Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 24 Aug 1905, p. 2

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that size had no bones broken and «ms able to gpamux a short time after, but it will he a long mm: before the zfcds of 111:: full will leave her. Her son, Dr. Raw" who was in an adj oin. ing man, heard her fall and immedi- mly sent to her assistance. Mrs. Wm. Archer and Mzss Lxlhc 943an left ycsxcxday to visit Tpano sprained, and hcr eye was severe-l} bruised, and altogether she got a bad fihakmg up. _“'c an; pkasgd {0 learn Mrs. W G Russcll rccrived a bad {all )estcrday morning. She caught her heel In th: can“ at the headg of the stairs and fell headiong down, and with such force as to break thm' the door at the foot. Her wrist was badly Mr. and Mrs; George E: Perry and family have moved to Lindsay whcrc Mr. Pcrry has‘an excellent posrtion as traveller for Sylvrster Bros, We are pleased to‘ learn he is meaning with good success-rand while regretting the departure of hinrseil and 'his estimable family, we' join With a hoist of friends; here in wiShinq them a plcasant'so- journ in Vict'nia’s County Town. When Mrs. l’crry’s clocunonnry abili arcs become Known to the people of Lindsay, she will be deluged with re- qunts to assist a! entertammrnts. and as she: was always willing to help in any good cause, >hc will crrtainly be kept busy. I The granohthic sidewalks on 'l‘upper 5:. have been completed and )S crcdi {able to the tom: and the, Commuters, Messrs McCorry, Budd and Rose At the special meeting of the town Council, held on Monday, Mr. Walter W. Gillott was appointed town Clerk. The appointment is a gocd one, and that part of the business of the munici- pality falling on its Clerk Will in this case be ably attended to. We congrat ulate M r. Gillott. and wxsh him every success. Last Monday night the Methodist Epworth League meeting was led ac ceptahly by Mr. I. j. Fair. the Topic was ably talten h) the President Miss Maud Nugent, and it is to be hoped that the two young men whowere pres- ent but not regular attendants will become active workers in the Society. and thus encourage the ladies b) whom this work is largely carried on in their indefatigable labors in this branch of. Christian work {orwhich they deserve great praise. !“ Rev. Dr. Cade,-of Toronto, will oc- .. cupy the pulpit of the Methodist .sChurch here'next Sunday. 'l'herewill -. also be special and appropriate music. Mr. aners. Thos. Armstrong, of Kcndal, .N.Y., have returned home [after a pleasant Visit With his brothers, -Mcssrs John and David Armstrong, Mk5 Garlic Homer and her cousin, Miss Mabel Homer, are visitmg their friends at Alkmdnlc. M AN NS’ (Pete: borough Bread) fresh at W. B. Moore's Grocery every Monday. Wednesday. Fri- dav and Saturiay. FOR SALE (IHEAP.â€"~;\ quantity of household furniture. Also a quan- 1ity of Bricx, a feed boiler and 'a cider guess. Apply to I). CHAMBERS, Milllnook, at the store: or, houlse. MISS L'mra Crockcr has returned f'from Rochester. N.Y, accompanied iby be! Incnd Miss Hattie Grady. ooo ; Rest and undivided profits, $2. 573,332; Total Assets over $23,» ooo,ooo. Savings beginâ€"«Accounts may be opened in this department With a dcposit of $1 and upwards, on which interest will be allowed from date of deposit. Withdrawals may be made by cheque and without notice to the Funk. For full particulars. correspond with Mr. A. A. Hollingshcud, Manager of Pctcrboro Brand), Pctcrboro. BANK OF O'I‘TAWA, Head 053cc Ottawa, Canada. Capital (authorized) $3,000,000; Capi_tal (9-1“! pp) $2.500.