Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 30 May 1907, p. 3

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. complete. “'e at very 101: men. .- ml] please. ORE. md the pubfic ' can be found 3‘ me 5 omcthing [cd to. 11 Papers. manna, Mill). ll'ol‘ogo, Guelph 12th, 1907. n. mvuy' lpcezal ip is "Handed In ; to see flu! is imen’wan farm numbn- have ‘bnald Inuit“. ‘ge no tnngbt; the fir}, plums and who now Run} is new machin- ‘ or thing. wm tow our lady tantamount. Oo may wrar three vours. when you them. a! about of French Kips i565, .‘i'c. {ages and “at n: your Rails TUAL ' INSTITUTE as taken 0v e: ‘tber, the late is prepared 5 {0‘ moving rtion guarano able. SION at lowest pnCcs. FMAN. teele’s 5m! éed to; _§§ DYING; U a: it. rd out Yllnl‘ N Mrs. (Dr ) 'l‘hompmn spent the 24th renewing old acquaintanccs. Messn‘ L. MLGiH, William and che, of ()mcmee. spent Vic- toria Day im RHHHOOk. IN CHARGE MISS BRANNAN. You Can Save Money by Buying Groceries Here. M3. 5:11am run] {ncnds made :1 mp via Cn'murg and Oshawa to 'l‘uronto by automubllc (m Mon lay. Mr. Juhn M lllol‘h, '1. 1‘ R. section man, is now cuniincd to thc house with an attack nf inflammation of the laws, lus brother “Mann and sister \liss .X “111mb, are With him [)r. KC!!!) Is [he mcmcalmmndann and hupcs arc entertained for hxs recovery. Mr. and _\Irs. ] Mrs. McNIught. Naught, M RP , an! Miss M I‘M! Mr. and Mrs.) (I. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. .\!c.\"xugh:. son of W K Mu Raught, M RP , Mr. Arthur Mt'Cn-a In! Miss My Hr”, Hith- Tlmmhy 9nd nurse. came (1mm m thcir automnbxlc and spent Victoria DJ)‘ here. Miss Rein“, I’clcxhnl'o, Spcnt a few dayx thh Mr. and Mrs. T. 1. Parsons. Miss Bennett and Miss “imm- ‘Bcnnrtt and Imlc Freda \VcEL, Tn- rontn. arc: vxsiting their sister, Mrs. _] A. Wylie. Frcc Sitting: and a complimentary photograph given mm at the Marion Stalio. Lin hay. June rst. Mr. John Bun], 0f Mt. Pleasant. us: guest of john W. Mitchell, Esq, Victoria Day. Mrs. “1121155, nf Norwnod, is spmding a fcw Wtcks With her daught- er, Mrs (Dr. Rogers. Take the opportunity to have a fret: sitting and :m up 10 (Ink: photograph of yourself on lu z: 1%, at Mohmx's Studio, Lindsay. " That: was a Lug:- shxpmcnt of cattle and hugs on 'l'ucsdzxy. NOTICE â€"- H. Stark Wishes m m tom the pcoplc of this dimict that hcis still 0pm to do bu>iucss m his line. H: paxs highcst market priL'cs for swap Iron c. He says all rcports to the cfl'cct that he has quit business mfalsc. “inch for big duv in Omemee on Dmx nion Du'. Our corres. pon‘lcnt saws (In! Prince Fush: imi, of j.\p;m, will be: here and deliver an addlcss on Naval af- hils and how to tumfv our ports against the cncmv. The Prince imwds coming: by boat Every Department Filled with New Spring and Summer Goods. leljlrdine won the Omemee Marathon Kucc. H: Intends to ch‘vllcnge Longboat for the cham- pionship of tin.- world ; success, Oh. boy. Mr.) McBride was in Onumee Tuesday on busmess, and was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs L. \Vindrcm. We unJcrstand that Mr. T. J l’atsozns has purchased the MC Caflrcystmcund will crcct a Imus: on Sturgeon 5t. st MacDonneH IS usiting he: daughter, 3115 (1):) Ixcuh, fur a k“ day s. June (st, hem: NIVERSARY v fitting and a "1 graph as 3 SOUVC date and call on Studio, LmdsaV- Mus Bcatnc: r'ox Spent ounuav '1”! Mrs. Sam Fee. Muss A. MacMurtrv was here (we, the holiday usiling {ncnds and ":13. tians. Mr. K. W. Henderson was in town l‘ucsda'y on business. Mr.) ]. Lamb has began excaizié. (tons for has tint: mm: residence. » '. Rccvc J. 