Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 9 Aug 1906, p. 3

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1". very few new week If pmmiblc. ft. “'m. Strain. t: style, harm: who will attend Leyannmnt and . and wheflur humus, 5r, 1 S- We ban» a och of tzunls. ppliutien. .2 :C lrvp parr min) 0156: Mama, thumping o. Dd Pinkie“. repaired 110068 8. 'AGER subject to Mr. Nixman Banking .teele’s TION and shoe soli: hd. M?fian_shonld be in the style and wear the “ King Hat." \Ve carry all the styles in this make. We ' ,carrv the Wriliams. Greene Rome Co. Shirts, Collars and Cuffs. E- S. Currie's Men‘s Tiesâ€"mp1 to date .stvles. All kinds of Gloves, summer underwear, hose, braces, belts, handkerchiefs, etc. . Staple Dry Goods'Dept.â€"Prices lower than ever. House Furnislnngy .Dept. Carpets. floor all cloths, Linoliurns, Lace and Cheneale Curtains, art muslins, curtain poles and window shades at prices awav below other dealers. Grocery and Crockery Dept-s. Sugars and Teas a Specialty. Full line of all kinds of shelf goods. Dinner Setts, King Edward Brand, 107 pieces. at\$‘rz.- 9713c. col. sets $6 50. Lard, pork, and full line of canned meats in stock Bread and all kinds of Christie Brown 6: Co's Cakes on hand. WANTEDâ€"50,000 Doz. Eggs and 20,000 lbs. Wool. Will pay Highest Market Price in cash or goods. \Vool manufactured at following prices : Cardmg per lb. 5c,; Carded and Spun 15¢ per lb. into single van), 20c. double. ManufactureJ into flannel at 25¢ per yd., or into 10 lb. blankets at $3 per pair. 0859 Special Values all over the Store During this Monthéese MILLINERY ii?.\RTMENTâ€"\Ve are showing the very latest Summer Styles............ DRESSMAKING DEPT.â€"Have put on extra help and can give delivery from eight to ten days from date of order. \Ve make up our $1 and 5:35 goods into Costumes at $10 and $12 50. Dresses made to order from our 50c. and 75c. nuteruls, beautifully trimmed and fit guaraiiteeJ at $7 to ho. Cheaper materials will cost you less money. DRESS GOODS DEPT.â€"l)ress Goods in all the very latest and most popular makes and colors at reduced prices for this month. Special values in all kinds of black dress goods from 25c. 10 $2 yd. Wash Goods at CUT piices during this inomh, consisting of Organdies, Zephyrs, Cliaiiibrys, Grenadines, Giiighaiiis, Niles, and all kin ls of white materials in vestiiigs, dress linens, ctc. READYMADE CLOTHING DEPT,â€"Men's andlloy’s Nor-toll Suits, very latest styles at $5. $6.50 and $7.50. I carry the Sovereign Brand make in Men's tine Tailor-made Suits. The BEST line made in Canada. equal in fit and finish to any ordered Clothing, at $8. $10, $Iz.5o and $15. These prices are about -ue dollars a smt less than you would pay a tailor for the same material. You should see our stock of Men's and Youth’s Summer Overcoats. Children's 2 piece and 3 piece Nor- folk and other style suits trorn SI upwards. WWBOOt and Shoe Departmentfiéé’égogeg-QW Full line of white find chocolate Boots and shoes. in Men's, Youth's, 3(152‘65’, and Children's. In fine Boots we carry full Ime of the Empress and the 1. D. King Co. make. Gents’ Furnishings Department. That Leads The Store CHAS. IVORY, Omemee, Subscribe for Mirror FOR SALEâ€"A Massry Harris to fool min; 2 year: old, m first-class shape ucxrhangcd for DEERING. CHARLES 1.. MCQUADE, DEERING AGENT. â€"tf OMEMEF. A Massey Harris Bmdcr and also a McCpI-mick Binder in good working order. Miss Ethel Mitchell is visiting her l’ctcrboro friends. A watering cart is much needed. Call at MOR'I‘ON'S Studio, Lind- say, and rec our )uly styles and prices for photographs.” 3t Mr Harry Endxcott, of Plasant Point, was a visitor to Omemce over Sunday. W: are glad to rcpnrt that Adams Is b: "er agam. Dr. as also improved. Mr. W. 1!. Curry and Miss Curry hav; gone to attend the mamagc of a ncicc. We hope to have report for nut issur. Our the: Is navxgablc now. A ski: \h cl 5 canx:r and Buuus gnsolim yam: has bccn cuisug during last neck. Mr. R. ]. Cgurtncy has the foundaâ€" tion placed for hxs saw mill. The l’iesbyterian Lawn Social last Friday proved the greatest sucCess in every respect that chl’ tool: place here. 