My time on Had an staâ€" i Also fresh war lakcï¬eld tent. Pnres dr0pped on ‘ and We are now In a ! Ly was in town on Iluad of [all wheat, Cinzens Changing . John Atmstrong k- now occupied by Mr. Adams wows [cscnl occupied bv Ir Leatch will move bccupicu by Ht. '1'. nrchawd by Mr. M. i Pcndry has pur- cthodns! Parsonage ï¬rst class sulc. and Mr. \\'. 1. Collins rd and a: prescnt ms. Mr Clanyis bung won his prvmonon to »tï¬cc in the regiment of hrch he has been more rd for a number of yrs. ,1) the rank as 3 Sta]?- 3 Lieutenant, and is with the ofï¬cers and Dragoons â€"Examm-- mac IS visiting in .2 u: the Raw. and “dd, 0‘ Ca ‘V, “I.“ m Allcn laKcs Mr. next Sunday. lc was a \‘iSIIOI' lo Exhibnion last week T. I. Langa at the ad Mrs .20, m Cartwright. m" umas' Church at 10.30 rch, Bmhrhom, at 3 i Rev. 1. H. 'l'cncy preach at Sr. jobn’s. L. Trinity (Mash) at 5' Church, Milibnmk. Iï¬'crtory at all the set- dons R". Mr. Ben- ded’s sauces, and m Ach laxcs RIP. rPcord breakz-r Ex. 3101163“â€" hnm spent the Pdlcutal toot, '1»th galb. ,_ but. [Many people from Omemee, Iimilv and Ops will attend the Big Millbxook Fair on Oct. 15!. ~ The prize lists are cut and show ‘ that this one of the best Fairs in the Provmce will be beltér and ’ more interesting than ever. , . AMrirjoim Fow!cy and Miss Elia i Nicki-“y. Lakcï¬cld, have been Visizmg‘ m Urnxnec, the guesth- Mrs. blues I E. Robinson. ‘ “HS Maxed; Several '61" .156: Huck Huntersxgot men: than a dUCk. ‘.Most‘ of them 80' a good ‘drenching in the ram 0!: Mondév night. Mr. J. J. Lamb spent part- of l“tweak with his sxstcr, Mrs. H. Cameron. 10:01:10. Messrs. Lorne SISSOD and T; E. Hacphersonwere visitors to the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Sam Lamb has returned n a visit to friends in Toronto Dr. Sutton is With th‘ervolun- has at Kingston. ‘ ' ' Mr. l. B. L. Grout, the popular and [anal Manager of the Omemee Branch of the Bank of 'l'oron’m, has returned to his duties after a pleasant holiday trip on which he was accmnmnied by his Wife and child. Mr. Grout. has worked hard m the interests of the Bank and this Branch has conï¬rmed K0 flourish under his supervision. ] Mr. Ino. Morrison is visiting friends and relatives m Toronto; Mr. Tom Palmer was a. visitor tothe Toronto Exhibition. Mrs Mrs. John Mztchell, Mrs. L. Moncrief, Mrs. \Valt MOncrief, Mrs. F. Fee and Miss Eva Fee spent 3 km- days m Toronto. MI Mr. Ross Mc Pherson is at home {or holidays. Mr. Grout spent Labor Day m Lindsay. Miss Adams left for the fair in Toronto Tuesday mormng. Mr. and Mrs. Court were Lindsay for Labor Day. The many friends of Mr. J. 1). Thornton will be pleased to learn that he is somewhat 1mproved in health. volunteers “1h; I thxson'i: with her daughter. OMEMEE Dr. Frederick J. Snelgrove 8.9... 31.3., M.C.l’.S.O., PHYSICIAN, ~ SURGEON. â€"ouer'rR1cx.-\Nâ€" TEACHER, Piano and Theory. .Bupils prepared for Examination Terms Moderate. OMEMEE NEWS. at reasonable prices. “‘31: ANY TIME. BEST BUSINESS TBMMS .y- uuu blllCU' m Pctcrboru, fora few ANNIE \V. IVORY ONTARIO. J . With the ï¬rs! “-uek inSepk‘mher we lenturxhé seasm‘ fur l-‘aH Fairs.» For umny, "Fair-day†is but aholiday, hm these fairs nrpjntemkd to pr'vile- much mure‘ ‘ a floriday. During 1W3. the Jk-paw’em of Agriculture “$‘il15h5lrilmtpin "fa tn Fa†Faint over $75.4“), '1‘] uume) is L' mum-d to enable ea .3 almnuagricnltural mnmty in which ‘ In almost ev ture our Fair educational In m E FA an my .mn-m: mm; FAIR . nun". u. .