Ontario Community Newspapers

Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 23 May 1907, p. 2

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«one treatment. ‘“ Mr. W. A. Griffin. Ltven'man, of .. n“: CW" 0f Revision 1% Radian .- us in to“ I“! week on a Vxllagc of Mulbrook on the :‘ fisincss' tnp. Mr. Gnflin has one of [ mcnt‘RoIl for 1907. Will be h 5h: best livery stables in the district, I a": 10“" “a”. MiHbrook 1M his numerous customers new: i day the 3'“ day 0! June, good ngs and horses, and also court- p.m. Dr. T. H. Hassard 1ch on Saturday {or Rag-Em on a busincss trip. "' GIANT TRIPLETS “ Currency." “ Bobs” and “ Stag” Chewirg Tobac i‘ocs, in big pings. Quality always the vine. N Mfr W- A- Griffin. I.n'el'\'nlnn nf Mr. 1. Fred Clarry. of Hastings, spent Sunday wnh Ins parents. Mr and Mrs. L. S. Clarr)‘. Mr. and Mrs. TJ. Lang and daugh' Oct, Miss Muriel, spent Sunday at the We of Mrs. Lang’s mother, Mrs. W. H. Mitchell, Pctcrboro. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of “Bubs," ” Stag” and " Currency” Chcwmg To- baccocs. " Mr. John Huffman has complctcd moving a large barn and stable for Mr. 105. Boyd 0! Mt. Pleasant. Mr. Boyd was greatly surprised to notice the careful and skilful way Mr. Huffman dam his work jar says “No nne tan heal John at moving buildings " Messrs. W. (3. Russell 8: Sons have: purchased a large quantity of first-clas“ lath from Mr. F Smith which they are wcparcd to offer to the public at right prices. On Sunday evening Miss Richard son took the solo in that beautiful selection, “ Where’s My Wandering Boy To night," Messrs Duncan, Sandy, Gillott and Coomhe joining, in the chorus. It was one of the best selec tions ever given in the Church. Miss Richardwn has certainly a pon'erful: and sweet soprano voice. and her enun nation is very clear. The male voices Were also heard to splendid advantage. The anthem was also well rendered 'and added much to the serviCes. The choir, under the direction of Mr. 1). Hampton, is to be congratulated upon its efficiency. The congregations that attend the Methodist Church may expect to hear good sermons and ap mopriate singing morning and evening mch Sunday. A cordial invitation is extended to all. ,rfigp'c Ball, M'. Plea ant Im'inciblcs a vfia’fiiilyprook Unconquerables. Lacrosse, Peterborough Hustlers vs. _ 7 MiUbrOOk Victorias. Qomigglhorserace, £09: races, bicy‘ ,_ races, etc, etc. Grand Concert in Town Hall m the evemng. Best program yet. Lots1 of fun. The committee guarantee a first-class entertainment. Come and bring your friends. The special sales con ducted by W. ‘ H. Byam Son have been so satis factory to thcnbeh'cs, and so much appreciated by the public, that they fl?» flnlinilo\‘v:â€" - -e- . -l are announcing another for June 15!. Special nrim-x' n» Fun galore in town on 24th. Tomorrow, Friday. May 24th. Come to MillhrOOIc and enjoy MiHbmok News. Capital, $4,000,000 \V. H. Beatty, President. Robert Reford Robert Mei hen Albert . Gooderham D. Coulson, General Manager. A Directorate of Experienced Business Men cmg another for Saturday; Special priCcs ncxt week. Elements That make for T RENGTH Some of the Men who appreciate the value of money its safe investment. The science of St: ment ofthis Bank safe and conservm always remain a strong The Capital has