Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 28 Jun 1906, p. 2

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mo‘ 4 The but kind 0! a testimonial- a “ sold to: over sixty rm” 5: mam .er 09.. noun. u 5 fl ’ 55»an When just going to press we have been informed that Muster Tom Allen. son ofthe Rev. \V. C Allen, has passed the midsummm examinations at Trinity College School. Port Hope, in a most creditable manner; ranking as Head Boy, and winning the Chancellor, Classical and French prizes. Mastel Tom has ’done exceedingly well and deServes the heartlest congratulations of his friends, in which the Mirror take> pleasure in joimnv. Public expectoratlon is again: the common law, against the lawsnf health also. When the throat tickles, that’: the time you need :‘Cntarrhnzone," i! soothes sway the irritation. cutts on? (he phlegm and loosen. the tight foal- lu. You’ll quickly amount ratarrlx m throat trouble with Cumin-bozo ne_ Manny prevent: new Attacks um ‘ ' emu): forever and for an Rim? ' Don’t take our word {or it. Cantu-hum» yourself. Once used ”'3’ he delight“! with its pfeuamj .r 31:15. (Rem) Wm. Iohnston was a visitor to Cobourg this week. '1‘ he Orangcmen of Cavan sttrim will parade to St. Thomas’ Church on Sunday. july 8th. Rev. \V. C. Allen will preacfi a specral Scrmon. There- will be special music also. Tl‘c Misses Eiw and Bertha I ock spent Sunday mth then: sisters, Mrs J Yerrin and Mrs H Lang. of (Javan. The Orangemen of Cavan Dustnm have accepted Victoria County's mvâ€"x tatwn to attend their celebmtxon a! Lindsay on the 12111 0! July. The many fricnds of Miss Batcson will be pleased to welcome her home again after an cxtcndcd visit with he: Peterboro friends. here who are pleased to welcome his annual visits. Don't overlook the Bethany Excur sron next ~chnesday. Delightful trip. Mrs. (Dr.) Turner and Babe an: visiting ffiends in Cobourg. Mr. Eames is a guest at the home if his daughter, Mrs. W. W. (iillott. He thinks Mxllbrook is one of the prctticst places he has visited, and the invigorating climate here has already steady improved his health. Mx. Eamcs has made many warm friends Master Wm’red Gillan is‘ visiting hls friends In Rochester. -‘Ir. and Mrs. Stewart Fallis attendâ€" ed the mamage of her s'mcr, Miss F. Howden to Mr. Isaiah Magee, in the 'l‘ownshxp of Emily last week. The Souris Lacrosse Team passed through Winnipeg Tuesday evening en route for Montreal, where they play the Shamrocks fat the Stanley Cup. After the match for the Stanley Cup they expect to play exhihnion games in Ottawa‘ Mil‘lbroox, Toronto and Brantford. Miss Estelle: Smith and Miss Orton, of Toronto, are the guests this week of Mrs. James I. ..tch, King St. Don’t forget the Garden Phrty a: B than); on Fiiday evening, June zgth Mrs. Dr. Dflcn and littie ones have returned from a 91:35:"! visxt m Berlin, where they were guests -of Rev. and Mrs. Bradley at St. Andrew’s Manse. 'l‘heyseek in vain f0: power who feat all pain. Rev WC Allcn, Rector of. Cavan, Mrs Allen, and the Misses Mildred and Helen Allen attended the clas- ing exercises at 'l‘rinzty Coliege, Port Hope, today. The regular monthiy meeting of the Millbrook Branch of the Woman’s In- stitute was held in the Town Hail yesterday afternoon. There was a fair attendance. An interesting discussion took place on the timely topic of can- ning and preserving berries, and the different methods of preserving rhu- htrb. these meetings ar: becoming more interesting all the time. 