~m '1. ur. n x. .rnxlz, “HIV-i trvqne ln'â€vg Soioist: Miss REESOR Soprano, Pctcrlmm; MR () A GAMSBY, \ocai ht, ()rom). reused [mum-as an†“a â€1h: fulkming Artxsts hm: 'lwcn en- ganged: J H. CAMEROV Entertamcx, 'i‘nronm: MHz-um Pmmy,"-:W}nsr- 3‘ Tt‘t‘n named {835â€"12 â€()Hlillilâ€" UOHbLhU‘SC $30.00. ' Imiizs’ Inning Contest Bcht Gentleman Turnout SPECIAL PRIZI-L- For Best Foal of x908 sircd lw “H: nr) Wilks†or “jar \\ lks,†(.(>t1:z{rd In \Ir. 0. \. Umnsln uf “\l aplt \w.’ Sunk Farm. Hm I): O. ;\' I’. (.(H' â€and of Hum manviHc .wiH furnish music Sept. Hill 81 1‘5th, SPECIAL FEATURES Guard-Sister lea Gertrude Morton Smrtmclâ€"l’wor G. ;\. Howell 'I‘rustccsâ€"liros. Smith, Morton and â€axis. '11): regular unectxngs will be held (m thc ï¬rst Friday in c\'cry month‘, and every rm-mhcr is rcqucstqd to be present. Each one (‘an he'p to makv the circlc Intercutmg. Let cach mem- ber mks st up. >oâ€"4‘ « N513 FAIR. ““ch :nt‘. owcx rarnr It is now reenunizcd that besides be- Thc l). 0. I" (.‘O‘v ILmd of How ing an unmitigated nuisance, the com- :mvillc .will furnish music nmn house fl) is an actual menace to GRAND CONCERT health. I: has been prm'en that it is , one p: the most pvralatrht and elfrctive The following Artists haveflwcn cn- disséminuturu 01 contugipus (1536358, gedr '_I. I]. Cmuzxoy. Entermmcr, “slimy feel and antennae being in ’ronm: ;\’L~u).-\.\H': PFRRIS, * ï¬Wh!St: frvqnent mutant with decaying and de- gâ€Â«S()’0isI: Miss RFfP-LSOR.ISO.[W511‘0,( reamed mutt-:1, germs are canied into [Cl'hm‘m MR 0 A (335151â€: \"ocai lmuws and n1ep:.sued upon eulahles as ()rono. nell’us "pull the para-01.5 of those ens JAMES I’O‘VERS, Pre~ldcnt 'ceptIMeJ-tu thPir bunch“ inflnnln-nu ‘ . - 7' \' "I ‘ \nclg'm'e. , 'l'rcasurcrâ€" Bro. Albert “Avis Chaplainâ€"15:0. (Rein) G. '1'. Kcnzic. ‘ , Marshalmkro. Richard Morton Wardenâ€"Bro Owcn' lohnson. .- V 7....--†v.5..uulxn, .Ima hccu successful In scouring sufï¬Cicnt candidate-s to organiz: a Homc Circle m Curt-met, and the good work. still gocson. 'l'hc orgamzdtion mcctmg was hcld on thy, Aug 28th. and the following rs the lb! 01’ ofï¬cers for the current year: Past lxadcr-Bm Wilhnm Shaw. Lauderâ€"Hm. John \V Smith. \"u:c‘I.cadcr~51>icr _ Mary Mu)‘ McCafl'x‘cy. ‘ _ ‘ Rec. Secretary-“Sister Mnrimi haï¬Ã© Fin.â€"Secre_tzzryâ€" Bro. (1)11) F. I. -H L4"- , to him ,H-V-v.u v. uni-u". The tunerai to PrcsbyterianCem- etcrv, on Fridav, the 4th: was very largely atténdc-d. . The late Duncan G. Blaylock tha heart of goid. He was one of nature’s noblemcn in its truest senseâ€"brave, generous, manly. HIS was the sorxl of honor, and his fnendsand fricmjships wcrqsacrcd A-l' --y-.-B ¢IIIDD Pauline Mlllm, who died severa! years ago. His second wife; was Miss Rutherford of Emily. 'l‘l . I v jOHN RICKABY, Sccrctary It is With deep regret that We u'eca'ed upon to rhronicle the ;. ath of Mr- Uuncan G. Blayloek, of Emily, which sad event took place on Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, .1! the ea'ly age of 37 years and [0 months. UeCeaSed was born :'n Emily Township, and resided there all hlS life. He was married rwire, his first Wife being Miss I) I Bro. J. n l‘he L313 flu Heme Circle Urgan It IS Walkcr, Organizer, .has . n ‘ m gen-n (z. m ï¬zsd. \ v\‘u\r‘U’â€")"\‘> . I . _. .........u‘,ya l-‘l‘he' fly screen is thus becoming a :18 (teas-dry protection agalnst contuglun as “all as a matter of comlort in the home. Ah exzrernuent made recently lay a bacteriulugist u ho gamght an" ordinary housefly and let. It crawl over some prepared steriliZed ne'itine, developed “growth of hurtful lmcilll that wan truly astonishing. Yet flies are.