Ecronto ï¬g. 911:, { practical horse :- it caneful at- ‘m- rcn‘e. you and cv3cty 01‘ [c-ry Best Work ‘ral blacksmith gr: buiidmg and , at very reason 1 a House cold far xhc fasust c liuc- (My [sin 6 n )1 ur “buds. .\ it: 20 urinates “L!- 3 EUR! jot pld nay. - r scarirg the ks. and best 9' “1:80:35. made to please m are requested as from true all as pos- {2:33.71 :21 to the Homes us to Reach. mw ELRY. License. ill give A can 6 selection IICCK “heel and machine. and > Ibo. 111 set an) ‘tion aptly prion that m ow as up, ., Pomp- †can at 3:“ three Miss Emma Him, of Toronto, Spent a wecks vacation at Mr. (.I. McCaffrcy’s. The union excursion was thoroughly enjoyed by our citizens. and hope to again have the same: privilege of a similar rcunior. The band music was so much cnjo; ed that an cffort is to be made to have our band re orgammd. Mr. John Boyd. of Mount_ Pleasant, was in town 1ast week on business. Mr. C. and Miss Ethel Stein, of To- ronto, visued at the home of Mr. C. McCafl'rcy last week. Mrs. Burton S. McQuade is “siting with Mrs. Gco. N. Wallace and Mrs. Isaac Sherin, at Slxcrbume, Minn. Mrs. B. A. Real, of St. Louis, is vis- iting fncnds m town. Mr. Sam Rowland. of \ion taming fame, lS progresdng favorably With his airship, and expects to makc a tcst of It next Week. If it proves the success calcu‘a‘xd on [y its inventor, it will likely be engaged as a ‘sighter’ for the. Japs, or perhaps Sam has the North Pole in View. Mrs. Gundcrsun, Mts. mum.†.mu Mrs. Nevis, of Chxcago, Ill , are guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Samuel English, King-at. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blakely and son, Master Earle, of South Monaghan, were visrtors m town last week. Mr. john Boyd. of Mount, Pleasant, "M :n mu-n last week on bUsirmcss. _ 'l'hc_Em11y Mumcxpal Coqnnl, whnc misessmn on 'l'uesday, the is: ili~t adjourned as a tokcn of respect to th; dccmscd, and for the purpose of at- tending m a budy the funeral of the late john jamcs Mltchell, ex Dcpmv- Reeve. The Pcterborough binder twmc has proved itself second to none. and {Le farmers are Eargcly buying from Mr. J. D. Thornton, District Agent. Mr. A. R. \Vcstlick, of [mom a guest at the home of .\I.r. ( McCaffrcy last week. The Rev MI. McCullough i.- ing a good imprcssion and hug gregatiuns attcnd the ScrviCcs Methodist Church cach Sunday 'l‘hc Presbyterian Church will um dcrgo considcmblc rcpnirs shortly. Mr “'01. Glass is the chairman of the energetic committee who intend mak- ing all speed possible in having the proposal impmvcmcnts complcwcl. The Presbytcrmnï¬ are bound to 0;) apace with the: steady advatwcmcnt of the town. Mr and Mrs Wm. Md'fai'frcy and children, of Toronto, are spengling a months vacation in Omcmcc. Special to the Mirror. -, VEGETABLE sncnun N ‘ . Hair Renewer .. -44-- L.!!. -111 â€I. A-_L _. .AL AA‘A-‘. Ina-A The members of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 157, I. O. (In. '1‘.. during the past ï¬ve Weeks, held a program contest, With Sister CLUTlc Sutchi'fe and Bro. George Lane as Captains Cuntext re~ sulted in avor of Bro. Lane’s side. Sister Sutcliffe and Colleagues treated Bro. Lane and collmgues and others present‘to a supper. Music, games, c., intersperSed the evening, and after singing the National Anthem all went home, after having spent a very enjoy- able evening. Mount Pleasant Good 'I‘emplars are proud of their Lodge, as it is almost ï¬fty years sinCe it was or- ganized. Rev. H. V. Mountcer, of Omno, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C_. H. Shield last “crk. Mrs. Blakley Sister, Misg‘ Graham, of Bcth'any, spent last \Vcck ‘mth their brother, Mr. \V. S._ Graham ‘ qutc a large number fromhcre took in the. excursmn to 'Chcxnorm" Park (in Tuesday. We thmk Mr, Clarke had better chartcr an ocean"Iincr’ncXFS'czlr- Umemee and Vicinity, S’NOTICE â€"- FoiF the 30 Days I, will-75611 Scwing chines a: COST PRICE MCBRIDE, llilibrook. L.