'l'h: Bethany Band added Very much to the pleasure at the ctrening, and was ably assisted by the Omemee 0r chestra. Short and Interesting: ad- dresses were delivered by Drs Cam- emn. Keith and Sutton, of Omemee, an 1 Dr. Smith of Stoufi'vtlle. Delight. ful refreshments were served, and the boob was well conducted by Mrs. R. j. Weir and Miss Jardine. The dec- orations Were grand, ’l‘he Bethany Ban-1 did themsdves credit for a small village. It is expected that our city fathers will offera grant for a band master. as we have the instruments and the best of talent for a first-class hand. Scnd your amatcur work to “ MOR- TON'S Studio. Lmdsay," to be finish- Rev. Mr. McQuadc, of Hahburton. I “us a vrsxtor in Mmdcn mi; week and a w .5 in attendance at the garden party on the Methods: parsonage grounds )‘rstcl’dfly eveningâ€"Echo of Friday. Mr AIL-Quad: is a son of Mr. and Mrs W. R. McQuadr. Omcmce. Miss Edith Curry, of Omcmce, is at pix-Sent the guest of Mrs. (S. 2). Curry, M mdcn. -Echo. CHARLES L. MCQUADE, DEERING Agent. Clingfitâ€"é‘ Your [Lair The Mirror FOR SALE. CHARLES IVORX’ Marked to Sell at Sight. Omemcc. Mr. Wm Com“ all and Family Herald and W t mic and relmiPder ever know u {a Per- rozone. Sold evorxwlwre in We boxes Ono my second elm tickets will be nold to Winnipeg only. Representative farmers. no .intcd by Mountain and Sukntchem Governments. will meet hboren on arrival at mni . ‘ Free transportation will be {Maggi at Winnipeg to points where laborer-I are needed. A certificate is furnished when each ticket in gurchued. and this certificate, when executed bitumen- showing that laborer has wor ed thirty days or more. will be honored from g: t 901nm 3- n. second cius ticket back to starting polntln Ontario. at 818.00. prior to 07. Tickets will beissuodto women uwellaato momhntwillnotbeluuednhnlthro “children. Meta ore good only on specie! l-‘nm Labor-emf tnine. For in portienlu-ssee nearest C.P.R. ticket went, on vat; C. .3. Foster. D. P.A.. c.P.R.. Toronto. w. W“- ,_________ â€"v- -.-. “wur. uv-ou In wu'fll II-.. ' ' Junction nnd Toronto on VNorth 33] Section. ”‘6. a From all points Toronto and cast to and including Slut-bot Lnke and Kingston, and north of Toronto and Cardwell Junction on North Bay and Midland Divisions. GOING DATES ‘06. 14 Stations south of, but not including main line, Toronto to Snmia. including Toronto. ”In. 17 Main line Toronto to Sax-nix. and stations north. except north of Cnrd'ell I v A. n n .. “-Ll-‘ -_) mA,-,,., , \ Even‘oue “ ho use: Ferrozone has good color and great Vltslity Reason fur this Is Ferroznne' a pnwnr to era-u o b h - FARM [ABIRERS To Manitoba and Saskatchavan Mrs.‘ElIio:t and ‘ Lindsay, are guests st S. Mills. ---- . a‘uuluv, .3“ rma, Miss Mabel Sure-m; Roclxcstcr, and MI 5 Exa Rilc), of Lindsn. were the guests of \Ir. and \Irs. R. j (uurtncy the past \xcck. Mr. James McCafi'rcv returned to loronto on Monday afur a plcasant yisn \mh ()mcmcc frwndx NEW 1) R 1': SS stock of drces goods w so large 0? Well assoru All the very latest and and in almost any sh: lbcauliful goods at re: I In fact you can save 11‘ your new dress or cosu us. Cnlland sec. W â€"tf A large number fro vicimw took in the c: Islands Lust Saturday. Comm,- Commxssmncr R. J. 3‘: son sold a handx‘omc team to I say Bros. of Lindsay, fur $500. The Inrvcst IS Sim ply grand around here. and the wrath- r is perk-ct. Have your photo taken at Morton’s Studin, Lindsay. We give: satisfaction. this We" “Th2?” 81‘0". keeps thew For the make: tho hm phealth . hurl-nu- .‘J‘M’Nfl Ind urn-tum. m __|_- Health and Mrs. Bcrt Kimmy, Depends on Good Blood. number from Omcmec c<s gonds was new. WC” assorted as at Ste. W m. d . unaurlcfl as at present. test and st3lxsh path-ms any shade. The mo<l going trip. t reasonable prices. vc money by buying costume goods from mm Umcmec and excursion to woo Icr K. J. i‘atlcr- nc team to Lind- y, fur $500. chi! Inn, of of Mr and GOODS» :0", "fl‘cr bcfme Sarma, >'Co All the latest and lmprox ed branch” of dentistry successfully performed. C barges moderate. 