been doubled during the expanding business. The Reservn Pun NCCRPORATED : at this Bank with the accu and conservative lines of bu n -â€" uvu. nyuuucu I mulated experience sincss as being best '. B. L. GROUT, G. L. McHATTIE, Manager, Manager, Omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. successful banking is The Lacrosse Club are puttmg on a Big Days Sport here on 24th. Ste Large and Small Bills, and DON'I‘ [orgct to come to town that day and enjoy the fun. "emu", uncr a pleasant visit in town. Mt. Pleasant Lodge, No. :57, IO. (l 'l'., wrll hold flxcll' 50th Anniversary Celebration In their Hall, Mt. Pleasant 0n the evening' 0: Victoria Day. I’m ‘ day, May 24th. 1907, at 8 o’clock. Mt. Pleasant Is one of the few Lodges‘ m Ontario at present that have kept up regularly. and they are to be con- gratulated on their approaclnng 50th Anniversary. the Mis¢ Annie: Nowells 11 Bethany after a pleasant Mr. Bert Van Natm, of I’eterboro, has completed his contract of plaster- mg Mr. George Lock’s new residence. and his work shows that he thoroughly understands his business. , -.vn. uunu to Port Hope: on Sunéay and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Miss Cochranc’s aunt. ”V a.» u- v: Luc ])U\\'CX'S OI . . . ' ' Bu-Ju, of its unfailing success in coping ”1 [0“ n l uesday on business. with _cqses that have baffled even the best Messrs. N_ F_ Dunford and Robert I physxcxans, that we g11:xrax_xtee Bu-Ju will Cochranc. and the Misses McCarthy gum you or your money “"11 be 'dm'dc‘i' ' u it with that narautec. 0c. a 13: re and Lila CUChmnc drove down to box’. A: n” Amman." __ L, 5 is 1’0!" Finn» n“ C..._ J, u Mr. Gem'ge ngg, of Bet] in town Tuesday on busmcss. Don’t fax! to attend the entertain- mcnt m the: town hall next Saturday afternoon and cvemng. others m” also take part Bank of Torfonto; a _‘.v *9qu The Reserve Fund is g additicnal protection I Prof P C McKinnon. of London, Eng, Dr Hobbs, of Daron, Messrs (31:1ch and Coleman of l’ctcrborough. ml] bc assisu-d by Mr Pm and other local talent, In one 0! [Le lIChl cunccrts cv'rr given m Milllnm l\-'l‘uv~n “all, Friday cunmg. May 24th. Mr. H. Reynolds, of Bethany, was in (c Wn lust 'lhursday on busmcss. \V. '. GILLO'I‘T. DIRECTORS : John W'aldie \Villiam Stone Nosvclls has rcturnrd t0 TmKl-Zv 0f Bethany, was _ 50_ confident r r: . ' ,,V.,, “m. uu: umnafl'e- :d experience of'halfa century behind thmn,‘follow as being best for both Bank and customer. not learned easily 9r quickly past six years to and understand rt-horousz. IN F. Cletk. the 94th. Biggest day yet Lacrosse. base ball etc., etc. v-.- .v yluleC IU ; being: constantly addtd to the depositor. Canada. ', and \V. G. Gooder‘ha-m, ~Nice-Pr: Hon. C. S. Hyman, MJ" ‘ John Macdonald Nicholas Bawlf J. Henderson. AsstuGen. M; Mr Arthur Campbell has gone to Bruish Columbia on an extended bus)- ncss and plcaaure tnp. " Reeve and Mrs. W. S. (liwn are attending the graduating cxercxsrcs at ; Victoria Haspital at London, where their daughter, Miss Edna, is in train ing. Mr. (liven \vrll likely attend the Printers Convmuon being held there this wcck. We: wish them a pleasant Visit, and their daughter every success. Mr. H. W. johnston was in Toronto last weck. 7V .......... . “Incl, m u mmpeg, IS visiting friends In Mllemk and Barl- ichnro, after an nbswt‘c o! Clghlccn years 1:) the North West. Mr. Fred I’cnke, Reeve of Scymour’ was in town last Wednesday. Mr.