§jl’z. )2. 5 ‘â€" $1: :3; ,qigggcgaciglgtgg ï¬gngdggg this dark, rich color it used 1 dandruï¬â€™ disappears. An elegan’t drcsgingn‘géf‘gï¬iaxgï¬nwl ., . . m. m1. " A \ery interesting meeting of the 1‘“. Pleasant Btzuxch of the \Aoman’s Insluutc was held at the home 0t st. Harry Bland on \Vcdncsuay, the .znd inst. Subject discu55cd was ‘ Pickiing.’ The next meeting wxil be hcld at the home 3i Mm. C. H.311ield, on 6th of Scpt. lugnc to be discussed "‘ Duals." Mrs H l’inla} , who was serious: ly ili. ts,'Wc zu‘c giud‘to report, rapidly xmproving. - Jamieson Bros. are repairing. and buildmg an addiuon to the old Elliott home. Mrslames Dunkley of Toronto, IS vismng her parcms, Mr and 3115 ‘Wm Brown. Miss Gordon. of Pet‘erboro, is spending her holidays at the home of Mrs. w. B. Shield, Dr. Kei.h,of Omcmee, was ad'- ilg on 0L1 friends lasx Week. BOY WANTEDâ€"8:: amt Loy, with fair education, to learn the printing buszncss. Apply at {ht Mirror Ofï¬ce, Mnllbroc k. The {ed )undcrsun, Mrs. Rolsnn and vis, of Chicago, Ill , are guests )me of Mr and Mrs. Samuel INT PLEASANT \Vcstlick, of Toronto, was Mirror and Family Herald and Weekly Star to january lst, 1906, McCu‘nluugh is mak DIED 3L1: Chm lcs large con- Ccs in [he he: XI 21 - VEGETABLE SlCILIAN TEE Laie JaEn James EE In the death of Minuluim J. Mitchell. at hiante resxdence in the village of Oniemee, on Sunday 3.111.; the 30 h nit. , one more of the old and much reapect- a! residents of this vicinity has passed a“ ay. The late Mr. Mitchell was born in the Township of Emilv about Tl years ago, and contihnously resided in the said Township up to a littie over a. year ago when he retired from farming and removed to the Viihge n: Omeuiee He enters-ii public life In January 1873, when he was elected to the position of Councillor for the Township of Emily. and sul‘sequentiy to the position of Deputy-Reeve which respective ofï¬cial positions he uCtlel‘ied at intervals umil the year 1397, when he retire] from public life, currving with him the re- Spect and confidence of his Colleagues. together \\ith the esteem and Conï¬- dence of all with whom he had come in oflicinl Contact. “'5 sterling up- rightnees and steadfast character,c<>np. led \\ ith h s gentle lli:iillicr,;£:lilled him the esteem and conï¬dence at hisneigh' burs, which tact was evidenced by the :re-qnent calls for his always ready services in the matter of enwuthing over local niisundcrstandings and con- SG'Q'leLt frictions. In politics ho was a lifelong and ardent Conservative. In religion it consistent. member of the )‘f‘[lio113t (lurch. He ienvcs snrvivin: him, his nife linth Mitcheli, {nee Mil- bum.)_ one sun, J. \Yeaiey Mitchell- druggist of Toromu, and two «meuhten Mrs. \Vuiter J Boyd of Alunwdn, Assn a d Mrs Dzu'il Belch of Mt. Hurcl). UM , his surviving brothers and sisters being Josiah cf l’eterlyoro. Thomas .»\., of, Mrs.