' | ) , . l l I. ,1.-- I. 3“. .\ S Ramsay's Paints. buy. hwmehmamm BEAUTY HINTS. "Mpg.†Pnillff‘l‘s to Seekers of Physical Perfection. Painting Yourself get Ramsay's Paints; If you intend to have it: doneâ€"- insist that the painter uses They go fartherâ€"last longerâ€"hold their freshness and beauty longerâ€"and cost less in the endâ€"than any other good paint you can Write for Pout 6rd Series “c.“ shelving LRAISAYlï¬SOHCO, manna-um; award: m.-.. .â€"-â€"â€"-â€" CHINESE mansion ‘t reduci- your fltxh increase your PUBLISHED IN INTER ISTS OI“ YOUTH ll't‘tlllll"~‘. 'l‘n l'~"llu'.r‘ freckles, pry them gently 3,,» i_ .. ~‘.p;ck. Should this fall, fry blasting. lt'zlliaucy may be imparted to tho Ct'lnlplt‘xitlil by powdering with diamond dust. Hair on the lips may sometimes be minded ly requiring the young man to Sllith‘ l‘l'I-ll‘i,‘ L‘illllllg. There are various ways of removingl blackheads, in the South lynching is} much III \llguc. l Nails which do not. yield readily to the manicure. may be driven in with a ham. lllCl'. I-‘or developing the grace. and beauty of; the lil'lgers nothing is equal to piano: exercises, provided police protection be’ available. When “crl'lws feet" do not. yield to massage, fill them suddenly with oe-r ment and smooth quickly with a trowel.I The “damping lash," so much affected: t l by some. may be encouraged by sitting - up late 0' nights. â€"-â€"-’l‘â€"--â€" \ DANGEROL‘S PURGATIVFS. Medicines of This Class do Not Cumâ€" I‘heir Effect is “'eakeuing. Nothing could be. more cruel than to, induCc a weak. anaemic person to take a purgativc mcdicinc in the hope of find- l lug relief. Ask any doctor and he wiltt tell you that a purgalive medicine mere- ly guliops through. the bowels, weaken: ing the teitdcr tissues. tic will thI you that that a plll'gativc cannot possibly, cure disease, or build up bad blood.I Winn the blv'od is weak and watery, who the system is run down a tonic is the one fling neededâ€"is the only thing that. will put you right. And inl till this world hi're is no 101116 50 good as Dr. \\'illi;ttlls~ Pink Pills for I’itlel People. livery dose of 117.850 pills ac- tually makes new, rich red blood. which tilts the wins, reaches every or- gan in the bully and brings health and strength I.) \vcvh'. despmtdcnt people. .\t:.~s Anni.» lluaudrcau. Amherst, Mag- dalene Islands. Quin. saystâ€"“I was pale. my heart. would palpilato vio- lently at the least exertion. and I suf- fered gently from severe headaches. â€straight tunic. which scented 1'0 the married woman's Ildcd the skirt, nn’wlicines leave me worse. tried several artua lly to Then was advised to try Dr. \Villiams‘ Pinkl This. and a half dozen boxes have made ml- as well as ever l was. They have done me St much good that I wouldl like every weak girl in the land to try! thrill." It was the new blood Dr. \\'illiams' I’mk I’l'lls actually made that restt'lred Miss Pmaudreau lo health and strength. :.:llt in the same way they will restore all sufferers from anzrlnia. illtligesti011.l mart pilluitlltion. neuralgia. rheuma- tism and the secret ailments that make thl lives of so many women and grow- ing girls a burden. Sold by all medi- cine dcalcrs or by mail at 50 cents a Inv llI' .