;,€¢ .33 Mr. H. Skitch has quit the iob of watering the streets, and Mr. "*{Wm Christie has been appointed in has place. Mr. Chrisue has purchaseda set of extra strong lug harness specially made {or work of thxs kmd, from Millbrooks leading harness maker, Mr. T. J. Mr. 1 Naurass vemmcd to Toronto on Monday after a pleasant visnt with Nlllbmok friends Mrs. Nattrass and “grill remain with friends In towh Mr. Richard Nurse, of Hamxl‘ton township. father of Messrs Robcnt and Richard Nurse, of thzs town, is serious- ly :11. He: is mighty-Seven years ot'age, and has been quite smart all wmtcr. but about pr' wccks ago hc had a slrokqand shgbt hopes are held out fdr hrs recovery. Mr Andrew McNeil will have ,the sympathy 0! many friends in ‘Millbrook m the loss sustained by Ilhe death of his brother, Mr. Jas chNell, who was drowned at Glasgow. Scotland. Deceased was 'only 25 yrs. old and leaves a wife 'and one child to mourn his loss. r- The many friends of Cap t. \V. I D. Leach will be pleased to learn .xhat he has come through the 'qperation for hernia successfully, Kind that he feels much better than ‘ he has for months. Dr. Norman Allen performed the operation at St. \Iichael‘ 5 Hospital, Toronto on Tuesday. \Vejoin in wishing .the Captain a speedy restoration -to health. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Blakely, of Bensfort, were visitoxs in town on Saturday. Mr Jas Porter completed seed- ing no acres on the 25m. Mrs. A. W'. Smithson, oi War- .saw, is visiting friends in town, .and is stopping with her mother, Mrs. ]. Richards. MLE S Lian-,3. of Paterboro, rspent Sunday “ith his parents, “1'. and Mrs L. S. .Clarry. Dr. S. W. Given, of Flint, Mich., and a brother of Mr. W. S. Given 0t Millbrook, died Monday evening. Mr. Given left on Tues- day to attend the funeral obse- quies. ‘We Join in extending sin. cere sympathy to the bereaved relatives. " Mr. and Mrs. Jeff \Viddis, of "Port Hope,spcm Victoria Day in ï¬own. “1311]. Jackson of Bethany, was a visitor to Peterboro. '1 ues- day. Court Primrose, No. 260, C. O. F., Mt. Pleasant, will attend .ser- l«Ice at St.John’s Church. Ida, On Sunday, june 2nd, at 7.15 p. m. The service will be taken by Rev. “\Vm. C. Allen, M. A. Brethren from surrounding Courts are cor- ,diallv invited to attend. An in- teresting and helpful sermon and good music may be expected. j. Arthur Vance, Rec. Sec. £Millbmnk News‘ WINCOR§ORAT ‘ A Directorate of Experienced Business Men. I'Elemetnts That make for STRENGTH Capital, $4,000,000 W. 11- Beatty,_President. Robert ‘Keford zlkébert Meighen " Albert E. Gooderham D. Coulson, General Manager. Experlence‘ that comes from 50 years of Successful Banking in Canada Ample Capital and a. Large Reserve Fund Men who appreciate the value of mone its safe investment. y and understan‘if Ehoroughly the principles of The science of successful banking is not learned easily ment of this Bank with the accumulated experience of ha safe and conservative lines of business as being best for I: The Capita'Ihas been doubled during the past six years to provide for the Bank's rapidly expanding business. The Reserve Fund is being constantly added to so that it may always remain a strong additicmzl protection to the depositor. ‘e of the The Bank of Tomato. J. B. L. GROUT, G. L. McHATTIE, Manager, Manager, Omemee Branch. Millbrook ’Branch. Dr F J Snelgrm'e was .1 guest of his brutherin-law, Mr H} Bryce, at ï¬nndridcc. over Sunday Mr. E \S',Lamprcv. of Montreal, was in tnwn a few days the past week, Mr. Robert Shaw, local agent for the Peter Hamilgon Implements, wzshes to notit-y the public that the Company is prepared to attend tonll orders for their high grade implements and ma- chinery, notwithstanding their recent ï¬re. The Millbrook Methodist Sun- day School Excursion wiil be to the pretty town of Orillia on the 30th of July; Mr. G I. McHattie spent Victoria Day at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walsh visited fncnds m Lindsay the 24th, Mrs. Walsh remaining over until Monday night. Mr, and Mrs. John Fry. of Baline- boro, were guests at the home 0! Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nurse over Sunday. - Mr. W. A. Forsyth has gone to Fort Willem, where We understand he has secured a good position. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of “Bobs," †Stag†and “ Currency†Chewmg 'l‘o bacc0cs. Mr. J. A. Vance returned from the Coast on Monday night, hawng had a splendid busmcss trip. Miss Preston of Napanee, visited her SlSlcl‘, Mrs. (UL) Russell. of Balliclmro a few days last week. 5 Mrs.} C. Kells, went up to Toron to Tuesday for a couple of days. Messrs Albert Lock and E. Crowe- of Pcterlmro, spent Saturday at the home of Mr. George Lock. Miss Adz-en Fair, of Pctcrboro, is visiting her grandfather tor a few days. Miss Eva 0 Brian visited her home in Port Hope the 24th “ CI :"\NI "lRIPI ETS “ Currency.’ “ Bobs†and “ Stag’ Chewirg 'Iobac- coes, in bigplugs.Q1;.tlit) always the same. Mrs. McCartney spent the 24th in Peterboro with her son, George and his wxfc. Miss Fair is visning m Pcterboro. T he Misses Edna Lee, Cora Morey and Mamie: Drake of Pctexboro. spent Victoria Day wnh the Misses Naurass. 1.40 to 1.75, for ............$1 00 Boy’s heavy Boots. reg SI 75 Women’s heavy boots, were 1.40, Saturday bargain $1.10 The above BARGAINS are for NEXT Saturday, Only, and are Offerej by W. H. BYAM HUN, MILLBROOK STATION. Quaker BranJ Tomatoes - ‘Ioc. “ “ Peas 4 cans for 25¢. " “ Corn 3 " " 25c. Clark's Corned Bett‘f. per can Izc. “ Deviled Ham †8C. Klppcrcd Hernng “ Sc. BOOTS Men's 'Plow Boqts, reg.~pric¢ Fur Saturday, June Isl, Duly. )anking ie not learned easily or quickly, and the manage- accumulated experience 9!" half a} century behind them, follow DIRECTORS : CANNED GOOD-S. John ‘.Valdie William Stone IN \V. G. Goodcrham, Vice-President Hon. C. S. Hyman, MJ’. John Macdonald Nicholas Bawlf ]. Henderson. Asst. Gen. Manager bath Bankâ€" and customei. Mr. J. H. Peel spent Victoria Day and Sunday with friends in the North country. Mr Peel‘s visits out noc'th are be- : coming more and more frequent, [and the patlimastcr out there will be 1 calling on him to do his share of the p road work. -_... 