- Messrs W Strain and W Donnelly 'Wcre Visitors to Bcwdly last week. Mr Fred and Miss Smith spent Sunday thh their Bewdley friends. Mrs. T hos. Sharpe, comer George and ng Sls., Petcrboro, manufactur- er and dealer in Lurk: Boys’and Glrls’ Clothingâ€"Made to Order and Rcady Made. ladu-s’ Gentlemen’s Clothes Cicaued, Pressed and Repaired. Will be glad to see her Port Hope and Hope friends. ' Mr. Frank Dixon, of Oshawa, xs m town on a fish. 'l‘hc Misses May: and Emnly Dun- can are guests at the home of Mrs. Melville, Peterboro. Mrs. (Rev) A. 1.. Brown and chil- dren left today for Marmara, after a pleasant vtsit With Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Necdham. Mr and Mrs Isaac Harper of 0:011- abcc. wcrc guests of Mr and Mrs T McBride on Sunday. Mlllbrook's big fulr, Oct. 5th 6th. h appearance the STA-CON in nnexcelled. It is secure, durable and comfortable. Sm- Zen In: countasu‘nk screws which will not come 1006C- We will gladly supply a ne" mounting for your old 1:!!!” it stat your eyes for new ones- H. A. TURNER, mum-oak the commons and horseless owners trudged home through the mud, to settle doWn to work and prepare for the next November fair. The old home saw much of Km and jolity In those days, municipal campaigns were planned in the little roam behind the bar, many grateful guests were shelter ed beneath Its roof, and its enticing beverages Were responsible for much trouble and bickering. While the dis- appearance of the old ‘land mark’ can mot be regretted, we may feel tolerably sure that the sound sense and busmess ability of the present owner wall gradu- ally make the property more use-inland more valuable than to the past, Mr Robert Shaw smce’purchasing Y the Victoria Hotel property and mov- : mg to the village, has improved the ; place very much, and, under his man- 9 l agement it is steadily becoming more I fl desirable as a residence and more val- , uable as a place of business. The brick ‘ structure, substantially built, but (or: lsome years neglected, has been thor‘ i oughly renovated lrom Cellar to garret, * l and Mr. Ben McMahon has shown 3 ' ; how a good painter and paper-hanger 3 can transform dingy and smokegrimed g apartments into new tasteful ones. Mr. 1 ( Shaw is now having the old buildings ! Jon the West Side ofthe yard, from the l ' stable to the gateway, pulled down, to - i make room for a new driving shed. etc. Mr. Arthur McMahon is domg the work and no doubt wrll evolve a credi~ ble structure from the debris. This ' old building was formerly the ‘Vrctoria Hotel,’ was burlt m the ‘tit'tres’ when much inside the village. limits of to-day ; was uncleared; the business of the town i ’ was largely located on 'l'upper St., lrom 5 King northward and merchandise was hauled on wagons from Port Hope. The industriesof the Village consisted of blacxsmrth and Cooper shops,. two ltanneries, a potash factory. brewery, grist and woollen mills. and two dis- tilleries domg a thriving business. The lprincipalinstttutions were the Spring and Fall Fairs, and the celebration of r'l'he Glorious 'l‘welfth, kept upfront 3the first of June to the begmningof August. To the May Fair farmers and others brought cattle, sheep and pigs, buyers. attended from Kingston and other points. and when busrness was over it was customary to have a jolly time. But the November Fair was the occasion for genuine ' pleavure and whole-soulcd enjoyment, "l‘he Man on' Horseback’mme from, Clarke, Man‘ vers, Cavan. Monaghan and Hope, and Donnybrook transplanted and improv- ed keptpossesswn of the streets from noon to midnight and after. Next morning ownerless horses strayed on Dr and Mrs. S. W. Clarke, have} It:- turncd to Mlllbrook, after an amended and pleasant honeymoon trip. Mr. Fred. Pcndric has returned from a most pleasant visit at the home of his., brother, Mr. Jack Pendry, Roch- ester. Mr. \V. H. Coombc 1th yesterday on a visit to New York