'l‘hc no xt meeting, last Wednesday in July. All members should make a note 01' it. be accommodated with an ARM CHAIR at the Cavanviltc Tea when an the rest were standing? We saw a young man with blood in his eyeâ€"but enough. Mr. Louis Moore has gone to Roch- ester on a visn. Mrs. Wm. McIvor was a guest at the home of her son in Cobourg this A Miflbrookite “Head Boy." Dreamspf heaven do not come in slumbcrs m the church. And now it‘ is upto Com. Kellv to exphin how he came; to Don’t have a falling out with your hair. It-might leave you! ‘Phen what? That would mean thin, scraggly, uneven, rough hair. Keep your hair at home! Fasten it tightiy to your scalp! You can easily do it with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It is something more than a simple hair dress- ing. It is a hair medicine, a ghair tonic, a hair food. WOMAN’S INSTITUTE MEETING BANKERS, ,7 SPITTERS! Let me Nâ€"ll you a remarkable storv ‘ llsonrd Mr.» H L Ihmlxngs, wife of me late editor of the Buston Chistian relage r-ne morning as me We re almm to engAge in family “or-mix» Opening n mm a certain h) mu in "Songs of 1'“- gnmago” there no.3 brought. to her mind sslmngo incidentwhlch occurred In the days 0! her girlhood away up among the mm: of New Hampsh’ira. When she was but 16 years of age, ' she and her sister, \r ho was a couple of veare her senior, were asked by a nemhbor and his wife to“ take charge of a meeting which they were about to have convened at their own home. After co-sldernble hesitation Mrs H. and nor sis'fer finally gave their con- sent to do what they could toward ‘ leading the meeting in prosmct. It was a. very godless neighborhood by which they were surrounded. but iew people 1making any profession of religion at all. The meeting was to be held on a Sunday. It was in the depth of winter. When the time of the meeting had ar- rived. and the two young girls entered their neighbor’s house they found it filled with about an equal number of thoughtless your: men and young women who had come together appurâ€" entiy {or the eXprees purpose of having a. gord time at their expense; {or as soon as they made their appearance in :heir midst many of them began to snicker and laugh, while others. per- haps a little more modest. held their hand before their face. One can well imagine how ember-l musing and how very trylng it must have been for two so young and inex- perienced to undertake the charge of such a gathering When Mrs. H. arose to give out a. hymn (the one mentioned above) she noticed in the audience a young man whom she had never seen before. Hts countenance was fair and very beautiful. When the hymn had been given out a tune was struck n hteh only Mrs. 11. and thls young stranger kneW. and they sum: the hymn through together. At the close of the singing they all knelt and this unknown person engaged in prayer. His words, and manner of utterance, produced it strange and very marked effect upon all present. "0h." said Mrs. ll., " 1 never. never heard such 31pmyer. “a rented to [inty straight uptnto heaven. When the prayer was ended and they aro=e from their knees, every face was bathed in tears. A mysterious and ir- resistii 19 power accompanied that ‘prnyer which brought Conviction of 8m ;to those thoughtless young people, and [led ttzem to realize their‘ need of n lSavleur. But, strange to bay, the young man was no longer to be seen in their 1 tnidlt After a. rhom‘om’s surprise the old gentleman of the home, who had called the meeting together, asked one of tho