0 F F I C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and -.-..r-.un c . Honor Gramlitgul Toronto Univers- .}y and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. ' Wiiliam streets. .... , u. .4“; trons for members of the Legislatn'e Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said lust was posted up at my office, in R. ]. Mulhgnn’s drug' ‘ store, In the Village of Omemee, on the 28th day of july, rgoé. and re- mams' there for inspectron. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to llaVci the said errors corrected accordmg to law. C EGRGE A. BALFOUR, Villagc Clerk. Dated at OllL‘l’DL‘C, this 28th day of jzly. 1906 Municipality ofthe Village of Omemee County of Victoria, Province ' of Ontario. NOTICE IS heiehy giVen that I haie transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned In sections 5 and 6 of the V oters’ List Act the copies re- qtnred by said sections to be so trans- mitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, ofall persons ap pouring hy the last reviSed Assessment Roi] of the said Municmniitv at Eli-n. i NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VO'I’ERS’ LIST, x906. . nu in or how vou feel,â€"blue, sickly and heavy. Each morning you wakeu in a an}! "dopy" condition and wish I: were night again. Your livoria wrong and need. fixmg with Dr. Hnmlltou's Bills; they do cure ull liver ill: At owe the system is relieved of puisnua, bl ml is onrwhed and purified. appetite increases and duration picks up Health and Vigor returns because Dr-i addition” for tho nun-n m under condition. .- Inflow. F115 YutTu our: axumx eekiy ‘éta‘r to J afiuafy lst, i907; fbf Fifty Cents to new subscribe “~J . ._ 1‘3: P. S.â€"â€"I'crsons havifig small lots 0! stock, chattels, 8.12., to sell, I will be plcm'c‘d to put them up atnuction any Saturday. I. E. N. The undersxgned wishes to inform those mtcndmg to hzwc' 'auction sales that he mll be pleased go' have a call from them. 'l‘crms rcasona'dc. I. E. NEEDHAM. Office and Store, ,4; Millbrook, Om. King St.. op. Dom.’HqteL Amp“: the guests from a dis- tanCc was Mr add Mrs I Magcc, and Méssrs. Willie and Hc-rl: Howdcn of Emily, Mr. an! Mrg Stewart [*4th of Oman. and M' Geo. an-l Miss Mary-170 vler,"ot Lindsay. The Mirror joins m heart) congratulations to the happy pair. I. E. NIEEDHAM, AUCTIONEER. lhc bride looked charming ma be utiful “bite silk costume and the bridwnmhl, Miss L. l onlei, wore a similar costume, and I 0th carried bouquets of roses. Mr. Eaglcscn of Bailieboru, was best man. The wedding deicuncr was splendid. ’l'herc were,1iftv guests. "The presents given the bride were numerous and pretty. A wed ling ofmn'c than ordin- ary interest took piacc on Aug. I, at ‘l’ansbury Fauu' Clarke, tin. homc of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. lum- hr, when their daughter. Mary L, was united in marriage to \Ir. \\ J. Cruse, of Bcwdlcv. The event took place on the bcuutiful lam-,1 t-lc cctemom being pcxformcd in 1h:I\cv.f\1r.b'ommr. - The torturing aches of coma. Be pre- lnured,â€":ho only painless cure is Put- !) sun’s (‘orn Eatnctor. [fit 3’ years In nae and absolutely guaranteed. T A terrible eiperlenee had Edw. J‘ O'Connor of SaulLSt Marlo. '° From boyhoml," he writes. "I have Imam 3 equals"! sufl‘crar (rum mthum and ca tarrh. My nose and throat wul alwun flopped up and I had droppings In the “trout. When a-mcku came on I thought I cunldn't live through lb night. I would sit npgusp for breath and endure g’rent dvsueap. Catatrh- ozone mad-q me entlrely well.“ No stronger proof I: required. Asthma in curable, so is caturrh. Uao“Caturrh' ozone" and your recovery in gnuran. teed. 'I‘Wo sizes. 