'Messrs (Iolwcll, Lew McBricn, I. Watson, H. Killenbeck, and]. KIHPI1~ beck and mfc, of Petcrbom, spent Virtona Day m Mlllbmok. M r Wm Thextom has returned h'bm 1m trip to British Colum'bm, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Donaldson, and dagghter. Miss May, of Pcterhoro were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs, James Donaidson the past few days. Mr. Wilbert Peel was In town for a few days last week. We u:1c‘icr<tar1d he has Secured a good posxtion in Pcterbom. Reserve. $4,500,000 Rev. H. Pcckowr, of Omcmce, t} to preach in the Presbyterian church on Friday evemng. seryicc at a quarter to eight. Mr l’cckovcr Is spoken of as a strong and forceful speaker. clear m his exposition: of the teachings of the grand old Book. On Tuesday evening the boys also presented Mr. W. A. Forsvth with a case pipe. The Short notice given before Mr. Forsytli’s depar- ture from town did not permit of holding abanquet in his honor. A large number went to the depot to See him off. All join in wnsliing‘r him every success. Billy always took a deep interest in lacnosse and was one of the best players on the Millbrook club. As a slight remembrance of our association and friendship, pleuSe‘ aCCept this case pipe. ‘ Signed on behalf of the M l..C. \V. J. E. Gillott, Manager. T. Donnelly, Capt. S. Grandy. Treas. .N. H. Dunl'urd. Secretary. The presentation was made in the sample room of the Queenfs Hotel, the boys then repaired to: Mr. Henry Nattrass’ restaiuruiit.l where a dainty supper was Served, nbont twenty of the lacrosse. boys participating in the festivities. Addresses were delivered by sev. eralof the boys, all expressing! regret at the coming depirture as Mr. Calhoun. I Respected l:x‘icnd,~0n the eye of your departure from among: us, we take llns opportunity of ex- ;pressing our sorrow at your de- parture. Although such 'a short time among us, the deep Interest you have taken in all our sports. and yourgentlemanly bearing and social spirit have endeared you to One and all. We shall miss your help and presence Very much, and hem: Divine PxovideHCc will watch over and keep you in the future years of your life. Mililn‘ook, May 28, .1907. MR. T. CALHOUN. Address and Presentation. 1855. Who snvs Milllnunk can": get a days sport? \\ ll Mr. C. V. Pym was the eflicient :10! N0. 7‘ companist for the occasion. 3, ,9; ' In the absentee of the Reeve, Coun. (â€r um R. ]. Doak, ] P , occupied the chair, will tul and delivered a short address. He was pleased to see so many present, and hoped they had all enjoyed the sportS, , . and he felt sure they would appreciate A' 1‘19 the programme to be rendered on this , D occasion} === t’j‘he committee, consisting pl the W ' Messrs. “NJ, E. (iiilott, W. Forsythe, ‘ '1‘. Donnelly and J. C. Armstrong, dc I’ serve great credit upon the success of MI} their efforts in furnishing a good day’s sport and evening's entertainment. _ ' Ofï¬ce transac to attel Prof. Dobbs, of Detroit, also gave; number of character song, and rcpua tcdly encored. Prof. C. 9. Coleman, comedian, of l’ctcrboro, brought down the “Chat in his able renditions of several comic songs ;his comic costumes also having a good efl'cct. Mr. Frank R. Clarke, of Pctcrboro. also delighted those who had the gnnd tortune to hear him. His banjo solos Were certainly a treat to listen to. Prof. l’. (I. MCK- mm, of London. England, gave Several my sweet sclcc [ions on his japancsc Viulin, a one: stringed instrument l’rof.I\lLl\'eIIII:I is certainly a Irlch-r musicmn, and, his nuIIIhcrs wen: much appreciated by the audienLc. HL was repeatedly en cored and applauded THE CONCERT. A large number attended the con» cert in the town hall in the men n-1 and enjoyed the execllcnt progr lmmc providud for the occas oi). 