young man what had become of Us» stranger who had sang and pray ed. In reply the young man 331d, “ I watched him «him he was praying. and when I lucked again he was gone." J08. H. BURNS, " What makea it 393m at! the more perplexing,” Baud Mn; [1 . "was that. every door was closed, every window was doubts saahed, and the snow “as no deep that it was piled half way up '0 the windows, and there was no gas- sible chance of any one disappearing without being observed " When Mrs. H haul proceeded llms [af'l asked her who she thought :1 a young man was. “ Well,” said she, "it appeme to me that the Lord,sceing how helpless my sietex- and I werein the midst of such a giddy lozof young people, sent his angel to help us. or it may have been the Saviour himself who appeared in our undst.” M. T. Butcher Son, dealers in Furmture. Stoves, and Household Goods. Second hand goods bought and sold. Houses and lots for sale. Agents for nursery stocx. Corner of Simcoe and Water Sta, opp. Ontario Bank. Peterboro.â€"Box 599â€"211) Having purchased the Butcher Business of Mr. John McBride, I am prepared toplease the public it FIRST QUALITY will do it. " The event,” continued Mrs. 11., "becime talked about an over the neighborhood, the meetings from that “mugs beginning “ere continued, and the greatest revival ever known in that part of the world was the result.” The writer n as well acquainted with both Mr. and Mrs. H. L Hastings. hav- ing been empla} ed in their publishing house for several months.. Their pub» lications have gone to‘all parts of the Christian world. and even to heathen- dom. Mrs Hastings in hetsclf the author 0! a buck of over 300 pages en- titled, " Pebbies from the path of a. Pilgrim," which contains many mar- vellous answers to prayer, and which has ha-l an immense circulation. . BUSINESS CHSSSE 9133mm) 0.! Barrels for sale: .hcap. -â€"Apply at the Electnc Lignt Plant, \[illbrook. -â€"3t FreshandsaltMeats Mrs. Wzlson and Mrs Hootan, o! Fairmount, were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Russell this week. L Donnelly. in Charge. A trial order solicited. always on hand . Fish. Fowl and Yegstahlcs in season. A mysterious Stranger. PROPRIETOR. Cam vlia Sun'iccs in morning at io 30 ;spccâ€" ial sznging by the school, and by far} the largest attendanCc ever out on such 1 an ocmsnon, and it was a splendid and hclpful sarvzcc. In the evening a very large crowd was present ; some :‘gy that all did not get in although thcrc were chairs down the aislcs, and every seat was well lillcd. Rcv Mr ‘luru ol Millbrook, delivered special and appropriate sermons, which was highly apprcuiu‘cd findccd, many are othc opinion that {hey couldn’t liaVc second a minlstcr in Toronto who would havchcid the attention of the large congregations butter than Mr Clan: ; his sermons had the true gos- pul ring and many good leasons could be: gulhcrcd from his inspiring words I Mr Mm samr a solo in his usual style; and the Coilcctwns were newtâ€" ionally good; the dav was .all that could 1):: dcsircd. Munday afternoon proved an ideal time for a garden pmty ; some were. an the grounds caxly, and :afltr :1 llt‘flfly tca, repaired to (he south to the foot ball field, where a game was played Cavauvnllc dct‘cating Bethany by score of3 to 1. Return game at Bethany garden parzy on Friday cx‘cniny, June 29111. Better luck next time, boys. "11:05:; \\ ho came. later were treated t0 an espccmny fine suppur With great courtesy, and qucr tea had a pleasant ume Cuin‘crsn‘.g. 011 11:9:111111" to the Church, the able 911111111111 111111111 Mr Hcmy Staples, took the ch 1:11r, 3,1111 11c” the ( hurch 1111:; full 10 o1.