‘ Robert Nursu was In South ‘ Monaghan 'I‘ucsday on 'busrnsss. I The Mrllbrook (Tmzcns Band, un- dcr the lcndchhlp of Mr. Mchm \er l furmsh musrc in town on the 24th. Archbishop Sweetman, of Toronto, was a guest of Rev. and Mrs. Wm. C. I Allen over Sunday. _ “V“- hnnuluAl LBU, DUB. 21 large ' box. At all dmggists, or from 70 I The Claflin Chemical (0.. Ltd" Windsor. Ont. m Moving Pictures and Vaudcnllc tertaxnmcm m MllHn’ook Town H Saturday afternoon and night. Mr. Mnrtm I’urkcr, uf \Vinnmeg vidnnu ELAN)” , Th: Komical Rooms of be worth commg to Millln Grand Kalathumpmn 1’: these noted people at 12. ,,__-...... .u. AI\C years. rm completely incapacitated me. :wd left wornout condition. After all else fails felt that I was getting worse. I began ti Bu-Ju, when I s on found relief. After few boxes, I found Iliad recovered my nicely. and after less than is boxes l taken. it left me without a \‘eatigeo Complaint I believe But)“ to be the be cine on record {or khan“... ..... .. ST. CATHARINES, 0m: “No living person can realize what I 511cher with Rheumatism for five years. The disease complctclv inrnnnnhao‘a ._. , - - - Reserve, $4,500,000 None need suffe; with Rheumatism. provide for the Bank’s rapidly My addcd to so that It may Il' _ , __.__.,...-...ucu mt. :wu let: me in I 3011: condition. After all :15: failed, and I that I was gcuing worse. I began the use of 'u, whcn I s on found rclicf. Aftcr usingn boxes. I found I had recovered my strength ly. and after less than x8 boxes had been ‘n, it left me: without a \‘CaUgc ofthc 07d. plain: l belitrc nu-ju to be the beat xucdi~ on record {or Rhcumatism " lfmr, of the ‘ Golden Lmn,’ "we- «.....uu5v, uuw Lucy tried remedy after remedy without relief, and then found health in Bu-Jg, you wf'lI wonder how people will go on having Rheumatism when they can cure themselves at home. When you rsnd Ila-Er lam-r3; the agony they 5112’ [and with Muscular and Iuflamzzmtory Rheumatism, Sciatica and Lumbago; how they tried TF‘N‘IAI'“ an”- __._, It makes one think that some people WANTED Rhemmtism. Because tlu take Bu-Ju. Now, isn‘t that more ate a Iv't ('f p: yonrneighbor‘ncod whomv caulk/(lay (km! 7313 .f [6/ Ical Rooms of Kuyan “'1“ mmg t0 Milllmmk to Suez athumpmn I’mccssmn 0‘ people at 12.30 on 24th. Icturees and Vaudcnllc cm- In Mlllbmok Town Hall. ghLy the ,prmcigplesrof ‘nvuuull u: u“, ,I’ctcrbomugh, was a c, and the manage ‘ C I ‘ ‘ ‘ ...- ..... “ya pcqplc WANTED 1:) have ”Gen. Manager. Wm Fair, over Because they “out Now 15:} t it a fact of the powers of 1“ RS. DRYSDALE‘ ~Pre-sidsnt :1 who m “Bu-Ju my / Alumna!- refuedy without 1855. of pcogle in perhaps "7° Office in Turner’s Drug Store _ At night I may 1):: got by tcle 1],! 1110116 message and at Mrs. Mc r‘..... . . . Carmen " Office: in Loyal Orange Dislrici of Gavan Physician and Surgeon, MILL’BROOK, ONTARIO l~‘1~:xmuzo x 1; Let Farr Zane hm] \\ in .