\i\ lu’iVIâ€˜ï¬ Ilt‘ $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine (10., Brockville, Ont. â€we AND OLD AGE. Progressive Spirits in China Raise Burning Question of Binding Girls' Feet. 4- One of the latest innovations in the Celestial Empire is that of a woman's paper, which is issued by some of the Ettore progressive spirits of the coun- ry. A burning topic of the day is still the binding or non-binding of the fort â€"~ that form of torture which the mission schools have been so largely instrumen- ta' in relieving. and which, it seems likely, will eventually die out in the re- moter districts of the great Empire of China. The many American teachers who are to be found in the larger ci- ties, such as Pekin and Shanghai, are. also answerable for the spread of West- ern ideas among the younger gencr-l ation. -. STUDY lN JAPAN. Some of the Chinese married women (a girl of nineteenis often looked upon a; quite a staid married woman) ven- ture into the United States to pursue a course of study at a school or univer- sity. or go over to Japan, where the op- pt'irtunities for receiving instruction are easier of access than in their own coun- try The varying fashions of the Western ,world are a source at some amuslimcnt to these almond-eyed maidens 0f the} Far East. “boring a sleeve of liberal dimensions one year. and replacing it by one of skin-tight proclivities the next, no doubt does appear capricious. while the contrast between a neat toque and a picture lull is equally as- tonishing. The wealthy Chinese girl puts her money into the material of which her dress. is fashioned: she wears thick. heavy silks cml’lroidcred in beau- tiful colors and in wonderful designs ny skilled ï¬ngers. UN.-\I.TIZRABI.E l’AglllON. The style of garment is prescribed by custom. and no our dreams of depart- For the young girl there loose trousers and fastening at the side: costume is ad- below the ing from it. are the wide, slipped on tunic. A few Chinese ladies are taking the [opportunity that offers in some of the English and American mission schools. of teaching the children. Others .avc gone so far as to assist in giving nn- tcrtafnmcnls for charitable purposes. The majority, however. remain in sc- eluded retirement inside the pa'lerrt'll dwelling where there is lillle to do but suervise domestic work and make a skilled use of their needles. To such the newspaper must be a welcome in- terruption to the daily round. .4 FRANCE IS A QUEER NATION. Anomalous Conditions Surrounds Death Penalty. The anomalous Conditions ill France, No. Cordelia. the chalk of fricndship surrounding the question of the death and the mantle of charity are not made penalty. which is no more inflicted. al- fr -lll lllc same p‘rcc of ct llll. WHAT DO PEOPLE NEED who are run down anmic. pale, listless? , “ For; lvrm." the hes. tonic. It. builds. makes strong, it. gives new life. micro are many tonic: but only one " Frerovim. a distant Higgins : the Higgins: “Old .\lilij.'ltns is l'i'li'lIIYl‘ 0f )‘tltII‘S. l>ll‘l llt‘i’†“Yes: and the richcr he becomes more distant he is." " ,\ Linilucnt for the l.-'l.‘gl~r.-â€"I.liggel‘s lead a life which cvposcs them to many perils. Wounds. cuts and bruises can- not be allogclbcr avoidnl in preparing fflulc‘r for th- drive and In river work. i . ,., , ,i . “l“‘l‘ b" and will t'lllllllllt‘ll are of I‘ll ltni’ts" I‘Tclcl‘ll'il' (W. with: applil‘ll In the llljlll‘i‘tl or adlllinislcrcd to thc ail- works wwl‘llcrs. mg. A woman is apt to mike some very tall-2km}: remarks when she has occa~ sum to hit her husband for a little. pin money. One of the greatest blessings to PM" ~\Itlllll‘f‘ ‘ CD’S I) nl‘flvps' _ Worm Exter- minator. It effectually cxnels worms and gives health in a liltlrvellmls man- ner to the little one. Teacher: ‘Now. Freddie. it‘s very wrong of you to quarrel with Billy Jones and to harbor such rcvengeflll feelings against him. Come. nowï¬pro- misc me that. when you meet Billy fo- nighl. you'll forgive him." Freddie: “_\\'ell. when 1 meet llilly lo-nighl. if his tug brother is with him I'll forgive him; bul. if not. I‘ll nearly wallop the life out of him." ' [never before known in any such period. ' cvt‘lct'icll~,‘c ('tllli'lls ‘Il'ltl colds and . . . ' "‘ .