‘-11fio11 1'11g. all not buin g awe to gut in. 7 Mr. Pym 31:11:11 :15 oruanist 111111 greati; assistccq 1.11551 Ho11z1rd,ct(.obourg,ga1ca $010,111“) so (1111 Miss Sta “pies, each 111 11111: stflc Mr I‘vm gave thrtc Selectmns, ()1 whi< h 1111:10110111111" 11'c1c 11"0, “ 1.0111,; hwthc 11111,. ” and “ A Handful of Ma 11: LeaVcs’ Miss 1311;111:1111, of Bethany, gavcthree readings and an encore; two were from “ M15 Wiggs 1n the (‘3 hbagc Patch,” and the lh‘1rd, l1c111g11 "0011 one 111dccd,f1o1111hc 1101111 ofcxprcs S1011, “.‘\.:1Insh Lndvs L1111a1"t111111o."tl1"11xe of 1’11: ”11:11: pho111:”’lhc Port Hope Methodxxt Qumtcm. 1:311: 1111: wry (me $12 lectmns, whzch ware {neatly enjoycd; 15:1"(111111111gBeEls’ ‘\\ 11151111: Cxoss’ and as :1 c105111g nu111 1,ber ‘01111 .1,1d Lp- “ard, Homcxmld A very 111cas111g feature was thuappmranz‘ c of} Ir H. Staplcs’ son as (1111.10! the Quanc-tte. 111:1: is the kmd ufcompuny t1) lx"cp â€" the best Prom-eds 111 thcncighhor- hood (,1!‘$125 oo Headaches never come to those who use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, and this {act is vouched for by the Assistant. Man- ager of the Poultry Success Magazine. of Springfield; Ohio, Mr. J H. ('allan- der, who writes: “ No better medicine than Dr. Hamilton's Pllls. We use them regularly and know of marvelouscnres that resisted everything else' The." cleanse the whole system. act as a. tonic or. the'blood, enliven digestion, help the stomach, and make you feel strong and well. For headaches, indigestion, and stomach duorders I am confident that the one prescription is Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills." It runs hand in hand with poor blend and weak nerves Health runs down. nerves get irritable,neura)gic torture follows. For the moment ap- plications may miieveâ€"l-ut tot‘hor- onghly cure. the system must be strengthened with nutritious blmd. You can rely on Dr. Hamilton’s Pills wlth Implicit confidence; their effect is wonderful. Sold by all dealers, Price 25 rents per box, the boxes for $100. or bv mail from N. C I’olson 6: (in, Kingatnn Ont. ., and Hartfnnl Con. USA. What can equal Fer-rezone? h in- creases the appente. forms abundance of rich Ida-giving: blood, supplies nu- trimevt and bui 1:3 :2: material for worn at nerves. Ferrozouo completely cures ueurnlgla. Every rm)! and branch oftlne disease it. kills, Absolute suc- can in every case. Slop sufferingâ€" fiilv cents buys Ferrozone Fifty choco- latte coutoa tublels m aAbox at any drug Blow. A New Branch of! the Woman’s Institute Organized, Being composed of natural vegetable remedies Dr. Hamilton's Pills possess great power, vet they are harmless. They aid all organsconnecled with the stomach, liver and bowels In conse- quence food is properly digested. the blood is pure and nourlshing, the body is kept strong and resists disease. h’Irs.1).I.Ii!lE}_-,an and Mrs. J R. Eukins draw: 10 Faxmmunt 'l‘ucsdzny and hum a successful organization meeting 0f the Woman’s Institute. The fuliowmg‘cfficicm officers wcrc clcetcd: Pncsidcntâ€"Mrs. R. 110 .vdcn. S .c ”Mrs. A'. E. Sundrrson. 'l‘rcas.-â€"Mrs. j. Sanderson. Directorsâ€"Airs. Ruth, Mrs. Hootan, Mrs. (Eco; Menzun and Miss Bothwcll You need the cleansing influence 0: Dr. [Iaminon’a Pills which cure your condition in short order. The visiting dclcgution gave the ncw branch ail necessary instructions, and no doubt with such cxcclltnt of’fiCcrs Faimumn: Branch will flouribh. 