“ lou- ed free access to many [fumes that might be protected with the outlay of a. few cents on screens or IlluaquiLO ,.euing,-â€"llmne JunrnaL only; Eas‘ilv applietlâ€"CI‘ISIS but. a quarterâ€" umt’u ‘ Putnam’s (‘urn Extractor ï¬lty years in use. I. asst on "Putlmms" nu].- Subscribe for Mirrbr Siwciul tn the Mirrnr. A< a token of esteem and good feel- ing the pupils ofnur l’uhlic School, presented their retiring teacher. Mil. ] Walter Mi'lxun. with a humlsumcand Very buautilul gilt bed mum clock. l'hc prescntulinn was made by Master NcMon FCC and l’crcy Handlcy. Mr. lVlt‘lxzm. who was qmte surpris- cd by the nnrxpvctml appreciation of his acrwccs, rcplicd in terms (if grati- tude for the prctlygift which would remind him of many pleasant and pro- i‘imblc days spent With the pupils of Haunt l’lcnsnnt school and oi .lhc har- monious feelings c-xislmg between pupils and teacher. Hr: spoke of rc- grct at purtmg from them. wlshing lhc whulurï¬cvcry success, and concludâ€" ing with .21 hearty invitation .to them to visit him in his new <ph"rc ()flubm. A Dangerous Pest. V. V....... o .ib‘. You cannot afford to accept any medicine of unknown composition as a substitute for ,this wall provon remedy, 0F KNOWN courosn‘iox. even though the dealer may make :l little more proiit. thereby. Your ‘ intere‘st. in regaining health is paramount to any, selï¬sh interest. of Me and it. ls an insult. to your int‘clligonce for him to try to palm oi? upon you a substitute. You know What you want and it is his busl- mess to supply tho article called for. ‘ I)r..Picrcc’s Pleasant. Pellets are the original "Little Lin-r Pills " first put up by old Dr. Pierce ovor forty years ago, much imitated but never equaled. Little sugar-coated granulesâ€"easy to take a on “.1“ ..... “‘4: unluuuh Ul non-professional tostimoniulsâ€"thnugh the latter are not. lacking. having boon con- tributed voluntarily by grateful patients in numbers to exceed the endorsements given to any other medicine extant for the cure of woman's ills ‘ ' IA \Ll ticeâ€"mgre valuable than 01 me glycerlc cxtr§ezs of native medici1 ml roots found in our forests and con-i tains not a. drop of alcohol or harmful. 019 habit-forming drugs. Its ingredients are r all printed on the bottle-wrapper and at- tested under oath as correct. Every ingredient entering into “Fa.- vorite Prescription " has the written en- dorsement of the most eminent medical writers of all the Several schools of man- 0? the glycéfic ,_a-v .v .-v_ 4y: ive quicker reiicl ora more than Dr. Pierce’s Fm." It has a. record of over! ‘ It 3's the most a l vivor i. 1 ,5 ‘0 t‘ enémr v e 'nowntv edicnlscience. tisn V ,V w- .nuumu u: hut: ulJUVU symptoms are present were is no. remedy th‘ t w ive quicker reiicl ora more perâ€" ma. em. than Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pro ~ ‘u't has a. record of over forty Yea,†0f cur ' It: is tho mnco unvnno A PAINLass CORN CURE _â€"‘ Bu many aches and pains runs!!! by weaknesses and falling, or other displace- mam, of the pelvic organ». Other symp' toms of female ’wwkmm are frequent headache. dizziness. imaginary qucks or dark spots floating bofom tho ayes, gnaw- ing sensation in stomach, dragging of bearing down in lower abdominal or pelvic region, disagreeable drains from pelvic orga ns,faintspells withgw: . era! weakness. Ifany. considerable numhm- nr .