‘ ' ' ‘ 0' n" rIv In-s‘ 4 nonlh. 'hc'ns mnvum. mu“. mmâ€, m†“NW- Dr. ys l in _ t LL. .l I \\ ll 1, though the statute still provides capital punishment. causes more or less con- tinual discussion. M. Dcibler, who does not need the salary as non ("Xi‘t‘lllltlnel‘ since he has a Competence. still dcclarcs emphatically that capital punishment should not be abolishct'l. (Irililcs. he, says. were never so numerous as since its d-isconlinuancn. and never have the courts pronounced so milny death scn~ fences. Twenty-nine condemnations to death were. pronounced last year. a number .VI. Deibler says that had he been re- quired to execute them, he asks himself how he could have accomplished it. 'I‘tlcy would average one every dozen formerly there were few years in which there were above ten comtcmnations, while in his ‘30 years as i’lxcculioncl' he guillotined all told only 112. I’lli'lht’i‘J more. during the last eight years he. had modified only :21. in France and Corsica and only one. in Paris. As to his harsh functions. .\I. Ileiblcr says: “There is little need for remorse when I consider the young scamps that l have had business with. It is a service that I have rendered to them and the State in suppressing them. Of the 112 I executed only one was above It); the others \verc all from 18 lo :20. Who knows what they would have done and what crimes they would have. committedl had they lived ll. longer time ?" Asked as to his emotions at an execu- tion. Deiblcr said his duty was practi- Cillly a surgical operation. and he had in more right. to feel emotion than a surgeon did in cutting up a living per- 'l‘he first time he. found himself a Afterwards it. wasl son. little uncomfortable. a habit. You catch cold Emubz’on. system. ALL DRUGGISTS: â€cowowweeweeewi " The effect of malaria lasts along time. easily or become run- down because of the after effects of malaria. Strengthen yourself with Scott'J‘ It builds new blood and tones up your nervous 50c. AND $1.00. M¢W¢¢M¢¢¢¢¢¢ TWO MEET TRAJEIO DEATHSâ€"ONE FOOLS'I’URSUERS. Maffyar Who Mutilated Captives Shoots Himself From Ennui After Reforming. Three brigands have been the subl“CL of more or less romantic stories in the lauropean newspapers in the last month. tW0 on account of their spcclthUlHI‘ deaths, the third because of the skill Willi which he has so far battled the police. . One of the three was a Magyar, onc .Sovanyou Soska, and his field of Ol’t‘l‘a' tions long ago was the Carpathian Mountain district with its vague. lonely roads and inaccessible retreats. Twenty- ilvc years ago he was the scourge of the country. No traveller was safe, mid when tra~ vellers were too scarce rich farmers and oven landed estate owners in the sur~ rounding region were his Ircy. One of Ins pleasant habits was to seize pi‘OPle and hold them for ransome. If his de mands were not. satisfied he did not kill his prisoncls, but usually soul â€will homo minus their cars or a cont)lc 0‘ fingers or even a hand. lie. became such a nuisance at last that a small army w‘zls sent out to hunt him. He. fell into their hands by accident and was sentenced to IMl‘lllSON M Iii "1‘ FOR LIFE. In pl'lStlfI he became. softened in spirit. Ito turned religious and his rcpcntence was so sincere that the Bishop of the district at last inlercelod with the tim- pcror Francis Joseph In his behalf. He was released after twenty-two years confinement and