\\' 1]. Hill of Chicago. Mus Rum. JUIHLStOH of \‘irden, Mum. Mrs Richard Bledd of Cuvan, Mrs. â€â€™3' Mama «.I (),and Mrs S. New- man of Fenemn Falls. The funeral on ’l‘uesduy, tothe Emily Cemetery. was hugely. amended. The bereaved remtives have the iiezutfclt symput’h) oftheir many friends. ¢“‘ Alwavs Restless and Weak I-.. Natural But it's Dangerous. p1 nEsLEMï¬I-m 'rms: Ferrnmne is a true tonicâ€"note. u lcoivo'lic stimulant Fifty chmohmte- c: "air d Hiblets In a box Ior ï¬fty ceu s or six buVes for $250, at all , dealers or b. (‘. Poison (‘0 ’f!arlfcnl,C0_:rrr', USA , and Kingston- .Ont. " " ~ I'CCClVC advicc in all matters per- taining to the welfare of the eyes. Do not fail to sce hnn at the Commercial HouSe, one day Only, Tuesday, August 8th, day and evcmng. mec Young Ladies. Read This. Ifyou are bothered with pimp'es, rashes or ugly Matches on your face, if your ccmp!exiou is salltw. it’s an evidence that 3cm require Fermznne 0 tone up your blood. One Ferrmvme Tablet. taken at meals makes the com- pleth 12x8 geuch bl.)on1,clneekssoon become rosy eyes bright, 3'( (I’ll be the picture nf health 'i lmuszmds of ladies ‘kaep up their youthful appearance witherroznne, “by not you? Price We at. druggists. SO W HY COMING TO OMEMEL‘Z ‘ NEXT TUESDAY. The Mirror had the pleasurc of ectmq a Du‘kc, in Omemee, 'l‘ucsd.xy Graduate course the new sciencc 0 the Eye.†This is bv SDCCial xe- ThiS uses Wars dnwn build up ’eelizzg yuu Please‘scnd contributions to Robertson, Chairman, or to Dough son, Sec. -Trcas., of The Ho'spital Children, College Street, Toronto. unce ‘ Price } The American Farmer the Best in the Work]. The American farmer is the greatest man in the world to-day humus: 1.11 is master of the soilâ€"he is gaining in intellizruncc quite as rapidl as his products are inert-:1 i115: in maznitue Our n. Cunt combines of capital in United0 States measured in money are enormous yet such ï¬gure 5 sink into insig- nincance when compared to the moncy. brain and biaun inwstcd in 11g; icultuml industries. For instance, the {anners of Minnesota and D 11:11::1 i1u'-_'e rcceiu 11 $300 - 000000 for their 11101111315 in a Sillf'it year. The farmer knous “113.1. N; 1 urc \\ 111 b1i11g forth {01 him from his experience. in the past. He knows if cumin seeds are planted and properly cared for that Nature will take care 01' the rcst.111 the same w." _v 110}! are mark; of_}r0ur 071111 (. ’c'xllfll’ Providing your blood'is in good order, it only needs :1 little effort on your own part. to keep healthy and strongâ€"rid your body of the poisons that are apt to accumulate and your system is ready to ward off the attack oftlte germs of disease. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Merl? ‘nl 1,)iwcovcry makes rich red bloodâ€"by increasing: the number of red blood corpusclcs. There is no alcohol in this great tonic to shrivcl up the red blood corpusclcs. As an alterative extract, made only of herbs and roots it goes about its work in nature's way. It stimulates the liver into proper action. and feeds the worn-out nerves, stomach and heart on pure blood. I'm-d for over a third of a c<~ntury it has sold more largely than any other l)l’)0d medicine in the United States. More bottles of Dr. Pic-rce’s Golden Medical Discovery are sold to-dny than ever beforeâ€" hat is a true te>t of its medicinal value t ftct thirty-eight years of deserved popularity. , CL): Igrlalu aliens to \II N I‘IIII.< Adams an old OIIILIIIcc hm, upon 11: 5 mal- flags to \h5\ C E JomkIIIs, \IhiLII m- lL-IL-stmg L-ILIIL 100k [)IJILC :IL IBrwh ton (22‘. \ILdIILx‘an. Dr. Piffch'S "Mcdiéai Adviser" sent on receipt of stzm'ps in pay for nmiling only. Send 31 onucrnt Mumps for book in paper com-rs. or 50 satumw for clam-bound v91- ER 59.