during morc than half a-Fcztfur)’ of (TUHIiHUUUS growth and succ-cssful banking Scl‘VlCc in Canada. n the Swing» Department acmunm ma, 1).: opencd {or sun” or large sums at an} (ism- c. and interest is added to all balances twice a 3mm 0311: Amounts may be opened from which Hm mnney may be: withdrawn by mthcr of two pcrwms. and in mm: of the death at one 12y the surm-or of 11mm. ale Notes supplicd free of chargtr, and Loans made at reas- onable mics. pccial mtcmion givcn to Farmcu H. A. SIMS, Manager. is in «no: n5. opz>a§2 36.10 m._.>jozw «2 Bankngorzonto 7-“- 5:3: 93@@@@@@@@@ ”5% Incorporated 18 5 5 A. TURNER, Agent, Millbrook. Q 1. “‘%“‘%$“§“““- {EH-IT ius‘megs‘ I. (I ROU’I'. Managcr 1'69 PARTIBULARS $ 4,ooo.oco $29,000,000 s 4 72mm $4 1,000,000

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