'l'hc Mirror joins m wishing them suvccss. Probably not. Then look to the bowel; and stomach, and you'll find [flgmy of cause. Chances are you’ll find constipation, hver is sluggish, stomach ovmburdened with half-di- gested food. ‘ Fodlish to Sufl‘er When a Simple Remedy will Prevent and Cure. Ever stop to think what caused your headaches? Stop That ‘Esadachei N0 wonder ynn are dull, tiled, rest- less any and nizht. The Source of Heumlgia. S. S Anniversary. Ari‘arigenicms are [icing completed (or the rcccption and critcrtaimnent of the Suuris Lacrosse Club on [llcll‘ visit l to Millbrook m the near? future. and3 also to provide a_ good day’s entertain: mail for the large numbcr uf pcuplc who will undduhtcdly b: with us on the occasion. It is safe to say that no prettier or more attractive town Will he seen by the visitors‘c-n their trip tiu‘u Eastern Canadg, and it is hoped tlmy will carry home with them pleasant memories of their visrt to the “Old Sod,” whence- their lorcbears brought the grit and determination that helped to build up a city On the banks of the Souns, Well attended meetings were. held in the Town Hall on Friday and Monday evenings lust, and it will be seen-from l the list of Committecs given below that i all classes of our citEchs are uniting to make the occasion One to be long re- membered. It is not likely the date can be fixed till the arrival « f the SUUHS team in Montreal, probably on Saturday ofthis week, but as all ar- rangements will have been completed by the different Committees, tlic short nnllCC will not detract from tlic success ol‘tlic occasion. Noticc Will be given by posters and otherwrsc at the curllcat pos~iblc moment, and we feel sure tln: public at large can promise themsrlvcs a most enjoyable (133’s outing when the Souris boys arrnc in to“ n. C U M M I T T E E S : RECEPTION. Reeve, W. 5. Given, Rcv. W. (I. Allen, Rev. \\'m.]ohmton. Rev. G. Clare, '1‘ B Collins, R W Clarke, Juhn Dcycll, J D Dcycll, '1' H Hnssard, 'l‘ G Kclls, J C KCHS, A Leach, 'l'hns. Leith, C \V Richards, Wm Vancc, Cam. Winslow. FINANCE. R] Doak, 'l‘ B Collins, F R 110“" arlh, j l) DcycH, '1‘ ('- Kclis. j C, Kclls, A Leach. E W Lamprcy, I E Nccdhum, C W Richards, R Ruddy, A :\ Sn i111, Wm Vance. EN’I‘ER'I‘AINMIZN'I‘. ] (T Kells, R J Dunk, I! (1 Dunslord, George A Duncan. 1) Hampton, H “7 johnslon, (; W McKim, R Ruddy, A A Smith, C 'l'humdykr, Capt C H Winslow. A T Armstrong, Wm An her, I D Duycll, ‘1‘ H l'iusmunl, 2) Hampton, H W johnstmz, I 1') Nccdham, R Ruddy, (Supt Wimbw GAME. E W Lamprcy. _l:xmes Armstrong, Wm Czuiu‘art, (Eco A Duncan, R H Edmunds, \\" Foxsythr, 1" R Howarth, Chas Nccdlcr. The firs: mentioncd to be Convener. Representing Public Bodies : TOWN COUNCIL. Rccu: W S Given, Counczllors R j Monk, j D Dcycll, jC Kclls, I E Visit of Souris Lacrosse Club. Nccdham. '1‘ B Culiins, 1K W Clmkc, 'l‘ 11 Hussard. A Leach, Chas Necdlcr, A A Smith. Rcv W C Allen, M A, I) HamptOx‘, 11 W Johnston. BOAR l) 01’ I”! EAL'I’II. F R Howmth, G W McKim, Char; 'I‘hornd) kc. THE FIRE COMPANY. H (‘- l)unsfurd,(:a1‘tRH Edmunds. Scc’y C W Richards. THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Gct your clelhes made. like new bv having them rhed by Parker’s Dye \Vozlrs, l’ctcxbom. Ham Richards, Millbrook agent, at his ctore, I). Chambtr's 0M stand. Your patronage- is respectfui’y snlirited. I am also agent for tho Perm‘boro Steumlnnn iry, H. Riclzahis CLERGYv .Rcv‘s. \V'. (3. Alien, W. Johnston and G.