\ nu hack in rnhnnl For those who sleep poorly and have nervous upprehmnsions, Ferruzone is a, boon; it is u specialht in such muses. Where there is [)nlelxese, pnnr uppe- tite afid langour, Ferrozone xnnkes the patient, feel like new In a few days In tiredness, nerve exhaustion. spring {ever and dehilily, the poner of Ferrozoue is known from (‘nzht In coast and universally used “ith grand ! resnhs. ‘ ' Mon tgon: ery, v sort ut‘uid that’s needed in thrmtiug ofl' weakness and spring langour Tens ot thousands enjoy the advan- tages of renewed health through I-‘erro zonezâ€"if 3 011’” only use It, you’ll surely grow strong too; it’s beneficial action is noticed even in a weekâ€"you see it Lures right to Work, removes the causes of the trouble and then quirkly makes a. cure. Just think of itâ€" Ferrozone nphfls [ha entire nerwms system, rene“ s the b'oo:I, makes it rich and redâ€"gives the Spring sickness dm-an’t cure Itselfâ€" the cause is In the blood. and that cause must he rmnvdied. It is easily doneiwith Ferruznne a marvellous rem- edy that purities the blood and expels those humora and poisons that depres. and wen-ken. The cold of winter exhausts Vltahtv and exposes even'nne todiseua. Sprlug is sure to bring tiredness and lungour that will not go. BLENDED FLOUR combines t} food properties of Manitoba wheat lightness and nutty flavor of Ontario TRY A BLENDED FLOURâ€"t! your first baking will PROVE its 2 What are You Doing to Overcome It "“ as.“ M“ A Cl I knew 31 He knew 1 He knew t 1 He also kn He knew L And what i 1: He know 9 In his own S residence. are dead. He knew all wonders ev er sung or Bald: He knew the past and future; but for all He didn’t. know enough to earn his bread. He was a. marvel of onmlscienceâ€" He knew the secret of the hence and whence He was a bundle ol great theorleS; The only thing he lucked “as common sense. â€"J. A. Edgerlon, In New ank Sun. (of Ontario and Mani; and \cu 1:30 the perfect flour. A CH A RAH‘I‘ER SKETCH. I knew it man who though! he know it all; He knew how earth became a rolling ball, He knew the source and secret of all life; He also knew how Ad am came to {all He knew the causes of the Glacial Age And what it “as that made the deluge rage. He knewâ€"in fact he knew moat ‘ 9\ erylhing; In his own mind he was earth’s great- est sage. His knowledge was of such stupendous girth It took in everything upon the earth And in the heavens; but. most strange of all, He didn’t know a thing of real worth He knew where people go when they It bakes whiter and hghtcr~it contains more nutrimentâ€"and it yields MORE bread etc. to the barrel. Tiredness Comes in the Spring “ 111 add in Ontario " Lock for it on every bag and band you b. y. This trademark is on a" fine BLENDED FLOURS. h is the fign of quality. ombincs the splendid oba “hubâ€"with the of Ontario wheat. m.‘\\ A car load »(f1)rc.<$cd lumber jn. :H"'l‘l\t‘dâ€"~“()OllH-' .md other kinds Also 8 A( K and BARR! l SAL] (incl 11? “a ( 1H bdmc lmxin". W. (J I‘vv Ulwus‘ 1(1” Inluu IM‘ ”1" RI Sb‘li H «Y $035.31th oba VJhcat) Subscribe for the Mirror, Youth’s Vitality Sapped Away. Your child looks pnnrly, is tired fretlul. You “(Add like girl to he more mhust, mum energetic and ViVuciuus. The "snmethmg" that is wrong is simply tlnls. Stomach and boucls needs :tlvnflan. (‘onst‘pnllun and imiiueatmn must he relieved, x 9.