'l‘. Bcatty has beganxxca- cations for ins new shop. ]. 1). 'l'HORN-TON. Division Court Clcrk, [asucr 0: Marriage Llccnscs, lnsuuncn Real Estate and (icncral Agent, Omcmcc. Mrs. B.“ and little oncs werc home for the holiday With her mother, Mrs Frank Fcc. A James Dobson, U IHJJ HILLU U FA SHIONABLE Dry Goods House Department it: charge of Miss Thain. Millinerty- Dept. Ist, being RY wc wxll give you a free a nicely finished photo- souvcnir. Remember this 111011 us a; the Morton our EIGHTH AN- I)r Hm npmn. (Icutrsr. spent Su- idu} in bend‘rc I \Ir. I nrnc Sisson spent t’xc HoIIda) 111 I’m Hope. Miss Lottie McMahon, of Mull- brook; Mr and M; s. W. E Kclchrr, of Lindsm: .\[xs. 2.\ Iuncs, 3115* HIIL\ and Mr. Ernie Rflw. ufl’ctcxbovo were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs 8 Courtney, Omcmcc, on \':c- tona Day. Rev. Mr. Potzcr, of l’dcrboro. prczu'th to a larg: and apprcmam'c Congregation in the Pl‘cSl):~tCX‘ialn church, Unumee, (:1 Sunday after- noon. The mud; was also much up prcciulcd. 'l‘hc amhcm by thc choir was beautifullv rcn lac-(L and the malr qu rtctze mlcction by Massrs I. D llmrnton,Pc1C\"',lhmnum and Kcn~ MN: and \\ m. jard ne “as 3.50 much enjoyed. \Iius Harnvny Balfuur, of 'Iornntn, .vas home (“13‘ Sun !:1_\ an! HSSiNXCd the choir of the )Igt'modzst church on Sunday evening. sts Norma Suggett returned to her home at janctvillv, on Saturday. after a pleasant and extruded visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ii. S. Morgan Set: _.I A.\\')Iw, II1m.I‘.. for a Bargain m H.ur Brushc~, rqmlur 75c for 25c guanmtrcd h} thc m: nkzr \\ t huh: onI) 2L Iimicd numbm. CuII car'y. Miss Lottie Brm'n. of ()mcmre, was :1 visuor t) )Izllbrnok Victoria Day. Omcmce Council next Monday at 10 a m Court Revisum Miss M jardme spent the 24th In Toronto. Muss Bessie: Camcron is Vlsiting hcr undr, Mr. _I. 1 Lamb. Mr. Arthur W Parsons was 1:1 town :1 Cuuplc of dxys last week. Rev. E. H. 'l'cncy, joSc-ph Hays, \\' jurdinc and ‘J- .\. Wylie. sycnt a plcnsunt aha-mo n) Monday Wood chucking. Mrs. Sutton had frxcnds and rel.)- tch-s for the hohda)‘. The (32214011th of Christ Chuu‘l had a hoolh on thr 24th selling home- made candn-s,‘ popcorn, lemon. Lemonade and \\'yhc'a Icc (Tn-am. At the Methodist Parsonage on Wednesday, May 22nd, by Rev. R. McCuHm'h, _lnhn1’nlmc~r to Maggie Groves, both~ (f the 'l‘ownshIp of Ennly. You can‘t. afford to accept as a. substi- tute for this remedy 0 known mmposititm. a. secrvt nostrum 0 unknown. 00113pr tion. Don't do it. If you want. to know more about the Composition and pmfessional endorse- mom: of the: "Fm-orne I’msuiption "send sin! card rmgnf‘at to Dr. R. V. ierce. {uflukx N. Y., for his free booklet treat;- iuz of same. This World-famed spvcxhc for woman’s wonknmws and peculiar ailments is a pure glycoric extract. of the choicest nu- tive. mvu‘icinal rants without. a. drop of alcnhul in its make-up. All its ingredi- ents printed in plain English on its bottle- wrnmmr and aim-Mod under oath. Dr. Pierce thus invites the fullost investiga- tion uf his formula. knowing that it will be found to cuntnin only the best agonts knawn m tlu: most. advanced medical science of all tlm (lliiorcnt schools of prac- tice fur tlm curt- or woman‘s peculiar \‘-‘(_‘:}i\‘lli'.\‘.~‘(‘.