- R. Clare. A T Armszmng, Wm Archer, G Duncan. ’l‘hos Lcith, Wm Vance, Sec’y Capt Winskpw. Port Hope Bowler: defeated Miii brook here on Friday. Our reporter fai-lcd to secure the names of visiting genticmcn, altho’ we noticed ‘Morgan’ Carry’s coat tails flying past this office in the evening. Mr. W} E Glilott was just showing him the speed at which his new horse can travel. Like Mr. Giilntt, Mr Carey is fond of a good horse. “ It’s a holy terror how fast “ Bob " can travel,” says Morgan. 'Jumcs Armstrong, Wm Forsytl'xe, E W Lamprcy. T thzgerald T Lcith A 'l‘albot‘ Capt. W insknv Dr. Marshall. R I Dom: D Bcllcglzan, 81:18 J C Kclls, Sk 15 REPRESENTING BOTH 3 AND MILLBROOK Two rinks of Pclt‘l boro bowlers came in town on \‘v'cdncsday and hon-la] over the: home team ad 11b. and so forth. The game was pmycd on Mr Henry Mulligan’s lawn, the following is the score: ' Pctcrboro Mxllbroox “7 Aitchcson II \V Johnston C Frost R '1‘ Adams W E Talbot A A Smith R M Waddcll, Sk 21 I Dawson, Sk. Io Wm Cathcm-t, John Deycll, Kclls. SOLICI'I‘ORâ€" Robt Ruddy. HONORARY SEC’Yâ€"H. M. Wood. TH E LACROSSE CLUB. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. PU m ‘IC LIBRARY. THE BAN!) PRINTING. BOWLING. SOL'RIS That pothlng mu‘ch mattered but a big bunch of cash, And the man who was good was a jay. Am! the whole blooming country was going to smash; Haven’t you, haven’t you felt that way ? Haven‘t you felt It wos hardly worth _ while, To try to live up to your best? And haven't you Smilod a cyulcal smile And. Something: wnv down in your breast Whispered life had a prize that was hlgher than gold And sweeter than fame or display? And the faith that had slipped took a brand new hold: { Haven't. you, haven’t you felt that way ? And didn’t a peace come near that was' far. And urge you to strive toward itstilz? And didn't you turn your face toward a star, And didn’t you say: " I wlll E” And wern’t you stronger,:md di.ln't you find The world was better, and didn’t. it pav To hehmve and patient nml cheery and kind; Haven’t you, haven’t you felt that mu? Haven’t you often warn goggles 1,! 1 1:29 And, seeing Ma’s sham and its shame. FolHt was all a big scramble, and you Might as wall get into the game? Hurrah for Katchawanoeka, Clear and Stcney Lake-s. Bethany Mnhodist Sunda'v Svhoul Excmsxon ln Smucy Lukccn Wed- nesday, july .1, 1906‘ Inning by rcguLxr mmnmg (}.'l'.l{. morning train :m'ivhrg at Lulccficld at 9 21,111., film by the Luv stcamrr, “ Stony Luke." pas» sing lhlnglx [hc‘ fnl‘mwing chain of wzucrs: Katchnwauouku, Clear and Slum-y Lakes, :nl‘ux‘g :u juniper Island Burlcigh Fails, ML._}1113;m, and 012m points of inturmh liciurniug, flw steamer will arrive at mum-1m i’ m. 'l‘imc table and {are for round trip. Omt-mc'e Franklin Brunswx=rk Bethany Mxiibrook (an Haven‘t You Felt That Way. Mx'flbrook (111.) 7.25 x 00 so Comm-cling will; the regular tram fox l‘ctcm: no at 7.3 ' Spccml tmm 101 1'1. 11‘}: 11111; Inning Lakcficld at , 1) m. ' Bethany Brass Band 11:11 fur 111511 music. 1101 w" 1m- .1511 111: ‘upphcu erc 01' 1‘11111‘"c E' cuamly 111111;: 211111 enjoy a 1)ca111111111:11‘. 