250. and $1.00 at all desicu‘ The Falmly Ht-rald and Weekly Star 'l'hc MIRROR will be sent to any adlrcss in Canada, Great Britain or U S. to’ Ian. 15:, 1907., for 50¢, The Cnnadlitn Pacific lee‘ny‘ "he's Ina-lo the wonderful growth of -the West poselble. III the ' saving of the wheat and other cross, the interest oi Canada and the Canadian Paviflc are identical. The latter is Canada’s Na tionul Highway. it has announced ‘lhat on Aug. 14th, 17th, and 22nd, it will transport from different territorlos' in the Boat farm laborers to the Cuna- Illun NorthV-elt it the nominally low rate of twelve dollars; in fact; this Na- tional Highway is littering an induce- ment to European {.IrIII LtliOfGl’B bx making an exceptionally in“ rate our its Atlantic stuamehipnervice In con uectmn with its railan lines. It now remains for the Ontario farmer to alum his pride in the growth of in: natIoI by eoâ€"operuting w ith the Ganmiian ita- citic in sending 6} our IuIIllnble uhie- bodied man he can to the West. . It In estiumto’d 20,000 rm}. laborers will he reqmrml from the older prol vinces tn assisting m the harvest of their wealth. The onus of tho' West are now urgently ummuling to the parental and patriotic instincts of the farmer» of the East to send mar) '_ur<mg able- bodled man they can to raid them In this work of national importance quantity. A 1\':A “UNA L . NECESSITY. The gaming interdependence of the Provinces of mu Dominion man be fiDlmrnnt to all. The llfflducfi‘f one 1' a. neceselty' for another. Not alone era the (-3 ee 0! the Eantern‘lfiffvlncee. but those of every country in the world, directed I.” the almeit phenomenal wheat. producing qualifies of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. I“ cry hamlet. concession end side llue in Ontarlo has contributed to the settle. men: of there fertile Western Provlnoed. The crops. awarding to the Govern mental reports for this seam-II if utm- harvested und garnered; will fur Stu- B uncLY LIV ED'I'HROUGH I'I‘..~‘ Few Will Escape. Clarke Towhship. previous years immunity gud Yorkshire White Bear furServicE I have a registered Yorkshire White Boarfor semce on Lot 19, Con. 5, Emily. Terms 75c. at time ofsemce. SPECIAL LOW PRICE 77 Kent-St LINDSAY Some beautiful lines in WATCHES, CLOCKS, jEW- ELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA, TRAX ELING CASES, MANICURE CASES, NOVEL'! [15.8. .c., c. $1.00 a Year. Send 10 cents for Sample Copy CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, Ill. ation. ' Alphabetic list of Abbreviations; Busmcss English for the Business Man Couxpound Words : How to Write Them. Studies In English Literature. Correct English in the School. \\ hat to s: K) and \\ hat Not to Say. Cours; In I .cttcr- \\ min; and Punctu- 5 Course in Etwgliah for the Beginner. Course In English for tha: Advanced Pupil. . How to Increase Onc's Vocabulary. The Art of Conversation. Should and would: How to usa'fhcm Prunouncianons (Century Dictionary). (Inrrcfl English in 1GC Home. A handsomely mutated weekly. lamest dr- ‘ul‘u"! 0‘ “XEChL‘PmEI‘ZE’P‘E , TW'P'J: ' he": four months. Ol- 3016b! I“ munch-Ion. MN 8: _(:0, firm! New lurk LINDSAY, W‘ Tana: MARKS Dssccus Cowman-rs ac. Knyone tending I sketch and deem “on any quick! man our opinion me I 0th at an mun on II probing;I “mountable. Communion. uon- strictly conndgx Handbook on Parana Paloma taken t. Mann ti‘ 0. "com com. free. Oldest a :Xitor mun ipstonu. mcmgoua. withput 0 mo. In th 0 A MONTHLY MAGAzxm-z Damn!) TO THE 3530!" Exams”. Josxrmxz 'l'vkcx BAKER, EDITOR. Wedding Presents Properly adjunct! glasses “You! the only asalstnnre possible We make a specialty of relievmg llred eyes and guarantee satisfaction. You wlll save ‘20 per cent on your money by calling on LA .Mx'l'n'm ,l)rnulst :5: Opllcian :nd door “on (ionzll' s. lindaay. INTERESTING, INSTRVOTNE. “ Correct English How to use it.” Tlrod Eyesâ€"lira: TESTED Fun.