“; E. xi Scan. 5552.4. A 5.33 5.5.53. , The following let‘er,‘m ddresscd to ch: Secretary of the Na. :iona. Sanitarium Ass<;cia.tiun,'Toronto, from the Rectory, Norwood, Out, a: 2 shared by Rev. J. McKee Mchnnau. a. well-know.n A ngli- r: :1 minister of the province needs no comment d ours. It‘r'3z. 1:3 “I desire to secure tho admission into Le Free Hosritul for Cum: mntixcs at Graven- burs: \f .. young \‘cm m, a mmnber of myp parish. 'lho can is wvmymd (mo, and if in lp can at c;. o 13 «1.. n, .. pro- wining hie c.. u be Emmi. 'JlnL-v yvms ago the mother dicl (f cm. mm) mm. Since that time in 1:23 lean my painful duty to bmy two 01 t‘ :0 Sons “uh the sumo di 03-30. Iww Anni“, aged about seventeen, and a. boy of fourtmn, are all that remain of the family. The pow girlhas ha‘m‘n .3. Muskuka, bonding ate. rmvate boasts, waiting to 1-3 admitted. ago the moths 0* dial (f 1 Since that time in 1.223 100:: duty to bury two 0L t‘: 5‘ same di ease. L'mv Ahnin seventeen, and a. boy of fun that remain of tho familj girl has been 3:: Muskukz, 1 private housa, waiting; to E‘xo returned home luau Tia-1‘} twenty-fo':r Lot: 15 of Lz-r fatb er dzuf moi (TL-ml in his i33§é§3Â¥eué wï¬â€™lfl Vi'mL'R IVu'L'Ji“! 1:, V . - .4 ‘ \~ 1 - '| Nation". Sanihzrinzu Ass route, or h'r. W. J. (Inga, the Executive Comzuittue. " HE EGSPIIAL R3- 9; 9733151»: CHMREN For it Cares for Every Sick Child in Ontario "whose :Pm-euts Cannot At‘fbrd to Pay For Treatment. The Hospital for Sick Children, Cullcge street, Toronco, appeals to the fathers and mothers of Ontario for funds to maintain the thousand sick children that, it nurses within in: walls qvury y ‘uxf. nu Yf _ :L.‘1 3" “1|. (ion 7,500 of these were unable to pay and were treated free. kir wu...-‘ « Let thé money of die strong be mr‘ny u Lhe Weak. The Hoqwiml pays LuL divi dcnds of health and happinms to suffer ing childlmod ox cwry doilnr that i.- paid by the Mum}.- of little children. If you know 0! any sick child in V your ncighboz'hood ' whn is sick or crip plcd or has clu} fact send the pm , onL’s name to Ib- Hospital. "snE's KNITTING" Sue the cxnmpl of what can be done for club-foot children There were 14 like cases last year and bun drcds in ‘28 years. I‘ll-“01"“! The Howital IS not I. local imtiiutionm but Provinui x1. The sick child from any plune in Ont ‘rip who can’t :tï¬'ox'd to’ pay has the same privi- lcgcs as the child living in Toronto mu' ‘is treatel er e. L The Hospital} and last war in its beds and com 761 pmicnts, .207 of ‘hese “etc from 108 ilaces out“ sidn uf Turouto. . The COM is EH cents per patient per day, and there Were 12!! sick Ii: He ems u (la) in the Husizitul. strong be m?! inns to .1303 ,0 Dough-i Duvxd Ho'spiml for Sir‘l' Minn, To- .irnmn of ‘ :31th AFT m vv _ 771? THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES. OUR STOCK OF .. KKTill Conxria’lcï¬; Grooerï¬eg, 1’91? 113t§ c PGS‘I Ufï¬caB Deming Hay TeddCr, (‘ossitt 14:21} szclnnerx', c. Yum orders \ Cï¬â€˜ice 2nd Door W’est of Com- mercml House, Gmemee. E311 Eganiggmery It IS with great pleasure that l announce to '.l a: people of Lindsay and l Victoria County that I haw llL‘tfll lll)l(f to again secure the St-i'yit‘cs of Dr. lem'utgomcry, the Toronto liymigght fii‘tcmlint, Ht: is now at my store, and {or :1 short time will C(HHllu‘l {rt-5c cxmninzttiom of the eye and sight HIS work throughout the cntirc llmmniun is almost two \'.'cll known to nuctl any praise: there is scarrclya town or litnnlct in Ontario but knows oflns rumarlcahlc skill in ï¬tting thccycs With glilaSCS. I \Ylbll to say that if there is a u an, woman ort child within reach of this noticc who is :1 Stillbrcr from imperfect or impaired gight this is an opportunity you shvultl not miss. I am psiylng [or thu cxptjrt serx'iccslof this