“ life and mm r are required in the M siighl :lethzuu-n is m-mied klleflfl and liver. um! this [my Gr md fur the Nuthing is so elfvcive as Dr Hamilton’s l’llls The}. put new life lntu young folks all hell} uslheuld ones livery clnhl slmuldl uselhia medulne regularly bet: unee benefits are m- t to he had in any olher way. 25c at a]. dealers. your (turn: “ill: a use a purely \‘eget ,DmI't lrim able remedy Putnam‘s (‘orn Extractor. No certain cure, and all fur unqn; Every dealer sens "l'utnam'x ” NU'I‘ICI READY ()N THE SHELF That's where ynu’ll rind "Nervillne" in every well regiilaieil 'lOll*el|U)d. So pleasant to take that even little chilo drea will cry for it. So certain in mire coughs, sudden onlds and light chest that thousands of bottles are used every day l'olaeii’s Ner'vifine dues prevent illness, it does ease pain and inflammation, and by being handy will save worry and keep down ductur bills. Large boltles sold fur 2: qnarler at all deulern. The children cannot pnssiMy have good health unlenx the howoh are in proper condition. (‘ur- rt-ct any cuusii nation by giving small laxative dose: 01 Aye; 's 111:..1‘1n-gctablegugar-cvatcd. To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- Eage, strength. How is it with ‘the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the} general health in every way.§ he result of superiority. W omcw. (‘ I’OISONED BY A RAZOR We Innâ€"vo no secrets! ‘ the formulas of all our umon, and by being handy 'e worry and keep doun ductur .arge bottles sold fur 2: v qrmrler r tl'ze F0 ldren C/zi Made HAIR VIGOR. ? er“ AGUE was. 9) CHERRY PECTORAL. e. Shmcrlcx, huh ,. Drawn-(1 Lumber jnnt és livery child shauld :lne regularly because t to he had in any ollmr (‘Jl‘ loud ()I'Grcy Lune “7- 0- Arn- Co. 12.0w”! MIII -'° mnnuuccurcrn of x! ruclor. No pain, all fur a (quarter- Putnam's.” We Dublin]: 3 medicinel. ‘ouk nmm \\ ith a razor Sntnrddy S A \' 15 car. The. he Hm «1 fur the L: is so [H The}. as hell A cordial a“ to be prc of the O. A. C, ( the meeting on C for the purpose of and sch-Cling places Regular and Sunulr ox TUESDA‘)’, June 4, 19.07, at ()NF n -n meers' : like Svlmo] Boots. What‘s or {our n~0mhs (if (‘arr can gm :1 pair at 1A3 the same price. (Jail : made to ordcr. Also :: We are not talking of scr that We have as fine a stock nl‘ Men’s 15 .mywhcrc. There is no better time than ncut, stylish and durable We haw £1130 a appmg, bu: purpose of clccting OHECcrs cling places at which to hok and Supplementary Meetings At 3 p m. 1{C')ail'intr 1 h . . . , - . -, ICU: \vc . . um: \\ car Mule the ramp, 15 comp ‘ ’0’ ‘WHW‘ , . , . lIN “ lsongrtzlxfi: i1 Whitc Skirts, \Vfllsta and high: (:onns at mvc a g , . A very low pm-c. Also a number of while and colored Muslms, which m: asaurc w 1]] plane. A S)lendzd line of FRESH GROCERIES alums on hand at lom‘ . 1 ‘ st prices. Will be held 943$ BANK OF NLNNT NEAL: 6,3 (23 m *cnt Suits Ready-Mud: A Bonk: of Lily White Shoe Drcssmg “Mb ever): Imrchasc of White 811065 from us. All 51ch in stock, from Cluldren s we 6 to Women's HIHtaUOH ls cxlm We are ofi'criug IO Millincry Room Table, med up for yourself, a“ Iakcn as Cash. 7% Big Bargains. Door East. of. Mr, J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. ‘ Pumicr Customers of the Onlm accnmmudatcd as hcxctoforc. ONE [x Brnnclu-s at all impunnm CcMYt‘s in (K- :2;.