811-1311 11111311- 11un is L‘xtt 1111111 10 1111111’ Sunday Schoo1s. {oat 1111111111111111311111 for 1 extra huge crowd. Cmnmittcug~ E. MCMUEL'II mm! M !.m\':-s. Supt. ’1'. I~ Supt Rev. Dr. I“ As “in be ramenma ml Miss Ro-n- nay appeared m the door ui thMJmltan Theatre, Londcn, 02: hearing that 2: leading lady had thrown m'nr her part ix: at forthcouungplav21M asked leave to try the rejected role To the 22:21::- :wemenl’a astonishment she acted as Lhuugu inspired, ' scuzcd H. e h tof the: gear and \'.u:.sh::d, year and \muzshau, As Manager Izmd. of the ('urltnn, expressed it: "She came {mm mm here and aim vanishbd into nowhere." Now it appours that “1‘3!in Romney” was ”(w-6 uthsr than t? e Lady Evelyn daughter of the 15::riuf31c-ibonnze. On her mother’ 8 bid“ 51w Inherits gypm bland, and is fun-\er amazing 1.30;)!!! by sou. 8 “ii i during Irank. Her theatrical esc.:mrdr-, lone or has lad another and fur yrn‘er result than mere scandal, 3rd one that. threatens tu iIIVOiVB many persm-s in deeded!)- H:riliiug adventures. These mh‘erunvea me dcec: ebed “in: brilliant data! in Max PonJ'ertun’u apiendi-i novel. The Lady Eyelyn,‘ a. book that Sparkles v uh Episode. ncxinn and mystery from cover to cum-r. it. is a. story such as is written once in ten years and is read 101' fifiy 7 Priming that attrsrfs immedxate at relation In no doubt the kind you are 10vang for. We print no other kmd. Se Pd vonr orr‘ersz to the Mirror Oflice, King St , Millbmok HM)” l’nstm: The commonest cause of appendicitis, is consiipniion. When you require phvslc don’t use cheap drastic pillsâ€" cet Dr. Hamilton’s Pills which s'reng- then the stomach, regulate the bowels and prevent any tendency to appendi- citis. In one day you’ll feel ihetre- mendous benefit. of Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. By purifying the blood and cieansing the avetem they prevvnt headaches, lift depression and drive away wcnrlnese. No mec’xcine so euc- cesufulas Dr. Hamilton's Pills, 801d everywhere in 25c boxes with ”No“ Cover; not the genuine. The mystery surmunlinz ms {mm-Ia ‘Ettu Romney" has M. Lu: 'uJe x chur- cd away. "The Lady Evelyn" will appear ex- clusively in the Mall and Empire in aerial form before being published as a bm-k The first instalment wlil b9 nnMishe] in tho issue of July 5th, and it willbe c..nt1nued each week until August 2|er Orders taken at office of this paper for The Weekly Man! and Empire and The MtiHnook and Omemee Mirror, mailed to any address in Cunnda.Great Britain nrthe United States, from now untilszuary Est, 1907, to lwwnnb- scribars far-'50 cents Send in your order at om-e In secure the opening: ohnptera o! “1113 Lady Evelvn” 04°». "The Lady Evelyn" is the third of the Authors' and Newspapers’ A ssoel- atinn’s great $150,0in series of new In- ternationm “ovals, wLich the Mail and Empire has bean appmmed by the assmimion ‘0 issue amiany prinr to publicalxnn hem-sen covers. ‘uL‘t‘. “ "Ii“ AC! Lad‘ ‘ J Evelyn. What Causes Appendicitis. ~â€" ..m;)t. 'l'. K. (imhum, {m1 lh'. Munin, M. O. -â€"Mnurice Smilsy yavc Rowland, R. \Vcthcrclt. I. 11 m R. H. I. W. nsmnnt , 1) 1)., n, I lune purchase!‘ I: Lamcss bu. WE .c..s of‘ '.r “m. Spin. and “ill continue {lacs mi d business in :m up 1-.) mate st\1c,ua\mg secured the scrxices ofn first class lwaznuss maker, 2 12-. “in :zucnd '0 {his demntmcnt of 11; c- Lus in: $3. I \viEl have char :3 Mt? c [cut an! she-c dc'patrfncnt 3mg! 3 xvi}! as 12511le pay stun ahuiicn 10 :u (‘Uf‘xf(fllt'25,2 Ind x bet! u! \‘01: Want 1mm} mad; or {JCIOH' 1-0015 ands ..0rs, haxmss, e‘xC , I cm 5 mph ' 3011 mm the lust gand. at rij-ht prices. “6 its»: a sgwc (is l lznc of boxs’ Snlzoul 51:0 ecs, also a {u}! stock (.f hunks. Lhuvc had over txunty years’ Mr trade, and ym-runtec entire sansfacl'fl. VVe are cfikrirg first<?t cost to clear. Also all othe Baking Powder, Spices, Syrup and