Cll)’. ' Mr.) J Preston. M.P.l’., of‘Bcth- any. has gone :0 Manitoba onavxsxt. We wish him bon voyage. Millbrooks new. station is being erected rapidly. The granolithic walK.» around it will add greatly to its up: pcamncr. Mr. W '1‘ Wood; arrived home last week from hrs wustcrri mp. He re- ports things booming in Manitoba and the Territories. Mr. A W Smith was a guest at the home at Mr“. Burton owr 'SunJay. Mr. Snmh who IS one of‘ Millbrook’s old boys, captured firstprize at Ottawa for trap shooting. The Misses Bertie: and Loraine McMahon of Lindsay, arc guests at the: home 01 their grandfather, Mr. joshua McMahon. Miss Germ: Purslow returned to Port Hope 'l‘uesday, after a pleasant usit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Needler. Dr Rogers' Messrs F Rowan. } I) Thornton. G W right. Mrs Rogers. Mrs JWcir, the Misses M Rowan, Mary Jardme and May Bannan (if Omemee arc guests of Dr. and Mrs Deycll to- day. A social gathering in honor of the visitors is being held this after- noon in Mcdd’s bcautiful grovc.‘ Miss Bcatricc (Tami of Pctcrlioro, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C 'l'horndyke, King St. Scripture Lesson .................. H ynm ....................... 287 Prayer . . . L ...................... Anthem, “Behold the Days Come,” Mr. Chambers and Choir. [Woodward Hymn ................ _ ...... 474 Benediction ..... ' ................. Hymn ....................... 37o Processional March ....... . . ‘Orml n ’ Poslludc .................. Organ Doxology. . . . . Q . .‘ .............. . Invocation ..... < ................. Hymn ....... . .................. 4 3 Scripture: Lesson. 1 ............. '. . . Anthem, " Seek Ye ihc Lord," Roberts , Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and Choir. Prayer .......................... Hymn: ................. 7 ..... 1346 Ofl'crtory ...............'....Organ SO’O .......:.' ..... Q..lnM...l On Sunday evening, Aug. 271th. there Will be a, special serviceol Songs?! the' Preslwterian Church when the choir will be assisted by Mr. Thos.Chambers. of New York City, tenor wloist‘ This promiScs (-0 beam: of the best services 0'! the kmd this Church has held. The chair has been praciicmg for some time back. Order of Sen ice : TH E OLD VICTORIA. Service of Song. Mr. Chambers ....... 37o ..... Organ ScleCICd Don't want to u ml: or non-ln’. Don’t mm: to read or walk. Don": want to drhm, don’t want to thinkâ€" , ‘ Don’t even want to talk. Don’tnant to go to dunner, Don't want to go to bed; Can': seem to rentâ€"this weather's jag; Natur'ly gone to my head! You can’t hardly all it lazy ; You can’t rightly can it sick ; But good land’s sake, how my bones do echo ‘ Whenever I work a lick! It’s just :00 Name much bother To do anything burlie ~ On the flu: 01 your ,beck and {00: through a and: In the troop all warm. blue sky! ‘1 'know I’d oner make garden, I know I‘d orte‘r take, The (rub that‘ lay: in the yard en' Be helpin my nife to make Soft soap. Bm ljea can't do itâ€" I ain't in the right condition-â€" But If acme one 'ndrAdig some bait an’ Hg My tackle I'd go agflahs'n’! +Clevelnnd Leader. : Mr._ Whitton, at 10 )3-16, called ()7. ' moude, Shamrock, Dartlord. Norwnod. ! Brickloy. Fleetwood, “’armineter. Wur- saw, Lang, Fiaservine, Indian River, Maple Leaf, Bensfut. Vllliernfihenrer North Smith. Lakefleld, Pine Grove, 'Ent Emily. Oukdule, 'l‘rewern. All accepted D. Young’s Point. North Bummer, Otonabee Union South Burlelgh Mr. Whitton ‘bought Cronn at am same price. The Buard then adjourned tor three w.eek8 ‘ Mr. Kenut the Same price bought Keene. Central Smith, Missing Link. He offered lo 13-16 for further selec- tions, and called L‘ederdale, Mount Pleasant, l‘eterboro; Ballvdufl', Daisy Mr. Fitzgerald bid 10 2-8, dud culled Buckhorn, Myrtle, Weslwood. Mount Pleasant.......... . .. 