returned to his native village. where he started to illake his Inelihood as a herdsman for his bro- thcr. Ills wild career as a robber had been madc'lhe subject of a whole library of stories and memoirs of the dime novel kind in German and Hungarian. He at once made a collection of these and read them over and over with avi- dity, commenting on their literary merits to his friends and corrlx-ting their historical inaccuracies. IIe plainly re» garded himself as a great. public figure and rcvelled ill his glory. After a while, howcvcr, his fame hc- gun to pull on him. He. lost. interest. in pcaCeful pursuits, grew morosc and doâ€" spondent and spent. his time roaming among the rocks and Iot'OSts where. his early exploits were performed. At last he was missingr for several days. Search was made and he was found dead ill one of his favorite hiding â€plows, with the best. of the books about him neatly stacked at his side and the big,r cavalry pistol. with which he had blown the. top off his head, stilt grasped in his hand. TI Ili SI‘ZCON I) BIlIGA ND who has just met a tragic, end was l-‘rau- ct-sco Parisi, who flourished and dicd in the neighborhood of Salerno, Italy. lie was an intelligent and very robust pell- sanl of the better class and led a peace- lui life until some time ago he. bwamc the victim of an accusation which he dc~ dared to be false and was collviclcd lllltl sentenced on what he doc-lured \\'ll.s' per- jurcd testimony. As he was taken to pl‘lNllI he swore that he would dcvolc his. life to revenge. when he was released. In the last six months he establishld a reign of tcrror ill the country around Salerno. lle robbed nobody, but dc. volt-d himself absolutely to his vcndctfa. Ill: hid in the mods and fields and only clllcl'gcd from time to lime to shoot at some one who was collccrned ill his trial. Some he missed, several lie-wounded more or less seriously. One man he maimed for life only a wall before his own end came, because. he believed him It: be. a spy of the rarullnlicra. l’urisi was so skilfu.‘ and had so much sympathy from the country people that the. authorities Collin get no trace of him, alfhiougll they picket a lint-st known as the I’uicllu, in which he was supposml tr) lurk. by day and night. Finally it was by tracking women who were sup- Ix'iscd to be his sweethearts and infant'- eis that they located him. Incidentally, they found that there were. scvcral of these and they Carricd all his supplies of food and amunition to him from the only three, lines of aproarll to his lair. A pitched battle was thc rrsult, land I’arisi is said to have fired sixty-one shots from guns and pistols before he was killed, None of the soldiers was hit. but they say the. bullets whistlcd close to them and they had to keep well covl-l'cd to save. their lives. The briuund‘s body. when they took it into Salerno, found to have no less than 'l'\\'l§.\"l‘Y-NINE IlUI.I.IC’I‘S IN IT. Giuseppe Sullnnonc is a Sicilian. He is still at Iargc, though a hundred cara- billeiri are looking for llilll. He also pro- claims himself a victim of the laws in- justice. .SCl‘lilllg revenge. He says he was the victim of political spite. It. is true that he was accused of slcaI-; ing about Sltl from two fish dealers in tlatlauisclla. though lllt‘l'L‘ had never be- fore been the least. reason to doubt his honesty. A local oilicial, whom he had fought politically, pushed the prosecu- tion alld be. was sentenced to ten yclns illlprtsonlm’lnt. “The good God," he, screamed to the spectators in courl on his conviction, “(night to make the earth open and swal- low up these false