' :'W%; . . , 0F RAISED. friends of his captives, them of various porti . ...._ wretch's anatomyâ€"an , hand even, have been The Principle 0! an Eye 10" an Eye and mission by the famil turn as reminder of h if the ransom exacted be not forthcom- ~ :1 Tooth for a Tooth Is Maintained. There is probably no country in the worldâ€"save. perhaps, the Congoâ€"where human life is held so cheaply as in the land of thc Moots. is no land where the sanctity of the hu- man body is so lightly violated. In a walk through the sokoâ€"or market- mg. THE MURDEROUS MO0R thlshl‘é’sa‘lt‘l’i? tile . legs, or even, if he has been his skull ls smashed like an ther device of this amiable SOMEAREMINISCENCES OF THE LAND which generally has weight with 5-“. GENERAL INFORMATION. And certainly there Interesting Tit-Bits of Knowledge About ’Most Everything. ' The eyes of the bare ar placcpof any Moorish town what chiefly as ‘it has no eyelids. impresses itself on the visitor is the ex» traordinary number of mutilated per- sons. I‘cor wretchcs who have lmt a hand. or a foot. or an eye are to be en- countered at every turn; and should a qucétion be put to any of these unfor- tunafcs, rcply would be made, with a bone has risen in ton to $15,000. â€A chimney 115 feet high will sway 1.) inches in a high wind without danger. Within the past hundred years whale- price from $150 .a In France 4,000,000 tons of potatoes are annually used in the manufacture shrug of the shouldch. that some oom- (‘5 starch and 81001101. parulively trivial offence had been the one occasion the writer put the question to a maimed Berber, the withered stump more than ordinary brutality had at- Wedding-rings more worn by both cause of this ghastly punishment. On Jews and Romans at date to the Christian era. The average size of Australia of whose arm scorned to indicate that runs is 36300 acres, 7 while sheep-runs in South Africa av ivicttm falls'and tfishoulder, or his recalcitrant, egg. Ano- person, the is the sending to 0115 of the poor eye: a» 1,059, a . received in suc- y of a-wealthy vic- is ultimate intention e never closed, 3 long prior n shcep- THU-fledged gas manufactory. .product is lighting the streets of the crage only 5,500 city in addition to furnishing gas for STRAVV AND CORN 0088. Iâ€"- Coal is Needed No Longer. Wed tongues of flame shooting through the black smoke of a burning straw pile, gave J. R. Coutts, of Chicago. an idea which bids fair to revolutionize the gas producing industry of the Unit- It has solved the fuel prob- lem for the great Central West, which is without gas coal, but has millions and millions of tons of straw corncobsa pic, now considered waste matter on ,9d States. the farms. Coulis worked three the high priced coal and oil, but sim- on the small scale, but and its tended the loss of his tand, writes Frank ‘16}‘95- . beating and lighting hundreds of “l Scudamore, the famous war correspon- , fhfi‘poltméaho? of bghc; British Empire homes. _ , dent. rs esunac a a u 420000.000, cf .. ., “A, ,3 -. AN EYE FOR U: EYF whom approxmmtely 348,000,000 are m“ PLANT Locks LlIxE run.) $1011.. . - ’ . " tivc races. Instead of paying out hundrcds if “flow was it done?" was the ques- tion. And the maimed creature‘s reply .1 scmcly signiï¬cant. cutionerâ€"said the fellow, had slit the .. ,‘__ screwed off the hand! “And did you scream ‘2†was the fur- ther question. The Moor shook his hcad. , '..r\-. \' band.†0! course, throughout Morocco the lex talionis is everywhere In force. The I».‘. - principle of an eye for an eye and a have been only two thefts in one thou- cornstalks and troth for a tooth is maintainol with sand yours. literal exactness, and although the al- ternative of a money compensation is nesscd in Paris. . . and accompanying gesture wcrc grue-Itcen times, and Britain‘s The saferâ€"or exe' times bigger than herself. , , If all the land in the Unite . skin of the wrist with his knife and had (tom were divided among its inhabi- ‘ tants. a little over 1% acres would be the share of each person. A vast portion of Australia is virtu- 3'05 known. ally empty. The ratio of white popula. and 0005 make sixty pcrl cent. more "One docs not protest.†he said, “or lion in Northern Australia is about one gas than does the best gas coal. one would lose his head as well as his to cvcry 700 square miles. ' _ 'I‘hc people of Iceland areso honest gigantic feed store than a gas blunt- p0- On cvcry side, instead of cars of coal that there are neither prisons nor licc in the country. It is said that there and tanks of oil, are bales of 'hay and A comical foot-race was recently wit- Ninctecn men, each Germany‘s colonies are five times as llollars every day 10 0031 mines and tag as herself, those of France eigh- ninety-seven {make the gas which it sclls, the Ilcat- railroads for nla'lcrial from which to lricc plant buys up straw. cobs, corn- d King. stalks and maltcr of that. kind, throws them int.) the rctorts, and the result is a splendid gas with ten per cent. more healing power than the best will And ion