â€" Sousntions one! for our guidance. They are Nuture’u warningl. Over- Wurkod eyes demand rest, Eye. that tire easily call In: help. You can buy Dainty Goods W. f.McEAHTY’S. I! better health and prompt recovery are important, get Dr Hamilton’s I'll]! of Mandrake and Butternut to-dny. At all dealers, 25¢: per box or five boxes {ur $1.00. By man lrmn NJ). Poison 6; tie, Hartford, (‘unn , US.A.. and Kingston, Out. Stiéiitific HMican. Mr. John Whltley at Sunwood. P.0‘. Unt. knows the merit of Dr. Humil- tnn’a Pills. and says: '° I wouldn't be ‘ullvo lovdsv hud it not ban [at Dr. LIlu’mlltvm'u Pills. Last «Inter I wu sick with urlppe, and when sprung cumo I was weak. bllious and rheuma- ‘tio. I uled unbngla medic-mo to cure twemy llmes, hm I didn’t get any help till I med Dr. Hmnllton’u Pills They pullfled my blood, took the yellow color out o! my face, but new zone In mv stoumch,und izacreused my appr. me. The: hilloua attacks uixd rheuma-i tlc puihswmlually departed. and Dr. IImuilton'a I’zlls made a. new man of me, I proved their "hell", and pro~ claim them a medicine {or all men." "it-333E Fméfhs 1" BL. Wuhliifiif. DIE: Parfifil Contents for this Knuth. A: one; you'll feel their mighlv In- fluénce bixllding up wank upon. clear- mg on: disease, and pumnx you again on your feet. ‘” Baron downright sic-Luau um.- )ou should cleanse um! purity Iho system \\ it!) Dr. Hamilton’ 8 mm. Trouble in'mo lutem inn-logged with Impu‘rflm “ hich need to be chat on awty. Consult Dr. Hamilton ind You will - Bo‘s’nown The W”. Thonlandl are m me am. bolt - Illsickly, Mloun. an! feeling fur hom well. THOS. KERR. Omemec P. O- Do You Seek Health? The Popular Jewelry Store, Aunts Wumd. .. -.. -. . um... ' us very compleh , US.A,, Ind I Come m a_nd you Will be In our Hardware State we have requirement. Our Prices will Be Found as Law as Any. J. W. Fisher, V. S., MILLBROOK, : : ON TARIO (fl Readers of this announcemexl will be glad to know that there has been an cncomaging respcmc to our request for help for tie ____..‘ Muskeka Free fiaspital f0: Gengéamméves The institutions of the fixation! Sanitarium Association, including. the Muskoka Cottage Sanatox‘ium and the Muskoka Free Hos- pital for Consumptives, are under the distinguished patronage of His Excellency Earl Grey, Governor-General of Canada, and Countess Grey. GROCERIES ‘1 Since this institution was opened. a Elde more t‘nen three years ago,-560 patients. have been cared for. Over 2,000 patients have been treagcd it» our two Musioia homes 'within the past Ssven years. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Groceries c.. I] Within the month the accommodation has been harmed by twentnyivc beds, adding to the burdens of maintenance. but in the faith that a generous public will come to the aid of the trustees. '10“! plea for help is that the Muskoka Free Hospital fog Consumptives cam for patients that all 063:: hospitals refuse. If the needed mohey is forthcoming, this dread disease‘might be stamped out. Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty's 14th F. 13., C. Office on King St, ‘first door West Collins' Bank “Saving at the Spigot “Casting at the Bung” Q/OMEMEE Contributions my be sent to Sm Wu. 1!. Manama Kt... Osgoodo Ball, Tomato, or W. J. Gum, Esq-:54 Front Saw. , . ‘ â€"â€"Dn. T. G. Romm‘z. an eminent 3th} xieiau r-f Montrod, ox-preeident of the Canadian Medial! Ana-infirm, um! ex-president of the British Media-u! .-\:<~0--iatiun. man! at a meeting; of the Montreal I.c.=gw fur :he Prevention of Tuberculosis, his firm belief that i'l twentyfixe yms, provided proper moans arcadu-ptv-d, a who of cmsumptiou would be a curiOsitg'. JA‘-“‘-â€"â€" ‘ is very complete, and the best values possible. and you WI" be convmcc‘d that this is the II Our prices are as LOW as any in the tra e and our goods are of the best quality, that’s why this stoxe is termed -â€"Not a sinéle applicant has ever been refused admission to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Con- sumptives because of his or her poveriy. Q Q» ‘* .â€"~Calls by Telephone promptly attended to‘ 7 HAD! TO PAINT lull-DIN“ WITH. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE. 31's more surface, sprads easier, a'nd Iasts tpar}. any other prepared paint, or handmixed Fresh and Good at THE Symmrl-Mme Pam CALI. FOR COLOR CARDS and weinng the paint is app ed it's too late to save. Start right and use That's what buying poor paint means. Paint may be low- priced by the gallon and be extravagant to use owing to to .it’s pqor covexjng p91": a magnificent stock for the place to buy.

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