\‘ and ailments. ‘ Deli-auto. ni-rvou'n 'cak women. who suffer \from fro uont headaches back- achf‘. dragging- own distress low down in the abdomen. or from painful or irrogb nlur momhly periods, gnawing or disâ€" tn-sscd sensation in stomach, dizzy or faint. spoils. see imaginary specks or spots flouting boforc oyos. have disagreeable, polvic catarrlml drain. prolnpsus. amo- version or retro-vorsion or other dis lace ments of wmn'unly organs from won moss of parts will. whotlicr they experience many or only a. low of the above symp- toms. find rt-liof and a. permanent, cum by using: faithfully and fairly persistently I);_._‘lfivrco‘s Fa unite, Prescription. Nursing Mothers and Overâ€"burdened Yams: In all stations of life. whose vigor and vitality may have been undermined aid broken-down by over-work. exacting social duties. the too frequent bearing of chlldren, or other causes. will find in Dr. Home‘s Fuvdr!to Prescription the most potent, invigorating restorative strength- giver ever devised for their special bene- fit. Nursing others wz find it especial- ly valuable iqsugmining clr strength and promoting n uiundzmt urishment for the child. xp-ctan Will find it a. priceless p sgstem for baby’s cumin and re 1. e ordeal comparative y painless n ' n :tnv state or condition of the, mun)», svstnm , UMEEEEE’S oma lo. 5 stem my MAK’RU' I‘. WWW ‘ W E ’lhere is nothing an dreadful as a .mma wnn excepting only a. bmte I 10.. «Duke of \\ ellinumn IJL'S'I‘ WHERE TH E DANGER LIES I In many caturrh snnfis, cocaine is in” lurgeiy used ingredient; in conse- 1q1ence the drug habit. may he formed Mn be reailv cured of catarrh, to do 8H i qnicklv, safely and pieasnntlv, doctors guy Calarrhozone is superior to an) 1 oner remedy. It heals sore places, .pps discharge, prevents hawking Hitting and bad breath-«low this by i not destroying the cause of thems- iegse. (‘aturrhoz me is no experiment. itlsatried and proven cure that is graranteed for bronchial. throat, nose 13in lung catarrh Two sizes, 25c. and ‘ $1.66 at 3'! dealers Sm-k raceâ€"l \\'. lmwes. ‘3. E MrQunde 3 W. Mitchell, Egg Rance-l E. McQuadv, ‘2 W an 62-1, 3 J. \\ MW. Girls raceâ€"l Aunw (‘Iemelt,2 Lulu Bul‘hur 3 Maud Laidley. [Muble canoe raceâ€"1 Jurd‘nw and Mm-I‘herson, 2 Benny and \liu-hell. {ma race, 100 yardu -l M. Sum an, :3 1.. Davis. 3 H. Cunningham. ()gr‘n ram», H20 yards“! E. .\lcQImd«, 2 n . Howden. 3 Dr. Sutton. Mile raceâ€"4 W.Jardine, Geo. Burke, 3 W. .‘lilchellA 'lhe Fire-Works in the evening “err aim u Iaulure. and very pretty. ’l‘lxe energetic cmnmiuev. composed of Messrs. R. J. Adams, J. 11,1..Hrm1l, Dr. J. 1’. Keith, \\'._B. Hana.» and J. RM ['35. v. The fullo“ Inc; events u 91:0 tl'.en lwl. and prizes :unmlel therefor: Running high step and jumpâ€"l W Low-s, :3 V. Mitchell, 3 1'2. McQInL-le. Stunning broad jumpâ€"l W. Jurdine ‘2 A. .\l<-Quude,3 W. \iiu-hell. Running long jumpâ€"l \', Mi‘chell, 2 W. lumps, 3 W. Mlluheil. Three legged ruraâ€"l Murray and Birnie, '2 Lnn'es and (‘unnelL 3 Paula and \Vetherup. U 'l‘lmrntun, deserve great credit {m prmnoling such an excellent day’s sport. ()memee has now in contemplation a grand "Regatta." fur Dominion Day, when uaSnIine ymzhts can cmne up our rive: and take part In races, alum cnnoe races. (‘.., «k0. Watt-h fur hills an- nunucmu this greatest. of all events in the history of (inwmee. hr. Sutton leftree ax d gave good satisfaction. final, 1‘. Ingram; Burks, ll Hayes and W. R. Mucp‘wrsun; Hz!” Backs, I]. Mama, '1‘. Kiev, V. \Htcheil; Forwards. W. Mitchell, .\1. L, MAI-gee, W. Jardinu, U, (Heuney, M. Nuuem. 'l‘he game mm at aplexulid exhximinu. Rcv. Mr. I’cckowr, I’rcshytcrmn mmxstcr. prcncht d an clnqucnt sermon to :1 large and apprccmmc congrcga lion m lhc Methodist church, Omc mes, on Sunday cvenmg. His sub- jcc: “The thurn of the: Prodigal Sun," was handled in a masterly way, Riki was thoroughly interesting through out. The buautifully rcn-Jcrcd anthem by thc choir :1an added to the Sct‘Vlttcs. After a. dinner, {it lnr Royahy, was served at the. (‘un n-c rcial ”nine, 3 urauul program ut‘ spurm “ere Maid at the Park l'm- imam!