slictiitilist and you [my only for the material USt‘Ll ; no matter how many t‘tlllc’S you trat‘ul to 56¢: him, or how'nnich yuu sacrilicc to havc‘lnm [n'ccrilic gluSscs for your cycs, you Will l)c \wll repaid. He straightcns brass uycs without Cutting or tlrugging; he. L‘urcs headaches \rtth glas.:~s,' and brings Sinht to «yes that have never known good \lSiOll. Do not (lt‘lflV, (route and «cc him and receive a ltfc-long bunclit. At my jewellery Store for u lnmtcd = ,imc. “ t VJILLIAM' STREET, LINDSAY. Mr. C. Hughan is receiving an advance course of ins-trucfions f1cm this Specialist, and by SPECIAL REQUEST he will bring Dr Mont- gomery for cue 0713137 only at the COM- MERCIAL HOUS E, OMEMEE, next Tuesday, Aug. 8th, (day and evening). Advice ex- pressly FREE of charge. OUR JOB l)El‘.-\R'l;\HCN'l' has every Rt‘quisitc for First-Class Printing. 1““ )NE 19, Milibmuk, when you want :1 jab donc on than notice, and see how promptly you “ill haw your order Mlcd. and done RIGHT, mo. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. Rï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬. Youx panomgc msm-ctfu- ‘-1\' solid C. \\. RICHARDS, Publi> Head Ofï¬ce. Millln'ook. Drnwur ‘ont fmgct to OIch pImIOs Garden l’;1rt\,takcn at MI 111:):116 O. K. Don’ t {01th to \isu ( lalkc and get {hows taken to Icmu event. _ arm Implements, 8,50. McLaughlin Carriages, lows and all kinds Plow Points, Cream Separators, DeerlngKR-Tagonsg Sleighs, 850. ('A u.\..-. Clarke is at Mlllbrook cvcfy Wed- nesday afternoon. Being the East Half of I (.t 20, 9111 (3.011 ()1 Mamels, containing xooacres about 70 of \xhich are (:1ear'cd.1he 1and IS in "00(1CUl-(11t10n lhem is a good residence, also outbuildings on he premises. Splendid “ater supp1) For furthel panicukus apph to Expert Optician is doing wonderful work throughout Canada. Canada’s Greatest Eyesight Specialist is Farm far Sale 01‘ Is Bent. \‘x'as never before so complete l‘hc l‘dillln'ook and Umcmc'e ,-.“ TREAEJ E D. H. DICK, Omcmcc, P.O. CLA RE, the Photographvv, now in Lindsay, and all may ‘:‘L> 4. h1l¢~hu Paw» . have his free advice. TEAS UEK Yum orders will have my best attcntlon. Clarkc's studio to remember the .EUGHAN,%MM r phoms (,t the; at Mr. .\ch’s. AGENT FOR Drawer 2:) nml surrounding country, winch will 'bc reserved for the right man. 5- 5mm Now at the 1m selling was (,t the; v, ‘ . ‘ ‘ Reason, and handlg: our 1\I;\\ Sl’L~ ‘1'" MIC“ 5' i CIAL'I'IES on Libcrul 'l‘cnns. M LUC l')r. 'l'hompsqn, ‘ of 'l‘orontn, will open Dcntzll Rooms, two donrs East of'l‘ Ivory Son’s Store, ()nwmcc. on Aug. 15. ()mcmcc will have :1 ms- ulcnt Denim in fuzm‘c. or choice as at present. Local Agent Wax ated At once for “Canada‘s Greatest Nura‘crica†for thc town of \\'r1tc for particulars, and send 25c. for our handsome Aluminum Pocket A'Iicroswpc, (a little gem) useful 10 Farmersv‘in examming Sccds and Grains. Orchai dustsâ€"i Insects, Gardmcrsâ€"rin examining Plants lm insects, 'I‘cachcrs and Scholars in studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred different ways. omicr, Beijing Light Draft Stone Wellington. Toronto, LLTILLBROOK. O“ m WEMEE. ‘Fonthill Nurscrics, (over 800 acres) in examining Trees for amining Plants for in studying Dr. Irvine, of the aboye ï¬rm, a :rybody in a ï¬rst-ch55 Honor Graduate ot the “'33'5- University ofTOronto, Member of jgton, the Royal Colkge of Dental Sur. ries, 7 lgeons, visits ()memee Ist Tues- 35) dav of ex en month. Evelyhing Ontarlo. up to- datein Dcnttst13.Gasad- ministered to; teeth extraction. THE MIRROR AND For furt‘m sample com†The Paint That Stands the Test. 1s :1 g 111 and a he: sure to the 1ccipient..