92 Non-wood ...... 110 Fieotwomi .... .... ......195 Buckhorn..............,..... ...... 150 South Burieigh.... N Briokley ......... 106 1 Shamrock .. .. 90 lDani’ord ...... no The bidding was opened by Mr. Wililton, “ho. oflend iO 14u; Mr Fitzgeruid raised to 10 3-8v. Mr. Wim- ton to 10 1-" -, and Mr. Fitzgerald bid )0 946. Mr \Vhitton after a long wait said 10 5-8; Mr. Wrightou raised to 10 3-4, and Mr. \Vhitton bid 1613-16 Ai ibis pain: a motion was made that an adjournment ior one week be made, but an amendment that the sale bo‘ proceeded with was carried. The fuctories boarded as follow: 1 Keene ..............4 2“ § Wat-minister . .. 170 Shearer... ...... 110 Central Smith 210 Narth Smith ..................... 195 Vuliers _. ..... no Warsaw .. . ...... I20 ‘Westnood ...... 200 Oakdale ...... .......... ........... 150 Miednc Link ...... ....... “.108 DalsyD.......... .. .....85 I’mkeheld. ...... ........... .... .... HO Pine Grove.....â€". "" "'..' ...... 160 Petal-borough ........ 9! Otonabee Union ...... . SO ample Leaf X75 Myrlle............................ 216 0rmonde...................... 210 Young's Point .............. . . .. . So Laing.... . . .. .... ..........150 Fracervllle ............. . ..... .. 170 India“! Riven... . 175 North Dnmmer.......... 85 Bailydufl‘...... . 68 East Emllv.... ......Hfi Trewern.... ................. 172 Benafort . ..... 170 Cedardale.. ........ 100‘ S‘oney Lake. . .... ...... 621 govllv’ IJ‘AU.. ..ouu..ooa o... no.- Créwn . .u.....u ’l'he buyers present were Messrs: Cralghead. Kerr, Fitzgerald, COu-k Whinon Gillespie Rollins, Wrighlon Morton The following factories boardud tin number of cheese at opposite: Mr. \Vhitlon got the majotlty of the cheese, his purchases amounting in about 3800 boxes, for which he paid 10 7-8 cents Messrs. Kerr and Fitz- gerald also bought some Quantities of cheese at the same price, w hile the rest told at 9 13-16 cents. All the cheeue except money Lake; was sold, that factory remaining unsold. Wednesday, Aug. 2. At this morning's meeting of the Peterboro Cheese Brard. 5149 boxes were boarded and sold,the rulingpricc being 10 7.8 ceute. w hich is consider- ably higher than that obtained at any prevlpus meeting of the Board this year. 'l' H AT TIRED. FEEL] KG. flair Vigor Thick Hair uu ("Effie’Edi1;.7"-Eii."x;."ui'iizih'. atoga. N. Y. 11.00 a. bank. 1. c. AYII 00.. All arming» ' ‘A, 3 oon. Mun. 335178 grow, and the scalp will be clean and healthy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rich? This falling of your hair! Stop ituor you will man be bald. Giveyour hair some Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The fan- ing will stop, the hair will " My hair nanny :ll cumo nut. I nun tried Ayers Hui:- Vigor Ind only one lmme flopped gho famine: Ncw_hn__!r came tannin)?! mg Pelerbeee Cheese Board. ....no-.- -.u :n. a. .3qu no. can. 3.....00 .... coo. ~¢Qo-u_ no... or...‘ sac. .aaouo c a....o.o-ouoc nuctuu u.- for ......HB ........]72 ..... 170 100 62 . ...... HO ..... “0 ......195 ...... 150 H0 9! SO ”0 210 195 110 I20 150 108 AT COST FOR 30 DAYS Number of New Sew g Machines The game was a iittlc late starting, the ‘ Clevelandcrs’ havmg failed to get train connection at L Port Hope, Dick Wallace’s Dray was chartered to bring lhemeut, but “id: made a big kick when he was expected to bring out the 300 “ rooters” as well but his ” nightmare ” finally wore 011‘, he patted his fine big horse, told them all m pile on, and no wonder his horse gave a sigh TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED TO‘ WOMEN {given as Men. but mil not be issued at Half-Rate to Children. a” TICKETS NOT GOOD 0:: human human EXPRESS TRAINS. For further particulars apply to nearest Canadian Pacific Agent, or G. B. FOSTER, D.