for ion the straw 'I‘hc Beatriceplant looks more like a cribs of corn-cobs. fl‘hcre is the 'old familiar odor of gas in the atmosphere and all the appurten- onccs usually scrn around a gas plant. accepted in theorv, in practice, it is scl- with a wooden leg, were the contest- But tlicrc is anothcr little roorn which Born allowed. , indeed. are carried out with an atrocious nnnutcs. ferocity that Iiuropeans can ill conceive. A necessary outcome, perhaps. of the (omc a medical doctor. that from first to last a complete mc- rict of bloodshed that prevails through- ,_ , out the land is the cxistcncc of the sanc- “031 education on tuarics that are scattered all over the runs â€1‘0 $5900- country. These places are ordinarily a shrine commemorating local saint. SOIlle ' rt 's THE STORY or ARRL’ZZI. ‘1 â€n" 9790109 " It costs a good deal of money to be- of the business. It is estimated and the pnoccsacs which represent the lntertribal vengeanccs, ants. The winncr ran a mile in twelve is, not found whcro coal gas is made.â€" and in that little room are tho secrets Ilcre arc the formulas three ycazs' work done by Mr. Coulis. the highest lines and of vhich the ccmplctrd plant is the A tombstone, composcd of the fossils either the tomb of some holy man or he Ctmï¬'ttd in his rambles, i5 '0 be , . . , , erected in a Bath cemetery to the menu ed for bnsmcss Without a smgc also cry of an engine-driver who was an valor. June 15. 1907. result. Bcatricc is a city of twclvc thousand pmple. The new gas company open- As a competitor there was an old established gas com- -’ ' During a thunderstorm a remarkable puny furnishing gas to three hundred Wliosocvcr takes shcltcr themâ€"be he murderer or bandit, or merely a fugitive from what passes for punishment for so long as he choosus to remain within the sacral precincts; to the shrine are Constrained by custom to provide food and drink for him. And inasmuch as those sanctuaries are very numerous. it will readily be gucssed that they put a premium on deeds of vio- lence. If it ww-c not for these shrines thcrc would probably be but few bri- gumls. The most common form of crime is the IV abduction of children for purposes of gallons to the acre. purchased a fine from a Itorkliffe gcntlcman. in one of incidcnt happened at a house near Dcal, In» lightning imprinting a perfect pho- togral'lb of a flowerâ€"vase on a mirror juslii'eLhe is immune from pursuit or before which it stood. In France the average yield of wine is II2 gallons to every acre of vincyard; moreover. the pcople of the Duar nearest in Spain it rises to 130 gallons 1301' acre but Algeria holds the record with 300 Like the ancient Egyptians, tho Jap- ancsc are accustomed to storc in huge public granarles the years of plenty against the day of need which a famine may bring with it. A Dunslablc (England) butcher reccnt- before the mclal is ready for use. To grain savcd in metres. ' After one. month of operation thc new company is lighting tllc city, has three hundred metres alrcady in- stalled, ‘has fifty mcn installing other 'mctrcs just as fast as possible and has ltllrc hundred applications on hand. As to the character of the new gas, the cxpcrirncc of some of the local papers is a sample. Formerly it. was ncccssary to keep the tires under the metal pots lightcd for four “hours be- fore usc. in order that the type and IfllOlfll .lniglit be liquid when nccdcd. The new gas burns just nincty’minutcs Norfolk bullock be exact. the coal gas produced 000 On being British thrrmal units. while the vege- domcslic slavery, and from this cause slaughtered there was found in the ani- 'lablc gas produced 000 units of heat in result blood feuds that continue fro n gs‘ncratiun to gcncralkn. The wish nearest to the heart of every Moor is to conceal from his neighborsâ€" be able to follow the sermon. the vicar Trinity Church. Tunbrid and especially from his superiorsâ€"the of Holy existence of any property he may pos- nzal‘s stomach about 2% feet length (i the same time. ' a bicycle tyre‘hnncr tube). . , r, , . .T- . . 3 , In order that deal WOI‘Shlppcrs may TON IliODUCLb 10,000 CLBIC ILEI. One ton of the bust gas producing ge,:coal laid downgin Bealricc'costs $0, Wells, has decided to instal the clcctro- land will produce 10,000 cubic fort of 5055. The reason for this is wâ€. simple, phone at short-distance range from the ,«:os. But one ton of common old corn- for wealth in Morocco brings misfortune pulpit ‘0 a few spccml pews. on its owner. One of the modern times was a Berber named El Arruzzi, tales of whOse atrocities are even yct \V’IIISPERED UNDER THE BREATH, although their perpetrator is no more. several doctors cious. make a sudden descent upon a village. and carry off the best horses and the prettiest women of the tribe. many wivesâ€"one of them, by the way. being a beautiful girl who accompanied him on his many plundering expedi- tions and was well-nigh as intrepid as himself. Moorish justice is not far-reaching, but at length his many villainics drew down upon him the