- Sm “ MM Mount Pleasant mrsuhu 0! â€lube BUB hanel'm influences thus becoming a me against. contagion as $0111 a a. 11’s to. i. .AJGI\A u: n “.11 gmxaral weakness. 'able number of the above 'ul sehopls of prac- nn any amount, of miulsâ€"thnugh the Worm r. Inns rifle Nature has u ramedp' Mr cutarrh, epidemic colds Vuud preaching Hun lx~ I'm- ‘wnm; Hui" .insinLrTgbn “'9"th M ,, _‘ 3.4- » COD- _ IN A BREATH THERWS‘ REST. Breathe Hyomei and be' cured of gatarrh. Bronchitis, Asthma. Mr. 'l‘enny Burgess, fnrmerly of th'e place, but now- of Toronto (-ume du“ n on garurday to spend Labor Dav at. h l former home here. It acts directly "pull the Halls 0! the stomach and huuels,’ strengthening and stinmhu‘hIg them an ~thul thuv readily take rare of the fond that is eaten without distress orsutfermg. Sn pusitiva are the gum!“ enacts ful- hwinu the nee of Mi-n-uu that the rem- evlv is sold h\' A'. Léacn under an a}; salute guarantee to refund the tummy it it fails tn Team. A 50 cent box of Mi-u-na \\ ill do the good the: stmnach needs which 18 simply’tbushake‘ It do it? own/work. ' Der: A notable. discovery and one that ap- peals especially to many pen} la m M: lhrnuk, IS thé cznnbluatlmn ofstnm- :u-h help in the Ali-04m; “tr'ezmm-m This preparation works “antlers in case of Indigestiun ur xwak' slrmmch. us of Special Value to Many Here in Millbrook. [MONA MEANS STOZ‘MCH COMFORT Mrs. John Story, of l’uterlmre, and her son, Joe, “ere visiting wit-1* Miss Annie Bray over Sunday. It you are ennsmmly keyed up, ner- VI'mS, perl_ulps depressedâ€"1mm w ynur over worked nerves lor the cunni- l‘llev are. slat-ring: fur the nnurlshmem U m. Ferruz me so quickly supplies Besides its tunic action on the nervous system. Ferrnzune has umrvelnus hlnoul‘l'orming properties: It thus mp- plles stranuthening materials to every Monk and Comer of‘tlne Only and hrluus the aystmu tu a cnmlitinn u! )lerfec‘ health. Tu be strong. [0 eat le, and work lam: “iclnout fatigue, use Ferm- Zrme; it la the best nerve SVSN’HY tumc known. At all dealers in Me boxes. Mr. Ho-ctnr Hamilton apeni Su'hdax in Purl Hupe. A dreadful plague indeed when you cuusuler that in incipient stages it can be cured [take care of the litgu (:uld before it becomes a big oneJIï¬Wlu-i'u: the [hr-mt in sure Mid it hurls to ex: pand yum-chest, tub in Nervi'h-ua and immediately upplv one 01 Pulsun’s .Ne-rvillue l’oruus Pin-elem. Pain and lightness are at. once relieved. Iutlum- nmlmn and snreuefls urzullullfy disap- pear and lanai Illness is thus uvniileil Nerviliue Plasters .aqt as a. counter ir- ritant over the seat of pum, and an an exteriur application in (flil‘llxg ('n-ds in the muscles, in pleumu' and head: Cher: they have unequal Keup these row dies right in yuur huum. _ g ‘ ~\-. y»..-J- Mr. J01.“ (,‘onller.of l’ontyponl. 