‘ P. A., C. P, 3., Toronto, Ont. Mr. Wm. Strain‘goes to Havdocx tomorrow to catch for their team. Billy’s fame as a catcher is spreading rapidly. If purcha‘ers engaged as FARM LABORERS at Wnunpeg (provided such FARM LABORERS work not less than 36 days at harvesting, and pro- duce ceruficate to that effect), they Will be returned to Original Starting Point at rates shown above on or before Nov. 30th, 1905 II‘YI‘I' “0111‘ gun.-- - -eâ€" -~A--_- _. __ Bob Edmunds believes 1n stealingâ€"â€" lmscs. . Archie Leach and Millie Sutton's catclnng was a feature. 'l‘cd Eakins and J Richards Were, ruled off for getting hurt. ONE WAY SECOND CLASS "TICKETS 'ro WINNII’EG 0.18 WI" be sold, with a CERTI FICA'I‘E cxtcnding the trip before September 1 59}, witfiout addinona! cosg, to mher points in Manitoba and Assiniboia. A few new faCcs appeared on each team for this game. viz: N. Dunsford. A. Leach, J. Armstrong and H. Sutton for the Tigers, and B. White, H. and J. Richards, and J. Eakins for the “ Clevelzmdcrs.” . oaoxxa DATES ‘ AUGUST”, 1905 Stations south of but not including main line 'l'omnto ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"....__ to Sarnia, (including Ti‘oronto). SEPT. z. . 1905 Main line Toronto to Sarnia and stations north (except â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€" north of Card well Jct. Toronto on North Bay Scction) ~ \ From all )aiuts 'l'oronto and East, to and includin w Shaibot Iiake, and Kingston, and north of Torontg and Cardwell June. on North Bay and Midland Divisions. Another gamc was played 'I'ucsday, resulting in another win for the Tigers. Scorer-19.18. (I. Ncedlcr and H. Pembcrmn Wcrc ‘ not sleeping’ evcn If their eyes Wcre closed to some of the errors of the Athletics. Like the fish yams they Wcrc beaut- :ful catches that Donelly and Richardx nearly [madeâ€"but didn’t land 'cm. H. Necdlcr and A. A. ‘ in the game’ all thc lime. We would advise Geo. Duncan to not get “ of? his base: " to wait for the umpirc’s dcciswn in future. .- CANADIAN PACIFIC FARM LABORERS’ EXCURSIO "”‘ng‘s‘nfim $12.99 Going $18.00 Returmng. Newton has not fnrgot how to play the game. The scorcm'l‘igcrs 18 ; Azhlcucs :5. l’ctric will make a good ’un, and will be able to give the 'l‘onawandu ball thrlers some new pointers. McKim again shone as a "real catch- er and coachcr. The way Kydd slugged the ball and handled the fly halls shows that he is a brilliant player. He must have mtncs scd~at a distancc-â€"50mc of the Eas- tern League games. Lumprcy wull no doubt make a heavy hitter with a little practiCe. Duncan Jr. was too much for Dun- can Sr. in the pitcher’s box. Edmunds played a good game at first, but always had a kick to make on the umplrc’s dccismns. Strain captured a high foul fly after ahard run, throwing off mask and glove and catching the: ball in his bare handsâ€" a great piece of work. , Ted Eakins made a wonderful caich back of second base, and nearly lost the ball when he Went to bat. A. A. Smith 3d base G. Patric C. Winslow c held KW. Lamprcy (LA Duncan r. field I). Donnelly H. Pemberlon 1. field - W. O. Kydd Umpireâ€"W. T. Wood. Scorerâ€"W. J. E. Gillott. Scorcr's Guardâ€"Ned Hogan. White-washcrâ€"Fred King. NOTES OF THE GAME. The Tigers are a Madman: to beat wzth Edmunds playing and Gnllott scoring. ( apt. Winslow’ 3 fast fielding cm 08' many runs. - Athletics. Position Tigers. W. Strain catcher G. McKim A. Duncan pitcher R. Duncan C. Needler 15: base R. Edmunds H. Necdler 2d base C Richards 'l‘ed Eakins short stop '1‘. Newton 'l'hc Athletics and Tigers clashed} again on we show grounds 5am Friday. resulting in anothcr victory for the Tigers. The Tigers