'l‘hcxc was not time for the base ball match .lmtwcen Mt. l’lcasant and the local nine, and it was postponed until a later date. The: cause of the delay in starting the sports was the late arri- val of the noon train from l’eterboru with a number of the lacrosse playcts n bmrd. Some of tl e Mt. Pleasant all plmers had to lcaye by the 5.10 tram. Girl’s 50 yds raceâ€"I Ella- Fcrren, 2 Laura Hunter and Edna Fcrrcn (even) twice run. Putting shoulder stoneâ€"1 Andrew McNeil, 2 Mr Carl, Frazervillc. Boy’ 5 100 )ds raceâ€"â€"1 R ('10 Uchnd 2 C Nuttmss Mile l‘aCCâ€"l Walter Mclvor, 2 'l‘al mag: Dainnrd. Bicycle raceâ€"x W llowdcn. Brut};- wick. 2nd M (,‘lmllicc. Men’s 100 yds raceâ€"x 'l‘ Donne-11y, 3 Walker Mitchell. CCSsioninade up ofthe Komical Koons of Kavan, and headed by the Citizen’: Band, with-Mr. Wm. Lang’s world re- nowned pony heading all, and ‘ Lad)" Sandy and her Strongarm taking a prominent part in the parade. There Were several rias titled with the Ronn- cal Knons, and several more \VL'TC 0n horseback and niCely decorated bicy- cles. Mrs Lang’s pony could not be induced to allow a jockey or Komical Koon on its back. altho it permitted one to lead it After parading the p: in'cipal streets of the town, the crowd proceeded to the Agricultural Park, where the following sports Were held : LACROSSE ‘MATCH. The national game has always a great attraction for the people of Mill- hrook and surrounding country. The game on this occasion was l)LIWCCll the l’eterlioro Shamrocks and Mill- hrook Victorias. Both teams play:d good lacrosse and very little roughness was witnessed. Two of the l’eterboro players decorated the fence a coupl of times, and one of the Mtllhrookites also had a few minutes given him in which to rest. The offences were not serious, but the referee was dele'min ed to have the game as clean as possi- ble, and no doubt his efforts helped matters Very materially. Millln'ook scored the only goals taken. one in the- lirst and one in the second quarter. The game was consislcred one of tlie best that has been played in Millbrot k for a number of years. It is unn css- sary to pick out players who may have tnade more brilliant plays than others. as every member of each team did all . they could to win. It was :1 gr od gain:- from start to finish. The line up : â€"- ; I’E'I‘ERBORO. MILLBROOK ’ At I p. m., the Kalathumpian pro- l iR Boyle goal p N llunfoxd l H White point J Art'nstz‘ony j Devlin cover [*0th W l“ors_\thv 1 i H Long tst def S (Sranil l ‘ B Cameron 2nd dt-f \\' Mtlvtr I '1' Kelly 3d (let R Cochranr 'l' 'l‘ucktr centre '1‘ 'l )onnelly l". Saundt rs 3 d home l' Handle) l _[ Mt‘Nit lt-Ul 1rd “ H Nitttt‘assl .-\ Dorris l t “ W O’llrltn l. l)t)l)\()ll (\l't †L Russell C A Barber in “ F Burnham H Donavan field capt 'l‘ Calhoun J McNichol time keepers C Richards Referee, W. H. Coomhe. RACES, c. After the lacrosse match the follow ing events were held and good pl‘llcs were awarded the winners. There Were several entries for each e\ent , The successful ones : i A Dorris l. Dule C A Baxbcr H Dunavan J McNichol ;BIG CELEBRATION IN I MILLBROOK. , Last Friday, May 24th, was celebra- ted in a right loyal manner in Mill- brook. The weather for some time before and since has been anything but favorable, but in the morning of the 24th the sun came out bright and warmâ€"in fact it was ideal weather for the sports. A big crowd of people came to town early in the niorning, and the Peterboro lacrosse boys were accompanied by qurte a. large number of supporters 'l‘he‘surrounding coun- try and live Villages including Garden Hill, Pontypool, Mam'ers Station, Bethany, Mt. Pleasant, Ida, Cavan~ ville, Frazerville, (,‘cntreville, Bensfort and Bailieburo, Were all well represen- ted, and all seemed to enjoy the day’s: sports. 