witnesses." IIowl'vci'. he, took his punishment quietly. \\'Ilcn liberated he showed llol signs of bitterness. But when he reached ‘ home he found that his mother lllltl died: on the previous day. After llll} funeral he took to the. Woods. Ills very first actf was to shoot dead the olliciat whom he‘ held responsible for his prosecution. When the. man died at once. Sultan-one Ill-waited the fact. He had hoped he would linger for some. time in the for- mcnls of remorse and the fear of judg- ment. Since then Salomonc's life. has been lllc ordinary one of a brigand. lle robs and levies blackmail on the villages and. even the towns of Sicily. sympathy of the. very poor, who keep \\'Il.$ t him posted on the plans llladc to catch] him. I He is said to be a most daring fellow. lIc. meets in disguise the carahinciri who are chasing him and cal-ouscs with them; then he sends them on wild goose chases to look for him fifty miles from where he is going to be. He has scraped acquaintance with Judges and other pub- lic olllclals, shaken hands with the commissarics of police, stopped at. the best hotels and frequented the. theatre. His crowning exploit was to write his own memoirs and have them published in a Sicilian newspaper. â€"..__. .rxuâ€"_._.â€" THE LESSON. Sabbath School Teacher: "What does the parable of the prodigal .son teach us?†Bobby 'l‘hickneck: calves, ma’ain." ISSUE NO. 21â€"07.._ '1 "Not to be fatted .ltidncys. purify : ll." 3 NM. lle has theI Stops garageâ€, coll 3:3? all your damn d Eï¬szun' anew-Jul Nurses’ and Molhcrs’ Treasure â€"25.-.â€"-6 bode! v.25- Natalia Dma Chemical Co" liming! Montreal. .â€˜ï¬ USED N0 soar. â€"â€" Our Ancestors Were a Dirty Lot 0; People. R-r~ring goes the. alarm clock'at about half-past seven in the morning, and with a drowsy grunt. that you would like to turn over and enjoy another quarter of an hour's doze. you get up and perform your malutlnal 'dlllllllllns, Perhaps it will be news to you that this function was by no means so popular with you' ancestors in the good old days, for soup is really quite a new lac- for in the world’s life. Most of our an. cestors were very dirty, and disselllllicd the fact by the use of stifling perflullos~ Washing one’s bands, which was only done by the very best people, meant dipping the fingers in msewater and dry. ing them on a napkin. mans of the. time of the “decline, " who rubbed themselves with oil. Orientals t‘hiuk delightful. .x.__,___ S'l‘AIlVING BABIES. The baby who suffers front indiges- tion is simply starving 'to death. It. IS â€puny-11‘ cross and restless. Mothers to cart: as Baby‘s Own 'l‘ablclsdhcy always do goodâ€"â€"thcy can‘t possibly do harm. Mrs. James Savoy, Little l.ll- lnleqtie, N. 13., says. “I belie“! that had it not been for Baby's Own 'I‘ablcts my child would have bl‘cn in her She was completely run down, would refuse food. and was rapidly failing. Nothing l gave her did her any good lmfil l Icahn the use of Baby‘s tlwn ,Lfl‘ill'tz , l l IllIIIs‘S, . ‘ ‘ _ Into will find no other lncdlculc as lll‘llllt’1 their 'c'Jfl ' f‘ I'" Saves time, because it makes _ironin Saves linen, easier. ecause it gives a better gloss with aIf the iron-rubbin . Saves bother, because 1: needs no cooking, .. just; cold water. CAN’T stick. , . - i eves.†.. And it Buy it name. 3 \VRONGI.Y PUT. Mrs. Wallcy~What docs your girl have? Mrs. Willcy~lt name her evenings in. "X‘- “ " ll ‘ Says Dmmeymmrh" lady in the other Imn -lt. lio- part of the house is learning I.) play the. piano, her the even in gs would be easier to were probably the (tlt‘lltlllï¬l 85' ll l‘Hlll- with the violin, and I have a dauirhtcr umnity. simply bathed in water andrwho is studying D “ S‘lllll'le‘ who is Icarning nasty to us, but then so docs, for ox- “What are 3Ҡample. (Jilin-osc music, which millions of llcarcr. “Oh, I'm learning to get used the organ and a boy banjo, and-fl" learning?