Again Victoriona 'l‘UESDAY'S GA M E. BASE BALL. BATTING ORDER 7,. NOTES. .At' ~J. l‘AcBRIDE’S. A. A. Smith were G. McKim R. Duncan R. Edmunds C Richards Sheriff’s ofi‘mc, (Tobuurg, junc 5th, 1905. l I have SCIZCLl and taken in echutton 'all the: estate, right, titlc, Interest, clatm, property demand and equity of n:- dcmption of the above named John Evans, tn to and out ul all and singular, the following land and premises situatc lying and bring the South half of Lot.» zand 3. in the 10th Concession of the 'l'oyvnslnp of Manvm in the County of Durham, all of “hich I shall offer for sale at myofficc in Victoria Hall, in the Town of Cobourg 1905,;1: the hour of 2.30 p. m. i , Suldunt teachcrs will receive a that» I cugh training in the: Principles and Art of teaching by a Cmnpetent stnfl" l of teachers. Students should Send applications to I A. A._l()k1).-\N, Principal, Port Hope I at as early a date as possiblc. ; j. W. SANDERS, l : ’ Sec. 1’. 5. Bd. United Counlics of‘ By virtue of a Northnmimrland, Writ of Execution and Durham 'issucd out of His TO WIT: JMajcsty's 3rd Di- vmon Court of the County of Ontario, to me directed in an action whercin The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Plaintiff. and John Evans, johnW. Mcharryzmd Anne ]. Mcharry, Dc- fendams, ' Sheriff’s Sale The Port Hope Modcl School for the session of 19:35, will open on 'l‘llyrsqay, Supt: 7th qt 2 p m. In Millbrook on .Aug. 19, 1905. to Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'l'homdykc, a son Mr. W W Chown, of Belleville, preached two eloquent sermons in the Methodist Church here last Sunday to large and appreciative congregations. The Misses Eva and Norma Wilcock, of Toronto, sang at the evening ser- vice, their Selection being “ Glory Song," which was rendered in a credi- table manner. Mr. and Mrs. C '1‘ Maycock at- tcndcd thc funcralof Mrs. Maycock’s nephew, Master Carmen thzard, in- fan! sou ovar. and Mrs. Arthur Blczard,whlchtook place at War]:- worth on Saturday. _ the 141n11ay at September. The Mcth’ddlst congregatson next Sunday will have the pleasure of hear- mg the Rev. Dr. Cadc, their former pz‘xsmr. Miss Ada Porter is visiting friends at \\ cll»\ood,\1an. Open-air Band Concmt to-night, Thursday, assisted by the Cleveland Orchestra. ' Mrs. C '1‘ Maycock is stopping a few days with her sister Mrs. Arthur Blczard, at Warxworth. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. 'l‘: McBride is so much Improved as to be able to go for a short dnve. Un: der the skxlful treatment of Dr. Snel-j grove she will no doubt soon regani her fo'rmcr good health. of relief when he heard the "I Wch bowling and waiting For their prey Another game will be played ‘ next Friday at 3.30, when three ":housaud Citizens are'wamed on the grounds to keep ordcr, and to convince the g'plary- crsâ€"not excluding Bobâ€"that the um- pirc‘s decision must be final: ' Mr. J. W. Walsh was a visitor 'to Port Hope yesterday. OF LANDS. on THU RS DAY. MODEL SCHOOL. I. O. PROCTOR, BORN Sherifl. MILLBROOK. fiA share of your patronage is re- spectfully solicxtcd. ALL KINDS OF 'I'EMPERANCE DRINKS, HOT 8: COLD. OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND IN SEASON. UN DER NEW MANAGEMENT. MRS. c. M. KNOX, I hope to merit your patronage, and will give all customers my very best attention. A call is most respectfully solicxted. FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND FANCY BAKING. J. STEELE’S, FOR UI’-'l‘O-l)_.-\’!