vengeance of the law. Arruzzi fled from shrine to shrine, but at length found himself surrounded in a According to tuary. There he fought. like a wild beast but still sought to make a shield for him with her body. The soldiers closed in Could reach them Arruzzi stabbed his who night duty in their turn. If is calculated that if all the matches Arruzzi was not less brave than fero- “59d inlthchnited I‘émgdi‘l’“ ï¬ery day ' , - , . were ace anams one 0- er. thcv Alone and unaided, h'“ would would 1:co‘vcr a distance of 15,000 miles. {Ninety-three tons of He hudldauy in England in the manufacture of 500.000,000 matches, while 25.000 ions are received yearly from Swedcn. The Union Jack which flew from Nel- son's flagship, the Victory, and which covered his remains on the journey by water to Greenwich Hospital, has been sold in London for 120 guineas. White Ensign which hung at the rear of Nelson‘s funeral car on its way to St Paul’s was sold for 20 guineas. wood away from the shelter of a sanc- tistics Germany 13%;): Dying: 81’): ' . , _ _, ‘ ginning of 1907 no fewer than 15.700 a. bay. until, covered with wounds and motor-cycles utilized for private pur- utterly exhausted, he recognized that he poses, and 25,; for commercial purposes. ml!“ {3‘1“ into â€1? hands 0‘ his enemies. Prussia alone furnished 6,369 motor-cy- Hls fair companion “'35 “150 wounded, cles serving for amusement and Sport, Bavaria 451, Saxony 403. Wurtemburg _ 60, Baden 145, Brunswick 117, Illann Him the doomed pair. but before they burg 161. and Elsassâ€"Lothringen 160. . , A section of the Canadian Northern wife to the heart. and then, turning the Railway running north-west from Sud- weapon on himself, PHI- ‘111 end 10 his fury and crossing the Vermilion River, wood are used life. is unique in that it is ballasted with RAISULI AS RULE-IR. I am not sure that it would be correct to describe Raisuli as a brigand. Law- less and ruthless he undoubtedly is, and many cold-blooded crimes have been ‘ committed by him, but it should be pointed out that his hand has been against the Government rather than against society at large, and it. must be allowed that his many followers regard him as being the rightful ruler of the land. Incidentally, of course, he has perpetrated many robberies, and not a few murders. but these have, main. been necessitated by his lack of private resources. All Moors are cruel, but I do not know that Raisuli is unduly gc Id. fine dust, and a the near future. .. Every yard of the gravel used for ballast has been found to‘contain from 50 ccnis’ worth to a dollar's worth of the precious metal, in the shape (.f syndicate is instal- ling machinery for Large operations are contemplated in its extraction. ‘5"â€" lnslead of dreaming of tomorrow the successful man is wide-awake to the op- pcrtunities of today. It is sad to learn, from official sourc- in the es. that, in spite of the march of civ- ilization, an average of nearly 30,000 unuddressed letters find their way to the British Post Office yearly, and that 51,». His methods. indeed, may be favor- over 330.000 per annum is. in this way, ably compared with those obtaining at BLOOD-CURDLING HORRORS. One bandit. who Is justly notorious. vvvvvvv rivals the methods of the Inquisition. L He employs, indeed, one form of argu- ment that seldom fails to obtain from his f‘NllCl‘L“ 00,1395“ presented to the National Exchequer, the Moorish Court. - The amusing part of the matter is the way in which many letters are address- ed. “()banvidock" was, on one occas- Icn. made to do duty for Holborn Vin- has elaborated a system of torture which GUCl: ‘M-‘liland†was found to bc Mile End in masquerade; “flitewifc†was al- lcged to be photo-phonetic; but most when it came to victims the secret hidingâ€"places of melpl“fluselfcach in 1.0 fumptshCrC"â€"which wealth. In his entourage are two highly- at last emerged info I’lazelbcach, North- trained wrestlers of huge stature. At a amptonshire. ’ he signal from their master these rufllans 80228 the captive. and throw him into the â€FY 0f WOI‘C- CIICISi‘l air in such a manner, that, acmrdlng to Queen Victoria.†Hope, rest, fresh air, andâ€"Scot‘fJ Emulsion. ‘ALL onuocis'rs‘: 50c. AND $1.90. ~3‘..'Q. :3“ w' r' .. b however. was the be Certain relief and usually complete recovery § will result from the following treatment: é last production. sf: “To the Ccc~ sbicile, London, The Cubs or straw treated in the now plant In Germany, it a doctor is wanted produces 10,000 cubic fcct of a L£‘ll(‘l'l\'~‘ifll an uncle who lived in lllt‘ Lauren- best-known bandits of suddenly in the night. instead of flying grade of gas than does the (30:11- round in a cab or rushing wildly from aftcr the gas is hcusc to house, one goes to the nearest cinergcncy station, and fetches one of are always (11 And extracted there rtL mains 600 pounds of the best coke ob- tainable. In the case of straw almost 'purc carbm remains. And this coke is burntd bencath the rctorts, t‘hus pro- ducing the heat ncccsary to make more gas and more coke. . ' The