1 NOTES. up W. Montgomgry, M. D. Will meet in the lodge lxoom of No. 7/, Milllwonk, on Saturdav lune 8, 190:, at - pn1.,“hcn arrangements for the big Cc-lcbl'ation in Millbrouk will take place, and general business transacted. All members are invited to attend. By order, , A. REYNOLDS, R. J. FALLIS, Physician and Surgeon, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO, Ofï¬ce in Turner’s Drug Store. At night I mav Le got 1w u-Ie- phone mmsagn and at Mrs. MC. Cu‘uze)‘: Academe. Loyal Orange District nI‘Cavan , Mr. Stanley -_]ohnston was home from Port Hope for “cloth Day Mr. Chas. Walsh 15 home {mm 'l‘o runlo. His ï¬nal medical examination was held last week, and we {ch sun- that when the report comes out. ‘lhzlt our townsnmn will be among the list of successful onus. Mr. (I, A. Duncan is still making imprm-mm-nts in his store. The latest is a plate gTass from. Don’t fml to read the special Satur- day bargains at Byum Son’s big store. Rev. Hcrhcrt .-'\. Ben 0th has been ordained l’riut of the Church of Eng land. Mr. Hon ()hcl is [U h: congrat- ulnlcd 11pm) 1min; mdaincd so -arly m hfu. Us rum (:lnquurt preacher, an uh'c Iccmrm and ha: ccrtainly has a hright future. Mr. I. 31.}; i. h, of Mlxrt College. Bullcxill., “as l yucst at the hum: of Mr. and Mrs. l Melinda, Mllllnouk, OVcr Victor}. 1)..)' and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs “11). Rmsldnd spent Victoria Du “11h Iclcxhuro fucnds "l'hc Mtsws Alim- nnd Marie Hop kins, of l’ctrth'n. “'vrc guests of Miss Crystal Stcwzu'l, the past few days. Mix» 1.. “mm, of I‘ctcrhnro, was vxsnor to MllHn'nok th: gust week. st Hymn Wand, avmmpnnicd hx hcr mmhw. Max. julm My and MY. Wes. Fry, Icmrnul from 'loronm on Saturday. Mn. Wood underwent a SUCCcssfuI (moi-ratiun at the Gum-ml Hospital, 'J‘m'omo, and her many friends Will be pleased to lram that she is much nnprvw d in health. She md Mr. Wood arc stopping at the hmné'n!"r.'Fr Sinicr, Mrs. Rth Nurse, for a few (13‘ s. T} 1' am mhm. c at [he l’rcshyzr‘rizn church last Sum'ay uvcmng was lurgr consulcnng the w :1 her? The snvn'c was an exec-1 ummH} helpful (um-.Mr. johnsum tln- pasmr pn-arl‘ed an ex- ceedingly lwlpt'ul and practical sermon: the dual by .1::‘. johnstnn and Mr Pym' was um: of the best they haw- given M s Cm'uH Graham, of Peter- 1,0â€) \\'|Sl\‘i$1!0r at thc home: 0: hcx mothu .\.’xs I)c-101.g,8undu\ Mr. Jas. Mviiinnon has =tmtu1 an ice Clu nu p ulor. He inland: prOvidmg it a5] (1210th the sum mer mouths Succc-ss. Jun. One of j. McBride Co's high grade organs skilfully played by his nephcw Mr. _I. .\l. Melinda, of Belle ville, was :1 striking advertiscmcnt fox this cntcrprising ï¬rm. .3 Y The “Wild" Animals \Vcrc a featurc of the processmn. Jack Huffmzm‘s rig was brlutifully dccoratcd for HR} event, and â€um. who rode :hcrcin wcrc dupkcd out [p match. Dr. C. II. irexcton, who has been somewhat undcr the W631" er, is able to I)3 out again. He intrmis tostznt â€HS wuk for a trip to (human, Man. The 1.11 ï¬ts of St I’nul’s Chuntlz intend holding a gzmivn pmty m: [unc 2()t]1. Wu'ch {m bills giving full partic lluI‘S of this iznpox‘tun cwnt. Born in Bum]; 1m , on 1111â€de the 16th, to Must \\ m Pcthick, a .laughtel. Special to the Minor. “1-2.1. d..