‘E JEWELRY STOCK mew AN!) FRESH. LUNCHES A'l' A121. HOURS. Groceries, C o n- fectionery, Can- ned Goods, 800., Having purchased the Grocery Business from Mr. J. McBride, I will be glad to welcome all his customers and as many new ones as pos- sible. By keeping an up-to~date stock or Mistressrâ€"Have you answctcd the: dUQI’,’ Bridget P BridgetLYis, mum , I spoke to his knobs “bin I Cl‘alkc’d my head agaimt It. He sags that the commonest at all disorders, and one from wllichfew escape is (‘aiarrln Sir James firmly believes in local treatments-hie}: is best supplied by " (‘smrtliozone.” No case of Catanh can exist when Cs- tarrhnzone is used; it is a miracle worker. relieves almost instantly and cures after other remedies fail. Othet treatments can’t reach the diseased parts like Cfllarrhuzune because It goes to the Source «J the irouhle along with the air you bro-slim: (‘alarrhozoue is {tee from cocaine, it leaves no bad sfler-efl‘ecls, it is simply uamre’s own cure. Accept no subslituls for (‘ularrh' ozone which sinus can cure cutsnh. Ninety per cent. Mine “insincere" con, tract consumption by aiiowlng power of resistance to full so low that: favor- able condition {or the development of the bucciiii is provided. in a healthy system conoumption can't take root. But when there in weakness and de- biilty, there you and tuberculosis. For developing etrength and building up the weak. nothing equal: Fen-ozone. it makes the blood nutrition and the nerves enduring. The way it converts food into nutrinient, the appetite It gives is surprising. Just what themun verging on consumption needs,â€"tnat’s Fol-rezone- If ured and weak don't put ofi‘ Fifty cents buys a box offlfty tnbleta- at all dealers. How To Get Consumption. MillbroOk Ont. Issuer of Marriage Licenses Mn LBROOK. The: youngest authorâ€"Cluld. The healthy authorâ€"Hale. 'lhe sickly author~Haggard. '1 he farmer' s authorâ€"Fields. 'lhe sportsman . author-.~Hunt. The dairyman’s authorâ€"Cowper. The warrior’s authorâ€"- Shakespeare. The ditcher’s authorâ€"'l‘rcnch. 'l'he jcwdcr’s authnrâ€"Goldsmilh. The anglcr’s author~ Hooker. T he chef’s authorâ€"Cooke; The suburban authorn'l‘ownsend. The dnmcstir author-slimmest. SIR JAMES WATSOR'S OPIIEION. Under NEW Managemm. A LIST 01’ AUTHORS. opp. To wn Hall, A special effort is made to pix-as: every customer. and you are rcqucrud to call and give me a trial. Yours for business. D. Milligan, l rinakc: a specialty of practical hutsc shoeing and always give it ciucful :2:- (when. I also offer you the Very first Work in all branches in general blarksmith ing. waggon and carriage buildmg and repairing, painting, 81c , at vuy reason- able prim-s. just bring along one “heel and watch me set it with this machine. and you will never again have than 54:! any qlhcr way. ’ No man‘cnhow many come. you will not be kept waiting, and cvcry j( l‘ posjiliyaly guaranteed. I can .«ct :1 50.1 (,f tin-s in 20 mimm 5 With this machine and do a butu jut than any man can the old ‘way. No more burning or smting the rims, or boring new holes, 31d best U a”, No More Overdi>htd “”lwcls. l 1ch n ccmiy put m a House cold Tire Setter, which Is by far the: (mint and best ever made, and the only kird lha: cannot possibly imn )our win-(ls. AGOQD COLD ‘ Tm Seller Furruzune fawn. nourishes and tone. up the lmdyâ€"n. sends the NJ”! and vim of rulumt heamh from head to loot â€"u) ukes you lee! better at once. Won't you use Fernozoue ? Price are. im- bux, or six buxea fur $2 50. at all deal- an, or 5. (T. l‘ulsnn 6'. (‘u , “animal, (‘oun . U S A, and Kcngstun. Out. I thought it might be tnborcnlur. When I first read of Fonoxone I wu convinced it was good. 1 took it to- gulufly {or eight weak: and the change inlay condition was wonderful. My cheeks filled out and became clear and may. I gained 012))! pounds and now I am strong an a vigorous as pos- sible." ‘ Mrs E. J. Richardson, Manouck, Out, tell:- as follows of her enormou- gain in health from Fetroxone: “ For two year. I was not no”. I «u