†askcd illâ€. to it," was the prompt reply. Not a Nauscating l‘ill.~'l‘h.3 oxcipicnt. of a pill is lhc substance which l-llfolds the ingredients and lllakls up the pill , l’armelcl-‘s lC-‘L‘S all (1"511‘9 for food and “I†ml!†ll‘ills is .so colllpoulldcd as to pt‘csct‘Vc ‘1 does “'1‘“ ‘10“ no good and worm“ their moisture and they can be carricrl with Many pills, in order to That of any latitude slrcngl Il. l husband is strugglinglk l Vt‘gt‘ltllllv' llll impairing lzccp til-um from adhcring, are rolled in pmvdcl's, which flu: lll'tht'. Instr. nauscatlng to l’arlllclic's Vegetable I’ills arc so prepared that they are agreeablc l l l l l l l l ll‘uhlets and these have. cIl-angcd her ‘inlo a well and gmwiug child." Sold by druggists or by illllll at 25 ccnls a 1, box from. The. Dr. \\‘illiam:s' Mala-inc (‘io., Blockville, Out. ._.__...1. Hungary uses more charcoal than any other European country. Its an- nual tons. Only tho 0 who have villa the experiâ€" ence. can lclI the, torture corns cau‘c. Pain with your boots on. pain with them Offâ€"Mllt‘litl night. and day: but ra- lief is sure to those who use Ilollowuy‘s (Zorn (.Iurc. 'l‘llc caluu’nrball free is a myrtle which grows to a height of St) fact, has pinkish flowers, ulld a fruit the size, of a Eli-It). shot. ITCll, Mange, Prairie Scratches and, every form of contagious Itch ill human consumption is about 2,tltHl,llo(l’ to the must dcllcatc. Manitoba or annuals cure dul 30 inmates by \\‘ol. 3 . -. lord‘s Sanitary Lotion. Sold by all druggists. Up to the year 1873 the lir’ln-cmlllllis-’ sinned llllirers and men of lllt'. lil'lll.\ll Army were allowud onc penny per day l.'t‘:‘l'-lllulllly. Very many pcrsons die annually from ., clrdcra and kindrcd summer calllplaillts. who might have lll't‘ll silvid if yl‘opct‘ I‘l‘lll'L‘tlIt‘S had been used. If attackcd do not delay Ill getting a battle of In: .I. ll Iv'cllogg's I'lyscnicl-y (Zol'diat. the me- dicinc thg never fails to effect a cure. ’l‘llosc \vnll have used it, say it acts promptly. and thoroughly ,subducs the pain ntld discuse. tires will fly as far as :‘l or even t'l miles from the hive to gather If Hey if supplies are. scanty nearer at hall-l, As a rule. three miles is their (lllls‘llll‘ limit of flight. MARK THIS DISTINCTION: A purely local disease of the akin, like butters itch, is c. â€Oil by Weaver's Comte about). But where the hind is loaded with im' urity, such as Salt Rheum, Weaver‘s Syrup 3. so should be used. The French possess four scttlclll nts in India. These arc lIllandcrnagol'c. Kari- l-al. Yanlm. and .\lllllc. 'l‘hclr cl-lutlillcd area is tall square lllilcs, and population ill'tlttl L’b’tlJltltl. low l-I (Ilisallsc fhc Svslclll. l'Ctl'Hlt“ lcc‘s \‘cgifltlllc I‘llls arc thc l'l~llll of scilnlilic study of Mir cl‘t'ccls of .-v|r:lcts of clrlain roots and bcrlls upon illl‘ di- gcsllvc organs. 'l‘llcir use has demon- slrllfcd in many installers lll'll they re. gulafc the action of the Iivcr and the the Illll-ltL and carry ml all nto‘llid accullllllathills it'llll lllc system. They are easy to ta‘w. and their ilClI‘lll is mild and llt‘llt'll'litl. Gibraltar was first fortified in 711 .\.Il.. {when the Saracons made. it u lvasc for their operations against Spain. In lSt‘lt the rainfall at tillcragctlmi â€ll the I\'llasi Hills in llcllglll was sail inches. The average fall flu is lit†inches or :31 Iccl of rain. rainfall of lllt‘ lll'ilish Isles is Clt'l lit‘ltl‘r. The weight of rain wll ch falls each arrc ill (thrazlullgi ls yearly on t)t).