Bran-ice plant Cost $80,000,011- ciuding eightccn miles of gas main-s. This is just about the costof'an ordin- ary gas plant of the same capacny. but. the ordinary gas plant can be made into a corncob plant by expend- ing about $2,000. The burncrs and other ï¬xtures are the same for both £32505- »? - INSECT-EATING Bums. Itcady to Change Their Habits \thn Introduced Into a New Country. \thn settlement began in New Zea- land farmers gave a hearty invitation to In", small birds of England to help in thc grout work of colonization. says J. Drummond. writing in The Saturday f’cvicw. The colonists were in a rather sad plight then. through plagues of caterpillars, which threatened to make farming on anything like a large scale impossible. The gathering of the in- sects caused consternation. ’I‘hcy ad- vanced through the country in armies. devouring crops and leaving fields as bare as if the seed had not been sown. A tclcgram published in the leading New Zealand newspapers about that time stated that the morning and even- ing trains bctwccn Waverley and Nuku- morn in the Wauganui district, on the west coast of the North Island, were brought to a standstill owing to count- less thousands of caterpillars being on the rails. which had to be swcpt and sanded before the trains could continue their journeys. . Some of the native birds performed good service by eating insects, but the nativc birds of New Zculand are shy and will not dwcll with men. The scl- tlcrs. therefore, turned their attention to tho lusccbcuting birds of the old country. The sparrow, the hedge-span row. the song-thrush. the black-bird, the grccnfinch, the chamnch, the goldfmch, the rcdpoll. the yellow-hammer: the clrl- bunting. the starting the Skylark and other birds were introduced. They accepted the task allotted to thcm. took up their permanent residence in the colony and fed on the fat of the land. ’But the colonists felt that they repaid kindness with ingraiitudc. The rrgard that was once felt for them has been turned to bitter hatred. There is a hue and cry against. them, and most of the furmcrs in the colony would now willingly banish them from the land if they could. The' writer adds: Thesqvcrdict is written on a circular which 'I prepared some months ago, and which the do partment of agriculture issued for me throughout the colony. . . All the evi- dence I have obtained points to the fact that birds are quite ready to change their habits when they are introduced into a new country. Friendâ€"“I am afraid your husband has a very bad cold; he’s continually sneezing. It’s quite painful to hear him. Why don’t you ask a doctor to see him?" Matronâ€"“Well, I’m waiting jigst a few days. because it 1111111565 baby 50 to see his father sneeze."- t ’ THISGASI’LANTISUNIQUE .116ch THE STREETS FROM May Revolutionize the Gas Industry;â€" ycars on his idea and last month there was opened in Beatrice, Neb., the ï¬rst results (I his workâ€"a gas plant which used not I“? the waste mattcr of the farm. The now gas plant is not an experiment instead, is a mam HAND on non: mums. :a ~ » . . our-Films of the Babies Said. ‘ to be ' Ambidextrous. Man reasons have been advanced for the prévalence of right-handedness. It is by some said to be the result of nurs- ing and infantile treatment, to be due to early practice in writing and draw- ing, to the outcome of warfare, educa- tion and heredity, the rmult of mechani- crl law and other remote causcs, accord- ing to the Strand. Sir James Sawyer declares that tho prefer gal use of the right hand is due to th "Iact that in primitive days mannuscd the right hand for the purposes of offence, so as to kccpthe heartâ€"the vital spot-uas far as possible fromelhc assault of an acvcr- sury. Rcccnt exlwrimcnts and observa- tions, howcvcr. prove that single-hand- cdncss is mcrcly the result of faulty or restricted education. It is a curious instance of human con- trarincss that should one cyc, one car, or one leg of a child show signs of diminished vigor the parents would in- stantly seek the cause of and if possible remedy for that lamentable condition; yet for some inexplicable reason or pro- judico the left hand of the average child 11»; ruthlessly and delibcratcly neglected, until in mature years it is an undevel- opcd, useless, and almost unnccvssary appcndu g0. Careful observations have Shown that. out of every hundred persons born into this world eighty arc congcnitally am- bidcxtrous~lhat is to say, they will in- stinctively reach for an objcct with clthcr hand and only rcquire proper in- struction and training to dcvclop both hands and arms to an equal degree of strcugth and skill. Of lilo l'Olllalllitlg twenty scvcntecn will be right-llandtxl, while the other tlzrco will show a natural bias lowani the left. hand. The cultivation of umbi- dtxtcrify, therefore, offers no insupcr- ~ablc difficulties, and tho economical, pl'.ysiologlcal advantngcs are enormous. It is said that, the Japanese soldicrs can use their weapons with equal skill in either hand, for they