thin and anaemic. Towards spring Hen mm a condition of nen‘oua exhaustion. A dead liredneu hung over me like a load of lead. Housework of any kind I simply couldn't do. A bad cough developed that worried me granny lot The most posltivs protrccion against consumptlou ls F snosone, wlllch re- stores the blood to lullstnngtlx. Wonk organs are Instantly attengthened. Worn-out llssnes sre rebuilt. New lilo Is glven to the lungs and all dsnxer of consumption 1: destroyed. Aflow the blood to become thin. and immediately the whole uyatom group Weak. The lungs are deprived of re- lisung power and the over-proum tuberculut baccilfl develops. Thousands are Dyingâ€"l! Tired. Languld or Run-Down Get Pro- tection Before Too Late. No child. man or nomnn in “In from consumption union moi: blzod to pure, rich and'nourishing. Myrtilla-«Oh, it; summer there are so many members absent to talk about. Ernieâ€"You did not attend the meet- ing of our women’s club all wintcl. How is it you are not so anxious not to miss the meeting in summer? (ES’NOTICEâ€"For the next 30 Days I will sell Sewing Ma- chines at COST PRICE. j. MCBRIDE, Millbmok. THE SCOURGE 0F COISUMPTION. urgmgcox Messrs. R. Courtney a \Vetherup arc dozing u business In the threshing orders [irompthj attended the work win be sutishcto MI. and Mrs john Suzi guests a! the home of 3 Mrs. L. Wmdrem on Sum Mr. “'m. Unifour and I Miss Maud Bdfour too‘ excursxon to Niagara I341 Mrs. A. L. Bum-n xs the homc of her father. Council. sts Minnie I’ous: ha home aftcr an exurudcd friends at 'l‘wccd. Mr. “'11:.Case‘; was ; Mr. I. E. Nccdhan .\ was a guest at (In: humc Council on Suudm'. The farmers of this rich almost through with their and the xhxcshing mac humming again. Miss Lena Finlay of Pei spent a few days With 1‘ triends last wcck. A number from this part the cxcmsxou to Niagaxa, .\ the home of 311'. Sunday. Mr. A. Rutherford w to l’ctcrboro Szzndav. Miss Alice Forty of ’I spent a couple of Weeks \« friend, Miss Annie Anders MI. McCarrcll was a (In: home of Mr. jusr; on Sunday Rev. E. Rowland at the home: of Mr Sunday. Messrs. C am! ‘V. Pleasmtfi 53mm Sun-i Mr. and st. \\'u-.(‘< visiting {fiends in :his hood on Sunday. The home 0! Mr. Lewi: was gladdened last week arrival of a little-boy ‘who staring. Congratulations Miss M. Johnston and 1 lhrold, of Lindsay, are 21 the home 0! Mrs. T. Tho: Mr. Wm. Spiers, of Hal spent a few days “uh I jalnts, of this place. Our teacher. Mr. M. N has zctumcd {10m his his j Bradford, and resumed hi this week. and at the mum fillx $5. on per mmnh in < .\Hu parcd uni) taking, our «c of m: larzc (£111 5 I"; mcnccs Aug mi :tu i . Mrs. j. (i. Eaton Tmonto. an: guest; 3 of Mr. and .‘Jrs. K. .'. Miss “Hun-1, nf I‘m} guest of the Missm SturgeOu 9t. If you arc imcrc‘u-d cduculion you can rca best at the Lirdsav mm st. Chas. NCO-flu Mr. T. W. R bu boro. spent Sun l us here. Mrs. T. R Kczmcr ”am“, of Pat-{bank guests. of Mr. and fairs on Sundax'. The mam' friends lory will :rgxct to Serious illanS. Mcssxs. l. C. Ba? quns and Dr. B town in Mr. limo; M: (I M C \\ illia 'm is \isumg hi9 pure: relativcs and friend: .\Ir._[as. McCaffn: is View": his para st. Chas. McCufi'rd Rev. Geo. Brow “as in town on 'I on friends. (S'See Mrs. S another column. comfortable at 1. Tomato, as you w own cosy home, 4 dacs everything m the comfort of her an Sdturd‘n' and SM dags with their {tic kgc-a was awarded Would you not like army of successful reporters who have marvcilous success chosen this system You may arrange to Federal Collrgo: at August 28th. At the rcccu: L'r St. Louis, the sy mum m the Fcc Mr. Bert Ivor home in 'l‘oront I p!casam outing Omemee Want your The I’L'A N K L! X LEBANON

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