“ mulch bchwen l’rterhorn mnl Umemce was keen 3‘ comm-Med, and “ms “all I!) ()memee by the ciose swore M4 M3 The Unne- mee fine up “as as i'nllmvm Mr. and Mrs. J. C. EHO”. and son, accompanied by a numbcr of friends from 'l'oronto, wcre guests at tin- homc of Mrs. liamn's parents, Mr. mm Mrs. john McCrra, ()n‘mmw~ Viezorm Hay. 'l‘lu-y (‘umc dmm in: Mr. Enton’s new automobzlc. ‘ ‘3. S Harry, were taken on bnar-l Mr. Heath’s spec-fly unaullne yacht. and eunve} ed to (finance where they “ere met by the Citizans Band and hun- dreds nf the citizens and visitors. and «scaled to me (‘onnnen'iul Hunse \\ here :1 grand rt-ception was given the Engineers and purly. The engineers dnl nut (mnsider our Haters overesti- lnzm-d. but. expn-ssed thenmelves de- lighwd at the extent of our river, 1'. h'emtxlul aim-nary and «:mnpmg -.runnds The Superinxende tounsuiered that an Allgumr Boat and drug: could clean up the river [or to [‘rrlnll yachts to run this season um] “and recununend it to ht! put in operation as early as pos- sible. 151mm u! the nfltkh Aim-Hem: imslnvs.‘ (",[I1-g9,'l'0r0!ll().durlhuJulyund Knuth-t. smiums mm‘ «nrull any time with oq :31! ‘m‘jrnntngo, \Vrltu fur catalogue and spy- jt-aul sulnmvr rune umns oldcst and best. ‘ sdwnl. ‘ T. M. WATSON. Principal; (“29 of the n ost encceasfnl celebra- lim 8 9\ er held in this fl..urishinglilt‘e town “as that of Viclurlu Day, May 24th last. There was a very large CTOM' ln town, 'l‘nrnntu, l’etevlmro. l Linflfiay, Realm“), Bobcaygeon, Mill- ; brook, Mtl’leaSuUt, Ida, MlHnreh, Jan- elvllle Fleetwood, and other to“ us being well represented. and all seemed well pleased with the splendid program prorided. As announced. the Trent Valle}~ Canal Engineers were present, arriving at the n hurl here at 12 o’clock noun. ’l‘hev came from Peterhoro by boat and were met by Mr. H. Benny and party, consisting of Major Evans, '1‘. C.Sle- venmn and J. I). 'l‘hnrnton. The over- head bridge, known as "(‘owans' 1 Bridge," would not permit the smoke stack ml" the Engineers large boat to go under, othernise the bout \\ culd have easily made Omenlee wharf However the party consisting of Chief Engineer Mr MrClt-llan. Mr (Luke, and Mr J. STEELE’S, fOR UP-‘l‘O-lm’l‘E JEWELRY Yicluia Day A Summer Session MWMI'J‘M Issuer of Marriage, Lia-mes, NH LHRUHK. at Omemee. Nut only muside lmt imi‘le us “all, your lmdy mus: lne :req wmly cleaned Otherwise it lym-umw loaded “11h wastes that vim: up Um whee): 0! health. Much heuer 10 art in tune Use Dr. Hamilton’s l’llls; they streng then and regulate the bnuels. urns! diguutiun, enrich tlve blow] and there- by lurlify the nerves and 1.1)“ We foun- dation of lusting good health. Winter bhnls onlfresh air f om mum honwa, and only a few get awn a little sunshine. The blood Imltxramy grous thin, c :lurleas and diseased,-u r tlre 9st 13, Heap 1 ourly and have head- aches. In this condition “e are Pu!) prey to sickness and (ill 11m lumpitazs and graveyards. You must create resistance and strength. The bluod must 1e purified, must 1w given power to expel the seeds ofsprmg fever. Dr ”:UIAIIIUH’h Fills bring \‘lm and \‘ltullly so much slrnplnt fur L..