(ltltl tons. EANING ilk "“8?" LADIES’ . . . ï¬llllr'll' On be done perfectly by our French t’rooon. Try to Ill‘l’lfll AHEIIOAN DYIINO co. Comm. TORONTO. MAWA t QUEBIO “PAGE make: It a stronger in service. It ucvcr fails. i l The in crude . in the West, about these lands. about crops, climate railroad rates. each county. Eastern Selling I 205 Pedla‘r People 0E3 Studio! 11 Carbon Wtro,-we'll vo it. to you. COILEDâ€"not crim This % gloomy: taut. Painted WHITE 0% heavy has. PAGE__WIRB rune“: COMPANY. LIMITED. ' flour for bakers and others demand- " ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONG an-lITE AT YOUR GROCERS ,. ' .. 4.1:... “‘0';er ’ "1‘- ;l . ,â€" . _c-Mv .. Warm-2r... .mp4 one. on: no'rs 3.1 13.. n-tlinsur:fl.$l.1’0. Our “IE “WARRANT rr Nuw ‘1’ our Excelsior Solar T It mu almost 8", per el- . Mme- lrrcnlor than the entire outlay for V - KIR'I‘LAND BROS. 00., 1;? : '9- Before deciding where to locate let us tell you best The wheat ï¬elds, the richest grazing land, are in this provmce. Write us for full information and special Local representative wanted in Teller 6: ngood Agents, CORISTINE BUILDING, MONTREAL. SPECIAL Gil-DAY (331733 ISJEJEXl’Sf-z‘lï¬dlilfé-‘iw'ifft’ifn:: 2. FACE TIJ FACE WITH 1% SUN! See the Spots on the bun. POSITIVELY Ell-lull n [:0in IL‘Ic‘ C(l'n ~- lnl'l. t miummvtun-rs of Lari-pr. int IlllAm‘S SAFE I'Y CAl‘ on cachend tel GUARANTEED BY TUE MAliLf‘t. llvrc -. 1n the. countr' or at seaside resorts shun... . ' AV. onllzluyun elnrmlpu 51 .. Messw. K' soup mounted. ultK. Nov. 4. l'. FREE bookâ€" “Roofing Right,â€â€" worth your Get the facts before you roof. a thing. of Oshawa. tell tau exactly what it w I ' lot-onto 0m memw. unmet. manuals: ‘2 out ; ‘ IIII'CIJII NICW LINEN FIBRE FROM BRAZIL. The Brazilian linen plant is expected to exert an important influence upon the ti-xtilc world in the near future. It is a common wood which l'OilClltS a llthhL of eighteen feet in twelve, months. Villa†Carefully cultivated if matures within three months, and can yield three crops in a year. The fibre. has all the (Ill‘liillt‘s‘ necessary for high class use “strength, fineness. flexibility, and adaptability for bleaching. dyeing, (t-lt‘. lil'cl'y part of the plant can be u'5\(l or Snmll industrial purpose, more especi- ‘ltl‘ii'lllr the. manufacturing of writing women, men and bill»: The cultivation was commcnc-ldï¬ldrm. Form-ï¬tted. ‘9'} If" the State llovm'nmenf. and now , Dealers are “$06sz to I to have emerged from the ex- torcplaceinslamly and pcrmmntal sfalc successfully. at our cc“ any P..- â€1‘ l Angle garment faulty ‘ in material or making. “‘\'.»\y‘ then," said the teacher of arith-l pEN-NGL : Pen-Augie Un. . wear is form-k so it can't he ï¬tting your ï¬gur ~it’s made 0 long ~ ï¬bred w. 50 it Won’t: shr'. sand it’s guar. . teed besides. . whole idea is ake it so g . you can’t 350 not to buy by th trademark (i red). 20 .- iosumnueim / ï¬nd: «an: In a varicty of styles, ï¬bril: and prices. , for -ï¬www . “what is ‘llbovc bar'?" “I think ""â€"-"'*A "Ti W. I lit ‘-\’." ventured a small bill'- “Well?" UNBW RWEA L “It’s ma." £23 * {.3 six. the teacher. ' Your Money ï¬an'l help increasing If your savings are deposited where you can’t run in any meme“ and draw out amounts to meet pasaing wants, you’ll be more apt to 12*. tho prigcipzl 150 “a -g gather interest. Our system of nature all llttlt is as sale an Easy 9.5 if you visited the. Union Trust Co's ofï¬ces in person. W5 allow 4 per cent. Interest on Deposits Interest is compounded quarterly. Balances are always subject mam I THE UNION TRUST CG., Limited temple Building, 174-176 Bay Street, "(moan Bend fer Bootht, “Banking by Mail " - WET“! DEPOSIT VAUL":3 T0 at . ..s ...., _ u‘M- MONEY TO LOAN MADE IN CANADA Complete Launches HAMILTON MOTOR WORKS. Ltd. .