'l‘e ler Department Of PUbHC \Vorks, in the Faémer’s Bank here. has been ()ltawn, Septcmbc} 3, 1908.: transfer: ed to Lindsay Branch. .Ncwspapcrs will not be paid for this One In Seven 33110de consumption :ndvcrtisrment if they insert 1! without DO YOU LACK SELF-CONTROL? Mia Maw Rex I: olds and a them! came do“ II from Toronto on Saturday to spend sunday and Monday here. The cause of (‘umrrh )8 a germ. It. multiplies in the lining of Hm “our and ‘ thruat, spreads to the bmnclnal turbo-u and ï¬nally reaches‘tlm lungs“ (Jung). syrup mm’t follow to the InnuHâ€"n gnes tn the smumch-and fails to cureâ€"Cal- arrhozone 18 inhaled. It gums everv- n hereâ€"gets right. al-ter the ,g:-rn_1mâ€"kills â€mull-heals Ihe soreness-43mph dis- charge um: lmcking-~vnr_es everv trace nf Cularrh. Yuu’re uhsolutely certain nfcnre tor (‘alarrh, thruul Irritation, Colds or bronchitis, if you use (latarrh- J OZHHO. “here. Miss Celia Mitchen,'of the 6th line, Gavan, has been visiting for a flaw days with Miss ilvrtie Wealhck. Catarrh Cured or Money Back. The font hall tournament hpld hare or! the agricultural grounds, on the 7m inst" Labor Day, vs as a grand succeyg's. Tu v games were phu ed. l he ï¬rst be? tween the nmmed men and the junior {out bull team, which resulted in‘ a he. 'I he so cond was for a slh er cup put up by the Bethany (1111).}: mm played between l'om) pool and the home team ‘ the hitter winning by 2th 1. This in the third cup Bethany has won this Season. Special to the Mirror (‘alarrh, thruul Irritation: ',nnchitia if 30!! use Catarrh- :. and :51. 00 5.25:3 BU. 'd eV'ers- BETEANY "‘M_- .N cwspa pt :icn :ndvcrmemer you can told INS-u; ex: and m’a md mn- :11)- L"! authority {rm $321,129 ’ uppcpt M EL f) Nillbrook Central Exhibition, Oct. I and 2. Send to Mujm C. H \\',mslow Millbiook, fox [3112: Li ts and entry slips. SALESM ENf-whoic or part' time; lilwrui terms; outï¬t free. ..\\j'c have snmething mw to offcr. Write at Once. lisml'flmshcd 1357. goo Acres m nursery stock Tim Thomas W. BOWMAN ‘ SUN (30, 1.71)., Rndgc- town, Out. FOR UPâ€"TO-DA'I‘E JF'WELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ’Mllumoox. M.C. A. FALL TERM FROM SEPT. Ist. Enter an} day. In- dividual instruction. \vrile {02‘ beautiful catalogue. «- Is :1 large, popuiur, progressive school mth‘ bz'wdly educated, ‘w'idcly expenenced experts, in charge of COMMERCIAL, ‘3': LNuuRAPH Y AND-($21.13- GRAPHY departmentsï¬ Young: men ï¬om OI118ldt: the city get a free ticket to all privileges of Y Has high grade courses, su- ; perior facilities and unsurpasâ€" t'é'e'd' teaching talent. Huinlrcds of stnldcrlts gm out annually from this college to good positions 1th us cduuuc you mr profitable employment. We will do It. right. Culalngm frcc. Enter any timc. W. J. ELLIOTT. I’rmmpal, Cor. Ychgc and Alcxnndcr SH . Montgomery, M Musician and Surgeon authority from the IM’artment. Pelsshsss Business College. FOUNDED 1885. The Department dues not bind it- sch to accept thc Imx'cst or any tcndcr -By order, V" ~ . N.