-(lay; Hwy Infuse a. {paling or freshness gm! spirit in those “ho have been ailing fur years Really no medicine so yulent. Price 25V. al all dualcrb‘. Ferrozone is “.9 only remedy. It calls Inn-k vim and energy, fills the body \ulh Vitality, makes wary fibre sing with new {”11qu his and health. A Voting cmnest to dezermine the most popular barber in qun was held recrmly by u ’l‘npvka newspaper. As might be expected, one of the leading candidates was a deaf nmte,AlexaI-der “n ur, and an the ciuse he was twenty llmneun‘d votes ahead 01 the next man. 11-: Mm seeks U) "know himnell" mun study day by day the delnilu n! his moral health; he “lmdez-ixes h; lay up "lreusnres in heaven” must allow no waste ofhia Hnnl's \umhh tn puss unlnwle-d.~l’rances l’. (‘ubl’m Great epidemics, such as few-u. in- {eutious skin diseases and veaerm-e break nut. in the spring. That knuu ing tiredness leaves 30nâ€" FerrOZIme drives it. :m'uy. Sleepless nights are turned into ymiufs of rest. and you pick up fnu'. Dayhyday your appeals Inmrm‘es,â€"this means nmre loud ts transformed in nutrlment that will Iuild and energize “euk organs. The inchlmlinn to worry passes mun In «use l-‘errnznne impart»- ne-rveâ€"tmm and bmHy strength than pun outs depression Winter Weakens the System and A1- lows Disease Germs to Enter. System Requires Frequent Cleansing. ') hiuk flowerâ€"1"crruzm‘e in I! won- derful tunic, in fact it In more because it rstnbfisheslmullh Hm! lusts. 'l‘hous- nude use it in the spring: and thereby cleanse mul restore‘lhe entire system to a. perfect cmulltiun. You’ll feel the nplming p0“ er of Ferroznne in :1 week â€"ll.’u bound to help )(m it you only give It the chance. Sold by all dealers. We a box nr alx boxes for $2 :30; be sure of the name. 1"1-zmcozuxm. Mr Dryer had 115,465 \'0 es, while the \\ Inner of the second prize had 9350:. [he pnza \\ hich Mr. Dvyvr seulred was a $375 pi.mu.~â€"\'xlcz.l Hm-siur. Thousands ”r wmnen are “an, whif- r-lmlcm'n and displrlled. What they need is that lmnriuhituz tunic Ferro- zene. 80on they regain their laIIKlIII'L' eyes, bright Spirits and rosyuheaku Ferrozmle does this and more as Mrs L. I". Alldridllh‘nll uf “'l-ilue." l"H'- C B , trsllfies. “My (laugh or, was Vet) much run dmxn and had considerable trouble- at rules. Of'en l “as at a has to kmm' \\ lull to dv. [was advised u. uiVe hm I’err'vz me and l d (I so. Far- ruzwne cleared Hp alltinelrunlue,x11wlr my daughter hmtllhy and “ell Fa” roz .11.: u vex-x goml ”Wm, regul Yes, siren: hens. I Consider it a mem- cine evl-ry woman should use refill“? ly ll‘ahe wants to feel her he“. " RC- buihl with Ferrnznne, it, is lhe King of all cures. l‘ricc 50¢ per ln-x at 311‘ dealers. ‘ There is one thing that people ougl.t to remember and that ls that. the hand. ling of everybody’s children requires more tact and skill than Is required to be guVerllor or“ state. it the teacher dues not matnlaiu guod discipline, ever) body critic see him, especially those she never did and lltVt‘l‘ can control their own children attlmme, and they are continually finding fault hevause the teacher does not have gut-d order Or, on the other hand, ti the teacher does ntttllltttingoud dig. eipline, the same people make his life Avl luv nun fith‘Jl IUI Inc unos IIVs-v about clues. In the speed division the prizes have been increased l‘y $1,000. A new class has been added, providing for horses that are not fast enough for the " free. for all." but that are too speedy for the 2.30 classes. The conditions are; the same. i In the cattle section A. '1‘. Gordon ol‘1 Cuinbscsuseuay, Scotland. has con- sented tujudge the Shorthorns, which is the largest class in this sectlun. a burden by tindim: fault with the The prizes in the Herefords and the methods he uses.