Vinegar. Just a few Stove and Scrub Brushes left. Breakfast Cereals at Cost While Stock lasts. Shop Furnishings, including Two Show Cases, also a. good Stove and a number of Stove Pipes, will be sold at and Below Cost. F3 P] H (o $0 on 8° C? g.) [:5 Q. C3" 9?. O a goods such as One Door East of Mr. J. Steele's Jewelry Store. Come to our Store any day within the next week (except Sunday), and we will guarantee to give you goods at prices that defy compe- tion in Yours , Tammie, or any other place. Bringi 21 your Harness and get it repaired ODD/Before the Spun E\€I) faciiity afforded Farmers for their Banking Bu..iness. Sale notes cashed or taken tor collection. "etcrinary Surgmn to His Majesty’s. 1.;111 i“ 15., C De )osiis of $1 co and upvards rcccimd and interest :LllOch at (min-m :zz‘cs. Intcust added 10 principal twee a par. iifllbrcok Br anch. agw ’59 At the price we are offering the goods they Won’t stay With us long. Are you securing your share ? Cfilcc On King St, first door \cht Comns' '\ man 2‘ SAVEFGS BEE}; DEPARTMENT. Fa: mers’ B: E11 13113111 1111 1857. Snccial Sale Note {70; ms FREE on application. .1 W B. Whore. Bgfigw 539% (1 HS I .45. an. 3%. it... 9.2,â€" 'L iqdnone 333nm. Nil. an” E535 BE ti 1 E 331-0 :42: !\' gu‘t 1 cc in the: bow. and shoe ;:. Your paucz ap- Suiiucd. anking 'gia veg: EVE 0‘ 21:85...“ 1.39 55F... :5. 5.7.3.: E Cflfif ‘ The Ste: 6 Thai; L8§C§S he; ‘31.ny baumg. Garden Parfoy. c scam; I I3 1'11"“? I‘ who can to acct-1112' Mdhmfisi (‘I turn! 0' " ‘- 2‘ bl seq-nun: in UN: R‘c‘. R 3|.“ half an outlook. The members of L. 0 I. x 646 and Orange Young Bri M to the Fresh}:c:':;:1 CZ memee boy<, had 1%: t; as refcrcc. Mme: mg famous as a rcf:rcc. ‘z referee at the return gum” on Saturday. “A .4 H4 M. 4} {matched st 1C1: ofdrc~s '.{<‘U"3\ Viz; ~' : , 1 “0 fargc (If Viral £~~(S' It ( In :21 A“ “at: vcry In: (N: a '5 «9:231: a'nd m almosz an: dza ‘;-:. '1": hamifu! goods at r;‘.’3'~'u:‘.'i.'.c Infadyoumn Sai'c m sky: '5‘ mm dress or c0~'.:11:.~c ' us.’ Calland sec. \"- < Dom forget the 04er town on Dominion Day, My “2111' a man thinks he i< b FOR 5.31.1215 :22: 2:4 (intake, 2 )‘cafi (Cad. It‘, .3 s‘mpc-cxdunged fur DEER CHARLES I, MCOL'A} o" Chris: Church, OIm-zm luck! at the home of Mr. \X';: . 1:600 3! . Omemox, 0:1 I” Dominion PM. (2; bk for the occasion mi! 1}: 5‘ Ta served from 4 to 7 0‘ Everybody Invited. Com.â€" 1 Wevcmng. 'l‘fcxn‘ thmewowE ESL/m. A, a: .n cwmmmd :1. no 2: V... “IN .V»/ DRESS GOO US DL‘I‘T FOR UP-TO-l LYHI reduced price {5m x‘ni: \‘s’ash Goods :t t( C} Grenadines, Gmghnzu READY 3nd)“: C101! and $7 .50. I "1331‘ nucxd :n(,3x1:-da.e1zz pxices an: atom 21cc 4 Shani-J see our stock . (OJ; and othcx side 5 1‘ At quklin. on :- Mr. ani Mrs. (2 ( Full line of white and ch Boots we may {all i Every Man 51:01:12] 1):: in 1 arm the \Vxliiams. 1 to date styles. Ali 1 Staph: Dry Goods Dept.â€" Linohumc. Lace and below ’otlacr dcdlers. kinds of she“ goo-is Lard, pmk, and {1in Cakes on Land. “(ANTEDâ€"50,000 D02 “'00! manufactured at f0 yam, 20c. double. Man: Dam iniozz 1333' Issuer of Man in; MILLRIU ‘.(‘, ESSMAKiN x D231"! date of order. We 1:: mad: to ordcr from. o: Cheaper :xmtez‘i..}s ml Man who wall noz- gut; “3.316 Ins lec. ‘ ;b0ro dcfcatrd Bowman1 pr’s groundi, bv I o, .n 5': ball match fur the i:| nmpuonship cf li~¢ 1 1r. Milton 8’ run» ‘ MD â€".\LL Good; M uâ€"faoed never have m BORN higkl . Ticxcts H. Ten-31:. fl Omemcc Maui \Y v E‘ ‘. ,K‘CN ’Ctl!

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