\1’.'I'ESSIIZR. E’TSuppcflypon Merit Alone. _l‘ers()nï¬ tendering are notiï¬ed that tenclet‘s‘u‘ill not he connidered unless ' made nn the printed form supplied, I and signed with their actual signatures. . Zach tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a charteted bunk, made payable to the order ofthe Hondurable the. Minister of Public ‘ï¬'vrks, equal to try) per cent (10 no.) of the amount at the tender, which will he furfeited if the person tendering decline t0 enter into a contract when cullud upon 10(105'0, or if he fail to complete Ihc work contracted for. If the tcndvr he: not nuccptcd the cheque will be returned. GEO. â€â€˜SPOT_T ON, Pléms and speciï¬cation (can be Scleix; and forms of ltlltlt‘l‘ obtamcd at £1, Drpartmcnt and at the post ofï¬ce. Whitby. SEA LEI) TENDERS addrch‘scd m the undersigned, and endorsed “ lender for l uh lic Building. Whitby, Om, "wilHJe: -:rc(t:i\ed at this ofï¬n- until 4. oo 1’. M. on 'l‘ucsday. Septemâ€" ber 22. 1908. for (In: the construction) of: pubhc building at Whitby, Ont. J. STEELE’S, is ,Sghggl Bases Ins Claim for War/22149. ELLIOTT Toronto, Ont Principal. Secretary. Mr. \Vm. Bwrs, 196 York St, Toronto, Ont-.. writes: “I have great pleasure in rccmmnqnding Your Oxydonor. When I ï¬rst got the instrumenr I was suï¬crmï¬ from Scmtica for about four months, and after applying .3 for {a}: weeks it left me all at oncc and have norbccn troubled With it smcc. I cén lnghly recommend 1: as a good famgly docxor, and would not be Without it {or double the pm‘cx’ ‘ BEWARE OF -IMITATIONS. nu i, W v - â€"v v 4.? ‘ wili cure you. Nomedicinc, drugs. electricny. mental scicncc‘ But a natural, rational method discovered. by a well known physmian. if ‘ '(4 _ ()nc OXYI)ONOR mll serve an entire familyâ€"one at a last a hfc-timc. and tlwre Is no expense after the purchasc p apply ()XYI)ON()R at home while you rest or sleep. _ No matter what disease you suchr with, nor how long you have. been lick If no vnal urgan is irrc arablv destroyed. in all probability ’ ATPTJ'HA‘oA r†.H*‘ The Siek Made Wen it?! u 9...] I g INCREASE i YOUR CHEESE CHEOQUES By Spraying Yam Cattle iwiih Cor. Michigan Ava. 33d Grimm St. ' qzw MEI Hot) (at. ATM ENT alone can cure van. and make. man oyyonfd Uch. x . 1 I. u M‘- ‘12: L...;’x; b. Cur; :b : 2.“: 1-: muod p‘ua‘u‘d so that All pimples. Match†and ulcers disapnear {11: m rvc: hem: e strong 2: st-d so that he»: vousness bashlulners and d %p(‘-lldrh€‘.' 1- ~." 1' -: v ' :- 1; mm s. 17%" t 12‘» farc’ .x - .clenr. energy rv-mrz: 510 the Huh}. 3‘: i l 1; _ I, I 11y i “.3! . vi" 1 s. drums: 4. un- onth: All d'nitn cenwâ€"v-n mart- v ' 7 ~ ‘» ‘ > ' -~ - .cvc'c ma 1mm ‘ct quack: and Ilkir: rob you of your had earned doliam. m. .4. .. .a o. n. .- ._. READER system may affect H a mmr r r9 c A ‘ymPWmSâ€"OUR N- _‘\V METRO? res them Drs. Kenmedy 81 Kergan Exam gamwmxga Owing m Dr. Ker- Ban bei'tg (:2:an Dr. J. D. Kmnedy, Medical Dinner. has nssocimedwixh him Dr.Kenncdy Jr. who has been with the ï¬rm for seven] years, So herenitcr businesl wit! co“- ducted under the name of SPECIAL IUTICE. R NEW METHOD ï¬gnTMEN" y,on .ic: 1. H5 u 14-" . (‘0' ka Quullon Us! ï¬or Home Traztmom Sun on Request. WITHOUT MEDICINE. 414% 41.)): 54:50 .0 riot: .1 J «J...» :ctae OZ BLOOD PQ§$ ‘ï¬'uvvlifv “H- “'5'“! pâ€"chleanxImt-mt scri us < new '1 . c v s'-:p the \ery l' Mood of the victim :17er Haws: nvtire‘ v (radi: flu: f- r- ~. 1‘ war: of Nexcur}. 1‘ onlysuppreucsthc _, on-.. bunt. sax: innit: Sic.- [iEURVOUSUDEBiLITY YDONOR HM. B P ‘3 "1"“ L 1. 1"qu ..--_‘ . "’r’" far 3-: hgnest 09min: Fm .. . ....._-..a FALH-r 4.. u..-..«n gauze!" (imam-zed; SUCCESSORS TO 99' 03 its aione an yâ€"one at a time. It ml! purchasc price. You can AA T Mood Poisons L. B. â€T are; 11.: m -: V RETROâ€, HIGH or faith cure, scnncti t and