- if there is any one ‘ public duty a man ()Wt-‘S to his country and to his clnhlren, it is to stund bv i the teacher on general principles, and not. join in the general complaints overv time some little flaw can he . _ . . ‘ ‘7 he .- llolsteius have also been considerably increas-d. ‘l‘he ceneral arrangement throughout i the prize list this year is alphabetical, so that the finding at any section is . made easy The aggregate summit of GREA'IES'I‘ FEMALE SI‘RESG'I'H ICNER ON EARTH u-uuv Vu-ul . film-Ml in his metlmds. 0f coupe the ', . "““TE' "’1“ . teacher makes mistakes the "rm“ ‘8 $39,100, "OL “"31“an the Who does I $3 600 - ~ . . given m the speed department. "' l? “9 “n"ld "“8 m h" ”"1“” 11133 la the lamest purely agricultural from heuven nut tn make lull-mm... _ . . . 1 Le l'earlwr’e monthly. lrlza llstpn (he Auwman Comment. Peterhnrn, (hm, May 56 â€">Charles Sellers, 65 years of age, while “‘a'kil‘l on the G.‘l‘.[: trucks. near Umemeo. was struck by a freight train to day and badly h.jnre.l. The oh] Iran is very deaf. He was hronghl. to Pet-:- lmro, and taken to the Nichuls Hospi- tal, where his left leg was amputated above the knee â€"I\lu.ll and Emplm WHY SPRING BRINGS WEAKNESS. The Cltflln Chemical Co., Ltd., Windsor. Ont. Take “Budu " on our positive amn- tec that it willcure you or money re unded. 50¢. a huge box. At druggists or by mail postpaid. ‘ 62 There is no msgn in the world why you should Sufi» r wgm Kidney Trouble, and HELP FC .11 SICK KIDNEYS. Elderly Man Loses Leg Near Omemee. ‘ In the cattle section A. '1‘. Gordon 01 Cumbscausmmy, Scotland. has con- sented tnjudge the Shorthorns, which is the largest class in this aecflun. {The prism in the Hateforda and the l Holdeius have also been considerably ()n l‘linrsday one layman from each charge mu: present. This reports of the year were carefully gone over fur each (‘ircuit and Misslmi. They were quite encuuraglng. The Missionary incmne being $300 in advance of lad vear, being over $3000 in all. John McCreu of Omemeu and George Reid 0 the Bethel circuit, “are electrd dele gates in amend the Annual (‘onlvruuce which meets in Bowmunville on June- 6th The Agricultural Section will be re~ plete “in. information {or the general ulvuncement of agricultural science. (‘uutrilmtora to this section will be men eminent in this important in- dustry. present the «Hank-t “ith the chairman on the Stationary committee which mt-ets un Mumluy, June 2nd. The meeting was very pleasant and har- moninus. The \Veékly Mall and Empire and l‘lw Milllmmk and Omemee Mirror mauled to any address. postage paid, It) (’nunda nr Great Britain until January Isl. I‘JUS {or 65 cents ’mlh publ.cutiuns for 7 months, the poriml menlmned, at regular rules, would must $1.15 By accepting this offcr new suhm-rihera save 50 cents. 'l‘he Wn-ekly Mail and Empimdnrhsg the Summer mnnths \\ ill unquestiona- bly be the greatest weekly publication while enters (‘anudiun homes. It, at present contains a grenler number 01 eulumnsnf reading mutter than an) nuwr (‘mmd'am Weekly. All the nens pnhllnhwl in His carefully se- lean-MI to meet. the waned tastes of the readers, Altugellwr the 24 pages, which com- pi‘ire The Weekly Mail and Empire. are a. hbrary in themselves, the reguiar price for u Mull is One Dollar a year. I, The District Meeting of the‘ Meti~o idiet Church was held in (‘ambrillge ‘St Methodist church, Lindsay, on Wednesday and Thursday. Mav 22nd and 23rd. Rev, R :\Tc('ullouh, uf Ome- mee, chairman oi the district. presid- luz. Rev Joe Ward, BA Bi). was elected secretmx, and ll. 15. Kenny, «Initiative! secretary: 'l‘t.e tireI «lav was for the Ministerial utemhere E W Rnwland was recom- nwntled In he received into in“ com- munion with the conference. It was‘ recommended to postpone the ordinal-3 ii vn ul‘A. W. Shaver, B 3.; for one )eur as he was not re uly to enter on the work of the Ministry at present \V. E llm.ev, E. ll. Gmlmm, J.0 l‘otten, G.