\1nrph)s sale cn Monday “as I â€lack attended. W'm on ii. 1 A o m BPS DistricfSec’y. District Master. Then it’s time to act! No time to study, to r: ad, to experi- ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too' So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer’s Hair "Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It’s nature’s way. The best kind of a tantrum“!- “ Sold 101' over sixty years. " 'l‘hc Komicul Komls wurc “all the H BISTHANY. C. AiEr Cm. Low-u. Inâ€. Inmufncturon of SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PEC'I‘ORAL. WWWM‘Anm as A cordial invitation is extendea to all to bc present T. A. Kelly, Pres. A, J. Fallis, Sec of the O. A. C., Guelph, “ill addrrss the meeting on Gem-ml Farm 'i‘opics. at ONE p. m. for the purpose of electing Ofï¬cers, and sclccting places at which to hold Regular and Supplementary Mcctiugs At 3 p m, HHSPeaIt, t...,BSA June 4, 1907, Town ANNUAL MEETING tarmets' : Institute One Door East of Mr, J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. Sdmol Boots. \\ hat s the um of 13ming a pair 0 or four months (if (arc is "i\ :11 them), for that um um get a pair at I .-\N(} S that “in last him till 1 the same price (all and sec \\ c: hme also a 5 mud: to order. Also :1 full hnc 0f harness, whips We are not talking of scrapping, but just wish to renund that we haw: as ï¬ne a stock of Men’s Bouts and Shoes as can 1~c found anywhere: 'l'hcrc is no hcttur timc lhnn the present to sccurc mmcxhing neat, stylish and durable We: have also a good line of Boy's 1hr public We Can ‘ Best of TQEIF NOW 15 Ill: time to buy your “‘hitc Wear while the range is complete. We have a good range in White Skirts. \Vaists and Night Gowns at very low pm'c. Also :1 number of white and colored Mushns, .wluch we assure W1†please. A Splendxd Line of FRESH (EROCERIES alwavs on hand at lowest pnccs. Suits Ready-Mud: and Made-to Order ; Han} and Soft From Shuts, 1L“; and Soft Hats; (,aps We Carry a Splendid Range of Wall Papers. Buy Your Supply From Us. A Bottie of Lily White Shoe: Dressmg Wm, cvery purchase Of'WL-iu: 511055 from us. All srzcs in stock, from Cluldrcn’s .slzc 6 1-1: \\ <41;ch We are offering 10 per cent. of!" all 'l'n'n‘nncd~ Millinery Room Table, so NOW IS THE HM}; med up for yourself, all shades and kinds to choc taken as Cash. THE PLACE TO GET i333. MiHl OX 'l‘L'IESI ).\\', East Durham if†g BANK QF MONTREAL «3% igww 2%} aawwwï¬} sasasaaa Repairing of Harness, Boots Special Price in Men's and Boys’ Wear : wwuwwmwwrwv 56, mfl gomwpm M02932 T. GRANDX’. % Big Bargagzzs. will be held 'in the Former (ustomcrs of the CI laxio But 1; Branch will Le: accommodated as hcxduforc. NEVER-WEAR- OU T CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Bramhvs at all imporinnt Centres in Canada, and in Louder, England, Ncw York, Chicago, Spokane, Make, and Bewfoundland. T. J. LANG, Ewn' dcscri )tinn of a Rankin" Business transncud. . I" MILLBRO'OK'S CHEAPEST STORE. Interest Allowed on Deposits. OF WEGGS 17W GIVING 'AWAY FREE R. s. MABEE, hmuk. u: use of buying a pair of Roots that may wrar three giwn them), for that growing buy of yours, whcn 3011 S that “'1†last him till he outgrows thrm, .1: almut I set: We have also a Special Line of French Kips .111...