ï¬AMILTON. ONT. R,EI§§EL-~-l so? racists Stand for Excellence and Perfection of I’f‘lllltl"!. :zfr‘ler the brittle: ":a the .413" y turned in 7‘4) m of maid. Thus «I1 .rst Russel turned out over (Ilice ye its ago but il-i- ["7 ’t .7 III 1‘ transmission, and shaft lilive to lite rear cwnstluction. We were in the lull then: a lid now this design is the must zippyllic'l and l»_ i IIV'I til -. is this construction we wcnt on perfecting 'IC‘IJI; the lit: on her get-4 more for his money thin any on: else. ‘-‘ :a Design is moved. The Material; are "a seat. the Worllmanship the Host Sklilful. And the factory c1i=~c at It :lid and dispim-vl 'i 'l‘t‘ y .l: x: sell-«rhi- sill-n: l.~ in all gears and ~I (ilnlrh. Nil'lu‘l 5:00: vwerful braking ~‘}‘%'.‘3‘.ll kn m n attaclieilf :I.: fMetaI-to-mctai Disc "vc in .i '1: la. . â€hi on the my [he most l' ' . in“ Al MO ELS FOR l937 MODLI. Du'l cylinder, is II.I'.. illizl h \\l‘.'.*f‘;:“.‘t‘ ‘l: ‘h 5; I‘lise, a, â€lllmiu, tlivlil‘lc in front in! t, i l car‘v MODE . 1" ‘4 cyli IIIL‘l‘. 4" ll.!',. iii; lncb wt accuumlaiur. 34 ill;ll x l int-ll l‘ «zitvv- i ‘yv . roomy :tti'l ll in is one cl" c ill I "‘.,\‘ t } Milli: l. ICâ€"‘ICyIIU‘IQI‘S‘I H.l'.. lit: ll ' ‘ WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, Limited: Canada Cycle and M otor 00., ‘ TC ONTO JUNCTION. CAN ill}. I BRANCHES â€"-Of.: LW.L, Winnie-I2, Vanciul'er. .t. -I'l Arne, ,‘jiutxaï¬t. rnWr'rrr. -. ALL":- /f -‘. ’I. 44â€")..- ..\* 6»: â€a; L â€"¢~' ‘icr sold for th‘s price Why. .0 I'.’ the: if. :I‘.-t mwn over-ill 'i.:‘ 0-. will: 1’0“ ICRI’I I. ‘ l~“‘“‘l‘<'fl of this :12:- have ~i|~ \' recur-n mm of there in ‘ . cw with nsznnidtingulnr . I:"‘-.-‘(“Il3\\‘:l‘t' "l‘ Jar ’tl -.~ .‘ i’ithstzw‘nn .. ; . - N ; l n. Grvrmancy lhai ‘ U“ {JINIM ~f 0If<vr\‘l!‘: nn " . :. P-luccc is a treat â€I‘M! Its v . .. I- unope. Yours truly, I. s. HENRY. W L 90 CHAMBER: ETREET' KISW’ YORK.- ' \cn A" are h l‘lli'F IIlllf‘fI. .3 II \T A ' ml- nn my recent Fl .rhnsr ()flllt‘Sun. At 10 me on this in: (ES. with . .. Yell our Grandsons W ill .. 6‘ Old Men Before This Oshawa†Roof Wears Oat Roof your buildings with “ 05hr.“ a †Galvanized Steel thngles this year, and that will be a. GOOD roof in 230?. We will give you a written guarantee, backed I 7 $250,600, that such a roof, properly put on, wad need no repairs and no painting for at least ' mitigates SHAWN Senna“ make roofs water-tight, windproof, weather-proof, rustâ€"proof, ï¬re-proof for a century,-our plain guarantee keeps it; so for 25 years Without a cent of c.st to the man who bays it: Made in ONE QUALITY ON’Y,â€"0f 28- ‘â€"s: . semi-hardened S T E E L heuble-éflvifdga "‘h; ock on all FOUR sidesâ€"the ONLY METAL char . that need NO CLEATS. Easy to put onâ€"Iahan- mer ;. '2d asnips (tinners’ shears) are tools eno ‘ LES~‘ :.nd last longer than any other roof. T h.usctoliita: surface area of any roof on myour place and we will cost to roof it right. ““93 We no muse we was v.0..." “fender... 1m it"th'uï¬tlns--x-un proof Experienced deg... - tomctib. $00 â€"-u£n merit. Get; illustrated booklets and 1901 priceaniigizgl {:13}: H WOWMIO. Toronto. Montreal. St. John, “7“,â€; y Oil 'lnb '2' {it} . Ilf‘. L44 -â€"â€"______ ‘k VOL. ll . h â€"â€"â€". gmcwï¬enecw + -_. Di 4, i Q, ‘l 53 4 33 3' +l at +l I El g o+n+o+o+o+ (we, . 4‘ -