<.' linglzmd, Ncw York, ('hic‘agn, Swim; and Neuquhdl‘uud. CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,4Copcc REST : €511.COL.CCL‘. UNDIVIDED PICFl'IS 159%] TOTAL ASSETS : $68,001,173 Special Price in Men‘s and BoyS’ Wear VV. ’1‘. GRAN])\7, WEGGS 17% Carry a Splendid Range of Wall Papers Buy Your Supply From Us. of Harness, Boots OF Milibmok., What‘s Interest 13mm or; Baiasé MILLBROOK'S CHEAPEST STORE, LANG'S that “'7 (511“ and svc \\ Also :1 In“ hm: (n' I! Farm "lopim 15 extended to Zvcrydcscriplinn 0111 Banking Bum B-%%%%B%%%§%€~Bfii in the I!) Xlzc us;- nf buying a pair of is i-lch’" them), for thax gmxvin; My ul murs, ulu n )«xn (VS that will lusi him till llc (mtgmu‘s :lu'm, a: almul ”(l see We have also a Spa-igxl Linc of Frrnc'h Kips full hm: of harness, “hips, trunks. \‘aliscs, c. llm b that mm’ mm Ilnce I655. Boots 8: Shore promptly attcmlcd to. aderSS and Made-to Order; Hard and Soft Pro I I _ ‘ and Soft Hats; Caps n 5 nuts! GIVING AWAY FREE "EVE? .. ,~ I ‘Coursc in Grammar. . , i How to Incrcnsc Onc’s Vocabu‘hry. _ 1 Tbs Art of Cnnvamtion. Shall and “ill,- Shonld and Would : :Ccrs, Hmv to Use Them. huld i Pronunciations (Century Dictionary). ings Cox'x'u‘t English in the Home. Correct English in the School. What to Say and What Not to Say Course in Letter Writing and Punctua’ . . tion. . s. MAEEE :ll‘l’mg but just “.4 [316115 B' 0025 um' pcr Cent. off an Trimmed Hats 50 NOW IS THE TIME to buy shades and kinds to choose from Est. 1817. ' ACFN'I‘S W \XTED. i $1 a \1 3! Send 10c. for singlc mpy Cancel £ngli-l., Bans a. 11.1 'l'hcm Studies in English Lin rnture. 'l‘wmu' Daily Drills, Business English for the Business Man Compmu‘d “’onb~ : How to Write ’E’BCE 3; Wu JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Editor. Irv-7‘71???" A Mumhly Magazine FOR L'I’-'I‘O-I).-\'I'IC JEWELRY. Issm‘r of Mmringc Licenses, MILLEROOK. n Ihc gm :1 good ii: PARTIAL COX'I‘EN'I'S. E3"I.\'S'I'R L'C'I‘IVE IN'I'ERI‘IS'I‘ING T . STEELE’S, free: Eng‘xisfi’: How to Use JU Magazine “acted to the sc of English. 'St‘lil to sm 1c of Boy's Shun MANAG ER, {’55 Ix "£'\i {Pun rcmznd the s as can be h-xit‘u, 5.11GC E nd the public can be found urc something (I) “in H) ' a Hat, all tum- . Butter and E225 sold at? of Can \‘35 $12: 1 “Md ulu’ u .gs You Can Sax Buyi Dress E‘Eaiim Every De] New bpring The 11': E - Omcmec, m; S. English's ; buru’s 01“; old frxcnds :1. he wouid M if same. “c u nigh: Or (22 v. V. Canal ta ears on FL at 11 a m . in attendafi Omemee f Reception h 1” 3‘6': d at the M talk I? 1“. Mat. The (2; nice, “1!! Tcndcrs u o'clock gun _ _Â¥ f.{1nks. l'hu'lliix The Hufzc posed of new on the nuixzaf" {mm {The gym; be IS 3221101 U Inc. “< .1232. \ for scrap 2W2": [g to the (fist: 11.3 at: (315:. Department 1 M11110 Muss ii;- parents 2 ; : Free: “3:? idiotog-a‘ .3 Stuliélv. I". Jouxn mom Takc z?) sitting an} of yoursci.’ Studio. L:- many hem}. Canadmx: 5" mm; in 1:: Liar-113210;, - game. fig. ~' (crntory ha; ‘ m Dtioning T' r‘nt)‘ (If! \{7'13 th” Adv 1; Canada, a ‘r 1““?!th I’: 1‘ 1;. address ' ~~r ': Fox SAI.Eâ€"â€"B B sur 8 The Dun year on Tim urard {h}; an lntcrc<2zr tracts hug; 1‘ “7: have i; (late and r: I: u Studio, Latvian: sxning and a gnu-h as a v NIVERSK RX v (Jerk. hsuvr 0 [banana lice: Agent. Onnrnmc jun: ht, Ewan, j. n. THORN Clcfk l~$Uv'r (.z' 3‘33 1. F Ci; 754101 at “It: hon m1 Mrs. I“. joi) “is: “ch) Mg Oflmc {IL mis Big day’s spt Friday. (to mom Sec posters an fist of sports in f‘ u Tomorrow, OMEM a. .1 3i

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