an» trained to bc uml'lidoxtrous from childhood. At school lh'ey croutaught to write and draw with both hands: In drawing and paint- ing no supporting dcvlcc. whalcvcl" is used, the cntire arm being employrd. The German educational authorities, tm, are at prcscnt giving consillcrablf‘ attention to loft hand work, cspcciullv 1n their technical and mechanical schools. The students are taught, to saw, plant, and hamnlcr as “'0“ with lllf‘ left hand as with the right, and the conno- ruicul and industrial imporlan'“) of nmbidcxlcrity is firmly Impresacd upon the nunds of young men and ux'mzcn. -’f-â€"â€"-.. “'I'JAK, SICK LY PEOPLE. Will Find Nrw Strt‘ngth Through tho [so of Dr. “'illinms' I'ink Pills. A great many young Il‘i‘ll and wo- lt‘lt al‘:.suddenly sizrd with wonk- ncss. 'l‘hcir uppclitc fails Ilzwm; thvv tire on the least cxcrlfml. and locrvrnr pale and thin. They do not feel any soc-rifle painâ€"just “alumnus. tut that |\\.'caknc>s is danglruus. It. is a Sign that the blood is thin. and \yutcrv; that it nrods building up. llr. \‘.‘ilâ€" linnls' l’lnk I‘llls ’lvill l‘cslorc .sncnglh bt'CIIUSC tlu'y actually nlukr new. rich bloodâ€"they Will ltclp you. (killcvcrning them Mr. Alfred l.cpugc. <11 St .Icrouc. Que. says: “l’or several Just send us yo u r n a m e and address on apost-card and we’ll mail you a Painting Book for the little folks and a quarter-pound pack- age of Celluloid Starch. That means fun for the children and satisfactory snatching for you. Celluloid Starch . requires no borlmg, gives a perfect ï¬nish to the clothes and never makes the irons stick. Write toâ€"day for this free book and sample. The Brantford Starch Works. Limited f , Branttord. Ontario ms t looked tho other way, poppcd into a shop. , Keats 10115 of an cncounlcr with a master who cntcrcd a (‘lJIllf't‘ll<Jllt’r.< shop while a lad was eating an ice. file boy shut up one cyc and held up his spoon in front of the other, whilc the master prt‘lcndcd not to see him. A small lit’lniun got into trouble one day by demanding a fulfilment of tho lctlcr of one of the old customs. Ac- cording to a statute of Henry ‘.'I. on our day of tho your cvcry collcgcr was (‘nlillctt to receive thrCcpcncc. or hall a shccp, Illrcc prnnics being the \"dlll" of half a. sheep at the limo tho law was passed. 0n the appointed day the bur- .sur \vould appcur in the hall and give each loy his llu‘ccpcncc. One day, not many ycars ago, a small and llllpll(l"l’ll pupil dl-lllandcd tho hull sheep instcad of the iuoncy. 'I‘lu: lvlllell‘ flc v into a terrible rage, rcport- c-d lllt" muttcr to the doctor. and suc- cccdrd In, obtaining for the boy a sound flogging. The young scamp, llwa‘Vf'l‘, rot-civ- 0d a compensation for lll.\‘ smarts. The next day aftl r his corporal punishment llf‘ Illt'l. his totuor. who lmppchd to m:- u sympntllctic man with a kccn sons; of humor. “Mum-r lramwcll,†he said, “I llcar you are a great criminal. You have aakcd for a half sheep and got a flog- ging. Come to breakfast with me Hi Sunday. Now, buy, what would you like to out?" “l‘twuso. sir, goose!" slammcrcd the (It‘llgllfcd Ind, and he had goose. and the boy â€" â€WM CANCER IIAUN'I‘S IIOI'SES. Startling Thctu‘y Advanced by Paris Physician. 'I‘hc sanitary authorities of Paris l-‘ruut‘c. ll:t\'«~ reached to (‘flllfllllï¬lmll that lullws run llc ,lllfrl'l.‘:l with cun- (‘t‘f‘. and that l‘<il~)!:l.< which [tillft‘lllN' lluvc illllulrilol \vxll mnwy tho doling long albr lllr- victims lll'~‘ (loaf. (ll)- .Nlrvutmrl St"t‘.'l!§ to prove that in lionsâ€" w \‘.'lll'l'l‘. a death from cant-or has up- iuarcd lilo dlsmw Often trunks out uttml \\‘ll«:ll mu upnd by olln'r fa'nilEM. 'illjs for! bus 5w (lift-r1 torn Hoff-ll that lost u'llow :l Crumb; has lx'cn taken lu so .almul. hull-o5 \‘.‘llt‘l'1‘ crlnccr pullrnls fie/t (luring lllz,‘ last six months «i lilllll. Thur» or.“ 1.002 lions“: on the list years I have Loon cnnilmnl in a pro al‘hirll will llc untc‘nd to are if ll'u" new CUT and Up to tho our of scvcnlcrn I re-idcnls “WWW ““"Ch‘ti “H“ â€I“ t“"' had always cnjflyod ill-c 1,051 d llcallh. “use. Alrlznly in lwrlvc cf the. houses lint suddcnly my strength bcgan to lcavo inc; I grew pale. thin and ox- trcmcly \vcuk. Our family doctor or- ‘dt-rcll a complctc rest and adviscd me to remain out of doors us much as pos. sibln, so I wcnt to spend scvvral “Toff" l titles. l was in the hope that the brac- lmi mountain air would hclp me. but it didn‘t, and I rclurncd llOlllt‘ in a dc- plorublc state. I ‘was subject to dizzi- ness, indigestion and general \vruk- boss. One day I road of a case very similar to my own cured through the usc of Dr. Williams l’ink I’llls, and I (lccidcd to give them a trial. Aflcr taking four LOfo of thc pills I fell greatly improved. so ('untlnucd their usc for some time longcr (and they fully curcd me. I am now allo to go about. my work as wcll as over I (lid and have nothing but the grcatcst praise for llr. \Villiams’ Pink I‘llls.