†Ar LA, . - . ,, Est. 1817. mess, whips, trunks. valiscs‘, c. Shoes promptly attended to. The undersigned has taken are: the business 01 his father, the late l<oht iiuflhlan and is prepared to attend to all orders f0" moving of l~nil«'ings. Satisfaction guarano tvcd. ’fcrnxs reasnxu‘blc. ALF. HUFFMAN. BUILDING: MOVIN‘Q For particulars 0!" (arcs and Mar tables see large poetots at your Rd}: “3y Station and Post 0(Iico. 0r liaat Durham, East and WM l’eterlmm Farmera' Institutes, will I). run tn the Agriculturalt‘ol one. Guelph n1 \\ edI-mduv, Juno l2th. â€"7, WI Canadian Paciï¬c Railway ' Ipécznl train service. This: trip is Intended to give an oppnrtnnity to see what it being done at [Le furmers' um {um and sclmol, Many attractions have Lean added: The McDonald Instill“. “hare Domest’c ï¬cionce Ie taught; the Massey building. poultry, plant- and horticultural lnï¬lding the new Raul (‘mxsolidated School, "as new machin- erv Hall and many other things will be particularly attractive to our lady friends. Make your nrraugemomo |o take in this excursion. UNI 0N FATMERS' INSTITUTE EXCURSION’ Mi“! wok Station 9.0 Promptly Attended to; rimmed Hats son off of “u: TIA“; to buy a lint, :13} 91-2!“ to choOSc from. Butter and 15“.; THE ANNUAL Mrs. (Dr) â€â€˜I Nun; \ tenets-mg old ac ma' Mess“ L. MN} " - $5 I“ , of ()m tom Day im 31511‘235 _ IN CHAR Ybu Can 82: Buyi M's. Eutun and h,- Uia Culmurg and ()~': by automobile (m .\h Mr. and Mrs.] (1 Mrs. McNaught. ~- N1ugh(..\f§’.i’, \Tr. an! Miss \I Pu- {i 2i. Miss Rchzll, i‘czc-i days with Mr. and M Free Sitting: and photograph given 'm Stu lio. Lin isay. " ‘ Talk: the opportunity : smug and an up :0 due ofyoursclf (m {a 2: wt. Studio. L! nd say. Mr. John M Much, 'x'. man. :s nuw Cuminci uith an attack of iz‘ï¬'; . lungs, ins brother \\ Miss A MIA â€och, are Kath IS the nlcdlru‘. hnpcs arc cntcnmm-d nurse. came dmm :~ and spent \‘icmri; 1* Mrs. “hub-:5. spmding a (can Week er. Mrs ( Dr. Rage-n Miss Bennett ax. Bennett and Int}: 1 room. are ï¬shing I'm A. “.5119. 341'. John B mi, u :15: guest of john \V Yxctoria Dav. \Ydtch for big day in on DJ": nion MW. 0 ponvlem 543's (In: 1’1'3 mu. ofjlpun, um i): deliver an addtcss 0: hits and ho“ to to 1: against the «menu. '1; intends coming 1)) Lo NOTICE â€"H. 53.; ‘- form the people ut' : he is St!“ opuu 10 (hr line. H: pars higl: «: for suap tron c. Ii , to the ice: that hc ':..':\ are false. There was a Urge s‘ 1‘ 7' and hugs on T113: Wall judine won the Marathon Race. 1!: 1n. Cir-Henge Longboat {or :2 ptonship of (in: world : oh! boy. on Sturgeon 5:. Mrs MacDonneH :3 us daughter. st {Du Jim few days. ' \Vc understanv! that 3 Parsons has pan-chasm: Caï¬reystose and u 1i] cm; on Sturgeon 5t. Every De: New Spring Studi‘ Dress Maid: Mr. R. W. Henderso: gay/11' l‘uc‘sda‘v on busum Mr. 1]. Limb has bsga 31005 for ins ï¬ne mtw rung; Rm: [1 '1‘. Bcauv has 9: 038sz (0'! his new shup. J. D. THORNTON. Dix: Cldk. Issuer of Maniuge; 1:51.“:an Real 1551.11..- .1“ Agcnl, Omeluce. Has A. MacMunry was the holiday Visiting fncngs Mus Bealncc l'ox with Mrs. Sam Pet 1’ Mrs. 8.41 and “tile for the holiday With in ‘rank Fae. Jam (.2 OMEMEE NE Dapartment Mill if I: oncs ‘ he! ma