(‘. R. Mchade and l“, W- l’ink were cm-vinnrd on trial and re con-mended tn he senttncn'lege Rev». E. Roberts and S. Dunn were recom- mended tn be (‘nntinnrd in a Superan- ltaied relzlllmt. The General Sewn Sevtiuu will con- tnin the fullest and most complete in- Iormation n! the events trauapiring in MI parts of the world. Particular at- nmmm \\ m be given to cable and pro- vincial 11mm The Prize List ortlie Canadian Na- tional Exhibition of Toronto isjnsx out. Many changes are made, making it more convenient for reference by exhibitors The regulations are chang- ed so that all animals exhibited In the live stock sections must be registered in the Canadian Herd Book Registers. The Magazine Section will also be a mlne ul infunnullou upon subjects x\ llit'll are at present attracting public ultrntlon.‘ Muny of the articles will be llrigllleuell lxv lllustrallons. Send all Orders to " The Mirror omce." Mlllbrook, Ont. lathe Horse section the Canadian hreeder is put on a fair {outing with the importer The directors have en- deavored in every way to protect and encourage Canadian lured nurses. The prizes in the breeding class” of the horse seetlnn have been increased over 5600 Several new classes have been added, eSpectally the one for strings 01 ten horses, which is expected to be one ofthe features of this years exhibit: in the harness, hunter and jumping classes the prize list remains the same as last. year including the King Edward llntel [(Tnp, which is again giVen for the best horse for the run- about class. In the speed division the prizes have been increased by $1,000. A new class has been added, providing for horses that. are not fast enough for the " free. for all." but. that are too speedy for the 2.80 classes. The conditions are the same. The Lindsay District Meetmz Will meet m the Orange Hull, Omrmre, on 'I lmraduv. June 13, at 8 p m. Slump, when arrange- ments for Celebrating the Coming (2th of July will be muiegnnd other busmess wnl be Hausa um. All Brethren are invited to att nd. By order Dis Mzuter and may. Loyal Orange L'tsn'im of Emily Rev. F. Johnston Was elected to re- Special Offer to New Subscribers. 1’31“ 1 BI'I‘ION PRIZE LIST. JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Editor. inn and respected citizens. It is a lamentable thing that any deafboy or girl should be deprived of the ad- vantages of such an education when it is freely provided for them by the peo- ple ol the Province. We earnestly hope the new-pulsars throughout Ontario will call attention to this matter as emphatically as possible and thus aid in this good workâ€"The Canadian Mute of May 15th. How to Use Them. Pronunciations (Ccntury Dictionary). Corrcrt English in the Home. Correct English in thc School. What to Say and What Not to Say. Course in Letter Writing and Punctua- lion. I‘chty Daily Drills, Business English for the Business Man Compound Words : How to Write Them Studies in English Literature. AGENTS WAN'I'lih. $1 a Year. Send me. {or single copy. Course m Grammar. How to Increase Onc’s Vocabulary. The Art of Conwrsation. Shall and Will ; Should and Would : Correct English, Evanston, “Correct English- Hm’rLto Use It.’ In our Hardware Store we have a 11mgnificem stock {or every requirement. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Boots and S,hoes Groceries, c. Nothing Succeeds Like Success TheHoiise of Quality CALL AND TEST US. .lren,and we eafnés'llf appeal to the readers ofthese 11an to usslat us in securing: llllli information. Clergy men uf all denominations, musicians ‘ weessors, inspectors (of schools and public school teachers are in an especi silly favorable position to assist us in thm direction and by so doing they would be Conferring an inestinmhle noon to these silent members of the culnnmnily. ()nr desire is to enter in- to correspondeme \\ illl the parents of all deaf children with the hope oi in- ilucing them to send them to ourschool at llelleville, \\ here they may receive such training and instruction as will fit them to become uSeful, self-support- Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pate with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, {or ofi‘iCe assistants, not only from l’eterboro but from other plae‘ez; as well. We have not been able to do this in all vases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or 15 a competent Stenograplxer and 'l'ypewrim la Certain of a good position. You Will make no mistake in getting a \ Monthly Magazine Dcvotcd to the Use of English. McLaughlin’s Carriages Wagons, all kinds Agricultural Implements, Harness, Rugs, Whips, Blankets, c. We now deal in all kinds of High Grade Flour , Feed. Seeds, etc. Your Inspection Invited. Your patronage So. licited. Prices Right. \\'e have res-mu to believe that there Is a considerable number of deaf chil- dren in this pmyince ohchuol age who are not unending our hmmmiun, but who should he dniug m. We aredesir ous of uhtaining the names and ad- dresms of the parents of all such chil- Storey Leary a “the more, but It’s far llnehest- Use only "Pumam’8"â€"25c at all dealers. Sup using Acid (‘uru Salv a, use Pun-unfit. l‘uin'W-s Extract. r; it costs Storey Leary. is very complete, and the bat values possible. ome in and you wxll be convmced that this is the place to buy Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade, and our goods are of the best quality, that‘s why this store is termed 7Business Education WINS'I'RUC'I'IVE IN YER ES'I‘ING PARTIAL (.‘ON'I‘EN'I‘S. The Hub for Farmers. WHY BURN Y )UR 'l‘Ol-Ts 'PHONE 456. AN I'IA RNESI' A l’l’lCAL WM. PRINGLE, Principal, Pet'ertcro, Crt WWritc for Our Handsome Circular.‘€] WATER ST., PETERBORO, This is especially true when applied to the ONIE‘A’IEE, . Carrrzy 81 (36’s, W 7. MCCARTY’S. “1 77 KfltSt LINDSAY: Some bcau'txlul lines in WATCHES, CLOCKS, jEW- ELRY, SILVER“'ARE. CUT GLASS, CH INA, TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES, NOVELTIES, C., 8:6. JEWELLERY SPECIAL LOW PRICE 'l'hc Cuurl u! KtflialOfl for the Vilhgc of Hillbrnok on the Assess- mcnt Roll for 190;, will be he'd 5“ Lhc'l'nwn Hall, Mliflmmk. on Mn"- day the 3rd .day of June, 1907. at 7-30 p.11). Nu 23c pluchuse um brim: mun c u f .11 than a lmtllo of Fund" I 5"" .line; in’ . he cleaner! plum-gel" 1"!" mm: made. Sold ever) a here In It“. 250, lvo't'ee. COURT OF REVISION If you are caught in the van". a re turual, larrrul‘ a or mult‘u'fl' 1'5““ don’t van tor w we troubl a mi" 1’ ' mp: treatment vith I'ulu "'8 3"" v line. It dr we «wan all tutt- J cold eases rheumatism 120““!qu find D sin, saves you lrum a. luuuv ‘fl bed- Wedding Presents You (an buy Dainty Gtods at MCCARTY’S, 883 WATER ST. YHCR WISI‘ZS. «DUN-E w. w. '01 LLO’IT. Clerk.-

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