†'l‘hc bku’ldugood blood is the. sect-cl of health. If the blood is not purc tllc body becomes discus-ed or the nrrvcs. shattered. Keep the blood pure and‘ disease cannot exist. I)r. \\'illia.rns' Pink Pills make rich. red bloodâ€"that is why they cure anaemia, rheumatism. indigcstion. headache, backache. kidncy trouble and llK‘ scorct ailnlcnts of girl- hood and womanhood. Sold at 50 cents a box or six boxcs for $2.50. by all medicine (loafers or by mail from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brock- villc, Ont. Fâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" OUT OF THE PAST. ~ Historical Traditions of Some English Schools. Some of the old customs kept up in English schools by way of tradition Stem very curious to the student if til-day. Their excuse for being is far in the. past, and robbcd of all meaning. they play a senseless part in the drama of school life. Within the last quarter of a century many of these practises have been abolished in the conviction that, however valuable historical tradi- tion may be, much of it is useless lum- ber. hindering progress. Such a law, as for many years was nominally in force at Eton, was. on tho very face of it. both useless and ridiculous. The river at Eton was regarded as being “in bounds"; that. is, the students could go there at any time without per- mission. But the road which lcd to the river was out of bounds. River sports held a large and encouragcd place in school life, and yet to get to this per- missible spot Eloniuns must go on for- bidden ground. - Of course this rule could not be actu- ally enforced. thn a mastcr mct a boy on his way _to the rivcr, the master ISSUE NO. 38â€"07. ‘lllt‘l‘t‘ lltll'l‘ lK'i‘il two sllgcssivo cases, Dr. Armand royorls that in (1 vii- lage of only 400 illimlritan‘s film-c worn“ in the space of sm-cn yours clrvon deaths from ('ltlllft‘l‘. all praclujully or:- rltrl'lng in the surnc block of lamps. Three years lab-r sownhcn «it: those lrtuscs had sln'lll‘l'rd twenty palil‘nts. The d (for collclllllwl that the llouscs \vrre izollclls of rancwr gcrms. and that lu- anunut of disinfecting would drive thorn away. llr. l«'ill:l.~.sicr 'nlakcs rcports of. a house when: during thirty ycnrs llu‘rc ucrc Ilw (bulbs from cancer. all'in (Ilfll‘rcnt lawful-S. hr. Lambricr incu- tint-IN a farm-house ht Gasny whcrc t'lt‘lll families lived at various times. finch family dl vllopcd one or two cascs Hf tho disrasr. 'I‘llr‘ question as to \vhcthcr canccr .‘s horolitary is not to be attribulcd'to the same causc. lntcrcsling results are rxpcctcd from the observation which is now going on. .. -d'..._.~... No pcrszm should go from home with- oul a lotllo of llr. .l. D. Kellogg‘s Dy- srnlcry Cordial in thcir possession, as Chang.- . f wulcr, cooking. climntc. ctc.. irrqlzcnlly bring< on snunncr C«:wmplz:i.lll. and lhcrc is nothing like bcing rcady with a sure remedy at hand. which oftcntinu-s saves grout suffcring and Iz‘cquently valuable livcs. This Cordial has gained for ifsclf a widrsprcad N- putution for affording relief from all sununcr complaints. If mcn were to write lhrir own cpl- lnplls marblc cutters would be com- pcllcd to work ovcrlimc. Aftcr crlcbraling the twenty-ï¬fth an- niversary of llcr birth. the avcragc woman's chicf aim in life is to not look llcr ugf‘. Good Digestion Should Wall on Ap- pclilc.â€"â€"'I‘o have thc stomach will is. to have the rcrvous systcm \chI. \‘cry dallcatc are the <lig<"sfi\'c organs. In , sumo so srnsitlvc are they that alums- plwric ('llang-c': afflrt lhcm. \thn they la conic disurrnngcd no bttlcr regulator i.- procurublc than l’nrlru'lcc's Yugo- lulllc I'll]. 'I‘lu‘y will usist filo (ligrs' lltdl so that the hourly color will suf- fur no inrwmvcnicnco.and. “will dcrivo at. the lgcncfits of his food. - .é‘ _.â€"-â€"- .-\V'IRELESS ISO“? MADE EASY. Gcrman Invcnts a Portable 'Systcm to Be Carried By Tllf‘t‘t‘ Mon. lx’crm-st intcrcst and discussion has‘ been aroused in German scientific army cxrclcs by Hrrr Ilcil‘u‘lckc's ncw system of wircIrSs tclcgraplly. hon is llcing exhibited at the colonial: V lcrlin. 1 chal' authorities Friedrnull . military cxhibilion at and tho liaiscrs have operation. . ‘ The features of the IIcuu-lckc system of especial interest. to the army arcits comparative simplicity, 11.3 portability. its liglltmss, the facility with which it car. be erected in the ï¬eld and its cheap- ncss. T he transmitting apparatus and the receiving apparatus are contained in one small case which can be quite easilv carried on the back of one man. Its total weight is only nineteen kilo- grammes. A complete station, conmst- ing of this case, the batteries. a 50-foot pole and a network of thin wxrcs can be handled on the march by three men. The pole is made in sections. of about six feet each, and its total weight 18 only 30 kilogrammcs. The- most remarkable feature of the new invention islhe fact that it can be The new invt-n- .. madc fl‘rqtlmlf trips to the littlc,‘ town to see the discovery in Ilf'llCllCltlf erected ready for the tranSmtssion or the inception of messages in eight min- utes. Four men only are needed for the job. Its radius- of communication is about 25 miles and its total cost is only $1,500. The advantagcs over the system now ir use in the German army are obvious. The latter apparatus costs $4,000, and twelve men are ncccssury to transport and erect it. An army trial will proba- bly be given the llcinrickc system with- in a few weeks with a view of general adoption. . 