‘111d it \111 be all that it Scc111sifpx1IC'l11Sc-(l 1110111 51016.7 \Ve hzue :1 notabh11:1éz1ssoxmnnt of1i1ws, 131115, 111001: hes, 111 CR! aces Ll1z1111s,cl1211111s,ctcli;q11isite designs in beautiful 1101.\111.111:l11p Ivu‘cb'xwanu11111111l1) l1ercno“. I’1iccs cut 1-3 01: wow. 1:1 tr) :1rt1clc frlly \1'211‘1‘1111tcd. :11:1111s,c112111c1c 1-:111111a111. . 7‘; desinnsinhcanuiiful101.1111a11sh1p i It Sets them Coid. It does the 11111cb111a111~1111 11-111, 11crh110111101k111 2111111. mmutcs t1n1e.It I’1iccs cut 1-3 01:11101'c E1cr1‘kecps the Dish of wheels just :11t1cic {1'111' 11'z11'1'11ntcd. 11°ht It dOcs the 1101k perfecth. \VATCHIZ., CI OCKS [E\V- It is a 110ndc1ful imp10vcment ,m over the old method. I LI‘Y 5“ \ 141‘“ “I‘E CL No more guess work, but tires CLASS, NOYE I 11125, c., c. are reset accurately and quickly, . 1111110111 any chance of "ivmg 190 The IPOpï¬iar much dish 10 the wheel? or in any M n; --. _ Way injuring it. WEEKLY MAIL f’. i 77 Kent-8t LIEDSQY _‘ All the latest and improved branches 6r dentistry successfully performed. Plunges modemâ€: 0 F F l (7 l6 m'er Gregory’s Drug: Store, corner Kent and William streets. \fésddmg Piasant :emis. Drs. Neelands Irvine. Dr. F. A. VVa lters DEA \“115'31 Ll‘A‘DSAY. anor Graduate of 'l‘urnnto Univers- h and H0) al College of Dental Sur- THE MIRRCR‘ The Papiflar Jew-ah 1y Stole, Dentists, Lindsay: OMEMEE particulars and lupus, \Vrltc Curry 81: Co Millbrcok and Omemee Is published ovary Thursday Morning at, "a Ofï¬ce, King Street, Millbrook. ADVERTISING RATES: lyr. 6mo. 3m". lmo. lwk. Column Q50 $25 «15 $6 $2 5t‘nlulmrâ€˜ï¬ '15 V S 3 l )(‘niumu 15 8 5 2 60¢. Profesnznnal Cums. (mo Inch and under, $5 par year. 33 Mr six moulhs, .51 lor one month. Legal nmicos Rec-um per line ï¬rst inser- Hon 2 ct'lils per In.» each ml‘seqm-nt In- “thinnâ€"Nunpm'id measurement. 12 um:- Lo the inch. - - ,. â€Annual u; Inn nu ... Adverlihk‘lui‘h‘h‘ snoh as lost. strayed, \vznm'd. em. whl be inserted three Haws for $1.0m: inst-Him: 50 centb. each subsequent. inaernn‘lS vents. ' Bix'lhn. Dcalhaund Marriages are inserted flee. Advorlisc-mrnh will be continued and vlmrgud 1m- uulH Iorhiducu. Chang†or advertisements are to be In the other not later than Monday. SUBSVRIPTIUN RATES “ Terms, $1.50 per your. or $1.00 per year .1 paid in advance. C. W. RICHARDS. .-‘x('.I’i‘N'X‘S WANTED. Any man out ofcmployment or with idle lime on his hands can make money rcprcScming Canada‘s Nauonal Nur- sm’ics, which pay cash weekly, furnish the handaomcst samplcs free, and offer the greatest selection of hardy acclim- matul flock. Season now commenc- mg. Write tcday.â€"C.M’ITAL NUR- SERY COMPANY. Ottawa. Ont. Ho ! Everybody A hnndsomnly illusfmved week! cuimiuu of any scientiï¬c jnumz ymr: mur months, {-1. Sold. by: hid fire Setting Machine. Hudng 0116: of these Tire Set- tcxs in practical operation, your patronage 1s solicitcd. All work 111o1outvi1lv “anamcd. Geo. Engiish, Gmemee. Trilbys \Vinks Alabamas Scotch Rec] Up-Io-datc Specml Vcncedgxa Cut in Cigars Who h..s a ngg ' or Vehicle of am kin., get your tires Icsct On 21 Henderson Bauï¬uptswck of Pipes 25c. Fi'pes - for 15 cents 35 and‘4OC.PIpcs for 25 n r 15c Pipes {or 10 “ 10c PIPCS for 5 “ corn cobs 2 for 5 “ Tobaccbs always fresh at klï¬IRROR WM. COLYIN’S RING STREET. omamas. Tonsc rial. Parlors. Edi!or and Publisher yd weekly. Lax-zest o‘er- lc journal. Terms. $2) a. Sold. byaleeWr‘dgak-rs. 50 YEARS' EXPEREENCE 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 {or 3 for 6 for .â€" 0 2s 25 25 IO Cents u 3‘ u