4, HOW HE GOT lIARYESTERS. Endiana Man “’ho Offers Smilt's of Daughtcrs Ccts Many Applicants. l ll-rmkiah “light. a rich farmer (f Elwood, Indiana, who, to induce farm- lxunds to come to Work for him. said that they might go buggy-riding with 5,3. daughters, is being mvampcd with applications for positions. Wright's of- papers, and one mail brought him 38 letters from Pennsylvania, Now York, XlflxsuCllUSL‘US, Iillno‘s. Iowa (zllil. l\‘.'~fl, Wright’s crops were suffering bccausc llc could not get help. so be made his offer of $9 a wcck} loaf-d, room. horse and buggy on Sundays and the com- lgany of his daughters on the buggy 'l'lllus. Some of the applicants for jobs izapparcntly want a place for life rathcr l and Indi- ‘llun just for the hurvcst season. and :sz all sorts of questions of Wright. Some of those asla'd most frequently are ’ flow much are. you worth? \t‘llen arc you likcly to die? llavc you made your will. and, if .50. :s it in favor of your daughters? Arr, your daughters good-Tooking, well «dill-atoll and colnpanionablc? Arc your daughtcrs engaged, or do _\«u' think they would like to be? Many of‘ â€it? applicants send requests 0;“ pictures of the Wright girls. and as): that jobs he kept open for them Tll'lll they are able to sce the photo- graphs t l +vâ€" .- LEAI’ED FROM CHURCH TO“"ER. â€"â€" of Suicide. An cxfrzmrdlnary affair. culminaling in a tragic death, occurred in tile vll-l lag- of Suggart, (Bounty Dublin. lrel land. on a recent Sunday. At two in tho; zlltl-rno-iln, u youngr woman. Minnio’tl lllï¬ill. was soon to enter the tower of n- ll-lman Catholic Church. and a few nsmitrs lat-3r apltcarcd on the roof, 120 .«'.~l uéovc lllc glound. A large crowd palhcrcd at the foot of ‘lfw loxwr. and attempts were. made to row" :0 lr'r. but slu- lmd lockcd the door ' ind her, and tllrcalcnrd to ting her- .wil dmvn if anyonc came near. The In v. l’alhcr Scuvcr, however. succccdcvl in hurtling thc top of the toch'. and «turn within a flw yards of lilt- girl. l-lmll film'- ln- apl'lroucln'd llcr sin: rushed 'r. lib: parapct. llt‘ then knoll and prayed. holding mil :1 crucifix. which llt‘ null-firm th-3 l-Jil'l l'r lake llt‘ltl of. Her only l‘clrlyl “We shall mcct on flu: gmur'ldfl ' Snavcr cordinucrl to pray for1 Kl ‘.‘I fill. t' l. .urs. when tho girl suddrnly cave “l l l:;:l cry, flirt-w up her arms and fell l; lfzr ground. #30 ic-mivl‘d lK‘l‘l'ilch inlurirs. which, imllzwi death. and a verdict t-l this cf-' ilrl-l was retumcd at the inqncï¬t. .4. or.\ a numlcr of val-ittivs cf llollmvay‘s (“moi Cure will rc- ;lznvvv any of them. (Still (an your drug- fgzs! and get a bottle at oncc. 'l'ltwru â€" Cut-’1‘. , lx’nzr-lo r~“\\‘l:at is a sclfarnade mam", ..\I .~. linickcrhï¬lnc whom wife docsn't i have In Wi‘ul' a sclf-lnadc hat.†l l l Rose-colored spots on the bodies of children ‘ Irv enmutimos mistaken for measles. The trouble may be roseula, a. local dimase of the skin: I‘rumptly cured with Weaver's Comte. lliglltcst child in that world should lavp ill" thought to themselves. A than is foolish to go round looking for trouble unless he is strenuous enough to take a fall out of it. A I52? for Generous liutcrs.â€"'l'llere are many persons of llcalllly appetite land pmr digestion who. aflcr a hearty l Fritzcrs who think .thl'y have 11ch local. are subjcct to lunch suffcrlng.’ The food of which they havc pal-taken . ‘ lies like load in their stomachs. Ilcad- nchc. depression. a smothering feeling i follow. (Inc so afflicted is unfit for: business or work of any kind. In this“ ccndition Parmclcc‘s \‘cgclablc Pills will bring relief. They wit assist the according to direction will ‘l‘lt altlly digestion. I‘Qslol'C I Matrimony makes a man awfully" cvcr aftl r. l Asl<i1l~7“\\'hat is the quotation abcu in ntcd loops a man broke." Overworked Persons. either mentally or PllVSlCaUV. ah vuld "Y "Forrevim," the world renuwuelucrvo and “blood tonic and they Will \uckly roum'ul‘ strength and health l _â€"_‘ \ llauSlt‘S’S~-".\ll‘. Litcwaylc is going to. sing a comic song.†Guestâ€"fl kin-‘5‘ something would llappcn. l ovcrturn- oil a salt-collar at the dilmcr-tal'xle." 5 'I‘ourislfl‘WVlb'll do tho pcoplc. round. llcrc lth‘ on. Pill?" .Inrvcy~“l‘ig.~'. . arr.‘ m the wintcr, and tourists in the sum-- nlcr.†‘ Its l‘hwvr flows \\'ilh Agc.---Ilow nanny nlcdicincs loudly bluzonod as panaccus for all human ills lmvc c-mm and your slut-c llr. 'I'llomas' I‘:(‘lf’t'lll" (‘i' was Ill-st putupotl the market. to! it l‘OllltIlllS.tl.llflglllflf‘b Hand to human- ilv than many a preparation more high- u? vuunkd 11nd extruding its virtues; '\\'ltl"f‘ and .qucr and in 51 largl r cil'rlv 'P‘fl'l')’ year. It is the medicine "1‘ the Illlusscs. J " .Ilndsum-wfl want a gmd rcvolvcr.’ floulrr~“.-\ six-slander?" Ilutlsum _- “ lettt'r mukc it a nillc-sllcryfur, 1:}; far out next (l-L‘l‘l" v I “ I thought I must go on 3126:113- from 'u until I died; ha Zam~B care we," so a Mrs. E. Reed, of Stem- burngnL)» s Mamâ€""I man weakened than"I couléldbugdiy mere abou 82:41qu worms m TOB‘BOB. on C cram andbsï¬nax 13m damn? as tho it has curcdme.†‘ Renown-cum. hm. bruises. nth-In. mmem in mï¬wu‘bM-ktn » do! I and Omaha m â€.2606. O in}. or lam-m Contact“. a . boxec'urllï¬. fur was given publicity in thc new», assimilation of the ailment. and used} - l E i v. I restless a little while bcforc and forw ‘ IPAB ‘A nil-nu in need?†Noitl-JA friend; . ‘ 1 p.m., nth and 23rd ‘ Summersidc, P. 12.1., and underwent. and only one 51' fish we.“ cut slowcï¬. and 13‘3- ï¬ayou' from the tie? you, a it. That kind I trade. If“ (our... chum... 3.2:- star t. at it . c yMac‘i: in many falgrics . Ityia.‘ 8! main rises. in form- airg Ulla or Women. p menandchxldm' / 'lookforthe PEN-ANGLE. w. Ilcâ€"ï¬mk at that woman on tho ofllsm ride of the strcot waving her hands Is she practising phy- blCltl culture?†Sheâ€"“600d gracum. rot She’s discribing her ncw hat to the other woman!†“Chen a girl says she never ink-nus to got married she means it about Ls much as the man who says he has mom, :nmnoy than he knmvs what to do with. MrrcllanI-“ch; we are in need of a porter. Where were you employed ast?" Applicantâ€"“In a bank. sir.“ Merchantâ€"“Did you clean it out?" .A;:- plicantâ€"“No sir. The cashier did that.“ Do not dclay in getting relief for flu: filth1 folks. Mother Graves’ \Vorm Iixtcrmznator is a pleasant and sure- cure. If you love your child why (.1. you let it suffer when a remedy is s. ncar at hand? lrlusband~â€"“You should be more coo. nomlcal. my dear. and save something for a rainy day." \\-'ifc--“Whaf‘s 1!..- use‘.’ I can‘t go shopping and spend it on a rainy day.†ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Web lord’s Sanitary lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Doctor: “Do you eat well. my little man '2" Little Man: “I ought to: I‘ve loch practising since I was two days old I†The strongest wind thatevcr blcvqn't rip away a roof covered watt: self-loin; “OSHAWA††GALVANIZED STEEL snINGLEs Rain can't ct throu h it in 25 you: §guaraxztccd 51 writing or 231;: loopâ€"good or a century reallyâ€"75m can t both" such a roofâ€"prim? against all the elementsâ€"the cheap-51000;) roof theic is. . It’ritc us and we'll show you why It costs less! to root right. 'Just aim-es: ï¬ne PEDLAR People ‘Eilf (than Montreal 0mm Toronto Loudn- Mfg OHENILLE CURTAINS and all kinds of home Hum-u Also Mt}! CURTAINS â€"3:- ï¬ï¬‚"" Write to us About yours. INTI“! maxim BIKING 00.. “I 18!. um. Ithe’m tn. pi n. 13". cannc ‘p y e -- MARVEL mean no " other. but send team for illustrated boot-arr. M. It full particular: and directions in- - . Wit’llté’it’ét’rrm- co Wlndsor on. (ion. era! Agent; for CM " Km them on. No dead ï¬le. lying about when and .- clinched. FLY , Tâ€" sou) av â€"â€" nnuccls‘rs, CROCEBS no menu. smiles FOR $2.50 3 _ W: will mail immediately a magnificent , pair of mens' $5.00 GAUNTLET ERIVING - GLDVE “Pan-c: in 'Fn'. lesn and FASHION The Swellest (Haves Obtainable - in ms Country. THE PARKDALE GLOVE WORKS TORONTO. 'dilllllllllulunllnll LIMITED. lll'l'tf and Gulf [ll St. lament Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes 'l‘wln Screw Iron 55. “Campus." with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comforts. I . sum anon nox'rnu. ox MP§DAYS a. .. 94‘ ortmgh' cl thereafter for Pictou, . . #133118 “we“: Gaspe, Mal Buy. Peres, .05“. a, ‘ 3h“. rlottctown, I u E‘ERMUDA- Summer Excursicns, 883, by the new twig Screw SS. "Bermudian,"6.500 tens. Shift 1th. 14th and 25th September, 5th, 16th and 261251 0°- tober. 68h» do veer. _ ' be finest: trip: of the season for health an, comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Sra‘ctary, Quebec A. l-‘. OUTERBRIDGE k C0., Agent; 29 Broadway, New York, ' . 16th and 27th November. Tampa-a, , taro ecology cea. breezes seldom rises above a ‘ .. +. f‘ *l 1 £36 +l +1 +l . g! l Ii‘ +l 5i t . u . ‘ c \ ‘ uh. ;~ ,7 l . i. , g ' l 3’; , C \ ‘ l . .‘,, ‘ I , . .\ \ . >1 . I .V l v. , l " '~ 4 \: 1 7- g : It \ .. \I: \\ . , 3;, » .1 (pl 1 (3 ~ 1 I'.) . \ : RX- 1 2‘. . ~ .. . hm. , , .. . £1. t,Z\ \ . :4 ~ v '. - ' ‘3 ;‘ ,. .. A' g 4!’ ~‘ g r‘ - . r p .'. ‘ . 4 ~I . ~ .. ,. ., “1 t .' '. r. I 'l: s- .7 . l 'l ._. .. ‘ \ r ' ‘ V l: .. .â€"‘ I ll’t' ,.~ 3.. v1 . l I" II 5 . tut . ’ 4 ~ 4 silt. - 21?. (o. ‘ l " : I. ' a \ s- -«, H » \ . t .l \' l ‘ t a 'l V I a . i ' » l .l; V \I l ' ~ l ‘ ,f ' ‘ It e . » l . b‘ t . » ~. I ' \4. ‘ ‘\t N \ l "‘ l ‘\I '3“. \t» . ‘..lr“ ;, - i ' L: ~ \ A} 1.. .-\r . ~1 . ~ , l‘a . . , , 0‘ .f .‘ I ~ ~‘: ~ ' l .. . 1 ‘\ ' ., n ll. '4 r a w , l : ‘.l. . l l l \ .‘l\ , . , I‘ ~, :1 ‘m ...... I 1 _,.. -.‘ l'. “\A',,\ g V l 1 4‘-l IN - L \ \'.1 “it I inï¬ll ,\-tf 5;: that u w-«lnal niichael shadow . w... ., V, o